@Indiana Pacers



hey guys what is up it is the fast break report here bringing you guys another Vlog uh I actually deleted the first video about this because I had realized after I made it I was like oh I’m like this is essentially like the same thing as uh as what I was hoping probably wouldn’t happen uh it’s just the idea uh Pascal cakam signed a 4year $190 million deal with the Indiana Pacers um essentially making like $47 million a year which is a lot of money that’s yanana Sant TMO money um the only thing the my my initial issue with the original video is the idea that I thought like you know 5 years 250 was going to be like much different because you’re it was really the extra year that I was worried about because whenever you lock star players in for like five years you’re stuck with them and that that extra year really makes a huge difference in whether or not you can move a guy or not I’m not saying we’re going to move Pascal cakam obviously that’s not the case we just signed them to an extension but down the road if you have an issue with this player um maybe they’re not performing up to the abilities or whatever or you’re just super overpaying for them um they become very hard to move they become Daman they they become Damen Lillard they become Trey Young You know guys like that guys like Zack LaVine uh and the Pacers don’t want that but you know you got to do what you got to do if you want to keep uh your Superstar player happy in Tyrese halberton and you know honestly the the Pacers were kind of backed into a between a wall and a hard place uh you know it’s like we knew we had to bring SE yakum back we knew he wanted a Max contract um but the thing is like the Pacers basically had to do this I know there’s people that are like oh well we shouldn’t have signed them for this we shouldn’t have signed them for that um and I really also wanted to change my opinion on this I’ve had a little time to think about it like I came home from like I was just super excited I came home from getting a tire fixed on my car and like I got the notification at the tire shop like where they were fixing uh or like patching a hole in my tire and as soon as I got home I was like I got to record like this is what I thought so like that was kind of like my spur the- moment initial reaction but I’ve had some time to think about it now but it’s the thing that the the Pacers now have their Bonafide number two you know what I’m saying they had to keep Tyrese Halton happy so they had to bring back Pascal SE yakum they gave SE yakum probably more money than he was going to get anywhere else um you know I a lot of people were saying that like the Philadelphia 76ers were going to want him and I never understood that notion I I mean like yeah they might have the money to bring in Pascal se yakum but the thing is I I didn’t understand why people thought Philadelphia was going to want him because Philadelphia the fit next to Joel embiid wouldn’t have been as good as a Paul George which is the guy that they’re after um but the thing is this puts us over the second apron that’s that’s the thing that I wanted to make about this video that I didn’t put in the first video is that this officially puts us over the second apron um and it makes us a luxury tax hell team you know that’s that’s what it makes us it puts us in salary cap space hell so here’s the thing ogn and Obi is not happening unless ogn and Obi just decides he wants to come here for nothing um same thing with like maybe a guy like miles Bridges miles Bridges is going to get a bigger contract someplace else you are officially locked into this team like I after this this Pascal SE yakum contract when he signs it on July 6th because the moratorium period has to end um you’re locked in uh so like really this team whether or not it’s going to be a champ ship team or not officially falls on whether or not Benedict Maan becomes the guy that we think he can be um granted um there is some positives to this you know Doug mcdermitt’s uh Doug mcdermitt’s contract is going to come off the books um you know we got Obi to and who we could bring back which at this point I kind of don’t see why we wouldn’t now now that we got this deal done because he’s going to be a restricted free agent and honestly if you can keep him like you probably should I I hate that he sucks at defense but it’s just the idea like at this point you just got to try to keep your unit intact as much as possible because free agency right now is null and void like this is your free agency I hope you guys are happy with it because uh well our our payroll is now like $27 million uh or plus like and that’s and those are rough estimates right now like those are those are just what the estimates say online with all the websites that have the teams payroll going on at the moment um I will say this they will probably bring back another shooter on a vet minimum deal uh maybe a Gary Harris or something like that I’m not thrilled about Gary Harris but um you are going to see jarus Walker get more minutes probably out of this Jaylen Smith has a player option I’m assuming he’s going to decline that um mostly because he just he played so well this year that like somebody else is going to pay him more money to go start at power forward for them uh but it just the idea we we have a lot to do you know what I’m saying we we have a lot to do now at this point we got to try to maybe make a trade or two to see if we can get like some some defensive rebounding or just like just defense rebounding uh three-point shooting those are the three main things uh we have point guard play it it’s just it’s going to be very very hard for this team to maneuver now in free agency now that they signed seak um which honestly is not the end of the world uh this free agency class is nicer than most free agency classes um you know LeBron’s going to be an unrestricted free agent Paul George is an unrestricted free agent um SE yakum is officially like basically off the market but