@Philadelphia 76ers

2024 NBA Draft Preview: Can the Sixers find a wing at pick No. 16?

2024 NBA Draft Preview: Can the Sixers find a wing at pick No. 16?

[Music] he [Music] well you know it’s June when it’s time for kosw to start hitting some home runs for the Philadelphia Phillies the NBA draft is upon us and the NBA finals are in progress and in this case have finally come to an end as the Celtics have won the NBA Championship I hallucinate that last night I thought stakks welcome to the PHL wise Sixers podast just like that serious alongside Derek bner Kyle new Beckham you have to like playoffs you have to like you have to like them Brianna is here with us a lot of people yelling at me today man all of you in the chat and we are going to talk about as we previewed yesterday discussing the guards to lead things off in our draft discussion today we’re going to get into the wing conversation and those players from the guards and the forwards that have that pretty good size that length that you want to have as far as a a player on the floor on the perimeter that can do a lot of different things we’re going to discuss them maybe some wings that we talked about yesterday the honey barbecue flavor or what was the one that more well I love lemon pepper but I’m not a big fan I’m a traditional Buffalo guy normally just like that a hot wing is my favorite I like the hot honey kind of hot honey is also very really good what’s you don’t like lemon pepper I don’t I don’t I don’t bad taste I but but it was so it was like you know where you had I but what was the one that checked what was what was the one that check we oh the the H one ludicrous ludicrous ludicrous oh that’s right that’s too much you know nobody goes like that is what I enjoy eating I have a high tolerance for spice that’s not one where I’m gonna sit down we said that because we’re stubborn exactly right Fair all right so if we talk and we’re gonna get into some other since the series is over the NBA Finals we’ll talk about that a little bit later there’s also the opportunity now as the guy guys have talked about on this show just to let everybody know and update you the new rule in the NBA when the season ends that teams with free agents which every team has free agents they are allowed to negotiate and talk contractual contractual things with their players with their representatives of signing them now and not waiting until June 30th so we have some stuff to talk about there how that might impact and affect the Philadelphia 76ers going forward maybe they’re talking to some of their players as well we’ll get to that speaking of ludicrous is we talk about wings Derrick and we start things off here curious where you’re ping to on this one how would you describe this Wing class around 16 and beyond for the players that we’re about to discuss for the Philadelphia 76ers D do you have a burner account in here by the name of Italian Stallion I don’t believe so no Italian Stallion saying you’re too humble to admit you’re the only person who wanted the Sixers to take I remember I had him like was very high on on him I took some grief for that too A lot of people didn’t want another point guard who had questionable shot selection um anyway this doesn’t we’re not going back to our 2018 dere the Italian somebody want to go back to 2018 and revisit that you gotta remember your victories my man you got to remember your victories um no in terms of this class like I think there’s a lot of uncertainty a lot of players who have pretty debilitating weaknesses a lot of players who if you squint you might be able to buy into but you like we said yesterday you might have to really squint because they all are pretty flawed I’m I need my Shady Rays over here if you are a 68 Wing in today’s NBA and you are not a flawed Prospect you are a top 10 pick because everybody wants those everybody we’ll talking about here either can’t shoot or their questionable decision-making or their defense isn’t there or maybe their physical tools aren’t quite there there’s going to be a huge red flag on every of the four or five prospects we talk about I don’t think this is a particularly great Wing class at least in terms of depth um but the that’s who we have to talk about well so since we’re going to start throw some names out similar to what we did yesterday and I’m just going to throw the names at the guys and see what they see what they think to start off Kyle I’ll throw one to you because we just had a great one introduction there in the comments from Zack saying Tristan D Silva of Colorado is something of a buffalo wing himself so as we play off of that Tristan the Sila Senor from the Colorado Buffalos and he’s one that has talked about being drafted somewhere in that 20 range there for this upcoming NBA draft what are your thoughts on him as we begin this conversation I’ll try to start on the positive side before I I’m not gonna go nuclear but I would say I’m not as high on him as a lot of people seem to be good spot up guy right 40 plus percent shooter someone that I don’t think he’s a movement shooter but I think he can be like a relocation come off a screen he’s good at getting his base set squaring his he’s not going to come sprinting off of a screen at 30 mph like JJ reic but he will reposition himself to get or if you like so if you did like a pick and pop with him I think that’ll work I think he could be a a weapon in that way I think he’s got good feel as a cutter I think one of the things I saw when if you use him in like a give and go type situation with Joelle like if Joelle was if he’s getting an entry pass from D Silva I think the Silva has good feel of if his Defender cheats he could probably time those well and get some easy buckets off of just some Joel dump off passes there so I like that in in conjunction with the spot up shooting because that puts you in a good spot on both ends of it right like if the guy sags off or or tries to double I’m catching and I’m shooting or if they try to double you can also go bu them go back to her and try to get a basket so that part I like I don’t like him as an on ball or like a ball handling passer live dribble passer I do think he’s a good connector guy I saw some stuff out of now he won’t play this role for the Sixers I think he was used in the middle of the Zone a decent amount and I thought he was a good kind of quarterback in the middle of the floor I think he’s a good big to Big passer in the front court so I think if you if you’re gonna have him in the dunker spot from time to time or you need to do some just little you know give and go type stuff with Joel embiid I think he’s going to be useful in that way as it pertains to the Sixers one of my big concerns is that I don’t think he’s even really a wing I think he might be a yeah yeah and I don’t think he’s as fluid of an athlete as he needs to be in order to defend the the quicker guys and so I think he’s going to run into problems defending people in space if that’s the case no there there’s value in okay if you’re playing a big maybe not super downhill I athletic Wing I think he can defend his position and there’s value in that but in a system where Jal embiid is going to play a lot of drop and everybody else I would prioritize being switch Defenders I don’t think he’s helping you out with that so that’s that is a little bit concerning for me I don’t love him as a rebounder as a four either like his numbers are okay but I think he’s liable to get pushed around a little bit I don’t like calling guy soft but I think if you were to if you’re the type person who wants to label players like that I think as a rebounder as a defensive player from time to time and as a finisher as well I think when he tries to take people off the dribble on anything more than like a straight line drive he can get pushed off his spot and have some difficulties he had a lot of his offense last year and throughout his career created for him so he’s not somebody that I think can be a secondary Creator if you’re simply looking for this guy can defend his position and make spot up shots and occasionally make some good connective passes I think he’s like a fairly safe bet I I’d be shocked if he Flames out entirely because he does a few things well enough to be at the NBA level I just think the upside is relatively limited and I I think that might end up he’s will end up being one of my favorite wings for this spot but I don’t love him by any stretch there are two guys that I sort of kind of like among this group one is a player with the most up that I think has the most upside and one is a player that I think has the least upside and that’s who we’re