@San Antonio Spurs

What can the rebuilding San Antonio Spurs learn from the Celtics’ title team?

What can the rebuilding San Antonio Spurs learn from the Celtics’ title team?

let’s go over some Spurs news and notes that you may have missed and then what are some lessons to be learned for the San Antonio Spurs after seeing Boston win Banner 18 you are locked on Spurs your daily San Antonio Spurs podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome back to lockdown Spurs and the lock on NBA network I’m your host Jeff Garcia Spurs rer for Ken 5 S Antonio glad to have y’all back hope everybody’s having a great work week and one more day to the weekend and it’s well Friday and then the weekend is here so hang on tight today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account use code lock. NBA for 20 bucks off your first purchase term Supply what are we talking about today we’ll be looking at some Spurs news just real briefly then bringing our guest Mike Jimenez uh you know him you love him he is part of the animal City Sports cast network over on YouTube we’re going to be looking at lessons to we learned for the Spurs rebuild uh from the Boston Celtics winning Banner 18 their title so we’re going to be looking at some of that and then go over some of your comments by the way a lot of draft questions well at least two of them so we’ll see what you guys are talking about when it comes to next week’s draft can you believe it it’s already here as always we thank you for making lockdown SPS your first listen every single day for available get Podcast subscribe to us every day listen every day uh we’re here for you covering the silver and black every single day so let’s dive into some Spurs news and notes that you may have missed and Victor wiama is in France right now yes for the Olympics that’s right around the corner but also to be a part of Paris Fashion Week yes wimy is a brand ambassador for Louis Vuitton and Louis Vuitton had kind of a fashion show and L wimby showed up looking all decked out all fancy and everything uh he met up with NFL uh player Lamar Jackson musician forell was there it was a who’s who of names notable names that at the Paris fashion show week and wimy was there if you want to see pictures of wimy in action carrying a bag worri of the nice threads that he wears from Louis Vuitton go check it out at Spurs right now and other Spurs news and especially for those who are living in San Antonio now for those y’all who do not live in San Antonio San Antonio has a minor league baseball team called the San Antonio Missions and their ownership group it’s a new group well two of the owners now are David Robinson and mon jobi they’ve invested in the in the baseball team well a few weeks ago actually about a month ago the Missions baseball team put on a free giveaway of job themed baseball jerseys and uh David Robinson themed uh baseball basketball jerseys uh so Robinson is just a traditional black uh you know Jersey Robinson everything but Manu uh goes with the fiesta colors and the missions alternative name which is called the flying junas for those who don’t speak Spanish that means the flying sandals so big hit everybody loved it everybody got some well for apparently fans have mad for those jerseys to come back and the missions heard him and they bringing him back yes the fans will be getting a second chance at getting the monogen nobly themed Fiesta flying chin Jersey and Robinson old looking baseball SL basketball Jersey now listen up here are the details to get the job again second chance to get them you got to go to the missions game on Saturday June 29th uh that’s get the round the sorry the rock hounds and to get Robinson’s baseball jersey you got to go to the game on Friday August 30th against The Rock hounds as well tickets are available but here’s the thing you have to get there early because those jerseys are going to be given up to the first 25,500 fans that are in the stadium so tickets are available to purchase right now if you want to go to get those jerseys you want to go to Spurs you can’t miss it you see a bunch of jerseys Robinson in general look at them right now click on that it’ll take you to where you have to go to get tickets and other Spurs news uh this is via ESPN’s Jonathan gabone uh Rob Dillingham and was among the prospects uh working out with the Spurs yesterday uh so there you have it I believe uh uh you know he is one of the names that you’ll see on mock drafts going to San Antonio but he’s working out with the Spurs that’s a good sign for those who don’t know Spurs own pick four and eight yeah it’s gonna be interesting to see who they will get I think Stefan Castle also worked out with the Spurs so and re Shepard out you see where they’re going here it looks like they’re likely going to draft a guard not too shocking Vegas recently had three guards that could possibly land at number four going to San Antonio Auto the vir ual tie when it comes to odds at plus 300 it was topic dingham and Castle well topic hasn’t worked out with the Spurs at least to our knowledge but