@New York Knicks

Knicks Offseason Central: OG Anunoby Free Agency Update!! | Top 5 Trade Targets

Knicks Offseason Central: OG Anunoby Free Agency Update!! | Top 5 Trade Targets

let’s pull up pull it up let’s wheel it up all right here we go salute to Nicks Nation on this Wednesday afternoon another edition of Nicks off season Central episode one you know the NBA season is over with yeah good good congratulations to those guys up in Beantown but the NBA off season has officially begun and we got to talk about it man tap into the show and for Knicks Nation we got a lot to talk about man ogn and Obi and the Knicks potentially at a contract impass we’re going to break down Brian wior comments on that and has a potential new trade Target emerged based on some of the news and rumors that have come out in the past couple of days so also on today’s show we’re going to give you I’m going to give you my top five trade targets for the Knicks to look at in this offseason man one of the most critical off seasons in New York Knicks history tap in with me man this is a Simo cast on YouTube on Bleacher Report on Twitter on Facebook the number one show for the fans by the fans is on and popping so hit the like button hit the share button wherever you are and lock in man let’s get into it salute salute salute all right man first and foremost I got got to salute The Family Man shout out to everybody on the Facebook side of things joining me for another edition of the lunchtime live stream if you’re at lunch right now if you’re at the Jo right now work and wait because we got to get to the offseason talk shout out to my fanchise channel members first and foremost Muhammad Mustafa coach Ruben’s always in here D Block 1755 shout out to my cousin lash in the building never misses a show Lopez 104 my regular is in here junior Koma salute Crystal divorce man hope everybody is doing well on this Wednesday nice day out here in New York and uh you know might not be a great off season if if a couple of dominoes fall and it’s not in the Nick’s favor here was let’s get right into it man here was Brian wior and our guy Alan Han happy birthday alen Han on get up yesterday morning when talking about the Philadelphia 76ers because remember the Sixers off season could get interesting when they have about $55 million in cap space to deal with could be up to 65 depending on uh some of the the chairs that they rearranged we know that Paul George is on their radar but could ogan and Obi be on their radar as well man here was Brian wior comments let’s listen to it and let’s react to it uh on the other side I know that last summer they did actually try to trade for him at least had discussions about trying to trade for him it was the extension part that really was the end of the conversation but they they have been interested in Paul George and he would be a by another player who could in theory negotiate and get a contract done within hours of the end of the finals is O anobi let’s keep an eye on that most people believe that anobi will stay with New York but there have been indications that he may want to test the market cuz he’s not thrilled with what the next heard heard that internally as well I know that Jay Williams said I heard that internally as well internally where it’s kind of interesting now a lot of people wanted to come down on on on wior oh what is he talking about he’s just a LeBron mouthpiece and all of that I get it but I mean if we really want to just you know put our tin foil kfy on just for a second it it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that ogan anomi market is going to be competitive where the Knicks are concerned he’s one of the Premier wings out there you have a lot of teams couple teams with cap space Philadelphia being one who could need who could use them OKC Thunder being another who could use them so it’s natural to expect that you know whether or not wior report is accurate I think it’s natural to expect that it’s going to be a competitive market for ogan and Obi this is not going to be a cakewalk for Leon Rose and the Knicks and if you’re ogan and obi’s Camp you should be out there trying to get every dollar you can get hopefully he can come back at a reasonable price and a good deal the most the Knicks get they can give him the complete Max is 5 years 245 that’s about 49 million a year that’s a little too steep for my blood but he’s a guy that the Knicks need I mean look at the resume that he stacked up since he got here on December 30th of 2023 an incredible winning percentage 14-2 in January you guys love that stat a two-way force and when they lost Julius Randall for the playoffs hey I thought OG stepped up I loved I loved his Series against the Philadelphia 76ers not just defensively on the versatility that he showed sometimes Garden Maxi did a exceptional job guarding Joel embiid and crunch time and game four Nicks were in foul trouble they needed an answer he steps in and and he and he shut down Joel embiid then offensively super efficient from the three super efficient from the corners showed you some shot creation skills attacking the basket he had a great playoff until it was cut short by injury so he stacked up a a an exceptional resume and you have to expect that in this being his first kind of official foray into the free agent Market shopping around hey he he he’s going to to attract suitors so you know the Windor stuff is not surprising and we’re just going to have to wait and see because the Knicks can uh announce his contract signing as early as as as yesterday when when the offseason officially started shout out to everybody on the Bleacher Report Moet bucket salute J bunny9 salute Dio mosito how you how we feeling man mro how we feeling in the chat man what do you guys think about this OG news Steven Mesler says if we lose OG it’s a bad trade and we need another small forward maybe a center and a shooting guard yeah you can’t lose him that you can’t do of all the good stuff all the goodwi that Leon Rose and worldwide West and front office has generated over the last couple of years you trade RJ and quick for OG and then lose him in free agency that would be a disaster and like I said there’s a potential back plan out there out there that I’m going to get to after this I don’t like it per se but man they’d be really hard pressed to figure out they they would have to figure out where do they go from there if they let oan anobi walk now here is um Fred cats shout out to Fred cats good friend of the program he had a uh you got to catch him on the cats and shoot podcast on the athletic he had an a a podcast he did a podcast with our guy David Aldridge talking about the anobi free agency and this is what Fred catch is saying based on the anonymous Executives around the league that he pulled in terms of what ogan and obi’s market value will be what they what they predict he will get shout out to MBA New York for pulling this up and uh let’s hear Fred Katz’s uh thoughts on this one salute to everybody in the chat here we go oh first thing I got to do is yeah yeah this should be good to go let’s play this man what’s going on with the sound here all right let me Let me refresh give this thing a little refresh here and get to it do we do we have the clip today okay go is this but I think he’ll get this more or less or whatever and he said I think fair is four for 120 but I think he’ll get way more I asked him why do why do you think he’ll get way more he said because he’s got the Nicks by the balls and that was the quote and I’m sure that quote will make it in the story he said they can’t lose him the same way SE yakum is getting the Max from Indiana you you you can’t trade for somebody uh give up so much and then let him go it’s not feasible and all right so that was pretty much it from from fed cat so an executive that he spoke to thinks the floor is 120 for four years not surprised by that anybody who’s been watching KF TV knows I’ve been thinking it’s going to be 30 or northwards per year we talked to Bobby marks he thinks the same we had uh we talked to Ian Begley on Ian Begley show the putback with Ian Begley he thinks it could be at about people he speak to think it could be about 35 could be the floor so it’s going to be a big deal it’s going to be a very big deal and yeah that executive is right that he does have to Nicks by the balls they traded a young core P two young pieces to to get the guy he has an outstanding year for them when he was healthy and now it’s time to pay up we’ll see how how much that that CAA Mafia we’ll see what the family does and if he comes back on a reasonable deal but make no mistake I said this before and I’ll say this again once he does sign that bag expectations are going to go through the roof you’re going to need to be healthy you’re going to need to be healthy for the Knicks at critical points not just in October but in April May and June cuz a lot of the naysayers out there are saying hey why you going to invest in this guy’s injury prone I hear it but for me it’s a cost of doing business you made the trade you need them you have no good backup plan it’s a cost of doing business unfortunately they’re going to have to invest in this guy so for me you sign the contract and cross your fingers that it all works out and then in other news today Pascal got got the bag Pascal sakam gets the bag from Indiana no surprise there 4year 189 say 190 Max contract to return to the Pacers so was OG in his Camp doing the Birdman hand rope when they see this news now seak is a two-time Allstar has a better resume but how does OG and his Camp look at this news going to be interesting to see man I still think he ends up with the Knicks I think all of this is negotiations and he will end up with the Knicks at a at a high price it’s going to cost you it’s definitely going to cost him n mean son uh 101 says how much is that per sir you got to take out your calculator this is Nick’s offseason Central not uh math Made Easy you’re on the wrong Channel you got to do the math man take out your calculator uh James Whitfield franchise Channel me welcome to the franchise channel members man salute to you all my fanchise channel members in the chat throw a custom emoji in there and shout out to everybody watching on Twitter Facebook Bleacher Report as well the ultimate simal cast Isaiah Jackson fanchise Channel member for 5 months says do you think OG will be healthy enough for a full playoff run because if not what’s the point if he’s not going to make it to the finals I mean it’s it’s hard to say man like I was asked this question a couple episodes ago like how do you put together the