@Phoenix Suns

Bickley Blast: Suns can take a page out of Celtics’ championship book

Bickley Blast: Suns can take a page out of Celtics’ championship book

and Mars Arizona Sports the local sports leader bigley blast congratulations Boston you are green and flush and ready for another duck parade and we are Green With Envy you now have 18 NBA titles six Stanley Cups six Super Bowls and nine World Series titles you have 13 major professional championships since the year 2000 and we have won in our Collective lifetimes and did I mention that we hate you even worse the Celtics are everything the suns are not they are homegrown they’re deep they’re stocked with great Defenders and three-point Shooters and they just parlayed a 64 win regular season into a title so how do our Phoenix Suns close that Gap well they need their new head coach to create a connectivity that feels like superglue they need Bradley Beal to be better and healthier they need Kevin Durant to be as good as he was last year and a bit more engaged and they need Devin Booker to be the best he’s ever been doing exactly what Jason Tatum did last night in fact did you hear after the game how Tatum talked about how nobody can talk bleep about him anymore did you hear the relief and the joy in his voice because that is exactly how Devin Booker would sound if and when he ever lifts the Larry O’Brien Trophy and let’s all hope that he more than anyone will not be denied the next time around I think Ronnie is GNA go in the first round because I think I think that’s going to um going to be encouraged you think it’s going to be encouraged by the league or by clutch the latter encouraged in a way like if this happens then this will happen there’s a lot of Phoenix Buzz right now I’m just I’m just going to say it there is and I don’t know if it’s Phoenix is doing it you think Phoenix is doing it because it’s what they want to do or you think they’re trying to mess with the Lakers well Matt ishia has the same media strategist that LeBron and his Camp has Adam Mendon so that makes me a little suspicious but they seem really confident that he’s getting drafted in the first round and if you’re Matt ishia and the draft sucks and it’s like let’s get let’s get bronnie they’re telling us if we take bronny there’s a chance that we could get LeBron too you got to think about it because I don’t know how many more years LeBron has left but it’s it’s one it’s two it’s three whatever he was an all-nba guy last year and if that’s your back door way to get LeBron to play for you on you know for 2.8 million a year or whatever you got to explore it that’s Bill Simmons in a podcast you said Sunday night Jared correct yes so very very recently now gambo has already reached out and said not happening and gamble gets great information so there’s a very there’s a very good possibility that the suns are are obliging rich Paul in being a leverage point for them but but I will tell you this Bill Simmons is also very well connected and the buzz he’s hearing about this is very real even if the son’s motives can be debated in all of this can we agree on that yeah I want to play one more cut here this is from Rick Carlile who was on a podcast last week and they asked him about Brony James and it’s interesting his response the 2024 draft you have three second rounders will you be taking bronny James at 50 or 51 well I’m going to go on a limb here and predict that he goes quite a bit higher than that wow okay okay sounds like 36 I don’t want to get I you know I’ve been fine enough this year during the playoffs all right good so he says going to go a lot higher and then he says I don’t want to say who I’ve already yeah well I I I think he probably meant he he can say where he thinks LeBron James might get Le bronny James might get drafted the second part of that is tampering if he starts saying you draft Brony James you get LeBron James and I think that’s what he was trying to avoid so let’s go Suns let’s go get him with that 22nd pick again and we all we all know that basketball people all agree that bronny James is not a top 50 player in this draft they all say that now he does some things well shot the ball well at the combine in Chicago I’m sure he can play some perimeter defense for you but there’s nothing distinctive about his game he wasn’t even good enough to get on the floor in the fourth quarter of games for USC last season so what we’re H so if if the talk out of clutch Sports is that oh he’s going in the first round then that tells you one of two things it means some team is going to mess with the lake and try to poach LeBron or it means that that they’re trying to create a a swirl of of propaganda that will make the Lakers draft bronny at 17 and and again I can tell you this because I got I got people who are with the Lakers that is a powder keg in Los Angeles the LeBron Brony thing is a powder keg waiting to explode because the Lakers do not the Lakers need players the Lakers are built to win in their minds they’re what they do is they win championships if they subordinate themselves to LeBron just so you okay really so this is basically a hostage game you’ll stay with us if we draft your kid well in a way doesn’t Braun LeBron have some chips that he can put out on the table for he already delivered a championship to the Los Angeles slakers does he have some chips in his bank account to say Hey listen I brought you a championship you’re first since Kobe Bryant can you not just do me a favor and draft my boy I it’s that would seem I don’t know if you can come out and say that I think you can certainly imply it and and so that’s this is kind of this draft is going to be very interesting for that alone in a draft in which I would venture to guess 95% of the Casual sports fans will struggle to recognize three players taken in the first round of the NBA draft yeah or two bronnie is bronnie is more famous than any other player in the draft oh yeah yeah he is it reminds me of like when Tim TBO was uhhuh he wasn’t a top prospect but he was more famous than anybody else in that draft the thing about bronnie I love TBO by the way yeah still do I think he got a raw deal in the NFL kid won for for a quarterback who can’t throw won so playoff listen I loved his leadership I listen he got a playoff everything about Tim TBO so I’m not going to hate on him my question about bronnie though given the the heart condition that you know slowed him down before his one season with USC do we know that he wasn’t on track to be a bigger brighter star like could does he still have that in him that’s a great take Sarah and that’s what I kept trying to tell those people that were getting on him last year he was only scor you know three four points a game it’s like the kid just came off a major heart issue okay it going to take some time to come back from that so there’s is potential there problem for him is he’s always going to have that his father hang it like is he just getting an opportunity because of it’s his father and after a while they may give up on him if he doesn’t develop and he’s got probably about a 24mon window of opportunity to prove that he’s an NBA caliber player when other players might get a little longer yes and you thought Caitlyn Clark is having a rough initiation in the can you imagine Brony James right oh baby and just to tie it all into your blast again mhm do you think the Suns need to make a big splash like a like try to go for LeBron to even come close to Boston at this point or can they do it without it I I think everything we are hoping for um uh a brand new VI a brand new connectivity a brand new big three I think we’re we’re grasping at straws to be quite honest with you I I think it’s a hope I think it’s a possibility but is that is a new head coach really going to push this team into the level we saw the Champions at last night well it’s about like I say it’s it’s about chemistry and culture they didn’t have the chemistry of the culture last year in tough spots especially in those fourth quarters where they crumbled so many times down the stretch under the last regime I’m hoping coach Bud first thing he addresses is that chemistry and culture issue because they didn’t they didn’t they have talent yeah they didn’t they didn’t have a connectivity and and that’s the biggest thing that coach buds could be brought in here for thanks for watching Bickley and marada click to see the latest Bley blast and hit the button in the middle to subscribe to Arizona Sports