talking about here a lot of the reasons that you talked about maybe not liking him as much are what I kind of like like I like first of all I would be stunned if he ever became more than like a fourth option on offense yeah that’s just like he’s not going to come into the NBA and create a lot of offense um maybe secondary stuff maybe attacking close out uh you know decent passes the the dump off passes The Bigs but he’s not you’re not going to put him at the top of the key and be like here’s a ball screen go create some offense out of it he’s not going to score a lot out of those sets he’s a spot up shooter uh he’s a good decision maker an attack Closeouts a cut off Ball but I think he has a pretty high likelihood of doing all of those at an average or above average level yes and you can probably if you’re looking at a guy who you want to slot in pretty early in his career which presumably if the Sixers actually keep this pick they would want they want a tall guy with at least a little bit of positional versatility I think you’re right defensively he’s not like a super versal Defender he’s gonna be mostly a four occasionally switching on to a three and you sort of just live with the mismatch that he would have against him but I think he’s gonna be competent defensively in part because I think he has pretty good hands certainly I think the the will and the effort is there yes I think the decision making is there he’s just limited physically but if you’re telling me they were pretty confident and he shot like 42% on spot up jumpers uh if you’re telling me you’re pretty confident in that translating the decision- making on offense translating to you know catch the ball or move the ball you know uh what’s what’s a five yeah five but I was also thinking of um strong WR uh I think he’s going to be strong and right a lot and I think that’s good for a role player I think he slots into like a lot of these players I think we will draft uh and say well if they develop this or if they develop that but if they don’t develop that they’re going to be a really bad role player or they might just be you know out of the league they either going to be a primary or a secondary Creator or they’re going to be borderline unplayable on a good team the Silva I think is a pretty good chance to be a role player like I said itd be stunned if he ever ends up being like a top three option on a team but I think there’s a pretty good chance he will a useful and productive player and be able to slot into a role and because of that I’m kind of in not super in I wouldn’t be you know doing back flips in part because I’m too old and can’t do back flips but also in part because he’s not back flip worthy player but I think he could be a solid piece just a solid player and one that we talk about so much and we speak about it a lot but we never really have really dove into the shooting aspect of what’s not on this basketball team as far as the offseason projections looking at different players coming in we always talk about it being an attribute that everybody has to have this guy can shoot the basketball so if we are looking at somebody at that size and I saw somebody mention cam Johnson cam Johnson was a top 10 pick uh if I remember correctly or and the the thought was at the time he was overdrafted I think he was projected deeper in the first and that was viewed as a pretty big gamble by the sons because Kobe white was doing his Bulls press conference and they told him he was drafted while doing so and he was so excited because he went earlier than most people expected but if you’re looking to fill out again hopefully you can have somebody uh that can come in play some sort of role and there’s that um we we saw where Nick patum at his size can do so many of those different things that you guys talked about now defensively he has some work to do as Kyle mentioned as the guys talked about but with that size being also a an upper classman who has played basketball for a while at a competitive level level at Collegiate basketball and maybe that stuff will translate to the pros for him so uh as the guy said don’t love him like it will be a solid selection if we’re sitting there on June 26th and we’re just sitting there saying you know what all right not a bad pick you can see where he fits into what they do and especially with that shooting will the shooting keep him on the floor or get him on the floor and will he do enough good things defensively with his size to maintain uh the ability to stay on the floor with some other good Defenders possibly around him most mostly Joel em beat of course in the back end but I I I like him don’t love him and there are a lot of people here in the chat that I just just looked at that were talking about him and saying he’s the best option for the 76ers at number 16 so I think I think there’s gonna be two segments of fan if the Sixers drafted him there would be two reactions one they would see him try to create an ISO once be like he can’t do this what he doing in the NBA then the other that will see him throw one entry pass lose their mind and be like the only one we’ve ever had do this is Batum keep him on the Sixers as long as you can and on that front Devon AKA school boy beats had a super chat for us that said you don’t love Tristan but you love Batum confusing well I don’t we’ve like Batum a lot for what he is he’s also you live with or you come to terms with okay I this is a you know a vet role player right I have these bankable skills that I want and I think if Tristan D Silva was 19 and did all these things and you were talking yourself into oh there’s still an upside case like I’ve seen flashes of this I’ve seen flashes of that then you would be more excited about it it’s like oh he can grow into you know more of this like Nick Batum at his Peak was a I think like five six assists per game guy somebody who could take people off the bounce and do things like that and he came into the league when he was only 19 or 20 years old the Silva is an old Prospect he’s what already 23 I believe I don’t remember when knock though no I mean it’s good in terms of the play right away but I’m saying if if you’re using a top 20 pick and the idea is we need to replenish the young Talent need some form of upside you’re what you see is what you get I think I don’t think there’s a lot of like he’s gonna outshoot where he’s at right now which is fine but if you want to chase upside in any way I just don’t think he’s the guy but I don’t I don’t know that any These Wings Are upside wise yeah I don’t think any of these wings are really other than there’s a guy that Derek really likes so I think is an upside case but most of these guys are you just hope for one or two skills and the rest is going to be is the shooting good enough if he shoots 40 plus percent and he’s a Defender at League average around 30 yeah as long as he’s a good enough Defender and he is at or above that you know high 30s then yeah I I think he’ll absolutely be worth the pick it’s just whether how that Stacks up to any other option there because we went through the guards yesterday like some of these guards that we’re talking about at 16 are guys that were considered at one point you know top five guys in the class or you know maybe they can be like a point guard of the future whatever for other teams and we certainly poo pooed some of those guys but it just gets into a conversation of have this at the draft every year do you take the safe bet do you take the guy that you probably not know but feel pretty strongly I think this guy will be an NBA role player and he can help me or do you try to chase some more upside down the road with a little more risk alongside it’s always an interesting philosophy I tend to think to your point Theon they they probably would prefer maybe not 23 year olds but certainly guys whove been in college a couple years you sort of know who they are and it’s there’s not as much guess workor with them coming into the league yeah and just from the personal experience of course right um knowing that while sitting back watching it would do doing the work in the business but then also sitting back as a family member is older and they’re picking apart everything about what he does uh coming out of coming out of Villanova different because of the Championships and what they did on that at that level as a team and Jay Wright and all that stuff and everybody else around each other um you just older players of course are going to get picked apart for everything that they do why are you still in school when these younger guys are projected to be drafted higher than you and what are you doing