@Detroit Pistons



Monty Williams is officially out as the Detroit Pistons head coach they have moved on from Troy Weaver they have moved on from Monty Williams they have cleaned house why did this happen how did it go down what does this mean we’ll talk about all that in today’s episode of the lockdown Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lockon Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host Cahill you can find me over on Twitter at Cahill I want to thank you guys for make lockon pistons your first listen of every single day we are freom podcast platforms hit that subscribe button at the YouTube channel if you haven’t already or leave us a five star review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers get $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s $200 in bonus Bets with any winning five bet visit lockon to get started today so Monty Williams he is officially gone as the Detroit pons head coach they have moved on from Monty Williams I do want to say just real quickly for those of you guys watching on YouTube yes I know my cam camera keeps glitching out every now I don’t know what’s going on I’m have to reset the settings and really go through everything and all that whatever um I’ll try to get that fixed next time um it comes back though so it shouldn’t be that big of a deal anyways Monte Williams is gone he is not the Detroit Pistons head coach any longer we’re going to break this all down every facet of this news we are going to break down today’s episode so I want to start off by saying for those of you guys who have been listening to lock on Pistons over the last few weeks daily appreciate you guys but you guys probably could have seen this coming going all the way back to the episode we had with James Edwards III Detroit Pistons beat Rider of the athletic when he gets on the podcast and we talked about this from then all the episodes after that I feel like some of you guys should have been able to see that this was a very real possibility and was something that was probably going to end up happening especially I feel like if you have watched Friday’s episode with Zar spent the first eight minutes talking about Tom goris needs to step in and make this decision if Tran is indifferent about it it’s just like you know what we’ll we’ll move on next year or you know if he doesn’t go right this year I know I can just get rid of a mid-season whatever don’t waste the season time if that’s the case step in and what did the reports say according to W according to James Edwards according to all these guys Tom this was an ownership decision this was an ownership decision Tom stepped in now this doesn’t mean that trasan didn’t want to happen this doesn’t mean that tran didn’t like this it didn’t mean that he went over Tran’s head and forced him to do something he didn’t want to do it’s more so I would I would say the way I would describe it as I would more so say that Tom made sure it happened and was just like yeah if it happens cool like I’m if that’s the route we go I’m cool with that I’ll go get one of my guys like that’s how I would phrase it I know there’s some people already tweeting me and asking me and commenting and dming me I’ve had it I’ve been getting it ever since the news ended asking hey does this mean that Tom just like completely went over tra and said no that’s not what happened behind the scenes I would not characterize it as that at all I think Tran was on board with this he was just more so from way I feel about it I think he was more so just indifferent about the whole process whereas Tom kind of made it happen which is what the are saying and kind of what um what I understand as well um why did Monte go why is Monty gone um and again like I said we’re gonna go through every fast we’ll eventually talk about potential guys that could come in and replace Monty Williams but why is Monty gone there are numerous reasons why Monty Williams is fired as the Detroit Pistons head coach and I think I think that you guys are going to hear more and more about this stuff heck maybe even by the end of this video is record like I’m recording this at 10:40 a.m. maybe by the time I’m done recording this episode you guys probably will hear even more stuff about why they moved on from Mani but I think you guys will hear more and more about why they moved on from manty as time goes on but the very easy answer is this past season was an absolute disaster absolute disaster and I know I’ve already seen clips from National media people like Stephen A Smiths who I’m just confused how you know let me not even go there but I’ve already seen Clips saying thank God M’s out they did him a favor no this situation was terrible because of Monty Williams mon Williams contributed to why this situation was terrible we’ve talked about it non-stop the losing streak the worst season in Pistons history the decision to play kilan H over at Jaye Ivy long stretches of the season the consistent lying to the beat Riders and to the fan base about shrinking the rotation understanding that he needs to shrink the rotation than just to play 11 guys in the first quarter the insistence on playing all bench lineups that were consistently getting outplayed so badly that the starters would come back down 10 and had to fight their way back there was and along with this I’ve hinted at this numerous times