@Dallas Mavericks

Luka Doncic Makes You 1 Move Away & Other Lessons the Dallas Mavericks Should Learn from NBA Finals

Luka Doncic Makes You 1 Move Away & Other Lessons the Dallas Mavericks Should Learn from NBA Finals

on today’s show the Dallas Mavericks need to learn these lessons from the NBA finals or they’ll be doomed to repeat them on today’s like M I’m Luka and this is lock on Mavericks Mavericks NBA chions it’s good and the Mavericks have won the game if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never Fades away hey and welcome you’re locked on to the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angad media member and NBA channel manager for the locked on podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show make lock on maps your first listen today with the best way you can help us grow the show listen every day on any podcast platform leave a five star riew like the video on YouTube and comment anything below let me know one thing the maps need to learn from their NBA Finals lost they didn’t they lost they didn’t wi today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account use that code lock on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms up apply and joining me from 1053 The Fan the consumate professional what you got for me rat Tula an NBA Finals run makes it so that the off season is a lot more Compact and probably going to be a lot more fun got to be honest we can enjoy it you can enjoy it and uh it is already kicked off Kevin gray and I did the uh should the Mavs draft bronny James yeah we’ve done we did it already we did it already the off season has commenced because we literally got a rumor that the Mavs are interested in him so we already did that we jumped into it it but let’s go back and let’s let’s learn some things from the NBA Finals cuz I think that there’s some things the Mavs can absolutely still learn from their finals appearance so I wanted to bring on Reggie we’ll talk about some things the Mavs can learn I want to start with this actually I’m going to start with this oh okay well I didn’t know what the first thing was so the switch really didn’t do much nobody did nobody but nobody but me with Luca NAIC and Kyrie Irving I think a lesson the Mavericks can learn from this run and honestly the 2022 run you’re always one move away from success with Luka you’re always one move away because in 2022 they made one move and yes they had Brunson and yes Brunson made his his rise and so like we have to consider that as well too but they made one move they traded porzingis they bring in Spencer deny they added another offensive initiator they had their wings they had their setup they had Jason kids first year as his head coach with the Mavs LCA donic go to the Western Conference Finals success successful season the Mavs took a step back and then this year make a trade Gafford PJ Washington you got Luca and Kyrie you were one move away from making the NBA Finals apparently and I think that that’s something that this team needs to learn is that you’re always just one move away from success whatever you deem success is For That season I think as long as you have a top five player and a running mate with him you’re one move away yeah like those are the big pieces right those are the foundational pieces once you have that we can make some quick adjustments at that point it’s it’s not the rebuilding at best you’re retooling in any situation or you’re fine-tuning right like it’s just smaller in those places no matter how big it feels because you have the big things out of the way and because they handle a lot of the big portions of it right the game’s about scoring bu getting buckets those dudes are consumate bucket Getters in addition to Playmakers those are two of the bigger ass aspects of the game and so with that you know that you have those things on loock you know what your offense is how many times jayon kids say during the course of the Season that Luca is the system and so you don’t have to worry about what the system is you don’t have to worry about where the points are going to come from you don’t have to worry about where the creation’s going to come from you just need to figure out who is the right person and who are the right pieces around them so yeah know you’re you’re absolutely right in that regard that when you have Luca and then obviously as an offu when you have someone like Kyrie alongside Luca the big pieces are taken care of and you just have to work around the edges you do and like you have an identity with Luca and there’s so many different ways that he can cover your your weaknesses and I think that’s one of the reasons why they lost so quickly in in the finals and that’s why uh we were so frustrated with with why they lost so quickly is that they got there because Luca can cover a variety of different weaknesses for your team and then he just he just couldn’t he just couldn’t cover enough him and Kyrie couldn’t cover enough in the NBA Finals the Mavs seem to get exposed and then all of a sudden you’re like ah frustrating but he can get you there and he can get to that point and I think that the Mavs need to take away from from this finals run hey you’re one move away from success maybe you’re one more move away from more success maybe you’re one more trade maybe you’re one more guy bringing in free agency or who whoever however they decide to do it Luca Kyrie who else do you add to that is it bronnie James no it’s not but it’s one move away from that and I think that’s a lesson you should learn from the NBA Finals that whole run uh even though it was disappointing when you got to the finals that Luca will will get you there and I think I think Nico