@San Antonio Spurs

Gil’s Arena Debates How Luka & The Mavs Will Bounce Back

Gil’s Arena Debates How Luka & The Mavs Will Bounce Back

e e e e welcome back to gills Arena presented by Underdog fantasy whoa whoa how everybody doing today good good good we good we good in here special day dang I forgot my De La Soul outfit yeah we got you custom giki at home I forgot my De La Soul welcome back the De La Soul de Soul fit but this is Gils Arena presented by under Dark Fantasy as always we have the day soulfit lacking Gilbert Reas here with us we got Mr B Brandon Jennings back in the representing Los Angeles on this beautiful juneth and Kenya Martin is back in the arena what’s full Applause what’s game is full share so we want to wish everybody out there a very happy juneth and for those who are watching the show who don’t know what juneth is exactly uh juneth also known as Freedom Day or man impation day is a holiday celebrating slaves in Texas learning in 1865 that they had been freed by president Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation so Lincoln’s executive order outlawed slavery in Confederate states beginning January 1st 1863 but naturally that message was slow to make its way to Confederate states still looking to capitalize off of Free Labor so now we celebrate juneth as a Federal holiday most people do some states still hating and tripping but uh you already know Gil don’t like designated off days so we’re still bringing your favorite basketball show in celebration and solidarity so what’s good with everybody what up you know so good question wait are we free that’s a great question Brendon yeah we’re free okay compared to what compared to what it used to be hell yeah condition they just found another way to do it hey I can tell you this I like this way better than the the other way they just found another way to keep everybody ly and if you did they just found another way if you didn’t stay in line they had a place for you that’s all it’s free labor behind that wall trust me hey I tell you listen listen what yeah I rather get my ass whooping uh whooped by somebody who birthed me versus someone who bought me yeah the industrial Prison Complex still yeah them bought ass whoers feel a lot harder a no the people who love and care come if you okay later yeah okay want some ice cream you know what I mean come on in I made you dinner now free enough I love you yeah come you know because I love you now the fight still wages on but a lot Freer than we used to be we’ll say that but here’s what’s cracking in the arena today Pistons fired Monty Williams after just one season in Detroit with $65 million remaining on his deal did Williams pull one of the greatest bag finessing in NBA coaching history Luca led the Mavs with their first final since 2011 but was this finals run a fluke or will the mass be a threat in the west next season and Rookie of the Year Victor wiama is back in the lab working with Jamal Crawford will wimy make the Spurs one of the hottest free agent destinations and for those of you who watch the show yesterday we had a lot of these things to discuss yesterday we got into a very very spirited discussion on the Celtics championships and all the inner workings of that so we’re going to talk about all this stuff today but before we get into all that as always the show is brought to you by Underdog fantasy celebrate juneth by downloading the underdog fantasy app using promo code Gil and getting up to $250 in bonus cash and a special pick them and to celebrate the end of the NBA season Underdog is dropping a special pick them in honor of the wnba’s best rivalry available for all users until their match up on Sunday all you need to do is pick either Angel ree or Caitlyn Clark to get one point that’s right one whole point and you could win up to 325x your money it should be a good game man they they you know it’s one and one right now Angel got the best of Kaylin in the first game Kaylin got the win the second one so we’ll see what’s going down but everybody’s a winner pick Halen pick Angel it is juneth so I would say lean toward the angel side but that’s just my personal opinion and as always we do mostly fans at the end of every show you drop a good question in the chat with your Underdog fantasy username we use it on the show you get a $50 bonus to your Underdog fantasy account if you send us a video at mostly fans Gill and we use that video on the show and you are a member of the underdog fantasy family you get a $100 bonus to your Underdog fantasy account and as a reminder ahead of next week’s NBA draft uh which will be subpar and likely very boring we’ll be doing an alltime NBA draft right here on gills Arena so next Tuesday and Wednesday June 25th and 26th the crew will be drafting the best of the best in NBA history who will put together the best Squad who will go number one overall watch gills arena live next week to find out in the draft order will be determined right here on gills arena live on Thursday so stay tuned for that as well we’re doing we’re doing the draft a little different question uh so who picked the colors in June the the color skin yeah Al sharp I don’t know no I’m just saying like cuz this isn’t this the African flag colors mhm and whether you like it or not you from Africa G no you’re not CR your mouth no I’m just wondering I’m I’m like cuz you know how I’m look like oh this is very festive and um and then I’m looking at the colors and I’m like who picked these colors they was at Party City I’m pretty sure so I’m just say no I looked I looked online to see what like juneth colorway and it’s this it’s right it’s right so very accurate shout out to trying to figure out who who like who who picked the color in this world like which group of people just said okay these is your colors okay I know I don’t know so the the Jun flag Black Panther the juneth flag is red white and blue uh color this way to highlight how closely linked its overall meaning is to our country R is red white and blue the Jun flag I didn’t know we had official Jun flag either but but shout out to our production team worked tirelessly yesterday hold on man to decorate this beautiful set we appreciate y’all as always for oh so wait wait so the one that’s like this the black power that’s not actually real well you know it is it’s real if you want it to be this is your you can make whatever color so I don’t know I just I just okay so this is the real colorway this is us just okay all right okay I just confused here all right so it is naturally the chat is chatting much like I expect but we’re gonna get into it a little different today so former US soccer star Landon Donovan got put on the Summer Jam screen recently for one of the worst Hair Days in modern history uh concerned friend and former LA Galaxy teammate Mike McGee posted this text exchange with Donovan in the aftermath he said LD check Twitter ASAP and prop fire your Barber landed Don and respond responded where were you seven hours ago had a hair transplant procedure two weeks ago and were told it wouldn’t show up on camera oh but yes it did yes it did yes it did Mike being a good friend ask can I post this Landon Donovan said go ahead and do it I’m already getting packed up enough it doesn’t matter so what caused all the clowning well Donovan was spotted during Fox’s coverage of U for Euro 2024 with his hair looking like this [Laughter] that’s that big her Kraken wait wait wait it ain’t fully transpl it need a couple weeks to get right like a Chia Pet you got to water it let it bro that’s bad damn he should lost yeah yeah is going ball that bad dog to some no to some men yeah why cuz it’s just it’s just [ __ ] hair no it’s to us we have no I’ve went listen I know I used to shave my [ __ ] off for no I’ve walked around this Earth with bald head before it ain’t the worst thing going for something no cuz you have here but still it didn’t matter though for the people who’s losing it like you cutting it on on purpose but it’s not a bad though so to them it’s like I want my sh I’ve seen some [ __ ] out here do like dude like I see I be up at that school man like listen man it’s time to go home dog just go on home man ball right here and the hair on the side yeah it’s time to go home you ain’t got not a strand right here but then you go walk around you do this [ __ ] now you come on TV this is much worse trust me no this is a much it’s a process I I know I know somebody personally that went and got their stuff done recently mhm yes I understand and I’m had to say and I told him listen he told used to walk around with a coma I said lucky you didn’t know me then cuz I would have roasted the hell out of you right yeah and make you to did something then before this like I get to a certain degree but dude you can’t stay in the house wear a hat wear a hat like is that’s what makes it no that’s what makes it funny if you ask anybody who’s losing their hair they can’t accept it it’s just I don’t want like but it’s time though whether you whether you want to accept it or not you are there Hey listen you at the door that [ __ ] is wide open I’d rather have it I rather have my hair in in shaving myself cuz that’s a look versus not being able to but this look here though right you got hair here and you ain’t got nothing or you got hair here and your roof wide open like you dudes with dreads and twist and all that [ __ ] roof W that be the fun those be the funniest ones the Jerry look thing is they it be the dudes that walk around they like 6’2 right so you can’t see it most people can’t see it right till they get around they like me and I come right on top of your [ __ ] like damn right they holding on man they Holding On by stream dude I yo cuz I had a couple teammates like you know like I asked CH like when you realize he like [ __ ] when I was in his 20s MH RJ [ __ ] we watch a film one day like hey bro hey it’s time can’t hide it that’s wide open man you had a good run so hair transplants multi-billion dollar industry I think they did 6.3 billion in Revenue in 2023 expected to be 42.5 billion by 2033 my thing is dude that’s what I mean come on man and and half of it ain’t a working none of it is working if you can not if you notice it that mean it’s not working cuz well let me tell you it ain’t meant for black people for one like certain black like if you’re 100 like you can’t get it mhm you can go try you can get the glue down know but you can get that what that theatrical wig theatric wig is what it’s called like it’s a it’s a rip butt get the 360s kid they just want to have 360 but like certain black people I’m saying they going to get it and and black eye skin Keo right mhm so when you get it they taking your hair follicle they killing your hair follicle our hair don’t fall over it don’t lay over mhm like other races of people so you just have that Scar and if your [ __ ] don’t take now you just got that Scar and you still [ __ ] bald like it’s it’s It’s Tricky so my thing is it’s a lot safer and cheap just to go [ __ ] just go buy your [ __ ] set of Clippers and a razor but what what if you can get that Steve Harvey though right you look a [ __ ] like a fool Steve Harvey L saw you people saw your [ __ ] falling out and all of a sudden you got a man unit like come on man well everybody ain’t got the bald head look say if you ain’t got the Baldhead look don’t get it bro that [ __ ] but dude so what’s the worst so so what’s worse just keep a little bit of that hair just keep keep a little something like I I guess you know what you you have to ask you really have to ask women yes and they’ll tell you it ain’t that bad like you have to really ask them because at the end of the day we’re not doing it for each other because we’re all going we’re all going through it we got we got four women in here so you got to ask them would you rather have the bald head got four women in here or in the control bald bald bald what about a Jerry debah we got four women and and all four of them said ball ballhead so we just saved y’all from adding to the billion doll industry yeah we got four in all four of them it wasn’t even a hesitation uhhuh and every now now one came with ask one said if you’re short don’t go bald like even if keny was bald you wouldn’t be able to see the top of it uhhuh yeah so tall yeah but still but it’s still a thing though you know as an expert in these matters gentlemen I I say bald hey just go balls it’s all good you look good Steve it’s all good I sh off 23 years old I’m good and the thing is don’t take this the wrong way Steve but you you’re not 6’4 neither right so therefore like you was like comfortable enough in your being to be like one has to be confident in themselves it’s time right so that’s my thing like dude you got a woman at home you securing your job you got like you what the like it ain’t that bad she ain’t going nowhere if you listen if you go boss she ain’t going nowhere trust me guess I guess I no no certain races can go bald yeah right yeah white culture let’s just be honest you and the ball head just reminds us of a time that just wasn’t it wasn’t great for us everybody can’t get the gum you can’t have this you know that skin head look I I can see hard that was hard right there me and okay you get the gumy like the gumy was hard gummy was fire but they get the Steve Harvey glue on show at the Apollo day no it’s just like I like I yeah man it’s dude just go on and go home man everybody in the chat clowning I wear half I’m not bald I just got gray hair I’m not trying to I can get the full Frederick Douglas if I want to oh you get it’s just gray I’m not using no hair care products I’m not dying it so I wear hats instead so y’all can leave me alone please I have nothing to do with this but Landon Donovan knew what he looked like before he went out there 1,00% that’s my thing nobody that’s no that’s what I’m I’m trying to figure out what when he went out there when he’s looking in the mirror he had to say yeah this is it right here like and a good friend text him and like yo you look like [ __ ] yeah they probably told him it wasn’t going to be on camera though and mother the only thing only thing he can’t respond back to his friends gave him the middle finger like man he should have came with the do rack just said hey yeah I’m trying to get like like you a’t you don’t see you don’t see brown without that thing on it’s not even the side part the side part is one thing like he meant that he what I’m saying no what I’m saying does the side supposed to does it supposed to go back up top I think straight on it would look yeah that’s what I said straight on you can’t see it but he know he got to be he got to swivel on it so he know so he swiv no he swiveled too far he got to just respond like this they should have had yeah ji this say how old are you Joi 42 G 42 same age as yourself no because it was like Dam how old is he he already got grades yeah stressful life girl stressful life don’t talk to me I’m I’m just read put the CH say I I don’t work with you for damn near three years y’all don’t understand that is stress all right Gil will call you at any point in the day night evening mhm you I call hey 5:00 in the morning hey so what you doing right now oh you’re sleep wake it is 5 my bad my bad I call you I call you an hour and then if you missed the call you can’t call him back so I got to be all right I’m on the phone now I’m ready I’m ready to talk to that but looking back on your own life what’s the worst hair day that you’ve ever had it could be at any point like I had a military bow cut my mom gave me when I was younger your M shot I mean the the one you came back from the when you turned your back on oh yeah was going you was going through it what’s so funny is if you look at it you going to be like damn you was only like 29 right here well you was looking I look older on this picture it was uh I was it was just a summer it was a summer grind it was a summer grind and I was going through some some things and you know a hair cut wasn’t in it wasn’t priority it wasn’t yeah like this is this is my new look this is my new look this is what I’m going with and what’s so funny is the reason I cut it is because Ted Leona said he’s like come on you got the beautiful smile right now you look like you’re 40 he said I know you know whatever happened in the summer whatever happened last year this is the new year come on get back that smile in the in the handsome face you got so I think I cut it like pre-season when we was in New York okay but you go back back and look at old photos of dudes in the league 60s 7s 80s they was 22 years old on full struggle mode the George Jefferson my my haircut I had a school picture your thick ass part bad bad yeah I tried to get myself to Stefan Marberry at one point it kept getting I just got to roll with dick ass like Center too like I’m like damn when had to go to school they take a school picture oh this had to be ’90s yeah [ __ ] I was in elementary school in the 80s [ __ ] oh man hey wait I was too [ __ ] now I don’t think about it better time yeah huh better time yeah I was in elementary school in 80s bro I was in [ __ ] high school in the 90s Rand about yourself worst hair day you had or are you refused to no I don’t I don’t have bad Hair Days ever like no I I don’t play that stop the cap I I I mean go look it up you in elementary school curl the s curl oh yeah the s c at the s curl yeah with the you know at the cane the miss the society I had the Jerry c a couple times get the fly Jo on your screen get the fly he on your screen get the fly your hat Mi give me some chopck most mostly if you grew up in the if you grew up in the early 90s I know for damn sure you had some [ __ ] up hairstyles right when Nike the Nike sign was popular in people’s head Barber didn’t know how to draw he [ __ ] you up the word Nike [ __ ] you up the word yeah yeah right so you know like you know some of you some of the Barbers you went to your local barber he you seen some [ __ ] on the the the hair card chart hey that used to be the best oh give me the then they pretend like they knew how to do it yeah yeah yo give me the give me that Nike sign your [ __ ] all back was upside down the Cur was big though got the psyche yeah got the psyche the S Cur with the line uhhuh I was in shout out Paul Pierce one of the greatest S curls in La basketball history my uncle used to torture me God arest my Uncle Mark so boy he had waves I was young so icle how you get waves man this like biggest [ __ ] ever they told him so you going get a onion I’m I don’t know how I’m ele I’m young I’m maybe third grade naive as [ __ ] I’m yeah okay you go do I’m sitting there with the onion rubbing the onion on my head my mom come in there like what the [ __ ] is this boy doing uncle just get up and walk out like dude like right yeah yeah yeah yeah all right let’s get this thing moving we got oh I did have Nike I just thought about it I had the n i k i e oh n i k nikai that’s Nikki that’s for Nike and it it said it right there on the board he still fli the eye right there right on the board that’s why he wa didn’t didn’t Nick have a tattoo it said it’s supposed to be like what Rebel oh yes man listen it’s PL of people out here bro right right Nick Nick Young got a tattoo right Born Rebel and I think they spelled it wrong oh W man that’s the worst no no rag rats woo Lord Jesus look at this yo bro yeah you was y you did your media day like that yeah that’s media day I figured look at yo wasn’t you in Memphis like that no no no no I was yeah this is the wizard yeah yo this [ __ ] with the media that look like he just got out like you did like it look like you listen this picture look like they had you locked up all something and they let you out Gil look like he went on a r and you went straight to Media day right yo look like they let him out he went straight to Media day look like he got out for nothing yo you look like a real convict no for real we we asked the chat is going bald he did it we as the chat is going bald a Bad Thing 62% said no shout out chat normally haters it is juneth I’m happy to see y’all embracing all