numerous times on the podcast but now that he’s gone how many fans do you guys believe there were of Monty Williams I’ll come out and say it I don’t know how many fans there were of Monty Williams at this point at this situation throughout the Pistons organization I don’t know how many people were fans of Monty Williams any longer at this point I think Monty Williams messed up on the basketball court I don’t think he ever um I think the fan base felt this I think everyone felt this it never felt like he was completely bought in to being a part of the rebuilding team and doing what needed to be done um he did just a bad job as a head coach this past year but something James mentioned in one of in his article today breaking it down was a belief in his buyin to this team and this is something that had been question since last offseason when he came to the press conference to say he was he signed here because of the money so so it was questioned from the get-go by his buyin we saw what happened last year he somehow someway all this is all I can say this is what I’m gonna say Mony Williams was here for a whole season this past year I have never witnessed how do I how do I want to say this I I did not hear I I this how about this I have not heard many positive things about Monty Williams this past season that’s all I’ll say I have not heard quite literally many positive things from Monty about Monty Williams throughout the entire Community I’ll leave it at that throughout the entire Community I haven’t heard many positive things about Monty Williams from this past season so when you don’t have Bayern from the head coach which is already a fireball offense when you have the worst season in Pistons history that’s a fireball offense when you have people who don’t necessarily believe in what you’re doing that’s a fireball offense when you have when you’ve turned people basic against you or you people aren’t that big fans of you at this point after one season one season this happened in just 12 months look little or or or less time than 12 months you’ve already warmed out your welcome all those things are fireable offenses and he did all of it within six months like how long is the NBA season from October to April for the Pistons so that’s yeah like six months like within six to seven months he completely warmed out his welcome and quite quite literally was a part of the worst season in Pistons history and and somehow some way also turned everyone against them in the process like there was not many positive things I’ve heard about Monty Williams within the last 12 months like as just it is what it is and that is why for I’ve been telling you guys for weeks people keep saying it’s the money it’s the money Tom’s not going to want swallow that money the money the money let’s just put our thinking caps on I don’t to come on and say it let’s let’s let you guys read them between the lines and put the thinking caps on Monty Williams was given a long contract with at the time was the most head coach was ever paid a year later that owner said get out fired gone and is willing to pay that money to make him go what do you think that means you know what like let’s just let’s just put the dots together I like I don’t need to come out and say it let’s just put the dots together you hand out that type of contract and one year later you are asking him to just go I’ll pay you to leave what do you think has to happen to cause that do you think there’s people that are fans of him do you think everyone liked Monty if that was the case would you just want to Fork over $60 million would you be willing after a year to admit yeah I messed up because that’s the other thing a lot of ego played a part of this too not just money you not only have to Fork up the money you also if you’re Tom gors which I credit him a ton credit him a ton again if you listen to Friday episode I asked for this I I just listen to that episode I think it’s pretty um interesting to watch now that this happened but it’s not just the money that Tom Gore fetched up after a year when it was publicized and talked about a lot that this seemed like like something Tom really pushed for last year not only did he for up the money he also admitted publicly this is my bad I messed up this was on me I’m willing to correct I’m willing to publicly admit this was my mistake that I messed up and we will correct it and he did that in a year so not only do I give Tom credit for being man enough and doing the right thing to do that give Tom a lot of credit for that the second thing is please guys just connect the dots you guys don’t need everyone to say it for you you guys don’t need articles to to say it outright for you you don’t need me come on the podcast and outright say it for you just connect the dots the dude had the largest contract in NBA history at that time for a head coach at the time they hired him it took 12 months for him to be fired like to be be gone they’re going to be pay him for the next five what was it five years you don’t do that if everyone is a fan of you you don’t do that if everyone wants you back you don’t do that if like people believed in what you’re like let’s come on like come on it I look Mony Williams basketball-wise this past year was it was not good at all and something that I’ve said in the pocket and something fans have pointed out the beat Riders I have never