Harrison knew that I think that’s why he was so desperate to try and make those moves to bring in Gafford to bring in PJ and he didn’t just rest on his Laurels and say all right we’ve got Luca and Kyrie let’s just figure out what this looks like this year with with Grant Williams and and you know Lively let’s see if he grows into that role like he didn’t just sit back on it even when Lively started to look good he went out and got another Center and then Jason kid went and started that guy like I think that that those are are big lessons the Mavericks learned this season and they should continue to keep learning yeah I think you’re absolutely right and I mean basically the undercurrent of this is like Luca is him Luka is that dude is something that has been known and I think almost as much as the NBA Finals got a little frustrating for Mass fans from one aspect in particular which is the criticism that Luca seemed to Garner during the course of this I think that that is a level of expectation right obviously you don’t really love the negativity but what is undercurrent in that is there’s an expectation that okay we are seeding that you are uh you are amongst the absolute Elites of what’s happening out here and that the expectation is then uh raised and that’s that’s a that’s a I mean it can be flattering if you choose to view it that way and I think the Mavs absolutely have to view it that way it’s something that you know that they’ve known for a while but the confirmation in that way because i’ I’ve been trying to use the word coronation for Luca in this offseason I don’t know quite how that fits but the confirmation that he is Princess Diaries thing where he’s like becoming the yeah you you you are you are officially uh with no doubts in that category of that those dudes and I think that yeah he’s he’s absolutely in that place and when it comes to team building that he’s one of those dudes that and I don’t know even know how much this still fits in the thought the the concept of team building for at least a decade decade and a half uh you could tell that around the league the team building philosophy was get one of them and then you figure out the rest after it except you have one of them and as you’re saying the rest after it is always is a a lot closer than you might imagine when you have that guy you had him and maybe that’s the lesson is that hey guess what you had him you know like you had him all along and and maybe the lesson is how embarrassing was last season that you missed that you missed the postseason while having him on the roster which just shows how bad the roster was in general and how bad the you know the roster and the job kid did and then everybody else you know involved in everything like it that was absolutely insane to go from where they were at the end of 2023 I talked about that yesterday where they were at the end of 2023 you listen to Luca say something’s got to change to hear Kyrie like question whether he’s going to come back and now Kyrie say this this was the best experience I’ve ever had in a season for Luca to say like I’m proud of everybody that stepped on this court this year I’m proud of what we did this season like you had him all along maybe maybe that’s the lesson you need to learn is like hey don’t take it for granted that you’ve got that guy because it seemed like seemed like they did take it for granted in 2023 when they lost Brunson and they didn’t offer him the they didn’t offer Brunson the max or didn’t didn’t like beat the Knicks offer and then you’re like oh we just we just got Luka we’ll retool and it’ll be fine don’t take that for granted right and to that point I think that that’s another lesson is you’re window is open right and one of the things we know about these windows is they once they open we like to talk about them as hey well that team’s going to be here for forever I mean hell we did that with the with the Nuggets where it’s like oh man here it comes and not to say that they are closed but all it takes is a year and different circumstan and you look around and that that waivers at times and look your window is booty butt necked open and you’ve got to walk into it while you have the opportunity yes I said it that way and that’s the way you’re just going to have to live apologies to the children that are out out of school don’t say that when you go to uh I’m starting but I’m starting to think of if it’s O open and it’s butt naked open there’s no drapes there’s no blinds there’s no just the you just raw dog in outside air a naked a naked window yeah boo buddy yeah you don’t have you don’t have no no claw no curtains none no blinds no drapes just it’s open and so yeah in that same way along the same Lin of the team building aspect that we’ve talked about thus far the urgency that is there and that you’ve already displayed as a team must continue because of course you’re you were you were three games away from the ultimate goal and so yeah you know that you’re you’re that close with what you have and with him at at the height of his powers or maybe not even the height of his powers like maybe there’s still ascensions to be had but yet with the powers that he is at right now you can be that damn close don’t take it for granted Ms Lear Lear this lesson you’re always one move away from success with LCA donic may not mean a finals win it may not mean an NBA championship but is Success somehow they’ve proven two at the last three years you’re one move away from that coming up let’s talk about what the Mavs need to do now what do they need to do now what’s the next step for them what lessons should they learn to take into this offseason the trade deadline next year and all that we’ll