@Boston Celtics



[Music] 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Zer road tripping is live welcome to it I’m just going to steal a line from our guy Jason Gallagher before he jumped off where he said we look like The Brady Bunch and I’m not going to lie I kind of loved it um I’m Alec Clifton shading fry Richard Jefferson Kendrick Perkins and we’ve got Devin Harris joining with us as well which means that we’ve got a former Celtic we’ve got a former Maverick uh on the live right now and I’m just hanging out in the Delta Lounge yet again so I’m here just for the fun for the start and then I’m gonna send it over to you find people uh but as Jason Tatum said at the end of this one they are the uh 2024 NBA champs we did it 19 times and then um I believe there was there was a line in there where he said what can they say now ball sa ball Sach Sports just said he quote tweeted it and said Win It win a finals MVP so Jason Tatum is just going to get this is my thing and I said it on air before Jason Tatum could walk on water and people would complain that he doesn’t swim that that is that’s that’s Jason D like so I’m gonna step back I want to hear perk you won a championship I want to go with you first Devin you’ve lost in an NBA Finals so I want to go with you second that’s how we started that’s how we started I mean look the Celtics had the best team all season long right they they showed it to us we just didn’t believe it because over the last couple years they [ __ ] let let the world down right 2022 lost to Golden State last year lost to the heat in a Conference Finals you know what I mean like they still had a squad then so for them to actually you can go all the way back in all fairness to 2018 okay sorry no right you’re right though but but but what I’m saying you’re right though Ally but what I’m saying is even even before the game like the crowd was into it but it wasn’t as loud before the tip right because the crowd was like we still got to see it like we here to celebrate you guys and support it but y’all still got to show us that y’all could complete the mission like you feel the energy like I thought it was gonna be like crazy doing the layup line like all it wasn’t that like the game had to start and they had to feel it first in order for the crowd to get into it but look kudos to Joe Missoula 35 year old coach who done it his [ __ ] way he done it his way A lot of us including myself didn’t agree with the the style of play and it worked right having Drew holiday adding uh christop porzingis all of it worked right he did it his way kudos to him jayen Brown all NBA snub and then swept all the MVPs Conference Finals MVP finals MVP you know what I mean like if you go back and ask him now like is he still pissed off or did he Shock the World he’s still pissed off he’s still pissed off that’s how he’s made I mean but that’s I mean that’s who he is right and so now it’s just to the point where it’s like you know give them they flowers but this team is built to make multiple runs right like Drew holiday is locked in Christa Pingas is locked in obviously Jason Tatum go get the bag they got plans on you know resigning Derek white [ __ ] I ain’t got nothing else to say I just wanted to see it fu they did it is allly going down an escalator allly you don’t you don’t mute your mic taking you along for the your mic okay Devin Devin I want you to take us through like Dallas Mavericks Like You cover the Dallas Mavericks you you’re on their broadcast you’re in studio for them obviously a Mavs Legend and I don’t say that sarcastically like you got drafted by them went to a final 67 games all the stuff what was your observation how they came out Kyrie I want to hear from a person that watches the Mavs more than anyone you know we talked about the last show the ability of not getting swept and really attacking the Celtics in game four protecting homec court but I think I don’t know if anybody else has been down three 0 in a series you give so much energy to that game four the ability to go on a playe travel and knowing go into a hostile environment it’s one of the toughest things I think of toughest games all all season long and I said on on the last show couple things that had to happen for them to get be successful Luke had to stay out of foul trouble but what I what I didn’t say they they have to play with a lead and we saw the Celtics ability to Close Quarters close halves in a big way all series long it was very evident in game five today first quarter I felt like told the story was down I think down one end up you know going down 10 never really recovered from that um I I didn’t like the fight to that to kind of really start the game I feel like in this type of situation you gotta come out throwing Haymakers and they took punches you know time and time again throughout that first quarter and it’s human nature I feel like when once you get down to that point to just kind of not give up but just you just lose all all sense of out there and we saw time at the time Drew holay getting rebound after rebound and you just saw that the spirit just kind of break especially in that first half and I I’ve been there with the reverse sweep that we had Miami in 2006 you know We Came Out Swinging in that in that game six but once the Miami got the lead it was just like our spirit just couldn’t keep up with with what they had going on I just saw that time and time again in this game and and I I don’t think they should hang their heads at all I think we agree that Boston was the better team uh just the way that they played but I think you know with the way that they’re structured this is this isn’t the last that you you you’ll see from the Dallas Mavericks um this this is what I will say my my observations and I wanna I want to see Channing I want to give some credit