seen the beat Riders more critical like openly critical of a coach as I’ve seen this past year that’s how that’s to let you know how bad it was along with the fact that I have not heard anything really positive about Mani at all the last six seven eight months I mean I feel like this was a no-brainer like this is why I this had to happen this absolutely just had to happen and I I credit Tom goris for stepping in and making this decision and Tran I credit Tran for delivering the news and being on board with it so Monty Williams gone right move I’m I’m I’m I’m happy about this move I think all Pistons fans are extremely happy about this move and I again I’mma continue to say this for those of you guys who’ve been listening to the podcast daily and for those of you guys who’ve been I’ll shout out James again following James work whether it’s through articles whether it’s through his own podcast or whether wink wink elbow elbow nudge nudge um his guest appearance on locked on Pistons if you were paying attention to all those things I feel like this was something a lot of people should have been able to connect the dots about and I think you’re going to continue to be able to connect some dots and hear some things over the next I don’t know I mean again like I say by The End by the end of this podcast it could stuff could be coming out um but I definitely think you’re gonna hear more and more and more about this and pistons are now looking for a new head coach they’re now looking for a new head coach so what who I should say are they looking at who is the potent who are the potential candidates for the Detroit Pistons who should be who should they be looking for we’ll talk about all that and we’ll break it down when we come back passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle 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this on that’s another great way to support the podcast so um where is it wait on hold on see this is this is I’ve told you guys this before this is I I I like these reaction episodes but then I also don’t like it because I constant there’s always news happening while I’m recording CU I just had a few of you guys say tell you to me go look at Twitter so let me go look let me go look and see if there’s any news that just came out before I keep going okay this it’s 10:57 where I’m recording this I don’t see any extra news right now I don’t see anything unless I’m missing it I don’t see anything nothing new happening so I’m gonna continue on with the podcast as as it was scheduled but you know what how about this you see you guys see my phone right here oh my camera just glitched I’m sorry you guys see my phone right here hold on camera yep there you go I’m putting it right here here I’m I’m going have my notifications ready I’m going to keep it right there so if anything new happens I can I can cover it I’m tired of always is happening it’s it’s it’s annoying uh but anyways also before we get into candidates for the Detroit Pistons job um I do want to say I’ve had you guys ask this to me a lot within the last 30 minutes on Twitter the way the contract works it does it has nothing to do with the Piston salary cap so this is not like you know paying Monty Williams is affecting free agency trades and it’s not on the piston salary cap books at all this is all money that comes out of the owner’s pocket so Tom is paying this himself it again it has nothing to do with the salary cap now I’ve also had a few of you guys ask um do the Pistons have to pay it in full the rest you know the next five years unless they agree to some kind of buy out which doesn’t sound like that happened or is going to happen yes unless Monty were to get um let’s say he were to get like another job this off season I’m almost 99.9% sure that if a team were to hire him there could be something worked out to where um maybe they pay a part of it or something I there you can work some stuff around like that but what I feel like is going to have what’s most likely the Pistons are gonna pay that and if he does get another job that job is probably going to pay him a less amount because they know he’s getting paid by the Pistons that’s what I that’s what my understanding of it is right now but as far as the salary cap thing really business fans shouldn’t be really concerned about that really at all even if that’s not the case you shouldn’t be worried at all because it has no impact at all on the pist salary cap it has no impact at all on their trades and their flexibility like it’s all coming straight out of gor’s pocket nothing to do with the Pistons salary cap or the Pistons you know roster payroll whatever so no need to be concerned about it really at all um but now let’s move on to potential candidates for the Detroit Pistons so if you guys remember if you guys remember on Friday’s episode wasar I said in that first segment when I was talking about the Pistons need to move on from man and Tom to step in I said that this was a good time to do so because there are candidates on the market there are good candidates and there are candidates with connections to the Pistons front office who’s in the Pistons front office now that is Tran lingon who is the guy at that time on Friday that was still available and has connections to treas and Langan who is that name that we’ve been hearing about in other coaching searches his name