@Toronto Raptors

The Toronto Raptors have a type

The Toronto Raptors have a type

welcome to P basketball live and uh [Music] oh can y’all let me know if you’re hearing me correctly from the mic if you’re if you’re listening I didn’t I I should have made sure um anyways we’re just going to talk until someone lets me know that my mic sounds weird all right so we’re GNA be talking NBA Draft today we’re gonna be talking about the Toronto Raptors one week from today every everything’s good yep Mage telling me okay you better not be trolling me all right so one week from today the Tron Raptors in all likelihood will be adding at least two I say at least two because there’s still the possibility of moving up there’s still you know okay well there’s also the possibility of moving out so let’s say they’re going to be adding two two young players into this mix and I think a lot of people are wondering what kind of young players we going to get Rob are we going to get are we going to Star at 19 is Nicole topic or Ron Holland going to fall and I think that in order to simplify this process we need to ask a very important question which is how do the Raptors draft what do they think about what can we you know because often times I’ll hear people talking about the Toronto Raptors and be like oh man they really need this so they’re going to draft this guy and I’m like H in the last 10 years have I ever known this team to draft based on need literally never not once this is a team that could have seven small forwards and if the best player available is a small forward they will pick the small forward so let’s talk about you know number one the Raptors draft and we’re going to we’re going to just think about the philosophy of how this team found an ogan anobi or how they found a pascal cakam or how they were successful with Scotty Barnes or how they H to be successful with a Grady dick why did they pick Grady dick over a Jordan Hawkins who was a year older a little bit more polished probably a little bit more ready probably would have helped you a hell of a lot more last year if you had taken a Jordan Hawkins or a Keon George or Cam [ __ ] why did you pick you know uh Grady dick what is what is the differentiating factor between those two and how might all of that information in terms of oh wow draft bronny oh boy oh boy that didn’t take long okay yeah okay um so in terms of in terms of understanding how the r then we’re going to look at something which is really cool which is uh crafted NBA’s draft rankings uh I thought it was an interesting albe it sometimes flawed way of looking at things they they looked at the measurables they looked at the statistical comparisons they calculated the ratings and then they gave every single player a similarity ranking some of them are really crazy some of them are really interesting and I think that sometimes these exercises allow us to think outside the box and so we’re not just hearing the same things over and over I think rafted manag to be at least if nothing else very original with how they made these calculations all right so first things first what do the Raptors need well they need talent that’s the same thing they’ve always needed they will always need talent and that’s the way they’re always going to draft whether it was Norman pal whether it was uh you know Pascal seaka o anobi Delan Wright yakob purle it was always about talent but that does that doesn’t tell us much so really the calculation comes out between the following three things an upside outcome a floor and a median outcome okay now a median outcome is a best guess an upside outcome is also a best guess and a floor is a best guess so you have to watch a ton of tape and you have to meet the prospect and you have to watch their a tape and and you have to scout them for years in order to come up with an accurate what you think to be a fairly accurate projection of what they can be however every Prospect is on a range the Raptors did not know Pascal Seaking was going to be a two-time all NBA guy the Raptors did not know that I’m sure that the Raptors could not have known for sure that Scotty Barnes was going to come out and one Rookie of the Year be this ready they didn’t know OG an anobi was going to become this good they didn’t right they they would be lying if they told you they did but what they did have is they had a projection they had a range so what Pascal seak G became is probably even better than their Max upside outcome but there’s a different version of Pascal SE yakum the one who doesn’t get the opportunity doesn’t get the right development reps maybe ends up in a different program and he’s still a really serviceable role player because he does these things that are really impactful in the basketball court like he has a high motor like he has defensive versatility he could have become cavon Looney you know Pascal Saku in another world is like a very agile version of cavon Looney or you know maybe on a less accelerated outcome maybe he was you know more of a Jeremy Grant right instead he became the best thing that he could have become and that’s a huge feather in the Raptor’s cap that they were able to accelerate that development and Foster that development same thing with Scotty Barnes what is the worst case scenario of Scotty Barnes flash back to 2021 or you know 2020 when we’re going through the draft cycle and we’re going through the projections and we’re seeing this kid in Florida State well like what is the worst thing that this guy can become the worst thing he can become is what people thought he was going to become which is a very connective playmaker who has incredible defensive upside at the worst case scenario he’s a top six guy in your rotation top five guy in your rotation now you can’t tell me any more than I can tell you that he’s going to be the best player on your team or the fifth best player on your team or the fourth best player on your team but you can say with some very accurate degree of certainty that Scotty Barnes is not going to be out of your rotation that Scotty Barnes is not going to be a bum that Scotty Barnes is not going to be unplayable that Scotty Barnes is never going to be a liability on the court and I think that that mattered to the Raptors more than it matters to most teams consider how this team has approached everything consider how they approach trades consider how they approach contract negotiations this is a team that likes to play it safe they like to play conservatively you know they like to they like to have assurances they like to have flexibility and flexibility ultimately comes down to the fact that if you’re drafting a player at 19 you want to have some level of certainty that it’s not a complete bust and very often the Raptors have drafted very serviceable players whether you’re talking on the lowest end outcome for the Toronto Raptors in terms of the draft which is Bruno kaboko which is let’s wipe that from the Slate because that was the first year Messi jury just really bad outcome right Messiah jury with Bruno kaboko and DeAndre DeAndre Daniels that was just the horse but move past that where do you get to the worst possible outcome for Raptor drafts Delano Banton David Johnson right those are second round picks but in terms of first round picks Malachi Flynn that’s definitely the worst okay wipe those