what what are you missing and why why are you not here now and I will tell you even like scouting myself when I look at guys who are like oh this guy had a big breakthrough as a shooter and it’s like 39 40% or whatever it is on even if it’s good volume but it’s their senior year I’m like do I really buy that Y is this just you know based on the sample size is it a one-year thing trust this guy like what are the free throw numbers and similar to what we talked about with Carter yesterday with the shooting wise right so you give him the side eye when it could just be hey this guy worked and got better and we’ll continue to get better like you don’t know that’s the hard part of scouting yeah yep absolutely well we’ll get to another one on on the other side but of course when you do get when you get some information sometimes you know your sources send some things to you they call your phone maybe you know you know when you need to have a phone have service that’s always reliable but also get it at a price where you’re not getting ripped off there’s no catch you don’t need to go anywhere else except with our friends at mintmobile I heard that for a limited time all mintmobile Wireless plans are $15 a month when you purchase a three-month plan and I thought what’s the catch but they talked to us we had a nice little conference call with our people Mt mobile unfortunately no Ryan Reynolds but we talked to them and they said there isn’t one mintmobile Secret Sauce is that they sell wireless service online they do not have retail stores or salespeople instead they deliver premium phone plans directly to you so you can say goodbye to overpriced Wireless plans say hello to 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surprised that he did go in that spot but he certainly uh certainly played well for the Miami Heat in year one listen I’m not I’m I’m not fundamentally opposed to orderer Rookies I’m just all I’m doing here is laying out the case for you of like there is value in getting a more of a known quantity or what you think is a known quantity yep there’s also value from time to time of taking the risk saying because look some of these 19y olds including one that we’ll talk about who I think Derek is bullish on because of a bad situation that he was in some of their skill sets are masked and you have to go further back to you know High School Team USA different events that they’ve been in to get a real feel for who they are and you end up getting way better or you outshoot the value of that slot because you were willing to take more of a gamble so it’s just I’m not saying there’s one way to win the draft or to make the best draft pick at the top of the draft I’d say generally you want to take the youngest most productive guys but at 16 you can make the case either way it’s just a matter of know how much whisk risk you’re willing to accept and what your organiz ational priorities are I to me I think the Sixers should be able to or should be looking to take a little bit of risk because well they’re they’ve been stuck here but yeah I mean we can talk about their philosophy the real truth is if they want to win now player they’re GNA kind of a move point he follows up he’s paying for it too Super Chat Devon jumping in figured the older players like HZ um were ideal for win Now teams but I don’t know I just want my thinking hard about keeping it simple and safe Daryl LOL that’s it and there’s listen nothing wrong with that different philosophies all around let’s get to the next player we are going to go to a younger player with a lot of questions maybe because a lot of people don’t know much about him we go to in this particular name here go to the g-league ignite and we go with Ron Holland the 18-year-old 67 forward that we’re going to throw at y Derek Bodner right now yeah that I mean that’s a guy that Kyle’s been referencing that I am higher on than I think everybody else um wi the G League ignite was pretty much a top option for most of the year was initiating a lot and I think real early on in the season he looked completely overmatched like some of the turnovers were bad it looked like he was getting sped up trying to do too much driving too deep in the defense and the shooting is a it’s it’s bad it’s bad right now now part of that I think is you know that they play at the line they play farther back than college players do so I think that transition can be tough you usually see players go from college to the NBA and struggle so I think distance is part of that I think part of it is the fact that he is self-creating more than he probably ever will in his life and more than he did in high school I don’t think he’s a lead guard I think he’s a three or a four at his Peak if he works out I think he’s still like a third option kind of Creator but I think that kind of brought up a lot of his weaknesses and mass a lot of his strengths and I do think like if you start off from a defensive standpoint I think he is the best defender in this group by a a pretty wide margin think that’s that’s easy too I think his combination he’s uh just under 66 without shoes 611 wingspan 88 reach his measurables are great his intensity is great he moves his feet well defensively I think he’s got the tools to be an impact Defender both in terms of you know manto man on the perimeter and also being a switchable Defender as well and I think when you start talking about Holland that is where it starts so then it comes down to all right well if you get him away from the creation that he was doing a lot in the G League get him into like an off ball role which is going to have to involve shooting and right now he’s not there yet 24% on catch and shoot shots last year 27.4% off the dribble that’s not nearly good enough um I don’t think the form is a complete disaster but I also think there’s a lot of like pre-shot footwork uh that needs to improve his balance seems like is off things that I think he can learn I don’t think it’s complete Lost Cause but there is a lot of of progress that needs to be made but if he can do that and he’s playing like like I said a spot up role an attack Closeouts role an occasional creation role uh an occasional slashing role I think he has a chance to do that I think he’s got the um leaping ability uh to be like I said a cutter I think he’s willing to take and absorb contact um like I said the the the defensive tools are best among this group and I even think he has some passing upside just not as a primary guy like he was there I think he was in a bad spot with the ignite I think the tools are there and if there’s any like I said I’m either going for the the the safe pick in Silva or I’m going with the high upside guy in Holland one of the two and he is my upside guy so I want to ask you this Derek while we’re on the topic of the shot because I want to see if I’m imagining this from what I watched it felt like he was better and more comfortable as a pullup guy than a catching either he’s not good at either but it the mechanics and the whole shooting process looked more natural he was very hesitant as a catch and shoot and I think part of that is that he was creating so much of their offense but part of it he’s just not confident in that shot I do think you’re probably right in terms of like using one or two dribbles didn’t necessarily improve the effectiveness but it seemed like it maybe put him into a more of a comfort zone is the way I would phrase it okay so I just wanted to make sure that that wasn’t something i’ imagin it just kind of jumped out at me a little bit so to Derrick’s point the things that you like about him I think he’s a physical player who wants to Ed those tools all those athletic tools because there are a lot of guys that like plenty of guys throughout NBA history had great wingspan great athletic tools and had have to beg them to defend I don’t think there’s that I don’t think you’re going to get a lot of those oh head in the clouds um I’m lost off ball moments I think if anything he probably skews toward not quite as far but into that like Thy Ball Camp of over aggression he’s gonna take some silly fouls I’ll run through people and he’s gonna overp pursue but I would rather deal with that problem and work on the process of reigning him in and saying hey like not every play needs to be a steal a block a a jump into a passing lane or trying to rip a guy with his handle but I think the fact that he takes defense as personally as he does is a really good sign and we were talking about it with the guards yesterday that also gives him a pretty immediate path to playing if he wants to to and will defend right away that would be excellent