we’re gonna go we’re gonna start from the back and go for I want to give some credit to Luca right like Luca as much as we criticize him because we want more from him because a lot of the charism is based off of everyone that sees him believes that he could be one of the greatest players to ever touch a basketball he’s been that since the moment he came into League he was a Phenom he had all the stuff he had to prove it in America we don’t give a damn if you were playing professional basketball at 16 there’s lots of guys that if if they were living in Europe they would have been playing basketball at 1617 professionally that was Tony Parker that was Thiago splitter that was Manu job that’s a part of the European culture so he had to come over here and prove it and he proved it immediately they would not have been there without Luca’s greatness so Luca’s greatness falls short and very similar to I think when you look at the Celtics a couple years ago they learn they kept persevering and I think the Dallas Mavericks have the same way um I I think they they found the formula I think Luca still has more to give but I don’t want to sit up here and trash Luca and trash Kyrie and where were these these guys at they had to show up look he didn’t play great he didn’t play up to his greatness level he knows that everyone in the basketball Community knows that but make no mistake they would not have been in that if not for his individual greatness so you got to give some credit where credit is do so we’ll start there I want to hear from Channing and then we’re gonna go then we’ll let perk and everybody else glaze the Celtics well let the glazes start now listen it was I’m gon tell you this I know that he didn’t get uh finals MVP but I thought today I was like man I a got [ __ ] to say about Jason Tatum honestly like the fact that he can do that makes me more mad I should have hated harder on when he was bullshitting in the first three rounds like the fact that you can get nine assists in a in a half the fact that you can defend the way he defend the fact you can rebound and do this and you know what like he only took one of them stupid left to S side step three-pointers all game he was getting to the rack right he was taking advantage of his opportunity that’s all I’ve ever asked now d Eric White I’m going tell you this right now if you love basketball every time every single time and I know Celtics fans are going to watch this every single time that the Mavericks went on a run Derek white it’d be three seconds and he just like nope every single time a steal a block a shot I don’t care what the cap is I don’t care how much money you gotta pay to keep that man you better tell him whatever you want I will give you lobster rolls for life Austin cannot let go of that man and like here’s what’s crazy here’s why I knew hey Dev knows you some days you just gonna be hey it ain’t your day when you put pton Pritchard in like he’s on special one play One play the first time he touched the ball quickly Bob Myers but Bob Myers made a great [ __ ] point and I’m so sick and tired crazy legitimately sick and tired of NBA players not shooting during the [ __ ] postseason you don’t want to mess up your average during the regular season [ __ ] started no no me started that [ __ ] started with Bron and D way in Miami I well well look we’re not gonna go revisionist history this what I want to say I’m just saying I remember people doing that in 2009 I know guys that would just wait till the buzzer sounds and then shoot it but hear me out I don’t want to say names but there were players on Golden stadi Dante Exum at the end of the first quarter now mind you it’s three quarters but why the [ __ ] would you dribble out a ball with three seconds maybe get a foul maybe hit a halfcourt shot Steph Curry has made part of his greatness is that he doesn’t turn it down J.R Smith he wants that ball J.R Smith wants that ball we know that swis is like y’all gonna dribble it out give it to me I no one cares if I miss it but if I make it I’m a [ __ ] superhero so the fact that people are like like Dante exom just dribbled it out and Bob Meyer said it on it I texted Bob and Bob was like oh yeah I don’t understand those things add up why would you waste a possession in the NBA finals and I’m not here to pick on Dante Exum I think it’s a whole Player thing but like pyton pritchard’s like if I can get a shot up with 0.1 I’m gonna get it up bro he’s been the C the crazy thing is he’s been doing that not to just cut you off Richard my bad he’s been he’s been doing that [ __ ] all season long like not he done it twice this series but he’s been doing that all season long like and that’s why when he was like this is what I do people was like oh that’s cap no it’s not cap he’s been doing that all season long dog in the quarter three three-point shots like that’s crazy but listen here here’s the thing let me say this you got to tip your hat off to the Dallas Mavericks man like you know what I’m saying like yeah like you get back PJ Washington at the at the trade deadline who was in a losing culture his entire career with the [ __ ] hornets and then you get you get Daniel gford who was with another losing culture and all of a sudden you create winners and bring out the best of them and then you ride with a rookie and Derek lley right who got an old soul he does his thing right and I get it Kyrie Irving he didn’t do well in Boston who gives a [ __ ] he’s still one of the most skilled players if not the most skilled player to ever touch the damn basketball Luca five time first team all NBA for a [ __ ] reason but now but now he has set the standard we not go sugarcoat nothing on walk on road tripping he has set the standard he has set the standard like everybody else now he didn’t made it to the finals Lucas now is only G