@Minnesota Timberwolves

What should the Minnesota Timberwolves try to do with their first-round pick in the NBA Draft?

What should the Minnesota Timberwolves try to do with their first-round pick in the NBA Draft?

hello and welcome into another episode of lockdown wolves today starts the draft coverage the first round of the NBA draft is just one week from today today we’ll talk about the picks the wolves have what they should be looking to do with those picks what’s the value of the picks they have in this year’s draft and also what are the mock draft saying about players the Wolves may be interested in break it all down on the show today welcome in you are locked on wolves you are locked on Timberwolf W your daily Minnesota Timberwolves podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team everyday hello and welcome to the lockon Wolves podcast part of the lock on podcast Network your team every day my name is Ben Beacon I am the host of locked on wolves today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers get $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s $200 in bonus bets with any winning $5 bet visit lockon to get started happy Wednesday everybody happy hump day and happy just one week away from the first round of the NBA draft and yes the Timberwolves have a first round pick this year not only that they have a high second round pick as well the second round will be uh a week from Thursday so today is the first day where we’re strictly doing draft coverage here on the show I’ll kind of lay out the next several days here in a moment uh but today want to kind of take stock of the overall wolves draft situation what are the mocks saying what could The Wolves be looking for what are kind of the options that are likely to be available in the late late first early second round we’ll do all that on the show here today big thank you though first off the top for making lock on wolves your first list in every single day of course this show is free and available everywhere that includes YouTube as well as all of your favorite audio platforms wherever you like to listen to podcast you can find lockon wolves you can also watch on the lockdown Sports Minnesota app on both Roku and Amazon Fire TV and you can follow on X at lockon T wolves and also at B Beacon with two B’s Two e CK all right so everybody knows this year’s draft has been talked about as one of the worst drafts in recent memory and worse than what the next couple are projected to be there isn’t even a whole lot of depth it’s not topheavy there’s a couple of guys that are kind of consensus top of the draft guys but that’s only because there isn’t anything else and it’s just a um it’s it’s it’s not an exciting draft and it’s it’s not one that I’m disappointed that the wolves are like not drafting in the lottery uh but also after not having a first round pick last year not having one next year and of course uh not having a lot of first round picks here moving forward it’s nice to at least be talking about a first round pick for the Wolves they draft at number 27 in this year’s draft they also have the the 37th pick um which was I believe that was the one that was initially Utah that they got in the in the DLo trade if I’m not mistaken the DLo might cly trade uh at any rate they have 27 and 37 and the overall value of those picks in this draft like so the website doeses a draft value rankings um they have a formula on there that basically what picks does each team have where does where do they rank so like for instance the number one value for draft picks in this draft is the Spurs they have the four the eight the 35 and the 48 and the Hawks have just the first overall pick and nothing else they’re ranked fourth in terms of draft value uh the wolves are 20th on that list with the 27 and 37 pick they are a slot ahead of three teams that only have one pick in the 20s the Cavs pelicans and Suns the wolves having 27 plus 37 puts them ahead of those teams in terms of value um the only team that doesn’t have a pick in this draft is the Brooklyn Nets there are three teams that also don’t have a first round pick that only have a second that’s the Clippers Warriors and Mavs all only have second round picks so what do we think the Tim roles are going to be looking for well we started the offseason the kind of the I think it was right away the day after the um or I guess the day two days after the Wolves were eliminated by the Mavericks talking about the Wolves needs this off season and I think it’s pretty much two things although one can be kind of spliced into two different categories one thing they need is some more shooting and and that’s kind of you know nobody has enough shooting the Wolves yes they finished this is easy to forget because of the way the the season finished for Minnesota but the Wolves were third in the entire league in three-point percentage as a team so they shot the ball well but the frequency wasn’t great enough early in the season and they didn’t shoot it all that well in the playoffs and of their top eight rotation guys and and that’s what it boiled down to in the playoffs is they were only playing eight guys two of them Couldn’t Shoot threes Rudy goar and Kyle Anderson and yet the rest of the team was so good as three-point shooters that they still managed to finish in the regular season at least third in the league and three-point percentage as a team consistency is