@Boston Celtics

Boston Connor Makes Obnoxious Entrance As An NBA Champion On The Pat McAfee Show

Boston Connor Makes Obnoxious Entrance As An NBA Champion On The Pat McAfee Show

you know the world is going to want to see how this human responds to what took place last night without further Ado ladies and gentlemen the other half of the toic table a man who has had to wait five long years I know wow second longest Championship drought in Boston history to celebrate another championship ladies and gentlemen Boston oh my God Boston Conor yeah yeah [Applause] we don’t have day in your you you and you and you mhm yeah and you yeah that was Bailey mccomus taking some shrapnel there in the back if he was getting yelled at man can we do that again we we’ve done it three times already can we do it one more time but now it’s actually official the Boston Celtics have won wow the NBA Championship congratulations Connor thank you man wow what a ride what a journey it’s been man honestly I can’t think the fans enough the team um the coaches top to bottom Brad Stevens and uh Danny a please of course I mean I’d be remiss not to mention him and you know I want to also thank all the haters on the way you know that that no debut as soon as the Pacers lost excuse me got swept by the Celtics as soon as they got swept DBU text me hey Mavs and six I was like brother okay I didn’t think I didn’t think that’s how this was going to go yeah but not a lot of people were picking the Mavs yeah well that’s funny enough 89% of the bets who on the series prices which Jaylen Brown my teammate my brother in arms reminded everybody when he posted on his IG that you know actually most people bet on the Dallas Mavericks to win but that’s okay you know because it’s been like that yeah but Sports personalities on tv nobody Unfortunately they did all took the Dallas Mavericks and I’m not going to list any names of course not but I will say Molly from First Take she had the Celtics cuz she knows basketball baby and that and that’s just kind of the difference is that the people who knew ball the people who kind of go to bed at night knowing like yeah I basketball yeah that’s my they knew the Celtics were going to win this title and you know at the end of the day the doubters are what drive us baby you know the whole year the boys in the locker room and in the team and Joe always you know Joe coach I call him Joe just cuz we’re cuz we’re boys but coach West Virginia Legend Co of course of course you see you know you know I know Joe you know Joe I know coach coach you yeah thanks thank you Joe but Joe always remind us all year you know nothing matters except for winning that last game of the season and you know we did in dominant fashion I mean the whole entire league they they suck it was fun too watching ESPN kind of kind of roll out the whole entire league they suck they do they do they do don’t they I mean what what half the league if you combine all their titles they got like a quarter of what the Boston Celtics got but but it was fun when ESPN rolled out you know Josh Hart and Paul George and Julius Randall and Jo lmb and all these guys are just bitching and moaning and crying about being hurt and sure they were did did Joe moula go into all these guys’ you know locker rooms and break their legs is that why they were hurt no T Hardy cuz that cuz that’s how it felt and you know at the end of the day circumstances are circumstances you know I I think some people on TV might have w wanted the Celtics to just lose on purpose because they were playing teams that didn’t have you know that weren’t full strength if you will and you know then when we finally got to the finals we obviously the team when we finally got there you know it was hey Mavericks Fun’s over show is over Boston you know you guys haven’t been tested all year by the time you guys turn around and wake up it’s going to be 3-1 mths it’s going to be too late for the Boston Celtics to win and you know that just as we see wasn’t true I mean the Boston Celtics is one of the most dominant teams in the history of the league and maybe that’s not true I think it is you know I believe they’re the fifth team since 2000 to win 80 games in the season you know some of those teams do you know some of the teams that won 80 games what they do I mean the Lakers and sha and Kobe historic the heedles we talk about them all the time say was back with Miami you B the Warriors of course the kind of the dynasty of the last 15 years and of course the 2008 Celtics and you know this year really it was capped off by uh by greatness and I and I hope you know all those people I saluted when I walked in the the you know six to seven 8 n 10 Celtics fans in here I believe after uh last night I hope they realize what they witness I don’t think we’re going to see something like that for a very long time until the Celtics do it again next year and then probably the year after that we’ll see what happens but yeah to be completely honest I could not be happier yesterday was one of the happiest days of my entire life of my entire existence you were nervous yesterday wasn’t he remember that well you could feel the anxiety from of course I was nervous but you know if I wasn’t nervous I wouldn’t be ready if I wasn’t nervous I wouldn’t care as much as I you earn the nerves Bingo you know what I’m saying and pressure makes diamonds and that’s what the Celtics got baby they’re getting diamonds going forward we’re going to get another one next year and the year after that missou is already got some you know places in the rafters where he sees some blank spots like yep put one I saw him at 3:20 a.m. walking around is that what he looking for still looking for new ones yeah and I’m sure he’s thinking too man that was fun but you know it’s even more more fun back to back you know what’s even more fun after that back to back to back I don’t think that this is the end at all and you mentioned that Jason Tatum did not win the finals MVP that’s just another reason to go back and get another because uh at this point hey everyone should get one I think Horford should get a Finals MVP congrats to him 17 years final 186 postseason game second most ever not the most in NBA history second most ever but Drew holiday deserves one congratulations another title superstar superstar really brought the team together this year and of course the man whose teeth look so so bad this morning I I cannot feel worse for Derek white he looks so so bad but it does matter CU congrat he’s got a title baby and I mean I don’t think there is a a player in the NBA and I I think this is accurate I don’t think there’s one player in the entire n that was good journalism you Rec corrected yourself just just just thinking about it I don’t think there’s one guy in the entire NBA that could have done with pton prer did without a doubt he hit three buzzer beater shots from from half court and Beyond I mean that is asinine this was his first time checking into the game just touched the ball for the first touch for the first time in four seconds bucket logo other side bucket not not a backboard that is a bucket and of course he says right after I do this and he does do this and this entire team top to bottom was just so fun to watch it really was one of those things where you mentioned I was nervous because of the fact that it was Championship or not when you’re this close the only thing going through your head is what can go wrong it’s it’s not hey it’s going to be cool seeing the you know seeing everybody in the trophy ceremony and everyone partying in the locker room you don’t think about that stuff you just think about being the team that blows the 3 lead so now that it’s done it is incredible basketball season it was it was a hell of a year I mean I can’t wait for next year already but man it was fun congrats Conor congrats all them 18 we did it five long years five long years longest one of my entire life well second longest in Boston history yeah since since 1960 I believe when all four teams were officially in their prospective leagues listen wow this is why they’re tough to have any empathy forever you know like when the best Bruins team best regular season in the history of the NHL happens to the Bruins that they lose in the first round it’s tough to feel any empathy at all cuz all these sons of seemingly do is have parades that is literally all they do is just parade parade parade for what we’ll do a baseball one this year why not okay how about well obviously it’s Patriots so it’s every other year we got to have one for them and then oh yeah well we’ll do a basketball one as well that’s fun we’ll do a basketball one and then why not just toss into Bruins one time yeah it’s a it’s a wild place a lot of winning and uh congrats to the Celtic seemingly kicking off what is about to be a fewy year run here because everybody’s returning basically everybody’s still in a contract

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  1. Joe and I played basketball at Bishop Hendricken together and we went undefeated our senior year. He hit the game winner in state championship game to give us 3 state titles in 4 years. So proud of Joe and not surprised by his success. His relentless pursuit of excellence and ability to consistently communicate in a respectful matter of fact way is infectious. Boston Celtics NBA champions!

  2. The Celts are a juggernaut! The regular season proves that alone. They need to keep White and there is a good shot at 2 more if this team stays whole and limited injuries!

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