@Miami Heat

MONSTER 5-Team Trade (That Makes Perfect Sense) | Dejounte Murray, Alex Caruso to Miami Heat + MORE

MONSTER 5-Team Trade (That Makes Perfect Sense) | Dejounte Murray, Alex Caruso to Miami Heat + MORE

this trade is so crazy that it just might work and I know what a lot of people are going to say they’re going to say oh that 2K ass trade or oh you know nothing about basketball but let’s revisit August 2nd 2005 where the Miami Heat were initiators in the largest trade in NBA history a five te deal between the Heat the Grizzlies the Hornets the Jazz and the Celtics in which Miami acquired Antoine Walker and Jason Williams which of course helped them eventually land an NBA championship and that’s kind of the what I’m trying to do in today’s video uh and actually this trade that happened in 2005 that was with 13 players damn that’s crazy 13 players so that’s actually bigger than the trade I’m about to show y’all so don’t tell me the trade is is unrealistic but all of that being said uh even with all the context people are probably still going to hate uh which is fine everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion and most of the time I’m wrong so I love to have that discussion and see the other perspectives but don’t direct your hate towards me direct it towards my guy Alex sheltman Alex sheltman on Twitter my boy from the basement because this is actually his tradeit uh and I’m not going to lie to y’all I definitely was hesitant at first uh I’ll put it that way but he kind of talked me into it so maybe I’ll talk y’all into it today too but here’s the trait the Miami Heat ready ready for this make sure you sitting down the Miami Heat received de jonte Murray bogdon bogdanovich Alice Caruso and then the Atlanta Hawks get ter here Jame hakz and the heat first round pick this year number 15 the Chicago Bulls get Tyler hero and two first round picks from the 76ers the Clippers get demard R roen via signning trade and the 76ers get Paul George now I’m going to kind of go through each team and explain to you why I think they might say yes so let me know along the way where you agree or disagree starting with the Miami Heats uh they could put with this trade they’d get Deon Murray bogdon and Alice Caruso they could put together a starting lineup of Deon Murray Alice Caruso Jimmy Butler Nico yic and Bam atab bio that’s tough I’m not going to lie to you and I don’t want to hear anyone else say otherwise that is a legit uh perfectly well-rounded unit with offense and defense and just all of the above I love it uh and it would be a complete Buy in to the heat culture they would actually pick Direction and get a defense back court because we know he culture toughest nastiest hardest working team in the league it’s that that defensive toughness but then the end last year we had a starting back quar of Terry Rosier who I like defensively actually but Tyler herro we know he gets hunted Duncan Robinson was better defensively last year but he still gets hunted quite a bit when he was starting or just out there on the court in general so now you’d be starting two guards who are very good on the defensive side of the ball and you would never have to worry about getting hunted on again on the perimeter which is so critical because cuz if you look at the guards in the East Damen Lillard Jaylen Brunson Tyrese Maxi just to name a few it’s very important to have these guards that can play defense are great in that point of attack and that is something that the heat would have undoubtedly maybe the best defensive starting back court in the league now that he would be losing a lot of offense because they are sending out Tyler and Terry and jameh hakz but the guys they’re getting back can still score deante Murray scored 22 points a night last year with six assists and five rebound so he’s very good at all three of those things had a lot of triple doubles last year people were concerned about his shooting but he shot 36% on seven attempts that’s high volume and to knock him down at 36% rate that’s pretty good as well and then he was obviously sharing the ball a lot with try young that’s kind of the reason the Hawks would want to move on for them you know one of them because it didn’t quite work uh so but in the games without Trey with is joh Murray was like the lead point guard in which he I think he would also be on the Miami Heats uh he averaged 25 and N assist and that was in 28 games without Trey young so not a small sample size so we know that je muray is a great perimeter Defender uh not as good as he he used to be uh because I believe he was uh was like the second or third year of his career he made second Team all defense uh but he’s just been asked to do so much more on the offensive side uh that I don’t think he’s been able to contribute as much defensively but on the heat he would be the point guard but he had but he really beat the third best player you know and deante Murray’s never really been the third best player on a team uh since he you know came into his own obviously his young when he was young in the Spurs those teams were very good but kind of since he uh uh became the guy he was the guy you know and he was the number two in Atlanta but in Miami he can do what he does you know shooting defensively or or passing but also he would be able to really hone in defensively because they would have guys like Jimmy and Bam there just to help him out so much on both sides of the ball uh and he is a true point guard the heat haven’t had a true point guard in a while Terry Roser can facilitate but not as good as Deonte Murray uh I guess Kyle Larry was kind of a facilitator but he also sucked so I I don’t count that uh but also the Miami he will be getting Alex Caruso who only in 28 minutes a night last year averaged 10 points a game so obviously he can still score got you four boards four assists so he’s a guy that can facilitate