to be judged on when he wins a championship that’s how we didn’t done everybody else we done it to Jason Tatum everybody else like now is what can he do number one he gotta get in great shape man like and he got to maintain it like he can’t come in the training camp in shape and then all of a sudden throughout the season you start to see the slippage like it gotta be disciplined s is such a good word what’ you say s heard a real person say slippage like nobody working at Subway will be like yeah man I had some slippage over there and I just couldn’t get you the pepperonis like it’s not a regular word it’s a basketball word coaches say that sorry slip word oh right right but but look what I’m saying look real talk my my my guy he hit me up one day on air and I was like I said it on countdown I was like did you see Luca go up with the verticality and he was like verticality what the [ __ ] is that and I was like look dog it’s a basketball term like you got to be in the film room but for real though no hate on either one of these teams dog they got it done Jaylen Brown though Jaylen brown jayen brown jayen brown I can’t give enough credit to that man dog for real like he’s been he’s been through a lot he’s been through a lot meaning not okay he got the 300 million with the 300 million what Richard what no continue don’t pay attention to my facial expression no no but what I’m saying is Deon you feel me on this YouTube Shannon with the 300 million come expectations expectations yes [ __ ] he hey Finals MVP Eastern Conference MVP I know he had the sacrifice he didn’t make all NBA he should have made first team all defense because he was causing Luca Hill you know he was causing Luca Hill and I mean [ __ ] they got it done man they got it done on the 16 year you know we won this 16 years ago in 2008 I’m perk I’m G come back to you but real quick though I I I’m wna I’m want to ask Deon a question like but but to your no no but perk to your point yes he did all but we saw it with golden state when they had that massive ensemble cast of KD Draymond Andre all of these guys Klay didn’t make First Team all or he didn’t make all NBA and it cost him a lot of money and he was hot about it and he was pissed and rightfully so and he’s like we’re the best team we’re the best players but they didn’t give that they didn’t give clay the credit he was the odd man out he was the odd man out in the 75 I should have been 75 but that’s part of it when you load your team up so much and this is not a disrespect this is a compliment to the Celtics to Brad Stevens to ownership paying that money getting the right people in if you have two all-nba All-Star guards you have two or two excuse me two Allstar all defensive guards then you have two all-nba guys in your in your uh on your wings and then you have an Allstar in porzingis and a most likely given the championship a future Hall of Famer in Al hor yeah you [ __ ] are going to miss out on some awards right you’re going to miss out on a coach of the year you’re going to miss out on an N you’re going to miss out on some of those things but I’d rather win a championship than anything Devon’s got an Allstar he can keep the All-Star give me the championship Deon I want to hear your why you gota keep bringing that up why you got why you love bringing that up don’t you damn right every we always do this we always yeah I would say yeah you can’t look man keep the keep the allar bro we’ll take yeah keep the allar keep the I got the bag and I got the ring and he’s got a Finals MVP and a Eastern Conference that says wait Eastern Conference who’s who’s the it’s the Larry Bird and the Bill Russell award what else cemented Jersey and the stands it’s done for both of them but hey hold on I got I got a question for all three of y’all real quick before we jump off because you bought it up y’all gotta tell me y’all thoughts real quick we got to jump off this Championship real quick you bought up Klay Thompson Klay Thompson deleting IG post Klay th is he gone Janet is he gone I personally I personally would love to see clay go to Orlando me personally I to go to Orlando I think I promise I knew I liked you go ahead listen I think what Orlando needs they don’t need 2017 clay they just need the idea of clay like championship ship caliber CH like clay to go guys we’re not just happy to make the playoffs we’re happy to go to the second round third round like Paulo nobody talks about him that team is nice they’re missing uh some shooting and a backup point guard who are you talking about Orlando Orlando Orlando I think they’re missing shooting in a back but we’re talking about clay we’re talking about clay so I said clay special play first ballot Hall of Famer one of the greatest special for these young guys cuz he would be his voice would be the loudest in that locker room real quickly Kay don’t talk he don’t have to talk to be a leader his professionalism would be the loudest thing in the locker room okay Richard we play with a leader that didn’t talk to us for two months I didn’t have one too I had one of those too yeah list okay per this this is one thing that I love so mad at Deli I want to hear what go to say Rich let me I’m GNA I’m gonna ask Deon a question but let me say this I’m gonna get I want to hear what he got to say about the Klay Thompson stuff shut the [ __ ] up I I think he just trying to create some leverage I don’t think he going nowhere he better not I think he stay there I think he stays so you think he’s just deleting his post because he’s not going anywhere I think he’s just trying to create a little bit more leverage and making them think come de so talk about de you think that Klay Thompson deleting social media post is creating leverage it’s creating a a a doubt in their mind that he may go other plac and I think he I just I think that’s