perfect roster of durable players I mean yeah certain guys have a history certain guys you can pencil in for Miss time I think OG unfortunately could be one of them but it’s like how do you walk away from that after you made the investment to get them you kind of have to see the thing through and you know yeah how how do you how do do you guarantee that he makes it to April he he you know he missed a lot of time with the with the elbow injury he had the bone spurs then he comes back from the bone spurs and he’s back at again with tendonitis in the elbow makes it through the the Sixers series and even in that one I’m like man every time he hit the deck I’m like oh man he’s done it’s it’s it’s over I don’t know how you guarantee something like that they still need depth absolutely go out there and get some depth in the uh in the draft or using your mid-level exception free agency they need they need depth absolutely they need Wing depth so you know is it a minutes thing it’s it’s really hard to say with this guy man it’s really hard to say with this guy so uh let me know what you guys think there this is a call-in show as well man call me up 65738 31509 or you can hit me up on the kftv Discord 247 it’s a group chat on steroids so definitely jump in there man if you guys are new in the chat leave me a hash new I will shout you guys out and Yeah man so that’s it on the ogan noi front Reggie Clark says four for 140 is the most I would offer okay so Reggie’s got his GM hat on Jim Joe blosi on the Facebook says give him 155 over four years 155 over four years okay okay all right so everybody’s throwing their offers out there let’s see I think Philly Philly will be uh the biggest competition is it OKC not so sure but we’ll have to see about that shout out to my people on Bleacher Report Team hash new loul salute wowy 11 hooping 2023 pacol Loco salute salute to Mitchell Martin smoking Nicks we got a lot of new people on the beach report cash wavy salute to you make sure you guys are tapping in what else on the YouTube side as well man that that’s where the madness happens that’s where the MOs chat is and uh tonight just a segue man tonight we got a big show tonight man because speaking of the Knicks draft we are going to do part two of our Nick draft Q&A and that is featuring my guy Chris LeBron man call in and get your prospects questions answered he’s going to give you his top five Nick targets if you guys have more prospects that you want to talk about with Chris go ahead and uh tap in with man we got a big draft show tonight and so that will start at 7:00 p.m. eastern time over here on YouTube YouTube only so make sure you guys come through for that so other news I’m moving on from the OG front other news on the on the waiver wire here uh the Raptors expected to pick up Bruce Brown’s $23 million team option and immediately trade him explore trade per Michael Scot now when I when I when I put together my top five trade targets it’s a mix of realistic candidates candidates who the Knicks have history with and candidates of need Bruce Brown is is more history the Knicks were interested in him at the trade deadline would they pursue that again I’m just throwing it out there I’m not a big fan I think he’s he’s a redundant piece of what we have right now but can still help the problem is we’ve been looking for the Bruce Brown from Denver without factoring in that was a very unique circumstance and playing off of guys like joic and Murray playing under got coach like a Mike Malone whose offense was catered to to Bruce Brown strengths I think that’s hard to replicate and as you’ve seen it now he goes to the Pacers they trade him to the Raptors all in one year not the same guy so you know that that’s the thing he was great with he was great with the uh with the with the Nuggets but but is he going to replicate that same thing off the bench hey we’ll have to see what the price is now is it you know that that’s why the bonovich contract is so key with that 19 million cuz is it a is it a banovic and a pick for a brown would have to see Kobe in the chat says I love Bruce brown but we have we already have too many guards yeah I I I get that I totally get that but again still a name to keep an eye out on definitely a name to keep an eye out on so that’s Bruce Brown now before I get into my top five trade targets there’s a lot of names there’s always names that are going around the big fish everybody’s Big Fish hunting or or putting that big fish Target on the Knicks but there’s a there’s a couple of guys who I think I would cross off the list based on probability and my my lack of interest just my opinion lack of interest for one I’m starting with Brandon Ingram Brandon Ingram is another name that’s that’s out there right now they’re saying that the New Orleans Pelicans they’re going to be trying to reshuffle the decks or Shuffle the decks up a little bit the CJ experiment isn’t working you don’t know what you have with Zion they’ve made it into the playoffs here but but just been unceremoniously bounced out last couple of years well Brandon in you know a lot of you have some fans talking about bringing Brandon Ingram here I just don’t see how that works out where where do you put Brandon Ingram when he comes here if you sign OG and you bring Brandon Ingram in here who then you have to pay after that where do you put him who’s playing the two guard who’s playing the three who’s playing the four if Julius is still here I don’t see how you make a Brandon Ingram acquisition work and there’s no way I’m I’m swapping the two either and secondly I I’m you know look I I like bi I don’t love bi I look at him as one of those small Time Players man like at Carl Anthony town I look at those guys as small Time Players I mean he got practically got benched off of Team USA man how you get benched on Team USA and the team fever World Cup I’m not that high on him he’s another guy that gets a little knickknacks here and there now in a different situation would it work out when he when Brunson takes the pressure off him and he doesn’t have to you know be that guy because I think that’s part of the problem with New Orleans is that he has to be the onea because you know you just don’t know what’s up with Zion these days I’m not so high on on Brandon Ingram man what what do you guys think n mean son says put him at the two or put OG at the two I don’t see it I I don’t think either one of those is a viable option you want to keep ogan and Obi healthy you want him chasing two guards around for 82 games so the bi thing doesn’t makes sense um it says this is one of the reports here says Brandon Ingram has one year remaining on his contract on July 6 he becomes eligible for a four-year extension worth 208 million Pelicans value his talent down toe personality but the team does not have a willingness to pay his a contract worth 52 on average they know’s he’s not a onea guy so Ingram I don’t see as a possibility for um the Knicks Carl Anthony towns I’m putting him on my do not trade list like a no fly list he’s on my don’t trade list I’m not a big Carl Anthony towns guy I respect his offensive ability do I think he’s a better offensive player a better scorer than Julius yes I do do I think that he can make this team better than Julius at this stage not so sure his defense came around this year they gave him a lot of credit for that and gave him a lot of credit for Minnesota’s turnaround I look at him at as as another smalltime player I don’t think swapping towns for Julius gets the Knicks any closer to competing for a championship I just don’t see it I’d rather keep Julius much rather keep Julius what what do you guys think about that Isaiah Jackson in chat hell no for cat yeah I’m out on the cat thing Reggie CL Clark playing the Facebook no cat meow Nick on on Vikes Nicks owes Vikes okay he’s a he’s a Nicks fan Orioles fan and Viking fan very interesting and the bleacher says cat no thanks yeah I’m good on cat I’m I’m gonna take a pass on Carl Anthony towns the contract is crazy and it’s it’s not clear on whether or or not the um the Timberwolves intend on trading him I mean they had their best year in in how many years with him there uh I don’t I you know who’s to say that they’re gonna be ready to trade him and then you also have the Minnesota Timberwolves in ownership turmoil you got them in their ownership turmoil so who’s who’s making a call there who’s who’s calling the shots there I’m out on C um my guy Ian Begley mentioned Jimmy Butler’s name yes yest today as being available no trade list I think that ship has sailed a long time ago we don’t need a guy who’s going to be taking the regular season off we don’t we don’t do that here in New York we don’t take the regular season off on the tibs and the New York Knicks we need guys ready to hit the pedal to the medal and I think Jimmy he’s coming closer to the end of his career not just as a basketball player but mentally you know he’s doing the commercials he’s into the coffee he’s into the Miami life The Fallout Boy stuff keep all of that over there we don’t need that right now I think that ship is sailed a long time ago hey for Philadelphia I think it would be interesting I think Jimmy would be interesting for Philadelphia DJ odal in the chat and the Bleacher Report hard pass on butlery yeah I’m G I’m good I don’t necessarily think he gets traded either I I agree with you Mo but I I’m skipping on on Jimmy he’s on my no trade list another guy on my trailers I’m skipping out on PG Paul George I just don’t see it I think he stays out west with the Clippers or maybe goes to Philly but he’s another guy man we we need hungry dogs not guys that are just like you know been in the league for so long look the injury history can you trust him in the big spot in the playoffs that’s not a sign in trade where I’m trying to pair off so many assets for an aging Paul George and then you got to give him a bag after that good podcast though he got a good podcast shout out to playoff P playoff P podcast is it’s pretty good but I’m out on that man what do you guys think call me up man Isaiah Jackson says what’s wrong with PG I’m not doing a sign and trade for PG bro I’m not doing a sign in TR PG uh let’s see here’s Legion Hoops James hard and Daryl Mor’s Fallout could affect the 76ers potential pursuit of Paul George he says Believe It or Not players talk and then reputations go around like hey man I don’t know about going to this place because they blah blah blah watch it back you know what I mean yeah but obviously it’s that’s business but Money Talks at the end of the day money talks but I’m I’m good on PG man John John like Dillinger