out and just talk about the the top 70% which is I think even the best general manager whether it’s Danny a whether it’s Jerry West nobody bats 100 so let’s say the top 70% we’re talking yakob purle right uh Delon wri guys like this right those guys are still really serviceable role players uh Rue asking about the Pascal cakam uh news that Pascal SE yakum has has signed a three sorry a 4-year 189.5 million or is going to or committed to signing a 1.9 uh bring bring that up in the end man let’s let’s talk about draft right now I don’t want to talk about Pascal seak and and whatever we can talk about that right towards the end this live is 100% I have a hard out on this live at 624 or 622 I gotta I gotta run at 620 so I’m I’m here for 40 minutes I don’t want to get distracted and I don’t want to get like into um you know I don’t want to get into side side quests here right we we got to focus and we got to get this through so overall I think the Raptor’s equation is as follows I think they prioritize what your floor is almost as equally as what your median outcome is I think that red flags or character flaws will come in and they will tack off things they’re not going to say we’re not going to draft a top 10 guy because we have some work ethic question marks if he falls to us at 40 but maybe we’re not drafting drafting him at 17 because we see somebody else as a more sure thing what I’m saying is this is not a team that is jumping at potential as everything it’s not all upside with this team it’s not positional fit at all so when we go through the 2024 prospects I think we need to look at floor as a very important part what what else is important to the Raptors positional versatility can you find a raptor player that has ever been drafted by MSI jury think about it that cannot play at least two positions think about it think hard Norman pal could he play one two three yes Delano Bon one two three yes Scotty Barnes one two three 4 OG anobi one two two two three4 five Pascal cakam 234 you know uh yaka purle might be the only exception to this where yaka purle was drafted ninth the Raptors loved him at Utah his analytics were dropping crazy um kle where I don’t think so Malachi Flynn is another example of a guy you know again Malachi Falls outside the norm Malachi and yaka purle are are a little bit outliers but for the most part the Toronto Raptors have drafted guys who are very multi-positional defensively at least okay and with Malachi and and yakob you could say they were projected to be very very elite Defenders based on their college analytics they did not I mean yakob didn’t turn into Rudy goar which is probably what they envisioned him being he didn’t turn into that fine and Malachi did not turn into what they hoped he would become which is probably something closer to what pton Pritchard has become or TJ McConnell with with a jump shot but again as I said nobody BS 100 but what I’m talking about is the is the mentality of it what what they’re going for so they’re going for floor they’re going for positional versatility they’re going for a projectable role player skill okay I’m getting sick and tired of my phone and honestly fa come on bro don’t don’t be messaging me like this can’t you see I’m doing a live I should have I should just put my phone on silent this is [ __ ] crazy bro f is gonna see this and laugh after people people just be messaging me all the time all right okay and people ask me why my DMs are closed on socials sometimes it is this fa you’re so funny fa I’m I’m gonna let you on for two seconds what’s up yeah let me just I didn’t know you were doing it live I hello you messaging me you just I didn’t know you were I didn’t know you were doing it live as I messaged you and I saw your I set notification on your YouTube and I looked at it oh he’s doing the life let me hop in and and I’m cursing you as you walk sorry sorry about that it’s all good all right um I’ll go back and listen to you I’ll go back and join the live kick me out peace all right so funny guy all right so in terms of all of this all of this being said I do think that the Raptors Raptors will continue to care about these things and even if they’re not drafting you know the ogan and obies and the and the Pascal seaks of the world they’re still prioritizing positional versatility the other thing they really care about wingspan typically wingspan has mattered to this team again you can point to Malachi Flynn as the only exception to that rule but almost every single time you have seen a player drafted by the Raptors there’s always at least a bit of a plus wingspan and again even when it doesn’t seem obvious that wingspan was a part of the equation you look at a guy like Grady dick right 6 foot6 6′ n wingspan there’s still a bit of a plus wingspan there the other thing they seem to really value scis skill ratio they really like big players who have skills playmaking and feel seem to matter enough to this team shooting they have always tended to air on the we can develop it so I don’t think non-shooters are totally out of the question for the Toronto Raptors I don’t think a guy who hasn’t shown shooting potential so a guy like Zack Ed who maybe took one three in college I don’t think that’s going to take the Raptors completely out of it right defensive role overall character guys I think all of these things really matter to the Toronto Raptors okay retro Jasper saying so Ryan Dunn would be a perfect perfect pick for 31 okay so ask yourself the following question is Ryan dun in his absolute worst case scenario a top eight to top nine guy in rotation I think this is the question you need to ask yourself by my projections as someone who is very high on Ryan Dunn the answer is unequivocally hell no there is no chance in hell that you can tell me that the worst case scenario for that guy is that he is a role player or rot player on a good team the worst case scenario for that guy is he doesn’t make an NBA rotation ever because his jumper never comes along so we need to think about all of this okay um all right let’s let’s go to crafted uh crafted model here and I’m going to give you sort of as we read through their ranking we we first of all we’ll read through uh their you know calculations and just generally what they were looking for the the URL is crafted blog2 24 dnba a-h draft Dash rankings okay so to anyone out there who wants to read along with this or whatever uh this is uh Craft’s 2024 draft rankings they look at the measurements ultimately you know they look at wingspan they look at weight and this is M mainly to make an anthrop anthropomorphic comparison um tricky word a lot of syllables um basically like the physique of the person what physique phally do they remind you of right regardless of skin color whatever just looking purely at the measurements so you know you look at a guy like a precious AA and you might look at a guy like I don’t know um Jonathan mogbo this year and you say okay we got broad shoulders we got big hands we got high wingspan we got a decent vertical leap Etc so there we go so that’s you know height weight all of it goes into that statistical comparisons so mainly it’s 2 point percentage 3 percentage field goal percentage close to point percentage it’s not just looking points per game rebounds per game it’s contextually uh it’s a Contex valid comparison