@Indiana Pacers

Pascal Siakam to RE-SIGN With The Indiana Pacers! | NBA Offseason 2024

Pascal Siakam to RE-SIGN With The Indiana Pacers! | NBA Offseason 2024

what’s going on y’all welcome back to basketball the NBA season is over now which means we’re already kind of into free agency because of the new CBA rules under the new rules teams can start to negotiate with their players as soon as the season ends so we’ve already got some breaking news about Pascal seak and the deal that he’s probably going to get with the Indiana Pacers so that’s what we’re going to talk about today I I actually really like this rule a lot and we’ll get into it but before we do that just want to make sure you guys like subscribe comment do all those things I respond to every single comment on my YouTube channel and I intend to keep on doing so except I’ve got one new variation it I talk about this in my ideal offseason video that I posted today as well so make sure you go check that out but I want to make sure I’m replying to everybody still but only if the comment like actually warrants it we all know that on the internet there’s a lot of things that people just put out there where they’re like you should just go jump off a bridge and honestly that’s kind of funny but I’m just not going to respond to those anymore what I’m going to do is I’m going to timestamp you to this exact spot and basically just tell you like your comment wasn’t really worth my time answering it was probably either rude or just not well thought out and yeah this is what you get from now one but let’s talk about spicy P so Pascal SE yakum is going to get a 4year $189 basically $190 million max deal to return to the Indiana Pacers um there were some rumors floating around that he might go somewhere else and explore something else but apparently Pascal SE yakum like really really liked his time with the Pacers liked the play sound I mean why wouldn’t he like he’s always been a very up and down the court player and when he got here uh he fit right into the system and the offense that they had obviously there were defensive struggles that was never really his fault or everything that was more so team and composition wise so those will be things for the team to address in the off season but getting the four-year max deal like now all those uh all those picks that you traded away to get SE yakum this year you can rest a little bit easier now because you’ve got this boy locked up for four years to come he deserves Max money Pascal seak is an incredible incredible basketball player do they have the stats here to tell yeah 21 points damn near Eight rebounds almost four assists a game and only honestly only played like 31 minutes like you you could play him more 41 games only so now he gets a whole off season to really get inte ated in this offense he’s got pass friendly players and Shooters around him at all times he’s got a spacing Center which makes a ton of sense for him to play next to um and obviously they made the Conference Finals this year yes they kind of got manhandled by the Celtics but like I don’t want to like read too much into that like the Celtics man handled everybody they were that much better than everybody this year and you can say what you want about the Knick series whatsoever but I mean the Pacers were missing like some dudes and they had injuries as well not as many as the Knicks the Knicks I’ve never seen an injury problem like that before that was absolutely nuts but like still they had to fight them they had to be gritty like it’s not like anybody that was being thrown out onto the floor for the Knicks was a bad basketball player by any means those guys were good and they were playing their hearts out so these guys had to be gritty with them back and fight through the series and get through it and so I give a lot of credit to this team man like and Pascal sakam was a big part of it because every time he’d keep getting to that free throw line and just butter butter butter every single time so if you’re a Pacers fan I would feel really good about this because this was step one of the off season um I really like that this is how this works from now on cuz I always thought like we all know tampering happens in the NBA right things like that I like that there’s this period where teams can talk to their own guys and the NBA is really trying to like keep guys in one place because I personally missed the time where guys were on like one team for a long time I think that just does develop like more of a keen sense of like fandom and stuff when that happens I don’t like when Star players are constantly requesting trades it just gets kind of annoying to me so having all these incentives in place between the new aprons how much money you can give them how all the bird rights things work now and now this where you can negotiate before any other team can I just like that guys are kind of going to be sticking home a little bit more obviously we applaud the fact that he’s get getting paid too like shout out spicy P it’s not like he was poor by any means uh going into this season but great to see him get an extended contract and I know this isn’t official or anything uh signs a deal once the League’s free agency moratorium ends on July 6th yeah we got a little while to wait for it but it sounds like he’s just like I’m not even going to entertain offers or anything like that like uh sounds like they’ve been in contacts already they’re like hey we’re just going to give you all the money that we have do you want to just sign for this and you know nobody can offer him more money at the end of the day so he’s like yes I would just like to have all the money thank you very much I like playing for this team I like you guys and um I can say from just like my own experience and like uh knowing people in and around the Pacers like the Pacers are one of those organizations that are always trying to win every single season which I think is the way to do it they don’t like to rebuild they don’t like to retool they’re like we try to win at all times the standard is a standard this is our culture it’s very similar to like that of the Miami Heat you see that in Utah a lot too those are kind of the three teams I really talk about that kind of have that culture really driven into them um and so I I really really respect them for that sense and that there’s a reason that they get so much out of a lot of the players that they bring in here and a lot of players find success as soon as they get here so I’m excited to see seak getting not that Toronto was bad by any means getting him ingrained into the cult here giving him a full off seon with the team like seeing what else they can kind of put into place here um obviously Benedict Maan is going to be back hopefully he continues to develop and be a good player for them they’ve got some other decisions to make with their roster they’ve got a lot of Youth on this roster too which is really exciting because they got a ton of a playoff experience this year for some kind of no-name dudes and they really stepped up to the plate so I I think the Pacers got a nice looking future man like um there’s obviously things that they probably want to do to try to add a little more star power and like a little bit more of like a killer like mindset to the team because siakam’s probably that guy for them right now it’s not quite halberton yet he had a couple moments but he’s he’s still budding right he’s still young um we we all want guys to be absolute Superstars and Killers right away but that’s just not how the NBA works at the end of the day so um he’s young he’s taking some time to get into it he’s getting better and better um I I really really like this team like I said it’d be good to have another score I wish they wouldn’t have dealt buddy healed I wish they could have tried to convince him to just like stay I know that it was sounding like he was just going to ditch them but that trade just never made sense to me um and I felt buddy heeld was a big part of their team so and obviously they can’t go like sign him now because they traded him in the last season but I think adding some more spacing definitely some length on the wing is going to be big for this team but yeah man that’s that’s free agency so far we’re already getting into it by the way Gary pton opted into his team or his player option because of course he did he wasn’t going to not take that let’s hope Gary Payton’s healthy uh going forward just trying to give you guys all the news I can yeah that’s kind of all I got for you guys just a reminder on my comment policy that I’m doing I’m really trying to create an environment here where like we’re actually having good discussions I just I can’t stand going on Twitter anymore and things like that and just hearing like people just brain fart nonsense into things I’m not saying you guys have to have like a long paragraph or anything like that either it’s just like I want to cultivate a good culture like I talk about doing with basketball teams all the time and so I don’t want to reward stuff like that but also I still want the comments because it’s good for my YouTube videos and I’m still trying to grow the channel and things like that so this was my happy medium that I’m trying out but yeah know appreciate you guys as always you know I’ll be covering you guys for all parts of free agency and the draft and everything so I’m really looking forward to doing this offseason with you guys thanks so much bye [Music]

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  1. I’m happy for him he deserves every penny.

    Just about every defender is either too short or too slow to guard him. And if hes not scoring hes impacting winning elsewhere. You couldnt ask for a more in a costar

  2. I'm pretty sure you said you work in basketball, like front office type work for teams. How is it that you got into doing front office work?

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