@Detroit Pistons

The Detroit Pistons ACTUALLY DID IT

The Detroit Pistons ACTUALLY DID IT

and we are going to start the show off here we got our guy Kool-Aid from the morning show wake up Woodward here in the building as well if you do not know Monty Williams has been Let Go by the Detroit Pistons and uh bre news breaking news as a matter of fact and dmac for the very first time maybe it’s the Pistons connections I don’t know for the very first time we get the breaking news here on our show right well I didn’t even think of it that way I just thought of our conversation yesterday about what Tom Gores makes such a move I think your quote and I’m paraphrasing is the fact if Tom Gorge was the owner of the Tigers jav bias would be gone he just ate how much money $60 million on that $65 million and said let’s change it up so again um we saw this uh sort of maybe writing on the wall after Troy Reaver was released so what it’s interesting Tran langdon’s first move will be for coach and I’ll leave that up to uh you and our prestigious beat reporter Koolaid to let me know who those candidates might be former players maybe former coaches is it a new guy who’s it gonna be it’s exciting time it’s gonna be interesting no it absolutely is but Kool-Aid appreciate your time and usually like you we give time we give people time to spill into the show maybe we talk about you know things are going on in our lives the zipper method yeah the zipper method people try to dispute the science of it even though it is factually correct but today Kool-Aid we’re not [ __ ] around we’re going right in on it and and look I’ll offer up my thoughts spenny’s going to get pissed at me um right I’m just I’m previewing you know exactly how how this is going to go down here today um number one said anytime somebody gets fired sad to see it especially when I work with them Monty Williams was always nice to me so you know I wish him good luck in his future ende and all that kind of stuff he he was a nice dude to me he gone same here man same here there we go okay number two and I know this is probably going to trigger Spenny but the bottom line is man I could I wish Tom gor will buy the Tigers man because he will cut the checks and at a baseline was it bad has it been bad yes it has did they win 14 games last year y yes they did terrible but when it comes down to it Tom gors will write the check at any time and dmac I don’t care what you if you if you hate him if you clown the Pistons organization you cannot dispute the fact that he will write the check on spot no and I mean it’s sort of like you see this in different businesses right are we gonna keep going on the same path what what this just tells me is that Tom Gores is willing it’s not about the dollars obviously we know what the Pistons are worth even since he’s bought it so the fact is that moving on you got to like it again this tells me the the K Cunningham the conversations we had yesterday about the the big contract him being one of your $300 million players that you need to win yes it’s in place it’s just who’s going to be leading them and I mean hey man of action right and gets gets ahead of it so there’s different ways to do it and you got to I I mean I respect it yes um but that that’s that’s the thing for me and Kool-Aid I know that we’ve kind of vibed on that where yeah that’s we where we are with it and all that it’s all you can ask for from an owner man for real I I would give anything for the Tigers organization to have that give anything but we’re not here to talk about but again we’re not we’re not there my question is to all of you who is the next Pistons head coach or who do we want as the next piston head coach and I see right names coming in our very own Tammy chin says I want Chanty no you know former Pistons former players like this he’s not a good coach sorry I love chy not a good coach o yeah I mean I like I I love chy bipss as a player he’s one of my favorite Pistons of all time he’s not a good NBA coach I would okay but Kool-Aid wake up Woodward credential Pistons beat Rider you’re in the building all right and I know you’ll be busy here today so I appreciate you carving out some time let’s just cut the is and get you on your way because that’s the question we’re going to get uh I’ve seen it already uh the Isaiah Thomas the bill lambers the Chanty Billups TS text me uh Bill L beer but the the organization probably won’t go that route don’t forget Jerry stack house no thanks on Bill Ander Jerry stack house no thanks more Detroit Piston man didn’t go well at Vanderbilt no give me give me the 30,000 foot so we can so seriously so we can get you anyway cuz that’s the only question people have they don’t care about what’s the past they care about what’s coming up next yeah well give it to me yeah what I was going to say is the reports now is that John bgo former assistant coach throughout the league and he was head coach with the Charlotte Hornets uh is on the short list for the Detroit Pistons and I honestly I would like that you talk about a guy who started off his his NBA coaching career as a like a video production assistant for the San Antonio Spurs Greg papovich kind of eyed or saw something in him and elevated him to assistant coach where he did win two NBA championships in ‘ 05 and ‘ 07 as an assistant coach ER the Eric spoler route like in the film room yep and he also actually found his way into the Monty Williams coaching tree as well with his time in New Orleans and also underneath another coach that I like I love Willie Green I do former udm product I like Willie Green I like the type of of Coach he is I like the respect that He commands so to know that you know BGA has honestly had this experience in multiple uh