@Boston Celtics

Celtics to give Jayson Tatum $315M extension, MLB legend Willie Mays dies at 93 | FIRST THINGS FIRST

Celtics to give Jayson Tatum $315M extension, MLB legend Willie Mays dies at 93 | FIRST THINGS FIRST

live from New York it’s the show it’s wishing you a happy juneth it’s first things first today he’s getting the money and he deserves the money that’s we all agree on that right I mean this is what it is he should get that okay so yeah I mean I think that this question he should get this yeah I mean he is it’s going to be the biggest contract ever temporarily like there are going to be other jayen Browns was the biggest this is a player getting his third deal at his level of all NBAs right get this is what they get so yes I I don’t think there’s any smart debate about whether or not you max out Jason you got a championship so yeah but yes he does have something to prove which is that he can play his best in the NBA Finals that’s what he’s got to prove now I don’t equate that when he has to win a finals MVP but obviously if he plays his best there’s a good chance he would get that I do think the general public will be waiting assuming they win again waitting for him to be the MVP like if they get back to the finals next year the year after whenever the storyline just or one of the story lines like it was with will be well it might depend on who’s in it like is he facing Luca if it’s Luca I think it’ll be bigger can Luca finally get one or whatever but that’ll be a big storyline will he be the finals MVP so yeah he’s got that to prove I’m sure personally he also should be shooting for an MVP not at the you demise of the team but yeah you’re a player that great you would like to get an MVP on board yeah it’s on the board cuz next year I think yic it’s gon to be hard for joic to get his fourth in five years okay all right especially coming off a second round exit Giannis will be there luk there Luka will be there but Luca I think took a little bit of a hit I don’t think he starts with any type of Head Start I think he took a little bit of a hit this postseason a lot of people this postseason this finals this finals a lot of people I don’t think he I think he played well but I think people were disappointed in him in the finals think and so I think I think I think he will start even even with SGA and I think Tatum will be there like if they win have the best record in the league next year and he is clearly their best player first team all NBA I think he’s got a very good shot to get that’s what happened this year yeah but if it happens again coming off a championship I think he’s got a good shot so I so listen here’s I this is a question you think he has a shot at D no no no I I’m not saying that what I’m the I’m saying that I don’t think those qualifiers necessarily will do him more favors than they did him this year I I think it’s going to have to be something different but I I think it’s what is he trying to be so like professionally right does I’m going to use you as an example Wilds if I may does Kevin Wilds have anything more to prove well what are you trying to prove so here’s what I mean this is not a shot I’m using you compliment getting my defens no don’t get your defenses up if it was if your goal was to show the world I can be one of the best Sports Talk hosts moderators personalities then no you have nothing to prove oh I think I think you already have done that disag if okay just play along with me for a moment pleas not even gosh darn it can I I don’t can I just finish think he agrees with if your goal was I one day am going to be on the same iconography as my idol David Letterman then you got a lot more to prove yeah so here’s my point with Tatum what’s Tatum’s goal is Tatum if Tatum’s goal is be the best Celtic since Larry Bird he’s probably on Pace I got a shot he’s got like he’s got I think he and Paul Pierce have a big right and Paul Pierce never made first Team all NBA I feel like it has Peak Pierce was better than Tatum but I think Tatum right now is trending towards right so but I think Tatum is trending towards being the best Celtic of the last 30 years like best career of a Celtic of the last since Larry Bird if that’s the goal and that’s where it ends he’s already a champion then no if the goal is be a perennial real MVP candidate crack that top three player in the world World conversation legitimately then yes he has a lot more to prove I think I know what his goal is what’s that to be the best player in the league okay well then he his goal I don’t think he is but I think he has miles more to prove that’s kind of my point like the right now he is on it the trajectory of the I think Paul Pierce is a fe a fair one like a consistently excellent Pierce though who okay sure in that pierce had a long run where they weren’t very good they made a Conference Finals early but then remember the after they got rid of anine Walker they had a stretch maybe uh uh a slightly different version because now he has a ring Clyde Drexler trajectory something like that that tier of player that is where he’s at about that Clyde Drexler so if he wants to be in that next tier which is a real this is like what you were saying about NFL teams a lot easier go from three wins to seven wins then 10 wins to 13 wins that next tier is a hard tier to get to cuz then we’re like oh you’re like in the Charles Barkley Kevin Garnett Apex of Garnett tier that’s a hard tier to crack yeah and so if if that’s where he’s trying to get to then yeah he has a lot more what he’s got the way he gets there because he’s not right now on the level of jic Luca and Yan they’re just incredibly unique all three of them and he’s not as unique as them but it’s going to have to be win like winning more championships and being great in the finals like if he wins another championship and is great in the finals he might even have to win more than that but he’s you know those are the things he’s got to do what do you go ahead no he hubs told me in my ear and I think it’s seventh best MVP odds sandwich between Anthony Edwards and Jaylen Brunson so so if he’s with the same I think that’s yeah that’s right newsworthy because we’re talking like best Celtics since Larry Bird can he compete with Joker and Giannis and it’s like no actually his neighborhood is Anthony let me hold on let me let me respond to that though no Celtic since Larry Bird has competed for MVPs none no you know what I mean I mean kg won his as a as a timberwolf like the Tatum has come the closest of any Celtic sense bird like that to me you you kind of walked into the to me the not more interesting question but a different question which is is it more likely he ascends into the tier with those three guys we said Luca yic and jannis or that the other guys on his tier Shay and Anthony Edwards Ascend past him I I think Celtics fans be mad at me I feel like I gave you your flowers I can just be honest I maybe neither is like you know the smart bet but if I if one of the two is going to happen I don’t think he’s going to catch those three guys as as an individual player I just don’t and I think Shay and Anthony