so that’s good he’s a good transition player great so that that’s how he made a lot of his a lot of his meals in uh on the g-league ignite unfortunately I just do not believe in him at all as a half court player don’t believe in the shot shot like what was it 24% on on catch and shoot shots which is just absolutely disgusting the mechanics we talked about I think the problem with the lack of a jumper is I don’t really love him as an on ball guy you have to limit him to a lot of just like catch go and as I was talking about with ker who’s a guy I do like at us as a guard he runs into those problems that ker does or did at USC where he doesn’t want to take the shots or the release is too slow to take the shot and then just dribble into traffic and and there’s nowhere to go and I think the difference between him and ker is ker is at least like a he’s below average Holland is a straight up bad shooter and he’s one that he’ll be on The Scouting Report like do not guard and that could turn into you’re just letting that guy stand in the corner and bomb away and he they could junk up your offense in a big way to the point I was making earlier though that Devon was uh talking about the the pro ready guys versus I do think if you want to make the upside case for him to dereck’s point I think that ignite team that situation was a [ __ ] disaster for him asking him to be like a 28% usage guy is just complete bananas it was something he’d never done and if you go back to you know obviously played at a high level playing for Team USA he’s a really good high school player has a lot of good priors so if you believe in those priors if you say okay he was one of the best players in his class he chose this path and looks like it just flamed out and didn’t work for him at all and now there are all these questions about him that didn’t necessarily exist before you would say okay we’re at pick 16 we’re a team that’s not expecting to be you know a lottery team or even like a top 20 pick team year in and year out why not just swing for the fences and so I that part I get I just these are the types of players I used to say oh you just got to learn how to shoot and I’ve watched so many of them just they just never get there like even if they get there it’s a low volume 34 35% and once you get to the playoffs I I just don’t think they’ll guard him so I I I don’t believe in him absolutely a chance that happen but look I hope he gets there because I like I love guys who buy in like he does defensively I want him to make it I just don’t know if I see it if he had a projectable jump shot with confidence he would be a top five to seven yes um and really if you’re trying to carve out a role for him the only thing he has to improve on is a set shot to a sign obviously everything needs a little bit of growth and development but in terms of a significant tweak the only thing that really needs to impr improve dramatically is a jump shot and I think he’s you know a lot of guys you say like all right well you’ll just scale back his offense well a lot of guys a don’t want to scale back their offense and B like you mentioned aren’t going to buy in defensively to where that’s realistically going to be an impact player on a scaled back third or fourth option I think will so it’s legitimately if you can just make him into a good spot up shooter then you have a really good role player for a long time and probably a player who has more than role player upside but it’s a massive question for sure it’s a massive question all right well we got to keep it moving I don’t have much to add to that one for that reason but he’s an intriguing player we’ll see uh where he may end up could be Philadelphia we could see how that plays out young player upside a lot of things to work on that’s thing I will say you brought up how you will all these guys that you remember who didn’t improve their jumper jayen Brown at California shot 29% from three and had way more turnovers and assists and listen I was not a jayen brown Guy full stop with him coming out of Cal I was like this guy’s just an athlete playing basketball credit to him he obviously made a ton of huge developmental leaps Jaylen Brown had every red flag for me that of players I didn’t like uh and it was 105 turnovers to 68 assists that’s awful and a lot of times I like to go to like assist to turnover or shot creation upside as a uh projector because it just shows how well you process the game and like I said Brown had every red flag so every now and then I just look at the tools look at the willingness look at the give a [ __ ] at 16 I would it’s a different calculus for me than like seven so I would take that swing well with the NBA draft coming up a lot of these young players are going to run into some money that maybe they’ve never really had to deal with and try to figure out how to manage their funds have an idea of where that money could go I think it can go to one spot and that is the Trum Mark Financial Credit Union 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so if you’re looking for that new spot for yourself or your family head over to phly to learn more or to find a branch near you that’s ply federally insured by the ncua also want to tell you about B Parks Casino because with the basketball done right now you do have a lot of baseball going on flip the hat around because these guys still good we talked about the big fella leading off hitting home runs this squad if you want to go there to the casino and watch a game maybe there you can do so on there 150t video wall plus the Ultra Cool X Lounge at Parks Casino they also have 15 live game tables right table games beautiful Poker Room 3200 state-of-the-art slots they also have one August 23rd pretty good show upcoming that is the Marshall Tucker Band Australian Floyd on September 7th Snookie yes the podcast with Joey the it’s happening podcast that’s on June 28th so that’s next week make sure if you do want to hang out get some pretty good food dining options are amazing at The Parks Casino collection of award-winning restaurants visit Parks that’s Parks Casino this is how you win must be 21 gambling problem call 1800 Gambler and as we discuss this upcoming NBA draft that’s on the 26 we’re going to be out and about on that Wednesday for round one two rounds two days Wednesday and Thursday but for Wednesday first round we’re going to be out and about at garage Fishtown June 26 8:00 pm for the live draft show presented as this show has been by our good friends presented by Rothman orthopedics also Kors light as well so that we’ve got you covered Rich will be with us we’ll be hanging out there as we uh get ready to talk a lot about what’s going on with the Philadelphia 76ers on that particular night so we hope that you’re all able to come and hang out with us some Sixers memorabilia some phly apparel you have an option to sign up for some things and maybe uh win but you have to sign up be there to sign up and hang out with us to win some cool prizes uh while we’re there talk about the draft before we get started at 7:30 we can all just get together have few conversations about what you guys think maybe a trade happens on draft night they typically happen quite a bit on draft night so maybe we’ll get some fireworks there as well but we want to see you there don’t forget to RSVP all and that’s under the events Tab and as you do so we’ll see you next Wednesday beginning at 8 pm live here if you can’t make it out right here on our normal feed it is wild it’s only eight days away like it feels like that’s snuck up on you it did it really did and they left early in the first round they got knocked out early and we’re still sitting here at the spot so we hope to see you all there we appreciate the support as always come hang out you’re not doing anything on that Wednesday night anyway right your basketball team is drafting they haven’t done that in a while come on out hang out with us garage fish town June 26 we hope to see you there and look they’re either making a selection or they’re making a trade there will be something to talk about something will happen that night something all right let’s get to another name because we have some other things that we want to discuss as well and I’m going to throw um let’s see let me see we only have a few left so let’s go Terence Shannon Jr uh to talk about Shannon Jr Kyle let’s go to you I think it’s your guy and um discuss this there’s a lot going on with tan Shannon Jr well so yeah I think the first thing we have to bring up is that part of the doubt about him throughout this season was he was involved in a court case he was just found not guilty of