is James burgo James bgo was the assistant coach of the New Orleans Pelicans this past year he has ties to Tran Lon because Tran was there in New Orleans and now when they fired uh Monty Williams after they fired Monty Williams Vincent Goodwill tweeted out that James bgo is a name to watch for the Pistons uh in their coaching search so th this is that is going to be easily I think the number one guy that people are going to be talking about and I think I think that that’s probably going to be who they go after I think because of the connection with uh with trasan and bgo going back to last year um again they’ve already brought over uh uh the shooting coach Fred Vincent from um uh New Orleans my goodness uh so there’s only already one he’s pulled away he’s pulled away some of the front office guys to join him in Detroit so if he were to also pull bgo from New Orleans it makes sense it seems to make sense with what everything else he has done so far in the off season so bgo is the guy that if I were Pistons fans I would be watching for that’s the guy that I think that they’re going to identify and I think you guys should be watching for now that you know now that Monty Williams is fired and they’re officially doing it I don’t have I feel like I don’t have to beat around the bush as much uh just just watch you you need to be watching for what happens with the Cleveland job I would say because La what it looks like and from what it you know has been said JJ is getting that La job JJ reck will be the head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers unless some crazy upset or some crazy turn of events happens so JJ will be the head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers so that’s another job locked up Cleveland is interviewing they have interviewed uh Rick Alman son I believe his name is David Adelman they have interviewed James burgo and they have interviewed Kenny ainson so it seems like those are the guys they’re they’re you know deciding between if the Cleveland Cavaliers do not hire James burgo or if Tran Goes in contact I mean maybe that doesn’t matter Tran could just go straight after Breo and be like hey man look I’m willing to give you this job come join me in Detroit we were together last year I’ll give you a nice contract come join us here maybe bgo dips out in the Cleveland job and joins the Pistons that could happen maybe maybe happens but again I’m watching that Cleveland job if if I were you guys I’m watching that Cleveland job and seeing does Cleveland hire bgo because if they don’t hire bgo I’m willing to bet good money I would say that I think bgo would be the one the Pistons would hire if he’s interested he would have to obviously be interested and buy in to being the coach of the Pistons because it is a it’s a piece of work that whoever’s coming in is G have to deal with so as long as that you know all that stuff behind the scenes is like agreed on I think that’s you know that that’s the route they’re they’re gonna try to go that’s what I believe um but outside of that if bgo either gets hired by Cleveland or doesn’t want the Detroit job because of how you know how much of a mess it is which again I think we can all admit that if it’s not bgo um James Edwards came out with the article uh listing some candidates I’m only going to talk about two candidates from this list because these are two candidates that I’ve talked about for I think even going back to last year when they were deciding before they you know hired Monty number one person is Chris Quinn he is the assistant coach of the Miami Heat he has been interviewed repeatedly for head coaching jobs over the last year two years he has been talked about highly in NBA circles not just amongst players or the front office you know if you I’ve talked with some people he has thought of very highly across the NBA Community he is going and James mentioned this in the podcast he is eventually going to be a head coach somewhere like it’s only a matter of time before Chris Quinn ends up as a coach somewhere he has been with Eric sper for a long time he has learned under one of the best coaches have got the best coach in the NBA for a long time he was a former player he connects with guys guys love him we’ve heard some incredible quotes about him from former Miami Heat players most notably Udonis Haslam so he is the guy I would be going after and James mentioned him in the article so I hope that means that the Pistons have him on the list of guys they will be trying to go after over the next week or so which is I think this is going to be really tough timing by the way because of the draft I think you probably want to have a coach by the draft that’s just my opinion I think you want to have a guy by the draft so Chris Quinn is the other guy I’d be um paying attention to so for me it’s burgo and Quinn those are my two guys like at the very top of my list that’s who I have burgo Quinn that’s who I got the other guy that James mentions here which I think is a pretty interesting one I’m not sure I don’t have a com like a real indepth opinion on him but it’s Sean Sweeney he was the former assistant coach with Detroit under Dwayne Casey’s staff and I think a lot of Pistons fans hear that name you will you will immediately connect him to his development and his relationship with Giannis Giannis and him have an incredible relationship