castle and Dillingham have so looks like they’re looking that way they’re looking towards that area of guard play we’ll see what they do uh when it comes to the NBA draft but there you have it some very quick Spurs news and notes when we get back we’re going to bring in Mikey menz uh we’re going to be discussing Boston Celtic and the Spurs well I know they’re at the opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to where they are as a franchise but as the Spurs are rebuilding what can they do what can they do to look to Boston and say you know those are some lessons learned that we can incorporate rebuild and get to the mountain top aw is right now that’s coming up next right here on lockdown Spurs first I want to talk to you about game time you want to go to game right now look you to go Tob games I know I do you know during the summer especially they kind of go like hand inand right MLB games in summer well why not go there right now and get your ticket by going to game time game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball makes tickets getting uh well basically getting faster easier prices of the game time app actually go down the closer you get to first pitch killer last minute deals all-in prices views from receipts lowest price guarantee game time takes the guest work out of buying MLB tickets now they also have event cancellation protection job loss protection they got it all look if you’re having a hard time finding tickets you’re go to a certain you know website and just not working for you look abandon it right now go to game time get the app go make an account right now hey those all-in pricing they have a toggle feature that shows 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cobw they got it the signature drink the muscar coffee they got that too what about Dairy Alternatives they got that as well mini Donuts sure I mean seriously the menu is extensive it is very very good I mean you could probably look through it right now and be like okay I want that I want that I want that I want that I want that because that menu is so awesome customer friendly service staff the proud local sponsor of lockdown Spurs a proud Community member of San Antonio serving San Antonio the best drinks throughout the city what more do you need well how about this the lightning bolt series that uh includes the alien which is a drink named after Victor win bayama so basically they’re just power drinks that power you through the day or get you going now they usually were made with Red Bull but that’s not the case anymore the default is going to be Lotus energy now that comes with seven power plant extracts and but if you want Red Bull they’ll definitely do that for you but the lotus energy they those seven power plant extracts they give you the same effect as a Red Bull does but it just allows for more flexibility to create new drinks to help you get a new drink and uh you toh get you on your the day with that supercharged drink Lotus uh Power seven power extracts in the new lightning bolt series get one right now it’ll power you through your day go to musling drive through coffee 244000 Oaks Drive open every single day from 6:00 a.m. to 600 p.m. follow on social media at mus linger satx because life is too short for Bland coffee the Jedi uses the force to subscribe to lock on Spurs pass on what you have learned and we’re now joined by Mike himim menz make sure to follow him on X MJ acquir taste live from outside his home apparently are you so nice cool well quote unquote cool San Antonio weather I would rather have this in 105 degrees okay I rather three or fours of rain I’m tired by summer Summer’s just starting right I know I know crazy brutal he is part of the animal City Sports cast network over on YouTube he’s going to be bragging about that in just a few minutes and by the way he thank you for alerting me to that Weather Channel anchor and the Wim storm thing that was pretty hilarious that was funny it was like 6:45 in the morning and you hear the anchor go has a long wingspan kind of like Victor wanyama like what a reference to make especially concerning the fact that the weather channel is based out of Atlanta yeah yeah but by the way I that article about your uh find is on you want to go check out exactly what Mike and I are talking about again that’s Spurs you’ll see Mike’s video there him catching that reference to wmy but hey you know he is you’re here because you know the Spurs are they’re still in the rebuild we get that it’s still a while before they get out of it but along their way to getting out of the rebuild is looking at lessons outside of their franchise whether it be OKC and massing uh picks whether that’s Houston in their own backyard you know they’re getting through their rebuild Orlando and then there’s Boston now Boston San Antonio opposite into the Spectrum as far as their state of their franchise but there’s Lessons Learned what the champs did to get there so we’re going to be talking about that what can the Spurs learn from Boston and how to get back on track to get to where they’re