of players and then there’s a ratings calculator ultimately you know in terms of advanced analytics right so per their rankings and I and I’ll give you sort of my context afterwards once we go through their rankings their number one player in this draft class is Donovan clingin obviously firmly disagree with this but I completely understand why a team would look at a Donovan clinging in a draft like this and say that a guy that cannot fail like that’s a guy that will be a starter I think his floor in the NBA is solid starter I think his upside is actually pretty close to that as a solid starter I think some people might maybe look at him like maybe he’s going to be wer Kessler plus and maybe you look at that and you say damn is Walker Kessler worth more than the number one overall pick I think the fact that Donovan Clingan is number one on this list or anyone’s list and actually more and more we’re seeing Donovan Clingan rising up draft boards and you know he’s ending up at number one I think it’s a combination of two things number one I think it’s a combination of the fact that the two of the top three teams in the NBA draft have win now on their minds which is Houston and Atlanta specifically because Atlanta does not have their draft pick next year so I think maybe some people are like hey if they’re not sold on alexar and they don’t see anything but a role player in Zachary rache maybe they’re just going to go with the safest pick and just guarantee themselves at the very least a starter the Donan kinging at number one thing reminds me a lot of Andrew bogot at number one except I don’t necessarily see as much talent here in Donovan kingan also we’re talking Andrew bogot went number one in 2005 so this is like a full 19 years later I don’t believe that the big man position is dead we’ve obviously just seen it in the NBA you know we saw Derek Lively Daniel Gafford Etc but typically the value of these guys is found later in the lottery or later in the first round so seeing Donan Clin number one would be surprising to say the least Alex SAR is at number two he’s not number two on my board I’ve had him pretty much number five but I understand why people like him um an anthrop I’m just going to die with this one right the anthro comparison hold on just [Music] anthro hold on peramorphic anthropomorphism there we go anthropomorphic I’m gonna get this okay so the anthro comparison is uh James wisman no surprises here uh I zubats I don’t get that Evan Mobley Jackson Hayes Orlando Robinson ironically I’ve been seeing Jackson Hayes every time I look at him and I get it you know a lot of people see Evan Moy I liked Evan Moy a lot more in USC than I liked um Alex star then you got number three Reed Shepard again ironically Reed Shepard number three has been pretty popular Zachary ret at number four again the answer comparison here Utah Watson AB GG Jackson Keegan Murray Paul George not really inspiring a lot of people I see you know a less athletic Trey Murphy you know in terms of how he moves um you know maybe slightly less bouncy Trey Murphy and yes I I I firmly do see a case to be made that he’s probably going to be a really really high-end role player as opposed to a star and the fact that he’s number one on the board for me is just how confident I am in him reaching that upside and how confident I am in the Floor of him my floor on Zack ruche unless something really bad happens is he’s going to be a starter in the NBA and probably a pretty good one and a versatile one who can play one to one play two to three positions I think that’s a pretty Valuable Player type so that’s why I like him Stefon Castle here is number five um some people see the anthro comparisons being miles Bridges Demar de rozan uh Danny Green DQ Whitehead I see a lot of the DQ Whitehead stuff to be honest and uh the Dante XM stuff maybe um offensively you know in terms of the overall stats and and game package they’re seeing a lot of Bruce Brown Anthony black the Anthony Melton johnar Troy and of course if you’re looking at this you’re like my god did you just say Bruce Brown and John Morant it’s it makes sense in the grander context of things I understand this is not the way people typically like to think about this stuff and defensively of course Andrew Wiggins Isaac aoro uh Tyrone Wallace PJ Washington uh next up we got Nico topish number six a guy that a lot of people are seeing dra you know fall down draft boards an anthro comparison ironic Grady dick um I get where that comes from I also don’t get where that comes from because Grady is longer and bigger but yeah Anthony black Julian strw Ben Shepard the Ben Shepard thing makes a lot of sense actually number seven misis buellis a guy who’s risen up my draft board a lot over the last couple of weeks as I’ve gone through more of his g-league ignite tape but people are seeing a Delano Banton zy Williams Jaden McDaniels uh Brandon Miller Utah Waton AB Utah showing up twice here number eight Zack Ed which is just way higher than I think he should be but nevertheless he’s here largely because his analytics profile just blows out everybody from the water his onoff splits his you know impact the fact that he played so many minutes there’s so many good things to take away from zaki’s career at Purdue um unfortunately however positional versatility um there is a floor in which he’s not a rotation player there is a floor where that exists and I think that will probably scare some people off including the Raptors I do not expect Zak to become a raptor but I do think that if he’s there at 31 it would be very difficult for them to pass on him uh number nine Ron Holland certainly I’m getting a little bit higher on him as as this goes on I have personality questions work ethic questions well not work ethic questions but more like personality and mental questions not work ethic questions I retract that um but I don’t have a lot of Athletics athleticism and game questions I think he’ll figure it out with a smaller role uh Salon is at 10 Rob Dillingham at 11 Isaiah clier at 12 jacobe Walter at 13 Johnny Fury rising up at 14 Ryan Dunn the before mentioned the the man the myth the legend Ryan Dunn at 15 uh which I think again like that’s just really high for him right Devin Carter at 16 Jared McCain at at 17 I oh yeah okay all right I get it you know the the wingspan is not great for Jared McCain maybe there’s an upside of a backup guard but I think he’s he’s going to be s man Carlton Carrington at 18 Kean George at 19 kware at 20 E Mei at 21 and man God help me if I see another ranking where Kare is ranked higher than East Mei but I get it right so the the East Mei anthro is Nick Richards Harry JS yanis Sant kmo Danilo galinari and luuka Garza I mean [Music] again um the Harry Giles part I agree with the Giannis part I agree with the Luca Garza part I I don’t understand but you know again when you’re going to when you’re going to run things through a data model you’re going to get some some stuff like this um offensively Mo bomba Robert Williams Zeke Naji uh that inspires faith in absolutely nobody Thomas Bryan Keegan Murphy Grant Keegan Murray and Grant Williams as defensive JT Thor Z Jake laravia I don’t think that’s going to inspire any confidence in anyone either I think if you’re if you’re probably looking at E Mei you’re probably seeing what you want