Giannis credits him with a lot he was a key part in his development every single time the Piston played Giannis he would go over hug Sweeney and they would talk they have an incredible relationship and he was just the lead assistant for the Dallas Mavericks Jason kid staff so Dwayne Casey is still in the front office there’s that connection he seems to be really well liked by players especially a star player like Giannis I think he’s interest and he was a lead assistant for a team that just reached the finals so I think he’s paying his dues I think that would be an interesting candidate as well so those are the three guys I’m looking at bgo I think just you know connecting some dots you know whatever uh I think is the is number one um two I would have Quinn and then I would have uh Sean Sweeney that’s how I’m looking at it so um if there is any candidates that you guys are thinking of or any candidates that you guys um want the Pistons to look at that I did not mention or weren’t even mentioned in James Edward article about candidates that could potentially be the P’s next head coach let me know in the comments section down below who they are and why you’re interested in them um again comment section down below or over on Twitter ATK Hill in the final segment I want to just you know put the bow on top of the Monty Williams era We’re not gonna talk about about this any longer I don’t think moving forward I want to have my final comments on Monty Williams time with Detroit and why the piss has moved on from him when we come back um so stay tuned for that summertime means baseball and more and all you can bet on FanDuel all kinds of different sports just as recently as the NBA finals which just wrapped up last week was all obviously on FanDuel right now new customers get $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 200 bucks you can use to bet everything from the finals MVP to who’s going to hit one out of the park visit lockon and add a big win to your summer bucket list I’ve told you guys this many times when betting became legal in Michigan 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minutes um all right so these are my final comments on the whole Monty Williams situation and their decision to fire him um going all the way back to last year I don’t fault anyone involved for wanting to get Monty like at that time even myself I think I think literally just about everyone in within the Pistons community in the organization like any everyone there’s a coach of the year that is on the Block that you could go get go get him why not he’s a former coach of the year I don’t think anyone was mad that Tom stepped in and really pushed hard and maybe others really pushed hard for Monty I I don’t think that’s crazy I don’t think that they were wrong for doing so especially at the time when the other candidates were Kevin Oly who did not have a good year with Brooklyn and we talked about Kevin Ali lot the pass off I don’t need to talk about him again but when the other options was Kevin Ali it seemed like so I completely understand their decision to go after Monte I’m not going to kill them for doing that because again at the time I don’t think anyone really like criticized that move I thought every literally everyone I thought you know applauded that move um but I think you immediately saw a hint a crack in the armor at that press conference people minimized the heck I think I even tried to minimize a little bit the day after on the podcast but it was clear that was pretty awkward it was an awkward press conference some of the answers were a little awkward the energy was a little awkward and Monty Williams straight up saying that he signed here because of the money like he didn’t hide about like I’m not joking he literally came out and said at that press he said the money and he doesn’t understand why people don’t admit that but it was the money so like that was the first crack in the armor right there um obviously starting Killian Hayes over J for as long as he didn’t playing Killian Hayes over Jane Ivy to the point where the Pistons just flat out release Killian Hayes because if they didn’t Monty Williams was going to continue to play him like they were forced to just release him now that doesn’t mean kiling would still be here at this point in the off season but they flat out released the mid-season because Monty was going to keep playing them like if they didn’t if they didn’t move on from Monty was going to keep playing him minutes over Jaye Ivy and over guys so that was an issue Monty Williams straight up was like I’m not like people who paid attention this past year he lied to the to the media to the beat to the fans on numerous occasions saying that he needed a shorter in the rotation he understood he needed to and then would play 11 guys in a quarter he would continue to play all bench lineups despite being asked about and him saying he probably shouldn’t do it but he still kept doing it um there were people there was like literally like a fun not a fun but a funny you know uh you know does haha troll I guess of is Monty literally trying to get fired is he throwing on purpose like that’s haha now but like I think that was a like a legit sentiment amongst people um because of some of the things he was doing and openly going against things that he said he shouldn’t be doing like I’m not joking why I say