@Sacramento Kings

Sam Amick thinks the Sacramento Kings will be active during the NBA Draft

Sam Amick thinks the Sacramento Kings will be active during the NBA Draft

agreed to that we got to bet if not it’s just more uh you know bark bark bark speaking of barking uh the one the only I believe he’s with us right I thought I heard the beep uh Sam we heard you needed a minute was that uh did you was that the makeup chair was that did you have to talk to your people these athletic folks man I’m telling you they uh it’s worth it for the content but it’s always something good morning I mean if you take a look at the screen you know it’s not the makeup chair this is called the uh you want the TMI answer when you leave town for a long time because you’re covering the Olympics and then you go log on to a laptop that’s stayed at home meaning it hasn’t been logged on to and you and you have to jump through 15 security uh steps to uh to get back in uh apologies for the delay but we are here well we are always happy to have you welcome home uh drunk neighbor John’s been all over the uh the text accusing me of not knowing what truculent meant uh amongst other things and you know talking your business out of school which we won’t share everything but welcome home uh Sam I I think first question we got a lot to get to first question is um a why the hell to Detroit fire Monty Williams and B do you agree I think the funniest thing Detroit could do right now ever in the history of the NBA is to hire Dan Hurley yeah I mean please please make it happen or JJ reck would be second the JJ thing would be quite a curveball because it continues to look like he’s the next Lakers coach but you know we don’t quite understand what the delay is and so if the Lakers you know did want him and lost him because of some mysterious delay that would be strange I mean Monty I don’t have total Clarity on on what put it over the edge um you know they had just recently hired an assistant coach from New Orleans who was um close with him and it was kind of perceived that that was a sign that he was going to be sticking around um you know that sort of money you know Tom Gores is not hurting has plenty of cash but to to send a guy packing with that much money left on his deal is pretty staggering uh you know the biggest thing and the the obvious Factor there you know was Tran Langdon took over that front office after you know spending a lot of years in New Orleans and uh and and wanted a clean slate you know what I’m hoping to learn more about is you know how did Monty move in these final weeks you know there’s some sense that um you know if you make it clear in some form or fashion that your heart’s not in it anymore which you know there are some rumors that that’s how he was kind of moving then maybe that played a part but um but yeah still pretty surprising move when when and I know we’re speculating on rumors if you’re saying maybe his heart wasn’t in it does that mean his wasn’t in Detroit or could Monty be a player in Cleveland La other potential openings do you think it’s what’s what do you think that part of him maybe not being in on it means uh I I I you know the early reporting from elsewhere this is not you know this was an ESPN report I believe was that he would likely um not be ready to jump back in that he wanted to to coach so I’ll just kind of relay that I guess um if you go back too it’s funny I talked to uh on my podcast this week about this to the way Moni got the job in the first place um and this is a little bit of a stretch but I I made this comparison between Monty Williams situation going into Detroit you know after um getting fired in Phoenix and then after telling everybody he didn’t want to coach for a while that he wanted a break U and the parallel I made was Paul George and free agency with the Clippers like two situations where um I don’t personally think that Paul you know I think he has concerns about the Clippers I know I’m I’m off on a tangent here but um possibly trading him if he resigns because there have been signs of that in the past and so if your heart’s not in a certain Venture I think you should think twice about it well when Monty went to Detroit everybody knew that he wasn’t really ready to coach again and the reality of money is that that just finally became such a big number that he did it I don’t think holistically that’s the right type of way to enter a situation and I think that Beed out um you know I think Tom Gorge should have thought a little more critically about where Monty was in life at that point well and it should be said elepant in the room here we’re alluding to it but and and this is pure speculation if this even was the case which we don’t know but if anyone I know in sports had an excuse for their heart not being into coaching NBA players it would be Monty Williams and so if that does end up being a thing where he just ain’t there uh as much he wants to be Sam I think we all agree he he’s the one guy more than anyone