felony rape and aggravated sexual assault and I know we had that Big Show on Miles briges recently so that was a any like domestic violence sexual assault those things are things we take very seriously the only thing I will note here is I do think it’s a big fundamental difference that Miles Bridges pled no contest this was something that teren Shannon denied throughout the process and there were motions made I think in the last few weeks leading into that not- guilty verdict to introduce video evidence to clear Shannon on top of uh character Witnesses who are involved I can’t speak to all the particulars of this case but it does seem based on what I have read based on the court documents that are out there based on the reporting that this could very well have been a case of mistaken identity some sort of issue that happened there I can’t tell you the NBA teams have much better background and on than I do on all that stuff but that’s important context for us to bring up on this show if we’re just focusing on the player and I don’t think that’s the only thing to consider here you obviously have to do all your background checks and what have you but I do think he probably has the most complete package of all these guys he is old he was a fifth year senior he’s a his second school he played it was it Texas Tech and then played the last two years at Illinois I don’t know I I don’t love him as an isolation attacker but I think he is a better off the dribble guy than most of these guys he did a lot of self-creating relative to these other guys who some of them are just pure three andd or get off of the ball type of players shown the ability to get the rim good finisher at The Rim not a great finisher but a good finisher at The Rim great straight line attacker I think if he if his shot is on and he’s a streaky shooter he’s gonna be able to use that to set up the straight line drives and I have gotten to a point where I do value high-end three-point shooting like if every guy on the floor can shoot 40 to 42% from three that’s obviously the ideal for any player but I also think the ability to give it to a third guy who hey I can go create for myself in a pinch I can go get a shot we saw that in guards siiz players once you get up to I think Shannon’s in like the 65 66 range and shoes then that intrigues me even more I think he’s like a true shooting guard two three type and that’s good I’m a little bit worried about the inconsistency as a shooter yeah they only really the last couple years came on there this is a concern that I heard from people that I trust less than I saw it on tape but I there was a belief that as he scaled up in responsibility his defense plunged now what I would say to that as a counter is to say okay well he’s not gonna be asked to be the number one option here the way he would have for long parts of the last couple seasons in college and he can get back to I think at Texas Tech he had a pretty strong defensive reputation that was more of his draft case to become a you know first round or top of the second round type pick so maybe you end up splitting the baby and you get the worst of all worlds where he’s not good enough offensively not consistent enough defensively but I think he represents something like a a do-it-all guy there I don’t think he’s a crazy bet at 16 yeah I’m not in love with really any aspect of his game like if you go back to his time at Texas Tech he was not a good Creator uh he wasn’t the sort of line the straight line drive attacking kind of guy he eventually became and a lot of times when you see upper classman start all of a sudden whoa I can get to the line seven eight times per game all of a sudden I can get to the rim at will it doesn’t always translate and I worry about that and the shot like you mentioned he would go from shooting where do I have it 35% to 38% % 32% 36 it’s never been consistent year-over-year and I worry about that again at at at 23 go I think he’s almost 24 at this point yeah he’s an old Prospect I would expect him to be a more consistent shooter if he was ever going to get there I like the volume volume went up I like that but the consistency has never really been there even though the the free throw he’s been a good free throw shooter for his career so you expected it to eventually translate it’s still a little inconsistent for me and the defense has I think I don’t think he’s made the most of his physical tools over the last two years you do expect that a little bit when you become a a one option like he has uh but you worry whether or not he can then go back into being that role player and buying in um I like or at least I can convince myself that I like a lot of aspects of his game but I don’t really love any of them and I’m not really sure how it’s going to translate all right well we’ll see what happens with him um back in the mix after everything taken care on the legal side uh that he is certainly in the mix for that’s a concern too like you’ve got to do your background do diligence on that and like Kyle said teams have way more information than we so it’s hard for us to comment on that but you have to look into that all right let’s go to another one and go to jacobe Walter that is a Bor product here that as we talk talked about him and everybody has their favorite probably my favorite uh just the the ability to do so many different things I like the shooting I like the ball handling that he does I possess a decent size uh for him playing a big program like that and uh freshman of course young player but most of them are we mentioned a couple of the upper classmen that we do have here at 64 and um you know okay with certain things as far he doesn’t just like pop off when we talk about the measurements and you guys mentioned in shoes and the Y shoes part not the biggest guy but 64 decent size there for a young player can he come in we almost threw him in with the guards because of that 64 with a 610 wingspan which does help like the Silva is 68 with a 610 wings they have pretty much the same wingspan so he does I think well not now cuz he’s pretty thin but he has a chance to defend bigger than his position if you can add bulk yeah add bulk fill out to to that body frame and see what he can do there so I I just like the fact that with this young player that there as Kyle was talking about earlier you look at players and you say okay this guy can do this he can get better potentially at this on the next level when he gets there and I look at him and I wonder if that is in fact the case for him we continue to talk about the backcourt depth which we almost put him in the category as the guards KY mentioned yesterday but we put him in that Wings because coming into this situation that would not be much of his responsibility to be more of the other stuff and the scoring ability the close outs can he put the ball on the floor get to the rim and finish can he shoot he has a pretty good looking shot uh there for me uh that I think again with the work that he would get on the NBA level with the Player Development where we’re looking at a guy coming from a program like Baylor and now being in the NBA situation and a lot of times when we do speak about while it’s around the clock 247 for these players sometimes you know when you’re in school some of that stuff falls back and when you get to the pros it’s your job now it’s the only thing you’re doing to me seems like one that can work on and continue to improve as a player at that Wing position to be a decent rotational player for a team now can he do so on a contending team a playoff team like the 76ers that’s the question but I do I do like the player I want to I want Derek to tell us why he doesn’t like him he’s so disappointed that he’s got to be like the dad over there like I like I like I like the three-point shooting um and I like the volume I like the adversity like he can come off a screen he can come off a dribble handoff you can obviously shoot off the catch um that’s about it like I don’t think I don’t think his handles are great like it’s good enough to get him a shot off the dribble but it’s not good enough to get all the way to the rim I don’t think he has a ton of vertical pop near the rim so I think he’s going to honestly I think there’s a chance he might just get swallowed up by you know NBA defend you mean at The Rim inside the arc okay pretty much anywhere inside the arc um and I think his shot selection off the dribble is questionable but then again that’s 1819 at Baylor like that could change that’s certainly something he has good length but not great length defensively I think he has good effort but I don’t think he’s ever gonna