talk about all that more coming up you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here so is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app and use that code locked on NBA to go and check out all the available different uh events that you have all over the place I used game time recently I went to a Dallas Wings game went to Dallas wings versus Seattle Storm I used game time and what I loved about game time is the all-in pricing you flip a little switch little toggle on the filters says all-in pricing and you know exactly what you’re going to pay at checkout at the beginning so not the fees don’t just come up and scare you and all of a sudden come out all over the place so check it out right now I’m looking at a last 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you for checking out the show we’re going to keep going through the offseason five days a week five days a week sometimes we’ll be three but mostly five all through the off season we don’t stop here this is what we do everybody was like oh man doing so many episodes during the playoff run yeah this is this business as usual here yeah the finals was not business as usual for the Mavericks this that was a great achievement that the Mavericks made they got there it was absolutely a great season we’ll have all offseason to talk about how great it was but there’s a couple things in the Mavericks need to learn one of the things we talked about with the Mavs are one move away from success the next one I think is what they need to do next the Mavs need one more highlevel offensive initiator and that guy probably needs to be a shooter and probably needs to be like an okay Defender as well and not like a negative on defense they need one more guy like that that was completely exposed several times honestly this whole playoff run the maps were like oh we just we’re just garnering enough points just to just to get over the hump like they needed 29 for PJ Washington to beat the Thunder they needed 27 for him they needed like 20 from drik Jones Jr and you can’t rely on those guys to do that all the time but they just need one more guy like that yeah man that was going to be one of the my takeaways is that the third option by committee was nice and I mean it’s better than but having something that’s a little more dependable is going to be significantly more successful you for you right on that can you say it didn’t even work can you say it didn’t work oh that’s I mean if you were inclined to go to that perspective I think there’s there’s arguments to be made there right because you I mean and I said this to you probably I don’t think it was on air but we had conversations as we want as you know we all want to do uh where it’s wild that you’re in the NBA Finals game three searching right like it feels like you should not be in a place where that deep into a season where you are searching for something that should be something where you know exactly where to get it and I mean if you have a small Committee of guys that you can get it from like you look over at the Boston Celtics sometimes there’s a committee of guys that you go to but there needs to be a little bit of C certainty that whoever you turn to can deliver that largely whenever you need it and I think a third option in that way would be huge in that regard it would go a long way in that way so yeah especially when you talk about um against the team and in these circumstances where when you have those two superstars that you do you know that there’s going to be a defensive effort Cal calibrates them somebody that could take uh take on some of that load and I know when we talk about another offensive Creator another shooter that sounds like oh you need a whole another star I don’t think you need a star you look over at Derek white and Dereck white is that person for the Boston Celtics that is kind of the caliber of player that you’re talking about someone who can do those things who doesn’t necessarily need to at all times when you I mean if he needs to step up and handle it at a relatively high level he’s capable of it and it doesn’t quite feel like you have that with the Mavericks at this current time well porzingis did it in game one Drew holiday I thought did it in game two and Dereck white did it like you know after that like I I thought they had they had three different guys that could fill that role which is just I mean that’s very hard thing to ask it’s why they they have a special team this year yeah for sure no absolutely that’s why they won what uh how many games they win they ended up winning like 80 games 8 80 and 21 it’s wild it’s absolutely wild the Phil Jackson thing you win 40 games before you lose 20 that’s like his that was his measure of like a good success they won they won 80 before they lost 22 what just what an incredible anyways all right you shouldn’t be upset that they lost that team that team’s very good that team’s very good yeah there there are definitely other teams that you could lose to that you probably would be significantly more upset about yeah yeah uh I think they also so the the offensive Creator like you said it doesn’t have to be a star like player it doesn’t mean okay they got to go get Mel Bridges and if they don’t get that guy to to do to add something offensively then you’re screwed I think you do just need like one more guy but do you think that guy has to be able to play with Luca and Kyrie that has to be that third or do you think that that can be a rotating all right this guy has to be able to play with Luca and and or Kyrie like one or the other but if cuz that they they ran into that issue a couple times they try to throw Tim out there or Hardy out there to be