just what it is I I don’t think they can lose him I think they keep that team together make some other changes go ahead let me say this to you I think Klay need a bounce I think clay I didn’t say he don’t need to I’m just saying no no but but here’s the thing I think somebody will pay him I think he needed change the scenery he feels disrespected now whether we feel it is right or wrong but think about this for a second clay Kay watched throughout this period this twoyear window he watched Draymond Green get a 100 he watched Andrew Wiggins get 120 he watched Jordan P get about 120 and so now he like hey what’s my contract extension they put a two-year $48 million deal on the he like oh that’s who we on then he get moved to the bench he come out and I was I was one of the ones I’m like everybody doubt Rich you remember we was on set and I said everyone killing clay I don’t feel like Clay is done I just feel like he had a change of scenery all of a sudden he come off the bench and he’s sniping again I just feel like every good thing comes to an end and as much as people want to keep that dynasty together I think it’s time to break it up and last thing like I don’t think Draymond comments helped it like he found it hilarious and all that like that ain’t comical no I I it’s not funny it’s not this that ain’t that ain’t funny he’s saying that he’s saying that no no it is not funny it’s not funny especially when it’s your brother especially when it’s your brother and while I will always give Draymond credit for their success for sure the pieces of the pie were a lot bigger when with clay and Steph so understand that it is clay it’s Steph and then everyone else around and Draymond was a big piece of that but Draymond you need to be on the phone calling management calling everyone same way you were in the car calling KD same way you were you know recruiting but this is my thing they’re not they they need another shooter that’s similar to a Jordan pool because that brings that takes pressure off a step he walks out of the door via free agency and they get nothing in return the Warriors are officially done in my opinion now I’m not saying Steph is done I’m just saying them is a relevant team that actually has a chance and I know Clay was not himself but we can see emotionally how that affected Devin they wouldn’t even let Devin shoot threes in Dallas he showed up in Jersey and he was like I’m free I remember that so so to your point though perk I agree devb this is my thing for you yeah this team this court in Dallas they’re young they’re they’re stick that they have a lot of pieces if they follow the Boston model and just we’re gonna keep Kyrie together even though Kyrie started to show some glimpses of he’s 3132 and we’ll be respectful with a couple of surgeries couple of this so that long drive all the way to the postseason that that push all the way there gets harder I still think Kyrie it can do it but they gota in my opinion they gotta keep this core together for three to five years or at least some of let ask a question but when you say core who is who is the core Kyrie Luca Derek Lin who else Gafford I think I think no GA no you gotta have two bigs the two bigs the two big and then I would say PJ Washington because they have a big defensive three four guard multiple positions tough that’s the core that’s all like 26 minus Kyrie under 25 that that to me is a core that should stay together hey Shannon D de Harris let me ask y’all this since we was talking about clay okay you got Tim Hardway Jr right he’s making some some nice bread over there think he about 18 19 right for probably what the next like three years right he’s got one he’s got one I thought he signed the extension like not too long ago no that was that was three years ago so he’s he’s his last com out okay damn that [ __ ] went by okay all right you you have him you get you find a way to get his salary off the books and then you like isn’t P making like seven or eight million dollar a year no he dropped down to about a little bit over the minimum a little bit over the minimum okay because I’m I’m just trying to see like could you find a way to actually get Klay Thompson over there I mean they can they can create some space and I think he definitely could you know another shooter that could space and also I think what they need too is is a big guy that can stretch the floor and I thought we that really came in play with the Celtics like pingis like a porzingis yes they did have like pingis absolutely he he was in a good fit I think he he’d be a better fit now than he was back then no it was just he was a he’s a great fit because he’s your fourth best player fifth best player on the Celtics you asked him to be your second best player that was yeah that’s not when he came up the Ben the crowd he had no he’s like hey the are my plays I’m gonna play these minutes like it allows his brain to just be like hyperfocus where he’s gonna be putting situations to be amazing and he loves it and appreciates it he’s like I don’t want none of that smoke y’all keep it I just want to be porzingis I’m proud back up I’m proud of him for showing back up I thought he might have been done even to give a few minutes the fact that Dallas had to game plan against I’m proud of that trainer I’m I’m proud of them hey but let’s keep it real Christa porzingis huge for the Celtics hug but they don’t win a championship if Yannis don’t put pressure on the Milwaukee Bucks to make a move and Drew holiday hit the market and they get Drew holiday on the on the like nothing on some nothing like you know what I’m saying like how look that was it y’all think of the last time when was the last time something like that happened where one of uh an elite player gets traded gets waved whatever goes to a Ral and just we got I went to the to the