be I think he’s gonna be limited defensively because of his size honestly outside of the shooting I don’t like a whole lot yeah I just like the the shot making versatility yes that 100% the difference between him and the Sila and I like the Silva was just by the Numbers was a better shooter but Jacob’s splits or his his shot attempts were a lot more varied right he’s coming off real movement like something I saw going over uh the tape I did he was the guy they look to on a lot of Baseline on of bounds plays where there they’re setting multiple screens from him and he’s coming off hitting shots in the corner even shots above the break like they’re looking for him on those plays and he’s those are like dead Sprint plays coming off of pin downs and curls and things like that and that separates him as a shooter from these other guys which I who I think are pure relocation SP and that’s the thing if that translates then you can live with a lot of flaws yes we saw that with Seth Curry we even saw that with JJ retic like you don’t have to be a perfect or a complete player to have value as an off ball I mean even yeah there’s a lot right so if he bring up a name that is I think hurts a lot of Sixers fans we never got a chance here but I I held myself back I’m showing restrain so if that if he brings up his like if his shot diet is more of that and he can connect on those in the you know let’s say high 30s low 40s great but high 30s on those shots those types of players draw so much attention with the movement that if teams close out on you then you only have to be a straight line driver it’s just a Blow by I get to the rim score and I think he’s got enough to do that but to dereck’s point I do think it is wholly riant on how good is this guy as a shooter and how much attention can he draw because I just I he didn’t really get used this way but he just wasn’t a playmaker at all like his assistant turnover ratio is like one to one so he’s just and low volume on that front as well so maybe that’s a thing where if he gets opportunities and he can become a little bit more of a secondary playmaker but I look at him as like he is a as shooting guard as a shooting guard gets we throw him in the wing category because I don’t think he’s an initiator and because we didn’t have very many wings to talk about yeah and they’re just aren’t that many wings and I do think I would say the other thing too I’m a little bit worried I think I I guess I agree with Derek on this I’m a little bit worried defensively because I’m not sure he’s quick enough to get side to side with the smaller guys yeah I’m not sure he’s strong enough to guard the bigger wings and he might end up in this just Purgatory where his best matchup is not any matchup will he be an okay switch Defender maybe but that’s always a concern with a guy who’s got length but is skinny and needs to add on weight it could take him you know a few years to be at the level he needs to be yeah and I guess it’s a little hypocritical because I was a pretty big Isaiah Joe booster I said I wasn’t gonna bring up his name but here I am doing it so it’s I just I think I I’ve just fundamentally believed in Isaiah Joe’s shot a little bit more and I mean those mechanics are pristine so perfect yeah but Kyle brings it up and he’s right like he is a pretty good like his shot diversity is pretty good and it should be enough to maybe give me more confidence than I do I’m honestly not 100% sure why I’m not in on him um maybe it was that he was just trying to create a little more than he will and because of that he looked out of place at times more than he should uh not necessarily create for his teammates but create off the bounce I do think he’s got from what I heard he’s had a pretty large range like I’ve heard anywhere from he could go like 11 or 12 to he might last until the end of the first round so I think that’s a a lot of people are feeling that way so I don’t think you’re alone on that and I frankly like I don’t feel particularly confident about any of these guys it’s kind of the the bottom line take for me no like I said I I like the shot diversity and I like that he competes defensively which I do think he does most of my concerns defensively will come down to size um and just mediocre physical tools but he does compete and like I said he does have some decent wingspan it’s just I have to buy that shot at an Isaiah Joe level and it’s tough for me to get there you’re trying to convince him to Isaiah Joe though that’s like you guys said that’s a little unfair I don’t want him on yeah yeah well I mean the shooting though isaah Joe Joe as far as the shooting goes can he get that I don’t know but I I like I like him a little bit more than than these guys do they laid out the things that they do like but I like them a little bit more and if I’m not going to sit there and say we’re doing a show next week at garage Fishtown that I’m gonna be jumping for joy if they select him but of the choices that we do have here I do like w I think he’d be a decent pick yeah yeah I think he’ll be a nice pick if it’s someone that U they decided to go with it’s an it’s an archetype that when it works out I love it’s just High bar for me to get to I think if his if he hits his highend outcome oh yeah he could be like a kcp type player I don’t think that’s that like there’d be a very high end outcome for him but that’d be a great player to have on this team someone who who doesn’t need the ball to be their bestself on offense someone who competes on defense who’s got decent length is maybe not going to be a true ball stopper which I do think that’s where kcp over the years has become much better he’s gotten strong stronger and has been a better one-on-one guy I think earlier in his career it was more the he’s a good team Defender can you know create turnovers things like that but now he’s more he does both but I I don’t think it would be crazy if he got to that level I don’t I don’t expect him to but that would be the BET like if you’re gonna draft him I think you’re hoping that he becomes that type of player and as we said with most of these guys everybody has the flaws and we’re just picking the one that we may like the best of the of these guys with the flaws decent names that we’ve all brought up some other ones that we’ll probably talk about at a at a different time because their range is a little bit past where the Sixers are picking at pick number 16 but we do have to get to a few other things here while we’re while we’re if we don’t talk about OG Winona is gonna have a protest so we have to and also there are a couple guys like Cody Williams for example is someone I’d be interested in but I he seems like he’s he’s not going to be on the board his range is crazy it used to be like 11 12 now I saw him at six yeah we’re see top five that’s crazy nice having a brother I was gonna say if he was in the Sixers range it really would be classic Sixers to draft the worst brother right to take like oh it’s it’s Jaylen Williams brother he G be really good and that’s nope you got the Jaylen McDaniels of the family well heck they also talking about how he might be on the same team as his brother how crazy would that be that would be really cool that would be pretty interesting all right let’s get to the Winona point of the ogan noi stuff because now that the the finals is complete the season is over the 23 24 campaign is in the books teams are allowed to speak to their own free agents and OG anobi right now the report is that he is not thrilled at the moment not happy with the discussions with the Knicks so he wants to explore free agency there are a few other names Pascal seak we’ve talked about both of them when they left Toronto most likely staying that seems to be the case with Pascal se yakum but as wi knowa pointed out with ogan noi Derek it looks like as we talked about a few weeks ago on the show that he’s not all that thrilled with the discussions and what the Knicks may be throwing his way yeah I mean it seems clear and and we did a show on him and then like the next day there was a report that came out um indicating that he was UN not unhappy but what was it the Bagley report what did it say exactly it was basically be prepared if he gets an offer of 35 million or more pre or something like that there was basically a report indicating that things weren’t completely Rosy and locked down the way that we assumed it was uh because again an no’s agent is Leon Rose’s son so everyone kind of thought that’s just it’s just it really is where we can even be at this point but so yeah we we did a long show on him not too long ago and I don’t think my thoughts