hairstyles people all things like that over 3,000 votes on that one so appreciate y’all so it is juneth a lot of celebrations going on around the country but let’s talk about La there has been little motion with the Kendrick Drake beef for the past few weeks after both rappers dropped several diss tracks going at each other Drake cused a stir in his song Family Matters with his bar always rapping like you about to get the slaves free and it seems like Kendrick took it to heart so in Celebration juneth Kendrick is doing a special concert in LA called the pop out Ken and friends going down at the Forum today at 4 p.m. so I’m rolling with the concert I didn’t realize it was at 400 p.m. you’re going to do it in the middle of the day m in the city of Champions hot H TT at 400 pm. but most people do have the day off so I get it everybody’s not at GS Arena presented by Underdog fantasy who got the day off a Federal holiday can you taking the day off boy wait so said said I wonder who he going to bring the bank open I wonder who K the DJ Mustard is going to be there he’s got I mean he got different Crews going down the bank is the bank was up today see I can’t tolerate that might bring out Dr Dre that be it’s going to go down it feels like it’s going to be streaming you know we all going to be watching the stream but oh they streaming it too yeah so Brandon what are your expectations for the pop out Canon Friends concert I think it’s going to be awesome I think he’s going to bring out a lot of La Legends of course I wouldn’t be surprised if you bring out Dr Dre um but I think it’s going to be a great moment for La like we need it like we haven’t had anything like you know our own la artists coming to the city and like putting it down for the city so I think it might be the start of something last thing I think of is uh D Snoop at the Super Bowl obviously Kendrick was there and that whole crew but but this is like I mean it’s at the form like that’s that’s taking it back yeah I know San fernandoo Valley but you have la ti no I mean it it it’s probably to be a bunch of La rappers you know um really just holding the city down right um if you think about like like how he’s moved um you know this this one is just strictly for summer in La trying to get the city popping again mhm so you know I it it I’m pretty sure it’ll be La based and most La rappers will be trying to you know get onto this ticket so they can be part of the the whole movement so I wouldn’t be surprised to see like you know old school rappers like you know DJ Qui and all those type of guys you know my favorite producer bless in the stage so you know Snoop the eiders like game like I mean I said it could they could they could you know so you think Kendrick’s going to make oh that dog yeah you think sugar free I just hope these I just hope these n words behave that’s all hope it ain’t no BS situation yeah I just hope these nword behave not on Jun Chief Ken I appreciate you not saying the full word in honor of the the holiday yeah I just hope they behave man you know how it is got a bunch of them in one area I I’m just in Englewood it is yeah a little different now but it’s it’s yeah they yeah they gentrifying it but it’s still it still has yeah you go one still summertime and you still go one way one wrong one way and it get popping pop off going to be the pop off so you think Kendrick is gonna make Drake regret saying he’s rapping like he’s trying to get the slaves free that was a bar that a lot of people had issue with I’m sure Kung Fu Kenny took it to heart I mean what you going to do rap like he getting the slave free get the slave free but I’m just saying this it’s no what what it be gangster if he play well you really can’t hear it out there really obiously if he drop a new joint and on the stream him and must have come up with a new joint and drop it while they there they still not like us oh that’ be crazy right that’ be so and two of that they not like us come out with a remix or they remix with everybody in in yeah yeahuh okay can you it it ain’t going to hit no not because it ain’t because it’s there but I’m saying it’ll be it’s a dope concept like it’s like that that that album I mean that song right there was the end of it there was really nothing you can do um and it was always the it was always the Ender M right that was always the Checkmate move right um I’m I’m pretty sure that there was nothing after this whatever it was it was going to come before this this this song was the the the final hit it was going to always be the final hit you got kids singing it yeah cuz you know yeah yeah and that was the that that was the beauty of it right when you’re talking about like a in something that’s impactful the impactful is it being able to play in the club the radio right when you when he goes eat when he goes into a club like think about it when when Drake goes inside of a club he’s going want to know that the song either played before he got there right or is going to play soon as he leaves that mug right cuz you know most you know most DJs won’t play while he’s there but they going to play as soon as he bounces out and the whole place is going to go crazy and that’s the impact of the song because you sitting there listening to the songs hoping that the DJ don’t disrespect you like that right so but that was the power of that that it’s on the radio yeah all right I get it you know it was I know I just like the back toback [ __ ] he made know I’m saying same [ __ ] yeah same [ __ ] yeah same thing like that sh was on the radio every every back to what I’m say and I think like when when beefs in the future is going to take this approach right they going to try to they’re going to try to hit a hit record for it to be played worldwide good luck yeah it’s going to be I mean no all that’s going to happen is I mean all you need is a producer but you got to be big enough though Kendrick was already big enough and this battle was big enough yeah it was because of because of who it was involved with but he already was he himself was a big enough artist worldwide to where it hit like so just like back to back when Drake did is worldwide cuz he’s already a big enough star to where you got other people from other countries and stuff streaming it now right mhm so now those May yeah but we got both people were both people were both I you know both artists were very smart and tactical right like you can see you know just from how they was laying music down um but that that three-week window where Kendrick didn’t drop anything all he was doing was writing and loading up every time Drake pops something he already has some coming right which which made Drake go back to the booth right and then you know when he drops some I drop something else take your ass back to the booth because Kendra did all his [ __ ] he did all his [ __ ] already right so he’s just sitting there just that’s it that’s it all right I’m done I’m tired here we go right and it was one of those and I don’t think Drake was I don’t think Drake had one of these in the vault yeah one of I don’t he didn’t have a Club Banger in a vult so when he got hit with it there was nothing he can do he was prepared he wasn’t he wasn’t prepared for this for this no he wasn’t prepared for mustard that’s he he wasn’t prepared for mustard that’s what he wasn’t prepared for cuz other Beast Kendrick did it was just all right cool cool cool cool right boom right it’s that that he wasn’t prepared he thought it was just another regular had Dre on the goddamn it I should have had goddamn Dr Dre let’s keep this thing moving speaking of other music made one of his bigger hits with somebody like they made one of them one of them bangers he used to one of them I’m a problem they all win get no information though it wasn’t even about it wasn’t even about information yeah I mean he was he was trying to get someing get trying to get information he got was golden what what was the yeah they just got the family maners he did no family maners is dope yeah yeah so you know it’s the beat plus what Kendrick was saying was what took it over the top yeah the beat it wasn’t like that’s that’s what Mak like what he saying is one thing but y’all n like just y’all hear the beat now that’s all we hear is the beat the beat now the beat is enough and that’s that’s how you know the beat was way more made way more impactful than the lyrics Because if you listen if what the lyrics are saying the fact that everyone is just I want to dance yeah the claims [ __ ] them claims I just want to dance and we going be out here because it’s the hook they not like I’m saying it’s the hook that that everybody is right yeah M9 but I just for my six-year-old to be in the car like and they come on the radio and he in that so it’s shout out K I just wish he was a little bit more prepared though like if a dude is at you waiting on you for like 10 something years like he got a lot of like ammo and information on you like he should was the what is the information what if what if I just feel like he wasn’t prepared though like like like going into that situation like you’re not like I mean it’s a lose lose situation anyway for Drake We facts so it it doesn’t matter it’s just wasn’t prepared and I think got involved when you say there was no prepared let’s let’s say what Kendrick said in the last song it’s All false right who’s more prepared well well Kendrick is still more prepared because he’s like he has more music he’s ready like he’s it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not I’m ready like I’m just dropping I’m prepared for this so whatever you say I’m prepared and I don’t think Drake was really like he was like he was in it then he was like then it got per then it was kind of like all right like you got me yeah I I just look at like if we’re going to like when people ask me I like I just like both both parties was no for sure both like when you when you like forget the wins and the losses you you like if this is Jordan’s you know or Kobe’s 81 one game for Drake was this what embiid 70 was this Lucas 70 right this this wasn’t a what he did wasn’t a 40o performance no for sure no right you know what I mean it wasn’t a 40 Point performance so you know if he sit there and you know he had he put up 60 or 70 right and Kendrick hit the 80 with the game winner yeah okay we give it to you but you can’t take away like no one expected Drake to do what Drake was doing let’s just be honest this was supposed to be just a real Massacre no one thought he was going to come back and drop this much music right no for sure no yeah right you know what I mean so the fact that he did that you’d be like okay he’s he was fighting in real time you thought he was going to be one done yeah yeah no that’s right everybody thought this was going to be one hit quitter but he was fighting in real time coming back and you got to you got to respect that part of the the the Artistry I mean but he was dropping music with Pusher and he was dropping music against the Meek Mill beef like he he was dropping music I just don’t think not not this fast not this quick I just think I just think he wasn’t prepared for what I’m saying prepared for all these other people that were coming that was the distraction like everybody else that was beefing withing during the beef like you got you see cuz cuz now you got to answer to Rocky and now I got to answer to Rick Ross now I got to answer the Metro boom it’s like it’s just and then you got it’s like it’s just too much but that’s what I’m saying I I I appreci I I appreciate just the the fight in it right like I know J Cole his stuff was for a spirit um and you know he didn’t want no parts of what was going on and which was which was which was which was great very bow out gracefully yeah yeah no I I get I get it like you know what I mean it’s like yeah I’m going here but when we talking about like like performance of the Titans right no matter if you won or lost we can say yo he battled no for sure he battled like you know you got to give his head off or his he battling right you know what I mean I I can’t say I I don’t have respect for you when you you went Toe to Toe mhm right you you went into the boxing with Mike Tyson you took him to 12 he he knocked you out in 12 you went there mhm mhm that’s all you can respect right so let’s talk about some other uh unfortunate music news uh Justin Timberlake was arrested early yesterday morning on suspicions of driving while Under the Influence up in the Hamptons in New York so the officer who arrested Timberlake wrote this in his report said the defendant was operating said vehicle in an intoxicated condition in that his eyes were bloodshot and glassy his strong odor of an alcoholic beverage was emanating from his breath he was unable able to divide attention had slowed speech unsteady a foot and he performed poorly on all standardized field sobriety test that’s that’s a lot of L’s in a row so officer who arrested Timberlake reportedly didn’t know who he was and his mug shot was widely circulated on social media yesterday we have it he look normal he looked like he was crying no he don’t know [ __ ] he looked like uh sh he looked like himself up in a social network yeah yeah yeah you don’t think a billion so if I know I’m like you going either way it go I’m going to jail you like once they actually get out the car and start walking and all that [ __ ] I’m not doing all that man touch your nose man put the handcuffs on me yeah let’s go let’s go not F to have no video of me out here surfacing on the web me me hit the routine though hit the dance routine no [ __ ] that you can you going to jail either way that move JT yo you going you might as well start dancing out that [ __ ] you know what I’m saying cuz you going to jail either way it go yeah you’re going you know you you know you’ve been drinking they should have pulled them over and said y’all singing group why don’t y’all sing something why don’t you sing something Lake pleaded not guilty scheduled appear court again on July 26th nobody like can lose your life for a little bit you got means to get you a driver man why nobody has you don’t have Listerine on you just roll the windows down let it like perhaps a better answer would be just to take a Uber or I’m just don’t know the fact that you in there if you a drinker and a driver that’s your thing right have you a bottle of Listerine man just have it on there cuz they when you speak it can you know what I mean just go ahead Swig it Swig it throw it you can swallow it [ __ ] you have to swallow it you going have to swallow it get the what you spitting out spray some cologne on you I just don’t understand how people drink get the talking just in general ladies and gentlemen this is juneth I mean get the talking and then if they got you coming out of the car pull your pants down a little bit pull your pants down a little bit sag so when you get out of the car you stumble and them Lo [ __ ] pants got to put them pants up they don’t it don’t look like the drunk stumble it look more like your sagging stum got yeah I’ve done that before you got you got every a get out pull your pants down a little bit get out you going to stumble a couple times oh [ __ ] my bad you just got to hit them with the Tommy Boy there’s bees bees in the car run for your life yeah but be out the feel sobriety these people man no no hey just take me to jail take me to jail cuz you’re going you’re going if you know you drunk that way man come on you know I almost got uh I almost got arrested in DC the only time I almost got arrested in DC was I had a bulletproof vest I got pulled over they say you got any weapons in the car I was like No And then it was like uh do you have anything dangerous in the car I was like it’s like like a tase or something I was like no only thing I got in my car is a bulletproof vest then he looked at me why do you have a bulletproof vest absolutely Gilbert for defense man this is DC like I defense like [ __ ] I can put it on and get the going like I know we’re not allowed to have guns but nobody said I couldn’t have a vest he said g you don’t play defense so he uh he pulled me out of the car and then checked and make sure there was no gun he’s like well you’re not allowed to have a vest either what what you can’t ready yeah why you can’t see see Le oh no it’s like okay mean listen have a vest and a silencer alone you’re going no gun have a silence yeah you got no gun no bullets but what does a vest have to do I’m protect if I’m protecting myself it was it was one of those things he was like I’m not going to arrest you you’re C you’re a civilian why do you need a bulletproof vest as a civilian no and that’s the question they ask if you and you go you going to stumble with your hands and they like come on but that’s but that it was like he said 50 can have when he got shot nine times yeah makes sense for him to have one but I said it’s you’re NBA player what you got a vest for I’m NBA player what you got a vest for son I was trying to be 50 I don’t know but no no no one he just took he just took it and just let me go could have been a real dick and took the in yeah no no he said he said you know but what is it J Aras gets arrested for having a bullet people going to be like what that look like in the well you know he can protect himself can he and then he said he like so I don’t stupid no the question is why does Gilbert Arenas have a bulletproof vest worth 60 something million he don’t get robbed it’s the question n DC but I think all I think everybody start digging now they gonna get warrants and [ __ ] and they like come to carea oh not Virginia I got that idea was good H I lived in Virginia so we good let’s move on to some basketball uh it was basketball wasur with the Wizards so some surprising news is DET Troy piston celebrated juneth by firing head coach Monty Williams after just one season so according to W this decision was made at the ownership level the same ownership they gave Williams a historic six-year 78.5 million contract last summer after the Suns fired him with the dismissal Williams still has 65 million remaining on his contract and what will now be considered reparations for his emancipation a two time Coach of the Year Williams was expected to help the struggling pistons in their rebuilding efforts after several boooo seasons uh Pistons were the worst team in the league this season with a record of 14 and 68 including an NBA record tying 28 game losing streak are you guys surprised that the Pistons gave Monty Williams a boot after just one season yeah and they just gave him all that money right yeah I mean after one season like that was I don’t know my my thing is is this your team was sorry the year before he got there and the year before that and the year before that and then he gets there what did you expect him to do with the same the same same food this is the same right you don’t even give him a time to really find out what these players can do what Their potential is to put in his like his recipe right you know this is a year but for the most part you know we know the NBA season have to time you’re not practicing you’re trying to you know what I mean so you only have what what three weeks to really try to put in your [ __ ] oh no they was practicing oh I’m I’m pretty sure you know they wasn’t like any other team they was practi but it’s you you still don’t really get a feel for what you really have it takes time so the fact that they paid him then fired him after one year it says more about them than it does him or it had nothing to do with basketball or that one or that part right I’ll take whatever you’re about to say like I said on this couch and I say what I had to say like money need to throw a few fa letter words out there we saw the video of him him not cursing at one point right mm gosh darn it gosh I’m not saying it’s the same thing I don’t know this for factual I don’t mean to speak people business but rumor has the reason Mark Jackson hasn’t gotten a job because of some of the religious things that’s that that he’s believes in right and he tries to force those