gonna matter like Mike Conley had a career three-point shooting season is that going to be the same again probably not I think Jade McDaniels could improve a little ant has been pretty stagnant in terms of his overall three-point percentage we talked about that on yesterday show on Tuesday show uh but I think there could be Improvement there n Alexander Walker was pretty up and down uh and then the backup point guard spot whether it’s Monte Morris or Jordan mlin or somebody else all probably are going to be around League average maybe slightly better from outside the arc but the Wolves could use more if it is the Kyle Anderson role which we’ll talk more about later in the show today he is a free agent and it’s going to be hard to bring him back although the Wolves will certainly try can they fill his role with somebody that’s a better shooter than Kyle Anderson that’s going to be the easiest way to do this because obviously they’re not replacing Rudy goar and Rudy’s not all of a sudden going to be able to make threes so the only spot you have and if you expand the rotation Beyond those eight guys to nine or 10 spots then you get into is it Monte Morris or Jordan mlin you get into the role that was Shake Milton or was Troy Brown Jr early in the season um is that is one of those gonna be Leonard Miller is one of them gonna be Jaylen Clark by the end of the year next year last year second round pick who’s a great defender but not a shooter what does that look like so bottom line is if you’re adding a player you have your top seven set and you’re adding eight nine 10 spots in your rot at least two of those three guys have to be Shooters and this is an easy way to do it the other thing is With The Wolves being over the cap and this is part of the whole conversation today and not only over the cap but over the second apron they’re in a bit of a Denver Nugget situation where some of these young guys that they draft are gonna have to play if they don’t believe in Wendel Moore Jr clearly to this point they haven’t they’ve got to find somebody they do believe in on a on a cost fixed uh c a contract with cost certainty over the next four years they know they can plug and play this salary it’s got to be somebody that they can they think they will be able to rely on and Leonard Miller is going to come up later as well Josh minot’s another one those guys have they’re under contract they’re affordable they have skill sets that could be valuable to this team’s rotation next year so that all matters in the context of who these draft picks are as well the other thing the Wolves need is playmaking both for players that can create their own shot but also create shots for others and I would this is my my my subo that I made a second ago or that I referenced a second ago backup point guards the other thing we’re going to like you’re going to hear a ton is hey the Wolves need somebody and point guard of the future that’s the other phrase you’re going to hear a lot and and already if you look at these mock drafts people that don’t follow the wolves on a daily basis are just kind of throwing that around it’s true they need a plan after Mike Conley but Mike Conley is making a lot of money this coming year and the year after so this point guard of the future they’re not going to draft somebody really raw who might be the point guard in three years when Conley retires and they’re not going to want his primary backup to be really raw either I think they solved the quote unquote backup point guard Problem by doing what they did last offseason some combination of Jordan mcclaflin and or Monte Morris Plus either a Kyle Anderson or a similar player what they tried to do last offseason was Jordan mcclaflin plus shakee Milton and then have Kyle Anderson K Alexander Walker as options as well I think they’re going to try and Cobble it together again this year unless the right Prospect Falls we’ll talk about some of the guys being mocked to Minnesota at 27 and guys that could fall the 37 that could fit that quote unquote backup point guard role but I think the bigger thing is creation from the backourt whether it’s the wing position the point guard spot specifically somebody that can create some offense that can as I like to as I like to say be the straw that SES the drink for the Minnesota reserve unit uh you know more maybe in a more Dynamic way certainly than Monte Morris or Jordan mcgoffin in a more consistent way than nil Alexander Walker um and give them you know another option to give the offense some punch so what I want to do is run down a few mock drafts I’m not going to get into any individual player too deep today I’m going to do that over the next few days today I want to set up like who are some of the names that we’re seeing out there and what is my quick take on them could they fit here’s and and then I’ll reference what I just talked about like these the idea that the Wolves need a point guard or they need shooting or whatever why some of the point guards being mocked to Minnesota I don’t think are realistic options um some of the big guys or or bigger wings I should say are guys that I think could be options for Minnesota 27 and it’s so hard of course versus back when the Wolves had a top 10 pick no idea who’s gonna be on the board in the 20s by the time that that we’re in the 20s in the draft that the draft board’s a mess um guys fall guys get picked way earlier teams are moving up and