@Dallas Mavericks

Chuck Cooperstein On Mavs Finals Hindsight, Kyrie Hostility, Offseason Plans | Shan & RJ

Chuck Cooperstein On Mavs Finals Hindsight, Kyrie Hostility, Offseason Plans | Shan & RJ

[Music] it is time for my good but my good buddy the great Chuck cooperstein voice the Mavs joining us here on 1053 The Fan and what did the uh what did the Galloway intro used to be cop in the loop on the loose morning CP morning morning boys how are you good morning doing well I should be getting ready for a game six but um that is not in the cards uh no no the you know either game two or game three but for me it was game two that that’s the game that they will look back and certainly Ru the moment uh they knew they had to win at least once in Boston and that was the game to go get because the Celtics basically were begging them to win that game and they just weren’t good enough to win it did you come away from the series then thinking that Boston was clearly the better team or did like like he just kind of said the Mavs had their chance and they they did they didn’t take advantage of the Chan they had I think Boston was definitely better uh I don’t think it was necessarily you know as dominant as it’s being made out nationally look there there were two home blowouts for the Celtics there was one home blowout for the Mavericks and there were two swing games uh you know at either place both of which went Boston’s way uh that again very easily could have gone the Maverick’s way so I mean to me I mean I always thought it was going to be at least a six game series uh and even more so probably a seven game series but hey that’s what happens Bost Boston is 80 and 21 uh you know it’s one of the great Seasons uh in the modern NBA uh and you know with a just all their metrics are such that suggest that they are not just a worthy Champion but even a historic Champion so you know Kudos kudos to them Mavericks shouldn’t feel bad that uh you know that it’s over you know be be happy for what you have right and what they had was an incredible run uh and really starting from March 7th not even just through the playoffs but you know go back to March 7th and you you look and you see what they did in that time and you see the possibilities and that’s what’s really cool because know you look at the Celtics and ultimately that was a team that was nearly a decade in the making and it still took a couple of very depth offseason moves by Brad Stevens to bring in both porzingis and Drew holiday uh to be able to seal the deal for them CP do you think the Mavericks look at this like you just said there I I agree I think it was closer than it’s been made out nationally because when you look at a lot of the peripheral statistics for the team over the course of that five-game series for Boston Boston was not playing nearly as efficiently or as well as they you know had been shown to do at a historic Pace before that do you think Dallas is coming away from the series Luca Kyrie Jason K people like that do you think they’re coming away going man we we missed an opportunity here because we we really contained them offensively in a way that other teams hadn’t been able to Yes uh look if you had told me before the start of the series that the Celtics would never score more than 107 points in any game and and won the series I would have been stunned would absolutely have been stunned because there was no way that you could tell me that any team that had Luca even in a somewhat compromised State and Kyrie would not be able to score and in fact could not score 100 points in all four of their losses never never was on the bingo card here kids no uh so um you know I think if nothing else uh the great thing about the playoffs and the finals in particular is number one H it it shows the flaws of your team and It ultimately shows what you need to work on in order to get to the ultimate goal and I think it’s it’s pretty clear here uh what the Mavericks need uh and not that they’re going to be able to achieve it but uh you know the idea of having a third ball handling guard who can really create his own shot um kind of like what they had two years ago with Spencer dinwoody when when Den Woody played the best that he’s ever played in his life um you know I don’t know that Dante exom is that player even though there are things that he does really well offensively that help them but I mean I think you definitely need that type of player so that Luca and Kyrie uh can’t be focused upon PA to the point that they were and it completely bogged down the entire offense so uh to me that’s that was the thing that most came out of the series um you know it’s it’s what your weaknesses are and and how do you address it at the highest level it may not necessarily matter in February but it could very well matter in May and June talking with Chuck cooperstein the radio voice of the Dallas Mavericks here on 105 