that um along with that if you have to have the head coach fly out from California to tell you to stop playing killing hands over Jane Ivy that’s not a good look in in James article today he put the quote back on paper which looks really worse now where Tom comes out and says I think in the most polite and like trying to not start fire where there’s already a fire in it um when he said I’m involved in rotations I’m involved in day-to-day stuff more than I ever have I think that right there should have been an immediate red alarm that he had felt the to have to get involved with that stuff that was another red alarm um and then the fact obviously that you know what I’m I’m done I’m done being around the bush he did not have many fans he just didn’t he didn’t have many fans left I don’t think that should have to be breaking news I don’t think that’s shocking news if you could piece together the the you know the dots you probably picked up on that but I’ve been telling you guys for weeks I didn’t know how many fans he had left in the organization he didn’t have fans like people just did not people I’ve never seen like people turn on somebody so quickly he did not have many fans left in in the organization he just did not so not just the basketball wise it’s clear on a on a on a personal uh basis like on a personal relationship he didn’t like he either flat out turned guys off or flat out just didn’t establish that to begin with or or or broke it within like seven months like so all of that all of that plus even more I’m telling you guys plus more which I’ll tell you guys this right now I just got a notification I’m not I want you guys to just Zar our friend of the podcast Zar just posted an article for Bully ball I suggest you guys go read that because there’s going to be stuff in there that is pretty interesting and I’m just gonna say you guys need to go read that so I look people nationally are going to try to say that he was given a bad hand and there are apparently some people I’ve seen in the Pistons community that do say that he was dealt a bad hand Monty Williams was dealt a bad hand he was I am as I’ve said before on this podcast he took that deck of cards or that hand that he had that was bad he took that bad hand he took some gas poured it on the on the cards lit it on fire stomped on it a little bit ripped it up some more put some more gasoline on it lit it up on fire and then try to play it at the casino like that’s that’s what he did with his hand so yes was he dealt the best hand was he dealt a ace and a 10 immediately in blackjack not okay he didn’t have the greatest hand but he took that hand and quite literally did the worst possible thing you could do at quite literally every level with that hand you can’t excuse that you just cannot I don’t care how bad of a hand I don’t care how bad people think the roster was which I was not a high person of the roster he did everything he possibly could to make it a worse situation so if he did return which again Watch Friday’s episode first eight minutes of that episode wink wink elble elble nudge nudge um if he did return it was going to shock the hell out of me if if he returned I would have been in this in this seat I probably would have recorded a podcast just staring at the camera like with my jaw on the ground for like 10 minutes I would have been utterly shocked shocked if they act and ended up bringing him back I did not care about the the the the Mark Stein reports I didn’t care about any of those other sources and I’ll wrap it up here with this during all that time again I’m G shout out our guy James Edwards I third he was quiet during all that when all those sources were being put out all those reports he was quiet about all that he wasn’t leaking anything he wasn’t confirming or denying anything I think that should have been something I’ve already had a few of you guys reach out to me and be like man that proba something didn’t I’m telling you guys right now listen to this podcast daily because you know I got the juice for you guys I got everything for you guys you know locked on Pistons the best podcast out there but outside of locked on Pistons Listen to Everything James does his podcast especially when he comes on here and read all of his work and read into it and connect dots if you want to know what’s going on I’m telling you you know I’m gon go ahead and prop myself up there you feel me I’m G prop myself up a little bit say I’m up there too but James you should be dialed into what James is writing and what he’s doing because he was on top of all this and he he was give credit to James and James really did a tremendous job with all this and you guys need to if you guys aren’t already you guys need to be paying attention to all of his work especially when he comes on here that episode he came on here and we talked um I I think I I think it would be interesting for you guys to go rewatch that episode and Friday’s opening monolog after the this news so this news all right we’ll wrap it up there I appreciate you guys Monty Williams gone the Pistons head coach let me know what you guys think comment section down below or over on Twitter at cooker Hill hit that subscribe the YouTube channel leave us a firear review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on I’ll see you guys later stay safe out there till next time peace out everybody