and the bleach report we need players that will earn their paycheck man give me some hungry dogs in here man Bronson Ragu OG hartstein give me some hungry dogs man we don’t we don’t need Hollywood man and it’s not look it’s nothing against Paul George when he’s on his game he’s still a great player but just not at this stage of his career man another player who a lot of you guys like and and I did dismiss the caller who who referenced him couple weeks ago that was a funny call um Lowry marinin the marinin thing for me it’s not about playing the player he’s a great shooter be a great floor spacer him and Brunson would be great are you gon to trade Julius for him or the Knicks legitimately going to trade Julius for him I don’t see that for one you’re dealing with Danny a he’s gonna want a hall and if where Utah is trying to go if they’re going to trade Lowry marketing I would think draft capital was more important for them than bringing back and all start playing Julius random who you then have to pay and if you’re not trying to trade Julius for Larry Marin and then where’s he playing I don’t see Tom Tibido playing him at the five as the caller had suggested I don’t see him playing him at the five Al might finess go get seon hey maybe it’s seon the target from Utah so I I don’t see Lowry as as being realistic I don’t think the Knicks would go there defensively a lot of you guys will say well porzingis did that with the Celtics Celtics were also a a stacked perimeter defensive team as well they had more balance defensively you can’t have your three best players being your three worst Defenders if you’re going to put Lowry next to Brunson and Randall everybody’s got to defend at at least average or to a high level so I see marketing Omen in the chat says if you lose iHeart you get marketing I have a guy on my trade list says as as my um as like not my top five but he’s he’s like honorable mention as a potential as a potential hardenstein replacement so so fall back for that I’ll get to it in two seconds and then the last guy on my no trade list Demar D rozan the report on Rosen is that he’s going to be looking for close to 30 a year he’s looking to get paid our guy Bobby Marx uh was quoted as saying that three years 30 could be the average for d rozan I don’t see the Knicks going there on a sign and trade I definitely don’t I don’t I don’t really see the Knicks going there as as a sign and trade on a d rozan deal best bet is he probably stays with the bulls and they have no idea what the hell they’re doing um but hey best bet is I think he stays with the bulls and gets the bag that he’s looking for people say say I say uh it’s Kevon Looney no I didn’t say Kon I said Kavon Looney uh the other day when I was I was thinking about a potential IH heart Replacements that’s free agency if he gets clipped by the dubs so it’s not necessarily you know yeah the fit is interesting with the Rosen but it’s not necessarily that I’m just thinking would the Knicks think about second apron think about the team that they’re investing in for the future with committing to Demar D rozan on three years at 30 per is that does that is that is that Leon Rose thinking is that what they’re thinking about I don’t I don’t think so they said I froze talking about the roen yeah John tento tento is on the bleach report tento where you at man you’re usually a uh a a YouTube guy tento jumped in on the bleacher report today Reggie Clark in the chat says mid-level for Demar D Roan now you’re not going to get him for that I I can tell you that you’re definitely not going to get him for that but I I just don’t see Demar d rozan as a realistic candidate I do see a couple other Bulls players as realistic candidates and we’re going to get into uh my top five here and get into it man we are going to get into my top five now uh like I said you can call me up 657 3831 159 or you can hit me up on the KF TV Discord salute to everybody in the chat once again tapping in on YouTube on Bleacher Report Facebook and Twitter as well all right let’s get into my list coming in at number five hey until this guy signs his bag I think Donovan Mitchell could still be on the list man I think spider could still be on the list if spider wants to come home and and it’s a one- team Race I still think the Nicks have to listen have to listen to what Cleveland’s looking for they may have the most leverage to go in there and get it done now the downside to spider you’re taking the ball out of brunson’s hands you got two undersized guards at the one and the two you already have it with with him and Devon chenzo but how does that change how does that Dynamic change you add another ball dominant guard with Brunson not ideal not ideal the overall overwhelming consensus right now is that he’s gonna resign with the Cavs that’s the overall consensus right now that he’s going to resign with the Cavs Garland may be the guy that’s on the move and maybe he stays for the bag and they build a team around him maybe it’s Garland and Jared Allen that’s on the move I still think you know every time you you expect that name to the Knicks it’s always someone who you’re not thinking about now everybody’s saying oh well spider’s not the the target but I’m going to put my tinf kofy on and say until he signs on the dotted line I still think he’s in play I do I I still I still think he he’s uh he’s in play Sam Sky 27 says Cleveland will ask for too much for Mitchell well given that he’s entering into the last year of his contract anybody who’s going to trade for him has to have some sort of promise that he’s going to stick around Javier in the chat says can’t have two HS It’s Tricky that’s why that’s why he’s like number five on my list all right this just it’s It’s Tricky but he’s he’s like number five all right now um number four on the list I’m wondering what the what the Hawks do because they got the number one pick there’s rumors about what they’re going to do with their back court what about DeAndre hunterman what do you guys think about a DeAndre Hunter potential acquisition now look a lot of you guys like you have to be realistic with your targets here everybody’s not going to be the star Target like I gave you a lot of those names that I just don’t think realistic trades are going to be made for so with that in mind you have the bogdanovich contract at around1 million to potentially trade you don’t the Knicks don’t have that many tradable assets on their roster right now so do they go out there and get a guy like DeAndre Hunter and use that bonovich trade 26 years old 15 and three this year shot shot 38% from three has he become the draft pick that everybody thought remember coming into the when he came out of Virginia a lot of people thought this was the second coming at Kawhi Leonard has not has not achieved that but I think as a young player to help this Nicks bench depth Wing depth remember we just talked about OG and his injury history gandre Hunter did have some injury problems this year as well but adding some Wing depth for that bonovich contract I don’t think that’s a bad idea what do you guys think in the chat man what do what do you guys think about that again remember the assets that you have to deal with and the potential that those can can get you back we’re not necessarily talking about all stars here but in terms of people that can help move the ball forward I don’t think it’s a bad idea what do you think then what what do you guys think about that one leave me some comments in the chat my guy in The Bleacher Report Batista the king says great idea thank you Batista man call back anytime call back anytime so I got spider I got Hunter couple of bulls couple of bulls here that that I that I’ll give you now if the dicks go out there and um and lose let’s say iheard goes let’s say ihart goes to OKC what’s the backup plan here I gave you a couple names do they go get Looney if he gets clipped by The Warriors do they get DeAndre Drummond you guys like like valent Tunis potentially signing valent Tunis older can still get you some points and Boards not as versatile do you go get a Goga baz from Orlando here’s a trade candidate though again with the bonovich contract in mind and depending what the Bulls want to do how about vich how about vich at the five didn’t shoot the three ball all that well this year we’ll still get you bored still get you some points can shoot the ball potentially as a capability of doing that as a potential hartenstein replacement he’s got two more years at $20 million on his contract it’s Nia vich a potential iHeart replace M via trade if you lose him what do you guys think man Nia vavich again I think ihar comes back but what if you lose him what if what if you lose ihart man something to think about man again names that you’re not thinking about that aren’t just out there you just never know here’s another guy from the Bulls that I think the Knicks should definitely be in on and that is Caruso go get me Alex Caruso for this bench best defender out there on the market cheap contract a tibs guy through and through would fit in here like a glove but he’s going to be highly sought after I would check and see what’s up with Caruso the tricky thing is with Caruso is once you get him can you afford to pay him once you get him can you afford to pay him but without question I take Caruso in here in a heartbeat I think the competition will be stiff pause but I like that pickup gotta think mid tier players guys the big names ain’t there the Big Splash I just it’s not there you gotta think mid- tier I’m good on Zack LaVine one absolutely good on Zack LaVine Oz says bro this list is a crash out with the names you putting up for the price well give me give me better with the bogdanovich contract at $19 million maybe you put Mitch out there he’s at 15 what do you guys who do you guys like there’s a whole list my guy Sam Quinn from CBS put out a whole list 75 players that he thinks might be getable we go through the list and and you give me your thoughts but Caruso absolutely you try to go get him it’s going to be competition but you try you try to go get Caruso in here and I I think he makes the Knicks a tough team continues along that Trend continues along that Trend man now the last player on my list number five man who do you guys think it is in the chat man give me a guess what do you guys think man salute to everybody in the chat salute to everybody in the bleacher report app Facebook um YouTube Brooks J Brooks J and answered it and here’s my last guy you know I wasn’t as high on this guy last year at the trade deadline but based on one the Knicks are right now my top pick my top