Dan Bickley believes the Boston Celtics’ blueprint for success is something the Phoenix Suns can copy and paste in their plans for next season.

Video: Felisa Cárdenas and Ed Cole/Arizona Sports
Photo Credit: Mike Lawrie/Getty Images, Elsa/Getty Images, Adam Glanzman/Getty Images, Christian Petersen/Getty Images, Patrick McDermott/Getty Images, Amy Sussman/Getty Images the New Yorker, Maddie Meyer/Getty Images,

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  1. Bick 2 weeks ago: It’s time to stop talking about LeBron James coming to PHX.

    Bick today: Fuels the fake fire of LeBron James coming to the Suns.

    Bick everyday: 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

  2. Celtics are just the way better team. Two way players, better depth, all their players were extremely locked in and not apathetic like the Suns. Booker brings on the apathetic persona and it trickles down to the rest of the roster. You don’t get that from Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown.

  3. Comments are spot on, the celtics have a complete and balanced roster from top to bottom. The have guys that play their role and don't complain, they compete on both ends and this maybe gets overlooked but the celtics core has played together for years. This championship team was carefully constructed over time . Similar to past championship teams whose core played together for years like the spurs with parker, ginobli and duncan.

    The suns always change the roster or the system dramatically after every playoff exit. Instead of just maintaining the core and improving on the weak areas. This is the major problem right now. Keep your coach( for more than one season) work through the problems and disappointments, get a pointguard, power forward and backup center. Last, stress fundamentals and player development on both sides of the ball. Why can't booker learn to be a good defender? Why can't beal? If they wanted to really compete and win a championship, they'd become obsessed with becoming better at the other end of the floor and becoming a complete team.

  4. I'm not sure why we didn't get Holiday in that 3 team trade with Ayton. Would've rather have him than Nurkic

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