@Boston Celtics

LOOK AT ME! 🗣️ Mad Dog challenges Stephen A.’s Lakers-Celtics argument 🍿 | First Take

LOOK AT ME! 🗣️ Mad Dog challenges Stephen A.’s Lakers-Celtics argument 🍿 | First Take

the Boston Celtics have 23 NBA Finals appearances the Los Angeles Lakers have 32 so yes you do have one more ring that is fair but the Los Angeles Lakers have nine more finals appearances which means that although they have one less title their time spent in relevancy is significantly more more than yours that would make you the better overall franchise I would say that the Los Angeles Lakers is still the best franchise in NBA annals the debate rages on over which team is the best franchise of all time the Celtics or the Lakers Boston just moved ahead for most titles but these two teams rank first and second in playoff wins win percentage in finals appearances the teams have met a record 12 times in the NBA Finals with the Celtics win nine of those all right Mad Dogs oh my god do you agree with Stephen A that the Lakers are the best franchise all time don’t don’t you be respectful right now don’t let me call in the Mad Dog radio then get on you now don’t do don’t call me name that’s pretty stupid Steve oh stop it stop it go ahead go ahead man first what the Minneapolis Lakers count they play in Minneapolis they won four their titles at Minneapolis why we count them I’m not going to lie about it I didn’t even think about that that’s fair CU I didn’t even think about Minneapolis I that’s four the title time to get educated so that’s 1713 okay or I’m sorry 1813 18 so now you’re five back not one back okay that doesn’t make a difference no no we going to still go with that keep making your point all right that’s number one number two when you think about the history of the Lakers you think obviously magic Kareem and you think the Kobe crew whether it’s sha or Gasol when you think about the history of the Celtics you think kozie and Russell you think then Russell then you think cowens and hav they won twice MH then you think bird and his crew they won three times then you think of Pierce Ray Allen and Garnett they went the two finals and one a championship and now you think of tatm so you got five or six entries of of of the Celtics and only a couple of the Lakers and then finally Steve look at me finally Head to Head what’s the what’s the number head tohe yeah head tohe in the finals nine to three in favor seven I think it’s seven I was nine to three whatever it is they’re getting N9 12 N9 of 12 n of 12 so head tohe head Boston’s beating them nine of 12 times okay and you’re going to sit there and tell me a franchise that started the 1916 La compared to the Celtics who were in the mid-40s Celtics who have 18 to the Lakers 17 the Celtics who have multiple great players with titles and they beaten them N Out of 12 you’re going to put the Lakers ahead of the Boston Celtics that’s not fair that’s not fair first of all first of all I respect your opinion on this matter I’ll I understand where you coming from hear my argument and then say what you got to say doggy when I measure a franchise and I’m talking well clearly the Celtics and the Lakers are in the category of by themselves nobody else there’s nobody else I mean the Warriors at seven and Bulls at six Spurs at five okay got that right but here’s where I’m coming from with this doggy the Boston Celtics primarily had their dominance in you know’ 607s obviously you look at burden them in the ‘ 80s we get all of that right 22e gap before they won a championship in 2008 16e gap before they won the title this now we get all of that okay but really their dominance was at a time I’m not going to sit up there and disrespect the past I’m not going to disrespect the people that paved the way the Pioneers etc etc but the level of par uh that exists now didn’t exist then there weren’t as many teams the athleticism that existed now compared to back then all of those things I take into consideration and then I go to this one of the reasons that I don’t give Wilt as much as I Revere Wilt and respect the hell out of him and how great and dominant he was one of the reasons I don’t give Wilt the props that others might give him is because I’m ultimately able to look at your Nemesis in Bill Russell 11 titles you got two and play in the same position that resonates with me as opposed to comparing a center to a guard or anything like that right but then I go and I look at the franchises and I’m thinking about the Lakers in the 80s you got magic in the crew and I’m thinking about the Lakers in the 90s and you got Kobe and Shaq turn of the century 2000 boom here you go then I’m thinking about Shaq being gone and then Kobe with pal gou and those guys another decade Dana duade later Here Comes LeBron with Anthony Davis I’m saying that over the course of history spanning decades this is what I’m looking from the Los Angeles Lakers and in the end taking into account Minneapolis Lakers taking into account it wasn’t like they got 17 18 and you got five no they got 18 you got 17 as a franchise right and I’m looking at the years of relevance when you weren’t winning championships as well but you were knocking at the door knocking at the door knocking at the door and that’s why I came to the conclusion plus we got remember the Lakers were in nine more NBA Finals appearances than the Boston Celtics you didn’t win as many as Boston you were tied with them until this year but you went to nine more and then I got to think about what you did against them head-to head in the ‘ 80s when they won three and you won five okay I got to look at that too that’s why I came to the conclusion that I came now you can disagree with it but I don’t think it’s stupid I don’t think it’s ill informed I don’t think it’s far beyond the pale it’s a debate about preference and what have you that do you want to be relevant over a consistent period of time that’s this point or not yeah the bottom line is he likes the Stars too yeah he likes the Stars I know St there stars different magic Kobe Shack the lowest of the Celtics is far worse than the lowest of the Lakers and you think that means a lot with the talk about but but but also but also because of the fact that again there’s nine more finals appearances well how about Minneapolis has got four of them so we got to take them out that makes it five do we have to take them out though cuz they are the Lakers it’s to the Lakers franchise do we have toity Sten I’m just saying it’s not like if if the Lakers were in Los Angeles George mik wouldn’t have been there if they he went where the team was I am I supposed to am I supposed to just ignore that [Music]