Cavaliers for ver [ __ ] but keep it real like Drew holiday was him and his family were not happy how the books handled that situation with him and like for him to go and they got to feel some [ __ ] type of way they got they feel like Champions he feels Like A two-time Champion that’s how no no no I’m talking about the bcks oh they should feel a certain way they they they they brought Doc Rivers in they fired said Ray Allen was a great one Ray Allen oh the Ray Allen leaving Boston but they were they he just resigned in Miami he just resigned there’s a difference getting traded okay yeah Ray Ray was gone though uh Shannon that was a whole that [ __ ] you couldn’t repair that [ __ ] that first of all everybody in the chat everybody in the chat I’m G to give some love and I rarely do this because I’m you know an [ __ ] um perk the fact that this is where you you in are you in you’re in Boston right now right hell yeah and it’s crazy outside the fact the fact that we get to hear your voice a Celtic that won a championship a Celtic that understands all of it I understand ESPN I understand that to me whether it was a Sports Center hit whatever it is I’m glad and I appreciate you as a Celtic member as a person that has like really supported them and talked a lot of [ __ ] because that’s real right the fact that we get to hear your voice first and your thoughts about the Boston Celtics I’m telling you I appreciate you care they lost so I don’t care about death voice I appreciate it and you know what I I tweeted out I apologize to Joe Missoula because like you know when you win a championship with a franchise like you have love and you have tough love like espe like the Celtics made me look like a [ __ ] when they lost to the Golden State Warriors like I was talking so much [ __ ] Steph kept receipts Draymond kept receipts clay and they talk they [ __ ] to me I was so pissed off so I’m like okay they regroup they got Malcolm Brock then the next year I’m like oh it’s on it’s on they about to do they thing and then they disappoint me again so this year I’m like look man I was one of the ones that said look break Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown up I didn’t think it could work I really didn’t think it could work but Brad Stevenson did his thing Brad Stevens did his thing by putting the pieces around him Jo Missoula put a system around and the one thing I will do if I feel like I if I was wrong about something you provve Me Wrong by win it I have no hate in my heart whatsoever and i’ like I’m happy they’re hanging Banner number 18 did you see the emotions with Jason Tatum and Deuce like that was that was a j now right there that was authentic that breakdown and crowd was real shout out to my boy Sam Cil right shout out to Sam Cassel who came over on the bench helped Joe moula out because remember let me tell you something I don’t know what’s going on over there with the Celtics but they’re breeding [ __ ] head coat right e mayoka started it off right he he [ __ ] that off that’s neither here there sick right now too but look he’s with the Rockets okay he’s okay but look Dam St he was with him head coach at Georgia Tech now I know it’s not probably what he was looking for but still he’s the head then what’s the uh other coach that just got the horness job off the uh the Celtics bench like they’re breeding [ __ ] guys now look Shannon I need you on this one cuz I know Richard going to be on [ __ ] but you goingon to give me the real it’s and you know the Lakers they mad right now the whole organ the whole organization of the Lakers is pissed let’s hear the [ __ ] news right now break the JJ [ __ ] Ric news right now we know he the coach they was just right wait to the NBA Fighters we know this now let me something hold on JJ is my [ __ ] friend now you know what he told me today what I [ __ ] love you better on podcast than I do on TV I said JJ you all right with me you’re great on podcast bro that’s why that’s why okay so Devin doesn’t know this but Devin will be a part of road tripping next season right not not any like not any official but I think we’re GNA continue doing lives for some of the big games all next here um per perk per is already in ch channy doesn’t want to give up his cut uh but devb what do you think is next because I think they’re getting closer to the formula that needs to be around Luca they’re getting closer to that formula and like they had to find the formula for LeBron they had to find the formula for Shaq they had to find the formula for no no no no no no no no no no I we talking about JJ rdick to the Lakers no one is closer no one is closer to JJ maybe at ESPN than I am and I don’t no no no no I say this I don’t even know I don’t even know I with speculations oh yeah lots of speculations lots of specul let’s put it this way I wouldn’t have signed with his podcast company if I thought he was leaving two months later so that just let you know how much we know over here but really quickly there’s somebody over here said oh Jason kid let them down first of all what Jason kid did his thing Jason stupid [ __ ] block that stupid [ __ ] you know one thing he did mess up why was CBA in the [ __ ] game I broke my chair how’ I know Channing was going there I said what are you doing just a tell coach this ain’t me you ever play you ever play spades you ever play spades and you got you got your hand you got you got an Ace and you got a king and then after that you got a t of Hearts a four clubs you gotta play to hand you delt bro you gotta you better uhuh hey Luca I’ll call timeouts you better hit tibs up and find out his rotation play that who was more effective in the finals you or kba channy oh me because I didn’t even try I knew better out the way I got out the way I know better I got y’all here I told Braun and Kyrie to their face