things on other people you can’t do that in certain environments I’m not saying this what manty was doing but his personality is that of cool that’s that’s what you are that’s who you are but you can’t force that on people M and you that way in the locker room and certain things it might rub people the wrong way might rub management the wrong way we didn’t know this this side of don’t know but this is sports man like it’s emotion know it’s you got to you can’t you just can’t be here man mhm like below like yo you you can’t not dealing with 19 20 year old 21 year old young man it don’t work I feel the players couldn’t relate to him he couldn’t relate to the guys it’s part of the decision man like it’s you got a bunch of 190 21 year old kids in there go ask them how many of them with the church how many of them go to church how many of them read the Bible is it’s these are the things man like this is real stuff that’s going on and he’s like and I’m question yeah I don’t I’m just no no no is he a churchgoing guy humaniti M I would yes okay he’s very relig okay compared to the rest of the world we’re just talking about a sport NBA locker room NBA lock room I can’t talk about you know football and stuff NBA locker room NBA locker room how many Church heavy in the church players are there yeah not take a step further take it a step further NBA arenas before the game M we have a chap they have Chapel yeah we have Chapel we have Chapel how many active your teammates your teammates my teammates went you know the ones that went M because they went every every Arena that they went same two or three guys if that might have been one it’s the same ones but I don’t mean to but it’s you know so is that I’ve never thought about it is that frowned upon like what do we what do we think about those actual players we don’t it’s kind of like it depends on who the player is right listen so we had we had turbulence on the plane one time Hubert Davis took his Bible in the bathroom M it came out I said you do know if this [ __ ] go down you going with us just saying you religious I get that you go pray okay cool you take your B in pray cool but if it go down I don’t think you’re going to be spared mhm but you very religious I get that but that’s what I’m saying but put a seat Bel on me yes it makes more sense y got through the turbulence that might have been the reason why y got through the turbulence I know or it could have been the pilot or it could have been the weather change I’m just saying is like we he’s right there is Chapel right and yeah but why is it a front upon if God no he asked is it he I as it cuz it is though it is I mean like Ian I mean nobody because how can you so my thing is what do we look what like do we look down on like chur the Bible and stuff and I’ve never been in locker room do talk about church no cuz I don’t cuz I don’t think Church players people that’s in the church I don’t think they try to push their religion on the players because there’s only one or two of them and you got a whole bunch of heathens yeah in this mother and is that what okay yeah we got a bunch of heathens in the is that what it is is because to play in this type of environment Just Sports itself you have to be of a Different Cloth being being nice seems like yo come on man with the N come on man you don’t have to clothline this [ __ ] man like is it is it that and like that’s what I’m said I’ve never really like the dudes who went to church I’m like I don’t really you know because you don’t bother no body but we didn’t really expect [ __ ] from him like on bench cheering [ __ ] you might have one guy that you rely on and that’s you every now but it’s like I’m thinking about star players yeah who mean Michael rare was Heavy Michael red was Heavy oh he was see I’m trying to start playing that was he Heavy after he got injured or was he heavy before well I don’t I mean you saying my rookie year he was heavy into it like church and things like that so but you knew the teammates huh so you knew the guys who was going like yeah Him Luke RAR um you know it’ be a couple other guys so yeah so they kind of got me like into it too so yeah it was cool though but it wasn’t like we talked about it it was just you know go to Chapel boom boom but it was nothing like you know so you start going to Chapel when you was there mhm yeah sometimes yeah and then we would pray after the game sometimes yeah I the game okay but it wasn’t it wasn’t but it wasn’t nothing like you know it was just we’ll go 15 years no guys in I be in the weight room while guys holding Chapel like they I’m lifting ways in certain go to Portland they do the in the waight room they got the chapel in the weit room and they little group and just it’s just like I’m thinking M I think we have Mike James I think mik he’s he’s very religious to this day he does on Instagram you see if you follow him on Instagram Mike does scriptures and stuff now to this day yeah see now now see see now that so he was he sat right next to me right but he never like like pushed religion yeah you know you need to yes he never he never like he never did he never did that right you need to go to church and all that it was just you know just regular dude you know but I was like I remember him always but what if he would have done it then what would you would have thought that’s at that moment in time yeah yeah can I get a new seat man I ain’t got time to be you ask you wi that mother he would have came in the next day and his locker would have been moved yeah I’m over here listening to [ __ ] you can’t see me brother I can’t you know brother Malcolm over here yeah like we like Eon I don’t even know if Eon was a church dude but he was more religion he was more black power type right so we like we couldn’t say the word like if we like we can we’ll drop in bombs you know just talking and then if he five or eight come out he like can you just say my brother all right my brother and as soon as you got to this [ __ ] man like we we’ll do that but but for the most part you know um that’s the only thing like you know uh he was in the you know you know black black power talk so he was political but he never tried to convince any of us he just like y when we got the saying the certain words they like hey my can we just say my brother you’ll be more receptive to that yeah than the religion part of it I believe well this this move speaking of religion this move may be a blessing in disguise uh for Monty Williams uh as he ex may have executed one of the greatest bag finessing in NBA coaching history so in a little over a year Williams has secured more than 80 $85 million to not coach here is the timeline so he was fired by the Suns May 2023 got a $20 million plus buy out June 2023 hired by the Pistons got a six-year 78.5 million deal at that point the largest coaching contract in NBA history and now June 2024 Fire by their Pistons after one season getting $65 million plus buyout so you don’t have the coach of pistons and you get 85 mil okay look I get like you don’t want to coach there but when you guys throw The Narrative of salary cap and luxury tax and all this [ __ ] that you use um do y’all do we do no one ever says like I’ve never heard big media ever says anything about these deals right you got you got bucks right they no matter who they trying to get this year they how much money do they pay in in coaching that is not there that you could have you could hire a whole another player yes so so let ask this so if they put that [ __ ] in the salary cap if it was part of your coach your head coaching salary was part of your [ __ ] salary cap M they’ll stop that [ __ ] I guarantee right yeah money has to be that that 65 count of gets your cap y after a season like no we going to P we we going to hit that put that in your luxury yeah put that in luxury guarantee you won’t guarantee you won’t fire because it just it makes no it makes no sense with the arguments that you have like they going to say oh we’re almost over the luxury tag wait hold on man you got $32 million at home on coaches then you just paid him 10 [ __ ] that’s 42 you you’re spending 42 million on coaches and you telling us we can’t get what again y we we asked for [ __ ] all PlayStation 5es of this [ __ ] and you g giving us a hard time time shot like but is am I right though like you’re sitting at home this man is about to sit at home making $65 million and y’all about to hire another coach to do the same thing that he would have did now [ __ ] you going to play this contract out you going to earn I’m pay I’m paying listen I’m paying for something I don’t give a [ __ ] what it is at this point right you going to give me something but I’m not going to fire you cuz I I still owe you the money you go home $65 million of my dollars going in I got to pay somebody else who’s going to sit there and say what I need 5 years 55 years so that’s 110 million that I’m paying in coaches in the same time frame so s so this is double I’m paying double the money on the same losing ass team [ __ ] milwauke paying three coaches three coaches booner Griffin Coes dog and Doc all get I’m telling you like this hey Doc boiser and Griffin y’all coaching together yep it’s going to be it’s going to be hey every other game goddamn it hey just like start like star picture godamn it hey first half quarter hey hey [ __ ] come on now you get it you just going to switch you [ __ ] out this is crazy Co coach hey [ __ ] hey go hey hey yo yo go get dock in the back come on go get dock turn all right Griffin get up out of here that [ __ ] like Hey listen listen listen let that fourth quarter come in and then and then the coach come in and everybody start cheering like we got Hope come on man let’s go boy like in Major League what name was coming out you know like when that when that when that final picture comes out oh [ __ ] we got him you got to do that man I I be D you I’m paying you as a owner your ass just sitting at home watching trying to get another job that’s crazy hey hey yo so if you Detroit right and their team is Young would you try to go get Stan Van Gundy again they got to go somebody they got to get younger all right so look young Co like okay like look at the talent I have right most of these kids are on the offensive side of it right okay they’re they need they need a player they need a coach who can talk it and walk it a little bit right so you’re talking about somebody who’s young enough to play their ass oneon-one can still outshoot them right and and it’s going to say and speak the same language that they kind of speak that’s probably what Sam Cel Sam somebody who yeah right that that is the perfect like at this point when you’re looking at Detroit Pistons you’re talking about someone like he’s had he’s seen all highle type of guards right he doesn’t seen them all so when you’re talking about Cade this is the perfect dude for you because he he’s unseen me John Wall right he was with Rondo Stefon he like he played right he done with the Clipper joints he had Chris Paul so he’s done seen every Style of Coach I mean of players he doesn’t seen all the high level so that he would be someone that these guards like you talking about yo I need to en heighten your skills these are the things we need to do let’s go would you bring Rondo in with him as an assistant I wouldn’t like I’m not the dude that forces like he has to pick his own lineup like this is right when you talking about guards like this is like your first job right it’s it’s it’s one of those is like I’m I’m this is your job now pick your staff to match right I can’t already prejudge and have someone waiting for you that just it’s not a it’s not it’s not a really good L of situation these days though if you were a guy like s though like you know trying to get your first head coaching job would this job even be one fu yeah absolutely the [ __ ] won 14 games last year but my point is [ __ ] they might win 15 next year I I did better I did better now I Ain lose 28 straight yep [ __ ] they this is the worst this is the best lost 2 y this is the best situation to go into because the Year this last year it’ll be hard you have listen if they didn’t have no coach they can’t you really can’t mimic exactly what they did this year they a no damn way you can go 2 same record with a without a and lose 28 straight look the way it look you lose 24 straight [ __ ] you didn’t lose you didn’t you that’s an improvement y you know what I mean so like if whoever gets that job whoever is looking to be that next coach it it it is a upgrade in a sense of you they’re at the they’re at the flow level that it’s all it’s all uphill from here so girl I know you’ve had some situations some issues with Detroit in the past would you consider taking that job to mend those fences with with the Detroit faithful come on bro huh piss his job we could do Guild Arena from Detroit me development we going I’m playing ones every day man they going to have I’m going just be honest with you man they just going to have to put my room in the arena man can’t leave I can’t go anywhere in the city they in in on on YouTube and Instagram they said I can’t fly to Detroit I know it’s it’s usually people in Section 8 housing so they don’t count but the fact that they said it I got to take it is you got to take that [ __ ] for the word this ain’t San Francisco people talking like oh yeah don’t come to the city this is Detroit right so you have to like look at the history like yeah I’m just going man just stay at the MGM I’m just going to take this as true I mean all the he didn’t spell none of the words right right but I know what he’s trying to say and he said you can’t fly here not even connected no Delta fles forg he said no none no Spirit no nothing all right well let’s if I got to come now not even for charity like not if I give back to charity like nah brother let’s talk about some other NBA news with the season over teams are now able to negotiate with their own players before free agency officially begins June 30th uh Pacers locked down Pascal yakum with a 4-year 189.5 million Max contract extension seak can’t officially sign the extension till after the League’s free agency moratorium ends on July 6th are you doing juneth beverag ladies and gentlemen the season the the NBA season is over it is juneth we are getting turned to celebrate S I forgot to tell you I bought the cut the gentleman’s cut step Steph said keep talking [ __ ] he going to keep I wasn’t even talking [ __ ] like I had been my top eight like I don’t know if I the gentle I’m not going lie Steph [ __ ] strong man strong it’s 90 Proof it’s 90 Proof gentleman’s cut for gentlemen it ain’t you ain’t going to be a gentleman every time I bring every time I take it man I go to sleep right have to lie so perhaps it would been a good idea to take a little bit I didn’t know what it was until [ __ ] you know thought regular ass H like I said Pacer SE yakum agreed on a 4-year $1 189.5 million Max contract extension SE yakum averaged 21 points eight rebounds four assists in 41 regular season games with the Pacers and in the playoffs he averaged uh quite similar 22 eight rebounds four assists so what do you’all think about seak and the Pacers keeping this relationship going with a four-year Max contract extension I like it personally I think he’s proven NBA champion um Allstar um I mean they paid Tobi Harris all that money so I mean I know he’s worth it yeah no he fit well with them man they need to score need somebody to going to get a bucket um that don’t rely on tyres Howen buron to spoon feed him you know Pascal can go get a bucket so no they had to give it yeah no he earned it U played solid during the regular season played well playoffs hey shout out to him man hey mhm part of their future y he’s still young right he under 30 yeah he’s 29 that’s what I was looking at yeah so yeah he’s 30 now he turned 30 in April okay okay well [ __ ] right what contracts is equivalent to that what there was it four for 190 yeah who who Who’s around that like who who else is in that category let me pull it up that’s a free agent right now or just period just like that fouryear one like what time how much what type of player [ __ ] Mel Bridges gonna get that Mel Bridges is gonna get that oh okay I mean okay then yeah let me pull it let me pull it cuz I’m thinking abouts and I’m like well he’s he’s not he’s in his own category yeah sabonis is like 486 to buy his hair wait wait wait who sabon sabonis is 4 what 18 186 bu sign um 2024 yeah oh so he so it’s all the way through 2027 okay who else um in that four-year range I PG’s about to bounce out he had a 4 for 176 but that started in 2021 okay uh yeah that’s crazy he gonna get some NBA yes yeah I was just trying to I was just trying to see if it was one of those deals where you got yeah I see KD four years 194 but he signed that 2022 is an extension so obviously the money spread is different now so one and it’s a good deal um I think OB safe I’m pretty sure it’s a it’s a it was a safe one Obie gonna get the same so they have enough bread now to to resign Obi toppin or they can use like a like 12.9 million non tax but he can get some more money if he leave though he can get more okay so my question was I remember I I I said this earlier with with Pascal would he have gotten this money somewhere else so like for this for this bread could I could I have gotten I overpay clay and overpay a Paul George well I still be under under this you think you’d have been in in the ballpark in a ballpark yeah so would that have been a better deal if I can get clay and Paul George even though I overpaid them I don’t think You’ been able to get both you would have got you hadg yeah yeah I’m just clay think P you could have got clay at like 25 30 mil and then something else on top of that clay ain’t even getting clay ain’t even offered 20 million right now I’m just say huh Clay is not even being offered 20 million so I’m I’m trying to see if I would have got both of them for the same price oh you could if you got if you got those two h n cuz PG’s going to want well you don’t think Kay can get 29 a year like 28 29 he what he made 40 last year 28 what was the deal they offered him I think was like two for 48 or something 48 so that’s 24 Pop 24 pop and he turned that down and that’s not even on uh oh that’s a sign other other than that I’m trying to figure out if you know guys are not feeling right now keep it like you know is well how about this is it in their best interest to keep the same exact team so cuz if they signed them him and Toby do they even have any Obie to Obie OB Toby your name Toby Toby today is there is there is there room for is there any room for an improvement or is this is this it this the squad they’re rolling out with again this is the team they’re rolling out with which so brings you to my next question I think he’ll be topping Le be to yeah beginning of the postseason Draymond Green said the Pacers were 82 game team team and not a 16 game team you know saying that they’re high powerered offense in the regular season will struggle a little bit with their defensive issues Pacers went on to advance to the Eastern Conference Finals but we’re swept by the Celtics what do the Pacers need to do if they want to go from being an 82 game team to a 16 game team and it’s kind of in line with what you’re saying Gil They’re bringing back the same pretty much the Corey the same roster [ __ ] yo do you do something with MES Turner but in today’s game for who though that’s the thing for who like it’s I’ve been saying I think he should leave but but for who what’s funny he should leave not like get rid of I think he should have been I think he should have dipped but they could pay him the most money so I get him staying but but for who that’s that’s the thing yeah say [ __ ] averaging two blocks two some chain like he’s got one year left on his deal oh 19 million next year or 20 excuse me or do they need a two guard so he’s going to be he’s going to be spitting no I I think that wait wait isn’t U what’s the young is Agent who how they play they got mat over there Smith is n