a little bit as well but I do think he would be better as a two guard especially next to deante and he’d fit nice because he shot 41% from three on five attempts that’s excellent volume and I think his career average is like 38 so you know even if last year was just a high fluke you know it’s not too high from his career average meaning I do think he can replicate that uh and he is Elite defensively you know he was first team all defense two years ago all defense second team just last year uh so he was obviously a perfect fit I think that’s one thing that Heat fans can agree on is they would like Alex Caruso there’s not a lot Heat fans can G on I think that’s one of them now he is cheap he’s only getting paid like N9 almost $10 million uh but it would be a rental because he’s on the last year of his contract and he would likely walk in free agency and resign for more elsewhere now the heat would have his bird rights that’s a positive to this trade so they could resign him over the cap but he would likely leave after this season cuz they can’t afford what he’s going to command on the open market but I’m fine with that because as a Heat team that’s trying to win now and Jimmy Butler’s window I’m okay going all in next season and getting Alice Caruso would allow them to do that plus they’re also we’re talking about scoring they’re getting bdon MCD donovic do not sleep on him 17 points a night last year shot eight threes that super high volume on 37% he is an absolute bucket and I think he’d be very nice as sort of a six-man on this team scoring the ball next to Duncan Robinson so they would still have plenty of scoring in the starting lineup and a very nice scoring punch Off the Bench as well moving on to the Atlanta Hawks here uh they clearly need to move on that whole experiment of De jante Murray and Trey Young doesn’t work I think one of those guys is a lock to get traded the rest the rest of the whales we talked about like L Markin and Donovan Mitchell I don’t know if those guys get moved but I do feel comfortable saying one of those two Hawks back court guys would get moved now you could say the the Hawks could probably get more value for D jonte Murray but think about it like this when they traded for deante they traded essentially three first round picks and some small salary filler if you look at this they are getting one first round pick out right they’re getting Jame hakz who is is established and I think is has a lot of potential to be a future star in this league so he’s better than an unknown first round pick plus the the other Hawks building blocks is I guess it’d be Trey young and Jaylen Johnson hame Hawk his fist seamlessly in there as a guy that could play on and off ball be a lob threat for Trey young be a very strong back or I guess two-thirds of a front court with Jaylen Johnson because Johnson could certainly run the four at 69 uh he would fit great there and then you’re getting Terry Rosier who doesn’t make a lot of sense for the Hawks but he’s still a guy that on a a relatively good contract cuz it’s only got two more years left including next season only $25 million uh at the level he was playing before his neck injury last year I think any team could easily recoup a first round pick for Terry Rosier uh you could send him to a contender and get a first round pick back so if the Hawks were to do that they’d really be getting two first round picks in jameh hakz and what they traded for for Dante it was three first round picks so they’re essentially recouping their value and then some uh and when once you trade for a guy and it doesn’t work and you try to trade him usually you don’t get the same value back and in this case they would be so I do think this is a win for the Atlanta Hawks now the Chicago Bulls have been hesitant to trade Alex Caruso they said they want three first for him and then two first I think he’s personally worth a first uh and in this trade they are getting two first from Philly plus Tyler hero so the way I look at it is one of those first is essentially for Alice Caruso and then what they’re getting in the second first in Tyler hero is value for demard de rosan now demard de rosan is actually a free agent so what he would be doing is doing a sign and trade with the Clippers so essentially instead of the Bulls losing D rozan for nothing they’re actually getting some value for him and getting a a first and Ty hero who I think would be a nice building block on that team there’s some questions with his fit with Kobe white I think Kobe white could play the one though and let Tyler hero play the two uh I do think that this is great value for the Bulls considering the Mar R Ro and straight up leave and give them nothing and he would have to do a sign and trade with the Clippers to kind of make the money work and we’ll talk about the the next part of this and in the next part of this video uh but for the Bulls they would also obviously they they likely are going to trade Zack LaVine if they could get a first round pick for him now they’re starting their rebuild with Tyler hero and three first round picks I certainly don’t think that’s a bad start at all now from a heath man perspective though uh I wonder if the heat could swing for nicoa vich uh he’s sort of a negative contract for the Bulls at this point should be easy to get uh Duncan Robinson makes slightly less money so I think they can make the money work there plus since the heat at bogdon MCD donovich they don’t need Duncan Robinson as much and I know vich is getting paid a ton and the shooting has gone down but he’s still anite rebounder obviously that fits in Miami very well for what they need and Duncan Robinson both vich and him have similar contracts two more years about 19 to 20 million but Duncan Robinson has a player option next year so theoretically he could be an expiring contract this coming year he might opt out because with