that other Creator and you’re like oh or even X him at times x him in the playoffs all right be that one more creator with us and it just kind of didn’t work when they tried th those different lineups there at least late into the season for various reasons they need a guy that’s better than all three those guys I just mentioned but uh does it have does the guy have to be able to play with both or could it just be one or the other no they he has he has to be able to play with both of them and the reason why I say that at the same time yeah we’re we’re no we’re no longer in a place where any this is tough because you’re going to we’re going to see that next season in covering this team regular season isn’t going to matter nearly as much right it’s going to be it’s going to matter in as much as what can it tell us about once you get to the playoffs but there’s playoff expectations postseason expectations and I’m not talking about no first and second round like they are deep expectations and when you get to those places you need to have the fiveman lineups that are able to hit on the high levels and whatever player we’re talking about in this place the I mean the reasonable expectation is that that’s going to be a top to five player on your roster and your top five six players need to be able to play together on in in in the postseason like it it’s just going to have to be a case I don’t think you can have a dude that you’re like well but our two guys are on the floor and I don’t know if you can play with them right you are really limiting yourself because optionality matters when you get to these levels right it’s a Styles make fights type uh type League at times and that’s what you ran into you ran into a team that play style if you don’t have that variability within well he could play with these one of these two guys or he could play with both of them you’re really hamstringing what you’re capable of doing and I think the tough part about that is because of the per the you know the way that LCA donic is built because of the way the Kyrie is built that does make the job of finding that particular um you know kind kind of player for this Mavericks team more difficult because that guy absolutely needs to defend because you already have weaknesses for lack of better term like I don’t want to sound like I’m lab you know throwing a perjorative at these guys but like you do have some defensive like weaknesses within what they bring obviously they can play up to a level where they you know they can fit into the you know the concepts of what you’re doing all of those things but you can’t afford to have another person who you’re trying to get up to the level up yeah right like that just can’t be it so he has to be able to play defense at a high level and you’re asking him to score and probably create for himself and maybe others right and and you need that de like those kind of guys get paid big money you know what I mean like all of those assets together that’s how you get paid and so you’re asking for a team with relatively limited assets to add that type of player into like it’s not an easy job but the fact of the matter is I think that that is one of the things that you really could need and he’s going to need to be able to play with all of that my case for the guy that could play with either and not with both is that I do think the regular season will matter look at what happened to the Denver Nuggets they lose the one last game of the season and they go down and play the Timberwolves early and like they weren’t the number one seed and that could have been huge for them um the Mavs also fought like hell at the end of the season to try and just get in to the you know the top six and to get out of the play in and I think that that could matter and I think that Luca’s injuries mounted up this season because of the workload he had to do at the end of the season I think he played what like 20 20 games in the regular season of like 40 minutes or so like they they I don’t think they can do that again to have that kind of workload and so to at least just have somebody that can cover that that can you know eat eat Innings or or you know fil minutes and and do that whether playing with Luca or Kyrie one you know one or the other and can play with both probably the regular season but the playoffs it’s a whole different animal and it’s there’s very few players I feel like that can fill what you just said and play in the playoffs like I’m thinking it’s like it’s like a Paul George like that that’s honestly like the type of player that you’re you’re kind of comparing it to and I think Luca’s injuries mounted up so much they just need somebody to be able to carry a load up until up until the end like the end points up until so that Luca is is fresher for that series or or just the playoffs in general cuz he was hurt going he was hurt going into the playoffs he was on the injury report the entire time so I think that’s another reason why they need to learn this lesson they need one more guy and we we’ll talk a lot about this offseason about what that that player looks like who that player could be I’ll bring up names you know we’ll do how how they could do that we’ll do all that but that’s the lesson I think that another lesson they need to learn they just need one more highlevel offensive initiator and uh and there’s a bunch of reasons for it but coming up let’s talk about some other lessons the Mavs need to learn from this finals run let’s talk about that with Reggie coming up you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here today’s episode brought to you by prize picks prize picks daily Fantasy Made Easy all you to do is go to prize picks