to see and you’re probably thinking like oh my God this guy’s just going to be this Elite defensive Prospect I actually think he’s got more offensive juice Than People realize and I’ll talk about him a little bit um later in the next five minutes Kyle Philipus at number 22 Tyler Smith G ignite 23 Cody Williams falling all the way down to 24 I am getting a little bit higher on him as well Jamal Shea 25 Tyler kok at 26 uh Bobby kutman at 27 Justin Edwards 28 Adam uh boner at 29 and Dalton connect falling all the way down to 30 even though most people will see him as a top 10 pick and uh the the the offense uh C Caleb supposed to say Caleb Martin kcp and Caleb Martin um Malik monk like I I don’t get the Malik monk thing defensively oai aaji Cory kisper buddy heeld I mean literally like the most unsimilar like I think it probably tells you how bad oai abaji is according to crafted on on defense oai is not great defensively according to crafted he is great at one thing defensively and he’s bad at like 17 things defensively again according to them the to round out the top 40 is Don Holmes Jonathan mogbo Harrison Ingram Oso uodo Jaylen Tyson pom daier is it are they misspelling out there anyways um nante K KJ Simpson uh Baylor shine B bayor sheerman and then uh Kevin Kevin mcculler Jr so I mean overall this is an interesting list bronny James making it to 50 in a purely mathematical equation is is really strange to me um and and then Isaiah Crawford one of my favorite undrafted guys potentially to sign for the 905 on a 10 on a on an exhibit 10 is at 59 top 10 offensive projections number one is Jared McCain Bob Carrington uh judment uh Reed Shepard Stefon Castle Rob Dillingham Zachary ret sorry uh Z Zack Zack Edy wow Z Zachary res didn’t make it honestly I think I think this is ignoring that they did not have the correct because I don’t see a single International player on this I think they are uh they are removing the International Players because they didn’t have the data sets that could that that could be used for those guys so I think if you’re not seeing a nicoa topich or whatever here it’s because they didn’t have the the the accurate uh sample size and data sets to be to be able to use top defensive Pro uh projections Donovan uh Dante Sheed dun uh Bono uh sorry I say Bono okay Adam Bona uh mogbo rman uh beakman igodo East Mei and uh Deon Carter at those 10 then we top uh rebounding projections again you’re seeing Jonathan MoGo ranking very high among most of these lists top 10 block projections obviously no surpris to see Donovan clinging up there um E’s Mei up there donon Holmes up there top 10 steel projections I’m personally shocked that Ryan Dunn is not really a little bit higher there but look at look at Jonathan mogbo and the fact that MoGo is showing up in almost every single one of these things is telling me that this is a very very very high prospect on the Raptors like radar that he projects very well in in a lot of the things that the Raptors do look at um in terms of true per true shooting percentage among NCAA players big men Don Clingan EAS Mei who who really is a very very far far Far Cry from being efficient around the rim and he has a lot of work to do and then top 10 uh top five guard sh shooting percentage Ryan Dunn you know again very limited volume Johnny fur you making that list as well okay so now that we’re done with that let’s talk about this draft in general right and I’m going to actually use Kevin o Conor’s uh ringer draft guide just give me one second here and I’m just going to go through um the top 31 and I’m just going to give them roughly like my very quick thoughts now that we are week away from the draft um I want to give my quick thoughts on how I think those guys would fit in with the Raptors and yes I will talk about even players who are top one top two because we don’t know if the Raptors will trade up we don’t know if someone Falls so we might as well just cover the entire draft very quickly okay um this is my favorite time of the year except of course while we’re a trip sure okay so let’s go so this is a big board by Kevin oconor he has step on Castle number one now personally I think Stefon Castle would be pretty high on the Raptor board if this was like if he felt to seven or eight I don’t necessarily think that the Raptors would necessarily go up to one or two or three to get Stu on Castle nor do I think anyone should that’s a pretty high price to pay for a guy who projects to be a pretty good role player a lot of people are selling themselves on like Allstar upside Superstar upside for him I think it’s because of his athleticism but there’s still a lot of questions about his game overall um in terms of like lead initiation creation you know stuff of that nature I also have a lot of questions about him being a point guard allegedly he wants to play point he sees himself as a point guard and I get this you know we’ve gone through this before the guy who wants to play point and everyone says he’s two he’s not going to play point well that’s Magic Johnson he became the best point guard of all time that’s also Scotty Barnes and he’s on your roster um yeah I I I just uh I think overall as a Synergy ranking for for the Raptors I would say he’s a solid eight and a half to nine out of 10 he’s about As Good As It Gets In terms of fitting what the Raptors want to do and hey the Raptors have a a utility for a backup guard Off the Bench and I think he would fit in perfectly so if the Raptors trade up to seven or if he falls to seven and the Raptors trade up to get him that would be the most Raptor idea ever but as a top three pick in this draft I struggle at times at the same time I can’t necessarily tell you that there are three players I would definitively put over him but there are at least two uh Donovan kinging at number two in terms of Raptor’s overall Synergy build I think like this one goes to about seven I think his playmaking is pretty good his rebounding and his you know connective passing is pretty good I think his shot blocking can be an elite skill that can keep him on the court for 20 to 25 minutes I think he’s really nasty you he’s got like a competitive streak and I think it’s something I like about him and Zach so I could see you know let’s say a seven seven out of 10 Modis balis I got to say in terms of like how he fits with the Toronto Raptors I could see this ranking being even higher I could see him being like a 10 or 9.5 out of 10 for the Raptors in terms of what they like and what he is he’s about as Raptors he a prospect as you get he’s long he’s got like incredible like strides he’s a good transition player so it really fits with what they’re trying to do he’s a very smart player he reads off the ball he is a shaky shooter which tends to be a bit of a you know um Hallmark of raptor prospects he’s a bit of a shaky shooter obviously the Raptors have shown in the past that they don’t necessarily penalize prospects too badly for being shaky Shooters OG anobi wasn’t the greatest shooter Pascal yakum was almost a non-shooter other than mid-range Scotty Barnes was almost a non-shooter coming into the you know these guys haven’t cared about that too much right so I don’t think drafting grd dick last year means suddenly oh my God the rapture is doing complete 180 on their stance on shooting you know I think