BREAKING NEWS: The Detroit Pistons ownership has decided to fire Monty Williams and start a completely new slate with Trajan Langdon.

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  1. Tom Gores the Goat. Has really changed his own narrative the last year. Fully support Tom Gores as an owner atp. F the haters

  2. As emotional as Ku can be. You have to give him props, he said Pistons don't need to bring him back. I thought it would be mid-season, but hey Ku was right Tom said…..✌🏾

  3. If Gores turns this franchise around it could increase in value by $1-2 BILLION dollars. $60M is peanuts. Make it happen Tom!

  4. Finesse completed. This whole thing was a scam. Now he can chill with his family and do nothing n get paid a bag for 5 years smh. Tough pill to swallow for gores but I hope he realizes when somebody says they don’t wanna coach that he will believe him

  5. When I heard Monty wanted to take some time off and the Paula threw a bunch of money at him to sign I knew he was one year and done especially when he wasn’t playing Ivey

  6. I would like to see Sam Cassell at least get a call or interview. He's paid his dues, and he would be bringing championship experience .

  7. Monty told them he didn't want to coach, his wife is sick…but money trumps all. Good on Tom G for taking the bath, hopefully we can get Baraga or a young eager leader/teacher that wants to be here. Let's go Ku!!

  8. I honestly thought Monty was trying to be fired & I still believe that.

    I saw nothing that proved otherwise & he got what he wanted.

  9. Either: Langdon's guys are Sweeney and/or Cassel, hence why they announced it after the finals

    Or: Cade extension talks started and he said he didn't want Monty back, hence why they announced it after the extension season began

    I want Chris Quinn or JB Bickerstaff (why nobody talks about him? He did the Cavs exactly what the Pistons need). Don't like Borrego or Atkinson, but I'm on board with whoever Trajan wants cause so far he's been awesome. No leaks, no rush. This franchise almost resembles some sort of competence now

  10. As if any coach has sole control over rotations… obviously, the rotations were as a result of discussions between the coaches and front office….

  11. The three candidates for head coach are no doubt high on list. Question I have is how come you never hear Nate McMillian as a coaching candidate for open jobs? I was a big fan of his and then he is off the radar totally!!!

  12. i don’t blame Monty, he’s a great coach and helped the Suns reached the western conference finals 2 years ago. But for some reason, they fired him, signed him to the Pistons, and hired him as a scapegoat for an awful Pistons team that is trying to rebuild, yet you let James Wiseman play basketball. Detroit and the front office should be ashamed hiring the right coach at the wrong time.

  13. I believe that Coach Williams had a horrible year because of his wife’s heath situation and he didn’t build positive relationships because of his lack of focus and was in his feelings. I believe the next head coach will be James Borrego 75%, or Kenny Atkinson 25% who ever Cleveland doesn’t hire. Langdon wants a coach with experience developing talent, someone he has worked with in the passed and the delay was connected to them both in search process and them maybe not available if they got rid of Williams.

  14. What exactly makes Borrego a coveted candidate? I get that he supposedly has a good mind for offense, but his Charlotte teams were really terrible on defense and he also lost that locker room in ways that were reported.

  15. I look forward to one of these podcasts when it doesn’t feel like I’m being yelled at through the screen

  16. James Borrego has a record of 138-163 with the Hornets in his coaching career ; hiring James Borrego to replace Monty Williams is like hiring Monty Williams to replace Jame Borrego ; “🤣”.

  17. I nominate J.B. Bickerstaff , because he’s progressed the “CaVs” as the former head coach.

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