pick more or less than two to six players stat projections for a shot to win up to 100 times your cash yes you could turn $10 into $1,000 in a single game watching your favorite sports this summer you could do with all kinds of different things uh the NBA finals are over which sucks but they’re still basketball the WNBA 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up to $100 priz lockon NBA my first shot my first M all right Reggie we’re talking about lessons the Mavs need to learn from the n finals we talked about how the Mavs need to always think that they’re one move away from success with Luca and now with Kyrie as well they need one more offensive initiator what’s another lesson the Mavs need to learn from the NBA Finals um that and I’m going to isolate it down to Luca is that hey man there’s not really a substitution for his particular leadership right I mean you have you you found this uh Kyrie who was matured and like B leader guy vocal leader guy in a way that has been kind of you know refreshing and those types of things but we saw the difference between when Luca had that you know that visible tangible leadership in I am going to do the things that I’m supposed to do I’m going to raise my level and it felt like that was game four no right like tell me if I’m wrong in that way he he showed the the leadership of going out there and playing at a high level and buying in and you know getting on Mission and you saw the way that that raised the level of play all the way around yeah from everyone right there’s no real substitution for that right and I I think that it’s been a conversation that I’ve definitely had with some friends and others uh about the idea of does your best player have to be your leader and in some ways like vocal leader maybe not but like when it comes to the leadership and style of play and energy and effort there’s not really substitution for that with Luca donic particularly as it works with this team so um this offseason is going to be very insightful because he has some healing up to do and how he’s going to go about that and I I found it kind of interesting the hesitation that he had in trying to answer the question on whether he would play for Slovenia those things and I imagine that that these are part of those conversations are part of those thoughts for him on what does that mean for my team and for coming back and being prepared and ready to go in those ways and I think that that’s probably him stepping into some of that leadership mentality of there’s a difference if you want to reach those levels and look they got damn close to reaching exactly the level where you want to be at I think it’s incumbent upon him in a way that I don’t know that you can substitute with Kyrie or Marie Morris or Derek Lively talking on defense it just feels like there’s so much uh that rides on him obviously when it comes to the actual doing but when it comes to like the mentality and the leadership there’s not really substitute I don’t think it’s an incredible point I think the the quote that keeps ringing in my head after game four was Luca talking about now we know how much energy it takes yes to win a game like it’s gonna be energy basically that like I was paraphrasing what he said but he’s like it’s going to be energy like that’s now we know what it’s going to take and like sometimes you get to the end of a game and you you could tell Luka was like I need a recovery beer he like and Michael Michael Finley took that away from him at the end uh of the the you know the Western Conference Finals but they know what it takes I think to to get there at least they learned that lesson and the Celtics had to learn that in 2022 the you know the Cavs had to learn that LeBron had to learn that in 2007 the heat had to learn that in 2012 or or 2011 when they Lo lost the Mavericks that’s right Mavs Mavs had to learn in 2006 like there there’s teams need to learn that at some point and the ab and Luca absolutely has learned this lesson and need to take that all right this is what it’s going to take to win games especially against a great team like the Celtics to win games against the best team in the NBA it’s a tough lesson to learn but man yeah it’s a good one yeah and it’s it’s kind of funny because this was a weird season in which all through the playoffs it felt like we were we were trying to validate those conversations of a team has to go and kind of fail and then go over and we had kind of some of the comical re reactions like Anthony Edward it’s like how much you want us to lose right all those types of things but you kind of see how that thing comes back around for the Mavericks here where it’s like you were a great team but what distinguishes that greatness and the ability to get just over the hump is still a little bit more and like you said they they’ve they’ve tasted that they’ve gotten a feel for it you got to imagine that that then becomes a part of the DNA of this team and the way that they move going forward I think uh one more lesson one more quick lesson I think that that I learned and that the Mavs need to learn and not go away from you cannot go away from the two Dirty Work Wings you can’t you need that you need those in the scheme you can’t like it feels like in 2023 they try to go away from it they’re like ah we’ll just go to we’ll go to this and then at the beginning of of this season even like oh we’ll go to this and TR try you need the Dirty Work Wings the one that are switchable you can’t go with like a hybrid four like Grant Williams that doesn’t work you got to have a guy that can play that can defend from guards all the way up until like forwards you just you just need um you just need those