Edwards have more even though Shay’s older than you think Shay’s 26 uh you know what I mean can and Anthony award obviously has a lot more room to grow have more room to grow than Tatum does and so that’s well Shay is like next year like Shay’s going to start getting the pressure of okay you going to start like Tatum was that guy when he averaged 19 in the playoffs against LeBron this young kid it was like wow he was that guy for a while now it’s like okay you got to start with Luca it’s about to hit Luca start winning it hit him in the finals but now it’s like you you going to have to start winning the numbers are we’re not we’re not at that point uh Dynasty watch we haven’t had a repeat Champion since KD was on the Warriors but we may be on the verge according to Christopher Glasper of the Boston Globe excuse me Christopher Gasper uh with Banner 18 mental block removed the Celtics aren’t going anywhere this banner year was years in the making and it should be just the beginning Monday’s 10688 cathartic victory over the Mavericks in game five in the finals could Mark the dawn of the NBA’s next in Celtics latest Dynasty H here are the title odds Celtics at one Denver Minnesota Dallas the Bucks and then sgaa so do you think the Celtics are more likely oneandone or a dynasty I mean they’re obviously more likely to be one andone than a dynasty a d guys right a dynasty that LeBron heat were not a dynasty they were not you know what I mean flatly that there are four unimpeachable no arguments against dynasties in NBA history and then there’s two or three we can have the argument Russell Celtics obvious Dynasty 11 and 13 years eight in a row magic and creams Lakers five rings in a decade nine trips to the finals that’s a dynasty Jordan’s Bulls six rings in eight years sha and Kobe’s Lakers three rings in a row those are the four unimpeachable dynasties and then the two well so that’s that’s un impeach okay so that so let me just get to it real quick the Spurs are a weird one because they never won back to back and there was a dynasty within their Dynasty but if you want to say 03 to 07 0357 that dynasty fine the Warriors I feel are a dynasty the reason I say not unimpeachable is I have heard people I respect argue that because of the Kevin Durant parachute in and parachute out that it’s not one coh unit throughout but so my point is ma let’s be as generous as we can that puts us at six dynasties five with the Warriors six with the Spurs the dynasties are not common hence the you know why they’re remembered the way they are and what is super common in the NBA right now is one and done is one Championship so right now they have the exact postseason resume of that Chon Pistons over an 8year stretch six Conference Finals one Championship one finals loss the order is different but that’s what it is and so no I mean more likely of the two is obviously one and done than a d one and done is more likely even if they go back to back next year I don’t think they will win it next year but let’s say they do like you said still not a dynasty that’s the problem the the heat the Pistons of Isaiah Thomas who won two in a row and then Elijah Juan’s Rockets neither of them were two two champ ship is not a dynasty okay if you want to go mini Dynasty but okay that’s fine but that’s not what we’re talking about this team will not be a dynasty you got to win at least three to be a dynasty a and all those and I would even throw now I’m probably most people disagree with this but I think we talk about them like they’re a dynasty bird Celtics it’s weird because the Lakers two at time but the team the league was so topheavy you only had five teams that whole decade reach the finals yeah forget win it reach it all right so the league was very tough Celtics was a tough one I kind of put them in there and they had some turnover too the first championship was different from the other two but those teams all all the dynasties that that Nick mentioned and then I threw a couple in they all had guys who are undoubtedly top 12 all time and and some had two guys that were top to of as good as Tatum and brown are I don’t think any of us see them ever being in that discussion so I I do think it’ll be one king of the hill yesterday current right current this is a an era of parody period and you got like it’s a good thing to see and I think this is something for Tatum to shoot for who’s going to take command of this era joic he’s got to be like I want to take him in Giannis it’s there it would be Tatum and doing it you know but it’s open it’s almost like going back to the ’90s when you had one or two superstars on on most teams it wasn’t like big threes and things like that and so who’s going to take command of the era and then there’s another reason uh they won’t be a dynasty what is this here comes wimy how soon how soon oh not that’s it how soon soon enough I yeah how soon Celtics can I sayel as many games in the playoffs as Wy did the whole year Dusty locked this take up by wild lock up the the 22 games and the Celtics 16 just listen can I ask you a real quick question I told y’all he was going to be great and I’m not saying that was no but y’all disagree Nick went off for me when I said what I say he’s going hold on hold on Brew brew wait a moment no I did not I did I did I did not yes I said I think you were going too far when when you said if he’s a kajuan he’s a disappointment that’s what I said was too far okay is that true now no that will never be true there is no basketball world where that’s true that’s now true it’s true it’s now true that if hold on just real quick it’s now true that if wm’s career when it’s over we are like he was a touch better than Shaq but not quite as good as Kobe we’re going to be like what a failure I don’t not a failure but it would be a disappoint okay all right can we stay on the has no potential so yeah so wh’s coming that’s another thing but if he is I don’t think even you think he’s going to be on a championship caliber team in the next two years well that’s up to the Spurs to build around but two years is right and that’s why I’m saying and the Celtics we’re talking about right now we’re not talking about seven years but but they’re young that’s the thing they are young except for Drew and Al absolutely so to me the core is T brown so here’s the other piece of it do you want to go wild I’m sorry no I mean I have go here’s the thing last 25 Seasons I’m going to skip over what the Champions did because we had a few full screens top two in offense and defense defensive rating in the last 25 years so you would think all right they are set up if they’re you know isai Cohen defense wins championships and they had the uh number one offense I think in league history this year but they remember the Pacers of the second best I know so but it’s just kind of so that most teams in the top 10 played this year I mean really number the three-point line number one then it should give them more credit for the defense of how great the defense is this year so here’s the other question and this is just a weird one are the Celtics just playing differently than everyone