@Detroit Pistons

BEST Head Coaching Candidates for the Detroit Pistons!

BEST Head Coaching Candidates for the Detroit Pistons!

let’s drive right down the legendary and the historic Woodward Avenue and hopefully the Detroit Pistons are truly on the path of restoration with trasan Lon there’s been some pretty big moves man yeah you already have Troy Route you last week this news you have Monty Williams out out 65 million in5 years left on his deal obviously this won’t hurt the cap sheet for the Detroit Pistons or what they’re able to do in free agency but it does show just how big a miss things were because Troy Weaver we don’t know necessarily the value of his contract but he also got a contract extension a couple years ago so there’s a lot of money that’s out there on the table right now shout out to uh Dwayne Casey who continues to just kind of be one of those guys that uh s around within his front office hell yeah I I’m it’s such a weird feeling this all happening I’m I’m proud of and I’m excited maybe proud is a better word for Tom gor for you know realizing something’s wrong and pivoting quick like eating it eating the bag he did it with Blake Griffin too uh Neil on Big D energy gave him props he’s willing to move on he’s willing to cut a check like we we’re not worried about that the problem seems to be the decision- making leading up to before these contracts are signed like like we know Tom gors had his hand in the pot in terms of signing Monty Williams something we were all excited about last season it didn’t work he cut ties love that but how are we going to make the right decision now this time like like is this something that tran langon needs to step up and be like no like let me do this or or however that conversation goes Tom Gores can’t be the final basketball decision no that’s that’s what I’m hoping it is is that all power now should be Consolidated to trean Lon if that’s happening then you’re going to have one sign one single uh Vision one single voice and everybody working to make sure that Vision comes to life that’s what I’m hoping so that then when you’re going out there to select the GM or if you’re going out there to select uh a head coach that you know that they’re going to come in to run your system everything will be cohesive and hopefully they’re Consulting someone like a k cam as well who they’re talking about signing here long time I’m going to put you on the spot here I just thought of a a question maybe it’s been asked before but is there someone in that Piston’s organization and the staff that like who’s the Chris Spiel Spielman in this who’s that advisor that consultant helping Tom gor or Tran Langan or maybe t is that person like who is the Chris Spielman of this team like to make that head coaching decision of what’s right for the culture what’s right for this team what’s right to get the Pistons back to what we remember them in 2004 yeah right now that’s going to be trasan Lon he is your president of basketball operations you’re still going to get input from AR tellum which is not necessarily a bad thing it’s just a matter of if treaser langon has a firm grasp on what this modern game is from being in it the last two years on successful teams as well that his voice is the one that ultimately is the last end all Beall as it relates to decision making for the Detroit pistol yeah and and just to keep running with that real quick is taan Prince SL a GM still on the table my mind went directly to taan Prince not that he’s the same as Chris Spielman but that the the the the blood of the Detroit Pistons organization bringing him back I like taan Prince you talk about a guy who doed the championship years and the going to work years uh as a rookie instantly in the playoffs he he showed what type of guy he was both character on court off court and he just did his work kind of the Silent Assassin and when he moved into the front offices of the NBA um and kind of getting that experience you instantly you didn’t hear much about him except for the fact that people were talking about how good of a job he was doing everywhere he was going and so he is somebody I’m like you know what when he came back here the second time during what he got dubbed the buffoonery years he still maintained a level of maturity and a level of as related to what this team was and wasn’t that honestly just impressed me I wasn’t shocked or surprised that kind of the success uh in the accolades that others were kind of throwing on him uh when he got to the front office so I I I believe somebody who understands what it takes to win here somebody who has one here and somebody who did it underneath kind of the fabric that we have come to identify with winning Detroit Pistons basketball I wouldn’t mind it at all cool cool now let’s talk coaches yes sir let’s talk coaches who are let’s just start who are some of the options like like like we’ve heard some names yesterday has anything surfaced what’s coming to the surface who are some of the guys we should be looking at or thinking about as me and the chat we go home and start doing more research we got to start with James bgo okay we got to start that he uh was coach head coach of the Charlotte Hornets but he was also an assistant coach underneath Greg papovich started off as a video production assistant moved his way