you never know you know what I’m saying like we could have a DeAndre Jordan uh situation here where like he verbally agreed to sign with the Mavericks and then he ended up signing with the Clippers after Chris Paul took his goons over to uh DeAndre Jordan’s house was like no no no no no you’re not leaving um but Tyrese halberton had something to do with this as well uh this is our Duo and you know what I know a lot of people are going to look at this and even even myself I was like I don’t know if he’s worth $47 million a year like he’s a good player don’t get me wrong great player um but I even I was like you know do we really want to Max him out do we really want to overpay for him and I get that we kind of had to but on the flip side of that like the the like that’s that’s one side of the coin the other side of the coin of this is Pascal sakam now that he’s a a maxed out player on our team is going to get a whole hell of a lot of opportunity and what I mean by that is I know his career numbers don’t look great from like a scoring perspective but this is the guy who shooting 38% from three after we traded for him uh you know where which is a career high like I don’t know if people really know that about Pascal se yakum but after we traded for Pascal cakam his career three-point numbers I think that’s the highest he’s ever shot from three um pre pre-trade uh like before the January 17th trade that we did for Pascal zakum dude was shooting 31% from three in Toronto and then once he came to the Pacers it went up to almost 40% uh it’s 386 so 38.6% almost 39% from three and that is a career high um you know like never in his career has he shot above 36 or 37% and with us in the 41 games he played for us he shot 38% from three 54% from from the field the free throw percentage was about 70% 699 so 70% um but he averages 21 and8 um and a lot of people are saying like that’s a lot of money to spend for somebody who averages 21 and8 which is very true it it is a lot and I mean a lot of money for a guy who’s just over a 20 point per game scorer but here’s the thing Pascal SE yakum changed so much for us and and that’s why he got the money he did a we really wanted him back because if didn’t bring him back Tyrese Halbert was probably going to lose his mind understandably so uh but the thing is Pascal siakam’s a guy I could see going up to a 24 25 Point per game score and I mean that you know what I’m saying I this is a guy that’s like in in the half season that he played with us he played 41 games for us he played literally exactly half a season with us and he averaged 21 points per game and shot 38% from three next year he’s going to get a lot more opportunity um you know Ma I think is going to be kind of relegated to like a catch and shoot guy but Pascal cakam kills people in the post he’s a great fast break player uh he’s a great defensive player like you got to understand there’s not a lot of post players in the NBA anymore either there’s not a lot of guys who play the post and do it well you know like Joel embiid is the exception uh Giannis to some extent LeBron you know has that little post fade away but Pascal seak can legitimately work down in the post like this dude’s post fadeaway is automatic anywhere from like 10 to 12T out this dude is automatic so he’s a mid-range level threat like that and that’s part of the reason he got so much money I don’t think people understand that as well is like Pascal cakam adds a dynamic to this team that it did not have previously you know it has a legitimate postscoring threat it has a legitimate mid-range threat it has a legitimate shot creating threat you know like Pascal seak can take guys off the dribble it’s really more so his skill set that we’re paying for rather than his production you know what I’m saying and even that I think is going to go up once Tyrese Halbert and Pascal SE yakum get that pick and roll game down pat it’s it’s going to be murder for other teams and a lot of people were also saying like with with Tyrese Halbert after the injury stuff was like you know is he really this good of a player or it was it just a fluke in the first half of last year and I have to say I don’t think it was a fluke I think we saw that in the playoffs tyres halberton is legitimately a bon allar and Pascal cakam can also be a bonafied Allstar which I think he’s going to be uh with tyres halberton on his team um the other thing people need to understand about this as well is we haven’t seen what is guaranteed what the base salary is and all this like I I I don’t know if people understand this or not but this is $190 million with incentives like there’s there’s got to be some contract incentives in there so we have yet to see what the incentives are we have yet to see see what the base pay is we have yet to see if it’s front loed or backloaded or or you know whatever it is so still even though it’s $47 million on average that doesn’t include incentives like for all we know the base pay could be $40 million and it’s got a whole bunch of like you know if you become an Allstar okay here’s another $8 million spread out over four years or some like that so that’s another thing people need to keep in mind with this is I know there’s a lot of people there’s some people who are freaking out most people seem to be happy with it I’m happy with it you know like I I didn’t want us to pay this much money for him but you got to do what you got to do you know what I’m saying if you if you went to the Eastern Conference Finals you got to keep it together you know what I’m saying like regardless of what you thought like what were you going to replace Pascal SE yakum with that’s that’s the question like a lot of people are like oh well Obi toppen yeah okay let’s let’s let’s let’s get rid of Pascal SE yakum and replace him with Obie toppen and see how far we go okay I guarantee it we’ll be another Lottery team so it’s just the idea I understand this isn’t ideal but at the same time you have to look at it as it’s only