down and every which way and this year’s gonna be weird because of teams are trying to get out of the draft but nobody’s really trying to get into this year’s draft so we’ll talk about some of these names here next get a you know couple minutes on some of these guys and then we’ll set up the rest of this week and next week because I do want to do like basically half shows I’ll probably do like two prospects a show here moving forward to break down um some of these guys more in depth who I think could be legit options for Minnesota 27 or 37 in this draft so we’ll do all that here next today’s episode of lock di wolves is brought To Us by our friends over at eBay Motors passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether it is speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you always find exactly what you’re looking for and with eBay guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back because with eBay 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and know more about each NBA team’s needs and others know more about the actual prospects so again this is a admittedly surface level because I want to throw out some names that perhaps you’re not familiar with yet or if you’ve been paying attention to the draft conversation overall you you may be Loosely familiar with them again no particular order this just happened to be the order that I pulled them up um when I was when I was searching for various mock drafts um and actually this first one is one of my favorite players uh being mocked to Minnesota uh and that’s Baylor shyan from kraton and Sharman is a is a big guard he’s 66 67 and good wingspan he was mocked a couple of weeks ago in one of the ESPN mocks to Minnesota I don’t think ESPN isn’t there anymore but currently on the um the SP Nation one where he’s Mo yeah SP nation has Baylor shyan mocked to Minnesota and what I like the most about shyan is there’s a lot of similarities between what he can bring to the table and what Kyle Anderson does um and again like draft comps NBA comps I shouldn’t say again I haven’t I let’s level set this here it’s obviously a really tough thing to compare a college player to an NBA player and no one’s saying that from day one Baylor shyan could be Kyle Anderson at the NBA level what I’m saying is that the the the skill level or or the the I guess the skills that Shan has are similar to what Kyle Anderson brings to the table um he is a a big Wing a big for Ward who is a um a well-rounded good passer uh he can handle the ball again he’s six six6 and a half like he’s a big dude with a 69 wingspan he can handle the ball he can pass he um can actually put the ball on the floor a little bit and as good touch he’s not super athletic but he’s got good touch um really good feel a good connector like makes the right pass both as the primary ball handler and then also you know as just moving the ball in the perimeter he could be a move that now like the big difference well actually let me continue some of the other similarities I guess um solid Team Defender he he’s not going to be a great one-on-one Defender but because of his length because of his basketball IQ because of his overall feel for the game he could be a solid Team Defender and the wolves are going to look for guys like that they’re not going to draft somebody who’s gonna be a point I shouldn’t say they’re not going to they’re unlikely to to be hunting somebody who’s a point of attack Defender at this point in the draft because you have Jaden McDaniels you have Anthony Edwards you Alexander Walker you have Jaylen Clark coming back from injury and you’ve got other guys who are able to do that shyman could plug in and be a solid Team Defender which is going to be really important he can also offensively operate in the pick and role so all of those things plus he’s a good shooter he’s played a bunch of college basketball he he played three years at South Dakota State and two years at kraton and he’s a he’s a 39% three-point shooter in college so he’s already a much better shooter than Kylie Anderson and he could be a movement shooter that can um you know not like you’re going to run a lot of plays for him but he can be that guy if you need him to be he can knock down Corner threes he’s got pretty good range too uh the form is is good enough and there’s there’s maybe not a ton of upside here for a guy who’s already 23 with limited athleticism but he’s pretty plug in play as a bench guy and what is one of the things that a Conference Finals team is going to be looking for they’re not looking for projects necessarily they’re looking for as I said in the first segment certainty and somebody who could provide some value and Baylor Shan I think could plug and play as an NBA kind of Fringe rotation player right away and have a shot to earn a legit rotation spot if he can bring to the table something similar to what Kyle and Anderson brings to the table plus shooting and and you gain that back from that spot know you’re not going to get the same level of basketball IQ you’re not going to get the same level of playmaking you’re not going to get um all of the stuff the other stuff that comes along with slow-mo but if you can’t afford slow-mo and you want to approximate it and get some shooting on top of it 39% career from col College three-point shooter Baylor Sherman’s a way to do it so he’s currently been mocked to Minnesota on SP nation and uh basically their