through the fan uh Coupe there was a lot made of course obviously about the return of Kyrie to Boston and and the atmosphere there it obviously a very loud and intense atmosphere but this was something we had asked Mike Breen last week and I was curious for your take on it was it really a a did you feel like it was a hostile environment for Kyrie or did you feel like it was a a intense environment but it was no different than just an intense playoff environment the way playoff environments tend to be oh no it was hostile it was definitely hostile um I’ve never the only time I’ve ever seen anything uh really addressed to one player the way this was was when Kiki vanway back in the day used to come to the uh to Reunion Arena after you know he rejected playing for the Mavericks uh you know wound up playing with Denver was a great player and every time he touched the ball at least certainly in the early years it uh as it moved on it kind of became comical because everybody knew what the drill was uh but in The Crucible of the finals uh it was real and not just in the building look it’s it’s all over town I mean when you’re selling t-shirts that say Kyrie sucks I mean it’s real I mean no I don’t know that anybody literally has had to go through that Coupe was this a bad matchup physically for Kyrie like were defensively were they too strong too big was it just a bad matchup for him in some ways yes in some ways look Kyrie just missed shots yeah and he just missed shots that he normally makes uh but look there’s a reason why Drew holiday and Derrick White were Team all NBA defensive players they they showed it their their length and their strength uh and their uh and and again just the ability uh of the Celtics I think you know they talk about how they didn’t switch Celtics did a little more switching in this series I think than they than they did previously uh but all of them have the ability to guard and uh you know Kyrie couldn’t quite get to the rim as easily as he could and did in some other Series in a lot of ways this was like the Oklahoma City series for Kyrie where you know the length of Oklahoma City not necessarily strength but the length really bothered him um you know the other two Series against the Clippers and Minnesota it really didn’t um but give F credit hey Derek white how did the Spurs get him up seriously that’s exactly that’s exactly the guard they need to play with wanyama right I how did how did they do that and you know look you you know know how holiday wound up there I mean it’s and it just blame Milwaukee for that I mean what were what were they thinking why did they think that bringing in Damen Lillard to replace Drew holiday would work you know there’s a reason why Drew holiday has now won two championships and he’s going to be on two Olympic teams he’s one of those guys that simply wins he does whatever you need him to do for your team to win CP you know this was obviously a big part of the the consolation I guess a lot of people asy seemed to be trying to give the Mavericks was hey you know what this is just the beginning Luca is going to be back here this you know the Mavericks will get back here he’s he’s got this in his future and it reminds me back a little bit to it felt like there was similar discussion about Devin Booker when the Suns lost and since then they’ve had trouble how does what what needs to occur this offseason do you think for the Mavericks to ensure they do get back there and that this isn’t a defeating moment that prevents them from progressing well first of off nothing that ensures anything okay uh look at the Western Conference you look at the Western Conference and the quality of those teams uh number one that made the playoffs uh number two of those teams how many of them went through injuries uh during the playoffs and then look at teams like Houston and San Antonio that and that you know are going to get better I mean you know wama is going to get better and they’ve got two picks in the top eight of the draft I mean they’re definitely building something uh and Houston is definitely building something and building a culture with em udoka coaching them they were far better this year than they were last year and Utah if they would ever stop letting go of the Rope Midway through the season I mean they’re they are a highly competent Team every game in the west you play 52 games in the west and really other than your games that you were playing against Portland which also has two first round picks this year uh you know those games are Wars uh and it does take a lot out of you let alone what what happens when you get to the playoffs where everything is matchup dependent so um there’s nothing that ensures it but you know the fact that you know you hope that Luca uh you know continues to improve it can be frankly a little more consistent with his shooting his three-point shooting clearly went ay at the