else so that’s a legitimate games with over 43 points attempts this season the Celtics took are nine and the rest of the NBA is eight playoff and they’re built I about to say cuz they averag sorry sorry sorry sorry so and the Celtics are built with like I got an idea rather than have one three and D guy or maybe two three and D guys why don’t we have seven three guys maybe so but that don’t but that part who’s competing with that well the thing is the whole league in short order not as far as the Personnel but stylistically like that will so that part that part can be caught up to to a degree I and I think you make Fair points but I also the reason I want to pump the break so hard on Dynasty is I think people the last team to win backto back and not have a moment during their second run where they were massive underdogs to win the championship massive Vegas on the record underdogs were the 01 Lakers you go to so what let me explain to you what I’m saying the 20 we’ll just go in reverse order the 28 Warriors we’re down 32 with a game seven coming on the road down 17 points in game seven on the road overcame it to win their Championship the 2013 13 heat was it 14 whatever the 2013 heat they’re they’re down five with 30 seconds left in game six against the Spurs the 2010 Lakers are down what were they down 14 in the fourth quarter of the game seven of the finals and overcame it the last team to just be like we’re the defending champs and we’re going to roll through everyone was the second sha Kobe title 01 Lakers that they they rolled through every series they rolled through everyone point I’m making is even the greatest teams we’ve seen in the last 25 years with the greatest players their path to their second title there was a moment was like oh they’re cooked and they overcame it so you not only have to be an all-time great team you also have to overcome what you know Giannis and the Bucks couldn’t when the the those the what the Nuggets couldn’t this year and so it’s just it’s so hard I know because there have been a lot of them it doesn’t seem like it Min Dynasty and presumably the road at least in the Eastern Conference Finals is going to be tougher right if teams are healthy and that’s what we all hope for it’s going to be tough yep okay uh we’re going to end on a sad note for the a block doing this a lot lately baseball lost a legend yesterday when Willie Mays died at the age of 93 two time m M VP 24 time Allstar widely regarded as one of if not the best baseball player of all time Brew how will you remember Willie Maz well I I was 5 years old when he retired in 73 so I didn’t see him in obviously much other than film but he was my father’s favorite player and my father thought he was the best player ever so that was like he was seared into my conscience I had like a little Willie May baseball card that you know is all in tattered now after we used to play baseball with it but um I’ll just remember him as that and I and and in studying him and even talking to my dad about him the thing about Willie mate I mean he did everything he was a gold glove center fielder he hit with power he had two years of 50 or more home runs hit for average hit over 300 for his career led the league in stolen bases four or five years I mean he did every single thing at the ultimate high level and so I’ll remember is arguably the greatest baseball player ever and remember he played a lot in Candlestick which is hard to hit home runs and he still ended up with 660 so he may have hit 700 or more if he he also lost almost two full seasons fighting in a war and the season when he came back he hit 41 home runs and he still finished with 660 I do think he’s I think he is I think the case for Willie ma is the greatest baseball player of all time is the cleanest case you can make for any player sorry I actually something in my eye um the you know the as far if you like the war stat you know he’s third all time for position players behind Ruth and bonds there’s obviously weird cloud with bonds you add to it no outfielder has more gold gloves than Willie may only Roberto Clemente has as many I mentioned that he had a season plus of you know the beginning of his prime taken from him RW you mentioned the baseball card I tweeted it out today the only real piece of non-royals baseball memorabilia I have and I’ve had it since I was eight is a picture of the catch that in a with a box that has a sign not the baseball from it but a signed willing ma baseball and I just when you when people hear these things he was great for 20 consecutive Seasons so he we can show you his numbers as a 20-year-old his numbers as a 30-year-old in his 30s I should say and then read that bottom line at 40 led the NL in walks and on base percentage and that was the only time he struck out the only year of his career he struck out more than 100 times he led the league in walks that year and so I I think he is when you combine offense defense and the fact that there is no yeah but you know it wasn’t an integrated League yeah but it was the steroid era like the and so there is no qualifier on Willie May and it’s a man it’s a as a sports fan Walton West and Willie in in two weeks is really really unbelievable and hard to deal with but you know what and they I mean 93 you die peacefully yeah um there’s one thing I wanted to add because there’s so many statistics that just are mindblowing and the great thing about baseball is that’s harder to do in basketball and football it’s like well different errow with that you know can could Fran Tarkington play today like you’re not quite sure but Willie May could step in today and play but like you were saying that your dad was your dad’s favorite player there was something special and magical about the way he played with such um Charisma and Showmanship and I thought this quote was interesting he it’s a quote he gave to NPR in 2010 I made the clubhouse guy fit me with a cap that when I ran it flies right off he made it extra small you also have to tilt your head a little bit cuz you got to get the wind in there people love that type of stuff you know so he was selling sort of the with the St in making baseball fun to watch and bringing his whole personality there and that’s what made him say Hey kid and you you said it two weeks ago when we were talking about but I think it Warren’s mentioning when you look at Willie May Stats today there’s eight more hits than there was two weeks ago because he played in The Negro Leagues and you know what I mean that is our living I I I apologize for that turn of phrase it it is our living history even though Willie is passed and it’s an important part of it and it’s unbelievable that was a great story Willie Mays was 93 we’ll be right back thanks for watching subscribe here 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Nick Wright, Chris Broussard and Kevin Wildes discuss the latest news in sports including a report indicating the Boston Celtics are planning to give Jayson Tatum a five year, $315M contract extension after winning the 2024 NBA Finals. The FTF crew also react to the death of MLB Hall of Famer, Willie Mays.