Smith no he’s under contract through 2027 bench I’m saying she got mathine over there that didn’t play uh he’s still on his rookie deal he’s still got two more he’s under contract through 2026 okay still got two more years left on his deal okay the Jason Smith kid what is he or J Jaylen Jaylen uh player player option so Benjamin mathine he’s still on the rookie de ma still on the rookie deal until when he can go uh he’s got a 26 yeah team option 26 yo he can go and what position he play two guard right he can be he’s a two he a buggy and he he mean it yeah but he was you know the playoffs you know I think this was a I think this was a safe like I think he Ain playing the playoffs yeah I think the idea of what Indiana’s is doing is saying all right we secure Pascal these young guys are going to be a year older um Ben is going to be back we can probably do some damage so for them this was this was a bargain you got you got Pascal with a bar I mean a guy who average who can I can sit there and say he’s going to give me 20 a game like clockwork you you got to pay for that all day yeah right I mean it’s it’s a guaranteed 20 and that and I I think that’s the problem Clay is having is this was my worst year and I average what 18 19 it’s my worst year but and I put up 19 you’re also getting older that’s the and but I put on my worst year I put up 19 right so I have to be worth right you’re talking about you know two points or what that’s about what 300 more points which is a lot but yeah Klay a 183 rebounds two two ass 77 games this season I’m aaging I’m having an age 39% from three still 43 from the field points is 100 huh 300 points is like 100 Main threes basically yeah but that that that that money is very different from just three points it seems like and I I can see what why he’s struggling with accepting because it’s still average 18 yes I’m still averaging 18 right so if I’m getting booed at 18 this is crazy like I’m getting booed at 18 is it anything different though Klay just turned 34 averaging that 18 now for us to want to give you how about this do you think do you think clay will play worse next year I don’t I don’t right I I can’t say I I think he’d be a better vers percentages would be up yeah I he won’t shoot 39 again from three he won’t it just really depends on situation you get to a squad no I’m just saying if he was if he was at Golden State if he stay with the Warriors do you think that he will play worse than he did this year like we can say this was probably all the elements that hit it hit at the right time and this is what I got I got 18 points a game but do you think he he signs A Team friendly discount deal with the Warriors he would be a little saltier I don’t I’m go still go out and hoop though but my thing is just say if he did go back to Golden State they can’t play the same man the leag the league didn’t League didn’t caught up to it the rest of the NBA didn’t caught up to the style of player to gold state War so unless you switch it up it’s Steph has to work entirely too hard Klay has to work intirely too hard to average 18 Steph got to work intirely too hard to average what he you you know the fun you know the funny part about the Golden State Warriors is their fourman nor their fivem men can shoot the ball in this NBA right in this NBA right so the NBA that they created that Steph created they don’t even actually have they fours and fives can’t right it’s it’s it’s this is just a guard offense right it’s not made for are four and a five so they’re they’re D near more like Dallas than they are mhm like the rest of the the league and I don’t know if they try to upgrade right you find a fiveman that can stretch that floor you find a five man that is what five they need a a lively or a Gafford type of guy oh they I’ve been saying they got to get young ass they need a guy who can I can do a pick and roll with Steph and I can throw that [ __ ] at The Rim only one they got n is the Jackson kid they just Trace Jackson they just start playing him yeah me did play they need they need a they need a rim Runner like Stephanie’s a rim Runner they need a rim protector they need I I I’ve been saying it like Kon Looney is a solid NBA player but he’s not a star in five n he’s not he’s not not like he gonna give you solid minutes when you need him he going offensive rebound he gonna do what he do but in this NBA you need something to fit this NBA at that four and that five position big Draymond Green friend but it’s like even if I have Draymond Green like even I have Draymond Green my five man need to be a impact on the rim itself right so when Steph does that pick and roll and he’s diving right you want to trap me and I throw back the if even if I can’t get it to him I throw back the clay that’s on my same side and he dumps it in I need someone that’s going to put pressure on that rim and the fact that they don’t have it it’s easier to guard step which is harder to guard step now if you put him where someone he does a pick and roll and that motherfucker’s diving now you have to treat him like every other guard you got to treat him like LCA [ __ ] we got a SAG we got a sag cuz we can’t let this dude just roll we got to Sag or we have to um can’t switch it cuz obviously yeah it’s some young good big you know what I mean so you got to get you got to they got to find a young big that can put pressure one of them high level Obi what Obie OB you got now that’ll be a good pickup absolutely it would be now now that now just with someone who can just dunk and just throw L and shooting threes and and he’s spreading and he’s spacing the floor so you get both now now Steph is harder to guard so now you get both you get a rim cuz he he dunking that [ __ ] and he’s shooting that [ __ ] now so and you got to respect the shot too and you put him out there with them he going [ __ ] he going to become a better shooter hey quick question by being in that gym with them how many how many shots you take when just now one oh I feel the same way you do okay how about you just one I feel the same I’m just making sure Ain I I got a little low getting a little lower like I was going to say in a minute I was going to let us finish this subject and I would be like yo I don’t know about y’all but I’m [ __ ] Tipsy hey y sorry Chad I’m sorry you might need another one just to get no hell no hell I’m dead on your own another round yeah another round another round play it’s June it’s Wednesday hey right right but it’s we free we free today all right I’m going just I’m going just be free blame just quick question about the rim Runner thing no hold on right before you say that y’all don’t think it’s wrong that uh Caucasian is US drinks that’s that’s holding us back as a societ this is holding us back as societ we should get a like this is we should get our jeans from a black woman did y’all mic please I I should have cut you off he you know what’s funny now the black you going to put me to work put me to work on junal holid H desper trying to be on camera here we can’t win back to basketball and the rim with the Warriors we that was funny like it’s te doesn’t matter it’s June Jun forgetting kuminga is a rim runner for the warri but they got a but he’s a but he’s a he’s a he’s a more of three or four he a four three you can play toping at the five the same five play together power for but you can put him at the five he can play he can play they five should um Miami play bam at the five true so him and so but so him and him and um yeah so so him and Young fella play a four and five right they need them they need young athletic they play kaminga in you got Trace Jackson coming off the bench which them three young athletic bigs give you something OB Obie makes shots mhm right yeah which helps I love how a Pacers discussion turned into the Warriors oh yeah we yeah we we moved we move to go but but the Pacers yeah they shout out to Pascal see I can getting this bread man shout out Pas hey man yeah hey my my collar look drunk like I’m looking at like Dam my [ __ ] look lopsided you got one shot dog you got one little shot y that’s why y’all can’t take me nowhere so let’s talk a little bit before we talk about mths let’s talk a little bit about these Celtics hand sweat over [ __ ] now like yo what is in that I’m over here look like justtin Tipp like yeah I’m looking glossy like a [ __ ] too what yo my hands Swit I I feel like listen I feel like this I feel like this right now I feel eyes glossy good thing you home hey can I get some uh water water no no no no juice yes here let me just pour this out ladies and gentlemen it is it is juneth like the water water in shot does not really it doesn’t all that water it down download the Dark Fantasy app to D in bonus Jes so before we talk about the maps let’s hit the Celtics a little bit I know we talked about them in depth yesterday you gentlemen we’re not on the couch so there’s been much discussion debate my shoes on toot hey you just ain’t a good shoe Tire G you just ain’t a good shoe tire is that it you just ain’t a good ear dog bunny years is it only the days I’m here I don’t know n cuz I just be right it was it was like that too so he had tie yesterday I know you had the tie on Monday L and gentlemen you TI it no I didn’t meanwhile only it’s only G so there’s been much discussion and debate over who really deserved the finals MVP uh Square Media picked Jaylen Brown most people agree with that decision so despite the attempts to cause a rift between the duo Tatum has been extremely supportive of brown winning both the Eastern Conference Finals and finals MVP so after Brown posted a pick on his IG of him holding the finals MVP and Larry O’Brien trophy Tatum commented MVP with three exclamation points to which Brown responded we both the MVP it’s like red and his D beach cruiser it’s both ours we did it so two years ago they were talked about breaking this Duo up and now they’re NBA champions of the world so after all that they’ve been through just for all yall on the couch we’ve seen them get close not get over that we’ve seen the the talk and the conversation around it but how cool is see that Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum’s relationship has remained strong despite all the outside noise man it’s it’s it’s solidarity man you know we can’t you know we are part of media now and you know sometimes we you know choose sides in the fact that you know there’s so much pressure on just duels in itself right just forget what if you take the media out the pressure just being one and two is very difficult right when you add the media and they got your second guess in each other got SEC second guessing your playing style right you know from questions they ask you know how do you feel about this and you know what I mean is a lot of self- sabotaging I guess you know when you’re trying to accomplish something so the fact that everything they’ve been through with rumors of being traded this person has to go and so the fact that they they they lasted through all our as media [ __ ] and won a championship and standing strong together man just you know just makes it as an athlete just EX you’re proud for him yeah well you all been in locker rooms there’s always we talk about this stuff all the time there’s going to be battles nobody that’s a number two I don’t think looks at themselves as a number two other than maybe Paul George but for the most part there’s going to be dissension with guys but for them to be able to unite get this thing done finally win that Championship C how cool is it for you to see that they still have maintained a strong relationship and they’re rocking with each other they grew up together man like they came in as kids mhm they lost together heartache together trials tribulations listen to the media um no it’s dope that the front office and ownership didn’t didn’t pull the trigger like through the through the down times it’s easier to jump ship M and they didn’t so and in this situation there was a light at the end of the tunnel it wasn’t a train coming mhm yeah so it was actual L your a pot of gold for and and for them to stick it out and to always have one another’s back no matter what outside sources might report or might think or might try to suggest they knew what they had they knew what they were about they knew their relationship and how it would feel to win together yeah and that’s what they did and got shout out to them young men they’ve grown like I said they’ve grown together and let’s see if they can continue it um see if they can get them I’m saying more than one I I and I think them understanding what it really really takes sacrifice and certain things to win I think it’s going to play in their favor I just want to throw this out there right I think the people like the media the people that actual vote decided before game five that who was going to be the MVP no yeah I mean I think they decided before like so it it was it was already decided because it was it was jayen Browns to lose exactly you know like Jaylen Brown would have had to put two bad games in a row and T I don’t even think it was even like when we watched game four right the way they played they all together as a group played horrible that’s what we said on Monday no one stood out right so the if they’re if they’re all playing bad together that means they’re all playing good together so there was no way he was going to have two bad games if they’re playing well together because how they play is through each other right you know even though I say oh yeah you see in the corner that’s how it’s designed okay I’m going go here pass it here he pass it here shot I pass here pass here you fake it you shot you drive you kick it right it’s it’s a cohesive offense which means if they’re balling they’re all successful right so Tatum’s playing well jaylen’s playing well Drew’s playing well like they’re all they’re all like piggybacking off of each other so you know even if it’s a premeditated you know know decision it don’t yeah with you you know what I mean it it’s j it’s all like I feel I think they all feel like we we all had a part of this right we all right you won it we won right it’s it’s better than that [ __ ] over there yeah let me ask you this I know that it wouldn’t it wouldn’t go [ __ ] happen but like Jaylen Brown said that we both MVP right because they both did what they had like you can’t it’s like splitting hairs at this point like that’s why I’m yeah you got to give it to somebody I guess see but do you do that’s the do like why can’t it like why some like there’s just time because you only bought one trophy to the [ __ ] there’s time in history right cuz you only bought one trophy to the arena that’s why you you got to you got to pick and I get but there’s times in his history where it is so close that sometimes it just has to be a tie yeah I think just there just some things that you you shouldn’t have to make another one right you just shouldn’t have to like the dunk contest with for and tie yeah it’s tie with the things this y’all got to come back next year y’all both are winners right so there’s no salt right that this is your both one just like co- MVP or co- rookies of the year there’s just times in history where man everything is not desided by somebody’s vote the fact that you have 11 voters let you know what type of [ __ ] you on and why do some of the I don’t I don’t call no names man why some of these people get votes my partner text my partner mg text me the other day and like person that worked for ESPN he was like yo why why does this person get a vote like why is she qualified to get a vote I think we can uh yo shout out um yo shout out holiday though y let people go look up like get in this ring and then and then we could talk about uh I think what you said earlier you said man I think we were talking about oh trading one of them trading the Jaylen or um Jason and you was fighting for this is why you got to keep them together like like you’ve been always saying that so just going back to what you said and seeing them win um I mean it’s true like just you you got to find two killers and then you got to just build pieces around them like they’ve been through the T time Kyrie time um sh they went to the finals Gordon Haywood like trying to experiment yeah but they always had those two together and they just kept building it so just for like or other organizations it’s like yo when you got two killers young Brad Stevens do that’s the Testament to old basketball man it’s the Testament to Old B I know I I I tease the 80s and all that stuff but I do watch everything I do watch championships I do watch Kareem magic right um James Worthy right you looking at who they’re building around okay this person so all right they they chose magic so they got rid of Norm Nixon so this team is built around these two entities right so now they have the compliment they have to compliment magic so what kind of guard they going to bring in right and then boom now you need someone like a jamesworthy so you’re seeing that these two are the entities build around it same thing with Larry buram same thing with um Isaiah and Dumars right Shaquille O’Neal you can see the same thing when Houston you can see the same thing in San Antonio right it’s they found their pieces that they’re saying this is who works together now let’s just keep putting in if we can find another SAR when one of them get old to all right we got kawhai okay boom here you go you get more of these minutes but I don’t think people in the organization themselves are educated on History to understand identify your main players you’re two or three and then you build the team around those guys right Calvin boo basketball mind um Tim connley basketball mind so he’s going to identify his guys and then every piece goes around there right and I don’t think every organization understands that yeah Tim Connie took that same concept in Minnesota yep and then you talk about BR Brad is what he did with the Celtics keeping tatm and brown together but saying look I’m I’m gon bring Drew in I’m gonna bring porzingis and make that tough decision to get rid of marus Smart who was Mr Celtic for a long time but get rid of Gordon hawood yeah which you know it’s being real like but this is what needs to be done to make this team a championship team and to see it work out so next question for you guys we talk a lot times about best Duos in the league uh did this Championship see me Tatum and brown as the best duo in the league heading into next season no best duo no you just I hear you laughing on juneth um all right now two black men when we talk about like when we talk about duels like like I I seen But was it Stephen aith who had this duel up there yeah and of all the time or just right all time head into next season just the best do look at the best duo in the league yeah yeah yeah they won H yeah they won so [ __ ] and they comeing back to the same team yeah makes them the favorite what is criteria right it’s it’s you know you got the obviously Kobe and Shaq no no no no just right he said going the league right now he saiding going in the next season not not believe me best do I mean everyone’s I mean leave that gentleman’s cut alone ladies and gent the the thing is everyone has a strong two everyone has a strong two this is not a dual this is a three-headed monster you got a dude averaging 22 like you got there’s there’s 27 23 and 20 right that’s that is the that’s the kicker right there who has a big three right so when we say big two you know LeBron and 0 even though they didn’t you got yage and you know Jamal right so everyone has that you I mean you got Jimmy buler and Bam right I mean Orlando you got got you got Ben cherro that’s about it you got Dam got got Tyrese maxb you got Dame Yannis yeah see that’s chrison Chris milon is a kicker and that see so everyone has a big too so that that’s just you know that comes you know so you know I don’t you’re going to have to really dissect everyone’s too you got KD Booker you got to really dissect everyone that’s why I just eliminated all that thought process like they just [ __ ] wanted and they coming back to the same team so yeah right now they the best too yeah just me and just they also have the best team give me give me give me I rather say who has the best big three right and then now now that is a real right so because it’s only really just somebody who’s averaging 20 you got them you can go ant cat go beer see that ain’t a big not well I mean that’s a big is a big three one defensive you know defensive guy it’s not I know Clippers I I it’s not that’s not anymore they not names wise I mean that’s Clippers names wise but other than that they have a real big three yeah right so you know I anybody can put up 20 pieces yeah you got a third option averaging 20 think about that offense you have everybody that [ __ ] everybody eating dog everybody eating Drews the fourth was Drew the fourth option how much they signed him for uh 133 I believe four a year I won’t be on that team fourth option I want to be a fourth option on that team seems like the perfect situation for him he got a lot of criticism Milwaukee uh in recent years for his playoff struggles now able to go over there just lock in on defense Milwaukee was hurt no pressure yeah Milwaukee was hurt they were just cuz just cuz they was he got he he caught the L fourth option think about the [ __ ] fifth option [ __ ] the fifth option is what white white and he averaging what 15 15 17 yeah as a fifth option over there and when you talking about trying to get paid those are the type of teams you want to be on you want to be on a team that that plays like that cuz everyone gets the everyone gets the eat same thing in Indiana right you’re you’re in such this high octane offense where everyone’s everyone is eating so there’s no real ego here right so if I’m averaging you know 12 on my team and I come in there and I’m the fourth option but I’m averaging 12 I’m the second option or third option on this team I’m fourth option doing the same thing I still get my value so there’s no beef in here yeah so we asked the chat or Tatum and brown the NBA’s best duo 59% said no on juneth thriving on negativity like so now let’s talk about the NBA Champion adjacent Dallas maths what y’all long I drink water hydrate hydrate I’m just be honest you know I don’t know where’s your black side I don’t know but H Gil huh well the chat says I’m Hawaiian so what I got to do after what’s today Wednesday nothing nothing nothing that school’s over with so you use that go ah and lie nothing he wanted to try got to fire something Cheers Cheers [ __ ] yo this [ __ ] dangerous man I don’t even know if y’all understand the listen what I’m going through over here right now Steph Curry oh [ __ ] Steph Curry Curry from Deep curry curry from Deep for sure Curry from Deep okay very pungent here in the arena now as well Curry from Deep K Kenya brought his own smoke machine we appreciate you for doing that get him off of me second hand bust out of Justin Timber Lake Shake but after finishing 11th in the west and missing the playoffs last season M bounc back this year made their first final since 2011 behind historic season and postseason from Luka Don and big trades at the deadline to strengthen the roster on the defensive side of the ball so when you just looking back at what the Mavs were able to accomplish season what are your thoughts on the MAV season I mean they they they okay they need some no no no no that’s real though I mean they got to the finals got to the finals they got two dogs I think they realize they need another playmaker they need somebody else that could do something something with when the ball is swung to them and not have to just solely rely on catch and shoot um I think they need to address the defensive thing like all the time but other than that it’ll be all right man they younger two young bigs but yeah get another playmaker I think um yeah but I I I gave them a a grade of an a for the season for the season I thought um that what the team did with that roster a what Jason kid did with that roster a right um you know just like I said you know going into going into that championship game when you look at it you’re like ah this is not a fair fight just like with spro right the team he had the aou team the fact that that AU team got to the championship right that’s an that’s that’s what you got to get graded on I got to grade you on what do I expect from you and what did you give me right um and we didn’t expect them to be in a championship there’s nobody at the beginning of the Season said this team is going to be in a championship yeah nobody outside of Dallas not Dallas there’s nobody in Dallas that said we going to go to the we e we we 11 seed last year right when we talked about when LeBron was supposed to go to and he didn’t come and like who the [ __ ] we a get nobody right right so the fact that this team made it to the championship being very limited with the defensive walles that they really had um that they it’s an a man and now now there’s expectations on you and what you do need to improve in is you really have to Luca really has to just get in shape not offensively we know offensively You’re A Gifted mind right just little things you do just there’s little subtle things you do that that lets me know man you’re very very brilliant when it comes to offense you’re seeing things that there’s just other people that can’t see right when you’re moving how to playing on this foot pump fake seeing somebody’s body moving you you know how to manipulate a defense you’re not in shape to move defensively right you’re not um and to get to that next level you’re going to have to be in shape shape to play both sides of the of the coin because just like what happened they’re going to pick on you because they way to neutralize you to get you in foul trouble and get you tired because just like any Defender we know we can’t guard you offensively right you’re just that gifted so we’re going to have to beat you on a defense we got to get you in foul trouble try to get you out of the game get you frustrated on this side so um um he he has to improve um in a lot of ways in a lot of ways a lot of ways man um woring the crying and all that stuff that you have to be not the skill set of basketball you he has to grow in a lot of ways and not the SK has nothing to do with yeah nothing to do with skill set of basketball and then PJ Washington I think he realized he’s more than just a corner dude right so he has to understand that he can possibly be the third the real third wheel where he gets to creit off the bouns and do a lot of things knowing that you’re going to have the third or fourth defensive player on on you so you need to really work this summer on working on moving with the ball MH right cutting back door like really look at this series look at your playoff series and just and just look at how people played you look at the guy who’s guarding you what did he do how many times did he turn his head on you how long was his head turned before he looked back to see where you were right you know I mean those are the little things that you really got to take in when you’re looking at film right you sometimes we just look at film like oh I’m about to get my shot here no look at all of it where you possibly could have got a shot where you possibly could have drove and got a tip dunk and little things like that where you could have ducked in on a guy those when you’re looking at film and you need to you know go from averag in 14 to 20 those extra six points might be two back doors and offensive rebounding put in right and so you have to figure out how to man manipulate that right um we in the penalty think why you oh I didn’t even know you I thought you when we in the penalty when we in the penalty and Luke and them got us in the penalty and I got the ball now I know to be extra aggressive because those those fouls now I get to free throw line absolutely right so those are the little things you got to pick up on and you need to focus on the summertime do you see yo do you see D Dallas getting back next year back where to the finals or do you think like this year was just the like they got kind of like do you feel like they got kind of lucky because of injuries and Stu I wouldn’t say lucky no they got lucky okay yeah you got you think they got luck who who got hurt no nobody got hurt I mean Denver Nuggets had to play the Minnesota Timbs in the second round of the NBA playoffs everybody got lucky with with a janky C Murray a bad match up for bad match up second round mhm the NBA got lucky mhm what it is but do you see people don’t understand people don’t understand that like when when when you go into the playoffs it’s all matchups at that point right you don’t want to match up wrong yeah right because it it is seven games right so it’s it’s a grinded out and if your players your players don’t have a an advantage that star player could be neutralized yes man that’s so it’s it is really all match up do you see them being a big threat next year Dallas I mean like okay say if they don’t get the pieces like that that you think they should well first they’re going to need a bench right they’re going to have to find a bench and then they’re going to have to what you say a two guard I I mean another third thir another playmaker don’t have a ton of wiggle room as the stand trade money they ain’t got no money they got they they got to be creative that bread is committed [ __ ] they got to be creative do you do you think that got him oh that was killer got him yep do you think if he’s still alive he ain’t happy that’s the he still alive he ain’t [Applause] happy got him that fly [ __ ] with the wrong one like y saying you know for the Mavs to basically be able to improve upon this roster they’re going to need to get creative and we can talk about the trade and and and that that roster improving defensively after the trade deadline but all that bread committed as it stands right now they got to figure out how to wheel and deal I’m going just be honest man like when when when they get to the playoffs on you yeah would you like to say anything for that now de sees fly when when when when Dallas gets to the playoffs man you you really have to deal with with Luke and Kyrie right said as as it’s one of those teams as long as you get to the playoffs like Luca and Kyrie’s skill set kicks in right and you know as you can see they individually together they can carry they can carry a series because you know when you have someone like Luca Luca is no different than like someone like jic like even if he’s not scoring he’s doing so many other things on the offensive side that he’s putting points on the board right rebounding assist and like he’s putting he’s putting so much pressure when they’re on offense that they’re going to generate you know points that can they can get past the first second round U my question is this as an organization when you look at your roster and you looking at your pay and you know you can’t really move much are you are you satisfied with what they did from what you have over there you have yeah like I mean you like they overachieved they overachieved and and I think that from an organization standpoint that cuz we got two two really yeah I’m good two really really good basketball players who made some moves at the trade deadline to help us and PJ ad Gafford yeah they over chees I I don’t like didn’t make from not making the playoffs last year to make it to the NBA finals true [ __ ] so you think that’s I said I give him a A+ this year though yeah if I’m not making it last year not even giving your last year boun back was we was not talking about Dallas making the final not at all we were talking about Dallas making the playoffs you know what I’m saying making the playoffs like five six okay but and before the deadline it wasn’t like like when people say like when people say man they play bad they got exposed like you’re talking about a team who was no one no one thought about Dallas past the first round if they even got here so the fact that they this team did go to the championship it shows you just just the will and the the how good some of these guys really are we can talk about luuka cryan and he don’t play no defense right all we want but the same guy who didn’t play no defense walked through three series to the championship and he just fought against a better beast of a talent and L the entire playoffs in points rebounds assists only he dock turnovers everything everything right so no matter how much they want to laugh they like I don’t give a [ __ ] you can you can put any any any highlight you want of how bad the man’s defense is but I know if I’m him and I’m and I say this for all the great defensive players y’all see out there who stopped me right no matter how much defense you going to give credit to he can say who [ __ ] stopped me I have nobody on my team outside of Kyrie everybody else you know where they are corner corner picking who [ __ ] stopped me huh you want to talk about this defense and [ __ ] everybody I played with can’t play defense either what they were doing to me I was doing to them too round after round the Clippers great defensive players all in round after round after round bad defense made them look stupid and that’s that’s going to be a true true statement right he he is special at what he does and as an organization you got to hold him accountable yeah you got to hold got hold got to hold him accountable J kid starter first and for it’s a respect level there that J K can say things to Luka that most coaches can’t players as well just hold him account of in areas that y’all need him to be better in man and I preach he he wants to win he wants to win this [ __ ] hurts getting here and losing hurts yeah but does he need to hold himself accountable first and foremost yeah you know what I’m saying cuz there was talk even uh this posing some of his teammates being you know disappointed with the lack of defensive effort all the bitching it comes to a point 2 25 years mirror got look miror teams you got to be acceptable to criticism from your teammates go calling people’s Mother’s hoes uh duringa you know like call a whole [ __ ] right I love it that was some slow Med right there you know somebody’s like yeah luk Luke dorton held him right the man had three triple doubles in that Series yeah that’s the N they [ __ ] that media [ __ ] three triple trip double okay three triple doubles in that series like all right Jaylen Brown got a ton of Praise in the finals for for taking that Luca match up L still average of 30 you know what mean so and then the excuse is well he was averaging this against this it don’t matter right as bad as you’re making him look he’s making y’all look real bad and y’all are defensive players so you know it’s one of those things is as much as you want to hold him accountable he has to he has to want it himself he has to be able to look in the mirror and say you know what I I personally need to do better and this is what I need to do better at cuz you know he can do it because the games where he decided he wouldn’t go [ __ ] and talk to the refs he did it did it yeah for those very few Fleet very few yeah yeah he did it was too far in between but and people don’t understand is once that becomes a habit of yours you don’t realize you’re doing it until you see yourself doing it right just sitting and just yapping and goddamn foul right come on man you’re just not going to like the ball going down there you just constantly back here constantly it’s a it’s it’s a thing so you have to you have to take the Michael conly approach and they’re never going to change their their decision right if they didn’t see the foul they didn’t see the foul if they called it out on you they call like it’s you know so there’s no point of even me getting emotional about something if I know the the result is always the same but I don’t want to piss this man off it’s hard though that’s the European mentality that’s how they play like they do that like they just cry I mean yeah just they’re just and that’s they cry but they call us the cry babies weird that’s what they do overseas everything that’s how let it be known on juneth let it be because overseas they can get you killed they got the country yeah they got the countryside so hey hey ref hey hey you know where we are right what was that [ __ ] y said lucky we was in Serbia I was like damn oh for real yeah for real he you lucky we not in Serbia go to Serbia yeah that’s a threat for that me too so Kenyan Kyrie one of your favorite players what do you think about Kyrie this season obviously in the past few years kind of had some negative stuff fallowing him around a lot of that media driven but this year it looked like he was he was happy ready to play basketball and really enjoyed himself in playing with Luca in this math Squad yeah I was able to um silence all the noise man um being in Dallas is more laidback environment um to just go down there hoop and be out of the way I think he’s done a good job at settling his thought process and his Circle has always been what it is and I just going out and playing basketball man and having a stable situation where you know where you’re going to be um for the next few years you got a A guy who you know you can rely on that doesn’t require the Limelight and it’s all about winning and yeah no I’m I’m excited for Kyrie he’s we always skill set is what it is man we all know what Kyrie can do on the floor so just being being in the right comfortable situation I think and knowing that this is going to be stable and this is what we have far as him and Luca um yeah I think goes a long way man and have an organization behind you that that believes in you that supports the person you are not trying to change that person I think goes a long way within the locker room and as individual within the locker room letting you be you um helps um when you don’t have just that constant people griping about certain things that who you are and how you’re doing things I don’t think he’s get that in Dallas so he’s able to go out and play it’s not the New York media it’s not the Boston media it’s not the Boston fans it’s not the New York fans the Brooklyn side of it um it’s not the LeBron fans that hates Kyrie for what for Le so it’s he’s able to be there and and just silence the noise and that’s what you get in this play so it’s dope for sure so we look forward to see what the Mavs do this off season I think they have the last pick in the draft that is their only pick all those other ones come last picking then I’m just pointing out just just one the six year uh 50 e or somewhere like that let me 60 picks right yeah did somebody did somebody lose their pick they better try to oh yeah yeah so so tamper gate so they’re 58 picks in the draft this year who’s that Toronto Lakers hold on let me see cuz I know I remember back in the day um didn’t didn’t feel Jackson and Lakers get Suns uh lost their second round pick I know Phil Jackson got what fine when he said Chris BOS was a nice player I’m like damn Dam you can’t even compliment no more huh and the 76ers lost their uh 2024 second round pi huh so the Suns lost their their second round pick and then the uh Sixers lost their second round pick for tampering yeah that you can’t be doing that tampering you got have the players do it amongst themselves W Adam Silver don’t play that I don’t mean to be rude cuz you know I mean you know as a Laker fan are we going to say that embiid and Paul George or tampering you can’t tamper if it’s players play to player is fine no tampering if it’s player to player even if one is the franchise player and he speaks for the who makes he’s the process he makes the rules right I mean that that gotta I mean that’s the tampering no listen I don’t give a [ __ ] if the organization call me I don’t [ __ ] with them anyway right do you want me bro that’s all that matter do you want me is all that matters the the organization themselves is is really relevant I don’t care what someone from the organization says cuz for the most part I’m pretty sure no one even knows who the owner of the team