@Minnesota Timberwolves

Minnesota Timberwolves Draft Profiles: Baylor Scheierman and Kyshawn George

Minnesota Timberwolves Draft Profiles: Baylor Scheierman and Kyshawn George

hello and welcome into another episode of Locked on wolves today on the show we’re looking at a couple of prospects the Wolves could consider drafting at number 27 the first round is one week from today we’re g to talk about Baylor shman we’re g to talk about kesan George it’s all up coming welcome in you are locked on wolves you are locked on Timberwolves your daily Minnesota Timberwolves podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hello and welcome to the lockon Wolves podcast part of the lock on podcast Network your team every day my name is Ben Beacon I the host of lock on wolves today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use the code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply happy Thursday everybody today uh I said it’s one week ago the draft is one week from today it’s actually not true the first round is one week from yesterday on Wednesday this year the second round is another night it’s on Thursday they’ve split the draft up this year so all that to say we got five shows including this one between now and next week’s first round lots to cover we talked a little bit about the overall setup for the draft what to expect what the Wolves might be looking for on yesterday’s show Wednesday’s show but today I want to spend roughly half the show on two different prospects so half the show on on each individual Prospect we’re to talk about bayy shyan uh of kraton we’re going to talk about kesan Geor the University of Miami so a couple intriguing prospects that are mocked anywhere from like the late Lottery into the early second round and that’s kind of the moral of the story of this year’s draft is is guys are just being mocked everywhere uh so we’re going to talk about those two guys here today why they could potentially be fits for Minnesota pros and cons of each player as a potential selection at number 27 we all that here in just a moment a big thank you here off the top for making lockdown wolves your first listen every single day of course this show is freee and available everywhere and that includes YouTube as well as all of your favorite audio platforms where you like to listen to podcast you can find lockdown wolves you can also watch on the lockdown Sports Minnesota app on both Roku and Amazon Fire TV and you can follow on X at lockone wolves and also at B Beacon with tubs to e cken all right so we established on Wednesday’s show that the Timberwolves are like the the overarching conversation around what the wolves are looking for this offseason is they need playmaking they need uh shot creation both shot creation you know somebody who can create their own shot also someone who can playmake for others ideally on the perimeter and then also just overall shooting and there’s this thought out there that they need a backup point guard and and I kind of push back against that on Wednesday’s show the short version is they’re far more likely to bring back Monte Morris maybe even Jordan mcgoffin and try and approximate the value of a backup point guard with n Alexander Walker um and either Kyle ERS whomever they replace Kyle Anderson’s role with and some combination of you know whether it’s Morris or mlin but I don’t think they’re going to go out and draft a Mike connley replacement I’m putting this in air quotes if you’re not watching on YouTube uh I just don’t think that’s realistic I don’t think that a Conference Finals team is going to say all right let’s go find our backup point guard they may find someone like maybe they draft someone at 37 or pick somebody like maybe they find it in a different way but I don’t think that’s necessarily what they’re trying to do here so I pushed back on yesterday’s show on some of the point prospects like a Tyler KCK or a um uh uh I think it’s KJ Simpson from col is it KJ from Colorado I believe it is um I’ve got it right here I’m just gonna make sure I got that yeah KJ Simpson from Colorado uh I I just don’t think they’re going to take a small point guard just to take a point guard and say that they did so that’s where I’m coming from today and I want to start with one of my favorite and and I’m G to rank when we get to the draft time for the draft next week once I’m done with all these kind of scouting reports that I’m doing on the show and and also not just scouting reports but also how these players would potentially fit Minnesota and why or why not the Wolves may be interested I’m going to give my kind of overall um like what I what I what I would do if I were the wolves like what I’d like to happen what I think will happen um and and we’ll we’ll go there next week so let’s start with Baylor shyan Baylor shyan we talked a little bit about on Wednesday’s show uh he went to kraton the last two years started his college career at SDSU South Dakota State he was a jack rabbit so so a 5-year college player um and really came into his own in year two with the kraton Blue Jays uh was really good at SDSU over the course of three seasons um well I should say really his last two years I mean the freshman year was the first Co shorten year and he wasn’t a regular starter uh but his second two years at SSU he averaged 16 points eight rebounds shot almost 46% from three was over 50% from the field and then over two seasons at kraton he was 15 and a half points per game uh eight and a half rebounds 30 7% from three