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Nick Wright, Chris Broussard, and Kevin Wildes team up on First Things First. The trio offers their take on a bevy of sports stories alongside special guests from across the sports world.

Celtics to give Jayson Tatum $315M extension, MLB legend Willie Mays dies at 93 | FIRST THINGS FIRST

First Things First


  1. Bill Russell made $100k per year…adjust it for inflation and he made $600k per year….Russell would have to play for 100 years to make what Tatum makes in a year.

  2. Tired all the Tatum hate media can’t admit they was wrong ,he never cheat the game in shape plays both sides

  3. Nick said JT/JB are like 11/12th best players in league. Well it’s a shame the top 10 couldn’t stop them lmao. Can they stop them next year ?

  4. No athlete deserve 300 million dollars to play a game. Does our military personal make millions? First Responders? I love sports, but the salaries are utter B.S. Does the whole country go into poverty so 1 player can make 1 billion a year?

  5. Pierce at his peak was better than tatum? Pierce i dont ever remember being an mvp candidate type guy, and was the second best player on his team for his one ring, am i wrong to say i think the opposite is true, that pierce at his best was never as good as tatums been , well during all four of his first team all nba years… was pierce ever first team all nba?

  6. Man Nick hating on Tatum is just as bad as Wildes hating on Lebron smh.. they’re becoming one of those shows 🤦🏾‍♂️

  7. KD parachute in parachute out lol, Curry 4 titles still chopped liver. These the same people that crowned Caitlin Clark for winning nothing. SMH.

  8. An American is not going to be the best in the world for awhile with jokic, sga, giannis, Luka, and wemby all be foreign players.

  9. Celtics would turned the number one pick into the 5th best player in the draft that’s what Nick said about Tatum pre draft he’s been hating on him since day 1

  10. "Tatum: I showed I can win a ring and be a great performed" the media: "Ummmm you're not better than Larry Bird and you didn't win MVP so no one cares" you're proving his point, you idiots will never be satisfied, it will always be detracting,, all you can do is tear people down, so even when they prove your finals predictions dead wrong, no, suddenly the goalpost moves, and it always will, because that's all you have to sell to the casual masses.

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