Target I go get Deonte Murray I take a chance with Deonte Murray here I would I definitely would can run the point for you can play make keeps you athletic shooting was all over the place last year some people say his defense took a step back under Tom Tibido we’re not going to have that and I look at this guy and say Hey listen man we’re trying to do something special here we’ll give you a shot to start but ideally we need you running the bench bench mod with Deuce dejonte man I take give it a shot you know Nicks and the Lakers were uh interested in this guy last year at the deadline what is Landry Fields going to do out there with Trey and Murray does the price come down a little bit I take a chance look I I know you guys want everything to fit like a glove everybody’s got to be floor spacer efficient and play off of Brunson we also need a talent upgrade too man like let’s not act like you know the niick shouldn’t be taking a gamble here on some talented players got to take a shot man just soon enough you’re going to be running out of options in terms of how you build your team Frack ey 1906 shout out to the alphas say he’s not coming off the bench yeah I doubt it it’s more wishful thinking on my part you know like I said this this list is more uh people who I think are getable people who I believe could be had people who I like and realistic options given the trade assets that the um that the Knicks have to work with man call me up 65738 31509 or hit me up on the kftv Discord man agree disagree you have other names you want to bring to the list let’s go this is your chance let’s get to it man to the phones we go 646 what’s your name where you call in from this Tod from Brooklyn I’m not on the under the desk today baby let’s go Ty let’s go man talk about the list I gave you I gave you Mitchell Caruso vvi Hunter Murray that’s my five Caruso definitely is a great pick but I’m with you on Dante Murray but I just want to say two things real quick my man CP I’m jumping out the window like Alex because we got two saers we got Brunson and I’m telling you my boy Leon is G Leon he’s going to do that thing and he’s going to make sure that the Knick is in mix in a a place where we need to be to go after that CHP next year I believe in Leon and I believe that him and Brunson is gonna get it done okay appreciate it man what you what you think about uh what you think about uh OG are you worried or not worried I’m not worried at all because you know the the fact that you know his son is his agent the fact that you know Leon has made all strategic moves and he’s just smart the first GM we had that’s proper and years that’s why I feel we have two saviors Brunson and Leon is our dudes and I’m riding with them to the very salute Ty Clemens checking in on the lunchtime grind he said he’s he came out from under the desk he told boss man we got important things to talk about we got important fish to fry it’s not going on at work it’s going on at Nick fan TV number one show for the fans by the fans we got 13400 people watching on on YouTube everybody hit the like button hit the share button subscribe to the channel shout out to my my Bleacher Report family as well bleacher reporter is in there heavy and shout out to my guys on Facebook and Twitter as well let’s see uh what you guys think man call us up 65738 31509 or hit us up on kftv Discord 646 806 what’s your name where you calling in from it is Reese from har Reese Reese what’s good you back man let’s go yeah yeah I’m back I’m back back with a good a good and bad take you know what you know what I give you a lot of credit because some people might have got gotten ejected after uh you know they got they got tomatoes on the way out out man but you came back valiantly I I respect you for that man oh yeah no doubt you know what I’m saying always support you know big fan let’s go but um yeah so just like I think Nick Richards I think he’s probably the best center that we can get like that’ be a cheap option because he’s only owed like five million over the next two years yeah he’s seven feet tall got like a seven4 wing Spin and he’s like he’s very similar to iHeart you know very like uh um you know what I’m saying he’s unproven so he’s going to have a lot to prove you know what I’m saying so I think he’s the perfect option at at the five yeah you know especially all we have to give up is really Mitch all we have to give up is Mitch and Mitch is always injured so you can’t depend on I’m not trying to give up Mitch for Nick Richards though man okay okay well we got do that let’s just say iHeart leads let’s say iHeart leads which is which is a big possibility yeah I think then if ihart leads we definitely have to try to get Nick Richards yeah okay all right appreciate it and also marketing yeah as far as marketing goes still think he’ll be a good a good fit for us I’m sorry I still think I think it’ll be a good fit he’s seven feet tall he can shoot the three you know what I’m saying he can rebound a little bit I think he’s he’s a great fit for this team I don’t know I’m I’m not sure if is he a tibs guy is he a guy that tibs is gonna put out there at the five do do you think I mean but you act but you acting like Rand could play Rand can’t play defense either that’s right that’s what I’m saying if it if it’s not if it’s not for Randall I don’t see those guy two guys being out there on the floor together you’re gonna have BR I’m saying yeah get if he get marketing we probably have to trade Randle and see but that’s that’s why I put him on my not trade list because I don’t think the Knicks do that I that’s again me personally I don’t think based on where Julius stands with the organization right now I do not believe that the Knicks will be motivated to trade him and bring Larry marinin back I don’t see it that’s just my opinion okay yeah and as far as a Murray T I think Murray would be a great option too but he would probably start at the two he wouldn’t come Off the Bench yeah we start at the two yeah that’s where it would get tricky because you know obviously I love the uh the Firepower that that The Big Ragu gave to this team and playing off for Brunson I love that but you know I I I would take a gamble on on Murray man yeah I I just think he not athletic enough like I love de venzo but he’s not athletic enough I agree with that he can shoot the three but he can’t really other than that he really ineffective I agree with that appreciate the call man good stuff man call back anytime all right all right all right that’s my guy Reese in the chat what do you guys think about Reese in the chat man rate that call in the chat one being trash five being facts what do you think all all I’m saying on the marketing thing it’s not about the talent it’s would tips put him at the five would the Nicks trade Julius Randall for him would Utah like you got to think that there’s many different parties at the table here what what’s Danny Angel’s motivation for trading marketing for Randall when they have no direction right now in Utah it’s a very young team you got keontay George running the point think about the mind of Danny a he’s in a crowded competitive western conference right now a trade for marketing to my from my perspective you if you want my Premier front Court player I need picks I don’t want Julius and then have to pay Julius you got to pay Julius after that again that just my perspective I that’s why I just don’t I don’t think it’s uh it’s likely there okay the Discord is filling up right now Facebook bleach report YouTube We in here heavy Christopher Blake let’s talk about it how you feeling Christopher Blake CP salute happy juneth happy juneth man man where’s my man is 47 minutes into the show I ain’t even big up people on juneth man salute here we here that’s why I got your back like you’ve been having our back since since Frank got drafted I got you bro no worries yeah I appreciate you coming through and joining the dejon Murray for uh to the next Hive yeah you know last year I’ve been saying that from since I remember I proposed a trade last year for sadique Bay and throwing in Clint capella and Mitch was on the shelf and people booed me through tomatoes and now they kind of see the vision so I have another big one that I’m going hit that people are not going to like and they going to we should not Reign harinstein and I love I love him I love him I love him I love him but I’mma tell you I’mma tell you this I’mma tell you this why I remember a couple years ago maybe like almost maybe 20 years ago Chandler Parsons right he was on the Mavs yeah he was on the Rockets he was on the rockets and Daryl Mory made a made a very clear point that we do not sign a Channel of parion we find one and we develop them and I think that is a similar scenario that we should approach with harinstein especially since we got tibs he is the center maker we’ve been here before with nerland we’ve been here before with Mitch I think we need to go and look for the next hasenstein before we throw bag at him unless we’re going to use him for trade bait unless but we cannot we cannot get you know hypnotized by what tibs does with these centers remember where he was at the beginning when he got to the next to where he is now that’s a short two-year development we could find somebody else that tibs can probably turn around and build into the next hasenstein I’m tell you know I I love the boy I love him yeah don’t get me wrong but I think we could use our assets somewhere else bring in another treat free agent like a nick nick Claxton stealing from you know Brooklyn since they don’t want to give us maau they don’t want to deal with us we appreciate the call man appreciate appreciate you appreciate the call uh right now the chat is making uh catchup out of my guy Christopher Blake he’s a franchise Channel member longtime friend of the program uh YouTube Bleach report Facebook rate that call in the chat one being trash five being facts is it Tomatoes is it fire emojis where do you stand I will I will relinquish my duties as the judge I want to hear from you guys he says let hartenstein walk I think that would be a terrible idea Revolution says he agrees man Margaret Edwards he she agrees okay it’s a little bit of a mix I’m surprised oh Bleacher Report is killing this guy Mike guys in The Bleacher Report are throwing Tomatoes heavy here’s what I like about ihart defense rebounding took a major step up since he got here you need that the Achilles thing was a tricky but he’s still adorable player you know how many games did he play for the Knicks this year 75 he played 75 games out of 82 he’s adorable the killes thing was a little bit