@Detroit Pistons

Monty Williams Fired, Gores Eats $65M | Costa and Jansen

Monty Williams Fired, Gores Eats $65M | Costa and Jansen

248 539 we have major breaking news oh do we Monty Williams is out as Pistons head coach wow you talk about breaking news I was just checking Twitter to see because I saw breaking news that uh Pascal cakam has just signed a multi-million dollar extension with the uh Indiana Pacers uh yes the wge bomb ESPN sources after one in the Detroit Pistons have dismissed coach Monty Williams who leaves with 5 years and $65 million plus left on his new deal new president Tran langon will move to make his own coaching higher now see this is the reason that we have not heard from Tran Langton in my opinion because because a lot of people were upset about this where we haven’t heard from him the reason is he didn’t know what was going on he didn’t have his front office he didn’t have his front office now he’s got that and no decision was made about Monty Williams now I thought the longer this went meant that Monty was not going to come back but then they hired a shooting coach that actually worked under Monty when he was in New Orleans as well I said well maybe they’re doing this his staff yes and I’ll tell you what else okay because this guy has been made fun of and rightfully so for a long time I gotta give some credit to Tom Gores that’s a big contract to eat yes five years $65 million yes I’ve always said that Gores he’s not a great owner because he really doesn’t know basketball he’s hired the wrong people he fell in love with Andre Drummond too early uh or shouldn’t have fallen in love with him at all he wanted basically to get a star that was Blake Griffin Van Gundy didn’t work we all know that stuff but i’ never accused him of being cheap I always am convinced he’d go over the luxury tax if he had to and the fact that he went over what many people thought was absurd amount of money to hire Monty Williams who really didn’t want to coach and he just kept upping the contract and Monty Williams remember at the press conference John was pretty honest yeah he said I didn’t want to coach I didn’t you know that the mty has a lot to do with this yeah and now he hires a new guy to run everything and he fires the coach that is incredible to me and I think that’s in a weird way no matter how this turns out who they hire I’m gonna push for Sam Cassell but that’s i’ like um but wow here we go Tom Gores he let his money speak he’s eating the money and maybe just maybe another owner who shares that building could do the same thing with somebody on his baseball team you think this will set the example no but it should uh wow I didn’t see that one coming this morning no either did I um that five years $65 million just to to say goodbye to a guy that coached the team to the worst record in franchise history I mean you can all understand why in terms of basketball this decision was made in terms of money I didn’t think that this would be possible I thought that they would at least keep mty for one more year m MH and see if it was roster if it was leadership from from above the head coach but uh apparently Tran Langdon doesn’t want money and wants to start fresh and wants to start wants to hit the ground running with his own guy yes I think this is like a breath breath of fresh air if you’re a fan because it means that he’s letting Tran do his job exactly the O the owner is saying look this whatever I’ve been doing hasn’t worked I’ve hired the wrong people I I don’t know well he’s not going to say I don’t know but we don’t know whether langdon’s the right person but at least he’s letting Langdon do whatever the hell he wants which he should a good owner should have a open checkbook for the most part and stay the hell out of the way in my opinion yeah I mean that’s you want to talk about wiping the Slate clean that’s exactly what they just did and when you think about the implications financially it means for him that’s 65 million so and and in total what was it 72 I think was so it basically was one year $72 million for mty Williams that’s a hell of a year 72 million divided by 14 what’s that eight8 million a win no no it’s not even 72 divided by 14 is what how they said there’d be no math why are you doing this I know 50 well uh 6 four would be 6ish 56 five five million a win like that that’s that’s not bad work if you could find it no um so obviously it’s and this is something that obviously Detroit sports fans have wanted for a number of years at different times for every franchise just start fresh and don’t you know we talk about this with Scott Harris this is a rebuild that Tigers fans are going on a decade of yeah and it’s only two years for Scott Harris this for for Tran langon you could have you could have accepted the fact it’s ath yeah and you could have accepted the fact that okay well maybe the money was too much after just one year to let Monty Williams go so then he would have been saddled with and the the the the rebuild for Tran langland stunted because he had a coach that he didn’t really want yeah and now all of a sudden hey you got a fresh slate everything is wiped clean now it’s up to him to do what he needs to do with the roster but he’s obviously going to be in search for a coach and and you mentioned Sam Cassell I I didn’t even have a list of of possible coaches because I didn’t think this was possible I know Sam cassel’s I you know look he’s been assistant for a while assisted with the Celtics he’d be great I’m sure there’s others you know just have to take time to look at things oh you know what hey Dan Hurley turn down the Lakers he’ll come to Detroit I’m just kid think they could offer him more than the Lakers and he’d actually do it probably not um here’s here’s some instant reaction morning guys thanks for the great news the fans are on their feet and applauding that’s in all caps um so he’s shouting it at us Dave at work guys didn’t we just hire an assistant coach that’s a shooting Specialist or something that makes this all confusing I yes that is a little confusing does was that hire made by Monty Williams was it made by Tran Langdon obviously had to approve it but did he do that knowing that he was going to make this move or I don’t know that that there there is some confusion there does he stay on or does he go with money uh not Williams fault the Pistons roster is a joke no one else will do any better well okay that that part is part of that is true the other part is who’s the coach who decided that he’d play uh Killian Hayes a hell of a lot more than Jay Navy when the team was put together who decided uh that during the middle of the games he’d like all of a sudden take out everybody it’s like it seemed obvious to me and a lot of other people who who know basketball more than a lot better than I do that either Kate Cunningham or Jay nvy should be on the floor at least one of them all times yeah so the whole Killian hay thing playing that one always it raised a red flag to me in in in one of two ways one it was a mandate by Troy Weaver that you’re going to play this guy yeah and if it wasn’t a mandate and so that was the red flag that he’s he’s tinkering where he shouldn’t be tinkering the other red flag would have been if that wasn’t the Mandate then the red flag is on Monty Williams why are you why are you playing him ahead of j i j iy and and whether there was a personality conflict or not or whatever it was we couldn’t figure out there was a great mystery as to why Jay iy wasn’t playing more especially at the beginning of the year would you know that Stony would you know was he and was Ivy and like Williams dog house for some reason I don’t know I don’t think so I mean I don’t know [Music]

John and Stoney break the news on Langdon’s first big move.

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  1. Best news I've heard all week. Kick rocks with open toed shoes Monty!

    Now the question is, who are we bringing in?

  2. It is so funny to hear folks give this owner credit. No way this man should get any credit for this mess!! He is throwing away money for nothing. This team has no direction and has not even had a Press conference to hear Trajon talk!!! Cmon people!! What are we doing here??? All Gores has done is left Gms and coaches out to dry with no accountability!! Just throw money around seems to be good for yall!!

  3. I can at least appreciate the fact that Tom Gores corrected his mistake now let's get a young coach in here that understands these young players

  4. Hope Gores Sells The Team to make up for the lost 65….It was also one of, if not THE WORST TEAM IN HISTORY!!

  5. I do not, absolutely not, give gores credit for this firing, because I don't trust him at all to hire someone better. This team is a train wreck, I don't see it getter much better any time soon. Depending on how much longer he stays the owner of the pistons, he will, I think go down as the worst owner ever of detroit sports teams. Him and Chris illitch certainly I think are equally bad as owners. The only team in detroit who seems like they got their head screwed on right is the lions. Who would've believed that to be the case 10 years ago, that the lions would have the best ownership in detroit? Certainly not me, but they do.

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