four years also that fifth year I I I hate fiveyear contracts I’m just going to say that I hate five-year contracts and the reason I hate five-year contracts because you’re locked into for another year like the the fifth year is kind of like an extra and you know I I’ve seen way too many teams ass guys to fiveyear Deals and it just doesn’t pan out in that time you know four years is at least like five years is a lot of time I don’t know if people understand that but like you do not want to be stuck into a player that is not making things any better or or like like things are not getting any better for five years you don’t you don’t want that and I don’t think Pascal SE yakum is going to be that type of player as well that’s another thing I think Pascal SE yakum is going to see a huge bump in scoring uh I think that’s going to improve drastically once the team also gets allocated like once Tyrese cuz a lot of people don’t understand this as well I don’t know how many games Tyrese Halbert and Pascal seak actually played together because Tyrese halton’s been you know was injured for most of the second half of the season I don’t think a lot of people understand that there’s still a lot of potential for growth here because once once Tyrese Halbert and SE yakum get into camp like training camp and they get to finally spend some time together like get a full season under their belt together is going to get better it it’s going to get like Tyrese halberton doesn’t have to go out there and beat teams by himself anymore um so I like this you know I I love what the potential for this is I understand $47 million is a lot it’s it’s a lot of money but you know like I said got to consider incentives and the idea that this is this is only going to get better you know like I I don’t know if people like want to admit that or not like there’s there’s there’s one person who like really really hates the idea that we resigned seak and I’m just like bro like who are we going to who are we going to replace him with there are not a lot of good power forwards in the NBA a you know what I’m saying like all the guys that are good are on teams that are not willing to give them up and you have arguably the second or third best in the in the NBA on your team now so all all I’m saying is shit’s going to get a lot better I cannot wait for Benedict mathine to be added to this lineup because um I just think this is going to open up things for Benedict mathine as well that’s that’s something I’ve also saw people talk about is like this is going to stunt Benedict mathan’s growth yes and no um you know I think what’s going to happen here is our big is going to be Benedict mathine Pascal cakam and Tyrese halberton and while I understand the uh what’s the the uncertainty that people have about Benedict mathine I think this is going to do wonders for him I really do I think it’s going to do a whole hell of a lot for Benedict mathine because now it’s like okay you you don’t you don’t only have to worry about Tyrese Halbert anymore you got to worry about Pascal SE yakum and even if both teams are Rd and both of those guys up better Maan is capable of taking over games okay like I I think we we know that like we’ve seen it from metnick Maan where it’s like if he is on his he’s a damn good basketball player and I I I think this is this is free agency for us I hate to say that but I feel like we’re not going to get a whole lot of Pacers news until you know the end of the off season where maybe they start they pull a small trade here or there maybe they trade some picks for like they’ll probably do what they did last year you know they’ll trade two second round picks for a guy like Obie toppen you know what I’m saying like that’s what I where I think our moves are at I would really like to see us trade for Robert Williams I think Robert Williams is a guy with only $6 million in salary I think it’s like 6.8 I think he’s a guy you could swing for and it would do wonders for our team maybe you sign Andre Drummond on I don’t know a vet minimum deal I don’t I don’t know what Andre Drummond’s worth but if you could bring in Andre Drummond make a trade for a guy like maybe Robert Williams uh and just pick up a shooter you know maybe I I honestly after this I think maybe Doug mcder comes back as a shooter who knows maybe I I I know it’s not going to be buddy hee at this point like after this this uh SE yakum contract extension it’s not going to be buddy hee uh and unfortunately I think Malik monk is out of the uh Malik monk is out of the picture too um but even even like Dorian finy Smith Dorian finy Smith would be a big a big addition so I feel like we our free agency is done like I hate to say that but I feel like our free agency is done and at this point we’re just going to pull off small trades to try and improve our roster where we can um even though like I I think jarus Walker is going to get a whole lot more minutes this upcoming year obviously we’re going to have a healthy Benedict mathine which is that that’s the most interesting part of this like that like I know everybody like even myself I was like you know there’s Paul George out there there’s ogan anobi um I’m really really excited to see how tyes Pascal and benedi Maan all play together um if anybody’s going to take a step back it’s probably going to be Andrew nard like I I I hate to say that because Andrew nard played phenomenally but if there’s anybody who’s probably like going to not get the same amount of opportunity next year that they did this past year it’s going to be guys like Andrew nard um who who is a backup point guard or or backup two guard he might start at the two um but as and and you know he might Andrew nard will allow Tyrese halberton to play off ball and but I I think this is it like this is our roster so tell me what you guys think about this down below in the comments section below I like help me out subscribe if you guys want to see more on The Fast Break report and I’m out of this peace guys