I said hey the Atlanta Hawks game you’re welcome based on paychecks I’m done the finals y’all I’m playing Andre Gala in college who I play with is a point guard you got me guarding a point guard n homie these 18s don’t move like that come on Mo Williams okay okay I I still want to know Deb yes what is next for the Mavs cause that’s the that’s the question I think they’re closer I don’t think that they’re still the best team in the conference I think they played well they got good matchups they’re close they’re a top three four team in the conference how can they become one of those teams I think they continue like you said to look at what Luca needs to have around him I think they are getting closer they’re making moves they’re getting a better understanding and shout out to Nico I feel like he’s got a better feel for the team now they have a new owner deeper pockets they can go more into the tax and not be afraid to sign some of these players that are out there which they afraid to do in in the past and I feel like sometimes failure brings in Clarity okay this is why we got exposed this what we need to add I think more so a deeper team you look at this Celtic team they they’re six or seven guys extremely effective you know very topheavy with Kyrie and Luca they need more consistency out of their role players and a little bit of trust goes into that as well I think a shooting five kind of open up that space a little bit more allowing those guys to attack but I think Lively can also he showed a little bit of that too he can make threes so if he could take that next step but I don’t think they’re far he’s young but I don’t think they’re far I don’t think they’re far that’s what I said no no I’m saying like two three years of lively working being like doing the things that he needs to I like I love Tyson Chandler Tyson’s my boy like like I coached Tyson Chandler at Nike Camp we’re a part of the same draft class and I will tell Tyson to his face you are outstanding you have been since you were 16 the fact that you didn’t consistently get a post move or that you didn’t extend your space you were too talented too gifted and you were in the league for too long and he was one of the best defensive centers one of the best rebounding shot blockers roll Rim threats if Tyson were to come in the draft today he would be a top three pick again so I think as long as Lively continues to grow his game especially knowing that hey they’re going to switch on you can you post up develop post game you’re 19 years old 20 years old develop post game that’s not that hard to do a drop step hook shot Al Horford ain’t got that much post game he got a face up around he gotta face up he got a face up and he’s go a I’m gonna go right hand and I for his post game that [ __ ] is strong as [ __ ] I’m not gonna lie to you but it don’t look it look choppy but it’s he good I got the I got the solution for the males I got the solution for the males you don’t they they actually don’t need to go out and do a damn thing when you get when you get Listen Hold on Shan hear me out when you get when you get smacked like this right well in the finals then it’s time to go look yourself in the mirror I already said Luca needs to go get in the best shape of of his life we know that he’s all team whack body right certain guys that has come through the league that’s all team whack body I was Wonder well no matter no matter how hard we tried we never got the six-pack we’ll get a f in a little at the in the Pudge at the bottom but we was in shape yish did it okay that’s number one number two I’m not knocking what they have been doing for as they Player Development but it is a coach out there who’s one of the best in the game who we all had I don’t know if you had him Devon his name is Phil handy right get Phil handy on your staff because a guy like PJ Washington he could learn okay he could learn he could grow from this he could get better okay Derek Lely right we talk about the development of him he could grow he could learn he could get he could get better Phil Hy gets guys better no it ain’t no other way around it right and what I saw the biggest difference in this like tell it was one thing but what I saw was the the the athleticism was just night and day from the Mavs and the Celtics and I think that’s what gave the Celtics the upper hand I saw a team that’s been preparing for this journey everybody cut up everybody in great shape it wasn’t one person on the Celtic team that was out of shape and but they had been building up for this [ __ ] right it wasn’t one player couldn’t take you off the bounce and it didn’t have to be fancy like d dere white game ain’t fancy like he go knock down to three he going to take you off the dribble one two dribble pull up float in the paint like you you telling me PJ Washington can’t become a a taller version of dere white P I love PJ watch but they didn’t have this is what they were lacking they didn’t have enough guys that can do something off the drib they had two I got that and the kid green they drafted him in the lottery he’s still a development guy right hold on so here’s my last here’s my last point my last point is this we see so many guys right in the Player Development stage that in the off season we’re watching them work solely on their offensive game cool you know what opened up my eyes like over the last three weeks they have a clip of [ __ ] Drew holiday holid his this [ __ ] is working on defensive stops against different size guys in like different situations and it shows like why other guys are working like it’s two sides of the ball that you actually got a train for and it was too many times that I’m like PJ watch you could have gave up a little a little bit more effort in Garden Taylor a little bit more effort like but I get it he was you know it is what