@Detroit Pistons

The NBA Coach That Got Paid $100 Million To Lose…

The NBA Coach That Got Paid $100 Million To Lose…

can you imagine getting an $80 million contract to do a job and then be so bad at that job that your employer is willing to buy out the rest of your $65 million remaining on your contract just to have you not do the job that is exactly what just happened with the Detroit Pistons and Monty Williams last off season the Pistons needed a new head coach to lead their rebuild they felt like they had a lot of young Talent they felt like they had an opportunity to build a good team through free agency through trades and they brought in Monty Williams who had just gotten fired by the Phoenix Suns but a few years prior to that led that team to the finals really helped turn around that franchise and Detroit felt so strongly in the concept of Monty Williams as their head coach as their guy the guy that was going to turn the franchise around that they gave him a record-breaking 6year $78 million contract to be the head coach of the Detroit Pistons and here we are a year later and they are once again looking for a new coach now for those of you that are keeping track in Monty Williams is going to get the full $78 million on the deal there’s 65 million left and the Detroit Pistons won 14 basketball games last year so mty Williams got paid $78 million to win 14 games that is over five and A5 million per win for one NBA season but somehow it’s even worse than that because not only were they not good not only do they only win 14 games but also the development of the younger players which is the whole point of this rebuild the whole point of this roster is to develop these young guys and prioritize them and develop the young talent that they have the development of a lot of those guys was stunted this past year and they still only won 14 games Monty Williams no disrespect to him but this is arguably the most disastrous single season coaching tenure in the history of the league and the crazy thing is there’s a reason that Detroit wanted to bring him in in the first place he was successful in Phoenix it is not an accident that they made the finals Monty Williams did some good stuff with those Suns teams and you don’t you don’t just happen to make the finals with a bad head coach at least in my opinion like you are at least competent you are at least good as a head coach if you are making the finals and Detroit looked at that situation and said as long as we offer him enough money maybe we can bring in a guy that’s actually a Difference Maker for our franchise but here was the miscalculation the biggest mistake of all that Detroit made when they brought in Monty Williams was not the money it was not picking him in the first place it was thinking that he would be able to work well within the environment that Detroit has set up there this is a rebuilding situation there was no scenario when they signed Monty Williams to be their head coach last off season that he was going to go into this team and A year later they were going to be really good it was always going to be a rebuild it was always going to be a situation where they were going to have to develop their players they were not there was almost no scenario which they were going to win 40 games last year there was no scenario almost in which they were going to win 40 games this coming season either and what the Pistons needed was a coach that was going to prioritize the development of the younger players and also be okay with a rebuild be okay with the team not being great over the next couple of seasons and then finally getting over the hump eventually the problem was that’s not the environment Monty Williams has been been in over the last couple of Seasons it’s not an environment that he has shown to be successful in in the past he is a guy that you want coaching a ready-made team a team that is ready to compete a team that is ready to make the postseason every single season because clearly this most recent year he was not prepared to be the head coach of a developing team a team that needed Jaden Ivy to be out there a ton needed Thompson to be out there a ton obviously need to continue to prioritize Kate even with the injury stuff and a bit of a weird season from him and what all that equates to now is not only do you owe this guy a ton of money not only did you only win 14 games not only did you get bad Lottery luck for two seasons in a row but also you don’t really know where you stand with any of your young players you don’t really know how good Kate Cunningham is you don’t really know how good Jade iy is you don’t really know how good Thompson is you have no idea and you are still trying to evaluate all those things you can make the right decisions for your roster moving forward and this is this is as bad as it gets in terms of what a coach can do from year to year just not helping your team at all and the craziest part of all this to me too is the the the timing of all this because most coaches have already gotten fired at this point like if you’re going to get fired from an NBA team that was going to happen like a month and a half ago two months ago and Detroit waited and waited and waited and finally at the ownership level made the decision that it’s time to move on it’s time to get another coach for the the third different coach in 2 years but they made that decision when a lot of the other good head coaches have already been taken when a lot of these other guys have already been hired like like now they’re looking at like James bgo who’s like a fine coach but is he significantly better than Monty Williams I don’t know maybe he’s certainly better for the situation that they have in Detroit he’s experienced with dealing with with rebuilding up and cominging teams like he did uh in Charlotte and I think he actually did a pretty good job as well uh despite getting fired from Charlotte but are you really going to get a significant upgrade from Monty Williams at this point in the coaching process probably not but that just tells me that the situation got so bad for Detroit that they felt the need to move on from him anyway now to be fair to Monty Williams um I I think it’s it’s pretty clear at this point that he he wouldn’t have taken the job unless they threw a ton of money at him like he probably would have taken a year off and tried to get one of these other jobs that was out there like it it’s very difficult to go from that situation in Phoenix to that situation in Detroit and perform well and you could argue from an organizational standpoint that Detroit is the hardest place it’s it’s the worst head coaching job in the league right now you could certainly make that argument from an organizational perspective so uh you know no disrespect to him I’m not trying to be mean to him and I and I fully respect continuing to go out there and make as much money as teams are willing to pay you he’s still getting paid by the Suns when you combine what he made on his Pistons contract and will continue to make on his Pistons contract with what he made in his last year in Phoenix uh when they bought out his contract he’s going to make a hundred million in two seasons of coaching basketball one he did a decent job and the following year not so much which I I fully respect and and appreciate that uh it just it was just a tough situation for him and and there were a lot of things he could have done better I mean he talked publicly about how he doesn’t really you know believe in analytics and he talked about how uh he showed with his actions that he didn’t really want to develop the young guys I mean the fact that Jaden Ivy was was on the bench for a ton of the season is just not okay and it’s not something that you can ever ever have happen in the situation that Detroit is in but anytime a franchise goes through as many coaches as the Pistons do and are as bad as they have been for the last 5 years you can’t point to one guy you can’t say oh well this is Monty Williams’s fault it’s this other coach’s fault it’s this other GM’s fault it’s the organization as a whole they’re not puty good enough players out there they’re not drafting well enough they’re not building the team well enough and they’re not making the correct decisions from the top down so with this news I think a lot of people were going to CRA or absolutely Crush Monty Williams and that’s fine I mean I’ve certainly said some negative things about him in this video as well but the concepts of paying a coach almost 80 million dollar to do a job that they will not be good at it’s not a situation that Monty Williams was ever going to be good at then you have the pressure of having paid that guy so much money so if it does go poorly the way that it has then you have to make the decision oh are we going to eat all this money and of course that’s a huge deal for the organization and also if you’re the a a guy that’s looking to be a head coach Detroit’s not a place you want to go because they’ve already shown now a couple of seasons in a row that they do have a quick trigger that they will get rid of these guys very very quickly and yeah you might get a decent check out of it the way that Monty Williams had but if your if your true goal and your true aspiration is to turn around the Detroit Pistons it that is just not a job that I think any coach out there right now would really want they’re going to get somebody they’re going to hire somebody to be the coach but I think it is the worst head coaching position potentially in all of Sports at the moment now the only other thing that I’ll say is even though they they waited too long during the coaching process to make this decision even though it was it was a bad idea to bring him in in the first place relative to the context of where he was successful previously as a head coach I will say at least they made the choice eventually it it kind of felt like if Monty Williams was makinging a couple million dollars a year this decision would have already been made a while ago and the real hang-up was how much money they were really going to owe the guy to just not coach the team and so at least they did eventually rip the Band-Aid off and decide okay this is the best thing for the future of the team to get someone else in here to get someone that’s a little bit more rebuild and development uh you know motivated that’s their mindset and certainly you know whether it be James Faro or otherwise that that would be a good decision uh so I do applaud them for making the choice for eating the money even though the ision in the first place obviously was just terrible