The Indiana Pacers have resigned forward Pascal Siakam for 4 years $189.5M. This signing is a big move for the Indiana Pacers and officially locks them into the roster they have for the next 3-4 years.

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  1. Bobby Marks was just on local Indy show here and when it comes to the $, he was quick to point out that the cap will go up 17-20M next year, that's just one year.

  2. Siakam's presence as a leader during the playoffs was invaluable. No way we make it to the ECF without him. I'm glad they paid the man. Omw to cop a Siakam jersey.

  3. Siakam is a great signing, contract is what it is. The Pacers had the best offense in the league and have scorers all over this roster. Siakam is necessary as he's our only real post and iso player we have and there are times when the offense slows down it gives the Pacers an option. The biggest thing for the Pacers is developing Jarace and getting him in the rotation along with fitting in Mathurin. The emergence of Nembhard is promising going forward. Oh an I believe Obi is back I can't see the Pacers not resigning him, he is REALLY good at playing off ball with his 3pt shooting and backcuts. Obi doesn't need the ball and that works well playing along side a TJM or Nembhard.

  4. Give him his money and an off-season with the team he was playing off feel now the fun begins put some sets in for him and let him work, but I will say gotta work on them free throws lol

  5. This is a big day for the Pacers. I dont think they are over the second apron. If you add up the salaries, they are going to be close to the first apron.

  6. I have no problem with this at all Pascal wanted to be here in Indy and he has wanted to play with Myles for a long time.Our young squad got their playoff reps in, if Mathurin improves we will be a problem.

  7. How do you feel about Kuzma? Contract is reasonable for a trade and the Wizards front loaded his contract so we wouldn’t have to trade much for him. Him and Siakam have championship pedigree

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