that his story is is unbelievably amazing tragic heartwarming heartbreaking uh and we were talking about this morning you know it was just was not that long ago where he was leading the biggest Resurgence in the NBA he was the coach of the year twice he and and more than that just this story of perseverance through unspeakable tragedies and his ability to bring culture and players together was really the the the talk of the NBA that it seems like that was five minutes ago for sure and and the people watching on video saw me playing with my phone I was trying to confirm the backstory there so in the timeline so 2016 his wife ingred dies in a tragic car accident and and you know not only like you said was that just unbelievably painful for him and his family and their kids but um you know his kind of resilience through that was pretty inspirational for a lot of people and then you know he had talked going into getting the Pistons job about you know he remarried and and he was in a different chapter um and was trying to to kind of live his life and then his you know his second wife was diagnosed with breast cancer so no question off the court he’s had a lot of struggles and uh you know I think again that would that would probably lead me to believe that that he’s ready to take a breather and just go he’s got a a ranch outside of San Antonio and um you know I think that’s his place and I would imagine he’s going to be there quite a bit can I I just Jason real quick I want to follow up on something that you and I were talking about earlier and again Sam I don’t know if you have any Clarity on this but I’ve always wondered is there a standard in the NBA for example let’s say Monty uh you know some team wants to hire M next year he’s owed five years $65 million did if he gets hired by another team does he still get the 565 do contracts vary on this does the other team pick some of that up do you have any insight on that at all I mean my I believe it’s you know that typically it’s it’s just an offset so I mean that is the funny part of the Lakers situation is that you know the question becomes could they get him on the cheap because the Pistons owe him so much money and it would only you know just kind of barely lessen what the Pistons owe him um now you know that’s just my general two cents on on the way it normally works um I think that’d be a terrible look for the Lakers because they’re already being you know people some people think the Dan Hurley offer wasn’t enough so you know and historically their coaching uh salaries have not been at the top of the league so the perception would be that you know let’s say a team like the Lakers went and got a guy like Monty Williams you know you’d be getting him just so you get a bargain but um but yeah typically it’s it’s an offset one more thing on it too Sam I know it’s new front office as you to in Detroit and when you do this two months in it feels like maybe they’ve got someone in line any any word on what the Pistons who the Pistons might be looking at no although I mean not for me admittedly you know yesterday was kind of re-entry mode after the finals I I wasn’t banging the phones too hard but um they reportedly according to to Vinnie Goodwill my my buddy from Yahoo sports and we we hit on it earlier that that he did report that JJ was a uh a name to watch um you know so that I thought it was interesting you know you still got James bgo who folks think is is probably headed to Cleveland but that hasn’t happened yet um you know and from where from there rather we’ll see you know the draft is coming up quick for the Pistons that’s a bigger priority than than most teams um so they got some work to do who are the kings gonna draft Sam couldn’t tell you buddy are they GNA keep are they going to keep the pick uh I mean you know obviously plenty of a chatter about them being aggressive and tied to Zack LaVine again tied to uh who’s the second name that they got tied to uh well LaVine and Caruso then uh and then you got obviously the kosma thing chilling there I mean there’s there’s been a couple yeah I mean I just don’t think they’re in the the draft business right now so I would lean toward um you know lean towards them trying to get something done but it’s always hard when you don’t know what those conversations have been um but I think you know this is we we’ve talked about it back when Mike Brown’s contract situation was in flux just how important of an offseason this was and to finally you know go all into you know whatever that means for them uh when the West is as good as it is when you know when when uh you got so much money out to sabonis and fox and Keegan Murray you know getting better along the way you know they they need another piece so I think they’re going to be very active this week yeah and one of those pieces that you know Kings fans are hoping is Malik Monk’s return and the last 24 hours or so everybody spending time trying to guess what his social media post means and his