necessarily change but if you can get him at 35 to 40 I think it’s pretty easy I would be on board with that what does that leave you with after see the thing on uh on get up yesterday the Jay Williams who’s wrapped by CA was like I’m just making sure because I I didn’t see anybody mention it and I just happened to like stumble upon it on I was in a YouTube Wormhole he also said something silly today about the JJ reic stuff where he said you know basically JJ reic good luck to JJ re he like dude you you just gonna say it right there I’m not a fan but you know it is what it is but what are they left over with 3540 potentially there like 24 24 24 to work with fits uh I think he’d probably fit like like Markin in in there right yeah if you want to have your dream off season not that he’s available don’t read anything do that over Paul George I think so yeah yeah I I think that defensive upside with him is enough that like because of my concerns with PG as a onall creative guy at this point or self career if PG was still PG then it would be PG but he’s not yeah Paul George three years ago right easy Paul George Paul George right now I think I probably Le O that being said it’s probably going to take a Max to get him and that’s where I start to get you know waiver a little bit and the age yeah I mean but normally you bet on age and you’re like oh it’s because the guy will be healthier OG is not a guy that you can confidently say yeah he’s going to be healthy it’s more so he’s younger he’s still a legitimate Elite and I think one of the few five position Defenders one of the only guys in the league who can actually make that claim like I hate hearing who you can defend one through five they’re like two or three guys in the entire league who can actually do that he is actually one of them so the versatility there is outstanding and he does enough offensively and in theory at a like a $40 million number he saves you just enough that you might be able to get a a better a fourth guy that that makes a meaningful difference and that is really important for me yeah 35 is completely different like the difference between him at 35 and Paul George at 49 completely different from what you can do from from what you can do with your next move even at 40 is significantly different yes with what you can do and we’re hearing it enough where you feel confident that something’s up there in New York I mean you you feel confident that they are hesitating giving him the offer he thought he had in the bag okay now whether or not to wake up one day and Paul George has signed with the Clippers and anobi has signed an extension with the the Knicks but you know what staying on the topic UK Birds fan 01 in Super Chat says sorry for the off topic question it wasn’t we saved it because we knew we were talking about it now uh but do you guys think it’s a real possibility for us to get him thank you UK Birds fan 01 I hope the guys answered your question on that particular topic uh there are there’s another one that we do have here from holy canoli checking in uh would you give Kelly UB a mid-level exception heard a few teams want to give him this would you overpay because of the limited draft assets and free agent availability by by mid level are we talking room room if you’re talking about the room midlevel yes if you’re talking about the normal mid-level then I would not know yeah I so I as much as I am on Joel’s side with the like you want continuity and all that stuff they haven’t been good enough to right to be like oh we got to bring back the the band right if you can upgrade on Kelly UB whether that’s you know that could look completely different depending on what the process is like right if you get the third star upgrading on Kelly UB it’s just gets get a shooter get a guy who’s a good Defender and also is GNA shoot or maybe you’re getting multiple 20 million players whatever there are ways to upgrade on Kelly UB so I’m again I feel like we’ve said often during the offseason I don’t think any of us are opposed to Bringing Kelly back I would not go past the room that’s that’s as much as I’d offer if he’s getting you know $15 million a year if he’s getting 122 million a year somewhere in that range Riva deri Kelly it was a it was wonderful covering you fun guy to be around the locker room but happy trails Phil W says Nicks please sign this dude I guess he doesn’t want the sixes to guy doesn’t want him to pay um OG for him OG at 30 is crazy no bag Kelly at 20 is got to do it yes absolutely love you Phil have to do that one also I think I saw another one saying uh I jvini says the Knicks won’t let him walk all right so we’ll see maybe they just again the negotiations kind expect but I didn’t expect be sitting here you know two weeks yeah like he was pretty much a lock to stay in the spot that you know he was traded to like there’s no way OG just decided he wanted close to a Max contract and there’s no way that they didn’t know about it beforehand I’m Bill given me grief for saying OG 40 million aren’t you the one who’s always like Kyle’s counting other people’s money that’s what it’s gonna take to sign them more than likely so that’s all look I’d love him at 20 million but that’s not realistic hey OG would you sign for the minimum yeah all right one more uh report out there the Kings we’ talked about Zack LaVine and Caruso in a package that’s what makes the guys here feel a little more comfortable if Caruso was in the deal with LaVine the Kings reportedly talking to the Bulls about that one again one we’ve talked about it’s probably going to involve like Harrison Barnes and some stuff coming from Sacramento but again if that’s out there if you believe that to be true would you make the phone call Daryl if you’re Daryl Mo just to kind of hey what’s going on over there in the EV inquiring about out yeah I I’d be more now listen I would see exactly what the cost is right on on LaVine like if you’re on the phone you might as well hey let’s have some conversations about your roster and what you’re doing my suspicion is still that unless they are being actively incentivized to take lavine’s contract I think that’s like a complete Last Resort type scenario well I don’t want to say last resort I don’t think it’s high on the list of potential options I would say Caruso on the other hand’ said it many times tried to get him talked about him prior to the deadline couldn’t get them as long as well as the Golden State Warriors who made offers for him that they were setting a really high price will Chicago after all these years of mismanagement and ownership intervention finally see the light and say hey maybe we should trade guys while they still have value instead of constantly playing out the string and being on this treadmill to nowhere I don’t know but I would certainly be on the phone about kuso on LaVine I’m not I don’t feel real not getting yeah we’ve done like we’ve done a lot of LaVine shows and talk and I just Zach laen out he’s still the same I mean here’s the funny thing we’ve done all these shows and he didn’t play a game in like that whole time he was hurt so it’s not like obviously once his team is eliminated he can’t play any games but even when we’re in the season and it’s like hey what about trading for Zack LaVine guy’s [ __ ] injured he didn’t play like what do you it’s nothing for me to evaluate like oh he’s improving this or he’s looks like he’s locked in defensive like Zack lavine’s the same guy when we talked about him as a trade Target in like late December or whatever it was yep all right well that pretty much do it finals come to a close as the Celtics take out the Dallas Mavericks in five Jaylen Brown talked about his scouting a little bit earlier the uh Finals MVP 300 plus million that he made last summer things didn’t look all that great at the start of the Season based on how he was playing even though they were winning games uh that was a lot of money for for Jaylen Brown reports from W that NE next up Jason Tatum 300 million on his extension the all NBA uh conversations there he’s going to play on Team USA um playing for gold medal here Celtics in five we talked about that at the beginning that look we all thought that Dallas the Celtics would win we wanted Dallas to win and this one it was basically a domination in this series yeah look it’s one of those where the team that was the best team All Season that didn’t have to face basically any adversity in the Eastern Conference playoffs was the best team in the finals and steamroll at a team that while they were very good they were not anybody’s favorite are not a dominant team throughout the season they only really