the new TV deal the salary Cap’s going to go up and especially if Duncan Robinson was gets you know was playing the same way or better than he was last SE season he certainly could sign for more than 19 million so obviously in that case Duncan would opt out and resign for a big deal whether it was Chicago or elsewhere to get his more money the point is for the Bulls they would be shedding a whole year of usit’s contract to really get their books completely open uh just a just a year from now so I do think that could be an extra beneficial addition in this trade uh now moving on to the Los Angeles Clippers they look like they don’t want to extend PG so that means they they got to trade them even though Paul George has a player option but we’re going to talk about that I know the Clippers could likely get more value than DeMar rosen for Paul George but that Clippers team is trying to win now they just signed kawhai Leonard to a monster extension they’re going into their new Arena and for obvious reasons you know even including more than what I just mentioned they want to win now and I think DeMar rosen is the best player they could possibly get in a Paul George trade because if you’re trading Paul George you’re trading him to a team that’s trying to add Paul George to their core like what the Sixers are doing with embiid maxi and PG so it’s very rare where you could sort of do a star forstar Swap and that’s what this trade would be so from the Clippers perspective I know Paul George is is is better than demard Rosen but if you don’t want to pay him you don’t want to extend him Demar d r rozan is probably the best replacement that you can get and regardless of what they think of d r rozan the Clippers kind of have to do this for salary cap purposes they’re currently $18 million above the second apron uh and there is crazy ramifications of that if y’all watch my video from two days ago with the the Celtics are in salary Capell I explain more there but essentially you don’t want to be over that second apron and not only is is the Clippers over they’re way over they’re about $18 million over the second apron and for a team that lost in the first round I can’t justify that I can’t justify dealing with those ramifications at least the Celtics are in the second round they about to win a damn NBA championship the Clippers they need to do something different here and I could see why they don’t want to extend Paul George either because they just lost in the first round and if they keep Paul George they’ll continue to be a second a team and I just can’t justify that now from the 76ers aspect here they would essentially absorb Paul George into their cap space now they would only send out two first round picks they don’t care about that they say that we got a core of you know embiid Maxi and uh Paul George and don’t have to give up any players they don’t care they probably give up more than two first- round picks this trade just has them sending out too so it’s obvious why the sixes would do this but now Paul George he why would he agree to a like a sign in trade or opt-in and trade with the the the Clippers when he could just straight up sign with the 76ers out right because he could decline his player option sign with the 76ers they would get him and keep their two first round picks that would make the most sense on the surface but there’s two reasons Paul George might not want to sign with the Sixers out to rights number one he could essentially extend with the Clippers now he could get that Max extension but prior to that they would agree that they would send him to Philly in this trade it’s kind of like a signing trade it’s it is it’s literally an extending trade and that would allow Paul George to make almost another $10 million because the Clippers can pay him 221 over 4 years and the 76ers could only pay him 212 over 4 years so does Paul George care about that extra you know 9 to 10 million maybe I don’t know but that would be one reason he might want to ex extend with the Clippers and then get traded another reason which is probably even better is he could opt into his player deal meaning he’d have one more year left on his contract and then obviously before doing that before opting in agree with Philly to send him or agree with the Clippers to send him to Philly as part of his trade now he would make less money next year he’d only make about $48 million compared to like the the 54 he could make if he signed a new deal but if he stays on his current contract next year he would then be eligible to sign a monster fouryear deal The Following season with Philadelphia and that’s the year where the new TV deal will be in place meaning the salary cap will likely increase and Paul George can ask for a hell of a lot more money and then also signing a four-year deal next off season would be uh it put him at 39 years old by the time that contract ends and really allow him to optimize his final large deal kind of like what we’re seeing with Jimmy Butler now because they’re both 34 but Jimmy Butler turns 35 in in uh like September and Paul George just turned 34 so Jim is essentially a year older that’s why I’m saying Paul George could wait a year before doing this and I really think that’s the way that he could optimize his profits there but anyways I know I talked a lot so let me know what y’all think down below and if whatever you don’t like let me know what you would change I get a lot of comments saying they don’t like it which is fine I’m cool with that but let me know why so we can have a discussion let me know what you sort of change there uh but that’s all I got to say so make sure to like the video and subscribe cuz I’m on the grind to hit 5K Subs by the start of next season and I’ll see y’all next time peace out [Music] pull on my own I don’t need no dead way had a kill them off yeah I need a head space you know homegrown don’t offend man hm