about 44% from the field but he was much much better in his fifth year than he was the year prior so he is an older Prospect and that’s probably the biggest downside is there’s limited upside for Baylor shman he is a essentially a 66 guard he’s really a um I think in the NBA he’s probably more of a three small ball four um 66 and listed as 68 wingspan the number one thing so I described him a little bit on Wednesday as as a potential Kyle Anderson replacement because I think there’s similarities I probably didn’t quite underscore enough that he’s a really really really good shooter he may end up being the best shooter in this draft that’s certainly possible he can shoot off the dribble he can shoot catches shoot threes uh which is obviously Kyle Anderson it’s what he’s worst at but he does all the other stuff too we’ll get into that but shooting wise he was as a college player was 78th percent out across College according to Synergy and catch and shoot he also has great range um there’s plenty of clips of him shooting deep deep threes a lot of his three-point attempts came above the break he’s obviously good in the corners as well but he’s very comfortable shooting above the break he’s big the release is good enough I think it probably could get a little bit quicker but catch and shoot like there were coming off ball screens he had a pretty quick release last year for for kraton I think that’s something he improved over the course of his college career he can also shoot off the dribble like legitimately with the ball in his hands he can pull up and shoot threes at a at a good clip and again last year it ended up being what 38% the year PRI was 36% at kraton for his college career five seasons 39% from three so he is a really good shooter and I I think he’s the type of player that’s only going to get better there he also was 88% from the free throw line last season he was over 80% every year of his college career except his freshman year which was limited opportunities um so I think the shooting is legit for Baylor shyan he’s going to shoot at the next level and that’s an element he would bring and that if the Wolves could kind of fold two of these goals into one player adding shooting and adding playmaking SL filling that Kyle Anderson role that’s exactly what they’re looking to do that would be that would be ideal and he does some of the other slow-mo like stuff well uh off the dribble I think he’s an effective player off the dribble he certainly has more juice than Kyle Anderson does he’s not overwhelmingly athletic but he’s a good enough athlete he’s got good touch much better touch than Kyle aderson he’s got solid feel I actually think he can score a little bit off the dribble in the NBA it’s not going to be his bread and butter he’s not going to be your primary ball handler but he strikes me as kind of the exact what I would look for if I were the Wolves which is somebody who’s going to be a secondary playmaker and a secondary scorer that can score at all three levels and could be a good passer he’s not going to initiate offense regularly but he can if he needs to and he can be that you know break glass in case of emergency not even that really a second or third option at any given point um I I just think he’s a really really solid fit there’s nothing about his game that concerns me he’s not a great individual Defender and that I guess would be would be maybe the biggest thing but at this point like Kyle Anderson’s good I he’s not as good of a Defender as Kyle Anderson there’s no question about that but he’s a solid Team Defender and the the steel rate the block rate those are low and that I don’t want to say concerns me that’s a little bit of a red red flag normally I look for steel rates that are much higher from guys who would claim are good team Defenders but he always seems to be in position uh the steel rate actually last year was his lowest since his freshman year which isn’t great um but he’s effectively a perimeter player he’s probably the best rebounding perimeter player in this draft class and certainly one of the best so you take a guy that’s another area that I’ve talked about the Wolfie to shore up is is um the ability to rebound from from non-big positions they were much better last year with Mike Conley instead of DLo and uh you know Jaylen noell was allergic to rebounds a couple of years ago so affiliate his role with guys who actually rebound a little bit like Alexander Walker again it’s on the margins where that makes up the difference when you’ve got guys like goar who do gobble up rebounds and shyan’s going to do that he’s going to rebound immediately he’s got good size 66 68 wingspan good nose for the ball good positioning uh just like and that’s one of the reasons why I think overall as a Team Defender even if the steel and block right the stocks are not quite where you normally want them to be I think all the other stuff is there I do want to talk a little bit more about him with the ball in his hands offensively handling and pick and roll um maybe what I think his ceiling is as well and what his role could be on the Wolves we’ll get to all that here next and then we’ll close the show by talking kesan George so all that is upcoming next today’s episode of locky wolves is brought To Us by our friends over at game time game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball it makes getting tickets faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to the first pitch with 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be