really that’s true bro I like that like that mindset it’s likeo I don’t care you want me to come here and play I don’t care about these people yeah that’s the same I with the Denver sh Melo like yo man you want to come yeah you want to come yeah cuz I’m going be around y’all I’m I’m playing for I’m playing with him [ __ ] that’s the tamper ain’t that [ __ ] up there everybody like yeah this organization is so okay why is it so good yeah you start why is this why is it so good keep no money it a keep this thing moving stay in Texas in honor of juneth uh Celtics may be the now but wimy is definitely the future of Adam Silvers NBA and as wimy gets set to represent his country in the Paris Olympics next month he’s back in the gym putting in work so Jamal Crawford posted this photo of him and wimy in the lab recently getting some work in that’s uhoh uh oh you know what time it is Big you know okay you know what time it is s ah ah ah ah yeah so back in January Wy pulled up to Inside the NBA and had this exchange with Crawford can you do the Crawford double behind the back shake and bake can you do that move in the game if you do you oh doubt no hesitation that a doubt he said yes can we see that this season the coach I had in France his name is kareim that that taught me the the Sham God for example he also taught me the double behind the back shaking bakes so this and this is something I work on so if you pull that out if you pull that out will you be first on Cross I may have to show you the extended version I’ve never shown anybody but I’mma hand that gift to you cuz you can do it and you will take it to the masses he’s giving them the gift what he said I’m give you the extended version what do youall think about Wy working out with Jamal Crawford know what time it is man B about to just extend the game we we F to see something we probably never seen before we already seen it we we ain’t SE we ain’t seen this type of handle though so let me ask you this he’s 75 mhm why he need that I’m I’m extending my game it’s is to help my game get your ass on the Block get better that extends your game get your big ass on the Block the handle the handle on left and weight ass down there man yeah get your big ass down wait what it say get your big ass down there man yeah go work with Tim Duncan how about that he’s he already working with Tim Daily more more probably is you probably just don’t see it yeah CU Tim like it’s they shopping that Old Navy they doing everything they need to do no now wey got more swag than that extra wi I mean I’m not I’m not mad at it you know um you know just getting help from someone who is a specialist at something is always you know um it always helps right but just at the end of the day you got to know what you’re lacking as a player and and proving that right um before you get to to the danc yeah yeah yeah you know before you get to danc you know um it’s a it’s a long list I know like some of what’s so funny is I know some of the just watching and studying Jamal’s game I I can see like certain things he would do for him and it be more of misdirection type of you you know like between the legs like I’m about to go this way wrap it back this way right come with the crossover come fake it go back this way so it it’d be a lot of misdirection on pick and rolls and screen type of plays you play with him right no uh no oh we wasn’t on um I just he’s 75 but it’s his it’s his style right who he going by huh whoever want it whoever there small on him you got to play small on him not have to play Rudy Gober sh the [ __ ] out of Rudy Gober year four times a year DN I got four [ __ ] I can get that in huh he get that in beid and get that yish ad they cut the shoot neither one of them going to be up there playing defense like that so for him to bring that [ __ ] out no they gonna get caught on the switch no and so I mean they gonna get caught man Joel and B wi be out that [ __ ] Joel and be ain’t going to press up on he ain’t going to have time to do that [ __ ] he going to [ __ ] shoot come down and hit two threes he will TR he’s not I don’t I don’t I don’t mind trying to enhance you I get that I get it’s more of the thought process problem yeah I yeah but there’s a lot of other people that he could have went to seek knowledge from at this point and get to Jamal Crawford I’m big Jamal Crawford same draft class all that yes but 75 big fella like something different let’s learn let’s learn that bank shot let’s learn and face [ __ ] up and shoot this thing off the glass consistently see he probably sits with he probably sits with Tim so much like like you know the fact that he said his trainer in France gave him this style that means that boring basketball might not be ready he might not be ready for just we going to sit here and we going to turn work it and we going to hit the bank we’re going to do he might not be ready for that you might need to like keep him with [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] like this andig and big just keep him entertained just to keep him entertained like B get lazy though no but B get lazy so for him he just [ __ ] get lazy period doing the same thing like like I’ll be sitting there like all right we going to just do one dribble pull up right we going to just one dribble pull up and then I just I just wait and see how long before he Alters it like how many shots before he decides to one dribble give it a little step side before before they start playing with just the basics of it first right cuz that you have to know how long before like if he just sit there 100 straight same mechanics like you can teach him any mov right because ad ADHD didn’t kick in right now we did five moves and he’s oh man this is [ __ ] boring let me you know going ahead spice it up then it lets me know that yeah you’re not very great at the basics and the people who are are excellent in this world at their craft they have perfected the basics [ __ ] 75 when when all fails when every [ __ ] move you try to fail the basic is what it is right no matter what move Kobe did and out he after he come out of it right it what is a regular ass jump shot so he had to perfect this regular ass jumper first before he does all this extra [ __ ] because when he does this it ends to this mhm and that’s that’s what a lot of trainers don’t understand when you’re training these kids right all the moves is cool but what does his Baseline look like right can he hit 30 40 in a row like what is his capacity level how many shots can he he take before he decides like I’m bored he going to just start like you have to know that part of him first from when we saw this Seas before yeah before he starts that doing all list and before he to excite himself because remember that happens in the game MH you got a player who sits there and when the game gets boring because it’s too easy he has to cuz he’s bored he done average 36 of you [ __ ] right he average 36 he done score 30 40 35 45 50 50 45 45 60 55 what you think the rest of them games going to start looking like this [ __ ] going to start one come off the like he going to try to experiment now cuz being regular is boring to him and is that a good or bad thing in your opinion it’s a good thing when you obsessed with being boring right like when like even with Kobe like some of those fatal ways double clutch faded ways spin spin out of bounds on three people that’s just him just I’m bored I’m bored I’m trying some [ __ ] I’m bored of this [ __ ] right here it ain’t when you guys were hooping how often you just say [ __ ] it I’m just going to try some [ __ ] I he said I didn’t he said I’m going one dunk or two dunk no I just worked on sh I need to work I just knew where my shots was coming from man listen man I just knew my [ __ ] was coming from so I didn’t the most I did said work on [ __ ] okay I’m going start shooting threes this year okay and how long did it take you to get to that point where you wanted to expand out be years I just shoot him here and there but what I said I was going to shoot more this year than I worked on that that summer like I’m okay I’m extend my range this summer next season but no I wasn’t in the start shooting but [ __ ] I was doing okay Tim dun good at this [ __ ] Bank Shot let me this [ __ ] must be yeah that’s what I’mma add in my game [ __ ] listen sh what did Mari do yeah yeah [ __ ] how did Mari get to that one oh yeah I’m I’mma add this to my yeah that’s how you do yeah that’s what I’m doing I’m not I’m no I’m about being efficient and effective dog I respect it girl I know you said you used to guys try to see if you could do their moves you know keep I used to keep a log of just like like if I see someone do a move and I’m like damn what was that let me go ahead and add that and then I work on the summer even though I probably won’t use it I just have it so I perfected it to the point when it comes at me I can see it because I’ve done the mannerisms right I’ve done like I know like all right when when Tracy’s coming down because I’ve done did this 300 times times a day when he’s when he’s coming down on me I know the movement cuz I got it from him right so I I’m more on it than you know I mean that’s what I’m saying a guy who is I’m not I’m not you know I’m not Luca bad right I’m not I wasn’t Luca bad on defense right I was more why Luka got to catch a stray on June 10th no I’m just saying I wasn’t Luka bad on defense right but I wasn’t like he wasn’t calling me out to play defense so you know for the most part it was more that because I learned everybody move that when it was coming at me I’m like I’m on it right but you know it’s everything you everything I see is reaction right and it’s it’s just expanding your software so when you’re moving okay here come the double okay B right okay now I got to split it right and that’s all it is is is just expanding your brain to just do stuff when you need it to when you need to do it right I can’t sit there and all right okay Kean did a 360 pump fake double dunk I can’t just go in the game and just do that I got to done triy that [ __ ] 100 times first okay I got to torque the God I got torque the my damn back hurt got damn back hurt trying to TW this [ __ ] I remember when I seen Ronda this is crazy this [ __ ] I seen Ronda on a fast break at Kentucky coming down full speed and hit him [ __ ] jumped out of bounds trying to swat it turned around boom I went home it’s like yo I need this move right fast break SC practiced it all summer to come on a fast break and say [ __ ] I’m already here come get me if you can I didn’t try that [ __ ] not one time yeah not one time that I ever sit yeah show it and go like and I practice it all summer but said I’m already here I’m like as soon as I turn that corner I’m coming out I’m trying to jump yeah right so it was it was just one of those things that I put the time same thing with floating right M no I practiced the floater the year row step and it’s like ah like this little [ __ ] right here like I’m I’m trying to get to the rim these [ __ ] can jump here he sit there and the [ __ ] snatch it out you know how embarrassing that [ __ ] is he didn’t block it he grab just die give me that Long Fellow like oh man am me I do this no more so I practice a lot of [ __ ] that I just never ever use but that that’s any gu who who creates stuff like I’m pretty sure if you if you tell Kyrie show me some [ __ ] you’ve never tried in a game oh he got a whole bunch of [ __ ] he got a whole bunch of [ __ ] never Unleashed we we get to see some of that every once in a while with special stuff but uh so just looking at wimy year one to year two he’s got an Olympics to really help tighten his game up as well how much of a leap do you expect wimy to make next season shoes are untied damn both shoes see now you not a good shoe Happ I don’t know man why you doing is sitting here nobody else shoes man you be twiddling your feet too much your shoes ain’t doing that man I’m I’m an expert Sho is it the laces I don’t know double he needs he just sitting here like I need him STP this yo no that’s like yo it is real [ __ ] I swear that’s why you see somebody in the wheelchair with their shoes on top what you doing yo my son no no listen no my son man we be in the car he’s six like I look back like we’ve been sitting still for why or how are your shoes untied we just we got in the car and before we get out like I tied them M I know I double kned how your untied right now mhm baby you should double knot your shoes or get Veil Crow do they make do they make velcro for see I never had this cuz I always wear sandals Orthopedic joints right he said they wear V for adults that’s some Orthopedic joints they got the velcro for the little kids now that look like their shoelaces that is Baler I’m I’m definitely have gave some thought I’m lazy as y’all know like to save time but so what what leap do you expect wiy to make coming into next season doing all this stuff gonna have an Olympics I mean potentially be defensive player the year all NBA should he play in the Olympics yeah he has to yeah it’s in France too yeah but I understand why you saying that if it somewhere else City play no like I would take this year like I would take this year to get get going on my strength and like getting stronger and getting prepared for next year um just just because two SEC the second year what’s that that that sophomore year and it’s like say well for him I this is his first Olympics ever right this is his first Olympics right he’s like right yeah he wouldn’t have been able to be on the yeah I understand him playing I understand this is more exting for him it is no absolutely with everything surrounded it France everything yes absolutely on one side but what what we’re saying is going in year two he needs to get stronger he need certain things need to but if it was yeah but he definitely is going to play and needs to play I just hope it doesn’t like cuz I’m sure he’s going to be doing a lot of stuff this summer I just hope he finds time to like tap into it like like tap into his get yeah you know what I’m saying get ready for year two or will it be a burnout that’s what I’m and and that’s what I’m thinking going in year two will it be too much going listen that’s a lot of person man him well that’s right man that’s a lot of that’s a lot of person to be man listen lot of basketball yeah he’s he’s number one pck man like you know what I mean [ __ ] got y’all got extra [ __ ] y’all got to do but he s five though extra [ __ ] right you got to do the interview after this game goddamn it we get to go home you number one for reason goddamn it you supposed to do all the interviews godamn sign all the autograph kiss all the goddamn babies high five everybody and your ass better be on time at practice tomorrow your long ass better be Happ running out there with that thing you know he going to be out there running with defitely definitely he going to be the torch get your ass out there yeah rep the city damn it big ass out there he just going to light it from where he standing 2110 3.6 blocks I mean a lead for him is damn near 28 what 282 284 you going do it they G feature pop ain’t going for that [ __ ] this sh trust me yeah yeah they gonna run a lot of plays for him yeah it’s going to be yeah yeah they are it’s going to be a big leap what’s so funny is if they just created the offense around him the leap is already the leap absolutely right the fact that he wasn’t part of offense and everybody was hating on him and he averaged this just just tweaking the offense for him puts him in 26 27 automatically absolutely and he gonna play more minutes because he a played his minutes was down last year they liit his minutes he a even TW he Ain TW ankle nothing this year right yeah so he was smart though talking about that cuz I was wondering why I didn’t throw more lobs but with all that traffic in the paint I think I think I think protect him I think his parents right we have to thank his parents too for really being mindful of how tall he was possibly going to be and understanding that flexibility was going to be a big key to him not getting injured because he did yoga at an early age so still doing it yeah still doing it so really flexible so his body is used to doing certain things that a normal athlete who never did yoga can’t do so Spurs got the fourth and eighth pick in the draft free agency on the horizon they got a ton of cap space do you think the opportunity for other older vets around the league to get the chance to play with wimy will make the Spurs a hot free agency draw this summer got to be the right situation man got to be right people like what do you do the team is so young he’s so young right it’ be it’ be a bad move to try to spend money when he is not in form yet right he is not in form to really dominate at a very very high level right he’s not where yage is or where Giannis was when he won the championship right or or even in beid or yeah we not even right so he’s not in that form yet to sit here and pay a whole bunch of veterans right to to to help him he’s not he’s he’s still like developing so I if I’m them I’m really going to be mindful of what I spend in the next few years and then when time is right and I say okay this is the year he’s going to take this leap go after those free agents that summer to really build with him would you get a guy like Trey young though like like a Trey young to come in with with him like just because I know you say he’s not there yet but you don’t think playing with Trey young can actually like build something there with those two if if Atlanta didn’t want to you know I mean I don’t mind a player like Trey young because of the outside shooting the pick and roll the his passing ability like we we we talk about Trey young scoring but his passibility is great too right um playing with Trey Young him I see I don’t even like when it comes to like size and height he it he neutralizes any being small guards right so you know if you have four small guards it really don’t matter with a guy who who deflects shots like he does so um you know I think just finding the right pieces that complement his his game right now he is number one I I don’t even know if there’s a was there a possibility of a second option there yeah the Johnson kid right yeah the Johnson kid yeah is he a legit second option or is he a third option find the second option playo know I mean yeah he he shoot that thing like he is but I mean they’ve got they’ve got Kellin Johnson they got for sale but I think he needs a point guard though I think he needs a a good point guard you need a facilitator man like somebody that can shoot it like like like P and roll you’re forced to like you got to make a decision yeah Treyon Speed Demon someone who [ __ ] fast as [ __ ] so what should be the approach then for the Spurs I’m not even saying a big name free agent but it seems like guys will want to have the opportunity to play with somebody like a wom fourth and a pick [ __ ] you got wiggle room to do something yeah but tough draft you just trade it for now I’m tra one of them picks for Trey young though I mean got the first yeah I mean I’m going try to trade one HKS got the first HKS got the first pick already so so they they not and I saying if this was a draft where it was like o was an exciting when I could really rebuild my franchise but like you always said there is some talent in that draft you just got to find it if you’re if you’re if you’re I don’t know how good the SARS kid is right you know him and W be on the same team would be crazy as [ __ ] too cuz they both are like guard so one can play the three four you know so you got both they can play three four five you know so have them on the the same gen but they did play with Tim Duncan and David Robinson before so two you give up would you give up your fourth fifth pick one of your your fourth fif you got four and eight so lottery I mean uh fourth fifth pick one of these players for your number for that number one pick I would if you’re if you’re Ling would you take it because right now with Trey young in the way the age the age of your