5-Team trade sending Dejounte Murray, Alex Caruso to the Miami Heat. Terry Rozier and Jaime Jaquez Jr. to Atlanta Hawks. Tyler Herro to Chicago Bulls. Demar Derozan to LA Clippers. Paul George to Philadelphia 76ers. NBA and Miami Heat News featuring Jimmy Butler, Bam Adebayo, Tyler Herro, Terry Rozier, Nikola Jovic, Jaime Jaquez Jr., Caleb Martin, Duncan Robinson, Josh Richardson, Kevin Love, Haywood Highsmith, Erik Spoelstra and more. Subscribe for more Miami Heat, Miami Dolphins, NBA and NFL news. #miamiheat #nba #miamiheatnews #jimmybutler #tylerherro #bamadebayo

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The Basement: @TheBasementSportsNetwork

▬ Music Credit ▬
Background Music: Excursion – Po13o
YouTube Channel:

Outro Song: Pull Up (prod. by KENO) – RadixTheRuler

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0:00 Setup for Trade
1:18 Trade Summary
1:57 Miami Heat Perspective
6:52 Atlanta Hawks Perspective
8:39 Chicago Bulls Perspective
11:05 LA Clippers Perspective
12:55 Philadelphia 76ers Perspective
15:25 Closing Thoughts


  1. As much as I want to keep Jaime, I would make this trade.

    I do kind of feel like Murray is the best guard fit for Miami. More so than Spida.

  2. I wouldn't trade the 15th pick. I would trade them a future 1st along with Rozier and JJJ. That pick can be used for us to draft either Ware, Missi or Holmes II

  3. Heat should try to get Donovan for Herro, Jaime and future first round picks. If not then we go get Dejounte Murray, Lauri Markkanen, or Malik Monk sign and trade for Herro and a future pick from Kings for Malik Monk, Caleb or Highsmith, and/or future 1st picks. Heat draft Zach Edey and Hunter Sallis probably most underrated best PG in the 2nd round, ZYON Pullin, Keshad Johnson, or Antonio Reeves. Zach Edey is NBA ready, great touch on offense, can pass out the double, and when you need an easy bucket. Sign Jonas in free agency. I love this teams chance with the new roster after this move. If you go for Lauri, you give herro, 2 future first round pick, and sign and trade Highsmith

    Dejounte or Hunter Sallis or ZYON PULLIN, Keshad Johnson Terry or Malik Monk

    Niko Jaime

    Jimmy Duncan

    Bam Kevin Love

    Zach Edey Jonas Val or Nic Claxton

  4. Thats trash if PG is gonna be moved it would be a sign and trade no way Clippers get DeRozan & 2 Phly 1st in a sign & trade

  5. Why would Philly give up TWO 1st round draft picks for Paul George when they could just sign him outright as an Unrestricted Free Agent?

  6. That’s the help we need … we need a start guard to have Terry at bench … need help liek those guys … wings like finny smith and jae crowder … two bigs on the agent market like Drummond or valenchunas … also need shooting if we lose someone need to fit that strus role for jimmy and get bogdonovic or a kispert type player 1:49

  7. If they did that it’s tough but they might mix that trade you did up . By going for a star guard or giant big … I like devin carter at 15 or an unknown they targeted 3:13

  8. 3:22 best defense in league I think … we need a star guard who does tha triple double thing … freikwn three way player ugh this guars position 😩

  9. I’m a Sixers fan we’d have no reason to give up two firsts especially a 16th pick for Paul George when we can just sign him. I wouldn’t even do a sign and trade for him.

  10. I’m a Sixers fan we’d have no reason to give up two firsts especially a 16th pick for Paul George when we can just sign him. I wouldn’t even do a sign and trade for him.

  11. Pg ain’t better than demar he’s a better defender and 3pt shooter and that’s where it ends. The demar disrespect has to stop demar was literally better than pg this past season and has been the last 2 years and no the clippers cannot get more value than demar if they lose pg demar is easily their best option

  12. Giving up 2+ 1sts for pg is dumb u talking like pg ain’t 34 himself whatever pg is worth demar is worth just as much

  13. Although PG is better than DeRozan DeRozan is still a win now player and a vet which fits perfectly plus DeRozan is way more AVAILABLE then PG DeRozan isn't near as injury prone as PG which is huge for clippers

  14. This is a great trade until u get to the pg for demar part. Clippers are basically down grading and getting another ball dominant player that makes no sense. And Philly gets pg for 2 firsts? Clippers would need more value cuz that’s just a robbery

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