two types of guys and at times kid went away from Derrik Jones Jr he didn’t qualify for all defense because kid didn’t play him enough uh games of 20 minutes per game like he like he didn’t qualify you couldn’t even vote for him uh they cannot go away from that again it worked in 2022 worked again in 2024 like they cannot go away from that yeah that that’s a that’s a real know your personnel type things because as we mentioned right Luca donic is the system and everything fits around him and it feels like it’s very evident as you had to try and I don’t want to say hide but you know kind of work your defense around his strengths and his weaknesses having those particular guys having two of them that can handle those things seems to be necessary and so yeah I think you’re right I think we have figured that place where you need two of those guys that are versatile that can do those things that can size up and size down as necessary especially when you talk about you have LCA donic but then you also are putting Kyrie who is a smaller guard in their two spot and so yeah you need especially to to be able to match physicality which is seems like it’s this de Jason kid defense is absolutely predicated on to to be able to do that to be able to have the athleticism necessary it feels like that is the Prototype of player you need those wings with strength and size and athleticism in those places uh yeah that that’s an absolute for you now you have any more lessons um I think you you hit one of them though that I wanted to bring was like the idea of offensive Creator and shooter and I I wanted to take that opportunity to give a lot of praise to exom and Hardy for stepping up in moments but you just need that more consistently right and I think it’s going to be interesting to see how Nico Harrison and the rest of the front office for the Mavericks because obviously he’s not doing this alone how they View and obviously the coaching staff because they’re they’re the ones that are handson but how they view the potential development and actual development over the course of the season of Hardy and exom um in those particular types of roles and are they going to be good enough or if that’s if they’re going to be willing to take that particular um either like opt for the continuity of having those same guys or see if they can you know parlay what they have as players and they might have to really utilize the roster because they don’t have the other assets outside of it if they want to try and uh trade up or you know kind of turn those guys into a different level of uh playmaker and Creator I I’m so intrigued by the the things that they have in front of them and uh yeah I think that that’s that’s a clear effort or a clear uh thing that they need to effort for is another guy that they can really depend on I almost wanted to call him a six man but I mean again I think he needs to be able to play on that high level with Luca and Kyrie when necessary yeah but yeah that that third guy super super necessary it’s kind of like a five and a half I think right like I think that that guy could come off the bench because porzingis came off the bench for the Celtics I mean it’s right you’re comparing completely different things but uh but like I think that that type of player could come off the bench and I don’t think it’s on the roster I don’t think it’s XM I don’t think Hardy will grow into it necessarily I wish but I you need somebody that can def defend at a higher level oh and then the one thing that remembered that I I had put in my in my back of my head and I just didn’t remember um hey man one more thing Derek Dereck Lively II is going to be vital to your defense going forward let’s go that’s right absolutely vital uh we talked about communication and that felt very evident maybe I’m leaning too heavily on game four of the NBA Finals that felt like that was so evident that when he is on the floor they they played the most connected defense that I maybe saw them all postseason and maybe that’s reactionary but they were on a string they were moving and we know that he’s the talkative guy on the floor we know that of him and you can see it right like in ways that you did not see it’s almost like an onoff metric that I can’t quantify but like when he’s on the floor you can see the distinction that it is and I mean God bless him that he’s still young that he’s growing that all those things but it’s incredible that at his age he is already willing or already able rather to be that impactful defensively not just as an individual but on you know the other players and make the players on the floor better I he’s going to be super vital and making sure that this team remains a highly uh High highly capable defensive team don’t forget what you saw here I think that I think that’s the the one you take away from from from Lively is like don’t forget what we saw when you saw Lively play he’s a 16 game player it’s wild he can play he can play on a championship level team and can play Big minutes and can close and all that and he did it at 20 years old just absolutely insane Wild guy can’t even drink yet not legally if they would have won if they would have won you think we would have seen like a staffer assigned to Lively like we just a little just a little sip from Papa Luca’s uh beer just little I need a recovery beer not you Lely not not you not you there you go there there right can we get a sparkling get a topo Chico uh those are some lessons we can learn from the NBA Finals go check out the episode I did with Kevin gray on bronny James go check out Reggie on 1053 The Fan guys thanks so much for hanging out with us on lockdown Maps being part of the show peace out boom