at at the top of the NBA Mountain he meant is when you look at Boston what would you like the Spurs Spurs fans to learn from what Boston did it was a perfect storm man I mean they they drafted EX Cally well you know they got the trades that they needed to get at a good price point they got the young coaching on the bench that’s what they did I mean if you take a look at who they drafted Jaylen Brown who was the MVP and then also Jason Tatum I mean they got those guys in the draft so I mean that’s an A+ plus plus draft because they didn’t get those guys with a number one overall pick they were getting them with like three pick uh in the draft so so they they drafted the right guys the second thing is is that you take a look at who they got in trades big names out there from Derek white to Drew holiday uh to Kristoff porzingis who uh was really big in the first couple of games there in the series uh the the Celtics did a fantastic job of getting that going and then they infused not only the youth movement with the draft but also what they did behind the scenes Brad Stevens going out Zula at the right now 35 he’s GNA turn 36 next week and I look at it I mean he is less than half the age of Greg papit and he’s out there coaching Jason tum Jaylen Brown uh and I believe I TR I firmly believe that the Spurs are going to take leaps forward and it’s not to be bashing pop or anything like that he’s one of the Legends he’s on the Mount Rushmore of coaching uh but at the end of the day uh a youth movement’s needed not only on the court but also on the bench as well yeah when I when I when I look at Boston and try to pick out lessons Spurs can learn from there is one sometimes you got to let go of fan favorites in order to improve the team they did that with Marcus Smart they did that with Grant Williams they they flipped key pieces I mean I never thought Marcus Smart would be dealt nor Grant Williams but they did it they had to do what they had to do to bring make the team better and that was you know obviously bringing in Drew holiday and P zingis so one thing I like for Spurs fans and you know to learn is that hey if part of this rebuild to get back to the Mountaintop where Boston is is deing away fan favorites so be it I mean seriously he meant it’s to for Boston to trade Marcus Smart and Grant Williams a key piece of their their at least their at least their finals run before the winning the title that was huge for them and they but they had to do what they had to do no it was huge for them and look at what they did I mean they fleeced certain teams you know Spurs being one of them you know the Spurs have done some really good trades with Brian Wright at the helm I mean Brian Wright has won trades he’s lost trades uh and one of the trades that he has lost is was the one for Dereck white we didn’t get you know 100 cents on the dollar we probably got 30 cents on the dollar when it comes to it all but to go get Drew holiday and I think the one lesson that you learn here is that they realized that they have the two Allstars the two superstars and Tatum and in brown but they got the unselfish free agents along the way they got the unselfish trade Partners along the way whether be Drew holiday who is a combo guy who can do various things Derek white coming in there and they know their roles they know that they’re not there to take 20 shots but if needed they can knock down that shot one thing that you also learn as a Spurs fan by looking at the Celtics is the fact that they got a lot of players who can play both sides of the ball LCA donic was exposed in the finals even though he is one of the three best players in the NBA right now he was exposed because in a best of seven series and you get to prep for him you get to make moves and changes to the lineup and whatnot you can expose the fact that he can’t guard anybody he couldn’t guard Jaylen Brown to save his life and they had a move him on over and and he got exposed but you look at the at at the roster over there in Boston Brown and Tatum can can play both Elite offense and decent defense Derek white an elite Defender Drew holiday an elite Defender P out porzingis seven swatting away shots not only knocking down buckets but also swatting away a lot of shots and altering others what you learned is that you cannot be one-dimensional and when I look at the Spurs roster right now I see one-dimensional players out there that either have to a develop a defensive game or develop an offensive game because them Trott it out there only knowing how to do one is going to be difficult now that’s giving me pause when it comes to Trey young because Trey young is awful defensively so so now looking at the Celtics what they were able to do maybe I’m starting to shy away from the whole idea of of Trey young being that guy yeah and also too with Boston I look at them look how their core was built their main core it was built through the draft Tatum and brown and then they surrounded those guys uh with players that’ll suit them compliment them and uh the same thing could be said for the Spurs they got