mes Balz has streaky All-Star potential like he’s one of maybe five players in this in this entire draft that has that kind of potential but he does have it and I think the Raptors would see it Reed Shepard um I like Reed Shepard I’m not sure how much the Raptors would like re Reed Shepard but he has a lot in common with certain other players that they have drafted in terms of you know Fred Van B Delon Wright he has a lot in common with those guys and so you know if Reed for whatever reason and it’s not going to happen slipped down to N9 or 10 and the Raptors traded up to draft him I wouldn’t be surprised at all so I would give it a in terms of a Synergy fit you know given his limited wingspan given his somewhat uh lack of positional versatility defensively I don’t think he’s ever going to be able to guard wings at the NBA level but I do think he’s going to be a pretty good guard Defender who can do a decent job at The Rim but I don’t think he’s ever going to be like okay this guy’s going to guard Luca now you know what I mean it’s it’s not quite going to be like that so um given that given the fact that you already have a manual quickly on the on the roster whatever I think his Synergy with the Raptors is probably closer to five out of 10 six out of 10 um Alex SAR again one of those things where you know if you could build a Raptor Center in a lab you know to put next to Scotty Barnes you would build a stretch big who had Rim protection uh you know on ball defense switchability he is a modern big and he has everything that people talk about when they say a modern center right I have so many questions about his motor his compete level his Focus level his basketball IQ and maybe it’s my fault maybe I watch the wrong games I don’t love him but there might not be a more Raptor Z Prospect in terms of just in a vacuum looking at the physicals looking at the tools looking at the upside then alexar I’m not a fan I’m just going to lay that out there and if he ends up being a superstar later on you can flame me all you want but I don’t think he’s it um Zachary racee yeah again a very Raptor Prospect right the shooting upside the positional versatility like he is everything the Raptors need and I believe if there is ever a deal that the Raptors are going to make to get up to the top three in this draft is to draft this guy Devin Carter has a lot of raptors Z stuff in him ironically shades of Bruce Brown is literally written there really really positive shooting season last year incredible wingspan I think he’ll have that like he has he’s very tough you know he’s a competitor he’s got the like sort of weird Scrappy Underdog mentality like he has a lot of Fred vany a lot of you know Bruce Brown in him I think again if the Raptors do end up trading to 13 with the Sacramento Kings this might be their target Devin Carter Rob Dillingham I think a lot of people have sold themselves on his on his scoring upside and his you know ability to be a bucket getter and a dynamic finisher in terms of you know creating tough shots off the bounce his fluidity and I get all of that I just think that this is the type of player that the Raptors pass on 10 times out of 10 I think in terms of a Raptor’s Synergy fit a guy who’s locked into one position defensively and really no position defensively because he does not defend he would be such a defensive liability now could it burn you sure absolutely right if the Raptors trade into the top seven and they pass on him for some you know sure thing is the potential in this guy the absolute upside is he’s a superstar you know like the or not a superstar no not not a superstar but an All-Star like a five six time All-Star there’s a world in which Rob Dillingham is the best player in this draft there’s a world in which he’s darus Garland meets you know Trey young I don’t see it at all I I think it’s much much more likely that he’s a smaller bones Highland and ironically that’s literally his his draft comparison here I don’t see it I think he’s going to be a microwave scorer Off the Bench you can argue how valuable that is but if he pops in the absolute best way yeah he’s going to be like one of the top two three players in this draft and whoever passes on him is probably going to get fired but I’m going to tell you right now the odds of that are happening are less than 5% Dalton connect in terms of you know how he fits the Raptors it’s probably closer okay so so Rob Dillingham how he fits the Raptors in terms of a Synergy rank I’m gonna say two out of 10 he’s not a Raptors player um and also the The Limited wingspan and all of that stuff none of IT projects Raptors type player right doson connect older player when have you known the Raptors to pick an older player in the first round it doesn’t happen very often right it it really doesn’t like they they so again if Dalton Dalton connect had stayed a low-key you know uh you know mid- major type of player and and no one would no one had heard of him this is the type of guy that the Raptors pick up in the UND undrafted Heap or in late in the second round or you know maybe even at 31 but as a lottery pick I see Zero chance in hell that the Raptors trade up to get Dalton connect so his Synergy ranking with the Raptors is probably three out of 10 uh ton Salon is a very interesting player that some people see as high as top five some people see as low as bottom 20 some people have him falling to the Raptors and they think that he just has a draft Nightfall some people think he goes top five that this is what the Pistons want next to Kade Cunningham I think there’s a lot of upside here but it all projects role player there’s no world in which I could see him being anything other than a role player there are however a world in which I see him being out of the league in three years so yeah I got to say not the greatest Rapture Synergy in terms of athletic stuff and yes you could say he’s a 69 you know guy with positional versatility and he’s 7 foot one but that’s where the Raptor stuff ends right um You could also see his International which typically synergizes pretty well with what the Raptors like to do but again I think it’s probably close to a six out of 10 in terms of his fit with the Raptors and I probably have him like 14s or 18s on my board and and a lot of it has to do with upside number 11 uh Nico talk now again the the wingspan thing disappointing right the injury disappointing the Raptors have drafted guys who had an injury issue before they drafted they drafted uh you know um OG and anobi they don’t care about that so if they trust his Medicals then that’s not going to factor the the wingspan thing does change the equation a little bit for most of the draft cycle people said he had a seven foot wingspan turns out it’s closer to 66 I have my doubts about these measurements um but if he he is a Goran drage I’ll tell you that Goran dragic is a player that MSI jury and and and Bobby Webster would probably value a lot like a younger Gan drage so while you could say yes being a defensive versus you know a defensive liability with limited wingspan is going to hurt him and having really almost the same situation as Rob Dillingham where he’s not the greatest Defender but I was looking at some of his tape man like he may get blown by on quite a few things and he may lose his man off the ball and he may you