that primary scorer primary player playmaker Off the Bench eventually I see him as a Kyle Anderson like role where some nights yeah he’s gonna have the ball in his hands a little bit more often other nights he’s going to play more with Anthony Edwards He’s going to play more with uh Amonte Morris or Jordan M golin or n Alexander Walker or someone else that’s really truly initiating the offense but he has the ability to do more coming off a ball screen catch and shoot coming off a ball screen uh getting the ball in his hands and then operating rolling right into a pick and roll last season with kraton he was 96 percent down the nation as a ball handler in pick and rooll over almost 1.3 points per possession limited frequency like it was somewhere around 10 12% of his possessions I believe so didn’t do it a ton but that underscores the feel that he has and also the touch he’s got offensively he legitimately can score at all three levels I think he’ll probably develop something more of a a 10 12 foot float game like Kyle Anderson has but right now if he gets into the paint he’s got he’s got good touch there um he’s good at finding open players um Cutters off the dribble like if he’s operating and pick and roll and he sees somebody open in the corner or somebody cutting Baseline um uh pocket passes to to to guys rolling um like those are he he can do that too really all of the above the only true weaknesses he has are as an individual Defender he’s going to be a little below par as a rookie and and you’re gonna have to find what the right matchup is for him he’s gonna be I don’t want to say you have to hide him because I think he can be adequate and I think he’ll be a good team Defender and he’s a good rebounder but you’re not going to stick him on you know a primary secondary score for the other team on the perimeter he’s not going to be guarding at the point of attack and then also the the athleticism is limited in the AG is up there too but I’ve just described a lot of what KY a lot of Kyle Anderson now Kyle Anderson’s better because he’s got the knowledge and the experience and he’s just he’s a better offensive initiator for those reasons and he’s a better individual Defender um he’s got a little bit better size and a little bit probably a little bit more athleticism uh overall even if he plays at a slower Pace there’s actually the way that that Baylor Sherman plays it’s almost like this is like the weirdest combo ever uh to say and I don’t mean this in terms of like well I don’t know I’m just gonna say it’s a little bit like Kyle aderson meets luuka donic like I feel like the offensive craftiness is at least fluid to the level it’s not obviously to the level of Luca not at all saying he’s Luca or he’ll ever be anything anywhere near Luca because he won’t but his the fluidity with which he plays is like Luca the pace is somewhere in the Luca to Kyle Anderson I don’t think is as slow as slow-mo but it’s maybe not quite as fast which is the wrong word but as uh as as uh as quick as LCA donic but the craftiness is there so I do think the offensive field will play in the NBA I think he’s a a three or a four similar to Kyle Anderson in that regard again a little bit smaller but I think he’ll rebound the ball just as good if not better at the pro level so Baylor shyan sitting here right now is maybe one of my favorite picks at 27 for Minnesota and he’s mocked anywhere from like I’ve seen people talking about him like very late Lottery around 20 all the way to like the ringer had him at like 33 on their mock draft um he was 28 on the C BS mock draft he was 33 also on the Yahoo Mock Draft so all over the map uh Nation I don’t think had him in the in the first round they only did the first round and didn’t go into the second so like I haven’t seen him higher than 27 other than you know a couple kind of Fringe mock drafts and a lot of podcasters seem to really like him like I think there’s a legit shot he’s a quick Riser but he also may be there at 27 and if he’s there I don’t think he’s there at 33 I think he or at 37 excuse me I think he certainly is off the board somewhere between 27 and 37 if the Wolves don’t take him so I like him at 27 I think Baylor Sherman would be a fine selection for Minnesota all right let’s transition into talking about kesan George out of the University of Miami kesan George by the way it’s spelled it looks like kaan I did research on this to confirm it is kesan so promise I’m not saying it wrong at least according to the univ University of Miami athletic department profile page for him it’s keesan George uh he is Swiss played went to high school in France and then came over to play at the University of Miami last year he’s another kind of oversized guard um 67 with a 610 wingspan he is a good shooter and a very good ball handler for his size he’s really more of a a two guard with uh you know not quite the athleticism that you’d love to having a two or a three but the feel and Court vision and passing ability and ball handling ability ility of a one like truly he he handles the ball like a point guard but he’s 67 with a 610 wingspan and that’s probably his his best trait is his ball handling ability and in watching his game I was really really impressed with his court vision and his how confident and consistent he was with his passing and it wasn’t like you know Ricky Rubio or lamelo ball like you weren’t looking at this saying oh he’s a generational passer just really solid uh the hit ahead passes in transition always seem to be