team he’s too young for it so this could be a number one pick who can end up being a bus because y’all don’t play him the way you want to right cuz who you going to put in him a capella yeah you know what I mean so he can end up getting put into a situation that doesn’t benefit him and his his growth so if you’re if you’re if you’re um a landed do you think about that I would interesting things remain to be see we’ll see how it progresses but but obviously the future is super bright with wmy I got some unfortunate news to report out of the WNBA uh Sparks rookie forward Cameron Brink has a torn ACL suffered at last night’s game against the Connecticut Sun uh needed assistance leaving the court obviously indicated was a serious injury she was a number two overall pick she was averaging 8 points five rebounds two blocks per game this season she was also set to play on the USA Women’s three on three team yeah three on three team so just your reaction to the news that Cameron Brink suffer I mean I seen it last night and it looked like uh like it was it wasn’t just a normal fall it looked like I don’t know if she slipped on something but you know when when she collap you can see it was more serious and just you know ankle or or just a sprain of anything so you know speedy recovery yeah unfortunate man I mean you just I mean just you just hate to just see you know just Talent just get hurt right you know especially rookie year yeah especially yeah can you deal with the injury coming into your rookie year right the end of your rookie year as well just you know mentally how did you stay locked in and focused despite all that kind of you know unfortunate situations no this first foremost like you said it sucks um not to be able to finish your rookie year know you’re excited about it been looking forward to this moment um and for me I think it cost me rookie year so no it was definitely disheartening um but to remain strong man you just got to believe man you going you’re going to play again you going to come back bigger and stronger um the one my rookie year was easy to come back from the one going into my rookie year not so much but no he just it’s unfortunate uh we all know injuries are a part of sports um just put the same time into your into the rehab as you do your game um treat with that enthusiasm and that same tenacity come back biger and stronger than ever but yeah just don’t get depressed about it cuz it’s easy too that’s the hard part easy it’s easy to get depressed man when you want to do this you want to go out and play and said you’ve been looking forward to this and it’s taken away from you abruptly like this um it’s easy to easy to fall into a depression man Le on friends and family whoever teammates that you’re close with I’m pretty sure they do a good job at being supportive but um you know I just it sucks man it really really sucks not to be able to finish your rookie year and we talk about just that rehab aspect of it and how difficult the mental side of it but that’s the most important part right you got to lock in almost harder than actually working out or doing whatever because it’s the [ __ ] you don’t want you know I mean you don’t feel like the the hardest part this is the real mental Battle of injury is when you first get injured you get all the text oh you know you know damn that’s you know what I mean you get all the praise and all the love and 30 days later ain’t nobody ain’t nobody right it’s nobody you dead by yourself and you real you know it’s like the things when you start looking at your and nobody’s checking on you none of this and you know reality kicks in it’s just you it’s just you and the world moved on right so you know just as family and friends of of her the teammates of her just understand if you’d ever been injured being left alone and forgotten about is the hardest part of the the the recovery Journey so you know even if you got to put it on the [ __ ] schedule right every Tuesday whatever right all y’all every Tuesday Wednesday th so she can still feel the love so she knows what she’s fighting for because the worst thing that you want to do is go through a whole summer rehabing and your teammates never checked on you when you come back to that team y’all ain’t the same friends y’all used to be because when she needed y’all the most nobody was there so just be mindful that you know these 30 days is expected but beyond that beyond that you know August August moving forward until she can play again is when she’s really going to need the support from you know the organization and teammates yeah I feel like even with my Achilles Like You just said like the first text when I got my Achilles injury the first 30 days boom boom boom but that Achilles injury made me become more selfish I started I stopped thinking about other people first and I start putting myself first um like you said it’ be days where like you being forgotten about and people start acting weird and the the most mentally thing is like you know it’s it’ be your friends and family members around you you know the ones that are uh like lowkey be happy that you be hurt and and and you not you know not being able to progress so I don’t know I just think like situation like that man you got to become closer with God and you got to just be more selfish because you’ll you’ll see everybody’s True Colors yeah because when you just pick back yall saying like it’s like for me I was going through it going through it mhm then I get hurt right just just you you know that you’re not healthy and then you finally had to get surgery then you miss time and for me I didn’t want to go around MH like I when I was out for that whole season like you can ask they bar I barely went to the gym bro I went to games if that I didn’t go to practices I didn’t go to shoo rounds I didn’t go to Team functions I didn’t do nothing they didn’t see me going through it right sitting on that [ __ ] couch with that CP machine on daily and to to the point that y’all making you can count the guys that checked on you that came by and your relationship with them now it’s because of because of that y yep on God yep and you remember that M and as much as we kind of say we don’t hold grudges or resentment towards people subconscious we do because if the if a [ __ ] name come up that didn’t check on you when you were down come up mhm you automatically go back to when you was down and the [ __ ] didn’t [ __ ] him he didn’t come check on me yeah [ __ ] him right yeah no that’s true dead the one of my college teammates to this day his name come up I man [ __ ] him when I got hurt my senior the only one to this day [ __ ] him dead ass did you ever talk to him about it though no I told him saw him to out and about one day man [ __ ] him people trying to talk to him man [ __ ] him say say something else I’m not trying to go to jail in Miami but I will you say say one one more [ __ ] word in here [ __ ] yeah but but you so you became pinky on huh yeah oo Ooh say it again right but you remember those guys you remember those times when you were down and the people that checked on you especially especially your teammates I played the first two games of the season do I missed 80 games and the playoffs mhm I know who checked on me I don’t know yeah I mean injury is a wake up call man like it was that that you know Sports is a wake because you’ll realize who really there for you who not and that was definitely a wake up call for me and I needed that yeah and it’s just you and that rehab just you and that rehab you you in that rehab that mirror yeah what you going to do yeah when ain’t nobody around are you going to go do all slides or you going to go do these things or you going to do the stuff when everybody leave or you going to take the CPM machine off you going to do these things it’s just you and you got to fight them demons you got to fight that that urge not to [ __ ] work out that day you got to fight that urge to like it’s it’s all of that but for her like like was saying hopefully her teammates realize man she’s fragile right now and she a rookie yeah like I I had been through injury already before like so I was good like cu the second was that bad but she’s fragile now she still so teammates need to be there for right now because it’s going it mean something that’s what I said it mean like cuz we in this [ __ ] together then when you like damn y’all really don’t [ __ ] with me yep and that’s what and even if that’s not the case and they thinking about the season to the person that’s going through it trust me that’s MH that’s all we have to go on is like like just that just like that’s why I just like little simple [ __ ] hey man can’t wait till you get back like hurry up I hope you attacking that rehab cuz we need you back there just a small [ __ ] make a [ __ ] just be sitting there just [ __ ] up just be like oh [ __ ] let me get the machine let me you know what I mean and that that right there just a little text by yo we need you back here I hope you attacking your rehab that right there might boost and make you attack it for real because you you depressed yeah like like like my team like just go back to when I got hurt in college like the three young guys on the team Demar Johnson Kenny saterfield ly Stokes right [ __ ] came in my room n lay in the bed with me bro like didn’t leave until it was like like I was on meds and all that I’m dozing off then they like it’s that relationship that them dudes realize like damn this big bro like we need like this is and my relationship with DJ to this day is strong as ever Landing to this day Ken it like so and like when I was with the Nugget certain guys that was like it I just you you hold on to those things forever I don’t give what what you say how you can suppress that [ __ ] as far as your brain your thought as you want to but you don’t forget M and I hope her teammates realize that she like just go back she really needs you she she needs y’all at this particular Point MH in her basketball career yeah and shout out to Adam simler hit me up when I tore my kill send me a nice little text Adam sewer yeah damn yeah he yeah I mean we was on the 20 damn near 20 game win streak and then I told my ailles he was like he hit me on the what’sapp what’s that that was a catfish that was a girl name Big Bone Brenda dog man that was the Work N de ass that’s speaking of getting call [ __ ] I got a call from [ __ ] President Clinton [ __ ] so let’s really I got in college yeah yeah dang H you yeah block number or you got the oh no it’s one of them ho for the president [ __ ] no it ain’t no block number [ __ ] it’s it’s you on the phone waiting the president be right with you hold for hold for the president damn hey M hey k Mark billinton want to tell you I ain’t do it talking to Bill Clinton on that you know car was happening in advance no like they told him like Bill Clint want speaking with I had moved out my apartment I checked into a hotel okay so I was in a hotel in Cincinnati and they patching L on the hotel phone hold for the present called you at the hotel yeah that’s kind of legendary I know I mean you met Obama right I mean right yeah when you guys were in no no I seen Obama and took his chair the chair wait on so you guys didn’t go to the White House at all when he like he didn’t bite you we didn’t win I know we didn’t win either but we went to the White House and met him when you when you play in DC you don’t really go over there but like when he came to the game when he came to the game um you know I was hurt so I didn’t get to play to talk with him like that so the only thing I can do is I want that chair I want the chair he set in give me that and then had him sign in okay how long was your call with Bill clay brief but I would have kept him on the line like Legend Bill no that’s on D you can’t even on the hotel phone so you you can’t even pre-record back then you then I went to a lunch in in Denver like years later when I was with the nuggets and was able to went to like speaking engagement he had me and him took a picture and I he like oh I remember like so he yeah big yeah Bill cool Bill cool as [ __ ] Bill said [ __ ] I got to hit Canyon do no it was sad day in college basketball dog Bill K Legend though man hey it was a horrible day in college basketball man sitting there doing the me h no everybody else was a lot of people celebrating yeah I’m pretty sure yeah y’all was celebrating a lot of people celebrating them [ __ ] was happy I got hurt do not going to lie them [ __ ] was happy I got hurt happy in Westwood we’re not going to lie I listen [ __ ] was happy I got see he wasn’t in college he wasn’t in college and these [ __ ] man was like Detroit Pistons mixed with Draymond Green mixed with Draymond Green Oak uh like it was like it was athleticism it was one of those teams man where you looked and like they shouldn’t even be allowed in this mother can somebody check there a A can somebody check these [ __ ] B bro like look like Josh Smith and Dwight Howard at all inol atanta Celtics now that [ __ ] like Atlanta Celtics just grown we was looking at the highlight tape we was like yeah no we the best team in the country and K we thought we thought you were mean yeah coach gave us a reality check with a highlight tape and it was just soon as it started off just boom like who is he damn is that this they in our conference like we don’t know nothing about college basketball we had to Google how far these [ __ ] away keep them over there keep def picking body slamming like to call me we too we too like a big deal man like we piic the win that [ __ ] be like we was going to run through these boys man like that’s you got to you got to watch them like it was yeah cuz it was it wasn’t just all brute because they were skilled too but the way they it was just the way the him he’s like him it was like him and then like started yeah well Kenny and L point guard both different skill set but they both animals sat ass as [ __ ] low can score that [ __ ] one and then you had two guard is [ __ ] 69 Demar Johnson 69 Johnson Pete Michael 67 68 you got me and [ __ ] Ryan Fletcher or Jermaine Tate 6969 so we starting D coming off the bench we got dude it’s lyard Stokes Mr basketball in New York state we got Kenny from the city Leonard was Mr basketball in New York state he from Buffalo so he a freshman so we we stacked from they was no [ __ ] they was stacked like I didn’t even know how good Logan was I’ve said this before but look Logan came in my second year in Golden state where I’m supposed to be the starter right and you know how you like that that two weeks before uh training camp starts we playing ones let’s say he was kicking my ass oh my God like I when training cam started I called my dad like yo yeah I think I’m coming off the bench this year cuz man that [ __ ] over here is whooping my like I could not do this [ __ ] he had it was he was just so crafty strong too I wasn’t strong right so it’s just like little things he did to get his shot off right and he just understood footwork and hesis and 51 5 was you know mean five you know I think about when you 5’11 for you to be good you have to be very skilled right so he was very very skilled the the best thing that happened to me is we had conditioning test and he couldn’t get past the conditioning test to practice that’s what beat him as a conditioning test surprising too that it was it and that is surprising coming from where he came from exactly yeah it it was it was one of the thing we had the four like we had to do 10 times back and forth we had to do four sets and he was throwing up after and and I’m I’m telling you it was one of the one of the times I was happy that a [ __ ] was out of shape like hell yeah hey so they they couldn’t make the team has he that mother that yes I never seen nothing like it yo what’s up and say strong we left weight out that [ __ ] he was strong as a mother strong as a [ __ ] and he defend and he defend like you had defend and you play for Bob H you got to play defense so he played for Bob H and he had to play defense we got one mosty fans question on this lovely juneth I’m talking about from Underdog user Valley boy 213 uh that don’t even sound right the 213 is not the valley but nonetheless what was the first thing you did after the season was over and how much time did you spend with family before going back into training mode so first thing you did when the season was over first thing you did when the season was over oh [ __ ] I I had tell mine was Lot mine was light up I ain’t I was going to say smoke a blunt I ain’t going to even hold you like that’s I didn’t smoke I I a smoke during the season soed every day yeah absolutely the fact Hey cuz when the ball going I’m great long as that ball hey long as there was a jump ball I’m good once that [ __ ] ball hey you deflate that [ __ ] and then we ain’t bouncing it no more once it hits your lips that first hit ah yeah I’m I’m cuz once my train start hey once I start that train up it’s downhill no breaks smok train smoke baby after the season I think I was straight to La first thing I’m out of here yeah first thing straight to La real oh that’s yeah that’s and then back that’s yeah that’s that’s what I get yeah of course you from La yeah who wants to stand Milwaukee or Detroit or wherever else you was at [ __ ] who wants to stand them cities yeah mine was like the first 48 hours I told myself that I’m going just sleep for two straight days because you know like you know my my schedule was crazy like just like sleeping playing video games all all morning um you know all the energy drinks some [ __ ] take during the game you can’t you ain’t going listen I I was not going to sleep at 11:12 with all that [ __ ] red line and um what was that [ __ ] called catapult whatever the [ __ ] we was that powder we was taking nah so I’m up at 3 4 5 in the morning so you know it’s was like all right I’m 48 hours of sleep and no that [ __ ] never work so basically the first you know 48 hours I’m just video gaming the whole goddamn time yeah Halo trying to figure out how to be a professional Halo even though I I just use cheat box and everything and you know all do what you got to do yeah I was on my way like I said I spent most of my career in Denver so yeah I was I was leaving going back to Dallas but they got the fire and Denver though no but no that first it’s dry out no it it was all it was already packed up outdoor right no it’s indoor but it’s just the altitude draw out fast so I was know we getting it from out here we going to Oakland [ __ ] we a the way we was transporting them [ __ ] like yo your [ __ ] is crazy certified nuts but I’m not going to let you say too much no no of course no no no no no no we ain’t no like even with the with the family I’m going just be honest with you that [ __ ] get tiring quick right when the season end we be like yo we hey we I don’t want to be around you [ __ ] no more right don’t call me and then you start dealing with them Dam when the season star where everybody at God this is [Laughter] crazy I know [ __ ] right now the season ended in April the the NBA season over there’s players who didn’t make the playoffs ready to start this season Nowell I can’t [ __ ] hell you go back home family members ain’t doing [ __ ] I was trying to be around my kids like I wouldn’t do nothing El so we got both sides of the corner just it’s just remember you’re you’re your road lifestyle is very is very entertaining so when you done and you can’t like just randomly going to Miami on a goddamn Tuesday is not what’s happening when you got your family around like oh yeah I got a uh I got a uh I got a Adas meeting in Miami for 3 4 days oh we coming okay yeah yeah you know what they can a [ __ ] they just cancer you know a they cancer they said come back later when so that is our show for today make sure you stick around for all new episode of she and Tyler coming up next there some girls like this like [ __ ] I heard what they just both of them said the same thing I couldn’t wait to party this is big gills Arena presented by $100 fantasy happy we’ll see y’all tomorrow e e