end of the series even though he had his best season ever shooting threes and shooting free throws um you know hopefully he can you know stay in the shape that he was in really for the first twoth thirds of the Season uh the fact that he was hurt as much as he was I I have to imagine affected you know his workout schedule and and just you know keeping keeping himself in the manner that he was early in the year I think that was probably a little bit hard for him uh but uh you know it’s it’s it’s not like this team needs an entire overhaul as I mentioned they they need a third ball handler uh they can use probably somebody you know bigger who can stretch the floor uh as as Lively and and Gafford really are rollers I mean we saw probably make that three in game four and he may eventually get to that point but I don’t know that he’s necessarily going to be there next year to where that’s a reliable part of his offense I mean I just don’t see him standing out there and taking three three-pointers a game next year but I do think that it’s something that he will ultimately work on and by the time he’s 24 and let’s remember he’s just uh like 20 years and 125 days old he’ll get there uh so there there’s not necessarily a lot there certainly are things that can be improved upon but the road next year is not going to be any less difficult than it was this year CP do we have any idea because Cub there’s a report that Cuban’s role is now completely changed from last year do we have any idea the new ownership like how they want to approach spending and stuff in the off season any kind of knowledge of that um I I think we we don’t know much I know I know that um they held a news briefing on Friday of game four which was a very odd time in my eye for them to do that maybe because they knew everybody’s else would be everybody else’s attention would be focused elsewhere but um I mean I I haven’t seen anything internally as far as you know staff and whatnot that would prevent them and prevent this group from spending whatever they feel they need to spend in order to win and what they have done it appears is put their faith in niik Harris and given what Nico’s done why wouldn’t you put your faith in him he’s done a phenomenal job in in building this thing and being creative and let’s face it uh you know the Mavericks you know there have been a lot of times in these three years where you’re wondering like how are they going to do this and what what’s going to happen and you know all of a sudden you see stuff happening that frankly didn’t always happen in the past so um you know I think that they’re they pretty much have put their faith in Nico to uh to uh you know build the team as he sees the team and at least you know if it means you know spending a little more money uh you know I think they’re willing to do that you know let let’s see if they’re willing to go into the second apron I don’t know if that’s your question or not uh I I don’t know that they’re necessarily willing to do that right now and nor do I think that they really have to go do that right now but um I I think I think the the franchise is in a pretty good place 6 six days till college football right around the corner 66 days to college football and believe it or not like only about like 11 10 days until like the Mavericks play a preseason game again short off season for Luca and then the Olympics uh which and and that’s and that’s another thing too you know is this going to be the summer that Luca finally you know decides that he’s not going to play as much as he wants to play and his desire to play for his national team and win medals for his national team it it trumps just about everything or certainly stands alongside uh trying to win an NBA championship for the Mavericks um you you know how much he loves it and I’m a and generally speaking I’m a fan of playing in the summertime I I think it’s it’s great and I think you know especially with that type of competition it forces you to be in really good shape but listen he took a beating he took a beating uh not just from April 21st to June 17th but you know even Le into the second half of the Season uh there’s a lot that went on here and you know kudos to the Mavericks training staff for basically being able to get him out there every night and do what he did but uh I have to believe that if it doesn’t happen this summer uh it’ll it will never happen I mean there’s a qualifying tournament in Greece uh on July from July 2nd through the 7th it’s a killer draw they may not make it anyway uh even if he were there because that’s where you know obviously Greece uh is going to be the favorite to get there and Giannis is going to play um so we’ll we’ll see but um a little rest a little RNR could could do him a whole lot of good yes it could hey brother we appreciate it man thanks so much take care guys all right Chuck cooperstein enjoy the offseason [Music]