making the right pass uh swinging the ball in the half court uh he had a few Next Level passes where he’d put the ball in the floor and then find an open man that those are mixed in there it’s not consistent but he can do it and I would probably describe his his passing ability is not spectacular but certainly impressive and what are the Wolves looking for they’re not looking for somebody to come in and be spectacular as a passer they’re looking for somebody to be consistent make the right play and provide some size and well not that they didn’t already have size but I mean if you’re looking to to fill a Kyle aderson role a Monte Morris role Jordan mcclin role what was a shake Milton role last year to play alongside n Alexander Walker obviously size is important and Tim Connelly and Chris Finch want big guards kesan George fits that bold he’s not Ultra athletic I think he’s got enough athleticism to stick certainly as a rotation guy in the NBA um I should actually real quick I I forgot I was going to do a ceiling for each of these guys so I’m going to move backwards on Baylor shman I think Shan’s got starter upside I think he’s probably like a six-man almost like Kyle Anderson where some year he may end up as a starter he may be more of a six-man type kesan George I think is probably the same although I think he’s probably best cast in like a seventh man type role now he’s got the upside to be better he absolutely has the upside to be a starter in this league Kean George does I think it’s I think the floor is lower the ceiling is higher than it would be for say Baylor shyman I also think getting to his ceiling getting to Kean George’s ceiling is going to be really difficult because he has modest athleticism and he’s coming out after only one year at Miami he only averaged what like seven or eight points a game I think uh yeah 7.6 points per game last year at Miami um he shot it well 47% from two 41% from three and uh didn’t get the line a ton at all because he didn’t have we’ll talk more about this but there isn’t much in terms of an off the dribble or in the paint game for kesan George but the the touch and the feel offensively and again I go back to the ball handling the uh understanding of timing and spacing and the and floor balance and some of that stuff really good in transition if he had a little more athleticism we’d be talking about him as a Surefire Lottery Pick and he may still be a lottery pick he’s been mocked from mid- Lottery all the way to like mid late 20s this is this is what this year’s draft is and while shyman has a higher floor and he’s going to be a plug- Inplay guy in some capacity as a as a rotation player in the NBA kesan George may require a little bit more seasoning and in general I’m shy away from the Wolves taking an upside swing at 27 because they already have a top seven and they already have some Superstars and they already are a conference finalist team they won 56 games last year they’ve got a bunch of young guys on the bench their raw but I’m okay with kesan George and maybe not at 27 maybe I like him more at 37 if he somehow slides there but I’ll explain what I think his fit with Minnesota could be and kind of put a bow on on a comp for him and and where I think he’ll end up we’ll do all that here next today’s episode of lock di wolves is brought To Us by our friends at prize pick prize pick is America’s number one fantasy 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George in a weak draft is not I don’t think going to be a lottery pick because there’s some question about and there’s also limited athleticism he’s not quite the athlete that Alexander Walker is um I see him right now as a probably already a better passing um version of Nelle he’s going to be not as good defensively he’s certainly more raw defensively and he doesn’t have anything else to his offense now Alexander Walker where he found his niche in the NBA over the last call it 18 months mostly with Minnesota he figured out how to be a role player and when to have those big moments where he could step up and be a little bit more aggressive offensively you saw him score in the paint you know seemed like one reverse layup a game in the playoffs like he can’t he can do that stuff but he doesn’t need to anymore and that’s I think where kesan George will end up kesan George doesn’t put the ball on the floor and score right now it’s pretty much three-pointer score and transitioner bus he only got to the line he shot 27 total free throws this season in 31 games he averaged less than a free throw attempt per game now he was good when he got there 78% he was 41% on threes 40.8% he was good in transition so the touch is there and the feel is there we talked about his shooting his ball handling he’s not strong he needs to build out his frame more he needs to become stronger to be an NBA an impactful NBA player so and I also think the modest athleticism limits his upside a little but there is upside there and the reason why I’m okay with the Wolves taking a mini swing on a guy like this I don’t know that it’s a swing when you’re picking at 27 but because I think he could actually be plug-and playay as a Defender and as a ball handler almost immediately well like when the Wolves drafted wend Moore a couple of years ago I talked about him as a as a uh what did I call him um not a superstar role player what’s the what’s the term I use let me see if I have it nearby in my notes what I what I called a oh I called him a two-way role player because Wendel Moore you know he