@Los Angeles Clippers

[Brian Windhorst] The Clippers] could sign Paul George this afternoon, but the fact that they are not seemingly reacting to what his market clearly is, is something to pay attention to.”

[Brian Windhorst] The Clippers] could sign Paul George this afternoon, but the fact that they are not seemingly reacting to what his market clearly is, is something to pay attention to.”

by bigblack3475


  1. Niceguydan8

    > Paul George doesn’t have to posture, he has legitimate other offers and yet here he is, still a free agent, why?

    I think that would actually suggest that maybe the “offers” aren’t as concrete as Windy is making them out to be.

  2. LLUrDadsFave

    Every time Paul gets in front of microphone he makes himself less and less appealing.

  3. jgroove_LA

    I think he’s gone. I’m not sure what everyone is missing.

  4. Significant_Switch98

    question, if we let harden walk in free agency, will it free up our cap space?

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