The Dallas Mavericks lost in the NBA Finals to the Boston Celtics so what should Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, Dereck Lively II, Daniel Gafford, PJ Washington Jr., Dante Exum, Jason Kidd, and the Mavs learn from their experience?

Nick Angstadt & Reggie Adetula share the lessons the Dallas Mavericks need to learn from their loss in the NBA Finals like Luka Doncic always makes your team 1 move away from success. What do the Mavs need to do to take a step forward? What should they learn about their roster?

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  1. I’m spamming this to make it happen. Miles Bridges stock is super low for obvious reason. BUT… Dallas could package THJ/Maxi/and a 1st in a sign and trade. That probably clears the cap space for him on the Mavs side. The hornets get a versatile role player in Maxi, an Expiring contract in Tim and a first round pick. If Bridges just signs with another team in a non-sign and trade they get nothing in return. I’m sure Miles would rather be in a winning situation if he can’t get top dollar for his talent as well and would probably want to help the Hornets out after everything he put them through. Hes a perfect third option type guy. I think he averaged like 23 ppg last season. Depending on DJJs market, you may be able to bring him back too in that scenario.

  2. First thing we need to do is open up enough cap space (7M roughly) to be able to offer the full MLE (12.9M), we can only offer 5.9M currently

    Trading THJ for a player making less annually but over 2 years is probably the easiest way to pull this off

  3. Trades: 😅
    Kuzma to thj + green/maxi + 2025 R1

    Avdija to thj + 2025 R1 + 2031 R1

    Bogdanovic to thj + 2025 R1

  4. whoever thinks brownie is good move has a wishful thinking he would grow 6 more inches to actually match his play style. hes 6ft2 and could play as guard😂😂😂 he plays like below average role player. in fact he isnt nba level

  5. brunson will never be like that in dallas tho. i mean weve seen him helped dallas vs suns but the mavs will never revolve just like the knicks did for brunson.

  6. Give minutes to O Max next season, he can play at the 3 or 4, and like Lively he will develop his confidence as the season goes

  7. The Mavs had a great season but, to take the next step, they should add someone like:

    Péjå Stojákövic 6'10"
    Marcus Camby 6'11"
    Dennis Rodman 6'8"
    Steve Kerr 6'3" and
    Ben Wallace 6'9"

    To replace the dead weight on the team that contributed so very little:


    And, the young developmental guards. I totally trust the management of the Mavs to get the necessary pieces [2 more 3 points shooters, 2 more bigs and 3 great defensemen].

    They can play 10 deep on everyone except the Celtics. Against them, only 9 can hold up:

    The 2 centers

    But, to contend with the elite A-N-D defeat Boston in a 7-game series…they must improve on the backend. Release and replace the other 6 players with big, physical tall, defensive minded players + a 6'11" Péjå Stojákövic type player that rebounds and can hit the trey + an unselfish pair like Rodman and Wallace that will do the dirty work…and another 3 point guy that will hit 50% from deep.

    With that they'll win 60+ games and beat Boston.

    Luka absolutely must learn to play without the ball in his hands. The "Triangle" offense could be an option. More emphasis must be placed on perimeter defense. Derek Lively needs to shoot the trey more; Dante Exum should be the leader of the 2nd unit, the QB and facilitator.

    Hardy needs to be our "microwave" [Vinnie Johnson] off the bench. They need 2 big, beefy "enforcers" willing to kick ass if needed to protect Kyrie and Luka when frustrated teams get physical with them.

    Generally speaking, for elite excellence, they need:

    1.) toughness with an edge à la Rodman & Wallace.

    2.) 50% excellence from the 3 à la Pèja and Kerr.

    3.) Play up tempo, share the ball and rebound ferociously.

    4.) Develop a 2nd unit led by Exum with Hardy scoring but with at least 2 great defenders.

    5.) Find 2 guys for enforcers that put the fear of God in opposing players who even think about tripping Luka or "accidentally" hitting Kyrie in the face.

    6.) Have a come to Jesus meeting with Luka:

    Get in shape/stay in shape
    No pouting/fighting refs
    Work on 3 pt & midrange

    To be clear…he wants to be Pistol Pete Maravich [score 40 ppg with 2 assists while teammates watch] but N-E-E-D-s to be Magic Johnson [working the refs, a coach on the floor, calling plays, making sure everybody else gets points and touches the ball…while purposely holding back unless we get down by 15 or down to 5 seconds on the time clock or it's the last 5 minutes of the game.]

    7.) Study Magic, Isaiah and Stockton. Strive 2B the '96 Bulls, the '86 Celtics, the '76 Trailblazers or the '72 Knicks with a perfect blend of offense & defense…but the 2004 Pistons were the epitome of what we should try to become with 5 unselfish players led by 2 scorers, a bunch of role players and a savvy coach.

    Get it?
    Got it??

  8. Luka Doncic is worst defender in the NBA . The one move needed is work with him on defence.

  9. Paul George is the perfect option if we can keep all the key players. If we can get a og esc player and someone like a Pat Bev who can POA 3&d I think that’s multiple rings

  10. I think omax will be key this year. I think he’ll def get minutes next year. If he can develop as quickly as lively then he can begin the 3rd option. But idk if we can expect that. If Nico can somehow steal a PG caliber player he will go down as the goat GM

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