summary of it is is is more about him hitting threes than anything else but I think it’s all the other stuff too it’s not just that um he did already by the way work out for the wolves and he’s worked out for some other teams picking at the end of the first round that includes the Jazz and the Celtics who both pick after Minnesota so there’s a real shot he’s on the board where he’s mocked I mean there’s some other like the ringer has him mocked as an early second round pick they have him at 33 um he’s mocked at 28 which is the pick after the wolves on CBS so his range certainly seems to start about where the wolves are and go into the early second round I I don’t know that I he’s not going to be there at 37 I would look at him at 27 if I’m Minnesota actually really like the bayy Sherman pick and we’ll spend more time on him on a future show here but I I like that potential selection another player mock to Minnesota the uh CBS mock draft which has shyman going 28 has the Wolves at 27 taking Johnny Fury from Kansas and that mock says the timber need shooting floor space around ant for the next decade and fury will provide that he’s made huge strides over the last 18 months and has quality Wing size to complement his shooting and linear progression um Johnny Fury is uh I actually don’t hate that pick either he’s a big guard he’s he’s 68 um I think that he would provide that level of shooting that the wolves are looking for the ringer has him going 24 um he’s only 19 years old he’s he’s a little over 67 six uh six seven and a half 68 wingspan uh and a good shooter I think he he in the open floor sprinting to the corner to knock down threes I think he’d be valuable there uh he could do a little bit of of rebounding for his size um he’s not going to create it all like he’s not going to create with the ball in his hands I think he’s a solid enough Defender but this is again the type of player that you could get here where in Fury’s case he’s maybe a little less well-rounded but he’s he’s maybe got a little more offensive upside than a guy like shyan and I think would be a better one-on-one you know individual Defender uh from day one um he is a pretty good finisher in the paint too but again I don’t think he’s I think he’s more of a a uh off the catch type shooter off the ball shooter um than he is somebody who’s going to create for himself with the ball in his hands but I like the idea of Fury here too um somebody who he was only 35% from three last year but I think he could be a better shooter longer term um but again the skill set is shooting size that Wing skill set I don’t like actually like he’s going to get drafted before shyan I kind of like the shyman fit more for Minnesota than Fury although I do like Fury either one of those would be fine picks from Minnesota at um at pick 27 uh let’s do this let’s in just a second here I’ve got what four more well actually two more mocks that to list and then a couple other guys that have been thrown around in other mock drafts generally that are both point guards and I’ll explain why I don’t love those selections for Minnesota actually three of the next four I don’t love uh for the Wolves at 27 so we’ll get to all that here next today’s episode of lock down wolves is brought To Us by our friends over at FanDuel summertime means baseball the NBA finals and more you can bet it all on FanDuel right now new customers get $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 200 bucks that you could use to bet on everything from uh well I guess not the Finals zvp over or anymore that’s uh that’s kind of over uh plus who’s going to hit wi out of the park at the next baseball game and there’s lots of baseball ongoing now of course the twins are actually right now if the playoffs started would be a wild card team and uh despite their ups and downs they’re beating up on some bad teams and they’re going to be uh they’re going to be right in it in it in terms of the playoffs but right now you can also look at futures for the NBA championship winner next year the wolves have the fourth best odds uh the fourth shortest odds right now the Celtics are plus 300 as the favorite to to win the team chionship next year I’m sorry the Wolves actually have the third best odds the nuggets are second at plus 750 and your Minnesota Timberwolves on FanDuel are plus 850 to Wi next year’s Title Dallas is fourth at plus 900 Milwaukee and OKC are tied for fifth at plus 1,000 so the wolves have the third best odds to win the title next year go check that out at FanDuel V visit lockon add a big win to your summer bucket list FanDuel America’s number one sports book all right so the Yahoo mock draft has the timberl at number 27 taking none other than the golden go for his own cam Christie coming out of uh coming into the draft as a out of just his freshman year of course his brother Max plays for the LA Lakers and I don’t think he gets picked till the second round personally but NBA teams like Bloodlines they like the fact that his brother plays for Lakers no doubt and he’s a good shooter problem is is he’s really thin uh the upside is certainly there I think there’s a shot he goes in the late first round but he’s more likely a second round pick he’s there at 37 and the Wolves pick somebody like a Shan or somebody who they think could be plugg inpl at 27 I could see the Wolves liking his combination of length athleticism and shooting ability he’s got to put on