On First Take, Stephen A. Smith and Chris “Mad Dog” Russo go head-to-head debating which NBA franchise between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Boston Celtics is historically the most revered.

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  1. Okay. It's LONG past time we have this conversation:
    Counting the Minneapolis titles as part of LA's total is stolen glory. There's not a single LA Lakers fan who remembers those titles, cared about those titles when they happened, or otherwise gave even a single thought to the team until a rich guy chased the $$ of a bigger market and league rules allowed him to keep the name. Those 5 titles were won by a team that no longer exists, for a fan-base that didn't move with the team, and which now has a new team to follow. They cannot rightfully be claimed by any team, and they should now belong only to posterity, to the Hall of Fame, and to the history and cultural fabric of the city of Minneapolis.
    That fans of the Los Angeles Lakers need to claim titles won by and for Minneapolis as their own is as disingenuous as it is pathetic.
    The Los Angeles Lakers have won 12 titles (and one of those has a pretty big asterisk on it to boot). The Boston Celtics have won 18. End of story.

  2. Such a dumb argument…. Minnesota Lakers have won 5 of those….. Los Angeles doesn’t even have lakes lol

  3. 4 of the best 5 players of all time have worn a Lakers jersey in their career:

  4. Mad Dog just needs to look at the nba logo and see how recognizable the lakers are to the sport of basketball

  5. This math ain’t mathing. The WIN PCT doesn’t reflect the head to head nor the finals appearances to titles

  6. I think in terms of just basketball the Celtics have passed the Lakers. Now yea the Lakers have more final appearances but at the end of the day did you win, and in that respect the Celtics can say that they won more. But I dont disagree with what Stephan A is saying though. The Celtics in terms of basketball is the better franchise, but the championshipsn the final appearances, and the super star players that the lakers have had despite being a imo lesser basketball franchise, allows them to be a bigger pop culture franchise. And allthough this isnt something that was specifically mentioned form Stephan A, it is something that unconsciously influences our perception of both team, and so its something that I think should hold weight. And so yes the Celtics have passed the Lakers as being a better BASKETBALL franchise, and yes these two franchises sit at the top, but outside of basketball and even still inside of basketball the Lakers name has more oomph more weight to it.

  7. Celtics 11 of 18 Championships were against plumbers and 9 teams were only around. 😂 I'm sorry but the level of competition were harder for L.A.

  8. The Boston Celtics have 11 titles from an era where the NBA had 8 teams. Enough with this BS about the Celtics being a more decorated franchise

  9. Lakers are the Lakers same name different location this isn’t the Titans and the Oilers or Browns and Ravens

  10. Not a Celtics fan,"N.Y.K." stand up! Still ova all doggie is right. 9 of 12 H2H, yea Celtic's have a better foundation. But,they had KOBE! Done talk.

  11. Mad dogs best point was the Minneapolis lakers thing, they dont even respect that era with the way they treat george Mikans legacy

  12. Since when do we celebrate ALMOST winning😂😂😂😂THIS MAN GETS DUMBER AND DUMBER EVERY YEAR

  13. Stephen A says that about the Lakers but when it comes to LeBron, he says that makes him WORSE??? That just shows the Jordan bias.

  14. If location matters so much as an argument against the Lakers, then time matters as well. The initial era shouldn’t count for Boston who won the majority of their titles when there was no competition, with only 8 teams in the league. Boston would only have 5 titles count to LA’s 13.

  15. This is the most contradicting segment I have ever watched in my whole life. Literally everything Stephen A says to support Jordan being the goat has completely been thrown out the window. Nothing Stephen A says anymore means anything.

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