@Chicago Bulls

How far away are the Chicago Bulls truly are from contending???

How far away are the Chicago Bulls truly are from contending???

what’s going on everybody my name is Aiden and welcome back to another video ladies and gentlemen today I want to talk about a comment that I received a couple of days ago asking me where are the Chicago Bulls or how long is it going to take I should say for the Chicago Bulls to start competing and I thought it was a quite interesting question and a question that definitely worthy of a video so that’s what I’m going to do today I’m going to be answering that comment and ultimately as well discussing uh just you know what I think and which direction will be the quickest and all order to try to compete with this Chicago Bulls team but before we get any further if you like the video and you want to see more from me drop a like drop a follow and or subscribe if you are new and let me know in the comments below your thoughts about the Chicago Bulls and whether or not you think this Bulls team is close to competing and also if you would like to send me any video recommendations and anything in between if you’d like to ask me something that you think could be a video idea or heck even if it’s like a Q&A type of thing or a mailbag type of thing and you just ask me all these bunch of things and I can give my opinions on them feel free to do so I’m an open book I would love to answer some of your guys questions so let me know but let’s answer the question here about what I think the Chicago Bulls team how long they will take to start competing so there’s three Avenues I want to go down and I want to take you down those Avenues and give you I guess the reason why some will be different so for example if I want to talk about what will happen if this team stays the same how long it will take what happens if this team decides to rebuild and tear it all up and start again and what happens if this team retools and gets a new identity and gets new core pieces that will be ready to compete in the near future so just because this team is currently where it’s at we should probably mention first and foremost what happens if this Bulls team stays remotely the Same by the same I mean the core stays the same we don’t trade Zack LaVine we resign deand rosan we keep Nicola vovi a lot of bench players will be very similar even if they’re different pieces and altogether the only thing the only real addition you get back is Lonzo ball what happens if that team comes into The Fray next season or in future Seasons if that’s our core how long will the Chicago Bulls take to compete well unfortunately I don’t have a good answer here because I believe it would take well over 5 years for the Chicago Bulls to start competing for championships again now you might be saying how is that possible with Lonzo ball coming back that could be Avenue where we could reach the top four maybe even the top three and compete in the Eastern Conference and look I’m not going to say that will never happen but at the end of the day we can’t put too much pressure on Lonzo B coming back it’s as simple as that there’s so much he’s going to have to do in his first season in the NBA that doesn’t even reflect on basketball itself he’s going to have to have minutes restrictions he’s going to have to have probably back to backs off and certain road trips off just to fully get into the grasp of the NBA again it’s not going to be Lonzo ball comes back and plays 30 minutes and starts for the Chicago balls and averages a triple double again it’s not going to happen like that at least I personally think it’s not going to happen like that so take away Lonzo ball from this situation maybe you get a very impactful Lonzo Ball but ultimately Alonzo bat’s going to be on heavy minutes restrictions and heavy game restrictions as well so you pretty much you have the same team Zack LaVine will be here uh dear rosan will be here vvi will be here and the team is going to be the same and unfortunately the best this team has gotten is a first round exit that’s the best this team has gotten in the NBA hate to say it but that’s nowhere near competing and ultimately if we stay the same the same goes you know if you do the same thing over and over and over again and expect a different result that’s insanity and ultimately we can’t assume that this bull team is going to compete next season with the same team so with that being said I think it’s well over 5 years Lavine will still be here again he’s going to be at least here for three years if we don’t trade him D rozan is a little bit aging vich will be aging again at least 3 years and that’s considering within the 2 to three years span you’re going to have to make the decision that you probably should be making now and that’s either retooling or rebuilding so continuity just delays a little bit of everything that’s what I think about I guess this whole situation of keeping it the same let’s move over to the next one and the next one one is rebuilding what happens if you just say you know what I want to start again I don’t want de Rosen here I don’t want Zack LaVine here I don’t want vich here I want to go with what we have in terms of Kobe IO Patrick Williams dalon Terry Julian Phillips I want the young guys to really get the Run of things and ultimately see where we go from there the reason why I like this idea is because a lot of our young guys have been playing heavy minutes for the Bulls recently so it’s not like you’re starting completely from scratch it’s it’s not like you are for example let’s pick a team let’s pick a team what team should we pick Let’s just say the Washington Wizards I think the Washington Wizards are a good example so they obviously had a team of Bradley Bill John Wall and all the all that you know and that was a good team and ultimately that team went to the playoffs more times than not solid team and ultimately as soon as Bradley Beal kind have left that team John Mo ended up getting injuries and he left that team and that whole team kind of disbanded now they’re starting again the Philadelphia 76ers you know they had a really good stretch and then they had to start again and then they got the first pick every single year I don’t think it’s going to be like that for the Bulls cuz Kobe White’s played heavy minutes before is getting to an Allstar level caliber and can help you win games individually in many ways IO really phenomenal I guess player that could be a very good bench player if need be and a very very very well-rounded starter if we need him to be um you know guys like Patrick Williams has been starting in the league for ages so you expect him with a new role to maybe level up just a little bit but again still a rather solid starter so I’m not going to tell you we’re going to be the nin seed again for example but I will tell you is we have a foundation at least where we could hopefully build around that or if we find a Cornerstone piece in the draft if we get the first overall pick one year you have Kobe white as that second option you got IO as a solid option Patrick Williams as a solid option you could build a foundation from that so I would say if we decide to rebuild I would give it a around 6 to seven years in all honesty I’m not going to give it the 10 years like Philadelphia was and sometimes rebuilding I mean the Pistons re has been rebuilding for years since Andre Drummond left that team they’ve been rebuilding for ages and rebuilding does come with a risk so I think you know six to seven years is a solid answer but that could be 12 years if you do it wrong the Bulls have to get it right I can’t personally predict if the Bulls will get it right but they most definitely need to get it right then the last option retooling and getting a different identity so in a sense you know let’s just say well Zack LaVine we know he wants to leave we trade Zack LaVine and we get a solid piece in return that could be implemented as a new centerpiece for the Chicago Bulls you keep Dem Rosen around maybe maybe you trade Nicola vich to get a different sort of playing style but ultimately all the players are probably veterans all the players are probably all near Allstar level caliber and it’s just a different core cuz honestly these players are not bad D rozan ain’t bad LaVine ain’t bad vich ain’t bad they just don’t fit together so you could find core pieces that hopefully are just as good but most importantly even if they’re not that better much better than LaVine or vvi you could get a Core piece that will work better with each other and I think that will help you win more games than just statistics alone so that could be a way that we go down and if we go down that route and we get it right I can see this Bulls team competing in about 3 years time once you get new core and a new identity you can’t expect it to just click like that many teams get very lucky and they see it click just like that an example of this I think could be the Phoenix Suns they recently got Kevin Durant Devon Booker Bradley Beal they were awful this season in the playoffs they were not good whatsoever but I still I still have belief that that team can do something because it’s only their first year and it very rarely succeeds in their first year so you got to go again the timber is a perfect example they were what they barely scratched the playing tournament I think they made the playoffs last year but they they they were like really mid-table type of team now in the Western Conference they finish in the first seed if I’m not mistaken and they made a far in the in the NBA um Western Conference and and the Western Conference finals and stuff of that nature so like do you know what I mean sometimes if you go down a different route it can be I guess it will take take time but it can be successful so I would say around 3 years 3 to four years I hope that answers your question uh and ultimately hopefully you guys enjoyed the video ladies and gentlemen so to sum it up if we go and keep this team the same I reckon 5 to S years is probably when we will be ready to compete because we’re going to delay the inevitable and we’re going to have to start late which could be a possibility if we go down the route of rebuilding I would say very similar around 5 to seven years as well um just because rebuilding is going to take a long process but you have a clear goal a clear Direction a future and you’re not starting from complete scratch you have young players here that can help fit that timeline and then obviously if you go down the route of retooling I would say 3 years if you get it right but the big question is can the Bulls get it right if you retour and have a system that works together we could be seeing that option fairly soon what do you think ladies and gentlemen and I’ll see you in the next one stay safe stay healthy and stay tuned for more take care care and peace