up the ranks uh two assistant coach impressed the right people especially underneath the Greg papovich tree I one two championships as an assistant coach there in 2005 and 2007 and the reason why we start this is because of the reports of uh Detroit Pistons interest and James brao who was a front runner and supposedly is a front runner for the Cleveland Cavaliers head coaching job as well so maybe that’s the reason why we kind of get where Monty Williams if they’re looking in that direction why you get rid of am Monty Williams right now if you believe your option that maybe traan Lon uh is feeling is the best possible coach for this juncture it’s about to get hired maybe you got to do something as drastic as get rid of Monty and then make your pitch to a James Breo but the rest of this kind of coaching cycle uh in terms of um candidates that are out there it’s not Barren man also lot of names yeah you got Sam Cassel who uh just he’s also we talked about some of these Championship winning uh candidates he just won a championship with the Boston Celtics as an assistant coach who uh Jo moula has given a lot of credit to this season so Sam Cassel I know that that’s somebody who a lot of people uh over the past couple days have put in the chat hey what about a Sam Cassel type I like what it brings to table and it’s not just that it’s how far back Sam Cel goes too he’s been coaching an assistant coach in this league since 2009 with the Washington Wizards and and helped them you know that was during the time when they actually made the playoffs it’s been some time that we’ve seen the WatchOn Wizards really be something formidable but they were doing his time there and you kind of follow his coaching career and every stop um the players that are there are giving him um kind of a lot of praise that’s the key and they’re having success there too that’s the key before we keep going into some of these other options like there has to be a specific type of coach for this team that can that that knows how to communicate with a younger team is comfortable jumping into uh a rebuild I mean this team is the Pistons are a bad team and they need someone to help them like completely turn things around so in the timeline’s got to fit like like are they willing to get through a couple tough years is man like there are a lot of different pieces to this but I think being able to connect with this this younger team being able to connect with Cade and what you put around him is as important as anything and I know some of the guys on this list have some I don’t know concerns or history with not gaining respect from locker rooms and whatnot so I just want to make sure that whoever they choose whoever we’re talking about we’re we’re we’re making sure that they fill out some of those boxes it seems like Sams Cel is respected both from being a player a championship winning player also being assistant long longm assistant long term so he’s been through it like he’s put in his time for this role too yep y definitely has and James bro he’s been in a couple different coaching trees Monty Williams Willie Green and Greg papovich so he has a lot of different styles he’s seen how this thing is done at a very highly successful level as well but Ryan’s reaction just kind of put a guy in the chat that I was actually about to talk about next Kool-Aid Ken pons land Chris Quinn assistant coach out of uh Miami Heat under spola under spola since 2014 that’s a that you talk about an identity and you you talking about building something here foundationally that’s one that I love I I I like what the Miami Heat kind of have been since the big heat the big three heatles broke down uh and Jame and Jimmy Butler has been out there kind of instilling this uh kind of uh bad boy this kind of bully mentality I I like what they bring to TP you you got yonis Hassam as well kind of in the background make sure this team puts forth a certain effort and uh they’ve to me largely overachieved in certain aspects uh despite a lack of talent that I would U and that’s just my opinion over the years and Chris Quinn has had a lot to do with their success and so I don’t know what the Pistons chances are of Landing a Chris Quinn because again you got to think from their perspective why do you leave a situation like this right now when there may be better opportunities uh more stable opportunities that open up over the next year or two I see he seems like he’s one of those guys that that almost bet Ben Johnson like not to compare him exactly to Ben Johnson but it might be worth just waiting for the right opportunity like jobs in the NBA we saw Dwayne Casey’s job open up in Toronto a championship caliber team so someone like that or you know I don’t know enough to about Chris Quinn to say someone like that but someone who doesn’t need to jump into a bad situ like like I’m down to learn another year under spola I like hearing that some of these guys at the top of this list worked under bolra on Pat Riley worked under um papovich in San Antonio I want some of that DNA here I do Chris Quinn I I I also wonder when you look at kind of the structure of the Miami Heat organization sposa he’s going to be somewhere high up in the front office whenever he wants to retire from coaching where does that land Chris Quinn and if he knows it eventually