should have been a three and D guy he was 41% on threes at Duke he was over 50% catch and shoot a good Defender um but he did he was kind of a jack of all trades master of none but I think we were a little more confident in his shooting ability than what he he ended up being able to do at least at the g-league NBA level so far kesan George I have a little bit more confidence in his offensive ability than Wendel Moore Jr and there’s certainly more upside there offensively defensively he’s got better size than wend Moore and he’s actually a little bigger than n he’s actually an inch taller and has an inch longer wingspan than Alexander Walker does so I see him as a bigger upside version of Alex Walker certainly more of an upside play than a wend Elmore Jr but I think he’s plug in play now because I think he’ll hold his Zone defensively I think he could initiate some offense um he’s not going to be a star right away and so if you want him to be a star maybe a team like Washington who’s picking like I want to say like right before Minnesota maybe he’s a fit there uh yeah they’re actually one pick in front of Minnesota he’s GNA get the opportunity to play there and maybe he becomes a volume scorer but if he’s with a team like Minnesota and can learn to play a role I think he’s got an Alexander Walker like role with Minnesota um he’s not going to he’s not I’m not doing this in order of like my favorite to least favorite picks for Minnesota at 30 at 27 so this isn’t like a I’m not doing this in any particular order talking about Sherman first and then and then uh kesan George when it’s all said and done next Tuesday Wednesday I’m going to give like my big board for the wolv my wolves Big Board realistically at 27 and at 37 these guys will both be on it there won’t be one and two necessarily but um there’s things that I like about kesan George now the reason to not draft him is that he is really raw and there isn’t anything else offensively and he’s going to be a catch and shoot guy and you don’t I already said you don’t necessarily want to give your backup point guard job to a a a a rookie when you’re a 56 win team I’m not saying he would purely be a backup point guard I see him again in an Alexander Walker type role where he’s off Ball but he can initiate some offense be a good passer be a good ball handler uh hopefully make good decisions and be athl you know athletic enough and big enough defensively so I like kesan George I don’t I wouldn’t be too upset if he’s there at 27 it would be a mild surprise he’s mocked at 26 on the ringer he’s mocked at uh 25 on CBS he’s mocked at 23 on SP nation and where is he on Yahoo he is mocked at 14 to Portland on Yahoo so all over the map from 14 to to 26 but always before Minnesota on all these mocks so it’d be a mild surprise if he’s there at 27 I actually think he’s the type of player the Wolves would like because I think the three-point shooting in the size is projectable um and even with modest athleticism I think he could be an impactful NBA player at least a rotation NBA player I you know between the two Baylor shyan to me is is the better pick at 27 and he’s also more likely to be available I just think he’s a better fit for an established wolves team to kind of plug in play as an eighth or ninth guy in the rotation all right two more players we’ll do two more players on Friday stay tuned to see who those are it we’ll do at least two more on Monday and Tuesday and then on Wednesday I I’ll probably do a big board where I’ll kind of rank the what eight guys that I’ll talk about more extensively and then I’ll add a couple more guys to the list players that I look at if I were the Wolves at both 27 and 37 so that’s what we’ll do here over the next several days stay tuned to that we’re also going to be doing a mock draft over at uh or or with the other lockdown host so I’ll give some results of that here on the show as as we kind of go through that and then next week uh the night of the draft the first round next Wednesday night we’ll be doing live Clips uh live interview following the Wolves following each pick so I’ll I’ll do a live interview after the Wolves pick as well so I’ll more info as we get closer a big thank you for making lock that wolves your first listen every single day of course this show is free and available everywhere including YouTube as well as all of your favorite audio platforms wherever you like to listen to podcast you can find lock on wolves you can uh also watch of course on YouTube you can watch on the lockedown sports Minnesota app on both Roku and Amazon Fire TV you can also follow an X lockdown T wolves and also at B Beacon with 2 B’s Two e CK a reminder that lockdown has launched the first ever National Sports 24/7 streaming Channel on YouTube it’s also available now on Amazon Fire TV and the free Fire TV channels app lockon sports today is 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The Minnesota Timberwolves will have a shot at decent prospect with the No. 27 pick. Could Baylor Scheierman fit as a plug-and-play rotation player, or Kyshawn George fit as an upside play off the bench? Ben Beecken (@bbeecken) breaks down both players as prospects and if they would fit the Wolves and have a shot at cracking the rotation from Day One.

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  1. I’m from Nebraska so I’m both a Timberwolves fan and a Creighton Bluejays fan! Scheierman won’t disappoint if he is to be drafted by Minnesota !

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