it is I’m I’m done okay well look look this is what we’re gonna say shout out to Boston Celtics Jaylen Brown Jason Tatum and perk I don’t think that that you were three four years ago three years ago I think when you said oh I think they need to break them up I don’t think that you were out of pocket by saying that I said the same thing no I don’t I don’t think you were out of pocket by saying that I think that you were basing that off of like hey they have all the talent if it ain’t clicking we’ve seen lesser Talent be broken up quicker and I don’t think you’re out of pocket but you also are giving them their flowers I’m not even upset at you about your Joe Missoula and how they were playing because I was critical at times of the way they were playing but they had to prove it very similar how Golden State won the championship they had to prove that they were that they could do it as a jump shooting team because nobody had ever done it no one had ever done it purely being a jump shooting team they were the first and they changed the game and now everyone started to do it so it’s okay to evaluate someone based off of hey I’ve watched this my whole life I’ve never seen be done so they had a who’s Jordan who’s Pippen well apparently they have two Jordans and two pippens just depending on the night just depending on night and that’s just the facts that’s who they are one night one is Jordan one is pipp and over 82 games it has consistently proven that Jason Tatum is a more dominant player in this postseason Jaylen Brown was the best player on their team shot the best best consistently on defense hit more big shots than Jason Tatum and I will give him all the love all the credit shout out Jaylen brown but if anybody we ask a question Richard can we ask this question what do the Celtics work now because they’ve acknowledged that Jaylen Brown is the best player he’s not their best player I stand by he I don’t think he’s their best player like if Kyrie would have won the finals MVP or Anthony Davis would have won the finals MVP when we were watching Braun that meant they played the best in that moment but I won’t disrespect Jaylen Brown I won’t I will not disrespect I think Jaylen Brown is a top 20 player in this league I think Jason Tatum is a smidge a smidge better consistently throughout an 82 Game season that’s why they need each other that’s why they worked with well together and I think subconsciously they both acknowledge they both acknowledge I think they are both Alpha adjacent they work like Alphas they no but I’m saying there’s Alphas I know what you mean it’s just a fun you know what I mean they’re like Alphas like I don’t want nobody else around me we’ve been on teams with Alphas that were like I want my own team I want to prove that I can do this there’s other guys that are like hey I think that if I’m next to you because how many great players are looking for their Road dog right how great players are looking for that dude Shaq had it with Penny then he had it with Kobe then he had it with dwade Shaq knows I need a bad mofo running the top and I think Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum both acknowledged Together We Are Better Together shout out shout out to Lee the shooter real quick because I know he’s known for his content but he’s actually he’s really good he’s actually jayen Brown uh trainer in the off season so as we saw Jay Brown get better this season he was in the lab with Le the shooter I just want to say shout out to him and give him his Flawless okay well I gotta get speaking of flowers hold on speaking of flowers real quick come on DB jump can we also talk can we also talk about their ability to sacrifice oh yeah yeah not the money not the money but like on the court being able we talk about the assist Jason Tatum nine assist a big knock on them early was they didn’t know how to share with their teammates and that was and that’s why they wasn’t successful you look at how they’ve been playing and why they’re more that NBA champions right now is their ability to sacrifice knowing that Jason Tatum said doing less means getting it done at a higher rate and I think being able to step back and say okay I don’t have it going or I’m not making shots Jaylen Brown you take over instead of just shooting those left you know what I’m saying step backs Time After Time like and being able to like understand okay I I’m driving it ain’t there Swing Swing Sam Sam you know shooting threes in the corner I mean and that’s that’s what makes them such a dynamic team per you talking about their athleticism I think it’s their ability to pass the ball oh and and and they they were cutting them up swinging the ball Corner threes I think that’s that’s that’s huge to be able to sacrifice and be able to play more of a team game rather than being topheavy like we’ve seen on the other side totally okay well Devin will you join us again throughout the summer next season I’m counting you in for no reason other than I’m going to force you and I’m telling everyone that you’re going to be part of our lives next season after big games as long as shanning will have me well shanning just doesn’t want to pay you so as long as you’re as long as you’re doing thison in high fives yes get some wine at least okay wine uh again guys follow us at road tripping we love you guys we appreciate you um end of the season I’m not celebrating because the Celtics won I’m celebrating because I don’t have to work anymore that’s what I’m celebrating like I celebrate shout out to the Champions like there’s no greater feeling than being an NBA champion Channing Channing agrees with this Kevin I I thank you for joining us all right we love you Dan how do we say by uh you just click oh I don’t know uh leave Studio no how do you and I say bye uh [ __ ] you bye [ __ ] You [Music] by I