of a outlier something he was dealing with from last year love the two-man game that we saw develop between he and Brunson his passing ability look at the Celtics the Celtics are the bar as much as we want to hate to admit the Celtics are the bar they’re the team to beat one through five they are versatile one through five they can playmake for each other put the ball on the floor for the most part everybody has varying degrees of skill set there I like that with hartenstein when you put two on the ball on Brunson and you dump it to hardenstein he’s short-handed Mitch has to work on that he can get the floater floater was potent this year he can kick it out to the wings he’s got the IQ I like that in Stein at the five it’s not to say that tips can’t develop that type of player but do the Knicks have time the window is now now right now you need some stability there it’s not to say that he’s Irreplaceable I just think he’s crafted such a a a a important role for this team I I would love to see move forward with him that’s all now you still have Mitch do you keep Mitch get a backup plan if it’s Looney on a on a on a mid-level exception and then maybe you go get somebody in the draft or maybe Sims take a step up okay that’s that’s not a bad um Plan B to go in with but if you do lose hartenstein the guy that you need either starting or backing up for Mitch has to be an Innings eater you need a reliable guy out there because Mitch is going to miss time he’s going to miss time but that’s was my guy um Christopher Blake Harrison Dolan on the Discord go ahead and unmute your mic Harrison Dolan all right I see you all trying to unmute go ahead and restart your Discord jump out the Discord and and uh and try it again let’s try him again Harrison are you there try it again un mute hello you got you now got you all right what’s up CP happy juneteth was good as well man likewise yep appreciate it thank you so people have brought up Ingram cat Larry marinin his trade options but you know who’s better than all those guys Julius Randall talk about it we’re gonna put some respect on 30’s name today let’s go I don’t get this trade Randall stuff Butler and Paul George are old and Randall’s on a good contract yeah for the most part I’m team Stan Pat if we didn’t get injured we would have easily G given Boston the best series we have incredible players and now we know what we’re up against I think the most important parts of the offseason just keep OG and Isaiah potentially bring Rus Pocus over to fill that backup point guard go yakobus y he’s hungry to prove himself in the NBA and with him and Deuce I think the backup back court would be pretty strong the Alec Burks is Insurance possibly trade Buon if Isaiah leaves Nick Richards could be strong or Looney um the only players I would trade Randall for are Giannis and if he gets his head on straight Zion because those are the only guys I see that are true Talent upgrades randle’s a three-time All-Star two-time all-nba and we’re just gonna trade him I I don’t think it’s a good deal but I think we’re contenders right now we saw this team in January and I think we should run it back okay appreciate the call man good to hear from you yes y I’m here I’m here all right I have one question for you before I go yep yep so jayen Brown just won Finals MVP correct yep do you think Jaylen Brunson is a better player and why I like two-way players I I I got to go with two-way players I got to give the two-way player the the nod there um but you know different roles though as well Jaylen Brown if J if you put Jaylen Brown on this next team are they a better team no I don’t think so you know he’s he’s in a different position but for his team you know I got to give the edge to a two-way player man he he took on he took on Luca donic and then on the other side he’s scoring he’s playmaking for Boston but again different roles completely different roles it’s it’s ex it is extremely sorry it is extremely difficult to be a two-way player in the league and I don’t think we give those guys enough credit I I really don’t that’s why we need to keep OG definitely there you go there you go appreciate it man call back anytime Harrison Dolan on the Discord okay yeah when it comes to that I gotta give uh I got I Gotta Give the nod to to the uh to the two-way player someone says no left-hand Jaylen Brown well where is he putting that championship bring on the left for the right cuz Boston doesn’t get it without him and they’re a deep team hoop hype Hoops hype top 30 players for the 23 24 season Brunson six Tatum Brown seven and eight you know that’s just one man’s list that’s just one one source’s list B sued F out Super Chat says you can do sadique Bay and Deon dejonte Murray for buan with the RJ OG trade exception what do you think I think the Hawks will need a lot more it’s going to have to be a lot of draft compensation going to have to put a lot of draft compensation in there for the Hawks as they could be rebuilding but yeah I I like I like uh DeAndre Hunter though I think that could be a sleeper pick pickup levels on the Discord levels go ahead levels levels go ahead hey hear me loud and clear what’s your name where you calling in from uh this is levels I’m calling in from New York Queens New York Queens get the money let’s go get it in perspective salute CP salute Nick fan TV salute everybody absolutely So speaking from the bleacher report at M buckets everybody’s asking how do you feel about miles Bridges or Kelly UB my thoughts on UB have changed since I saw him last year with uh with Philly I always looked at him as a dog not like a dog like a tough player like a dog like a guy who dogs it like a straight up Chuck and not really focused you know he’s one of those guys or like if they had the mental toughness to go with their physical ability they’d be way better than they’ve played out than their careers have played out but it it seems like he found uh some stability there with Nick nurse in Philadelphia they definitely got him on a steal if you’re talking about the midlevel exception for him yeah by by all means I would go get a play like that I think you can get exceptional value there I’m sorry yeah he surpr he surprised me in the playoffs how he playing defense and everything on Brunson making it a little tough yeah on him a for a couple games I think he’ll be a good fit well and I I don’t know what Charlotte’s situation is with Miles bridges too but I think he’s a good fit for for our bench as well yeah and and they’re saying Philadelphia will be in on Miles Bridges as well a lot a lot of Nicks fans have asked about I mean again he’s another guy are you where are you playing him if you bring him in here you you could you could he he would I think he would be open to coming off the Nick bench I don’t think he would start on this next team but he would be able to come off the bench and probably give you some good minutes yeah in the bogey roll um I don’t know a guy like AES Bridges he’s trying to get the bag yeah and also it’s it’s a backup point guard that’s very by low right now on the market mhm and I think we should take an eye on him he killed us a couple times in MSG I’ve been there in the building I don’t know how you feel about him but how does a name like Josh giddy sound I think it sounds terrible based on his history I don’t think the garden’s going for that yeah I don’t think the G’s going for that I don’t think the I I mean again I the miles Bridge the same way like like are the Knicks going to go in that direction with with these guys and and yeah both of them got cleared but I don’t know I I don’t think the Knicks go that way a guy like miles Bridges he’s 26 years old does he come off the bench for the Knicks I don’t I don’t see it because I think I heard rumors about um the sun trying to make a push for Miles bridges too back at the trade deadline but he would he would have been coming off the bench as well so yeah I’m not so yeah but that’s that’s just all I really have honestly I think the Knicks should just keep the team the same running back with Randall try to resign ihart and OG at all cost and just see what it could have been okay and and draft draft do use the two draft picks use them appreciate the call man appreciate the call rate that call in the chat my guy levels on the Discord rate that call in the chat man one being trash five being facts he’s putting miles Bridges and Josh giddy into the mix Jersey Boy KB on the bleach report says o definitely changed my mind about him in the playoffs likewise I agree he he he played a lot better and if you’re talking about the mid-level exception getting a depth piece by all means go for it you know a couple of the targets who I like with the midlevel when my man talked about a backup point guard is tyus Jones and I still like Monte mors even though he had injury play season last year when I think about the Nick’s culture fit his ability to play defense and knock down to three I think him and Deuce would kind of be that you know Dollar Tree Drew and white just getting after it on the on the defensive end with those second units so I do wonder if the Knicks would have some interest there he went to to Detroit really didn’t play and then he went to to uh to the Timberwolves Mir ra said I had to get out the shower to rate that a one so amaza says I love miles Bridges you know that the Knicks have not shown much interest with guys who have you know some dark clouds on their resume whether whether it’s legit or not whether they get cleared or not the Knicks have been playing it safe so I don’t know I I giddy giddy’s not a guy that’s on my radar and Miles Bridges isn’t the guy that’s on my radar so all right so this this is what we’ve heard so far from the callers I gave y’all my five Mitchell kuso vich Hunter Murray I think it’s a mix of lower end mid mid tier players to higher end tier mid-tier players like a Murray to Allstar like a Donovan Mitchell who’s probably of the big names to me still getable and I wouldn’t necessarily count that out now the callers have called in with their opinions we’ve heard miles Bridges Nick Richards Josh giddy who else who who else did we hear who else was the name that people threw out there and that that’s what I’m saying it’s it’s going to be interesting man I think the moves that the Knicks make will be a name that as as it usually is the case Cas someone who you haven’t really heard much on the on the rumor report on the hot stove tento says he likes the tus Jones idea dop pesi trade for Hunter Murray grab Green from Chicago he’s cheap I like that Eddie SFL fight out Super Chat says is ihart someone that tibs