Monty Williams has been fired by the Detroit Pistons after just 1 season as head coach…

#nba #nbacoach #montywilliams


  1. No one’s talking about him being a candidate but why not hire or interview Kenny Atkinson? Guy did a good job turning around Brooklyn and making them a landing spot for top FA’s. He also played a big part developing guys during the Atlanta Hawks good years under coach Bud and also with the young guys at GS and even won a championship.

  2. To be fair, the Pistons squad at beginning of the year was crud. Second half was better but no motivation or culture players.

  3. teams are crazy committing big money to players or coachwho has not improved your team prior to signing. its a big gamble

  4. Imagine if the pistons beat the Celtics to end their losing streak, the playoffs would’ve been so much better

  5. I hope i can be fired as an NBA/NFL coach one day. Fully guaranteed contracts baby what a beautiful thing. Sign for generational wealth one day, a year later you never need money again and you dont have any commitment. You could do whatever at that point. Go live on a beach somewhere, travel the world. Buy 99% of everything you've ever wanted. Man, what an amazing life.

  6. I’m surprised more rebuilding teams aren’t looking at Kenny Atkinson, I still don’t know how managed to pull together that mess of a Brooklyn team before the KD era

  7. Detroit had to wait before making the decision about their head coach. They were hiring a new GM and they didn't want to make the decision before he was in place. It's not that odd that it took this long because there was a changing situation there.😊

  8. he just didnt care to make it work playing hayes so much ignoring Ivey pistons need a coach and front office change to reset the culture of the franchise put full effort into developing cade duran and Asuar

  9. I played GM mode in 2k. I choose the pistons because of a young core of Ivey, Cunningham, Duren, and some other pieces. I was 18-3 and got fired lolol. I guess my winning record didn't align with their loosing ways.

    After getting fired, i started a new gm mode with the spurs. I have a lineup of chris paul 81ovr, cade Cunningham 86ovr, deni advija 82 ovr, keegan murray 83ovr, wemby 90ovr. A bench of miles mcbride 77ovr, malakai branham 77ovr, corey krispert 79ovr, marvin bagley 79ovr, dario saric 78ovr, josh Richardson 76ovr, bassey 76ovr, bruno Fernando 75ovr, justin champagnie 74ovr. Will have enough free cap space to sign a max player in the off season, If chris paul retires, it opens up another 30 million in cap space.

  10. They need a young coach to grow with this team, but hey, I'm a Bucks fan so we'll take Monty over Doc anyday of the week so…please l?

  11. Why tf would you do that, you’re a shit team and rebuilding 1 year is not enough time to build chemistry not to mention they had injuries

  12. I thought the Lakers and the Bucks coaching situation was embarrassing!! This one takes the cake! 😂🍰

  13. Great summation until the end when you said it's the worst situation in all of sports. We got Cade, some interesting young players, the best shot doctor in the league and a plentitude of cap. Let's chill on the Pistons hate for a sec.

    Worst job to coach in the NBA alone is whoever has to coach Lebron. Dude is a control freak and gets coaches canned to left and right. And we can go down the list of worse situations in NA or the rest of the world….

  14. Monty Williams never rebuilt a team in this entire life so giving him $78 million to do so was stupid and costly mistake that will set Pistons rebuild back at least 5 years or longer.

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