know TR have trouble s getting around screens but his percentages in terms of what he would hold guys to when he was on them was actually not that bad I think he has a lot more defensive upside than someone like Rob Dillingham and I know that’s not saying much I’m literally saying he’s better than the worst guy in the draft but I don’t think he’s going to be a complete non- Defender I also don’t think he’s going to be a good Defender but the positional size the feel for the game the the the rim attacking and the creativity the size to skill ratio it’s all there they like big players they like big players who can do things and honestly he is a real point guard who is 6’6 and you might say Okay 6′ 5.8 whatever in shoes he’s 67 he’s a 67 point guard he’s very Shifty extremely close to the ground I think he fits beautifully with what you want to do on this team so honestly as a raptor Synergy thing maybe it’s not nearly as high as an ease Mei but okay it’s pretty high I’m going to say seven seven out of 10 and where he gets docked as wingspan on defense Cody Williams I think in terms of where he kind of maps out for the Raptors I think it’s probably like an eight out of 10 he’s got the length he’s got the wingspan he’s got the pedigree he’s very efficient his analytics are not necessarily the greatest in terms of impact but it’s also like he was battling injuries he was in and out of nicked Knack injuries all year so I think that this is a guy that really could be the Raptor’s Target at 19 if he falls right now I doubt he’s going to fall up to 19 but he has like I mean you got to wonder uh how OKC passes on him if he’s really some hidden Jam right Ron Holland I’m going to say that this is like about as close also to to a Raptor’s type of pick right um 5 inch plus wingspan athletic fluidity you might argue that you already have one of these guys on your roster but you really don’t right you really don’t he has I want you to imagine that RJ Barrett and oai abaji were one player and that’s probably who Ron Holland could be you know if things work out for him that’s not a superstar that’s not an Allstar but that is a starter and if he falls to 19 because of concerns about God knows what or interviews or whatever if you like him you take him um I had him as high as number two earlier in the cycle I might be cooling off on him to like three five whatever but he’s firmly in the top 10 for me he’s been in the top 10 all year when I see people ranking him top 14 15 I’m like man what am I missing what am I missing missing in these workouts what am I missing in the interviews and you know sometimes I’ll watch his interviews and I’m like I I get it I get it why people might be a little bit bearish on him and stuff but I I genuinely think that the g-league night situation was really bad for him and and I’m not gonna dock him for that Jared McCain again as a lottery pick no but if he falls to 19 I think the Raptors will strongly consider it and they should right the wingspan thing the positional versatility all of that it goes against him right he doesn’t have that size and skill ratio the ability to play you know a different lineup like would he be able to play with Emanuel quickly like would you be able to run a two-point guard lineup with him like you did with Fred and and Kyle Lowry no probably not because neither he nor Emanuel quickley can really really guard that well to make up for this uh at the two and so yeah I think that the the fit is a little bit clunky and maybe the positional versatility stuff so maybe it’s a six out of 10 in terms of overall but the pedigree is there you know the efficiency is there the feel for the game is there the age is there like I think he’s he’s going to be a really good player Zach fit uh five out of 10 five and a half out of 10 you can say the Raptors have prioritized guys who are you know um accomplished in college and efficient in college they like that they like guys who are tough tenacity you know they they value guys who have uh really like started basketball late this is something that we have seen with Pascal seak with Christian Koko you know Zach EDI may not have grown up in Africa but he did start basketball very late he was a he was a baseball player was a hockey player he didn’t play basketball and so you know with a lot of guys who are super tall who pick up basketball late there’s always questions about do they really love the game I don’t think there’s any questions Zach loves basketball and um you know he’s a Canadian kid whatever I do think the fit is more five and a half out of 10 because there is a floor in which he’s not really a rotation player at all um and if he falls to 31 I think the rapser take him you know unless something really great is on the board I think you take him but I don’t think at 19 uh it’s possible that he can be the best player on the board for the Raptors and if he’s not the best player on the board there’s no other factor that would determine him being the you know I think he’s top 25 on the Raptors board I think he might be 25th or 24th on the Raptor board which means that there’s almost no chance they take him at 19 there’s no chance to take him at 19 I would say but there’s a really fair chance that he could go at 31 or he could be one of the three people that they debate at 31 I don’t think the Raptors have been like I don’t I think there’s a team out there that has them in the 50s on their draft board and I think there is a team out there that has him in the teens on his draft board like early teens I think his his stock is really all over the place from what I’m hearing that’s what I hear um you talk to some people in this in the in the draft world and they’re just like I wouldn’t I wouldn’t draft him like he’s not going to be playable some people say I would draft him in the 40s 30s some people say he’s a lottery pick that the Bulls should go after him at 11 it’s really wild it’s really wild and it’s really all over the place there’s jacobe Walter at um 16 overall honestly I could see the Raptors fit here I really could you know there’s the plus wingspan there’s movement shooting you know there’s there’s a lot of good things here with jacobe Walter and actually there’s a world in which the Raptors do draft you know a second uh you know a second player from Baylor I think it’d be really interesting I think he’s more of a candidate at 31 if he slips um than he is at 19 I don’t think he’s top 20 on their board Bob Carrington you know again depending on where you see his playmaking potential and his defensive potential I think will determine a lot of what the Raptors might do with him but I could see him being anywhere from like a six out of 10 to a seven out of 10 because he does have plus size for his position if you think of him as a one he has plus wingspan he’s super young he’s still going to be 18 years old when you draft him you know he’s probably going to spend a ton of time in the 905 but he has that creativity feel for the game shot making stuff and you really do lack that on your roster size skill ratio is definitely on his side he might still be growing at 18 right so he might end up being 6’5 and you know who knows maybe he’s Malik monk down the line like the shot making is real uh Bobby Clinton you know at 18 is is you know interesting the Raptors do tend to prioritize players