created can he do this elsewhere heat are known for this players don’t look as good anywhere else well look he gave tibs a lot of credit for his development ihart did come in here already with a high I think IQ offensively in terms of moving the ball he shot the three ball a little bit more with the clippers but no question his defensive rebounding and his defense overall improved under Tom Tibido not saying that that’s Irreplaceable I’m just saying whether the Knicks are right now I feel like he gives him tremendous balance offensively and versatility offensively and being another guy that can help move the ball for you stoic J Patrick Williams I think he stays with the bulls I I think he stays with the bulls Patrick Beverly I’m totally out on Beverly man I’m done with Beverly man I was asked that the other day on an interview I’m the the Beverly name is more impactful than Beverly the player man I’m I’m good man I think he talks way more than he can deliver these days I’m not impressed with anything that he does on the court he’d be more annoying than anything else I I I I just don’t think that the the Beverly move is necessary for the Knicks men somebody said what’s up with kosma well remember kosma had a chance to go to Dallas how much do things change in these NBA Finals do they even get there they get kman in the mix he passed it down I don’t understand why you did that you had a chance to get out of Washington get out of a dump like Washington and then go to go to Dallas with Kyrie and and Luca and he turned it down so again if he comes here is he looking for a bench roll because that’s all I see where else he going to play kozma I think he will leave Washington eventually but I don’t know what is ker really trying to do yeah yeah forget the Patrick bevly stuff man he’s a podcaster not a not an NBA player anymore again the name when Pat BB used to be a dog and he was get generating his name as a guy who got it out the mud he was very much a guy who I would love for here now it’s it’s not worth it the juice ain’t worth the squeeze as they say shout out to my guys on bleach report shout out to my guys on Facebook on YouTube we are rocking in here heavy man if you guys are new in the chat once again leave me a hashtag new I’ll shout you guys out we got damn near 1500 people watching on YouTube and I completely forgot man this is how I’m so much on my Nick wve I said lunchtime grind and some people still working like emergency workers Transportation people but it is juneth it’s a national holiday so we came on right at the nick of time no pun intended cuz you guys are home I’m the only one working so so I hope you guys are enjoying the show so far I forget totally forgot man juneth national holiday totally forgot um another quick reminder tonight we got NBA draft part two Q&A with my guy Chris LeBron if you guys want to talk about prospects if you want to learn about prospects this is this show for you to do so call in this is an interactive show call in bring your brick to the table and and we’re going to build that way man we’re going to get into it with my guy Chris LeBron that’s going to be at 700 p.m. eastern time then Thursday tomorrow at 12 o’clock My Guy Kenny Albert is joining the show Kenny’s got a new book out came out last year called a Mike for all seasons and we’re going to talk to Kenny about his illustrious career we’re obviously going to talk to Kenny about Nicks and much much more man so I’m looking forward to that show very much so looking forward to that show man I highly respect Kenny and his career son of the Hall of Fame Legend Marv Albert so Kenny Albert’s going to be here on Thursday we’re going to do draft uh tonight so hey we we uh we keep it going here on the number one show for the fans by the fans so make sure you guys like share and subscribe Darlene Bryan I see you in the chat salute will ladimer said he’s on the grind so shout out to will Michael Ortega’s on the grind salute man everybody on the grind in this national holiday we appreciate you man wall flower greetings from Romania salute Jean Paradiso salute man yeah maybe we’ll do we got to figure out some more blogs to do man we definitely got to figure out some more blogs to do as well tento in the Bleacher Report singing The Gospel man he says subscribe on on YouTube absolutely definitely we got we got uh a good crowd here on Bleacher Report as well good crowd on Facebook so salute to you guys um f out super chat from Joshua margoles says what about a Garland and Allen for bogey mitching 3 first you never getting that from Cleveland that’s not going to happen so we’ll see there’s gar is Garland the odd man out there certainly possible but I I don’t think you get that from from uh you got to you got to pay to play man my man’s working working on 2K trades while he’s home while he’s off from school he’s he’s working on two 2K trades all right we’ll take a couple more calls before we wrap uh who else we got okay DJ I see we’re gonna close with DJ on the Discord yeah s s on the Discord un mute your mic can’t see the full name stay mellow stay mellow there you go let’s go hey hey I lost you again you still there yeah loud and Clay how you feeling hey hey how’s going this is the will from North Carolina calling in okay what’s up will uh basically the one thing I want to talk about is I think we should talk about Brandon one um I think if we get Brandon Ingram I think that’s going to give us a lot of Versatility who who you trading for Ingram though where and where do you see him playing I think we could put him at the two because you know I mean he’s a good shot Creator he playm makes for others and I think we give up bogey give up Mitch and give up picks for him and then I know another caller the other day was talking about Nick Richards and maybe we can swap out you know G him play back up that heart but yeah that’s that’s all I got appreciate it man appreciate it yeah I like I like the the Richard’s uh potential I think that one certainly has potential now this caller rate that call in the chat man one being trash five being facts this caller thinks that Ingram can play the two I I don’t see it Anthony Martin says Ingram helps us flip for a true star well once you hit the second apron you can’t aggregate contracts so I think the flip talk is it’s not nice but I’m not sure if it’s as realistic when it comes down to it Brandon Ingram at the two I don’t know I I I just don’t see it uh the six-footer and the Bleacher Report Kevin Durant would be a nice pair of Brunson I think he’d be perfect from what we’ve heard from Phoenix is those guys are none of those guys are available I wouldn’t want Bradley Beal nowhere near Bradley Beal but for and Durant those guys aren’t available you know Phoenix isn’t going to bail on that plan just yet maybe things change by next year’s trade deadline or by the end of next year but new ownership once they got rid of the coach you’re going to try to see that investment through even though it seems like a flop right now things can change but as of right now seems like a bit of a flop that trade okay all right who else we got here um let make sure the phone lines are cleared oh phone lines are not cleared we got a ton all right rapid fire people let’s go through the phones 203 what’s name where you calling it from Rapid Fire hey CP yo this frag guy 1906 man Frack guy man so let’s go yeah man so I think that um the front office should do everything they can to to resign uh OG and uh iHeart but if not I think uh a backup plan would be to sign uh sign a big man uh and get a try to draft the big man from the draft like somebody like Ed from Purdue and also um try to do everything they can to try to trade for Murray the Jon Murray and a hunter that would be a good look for for for our bench but I know de Jon is not coming off the bench he he he would want to be a starter but hunter would be a good pickup for for the bench what you think yeah I agree man they’re in my top five those who are my top five I think Hunter and Murray will be solid pickups for us for sure appreciate the call man this going to go rapid fire through the phone 646 what’s your name where you calling in from yeah 646 is Joel from Brooklyn hey peace peace how you feeling man happy juneth man happy juneth my guy appreciate you all you do this first time caller um but my my I wouldn’t say high take is essentially OG is G gonna end up doing a descending deal if You’ seen what this front office has been doing a lot of times they do these these descending deals uh they did it with with brunson’s contract I feel like uh it’s going to be a big number this first year but it’s going to descend and additionally the salary cap is going to keep you know increasing and especially you know looking at the ihart deal because I’m pretty sure we’re gonna bring him back there’s a lot of first and second apron consideration so look to see what we do on on the draft like if we if we keep the the draft pick and we pick up a center like the last Coler Set uh look at that very you know with with your eye you know because we might end up having to move Mitch just because of first and second apron okay considerations appreciate the call man appreciate the call yes sir good call man all right 516 what’s your name where you calling in from hello hello yes what’s your name where you calling in from CP what’s good man this is 97101 calling in oh what’s good man how you feeling man yeah I’m feeling well man thank you for having me on the show I know you for me in the chat let me call in and come for him respectfully and po all that so here here’s my thing right we talking about putting Talent on the team and so I mentioned bi and OG I understand it’s not a perfect fit however it gives us versatility it gives us length PS he’s somebody who can get his own shot who can create for others who can be a ball handler he’s an Allstar an Olympian he’s played with other talented allar Cali players as in Zion and CJ McCullum so we’re going to Force anything i’ rather force that deante Murray that’s fair but but again you know at least with Deon Murray you can you can play him at the two you can bring him off the bench well be you really gonna bring him in as a two I mean if it’s not I’m saying it’s not perfect but we play RJ at the two so we could play RJ at the two we D could play be at the two and we going against we going up against the Celtics and their wings yeah and he don’t gotta play the to for 40 minutes you still got Dante you still got D you know what I’m saying so again it’s not perfect but we need talented we need talent we need versatility we need scores we can get their own