a lot of a lot of um uh he’s got to get stronger he he’s got to put on weight frankly but the Wolves haven’t Shi away from that I mean look at guys they’ve drafted recently albeit guys that aren’t in the rotation right now but Josh maet Leonard Miller you know I think that there’s a shot that could be interested in Chrissy at 37 I don’t like him at 27 especially if uh so like in this Yahoo draft Fury goes 26 to the wizard so he wasn’t even on the board but I’d rather have shyan or Fury at 27 than I would cam Christie even if I do like christe as a prospect and I I do I think he’s uh intriguing the ringer this is interesting the ringer has the tbls taking KJ Simpson point guard out of Colorado I don’t like this uh and I’ll read what the ringer has they’ve got uh quote Mike connley will turn 37 before next season and already has durability issues which is a weird statement Simpson would be the perfect guard to bring along as his backup and as a possible future starter who pushes Conley to a bench roll that would demand less of him all right team that went to the Conference Finals is not putting Mike Conley on the bench for a rookie from Colorado who they just not like that’s silly is there a world in which they draft him he’s the backup point guard this year and then kind of takes over you know I don’t no I don’t think so I really don’t think so also he’s small he’s barely six feet tall uh the wings span’s good it’s 64 and a half but the ti wolves aren’t going to draft a six foot guard who uh isn’t a great athlete they’re just not going to do that and he shot the ball well this year it’s 43 % on under just under five attempts per game but he was under 30% his first two years in college um he’s always had good touch he’s a good free throw shooter like there’s there’s a shot that that’s real but it has to be real if you’re six feet tall without a great deal of athleticism you got to be able to that you can’t shoot sub 30 per. I’d be really surprised if the Wolves drafted a six foot point guard with the 27th pick in this draft they’re far more likely to pick a big Wing or a big forward somebody who can do multiple things and find their in the rotation that way because if you want a six-foot point guard this guy’s not KJ Simpson no disrespect he’s not going to be better than Jordan mcclaflin in year one he’s just not if you’re taking him at the end of the first round in a shallow draft and he’s small with limited athleticism he’s not better than Monte Morris he’s not better than Jordan McGloin there’s just very little upside there it doesn’t improve the Wolves rotation whereas if you take the Kyle Anderson role or last year shakee Milton roll or whatever and you backfill that with somebody who you know is going to be with size be a good team Defender be a good three-point shooter and do some of these other things there’s just more feels like a more realistic option so I don’t love the KJ Simpson idea and related to that another name that was thrown around uh on some other mocks as possibilities and then there’s also an ESPN uh kind of like a not really a mock but um it’s Jonathan gavan and and Jeremy woo that are talking about like what are multiple options for each of these teams in each of these spots and one of the names that that was mentioned was Tyler kch the point guard from Marquette and uh kak is also not a huge guard he’s like barely over 61 also not a great athlete he’s also 23 years old like he’s very likely to be a he will be a first- round pick he might even seek in the lottery like yeah he could shoot it like he’s 39% this year on four attempts per game and he’s very likely going to be a you know be able to operate the pick and role at the NBA level um good catch and shoot guy off the ball but the lack of size and the I mean mostly the lack of size but also just kind of okay athleticism like I just don’t see the Wolves doing that at 27 I they don’t love small guards I know they have Jordan mlin on the roster but he pre mlin predates both Chris Finch and um s g and Rosas because Rosas is who sign him but predates Chris Finch and Tim Connelly obviously Finch likes mlin but neither mcin nor Monte Morris was being trusted in the playoffs when they needed size and of course the backup point guard is going to play more in the regular season that he would in the playoffs I get that Ben shortens anyway but again this this particular player no offenseive Tyler KCK is not going to be better than Jordan mcof or Monte Morris next year we’re not talking about a team that was the eight or nine seed in the west we’re talking about a team that was the three seed first for most of the year and went to the Conference Finals a 56- win team they’re not gonna just if they can get Monte Morris for their mid-level exception or they can bring back Jordan mcgoffin as a at a minimum minimum contract they’re not going to spend a first round pick on a small point guard with limited athleticism and potentially you know maybe a shooting you know shooting ability in the case of Simpson and very likely a good shooter in coak but I just don’t think there’s enough there there’s far more to gain from picking a big Wing that does more things so I don’t think either one of these guys are great option for Minnesota at 27 another name that was thrown out and this was by um over at ESPN by Jonathan gavan he brings up Juan Nunes who is playing in Germany but he’s from Spain as an option most places