caption and all that what do I missed it what he do was just what was a DA of him floating on a raft in a in a pool basically right and then it’s like my life’s about to take off like a rocket yes and then everyone’s like Houston well Houston doesn’t have a ton of money but trying to read I mean look he’s got to get paid whether it is Sacramento Sam or somewhere else so again that’s a tough exercise to try to read that but I think the bottom line Sam is there there’s GNA be plenty of teams going for Malik don’t you think yeah for sure but it is it’s funny um you know it’s been years it feels like anyway I could be wrong since free agency was you know had this kind of Pop to it if that makes sense you know free agency had become less relevant because every time we had a guy of any repute coming up on free agency um he’d find a way to to to push for signing trade months earlier you know um And Trades had become the the kind of the headline way of of moving from City to City this one not only are there some good names in the mix but they you know you have these Wings where their Market is going to have to all unfold together I mentioned Paul George earlier I think he’s at the top of the list um you know and then when you get into the Klay Thompson Malik monk territory you know somebody like Malik is for one I think it’ll I think it’ll take a minute like unless you know what if in Orlando or some team like that said you know what we’d rather be you know deliberate and proactive and just put a bunch of money on the table for a guy like Malik rather than waiting to see what Paul George could like Paul George might take a while you know what I mean um so I’m very curious to see how these teams play it you know obviously Philly and and Orlando and Sack get mentioned the most often as the teams that that are probably in the running for a guy like Malik but that goes for Paul that goes for clay you know San Antonio’s got a bunch of money what are they going to do um so yeah I think I mean I don’t know what Malik’s post means um you know there’s a lot of pools in Orlando that’s the first thought that that I had uh but that seems a little vague um the rocket thing yeah I mean I don’t know they is there a way for them to get that done they’ve got a good young team um I don’t know how he I don’t think he’d fit in very well but we’ll see it’s going to be active does Pascal SE aam’s deal affect anything I mean since that the kind of parameters were there does that really rock anything at all for you no I mean that’s when he went there that was like the messaging right away was that he wasn’t going anywhere now obviously if it would have gone incredibly poorly then maybe it goes the other way but no I mean that’s you know that’s kind of goes back to the whole thing where the kings were going after SE yakum and then you know they had the Intel that that he didn’t NE necessarily want to be here long term we ever figure out why uh oh man now you’re going to put me on the spot I mean no if you didn’t if you don’t then that’s fine no I mean I remember I I’m just trying to remember what I said back then because this is admittedly one of those where like I’ll go to the two two or three yard line I don’t want to say everything they there’s a there’s a but hold on hold on hold on hold on everybody listening I need you to turn your radios down for the next 30 seconds seconds tune out as I’m giving you permission tune out just gonna tell us yeah all right Sam it’s you me Chris and Jason go ahead it’s literally It’s You could argue it’s it’s Petty and I don’t know I’m not trying to take sides here so it could be you know off but For Better or Worse on the cakam side um there was an inference from his camp that that over the years and I don’t know what form this took but that there were like behind the scenes somewhat disparaging remarks made uh that came from the Kings about his game and and the you know the way it was framed to me was that that you know in an attempt to drive down what it would take to get him that like some gossipy type feedback on his game had gotten back to him um so it’s literally like if you’re on the you know if you’re in school and you just hear that somebody’s talking a little bit about you and you don’t forget you know like that’s that is the way it was put to me from his side interesting see Jason I told you words hurt I know you should have said that I gotta be careful more careful on that uh Sam uh you said you’re kind of getting back home getting used to that mode you were you were following the finals around and um I don’t know I guess your overall final takeaway from kind of a pretty dominant performance by Boston yeah I mean um it’s funny because as happy as I am to be home um I’m always a little bit bummed when the finals are not a better matchup um so I found myself even in game five going all right like I kind of want Dallas to win because you know then the Celtics are going to have to at least reckon with a Dallas crowd and and