coaching rooms that I like with Greg papovich and the Spurs you’re learning that Championship culture you’re understanding what it takes to be that type of a coach as well as Willie Green who I actually like from ex’s an0 standpoint as well as kind of running a a younger Squad I I like what John brega has if that is the guy that the Pistons are eyeing you know what I wasn’t thinking about that before I know that Cleveland I believe was interviewing him for their job as well but um that’s a name that I really like um had a winning record at Charlotte yeah that’s all you need to know uh right there no but I and again everyone’s going to get caught up in the names of of the coach yeah and I get that that’s where people go to I don’t go that way with it what what what I’m curious about what’s the player movement going to be because you can bring in any coach Spenny you loved it when we brought in money Williams everybody loved it I loved it everybody loved it yeah you weren’t winning no coach was coming in here winning in retrospect they just weren’t not even Dwayne Casey I mean well Dwayne he came Fresh Off with Coach of the Year came to the Pistons he didn’t make the playoffs and then after that everything was about to restore they tore down to the stud so I don’t know what coach he could have brought in after that that would have worked obviously and oddly enough Dwayne Casey continues to be a name that’s just out there he’s still with the Detroit Pistons organization he moved on from coaching to front office and he actually made that commitment to the organization when he was first hired so even before they knew that they were going to go down his rebuild route they identified his mind as one of being you know what we want this type of basketball mind within our organization I know he’s been doing some um Prospect scouting as well as advanced Pro scouting as well for the Detroit Pistons organization so it’d be interesting to see if this is also another name that so far has survived the massacre of the Pistons front office if he’s a guy whose name that floated out there with the GM search floated out through the president of basketball operation search it’ll be interesting just to see if his name as a retread floats around with the Pistons coaching search as well but I think BGA is is the guy that you probably want here uh dmac here’s here’s where I go to you the locker room the player angle of it um Kate Cunningham we expect anytime between now in summer league conclusion of Summer League that he’s going to do his his rookie Max you know extension so how does this work from the player perspective and I know that you always say I’m a bad example to talk to about this kind of stuff but what’s going through what’s going through K Cunningham’s mind right now your best guess I think that if you want to see you know it’s about communication so I would think that TR and Langdon in the front office and are communicating with their star top player that they’re going to throw the bag at um the question I asked yesterday when we were talking about you have to have two $300 million players to win in this league was there any connections to any other $300 million players or in the making of that that had connections to K Cunningham today the question is how about coaches how about guys in the coaching tree where I would look back and see is there any that have had an influence or have um had Kate Cunningham in the past or know that and this conversation I’m sure is being it has to be had as far as due diligence not you’re not going to make a decision Kate Cunningham’s not going to come in and say oh I want this guy or that guy it’s not this type thing but maybe there’s a relationship and it helps in to have all the information the knowledge is the power and stuff like this so I would expect that there’s some sort of connection at the end of the day to the new coach maybe it was at basketball camps or stuff like this when he was younger who knows what it is but I think those are the conversations that need to be had now and the fact that you know it’ll be interesting because what is the time when when’s uh the draft and what is the time frame that you expect um this coaching search to be done really quick do you think really so you think that they already had a guy when they made the move to fire Troy Weaver this was already in place so so they got to have a short list of a couple guys right now I would think so man like you don’t do this this will get done so you’re telling me this will get done before the Cunningham deal yes yes yes I my guess would be that press conference that everybody’s you know been wetting themselves about uh that will happen by the end of the week that that will happen very very soon yeah yeah we had heard some noise that uh we should be getting a press conference announcement at least this week so it’ be interesting to see if that actually happens and now you know why right like for the people that were like why isn’t there a press conference it makes all sense now there you go was the first Domino and now Monty so that’s like like it all it all makes sense thank God man well hey spanny again I’m going to go back to it I’m going to keep referencing it you you you cannot question his desire to win and at a baseline that’s all we’re in a I think we’re in agreement with that yeah he wants to win he took the L he took the L and he stomach you know he stomached 65 million Chris ellich would never do that and I I will give him props for that I will give him props for it looks like on paper that he’s allowing Tran langden to to do this to to build this on his own so that will be a good thing uh this is what I wanted it happened a little later than I I wanted it to