like this I could see him at 31 uh Isaiah Collier just not a guy that I think really fits in with what the Raptors like to do I know that he has a plus wingspan technically but I don’t see a world in which he’s ever going to be able to guard twos I really don’t think he can guard ones um I think the turnovers were a little bit concerning I do think there’s a world in which he’s really just not an NBA player like I I know that sounds crazy because he was like a top five recruit and he’s a hell of a you know high school player but I do think there’s a world in which he’s outside your rotation for the first four years I think there’s a world in which he bust like there is bust potential there’s also the other side of it which is actual star potential and this late in the draft that might be too tantalizing to pass up on but I think the Raptors will pick somebody else kalal where he’s nowhere near you know that high on my board I think the personality things the the motor questions are going to you know you know scare some teams off in terms of you know does he fit the Raptors yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah of course he does shooting uh defensive versatility you know he can probably guard fours he can guard fives he’s basically Christian Koko physically with way more offensive polish and he’s younger so yeah I mean if the Raptors have no personality questions he is definitely the Raptor’s pick I don’t think Raptors will pick him though um Tyler KCK is 21 um again I don’t think the Raptors draft him but I think he’s going to be a fantastic player but I don’t think the Raptors draft him Tristan Silva same thing that I said about Tyler colic like I think a lot of people have sold themselves on Tristan Silva because the draft is so washed in certain places but you do have to factor in that he’s 23 years old and I don’t think that I can find him being like better like I don’t think he’s better at a 23y old than a lot of these these other guys are at 19 and so sure if you end up with a team like Sacramento at you know 13 and they can’t get rid of the pick and they’re just like look we are so desperate for a rotation player at this place you could see trist Sila go go 13 the same way you saw Chris DTE go you know uh 14 but it doesn’t mean it’s going to be the right pick and I don’t think his upside is anywhere near there so you know jack of all trades master of none that whole thing there’s like a 5% outcome in which he’s a starter long term but I think there’s like a 5 per a 10% outcome that he’s not in the league you know in five years I think the vast majority of the outcomes though that I play out his career 100 times over I think 85 times he’s just a he’s just a bench player he’s just a bench player who can play 10 minutes a night for you that’s pretty valuable at 22 but maybe not the greatest thing either Terence Shannon again I’m just going to move past him because I think the personal controversy and stuff even though he’s been cleared up I think the Raptors wouldn’t touch him personally uh nicoa jurich I think the Raptors would prioritize a guy like this if it were not for defensive issues and slow footedness um but I think because of the connection with darkov rakovich because of their prioritization of guard skills and Wing bodies um he doesn’t necessarily project as a good defender or long guy or whatever but if he’s there at 31 expect him to be in in in tow E Mei you know we haven’t heard a lot about e Missi gen generally throughout the draft cycle and I think that that’s probably to the Raptor’s benefit people just don’t see Star in him and I I do I think there’s like a 5% outcome that he’s like the best player in this draft and I know people people always tell me I’m crazy about my e mey takes and I just happen to be like a really big fan of his and sometimes I’m wrong you know when I’m a fan of someone it’s like sometimes I’m wrong like sometimes I’m right sometimes I’m right like with a Scotty Barnes thing I was right with the Dyson Daniels thing I’m I mean I think I’m sort of right but you know he hasn’t turned into like some Superstar or anything like that but he’s just a really good player I don’t see a world in which EAS Mei is not a rotation player no no zero worlds in which E Mei is not in the league you know 10 years he’s a very high high motor competitor I think the toucher around the basket is shaky but I think he’s very smart and his athletic potential is off the charts I think his motor pluses defense versatility all that stuff like he is legit 611 with a 72 wingspan and I think he’ll probably eventually be able to pick up some guards in transition in a Cross Match like you just you know in a in a regular draft I can imagine him being like the 16th or 17th pick and someone getting lucky in this draft I just can’t imagine that you could find 13 guys in the lottery that are better than this guy I just I don’t understand how he’s not a lottery player so in terms of raptor Synergy yo I’ll tell you right now if if he’s there at 19 and the Raptors don’t pick him I’m just I don’t know what the Raptors are doing and I don’t understand the Raptors anymore and I’m just confused because to me this is a 10 out of 10 for the Raptors uh pek same thing same thing exactly same thing as I just said um I think this is exactly the type of player that the Raptors would prioritize I think they would love him and if he’s there at 31 I think they pick him at 19 it might be a little Rich for them but maybe if the board breaks a certain way he is someone that they really like and they pick him at 19 I think his shot making is really cool I think his shooting will come he’s super young um good feel for the game really interesting defensive p uh you know in terms of like he could have some potential defensively so yeah Tyler Smith another guy that I think the Raptors could really like at at 31 the shooting you know the young big man all of that stuff I think it’ll it’ll uh go go up um Trenton flowers this is one player one of six players that are remaining that I still have to do tape on I have to do tape on him tonight I haven’t watched enough of him but I have a feeling that he’s not exactly very high on the Raptor board Johnny Fury is a player that I did watch uh four five six games so far so I need to watch a little bit more but I like him I like him a lot and I think if he’s there at 19 I think he’ll be one of maybe four players the Raptors do consider at 19 I know that seems a little rich and a little high but allegedly has a first round promise um allegedly we’ll see I don’t like him nearly as much as Grady dick I’ll be honest as a prospect I don’t even like him as much as oay abagi but I can understand the size skill ratio the wingspan all of that stuff you know the some of his movement stuff his shooting you know his shooting potential some people say hey you you got Grady dick already very different player than grd dick very different player and I think he’s sneaky athletic too Kyle Phil pelski again if he’s there at 19 I think the Raptors have to look at him um just the size of skill ratio thing it really plays out you know for him I think there’s no chance in hell he’s not going to be at least a rotation player to some extent in the NBA I think it’s just if you’re the Raptors you have to do internal calculus and say what’s the