wimy now will the his running mate B out of the draft probably won’t be out of this draft in 2024 maybe 2025 but again showing that you need at minimum two star players Boston has that Spurs has one out of two so they’re the hunt for that running mate for wiy continues do you think it’s Vel or do you still think it has to be somebody else either via the draft or trade no it has to be somebody else I mean I look at vasel and I see vasel as the Derek white piece and I know they don’t play the same position but you can say that soan might play that Drew holiday kind of role where you’re the defensive guy uh who can occasionally knock down a shot Spurs don’t have that number two guy that I mean obviously they have the superstar in wemi uh but vel’s not gonna make an All-Star team sohan’s not gonna make an Allstar team and nobody else on that roster is gonna make an Allstar team and you need to have two because Mama could be the greatest player in the world he could be a top five player of all of all time but if he doesn’t have a running mate that’s also an Aller that’s also a future Hall of Famer he ain’t going to be winning championships he can’t do it by himself and I go back in time to all the alltime great I mean Tim Duncan had Tony Parker mon jino you want to say Michael Jordan Michael Jordan wasn’t winning championships without robman and Pippen K coach and all those guys you know Magic Johnson wasn’t going to win without Kareem Kareem was not gonna win without magic Larry bery they have a bunch of Hall of Famers around him as well the Spurs need to surround wmy with not just complimentary players but future Allstars future Hall of Famers if they’re going to trot him out there and just try to develop soan and try to develop you know uh Kellin Johnson and and whoever they get in this draft they’re not going to be winning championships they’re not even going to be making playoffs he could be all world I mean Wy could be first team all NBA they’re a 500 team if they if they don’t have anybody else around him well we just look at last season wimy was putting up monster numbers but did it equate to W’s not many not many um and sure you know he had a water down well he has a roster the way it is now but it can get better and that’s you know that’s the thing the Spurs got to consider is they’re uh heading to the draft next week they can flip 4 and eight they can make a big deal they can make a they could stop the press’s kind of deal if they want to you know but will they do it remains to be seen now obviously it takes two to dance you heard Atlanta GM Landry Fields tell Atlanta media that the team is likely going to hang on to number one Barn any other deal but they’re leaning towards just keeping it so that might be out of the picture now so yeah you know but when I look at Boston and their run too is that hey just because the Spurs get out of the rebuild in two to three years four years whatever it is doesn’t mean they’re going to be automatically back at the top of the mountain look look what it took for Boston to get there to be the last team standing it took playoff exits disappointing season despite having solid teams with solid records so even Spurs fans when the Spurs get out of the rebuild guess what the next phase of it is earning your keep in the postseason Humanity so this team just has a long way to go doesn’t it well I mean the irrational hope that some spurs fans are going to have is the fact that the Mavericks made it to the finals and and they were the 11 seed the year before not even a playoff team not even a playing team they they t t they tanked they they tank to get that top 10 protected pick which which turned into Derrik Lively who helped them get to the finals right yeah uh but you know $750,000 fine is what they had to eat to make that happen which is not that big of a deal worth it yeah but but you look at irrational Spurs fan will look at that and go well you see you can go from worst to first but you look at the Western conference right now the western conference is ridiculously hard right now and it took 46 wins to make the playin tournament last year you had to go 46 and 36 Spurs of 140 combined in the last two seasons going to be difficult man and and the only way that the Spurs are going to make a a real run is if we have another Allstar around wemy and um you know this whole idea of we’re just going to sit here and just more than likely the Spurs are going to do nothing I mean that’s if I had a bet money on it Spurs are going to do nothing because there’s really not that 2024 get unless you’re going to get OG on anobi out of New York you know Pascal siakam’s already agreed at terms to go on a Max four-year deal with Indiana so there’s really not that big free agent that you can get unless you’re get to get somebody in a trade right so because of that they’re probably going to just lay low wait for the 2025 draft to roll around which is supposedly you know maybe one of the best since 2003 when you had LeBron and Carmelo and Dwayne Wayne and Chris BOS if that’s what’s expected and the Spurs have Atlanta’s