shot everything can’t be on Brunson all the time at least at least be is a ball hander as well I know it’s not perfect but I’d rather go with that than a than a muray or even a um um a spider at this point in time okay appreciate the call man call back anytime all right peace and he’s in the chat right now people so let him know how you feel man one being trash five being facts let that guy know how you feel man now mean son 101 man add him add him in the chat 4470 did I go to you already CP what’s up brother who’s this this is RA from Atlanta oh how you doing man all right so I had I had a comment a question about the draft but I want to make a comment about the Lori marketing thing yeah what do you think about Lorie marketing not for Randall but for banovic and pick where we can have him coming off the bench he’s Rand security he’s only 16 of the year so he keeps us under the second apron and depending on what happens we can keep him off the bench we can replace Randall it makes us a little more flexible that’s what I thought about marketing uh but my actual question was Ryan Dunn I was watching another Nicks podcaster and he was reading Ryan Dunn’s High School Scouting Report going into college and they said his best asset was his shooting three L scorer good mid-range good pullup it was a legion of Knicks podcast he read through the whole thing and his scoring was supposed to be his biggest emphasis is it that he got to college and that system didn’t work for him have you heard this before that’s my question yeah for the time great question great call call back anytime we’re gonna talk about that with our guy Chris LeBron man on tonight’s draft show which is going to start at 700 p.m. eastern time we’re going to talk Ryan Dunn he did work out for the and and this was the second comment I had heard on that matter where um someone had left a comment I think on the draft Q&A part one with our guy Cory tulo you guys can tap into that and they were saying that they felt like he was being utilized incorrectly at Virginia so you know I’ll let you guys in the chat you guys who who have who have covered the draft a bit better than I have comment on it I would love to learn that because if people feel like a shot will come back around in the right NBA system then I’m all for it go get this guy this is the best Wing defender in the draft bring him on board but if he’s going to be in the construction business leave him at home we need Shooters we need efficiency we don’t need Isaac koros now they think he’s a game-changing Defender I’d love to hear that he bring some more Wing defense some more wing span some more athleticism all excellent but I got to be confident that he can shoot the ball at at you know at least at an NBA level man before before I even consider it but it’s going to be but going to be interesting to see man we we’ll talk to Chris LeBron about that along with other prospects that the Knicks potentially have on their radar and Chris will also be giving you his top picks as well man 760 what’s your name where you calling in from 760 all right he’s out of there 919 what’s your name where you calling in from no CP uh peace blessings and positive vibes blesss and positive vibes man my guy man how you doing sham how you feeling bro ah man happy juneth happy juneth unfortunately I’m one of the people that has to work out here today okay um We Salute You Man on the grind um one name that um we haven’t talked about as a potential if leaves what about Andre Drummond how do you feel about him as potential backup yeah I mentioned that name um you know wouldn’t be a priority for me if I’m the Knicks but yeah yeah you know you could you could certainly look into to bring him Drummond not back but back home to back up Mitch did did really well last year so undervalued last year underpaid last year for the Bulls I would look into it get them for cheap get them for cheap get them for cheap yeah and um player I would I would like to have probably would be sadique Bay I don’t know if that would be possible no o OG is not very say don’t pencil some time out for Mitch you’re gonna have to pencil some time out for OG as well absolutely we need to be healthy and you know it’s things I got right now everything else is p to the sky like yeah I would love to have them as I three yeah but again that’s not possible yeah okay appreciate the call man appreciate the call I think your call was coming in and out so uh pause but um yeah no I I agree with that you know sadique bay I don’t think he’s Untouchable I think you could you could put anything up against sadique Bay but as an OG replacement or no as a depth piece sure but um with OG yeah he’s another guy who you could you could pencil in injury time with unfortunately uh shout out to Tron Senor in the chat says hot take if OG doesn’t opt out signs an extension more flexibility with the Knicks front office meaning yeah if he if he doesn’t opt out if he takes his player option this year and then looks to reup in the future sure but but an injury injury played guy like that you think he’s really going to leave money off the table to pass on it I mean I get it and and how it would help the Knicks but I think he’s going to be looking to help himself first and you can’t really blame him because if he goes into this year and let’s say God forbid you know loses the entire season half a season due to a major injury then he’s going to cost himself next year certainly possible that he gives a Knicks a break but a a a guy with his status I think he’s gonna take the money King D close us out king D on the Discord CP can you hear me loud and clear sir King DJ on the checkin let’s go let’s go man first and foremost I’m G do this rapid fire so you can close up shot salute to you salute to everyone in the chat gang hit that thumbs up button for your boy we’ll talk draft later CP when I get home I just want to I just want to tap in on the theory that you presented and shout out to my guy D black on Twitter he’s been a huge advocate of Hunter as the backup Wing behind OG Nick fans you remember what Hunter did to us in that Atlanta series G and RJ ging every Dereck Rose ging Rand one-on-one yeah with Clint capella and and um and John C following and stalking so CP if we could do that trade you know get both of those guys de jonte and and and Hunter and I know it might cost you McBride but for everyone that’s you know I’m team McBride to the law firm to the fullest but the problem is if you get DJ and look at those Spurs numbers man if you get DJ here backing up Brunson they’ll split the time on the point guard position and then you got Hunter backing up OG you got death lineups of Hunter and OG you got Dante and Hart Off the Bench it’s a good formula man so I just wanted to give you a shout out I like that a lot hopefully they can look into it I’m not so sure what’s going to happen because you know the Hawks is looking at uh either Donovan or the or the French kid it seemed I don’t know where Lance was going again shout out to you man that was a good idea I’m all for it it might cost us McBride it’s not just gonna be Mitch and bojn but it might cost us McBride but if you could get DJ and Hunter that’s the way to be Boston they took out two and replaced two with with Christ stops and and um and Drew so you got to do that same formula man so shout out to you yes shout out to everyone man let’s go next I’m with it man salute King D Man way to close the show appreciate you man yeah I I think Hunter would be a good under the radar piece depth piece for the Knicks and again you kind of got to look you know when you think about the list or the list that I even gave you you have to think about it in the lens of what the Knicks have to trade who’s out there and you and again what they what the assets that they have to trade for so that’s why it’s a little bit of a mix yeah these names individually may not jump off the charts like oh man what a fantastic player but you have to think about how they would help this team move forward and how they would fit this team moving forward that that’s why I came up with the list that I did but you guys have more ideas man keep the conversation going leave a comment in the chat leave a comment on the under the video shout out to the replay gang leave a comment on Bleacher Report Facebook Twitter wherever you guys are watching this from at me ni Fant TV at CP the franchise on all major podcast platform or all major platforms rather and remember that the show’s available in audio podcast format man no reason to miss it we’re available in all major podcast platforms let me get through the super chats and um and we’ll wrap up for today’s show James Whitfield Dr Isaiah Jackson on my fanchise channel members appreciate it Darius Thomas says backup forward Andrew Wiggins he can fill in as a starter reunited with tibs I say no thank you uh you know I don’t know again with Wiggins he’s got family stuff just doesn’t seem like he’s locked in on basketball right now and I would stay far away from him Fred Wong $ Super Chat says no trades only free agents clay PG bbo ubre don’t worry about the cap you pay whatever the tax is for a championship I think Clay’s Beyond washed uh he’s another guy who I wouldn’t necessarily Target that’s just my opinion PG I wouldn’t do it I mean b bow whatever I I don’t see much in him and UB I would take him on on mid level for sure be sued got that already Andre Brown fight out Super Chat says OG’s a the poor man’s Kawhi Leonard Amari STM Vibes I hope not but I don’t think you you could could argue that right now but we’ll see hopefully not though hopefully not uh Eddie SFL appreciate it Joshua Mar Gilles appreciate the Super Chat and okay Burt five out Super Chat says I feel like we need to be more practical in free agencies in draft Gary Trent Jr shedy Osman Malik monk in the draft a senior that’s ready maybe it definitely want to go with upper classman or or anybody that’s really going to be Plug and Play ready I don’t think the Knicks are really look for guys to be on the development track somebody that can come in here and be a back end of the rotation player would be ideal and those guys typically are are upper classman but you just never know you might find a diamond in the rough next GG Jackson if you will I think you know that that would be great there all right so that’s my Spiel salute to everybody who tapped in once again man great show constructive conversation that’s what we looking for on these shows and uh be sure to tap in like share subscribe thanks again for your time today ladies and gentlemen happy juneth and enjoy the rest of your day peace