then it will have been a six-game series and because Dallas was so good going into this matchup um and you know this knucklehead who gets paid to analyze basketball even picked him to win the whole thing and then you look at it I mean I think a lot of Luca’s performances were disappointing um and I I don’t use that word as if I’m in my feelings about a guy but like he was so good going in and then to see him get tripped up by some of his demons um arguing with the refs um effort on defense all those things was uh unfortunate but you got to give the Celtics credit because he didn’t do it in a vacuum he did it because the Celtics are so good and applied so much pressure to him and were so much more composed and mature and and together that that the end result was Luca you know he had some good numbers but like not leading his team the way he needed to Kyrie obviously struggling you know a ton I thought about as a king’s Little T you know tin I guess it’s crazy because you just obviously the king should have drafted Luca donic that’s indisputable but it is it was so interesting to me get out of here Dave I didn’t that was your play in Victory did you enjoy it Jesus shots fired hold on let me put I put on my helmet here yeah going we’re going old school but like I found it so interesting and I’ll be honest I kind of want to call Vlad and talk to him about this like that some of the qualities that concerned vlat when he made that choice like were his Lucas undoing now you just can’t you got to remind everybody it was on the finals stage the NBA Finals right you know the Kings have been celebrating their Western Conference Finals appearance for more than 20 years you know so like getting to the finals is a massive accomplishment but you know Luca was not at his best once he got there so where where I thought you were going and that’s where you were going was simply this and let’s just you know all fun aside they should have drafted Luca Marvin badley was a mistake like all that all that on the table but I’ve I’ve shared before at nauseum the conversations I’ve had and Samy had the same conversations with vat like for example the whole he was beefing with Luca’s dad farce that was out there and then his con the concerns in the front office you know that he’s known Lucas since he was 12 and and or younger and there were concern about his the the length of his career the shape he was in or that he wasn’t the the were there mirrorings of his dad who Vlad played with neither of us are obviously trying to say that they made the right move but I I agree with you I I think that it’s okay to say yeah you guys screwed up by not drafting Luka donic and we saw on the stage in the finals that yes some of the trappings uh and issues that vady was was talking about uh may have come to the surface by the way he’s 25 years old he could change those so we’ll see that’s what’s crazy guys is like Jason Tatum was celebrated you know as a guy who like like he was right next to Al Horford as a guy who had been waiting so long to get a title right and so what I mean it cracks me up that Jason Tatum is the same age as Luca donic right um and so I mean that’s a credit to Jason he’s already accomplished a lot more than luk good and and has a championship now um so yes Luca is 25 I mean the one other thing to wrap that King’s part of this discussion is that you know listen vlad’s logic was always that if if he got Luca he would have to trade dearen because he didn’t think they could play together right um I mean when you’re talking about and I always hate making players sound like assets or commodities but there’s an element of Truth in that like the idea that they used that pick to get a guy who is Irrelevant in the NBA um I mean like even if it didn’t work you needed to try to put Luca alongside dearen and just see where it goes and if it’s ugly early on and you and you don’t see it happening then make something happen because Luca was an elite player but you know man you see Luca and Kyrie finding a way to make it work and I know dear and Kyrie are not exact comps by any means but um you know that’s another part of it for me is I wonder like could they have played together well Jason uh they did it with Fox and Tyrese halberton yeah you know not the same guy but still same didn’t work but yet we able to yes you’re yeah I’m sorry you’re making my point which is like yeah Tyrese turned into sabonis like Marvin turned into nothing yeah um Sam we uh probably one of the more difficult things maybe the finals was picking an VP you got a chance to vote um I had wondered how much of a factor even if Drew holiday entered anybody’s mind but it looked at between the 11 votes seven of them including you picked Jaylen Brown four picked Jason Tatum um here we go again yeah tell us uh well he’s on the right side of this here’s Andre Iguodala all over again they the wrong side of this but anyway I was looking at the ballot I kept searching for Iguodala I couldn’t find how tough