unprotected pick and the Spurs have Chicago’s top 10 protected and Charlotte’s top 14 protected it might be in the Spurs best interest and I hate saying this might be in the Spurs best interest to like lay low and suck again yeah you you look at the landscape of the West and there’s a lot of teams on the rise San anonio was just barely starting this rise thanks to wimy but look at Houston I mean I expect Houston to be kind of one of the the the better teams in the west next year back they got a high pick this upcoming draft uh so yeah singon you know he’ll take another leap forward then you got Memphis with John Morant back you know OKC’s not going anywhere the Pelicans interesting team yeah and the nuggets are still going to be the nuggets and Dallas is still going to be Dallas and uh yeah it’s going to be a gauntlet so but when I look at again when I look at Boston and their success you know Derek white he said a key phrase at the uh game clinching postgame chat he said uh this team didn’t skip steps back to the Mountaintop Miller doesn’t it yeah well that’s also nonsense man because they got Derek Wyatt they got Drew holiday they got Chris porzingis people who are all defensive NBA players people who were former All Stars uh they did Skip step okay they did it’s a it’s a great catchphrase to say you know no one believed in us you know we had to do all this and the other they did Skip steps the along the way because you can’t make a championship team solely through the draft the only one that was able to do that recently was what the uh the war when they got clay Steph and Draymond right I mean that’s that’s one way of looking at it but more often than not you need to have that perfect storm of the perfect draft pick the perfect free agent moves the perfect trade moves and also the ability to have the correct coach in line and and the Spurs all the Spurs have right now that’s going in their favor is wemy that’s the only thing every other player I if the Spurs traded away any other player on the team other than wemy I wouldn’t blink and I I really wouldn’t because none of these guys are going to take it to the mountain top will they get better sure but what does better mean 22 wins to 28 yeah this this this team as constituted the way it is right now is not a championship team it’s not a playing team it’s not a play playoff team and I and I know that irrational Spurs fans going to be there you know cross their fingers you know rub rosary beads whatever they need to do to to to try to get Spurs to be better it’s all about the cealing of the players look at the Boston team what is the max ceiling of every single player there and look at the Spurs and I ask the question this all the time there’s 30 teams in the NBA right if wemi was available for all 30 teams guess what he would start for all 30 teams Vel might start for half the yeah soan might start for five Trey might start for two you know and champany might start for none and that’s the problem there and the reason is because the ceiling isn’t there the Spurs have a lot of players who are going to have long careers 10 12 year careers because they have high floors but High floors don’t win championships High floors get you into play in tournament it’s the high ceilings that make you a champion exactly and with the Spurs again sitting on the mountain of assets they can hurry up they can Quicken this process if they wanted to but we’ll see they’re saying all the words that SP most Spurs fans don’t like to hear patience take your time Jeremy soan even reiterated it with a Spanish Outlet uh earlier this month saying that the team is aware that they’re in a rebuild and they’re but they’re still going to take their time so we’ll see but if the Spurs want to get back to the mountain top like Boston just did they got a lot of work ahead of them he is Mikey Menace make sure to follow on next at MJ acquir taste when we get back we’re going to be reviewing your comments what are y’all talking about over at the lockdown Spurs YouTube page this is Emily swallow and you are listening to lock on Spurs with Jeff Garcia talk about prize picks prize picks is America’s number one fantasy sports app with more than five million members the most fun the most exciting way to get into all the action while you watch your favorite sports and 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I’ve never done this yeah are you gonna let it grow out fully or are you just gonna mess with it and cut it off soon I’m going to mess around with this for about two weeks or so uh at the two week part which going to be this weekend I’ll probably take it in to get sculpted and see what it looks like sculpted goatee or whatever the case may be sides are not really coming in but I’ve never done this man I’m 47 years old I’ve never grown out my Scruff before so I wanted to see if I could do it I was kind of dared and challenge into doing it I was not prepared for the salt and pepper was not prepared because it’s not on top no yeah yeah your the salt got diverted into this this area yeah it went away from here