It’s not looking good!!!

#nba #bulls #bullsnation #chicagobulls


  1. 1. The Coach has to go… Refuses to use his players the right way… yea White said Billy was a big part of his development but really that’s something truly Ayo can say than White all because he was forced by injury to put him in such a situation. If Vuc never got hurt Drummond would of still been struggling still been struggling to see minutes..

    2. Trade Lavine : if we can’t get enough back in returns support player and a draft pick is what we would settle with since we are moving forward in belief with Ayo and white long term and still want to show interest in signing pwill back…

    3. Resign Demar a deal constructed how White deal was constructed where it was fair price but also included inscentives so he doesn’t feel low ball by the offer.

    4. Resign back Drummond : I know he not coming back and he has every God durn right to Move on from problem 1 that I stated (coach) but boy resigning him to a fair deal So the bulls could utilize 5 and 6 Would be so Bullievable

    5. trade Vucevic : forget the obvious I just hate that man attitude when he don’t get his way. He will never win with that attitude and then he so slow foot and undersized and it’s not like his 3s is of good use when he shoots…which brings me to 6

    6. Draft Edey let him learn for a yr behind Drummond … I feel at this point Drummond can be more of a teacher and a factor with Edey than Vuc in that situation. So bulls trade him it’s not like the contract is out of touch and plus Vuc has shown he can be reliable to play games( no excuse get the trade done) Edey finish at both hands better than Vuc he protects the rim better than Vuc His lateral quickness is better than Vuc and he has shown in the combine his ceiling is more than just what he being dubbed as… he really can shoot the ball from the three but he chose to stay in the paint to control and dominate something he does also better than Vuc 😂😂😂

    7. Sign back Pwill to play unless we can’t trade Lavine then u gotta do a sign and trade. pwill won’t get far or learn positive traits being around Lavine.. I rather him fight for Demar Trust than Lavine trust to play of equal ..atleast Demar give chances and don’t throw up heat checks because the crowd cheered after 2 made shots in a row (lavine🤦🏾‍♂️) He is a natural leader u want your players to learn from…

    I wish the coach can really go so players who really show effort and play when on the court can be recognized not like what he did to Drummond and what he did to Julian Phillips at the end of the year…

    With my steps of breakdown we still stay competitive address issues that was a flaw on the court Rebounding and defense ) we also shade some of our money issues and we would also adopt another style of play with Getting a Coach that can trust in his players more not when players are done for the season…

    We would atleast make it to the second rd if everybody healthy and everybody can continue to grow comfortable on the floor with the correct leaders 💯

  2. It’s crazy it’s 2024 and it’s like only 80 years or whatever to the year 3000 and we probs gonna have to wait that long for the Bulls to compete again!

  3. Id like to extend Javonte Green. Bring back Theis. Trade Pat to OKC for some future first round or two. Trade Zach. Ayo and Coby can be our backcourt we just need a 4 who is a strong 3 and d player.

  4. agree with most parts. the sad thing is that I was 14 years old when we won in 98. and the next tine we will win a championship will be 30 years at least since

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