Knicks Offseason Central: OG Anunoby Headed To Philly?! | Top 5 Trade Targets


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0:00 – Knicks Offseason Central Ep. 1!
2:20 – OG’s return is no guarantee!
14:45 – Bruce Brown to the Knicks?
17:25 – Brandon Ingram to NY?
21:55 – Knicks don’t need Jimmy Butler!
25:00 – Lauri Markkanen?
29:40 – CP’s Top 5 Trade Targets!
41:20 – Ty from Brooklyn
43:10 – Reece from Harlem
47:20 – Christopher Blake
53:00 – Harrison Dolan
57:00 – Levels from Queens
1:06:45 – Upcoming KFTV Content!
1:09:15 – RAPID FIRE Calls!
1:24:40 – Superchats + Outro!

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  1. In the previous years we’ve been in a much worse position going into the off season. I’m really not worried about OG at all, if he wants to go, we’ll take the cap space and move on. Leon has shown that this team will compete no matter what. We can offer OG the most money, so clearly if he doesn’t stay it wasn’t meant to be. This team will be just fine as long as we have Brunson, Thibs and Leon.

  2. Knicks better stop playing around .. WE HAVE 1st DIBS ON OG.. there’s no way after this past season we’ve seen what OG has done as soon as he touched down in NY, just for us to play games and further more push him into the arms of PHILADELPHIA OF ALL PLACES. Pay him. Can’t give away our future for a player that you end up losing couple months later. The deal should of been done YESTERDAY

  3. OG already burned us getting hurtin in the playoffs, our biggest fear with him already happened & now he turning down a nice contract?…. Nah Im good ill move onto the next, this is a cancer to the locker room waiting to happen in my view ….let IHart go too & get a bigger 5, IHart to small for playoff basketball & this frees up ALOT of cap space to play with

    0:00 – Knicks Offseason Central Ep. 1!
    2:20 – OG’s return is no guarantee!
    14:45 – Bruce Brown to the Knicks?
    17:25 – Brandon Ingram to NY?
    21:55 – Knicks don’t need Jimmy Butler!
    25:00 – Lauri Markkanen?
    29:40 – CP’s Top 5 Trade Targets!
    41:20 – Ty from Brooklyn
    43:10 – Reece from Harlem
    47:20 – Christopher Blake
    53:00 – Harrison Dolan
    57:00 – Levels from Queens
    1:06:45 – Upcoming KFTV Content!
    1:09:15 – RAPID FIRE Calls!
    1:24:40 – Superchats + Outro!

  5. By all means, the smart move for OG is to get paid. But overlooking his fit in NY is going to lessen his chances in getting a chip. It depends on what OG wants right now. If he stayed in Toronto then they should have gone to the semifinals… right? Nope. I don’t think so. I just hope a balance in what everyone wants can be found & the Knicks don’t end up over paying for a player who won’t be available when we most need him.

  6. For ME, I trust the front office who had time to figure all this out is why they are paid for the big bucks

  7. Im an O.G detractor. I thought it was a bad trade. You dont trade 2 young 20pts a game players for a injury prone role player.

    He has proven me wrong thus far but the verdict is still out.

  8. I love OG, but over $200 mil is #1 money. He's not a #1. He's a key piece to the team, but not a max player

  9. We need players to get us over the hump for a title. Mid tier players don’t put us over the top. Re sign OG and IHart and go get Mitchell! ASAP been waiting for this opportunity for years now. They know he wants to be a Knick go get him now!

  10. Hunter would be a good pickup. Maybe draft Kel'el Ware and Terrence Shannon. Would Burks even be able to return?
    Murray would also be a good move.

  11. Dejounte at the #2 is my top move, he protects Brunson, gives us scoring off the bench in Donte, if needed it allows us to internally replace OG w/ Hart…we could have alot of cap space & get what we really need in depth moves rather than tying up 50mil in 2 players in OG & IHart who both failed us in this last playoff run

  12. Raptors fan here.

    I was sad to see OG traded, But the Raptors can set themselves up for a competitive offer.

    In a way, it'd be like the Knicks were a "Semester Abroad", and then he comes home during the Summer.

    Here's hoping.

  13. You can’t keep both of these centers one has to go! Whoever goes you replace them through the draft. Trade for Hunter and sign a veteran PG n I think we will be fine

  14. What we need more than anything is size! We need a player who can match up with KP because we have no answer for him on the roster. If we want to win a championship during this window with Brunson we will have to go through Boston.

  15. In my opinion , if he’s playing hard ball and we ain’t got the money let his bum ass walk , what’s the point in having him if he can’t stay on the court , overpaying him will be a disaster especially when he’s always hurt , he’s worse than Mitch , at least Mitch gives you some streaches of playing time and plays hurt which shows the boy got heart – OG trying to corner the Knicks shows selfishness MAJOR PET PEEV , I’ll let him walk fu.. Him he ain’t nobody in this league no Allstar or anything , he plays hard ball let him walk we got to the playoffs without him we don’t need him 👎👎

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