upside here you know because the upside does matter you know when you’re comparing two guys whose floor is the same the upside is the differentiating factor the personality the the per you know the attitude the character stuff and I think at this point I have to look at a guy like KY filipowski and say he might have less upside than some of the other players I’d be looking at in this range so in terms of for the Raptors I could see him being synergistically like a seven and a half out of 10 the size skill ratio is real shooting potential that they value in bigs now Kelly oin jonte Porter like they’re clearly valuing that and I think one of the things that you know you need to factor in for the Raptors is not only you know that they’re looking at players with almost virtually zero bus potential that they’re looking for positional versatility but they are really really looking forward looking for players who are going to be optimized next to Scotty Barnes that does not mean they’re looking for fit when people say fit they they typically mean hey we’re weak at Center we don’t have a center let’s get a center right um no that’s that’s not what I mean what I mean is you look at a player and you say given what we’re trying to do as a basketball team how does this person fit into what we want to do the player is never going to be anything more than fitting with into the context right um of what they you know do you know what I mean like if you’re a super fast transition team like Indiana right Indiana fastpac whatever are you going to pick Zack 80 no you’re just not now is that not drafting for fit or is that just understanding how you want to play and realizing this guy has no role in how you want to play right but if you’re Denver I think you have to look at zachi I think you have to look at zachi right um because he’s probably an upgrade on DeAndre Jordan right away right so and and and also you got a title window you got a contention I think the Raptors are an enviable situation where you know they have the time and they have the ability to go on two timelines right so there’s the world in which you get lucky you you know you you snag an early contributor in the draft that Shores up one rotation you know spot for you you go out and you use your free agency dollars to do something better than Gary Trent and Bruce brown maybe an ogn anobi and boom you’re competitive as hell next year right um uh Matthew Edward my top three value picks in general in this draft in order connect Devin Carter kware I don’t agree with that at all but that’s cool um SP saying RF Le FR no not even close man um RF Le FR uh for those of you who don’t remember was actually a pretty good shop blocker um K pheli is not that anyways guys I gotta bounce um I gotta head out but uh thanks a lot for tuning in I’m still working on my NBA draft um mock mock draft video it’s like a lot of work but hopefully get that out tomorrow um thank you all for tuning in as always thank you all to those of you who click our links who subscribe who like the video subscribe and all that good stuff the the comments the Amazon wish list the studio is still work in progress been taking a couple of days off to do some writing assignments but I’m back on it um Scott plays 2K appreciate you bro saying drop a like on the way out yes thank you please do 190 people in here please drop a like I can’t stand them folks um oh [ __ ] I see a picture of Malcolm X and I and I gotta say happy juneth um to everyone out there who’s celebrating um you know it’s a good day to reflect on important topics yeah so alrighty peace guys have a good one and oh there’s a super chat here Noble Venom I took a good look at MEC yesterday I must say I haven’t seen a big with his footwork in a while he’s such an elite lobra as a roller thank you Noble Venom somebody sees it yo honestly I think yeah I gotta tell you like EAS Mei is just like since the day I saw this guy play like seven months ago till today I have just been enamored with him um that Canadian K would be a second round sleeper I think he’s also a side kind of pick absolutely not I don’t think so uh way too Smokey saying Mei reminds me of se yakum you know what me too and I promise you it’s not just the Cameroon stuff it is the footwork um it’s it’s it’s the footwork it’s the transition stuff it’s how he fits okay if y’all are if y’all are religious if you if you believe in a God if you believe in Allah if you believe in Jesus I don’t know what you believe in not trying to get all religious here can you please drop a prayer to prayer for me that teams 1 through 18 do not pick EAS mey just so we can test the hypothesis to see how much the Raptors like this guy cuz I don’t want have to guess for the next five years who the Raptor’s real guy was in this draft and they tried to trade up and I don’t want to hear three years from now I don’t want to see like open gym release three years from now like here’s Messi Jeri in the War Room trying to trade everything up to get e Missy and then he goes 15 and now he’s an All-Star I think he’s going to be really good I would never go like this out for someone I don’t talk like this about about a prospect unless I think he’s really good and again um if you want to know like um how good he is why don’t you go watch some film on him go watch a couple games and and tell me if you like it yes there are some frustrating Parts okay some of the passing very limited uh some of the finishing very limited oh God imagine if we draft bronie and Ed I promise promise promise you this live is going to um end if that happens um although I I must say if the Raptors draft z uh if the drafter draft EAS Mei and Zack Ed I think that would be a very interesting draft for the Raptors at 19 and 31 can you imagine going in summer league with those two guys as your front Court no one scoring ever that would be interesting all right talk to you later peace

The 2024 NBA draft is just a week away. Next Thursday and Friday, the Raptors will more than likely add two more young pieces to the puzzle and with the draft as up in the air as it is right now, no one, myself included, has any clue who they’ll pick. But using the front office’s past selections, I want to go through each of the top 40 prospects and give them an overall synergy grade out of 10.

To be sure, I am not saying the 10/10 Jonathan Mogbo is a better player than the 6/10 Isaiah Collier or — merely that he checks more of the typical boxes Toronto tends to prefer.

We’ll also take a look & react to CraftedNBA’s draft rankings, anthropomorphic comps and more.

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  1. Yves Missi is our guy, I’m hoping Raptors grab him 🙏🏼

    Back up five is the biggest need and Missi would be able to contribute right away while developing into a starter. I love the upside. Even if he has to spend time with the G league the wait will be worth it

    He’s worked out with the 76ers and Pelicans so far. I’m hoping these teams want a win now player.

  2. Would be an interesting draft to get Bronny then get Lebron who stopped us from going forward to the finals a few times.

  3. I like the guys you like, but you don’t like the guy I like lol. But that’s understandable as you’re factoring in floor while I’m just imagining the upside.

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