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Previewing wings in the 2024 NBA draft: Ron Holland | PHLY Sixers

Previewing wings in the 2024 NBA draft: Ron Holland | PHLY Sixers

we are going to go to a younger player with a lot of questions maybe because a lot of people don’t know much about him we go to in this particular name here go to the g-league ignite and we go with Ron Holland the 18-year-old 67 forward that we’re going to throw at y Derek Bodner right now yeah that I mean that’s a guy that Kyle’s been referencing that I am higher on than I think everybody else um went to g- League ignite was pretty much a top option for most of the year was initiating a lot and I think real early on in the season he looked completely overmatched like some of the turnovers were bad it looked like he was getting sped up trying to do too much driving too deep in the defense and the shooting is a it’s it’s bad it’s bad right now now part of that I think is you know that they play at the NBA line they play farther back than college players do so I think that transition can be tough you usually see players go from college to the NBA and struggle so I think the distance is part of that I think part of it is the fact that he is self-creating more than he probably ever will in his life and more than he did in high school I don’t think he’s a lead guard I think he’s a three or a four at his Peak if he works out I think he’s still like a third option kind of Creator but I think that kind of brought up a lot of his weaknesses and massed a lot of his strengths and I do think like if you start off from a defensive standpoint I think he is the best defender in this group by a a pretty wide margin really think that’s that’s easy to I think his combination he’s uh just under 66 without shoes six 11 wingspan 88 reach his measurables are great his intensity is great he moves his feet well defensively I think he’s got the tools to be an impact Defender both in terms of you know manto man on the perimeter and also being a switchable Defender as well and I think when you start talking about Holland that is where it starts so then it comes down to all right well if you get him away from the creation that he was doing a lot in the G League get him into like an off ball rooll which is going to have to involve shooting and right now he’s not there yet 24% on catch and shoot shots last year 27.4% off the dribble that’s not nearly good enough um I don’t think the form is a complete disaster but I also think there’s a lot of like pre-shot footwork uh that needs to improve his balance seems like is off things that I think he can learn I don’t think it’s complete Lost Cause but there is a lot of of progress that needs to be made but if he can do that and he’s playing like like I said a spot up role an attack Closeouts role an occasional creation role uh an occasional slashing role I think he has a chance to do that I think he’s got the um leaping ability uh to be like I said a cutter I think he’s willing to take and absorb contact um like I said the the the defensive tools are best among this group and I even think he has some passing upside just not as a primary guy like he was there I think he was in a bad spot with the ignite I think the tools are there if there’s any like I said I’m either going for the the the safe pick in Silva or I’m going with the high upside guy in Holland swing one of the two and he is my upside guy so I want to ask you this Derek while we’re on the topic of the shot because I want to see if I’m imagining this from what I watched it felt like he was better and more comfortable as a pullup guy than a catchy either he’s not good at either but it the mechanics and the whole shooting process looked more natural he was very hesitant as a catch and shoot guy and I think part of that is that he was creating so much of their offense but part of it he’s just not confident in that shot I do think you’re probably right in terms of like using one or two dribbles didn’t necessarily proved the effectiveness but it seemed like it maybe put him into a more of a comfort zone is the way I would phrase it okay so I just wanted to make sure that that wasn’t something I imagine it just kind of jumped out at me a little bit so to Derek’s point the things that you like about him I think he’s a physical player who wants to use those tools all those athletic tool because there are a lot of guys that like plenty of guys throughout NBA history had great wingspan great athletic tools and beg them to defend I don’t think there’s that I don’t think you’re going to get a lot of those oh head in the clouds I’m I’m lost off ball moments I think if anything he probably skews toward not quite as far but into that like Thy bable Camp of over aggression he’s gonna take some silly fouls or run through people and he’s gonna overp pursue but I would rather deal with that problem and work on the process of reigning him in and saying hey like not every play needs to be a steal a block a jump into a passing lane or trying to rip a guy with his handle but I think the fact that he takes defense as personally as he does is a really good sign and we were talking about it with the guards yesterday that also gives him a pretty immediate path to playing if he wants to and will defend right away that would be excellent so that’s good he’s a good transition player great so that that’s how he made a lot of his a lot of his meals in uh on the g-league ignite unfortunately I just do not believe in him at all as a half court player don’t believe in the shot shot like what was it 24% on on catch and shoot shots which is just absolutely disgusting the mechanics we talked about I think the problem with the lack of a jumper is I don’t really love him as an on ball guy you have to limit him to a lot of just like catch go and as I was talking about with ker who’s a guy I do like at us as a guard he runs into those problems that ker does or did at USC where he doesn’t want to take the shots or the release is too slow to take the shot and then you just dribble into traffic and and there’s nowhere to go and I think the difference between him and ker ker is at least like a he’s below average Holland is a straight up bad shooter and he’s one that he’ll be on The Scouting Report like do not guard and that could turn into you’re just letting that guy stand in the corner and bomb away and he they could junk up your offense in a big way to the point I was making earlier though that Devon was uh talking about the the pro ready guys versus I do think if you want to make the upside case for him to Derek’s point I think that ignite team that situation was a disaster for him asking him to be like a 28 % usage guy is just complete bananas it was something he’d never done and if you go back to you know obviously played at a high level playing for Team USA he’s a really good high school player has a lot of good priors so if you believe in those priors if you say okay he was one of the best players in his class he chose this path and looks like it just flamed out and didn’t work for him at all and now there are all these questions about him that didn’t necessarily exist before you would say okay we’re pick 16 we’re a team that’s not expecting to be you know a lottery team or even like a top 20 pick team year in and year out why not just swing for the fences and so I that part I get I just these are the types of players I used to say oh you just got to learn how to shoot and I’ve watched so many of them just they just never get that like even if they get there it’s a low volume 34 35% and once you get to the playoffs I I just don’t think they’ll guard him so I I I don’t believe in him absolutely a chance that happen but look I hope he gets there because I like I love guys who buy in like he does defensively I want him to make it I just don’t know if I see it if he had a projectable jump shot with confidence he would be at top five to seven yes um and really if you’re trying to carve out a role for him the only thing he has to improve on is a set shot to a sign obviously everything needs a little bit of growth and development but in terms of a significant tweak the only thing that really needs to impr improve dramatically is a jump shot and I think he is you know a lot of guys you say like all right well you’ll just scale back his offense well a lot of guys a don’t want to scale back their offense and B like you mentioned aren’t going to buy in defensively to where that’s realistically going to be an impact player on a scaled back third or fourth option I think he will so it’s legitimately if you can just make him into a good spot of shooter then you have a really good role player for a long time and probably a player who has more than role player upside but it’s a massive question for sure it’s a massive [Music] [Applause] question May

Kyle, Devon and Derek discuss G League Ignite’s Ron Holland and what might make him a top target in this year’s draft.

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