@Los Angeles Clippers

The Worst Basketball Show EVER. 🤣

The Worst Basketball Show EVER. 🤣

this new show is so terrible that it’s actually comical that it’s still on the air obviously being influenced by HBO’s winning time a new show centered around the Lob City Clippers came out on Hulu and it’s getting destroyed Pro C right DJ to traded your ass last summer but you need Blake to teach you how to inbound the f ball let’s go the show is impossible to take seriously because of the actors that are portraying the players in it I mean Blake Griffin looks like a shady used car salesman even Austin Rivers the son of Doc Rivers and a former Clipper during this era said this this is really bad guys hairlines receding already and looks just nothing like Blake not only do the actors look nothing like the actual players they’re supposed to be but Lawrence Fishburn the man who played Doc Rivers had no idea who he was you didn’t know who Doc Rivers was idea who Doc Rivers was and there’s no question about it

#nbamemes #basketball #hulu
This new show about the Los Angeles Clippers is so terrible it’s actually comical that it’s still on the air! Clearly influenced by HBO’s “Winning Time,” Hulu’s new show is getting destroyed by fans. The actors don’t even remotely resemble the players they’re portraying – Blake Griffin looks like a shady used car salesman! Even Austin Rivers, a former Clipper and son of Doc Rivers, had this to say. Plus, Laurence Fishburne, who plays Doc Rivers, didn’t even know who he was! What is this writing?!


  1. I feel like every year every sports league other than NFL has the conversation about “is this sports league dying?”

  2. I thought Blake Griffin was supposed to be Johntay Porter. I was like "what does he have to do with the Lob City Clippers?" 😂

  3. I mean, respectfully who cares if they don’t look alike. Like are we 12? That’s like the least concerning thing obviously they aren’t gonna be able to fine doppelgängers of every single person who can also act. The show doesn’t seem great but it’s a substance-less gripe

  4. Been a while since I've seen you get a report right.
    But the emotion in it still tells me your taking this #### personally 👀👀👀

  5. Clippers, always trying to dig themselves out of the shadow of their older, better more successful, more popular brother, the Los Angeles Lakers

  6. I like Ed O'Neil, frm Married w/ Children, as Donald Sterling though, Fishburne has SO much range as an actor, highly underrated. Also, the woman playing V. Stiviano is spot on with the acne cheeks.

  7. 😂 had to be the clippers that franchise is cursed I would really like them to make a show about like Larry Bird or the bad boy pistons instead of the second LA team we need some range or heck I wouldn’t mind one of Bill Russell that would be sweet to.

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