he can be a head coach in an organization that’s been solidly run for a lot of years and you’re taking kind of the head coach that who’s had some influence as well in front office um you know in the front office as well decision-making I do wonder if that’s on Chris uh Quinn’s mind that he could be a future head coach to Miami Heat too what about I’m gonna throw some names out from the chat uh what about Mark Jackson this is from Matthew Krueger um I just wonder if he’s lost his grip on today’s game okay that’s my only thing it’s like when you make this type of a coaching hire right now having gone through four or five of them in the last like six years which is crazy to think about with this team rebuilding you got to know what you’re getting from that coach you gota kind like you say you have to know that they’re hitting some of these check boxes and that’s my my thing with Mark Jackson I just don’t know if he has a grasp or grip on today’s game and that’s just because he hasn’t been coaching he hasn’t really been in it so what about Kenny Atkinson uh I got to do my homework on it but I I’m not against Kenny Atkinson you know from the things that I do know obviously if the piss can get him it’s it’s not a bad hire JB bicker staff that’s my guy that’s that’s a yeah that’s a that’s a good one he coached the Cavs that year uh he decided to get rid of seon bringing Donovan Mitchell uh they had Mitchell Garland playing together that was the beginning of the Cavs run right JB bicker staff no there some greater staff JB what’ you say said jebie talk to me about bicker staff oh that that was my pick of one of the people that I feel like should definitely be considered in this as well too just because he’s his record alone and his years with the Cavs he’s used to this rebuild that we currently are in he’s used to coaching young Talent as it is and the past season that he has with the Cavs they haven’t gone under 500 and this the past two seasons as well too they’ve been second in the division so I would honestly lean towards him a little bit some people say he’s a little too old cuz he’s I think what 45 46 so he’s not that’s young I I know some people say he’s old some people say he’s young it’s a mixture of everything I’m like he’s still a good coach regardless and his dismissal from Cleveland is just surprising as well too but yeah it’s definitely one that’s out there that’s open for you yeah no that’s good commentary I mean there are good options out here for the Detroit Pistons it’s just a matter if the Detroit Pistons can present themselves as a good option as well yeah obviously I know people have talked about Jerry stack house I’ve talked about Jerry stack house and Chanty Bops these are two people who at the beginning of their coaching careers in college for Jerry stack house and in a Pros for Chanty Bops started off good chn phip said he didn’t really want to coach a young team and I can understand that as well as you’re getting your feet wet as a head coach you probably one more a little bit more experienc but both of their programs went down from underneath CH and it went completely young and they’re talking about potentially trading at jery Grant and with Vanderbilt we know that eventually Jerry SE house was dismissed there because the program um just couldn’t keep up the success that he had at the beginning of his tenure there so you know they are there they are options they do have kind of the fabric of what it means to be a Detroit Piston but um you know time will tell to see what type of candidate they actually are for this job all right before we get the break I’m going to maybe muddy the water not muddy the water I don’t want to present it like that throw a wrench in this conversation would they ever consider Becky Hammond or Niel Ivy I don’t think hey can you have your mom coach you in the NBA I don’t think Becky wants to coach in the NBA anymore she doesn’t I feel like she doesn’t I feel like she’s found her happiness with the WNBA over there is she over there now am I completely missing something yeah she’s a coach of the Aces oh the most valuable WNBA team yeah interesting I don’t know I mean if she’s found a home she’s found home I know we were kind of chatting in the chat um she’s a name that has been floating around the last couple years she worked her way up to San Antonio Spurs someone in chat throughout Don Staley as well Don Staley is awesome I mean if you’re talking about just basketball Minds he’s just some basketball M definitely definitely [Music]

Join Matt Broder and Detroit Kool-Aid as they discuss Detroit Pistons’ Head Coach Monty Williams being fired. Who do you think is best fit for the new position?

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  1. The top group is Kenny Atkinson. Chris Quinn. Jj redick. Sam cassell. And Borrego. No chance mark jackson lmao. He’s a bum and no one likes him as a coach. No chance stackhouse lol. No chance hammon lmao

  2. Kenny Atkinson should be at the top. He did a great job with the Nets building them up and was an assistant with GS after.

  3. I like the idea of the up and coming assistant coaches. Hammon or Staley is just a dream unfortunately they aren't going anywhere. I would love for it to be somebody like Stackhouse though.

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