Jayson Tatum, Jaylen Brown and the Boston Celtics are your 2024 NBA Champions. What a season it was. Richard Jefferson, Channing Frye, Kendrick Perkins, Devin Harris and Allie Clifton are here to break down how the Celtics took out Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving and the Dallas Mavericks.

Subscribe to Road Trippin’ YouTube channel today for more NBA analysis, highlights and interviews


  1. Perk it wasn’t that the crowd was nervous. It was because we know that Dallas sucks lol

  2. Perk it wasn’t that the crowd was nervous. It was because we know that Dallas sucks lol
    And you jump ship and was hating on our boys so I don’t get back on the duck boat now

  3. Why do they keep talking about the last 2 years when …we had 2 different coaches and first year coaches at that…once we had the coach for more than a year…we won the chip..but yall keep up with the bullshit narrative like the team has been the same since we lat made it to the chip

  4. Just came here to not forget to call out these clowns specially the biggest one of them Perkins who have just been hating on the Celtics all year long and sucking on Luka and Kyrie's meat all playoffs.

  5. Congratulation Boston Celtics 2024 🏆 Championship 💚💚💚💚💚💚☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️🍾🍾🍾🍾👏

  6. Perk talkin bout it started wit bron. Bra a real life Uncle Tom hatin ahh 🥷🏽

  7. Perk claiming the Celts "let the world down" ~ quiet classic Perk ~ I'm sure they'd really be fretting in Gaza if Boston blew it again

  8. They have to keep the whole team😂 no changes thier. Tvey just need to improve offensively. Joe Mazula has NO idea how to set a successful consistent offense but has inherited some of the best offensive playbooks in the league. Go back to some of the Red and Rivers plays Dang!!! Also, he needs to learn how to properly call timeouts, never seen a coach not know hoe to do that😂

  9. Perks knows better not to come to Boston for any celebration. The fans been watching him bashing the Cs all this time and they won’t forget. The fact that he use to be a Cs made it worst. Perks, stay where you at and don’t try to ride the Cs meat.

  10. Perk STFU why you bringing up Dallas, they lost! Gentlemen SWEEP, you as a unrole player for the Celtics shouldn't be talking about discipline look how you let yourself go

    noun… the action or process of something slipping or subsiding; the amount or extent of this.
    "$16 million has been spent on cracks and slippage"

  12. If y'all are then stop using wifi for streaming, it's not dependable. Just get some longer Cat 5 like 50' and plug it in. Perk's camera and connection is next level farts.

  13. These casuals dksab. The key is the not only the jays but the starting backcourt. Any of the 4 not on the roster, they don’t win it all.

  14. TATUM begins NOW! I only have players that play both ends of the court as my BASKET BALL SUPERSTARS! MJ Set the Superstar Standard: Defend; Pass; Initiate; Shoot; Slash; Free Throw; Rebound; & Team Play Leadership = Jayson Tatum the others LeBron; Kevin; Jokic; Giannis; & JT ** 10 others are Shai; Joel; Kawhi; Anthony D.; Tyrese M.; Jalen B.; Jaylen; Jimmy; Anthony E. & Victor (Luka, Tyrese H., Trae & Donovan need to fix defensive liabilities) prior to them remainder 25 are Kristaps; Devin; Zion; OG; Paul; Paolo; Brooke; Myles; Derrick & Mikal! Superstars do NOT cheat on either side of the court! Happy #7uice got the MVPs y'all go snub him again and look more idiotic #NBA

  15. NOW MY TOP 25 ALL (of the court effort) NBA that's a Super star(s):
    LeBron; Kevin; Jokic; Giannis; & JT **
    Shai; Joel; Kawhi; Anthony D.; Tyrese M.;
    Jalen B.; Jaylen; Steph; Anthony E. & Victor (Luka, Tyrese H., Trae & Donovan need to fix defensive liabilities) prior to them remainder 25 are capable of avg. 20pts & 2blks
    Kristaps; Devin; Jimmy; OG; Paul; Paolo; Brooke; Myles; Derrick & Mikal!

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