have him as a second round pick perhaps he’s a pick at 37 he’s big um I gotta dig do some more digging into him but I know he’s he’s big and they talk about him as a a really good in the pick and rooll and I like I don’t there’s no reason to draft him at 27 unless there’s some sort of a you know drafting stashes in his much a thing anymore but I guess that’s a possibility I think it’s more likely the Wolves take him at 37 and do that and uh do something else at 27 somebody who’s actually ready to play because again that that’s the trick the Wolves aren’t looking for a big upside swing but they also can’t just punt because they need frankly they need cheap they need affordable role players they need affordable rotation guys they need to stockpile a bunch of them and find one or two that works whether it’s Min not Leonard Miller eventually Jaylen Clark maybe wend Elmore Jr Jordan mcclaflin and whoever they draft in this draft they that’s six or seven guys I just named depending on who comes back in free agency and they pretty much have two or three rotation spots to fill so you can’t just throw it away on a project and you can’t give it away I mean if they can trade out of the first round maybe but again they need to fill the roster and you can spend on a first round pick to go go over the cap if you need to to go over your second apron to sign your own draft picks and and and maybe if they can kick the can and sign of at minimum and and but I don’t think they can like nobody’s trying to get into this the first round of this year’s draft so all that to say I think the wolves are going to they’re going to try and do something worthwhile which which like is always what teams are trying to do right that’s but but again it has to be a a player that they think is plugging player has a shot to be plug in play I don’t think it’s going to be a redundant player like a small point guard an unathletic point guard or you know size for size sake or a shooter that can’t do anything else because that none of that fits they have to find somebody who can do multiple things that can fill one of these roles they’re not going to drastically change the way they play next year they can find an approximation of Kyle Anderson they can find a better version of what Shake Milton was supposed to be they can find a bigger Jordan mcgoffin or a bigger Monte Morrison maybe but the way they play is not going to change and they’re not going to hand a massive role to one of these guys who doesn’t have the experience this is a Conference Finals 56 win regular season team okay Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday we’ll do draft profiles I’ll probably do six players um and and probably do a half show in each of them we’ll get you ready for the draft next Wednesday spend more time on guys who who will be there at 27 and then we’ll get into some guys that will almost certainly be there at 37 or could fall the 37 the wolves could be interested in it’s such a similar range that like some of these names could be possibilities at both picks I remember a few years ago when K bit St up I liked as a first- round pick and they got him with the second round and then he ended up being a you know Fringe rotation NBA player anyway but um anyway so we’ll talk about a bunch of guys here over the next few days a big thank you for making lockdown wolves your first listen every single day of course this show is free and available everywhere that includes YouTube as well as all of your favorite audio platforms you can also watch on the lockdown Sports Minnesota app on both Roku and Amazon Fire TV and you can follow on X at lockon T wolves and also at B Beacon with 2bs 2 e cken of course the lockon Wolves podcast is part of the lockdown podcast Network remember the lockdown network is your local experts on all the biggest stories once again I’m Ben Beacon this is the lockon Wolves podcast and we’ll catch you next time

The Minnesota Timberwolves have the No. 27 pick in this year’s NBA Draft. What positions and roles should the Wolves be looking to fill? Ben Beecken (@bbeecken) discusses the needs the Wolves are seeking to meet with their first-round pick and the No. 37 pick in the draft, as well as a few names that are most frequently attached to the Wolves in mock drafts.

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  1. Try to get someone ? Anyone who can put the ball in the basket ..Get and invent their own shot at any time .no shooters just slasher scorers,no reason to take and wings we have plenty and Finch doesnt play them anyway. We have needed a point guard for years and years and years go get one

  2. We don’t need more shooting, we need another player that can get their own shot so Ant isn’t the only one. Again, use the assets of KAT and get a Conley replacement. Put Conley as the back up as he gets older.

  3. I like your philosophy of plug and play, what about Ryan Dunn? Too redundant with Minott or Jaylen Clark?

    Da Silva, Shannon Jr, Tyson, Bridges. Those guys could be regular season rotation and fringe playoff maybe. Just get the young guys to chew up innings in the regular season. Keeping Conley and Rudy fresh will be important.

    Better yet, who from the 12-20 would you like to see slide?

  4. Boston showed us that you dont need a stereotypical pg that's small. I'm tried of the small guard, mc gets picked on defense

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