was it uh not that tough but like tough enough that I had to you know I did it is a funny unofficial process you end up you know coming to your own opinion but the clock is ticking you have to make the pick before the end of the game unless it’s like a you know they really really encourage you to make the pick you know near the end of the game and in this case that wasn’t that big of a deal but you’re you’re kind of polling people on press row you’re uh you know I was texting with a few colleagues of mine who I knew had votes to see what they were thinking um and you know and then admittedly thinking all right don’t text too many I’m not trying to to collude here um but like Jaylen was more consistent he was more impactful on both ends of the floor um you know Jason’s playmaking U was the thing that that might have swayed me a bit um the truth is like the idea of the numbers he put up in game five when you’re up 3-1 when you had a 20-point lead um you know fairly early in the game uh it was almost there a funny way of putting it it was almost annoying to me how he was piling on because he was making the I knew that he was making the choice look more controversial than I think it really was because those numbers do not have the same value that they would have had you know in in game two and game three when everything was in the ballots we knew where this series was going by the time he piled on at the end um Jaylen Brown guarding Luca was was a massive Factor um and the fact that he you know did a nice job on that end uh and then you know Jason I know shooting and scoring is only part of the game but the fact I forget where he landed on shooting percentage but you know being high 30s maybe I think he might have hit 40 um on shooting percentage he just didn’t shoot the ball well and uh and I thought you know just eyeball test watching those games Jaylen Brown was more consistent and more impactful so um I thought he was the guy so was there ever and look you make a great case all kidding aside basketball’s played on both sides of the ball and his defense was extraordinary but was there ever any point where you were like well um one guy led the team in points rebounds and assists so there’s your MVP no because percentages matter a lot I mean that they do like it’s inefficient what did he what did he land on shooting wise Dave you uh I think well I’m just going to guess up the top of my head 58% that’s probably wrong I think that is wrong I’ll look it up right now but I I think it wasn’t it high 30s I think it was something like that it probably got better as it went along CU it wasn’t good early on it was it won great let me get into his game log as we do this on the air here 38.8 o yeah I mean that’s that means you know that means he made four out of 10 that’s a hall of fame in baseball right right right right all right okay well um yeah I mean I mean I I just I forget where I was going to go yeah I I thought he was the guy I got you not a hard one but it is the the two I know what real quick the two-way thing I know you’re joking about it but it it drives me nuts like no I’m not I’m not I’m not joking about it no legitimately his defense I’m not joking about that but like Iguodala like you know again I know LeBron’s numbers were still monstrous in that series but if you go look at the at that fork in the road moment when he entered the starting lineup you know he He Turned LeBron into you know from Thanos to Spider-Man and that was enough um to turn the series and Steph was not guarding anybody and so defense matters a lot and ironically Jaylen if you read the story I wrote that night had some really interesting comments when they played Luca earlier in the season about the way we talk about defense and how we just ignore how some guys don’t guard right and it would certainly seemed like a shot at Luca so um and Jason guards so I need to say that part he does he just didn’t have that assignment yeah Sam am of the athletic welcome back home friend your season not over yet but uh just about a month or so away hopefully from some good good oldfashioned family time I appreciate you each and every week we’ll talk to you soon thanks guys be good that’s same almost turn off my mic like hanging up we’ll take a break when we come back Willie May we lose a legend we have more memories in s

The Athletic’s Sam Amick joined Carmichael Dave and Jason Ross to discuss several NBA topics, including:

– The Detroit Pistons firing head coach Monty Williams
– How aggressive will the Sacramento Kings be during next week’s NBA Draft?
– Recapping the NBA Finals

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0:00 Intro
1:11 Detroit parts ways with Monty Williams
7:56 Who will the Pistons hire as their new head coach?
8:50 Will the Kings be aggressive during the NBA Draft?
10:00 Malik Monk’s impending free agency
12:29 Why Pascal Siakam didn’t want to be traded to Sacramento
14:45 NBA Finals thoughts

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