came together down the stretch with the defensive stuff and we saw that was kind of a a temporary position for some of those guys the effort from Luca and Kyrie throughout the finals just was not good so you know congratulations to NBA champion Jaden Springer that’s a you know big contribution to the ring there no I’m just good for him got the got the ring I’d say the guy I feel best for is Drew holiday just because not even like I’ve always liked him as a player liked him while I was here all that but you always always always hear just the best things about him as a person and to see him go on to win titles with multiple teams now feel very good for him seems like he really embraced he like to me he’s one of those players that like he’s what basketball is about below the top level the Superstar level players that you do what it takes to win some nights that means he’s got to go out and defend the two to three best perimeter players on the other team for 40 minutes sometimes he’s got to give you 20 to 25 points sometimes you got to post up a smaller guard like I had just have a a ton of respect for him as a player and a person zero respect for that [ __ ] thief Al Horford but that’s a story for another day Drew holiday also on team Team USA for the very reason that you’re talking about he just does basketball things the right way and he he helps winning and also with that the the other part I wanted to add to that of why I’m happy for him outside of the fact that he was here we covered him early he was a good guy then still a good guy now is that the Way Milwaukee just decided that they thought that that was the right thing to do which was to get rid of Drew holiday who as you mentioned he came into a situation that they could not get over the top he got them over the top and and while last season’s playoffs wasn’t all that great for him you know he’s still that player that does so many different things and then when you do have the issue of your defense is is uh is so much worse without him you move so many other key pieces of your rotation to get rid of him to add Damen Lillard and as much as I was a Damen Lillard guy from afar watching enjoying his level of play Drew holiday to be thrown away that way and then the Giannis part for we hear so many about these guys where so many get in the way of the transactional things from the front office and making these decisions where Giannis was the one who gave the green like go ahead and do it and then seemingly on his way out just like their relationship was so much different and Drew holiday just went about his business did his work made helped them become the best team in the NBA and they win another championship where you can look at him and say he was the key piece to that as well that final piece to the puzzle to get them over the top how however you look at it so for as much as I hate the Boston C I hate the organization that’s what it is I like that guy though and that guy came in and it made Milwaukee weaker and now Milwaukee has a bit of a problem themselves going forward as they try to figure out what they’re doing this off season so the Drew holiday piece it’s a big deal and that guy is just it’s that guy’s a winner the guy’s a winner [ __ ] Boston but unfortunately they’re the most consistently well-run team in the league right now and we’ve talk we’ve already done the whole we’ve done shows on them being well run and all that so yeah you’re not going to find many people who would say a bad thing about Drew holiday so that save my my tip of the Cat my proverbial tip of the cap for him and absolutely nobody else seems like most of them want to play with him and jannis played with him and still said no I’m cool go get me the other guy all right good job buddy good job good job because now he has one more than you in this case all right yeah you’re right boots that’s enough Celtics talk it was more about Drew holiday and taking a dump the NBA Finals just ended we got to talk about it talk about them absolutely and somebody said how do they get all this money well they know how to you said well-run organization they know how to make it work make the right trade to make it happen that’s time for a roll call here to say goodbye to all the great people we’ll be back tomorrow talking about the big guys we gonna talk about the big guys tomorrow you want to say that talk about weight but Jesus Christ what the hell’s going on thank you everybody who is here today thank you to Lost sleep TV Calvin Maine don’t lose sleep watching TV my girl Winona what up Nona profit one Phil W Kelly UB super agent next week she better win something at the garage in Fish Town wiona don’t worry we’re gonna we’ll rig some competitions no we won’t I will Rick moris SPO babby bootzilla boots Randy rhubart what up Randy SPO babby I just love saying SPO babby that’s a funny one for baby it’s two bees bab that’s all right I I had one yesterday two bees babby the king of the csck Martian Lynch 33 in the building as always like the the mer oh my God shut the hell up over there you iini Al up what is up to X-Man what up X what’s up to haidar overseas and I believe Iceland but I always forget maybe it’s Finland I want to say Iceland Iceland you tell me hiar so I don’t miss misidentify I’m My Own yams now all right Rick Sachs Sachs what up the Merc in me D massu there you go that’s who are our super Chatters today I know we had Davon AKA beats we did have our friend canoli we also had UK Birds fan 01 the Birds fan with the hockey goal tender logo that’s how you know that’s a Die Hard over there for Philly sports football’s coming back soon thank you for coming in here today and hanging out with it is hiar there you go we got th in here Neil dver I think we’re running out of a lot of scroll good to see you the tough part is I want to get to everybody but some people are just like firing away and so it’s a lot when when I when you’re out and I do it like I just whenever he’s doing an ad read I just go through and I take people so I have people from the start of the chat too so what up profit one you better love somebody you better love somebody get 215 I literally can’t lot of bucket Getters from the 215 so that’s true lot of BU gets if you have not already and you’re still here hit the Subscribe button hit the Bell icon so you get notific ifications each and every time we go live and if you hit the thumbs up button I promise we will talk about some bigs that maybe we like tomorrow interested in a couple big guys think there are some bigs that we like big guys the centers the front Court guys are coming we will be back at 2:30 tomorrow and the rest of the week we will see you then and hit that Bell icon thank you Bri we all sitting like the mayor

Between Ja’Kobe Walter, Tristan da Silva, and Ron Holland, there are some intriguing wing targets expected to be available for the Sixers at pick No. 16. Are any worth a gamble from Daryl Morey?

Devon Givens, Derek Bodner, and Kyle Neubeck discuss the wing class and how they fit next to Joel Embiid and Tyrese Maxey. They also discuss the end of the NBA season and the Celtics winning their first title with Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown.

(0:00) Intro
(3:00) Wing class
(4:53) Tristan da Silva
(21:24) Superchat
(23:45) Ron Holland
(37:51) Terrence Shannon Jr
(43:30) Ja’Kobe Walter
(54:10) OG/PG
(58:35) Kelly Oubre pay
(1:00:58) Kings & Bulls trade talk
(1:03:20) Outro

An ALLCITY Network Production




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  1. 1. Love holland, don’t think he’ll be there at 16 though. So weird he has like a happy feet thing going on on his catch and shoots but I think coaches can iron that out

    2. Huge fan of Jakobe Walter as well, Devin vassell 2.0 to me

    3. No talk about Kevin Mccullar?? He was awesome for Kansas and is better than da Silva. He’s a perfect fit as an off ball cutter, solid shooter and defender and overall athlete

  2. No mention of Tidjane Salaun? He might go higher than 16, but if his on the board, I would take a shot at him because of his physical attributes. He might be a few years away from being a valuable starter, but worth the risk.

  3. How do we feel about Daryl Moreys reputation potentially costing us a Paul George signing. Is it really become a detriment to have him as the GM? Paul George alluded to moreys reputation – Chris Paul, James harden even Patrick Beverly. Maybe Josh Harris should rethink his GM position since some players seem to be turned off my him. It would be sad if we miss out on a star player because of who we have in place for GM!!!!!

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