Yesterday we were mourning, now we are looking toward the future for the Dallas Mavericks. Mavs radio voice Chuck Cooperstein joins RJ & Bobby to explain what the Mavs should take away from their finals run. Coop also talks about the Boston hostility towards Kyrie, Mavs/Luka offseason necessities, & the new Mavs ownership.

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#DallasMavericks #LukaDoncic #ChuckCooperstrein


  1. Tell Derrick Jones Jr. he can sign a deal with the Celtics and this time he can celebrate with the championship cigars and champagne when Boston repeats as the champs.

  2. The NBA world is not buying the Luka injury excuse. He's Embiid west, except Embiid tries to injure folks when they are having success against him.

  3. The Spurs don't have Wembanyama if Derrick White is on their roster. They knew who they were giving up when they traded him to Boston. They should be applauded for trading players to contending teams (Kawhi and Derrick).

  4. If the Mavericks aren’t willing to go into the 2nd tax apron like he suggested, Luka should leave this franchise in 2 years. We don’t deserve such a talented player if we aren’t willing to do what it takes to win.

  5. Mavericks shot 25% from above the break 3’s and Boston just let PJ and Jones Jr shoot it. More than a 3rd ball handler, they need 3/D that aren’t unreliable, one dimensional offensive players (meaning they can only shoot the corner 3).

  6. Luka has to spent a year only practicing defense . He is the worst NBA defense player.

  7. The Mavs had a great season but, to take the next step, they should add someone like:

    Péjå Stojákövic 6'10"
    Marcus Camby 6'11"
    Dennis Rodman 6'8"
    Steve Kerr 6'3" and
    Ben Wallace 6'9"

    To replace the dead weight on the team that contributed so very little:


    And, the young developmental guards. I totally trust the management of the Mavs to get the necessary pieces [2 more 3 points shooters, 2 more bigs and 3 great defensemen].

    They can play 10 deep on everyone except the Celtics. Against them, only 9 can hold up:

    The 2 centers

    But, to contend with the elite A-N-D defeat Boston in a 7-game series…they must improve on the backend. Release and replace the other 6 players with big, physical tall, defensive minded players + a 6'11" Péjå Stojákövic type player that rebounds and can hit the trey + an unselfish pair like Rodman and Wallace that will do the dirty work [while guarding multiple positions]…and another 3 point guy that will hit 50% from deep.

    With that they'll win 60+ games and beat Boston.

    Luka absolutely must learn to play without the ball in his hands. The "Triangle" offense could be an option. More emphasis must be placed on perimeter defense. Derek Lively needs to shoot the trey more; Dante Exum should be the leader of the 2nd unit, the QB and facilitator.

    Hardy needs to be our "microwave" [Vinnie Johnson] off the bench. They need 2 big, beefy "enforcers" willing to kick ass if needed to protect Kyrie and Luka when frustrated teams get physical with them.

    Generally speaking, for elite excellence, they need:

    1.) toughness with an edge à la Rodman & Wallace.

    2.) 50% excellence from the 3 à la Pèja and Kerr.

    3.) Play up tempo, share the ball and rebound ferociously.

    4.) Develop a 2nd unit led by Exum with Hardy scoring but with at least 2 great defenders.

    5.) Find 2 guys for enforcers that put the fear of God in opposing players who even think about tripping Luka or "accidentally" hitting Kyrie in the face.

    6.) Have a come to Jesus meeting with Luka:

    Get in shape/stay in shape
    No pouting/fighting refs
    Work on 3 pt & midrange
    No more world sports &

    To be clear…he wants to be Pistol Pete Maravich [score 40 ppg with 2 assists while teammates watch] but N-E-E-D-s to be Magic Johnson [working the refs, a coach on the floor, calling plays, making sure everybody else gets points and touches the ball…while purposely holding back unless we get down by 15 or down to 5 seconds on the time clock or it's the last 5 minutes of the game.]

    7.) Study Magic, Isaiah and Stockton. Strive 2B the '96 Bulls, the '86 Celtics, the '76 Trailblazers or the '72 Knicks with a perfect blend of offense & defense…but the 2004 Pistons were the epitome of what we should try to become with 5 unselfish players led by 2 scorers, a bunch of role players and a savvy coach.

    Get it?
    Got it??

  8. Dallas lost this series from the free throw line. They went 35 of 56 in Boston.

    Game 1: 12-19
    Game 2: 16-24
    Game 5: 7-13

    Had they made four more each game, that's 84%. Yet they shot 63%

    Boston during those games?

    Game 1: 13-19
    Game2: 19-20
    Game5: 17-20

    49 of 59. Eighty-three perecent.

    We all try to sound so cutting edge, but it all comes down to the basics. Game 2. Dallas took four more and missed three more.
    Game 1 after they cut that lead to eight, imagine having four more free throws drop. Instead of shooting to get it to six, you're shooting to get it down to two or three.

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