Gil’s Arena Debates If Luka Doncic & The Dallas Mavericks Will Be Back in the NBA Finals as Gilbert Arenas & The Gil’s Arena Crew react to the Mavericks losing out on the NBA Championship in 5 games and discuss what Luka, Kyrie Irving and Jason Kidd need to do in the offseason to keep them at the top of the Western Conference. They then react to Victor Wembanyama getting in the lab with Jamal Crawford and break down how the rookie phenom makes the San Antonio Spurs a premiere NBA Free Agency Destination as they take a leap in his 2nd season. Finally, they give their takes on Monty Williams securing the greatest bag finessing in NBA History as they react to Monty getting fired by the Detroit Pistons just 1 year after being hired for $85M. Please consider giving us a like and subscribe!!!

Today’s Crew – Kenyon Martin & Brandon Jennings

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Intro 0:00:00
Show Start 0:02:11
Landon Donovan’s Bad Hair Day 0:09:03
Kendrick’s Juneteeth Concert 0:24:04
Who Won The Beef? 0:31:45
Justin Timberlake Gets Arrested 0:37:04
Monty Williams Fired 0:42:27
Pascal Siakam Re-Signs With Indiana 1:00:30
How Can Indiana Improve This Offseason? 1:06:37
What’s Next For The Warriors 1:11:30
Tatum & Brown’s Relationship 1:18:15
Best Duo In The NBA 1:28:28
How Will The Mavs Bounce Back? 1:34:15
Wemby Is In The Lab 1:53:21
Are The Spurs A Premiere Free Agency Destination? 2:10:43
Cameron Brink Tears ACL 2:15:18
MostlyFans 2:26:03


  1. Was surprised they didnt shoe the clip/meme of Tatum copying verbatim what others said previously. KG:anything is possible….ANYTHING IS POSSIBLLLLLLE!!!!!! Tatum:we did it….WE DID IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTT!!!!!!!! many more things tatum copied. The meme said tatum is literally everybody, but himself😂

  2. Love how Brandon Jennings was quick to point out, we arent from Africa. That man in doin the research❤❤❤❤❤

  3. Sometime’s when I get sick of hearing Gilbert’s ridiculous thoughts or Rashad’s caveman like thinking…I get segments like today, that completely make all that worth it. How vulnerable all the guys got during the injury talk really highlighted that Gil’s Arena is a DIFFERENT Arena indeed.

  4. This is my favorite episode because they talk about the disconnect for people checking on you. I feel that really hard right now. My birthday is tomorrow. I'll be 40. I'm having a hard time finding anybody checking up on me checking up on me

  5. 1:47:45 faaaacts I be like that on 2k and real life I don’t be noticing it til I’m like why am I bitchin and crying so much it ain’t gonna help lol I noticed that habit and got silent killer on em it actually makes a difference

  6. K mart told dude “I know tou religious but if the plane go down,you going down with us 😂😂😂😂

  7. They Not Like Us beat is so mid. As a neutral observer, it blows my mind people don’t realize how much better Family Matters is than everything else in the feud was. 3 different flows, flawless production, genius video. Flawless victory and it’s not close. I was blown away when i saw it and kept it on repeat lol

  8. I love Jaylen Brown! Why aren't we talking about the elephant in the room? The narrative of him not being serious about basketball and the Isaiah Thomas validation had a lot to do with it

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