happen immediately like nobody should be back after you lose 28 games in a row and only win 14 games on a season nobody who had a part of that should be back or have their jobs so I’m glad it happened it needed to happen it like I said it took a little longer than I wanted but it happened well to be fair SP it’s always going to take longer than you want yeah that’s fair props to Tom goris I I’ve said a lot of things things about Tom goris especially the past couple months but props to him for stomaching this and eating $65 million and and if you look at it too he we because we talk about the jav thing he did this in the past with Blake Griffin 8 35 million for him to go you know what I’m saying like that’s at a ba and we are at the Baseline right now make them they’re coming out a 14- win season of course like there has to be blood in the streets yeah this is professional sports you know who knows that the people at the Pistons organization they’re the first ones that know that too so there is blood in the streets dmac so I I think at a baseline that’s been satisfied so now it’s time to now it’s time to to to move on and move forward and things like that and now it’s traj and langon you got to get players in here yep you on the clock that’s it like that’s it’s very very simple dmac for like as big of a news bomb as it was or whatever here we are writing was sort of on the wall yeah the changes were being made you know and different people are coming in so there’s still you know there’s still the question mark for some people because there still are a lot of the same names in the organization but we’ll see if if this little shakeup will help so but you can’t argue that Tom Gores wants to win he’s throwing money around like it’s he’s proven it if you go into the books how much money has he thrown around from contract 150 200 million you know and he’s improved honestly his front office structure as well and hopefully this is one of those final forms of that with Tre Lon coming in and hopefully having the complete power to reshape the way that this team does business basketball like the the coach thing I’m not as caught up on as everybody else is this is a players League man you got to have players to win in this league that’s that’s what they’re saying Monty Williams and Chanty billis both said Hey listen Monty Williams when he got to Detroit he said this is not the type of Team structure I want to coach with a bunch of young guys Chanty bips said the same thing too he went to Portland because at the time they had some experienced players and he said this is the more or less the type of team I want to coach I don’t really want to coach a young Squad I think that’s cold word for you need NBA guys players Winn got to play all right real quick Koolaid before we let you go yes sir wake up Woodward by the way shout out 8 to 10 a.m. Monday through Friday Koolaid on there Jerry Alexander in the chat yes sir this is only for my personal entertainment Jaan Howard bring them home go blw everything shout out to the fat five no to no I love you Jaan we been getting that no not at all not at all there’s a limit there is a limit to this Jaan Howard no y’all trying to y’all are trying to get flannel riled up his vacation right now is probably how long how long until we see the Tom ISO article happens every year happens every it’s on the way every year but no Sam Cassell though that’s one I’ve notic no no no no no we’re not talking about Sam Cassell I can’t do it bro give me the road M I can’t listen I love Michigan I love it all my kids born on the campus me and my siblings my dad with the Schoo I can’t can’t do it I can’t do it can’t do it no none at all not even on juneth day I’m not even giving it I’m not giving it any type of of of real thought Howard trying to get another brother fired on man great guy great path five great for the history of it you know Michigan they try to handle his firing a certain way just let that be that way good on the retread yep I’m straight on Jan come on oh my gosh Jerry Alexander Jan would be a better Pro coach than college coach come on come on bring him home no absolutely not why is the chat in on this give it to me what are you people doing cool you should see this chat right now Chris Weber Bill and beer John be right Rip Hamilton Tass I would take Ted lass you know you know what I love our fans but you know to the Flint got to J Smith in the chat okay [Music]

Neal Ruhl, Darren McCarty and the rest of the BDE crew discuss the surprising, but not so surprising news of the Detroit Pistons parting ways with head coach Monty Williams. Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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  1. Monty should of never been hired he didn’t want to coach, Pistons need a coach with fire in his belly no laid back coaches

  2. Imagine dan campbell coming in on his first press conference saying the money was a big reason why he came here. Shoulda let Monty go right then and there

  3. I just hope this is the pistons Lions esk franchise changing moment for the better although the tellems are still employed so I doubt it.

  4. Gore doesn't know how to run a NBA team, but at least he's trying. He needs to find his Spelman and this team will turn around

  5. I know he hasn’t been a coach before but wouldn’t someone like Grant hill be a heck of a coach with going thru everything he went through. He could guide the younger guys on what it takes to be a pro

  6. Are these guys drunk? Tom Gores has owned the Pistons for 13 years. We have been garbage all those years. He sucks and has no clue who to hire. Cutting checks because he fucked up. That's not smart. 😂

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