yeah exactly I envy you I envy you one thing I can never do in my life is I can’t grow facial hair at all I can’t yeah this is this is it I can’t though I mean it it looked like the little High Scooter though if I let it if I let it grow out it looked like a little peach fuzz like back in high school but it won’t look anything like that at all but yeah make sure I’m censoring myself in comments right now yeah yeah yeah exactly please don’t I I I got I like my I like my job here he men I like my job I got eyes I got Ken’s five other other people watching this show Daily yeah but um you know it’s time to talk about you guys the lock on Spurs fans and your comments you guys are leaving a lot of comments we’re going to pick two and react to them right now the first one comes from Mike pelang he says maybe they’ll do it he’s referring moving up to the number one spot to get Risha Shay to make when be happy he man speaking of Risha say you had some words about him your opinion about him on your show yesterday um look I’m pretty sure Wy would love to have a fellow French Countryman uh Atlanta doesn’t look like they want to pair him but you kind of have some doubts about Zachary don’t you well it was a couple of things now he he can shoot threes I he shot 35% from three at a high level pro league and in a lower level pro league in France he was around 50% for which is all great right uh he plays in a tough League obviously Wy came from that League they play bully ball they they they rough house over there it’s a different game it’s literally a different ball different dimension of Court uh but that being said uh Reed SAR most M drafts have him going somewhere between one and four some one overall uh but I was uh looking at some notes regarding his combine results now keep in mind he was playing playoff games while everyone else was at the combine right so he was he was out there still playing and they brought him into the combine once the playoffs were over and it was unremarkable what he was doing at the combine when it came to athleticism they measured his vertical his vertical was 25 Ines his max vertical was 32 so if you look at a 32 inch Max vertical which I wish I could jump yeah a Max vertical of 32 but I’m not a 69ine guy trying to make it in the NBA as a number one overall pick you look at a 32inch vertical compared which was one of the worst by the way compared to Reed Shepard who is 63 coming out of Kentucky who who jumped out of the gym at 44 inches Max vertical so Reed Shepard is four inches shorter five inches shorter but could jump a foot taller than rear the other problem is that they mentioned the fact that rear Al also has very small hands compared to uh other people of his size and that his wingspan is also very low compared to others his size as well but that he has the touch he can shoot he has handles and he has certain things that are positive uh but when it comes to like Elite athleticism it’s not there yeah I I’m still high in the kid I think his upside is U good enough to be a well all things considered this draft uh one of the better prospects out there the Spurs were to make a move for him or he lands at four and he falls to four and SP take them I ain’t gonna be mad I ain’t gonna be mad at all um yes it would make wimy happy so that’s a good thing and look the Spurs have been high on this kid uh he told me recently uh I spoke to uh to Zachary and he was all like yeah Jeff I yeah I know the Spurs have been scouting me I am aware of this and it’s not just recently it’s been for a while so if the Spurs move I’ll they get them sure great fine my my issue is how much of a contributor would he be I don’t expect he I don’t expect any of the Spurs players the players the Spurs get in the draft to be impact players but I do expect them to be contributors does that make sense to you himis it does make sense it depends on the player you know I was having this conversation on the AL City Sports cast the other day with my producer Joe Garcia we were talking about like who’s going to be Rookie of the Year this upcoming 2025 24 25 season like if I had to go to Vegas right now and place a bet on it who would be rookie of the year because you could look at Players like SAR and rear and Reed Shepard and kingan and buellis all these guys and see them all not get minutes because this is a role this is a role player type of draft going on especially early on now I I see a few players that I think man they’re Plug and Play they’re going to get 25 30 minutes right off the gate uh but rear I don’t think is one of them I think he needs to marinate a little bit he might have potential upside I’m not saying that I don’t want him on this team I’d be excited if he was drafted by the Spurs uh it’s just one of those things where it kind of puzzled me that his athleticism was rated so low uh compared to the others that are in the draft yeah exactly we’ll see what the Spurs do draft is just one week away we’re going to stick with the draft topic here uh that’s everybody’s talking about right now he it’s that’s you know it’s on a lot of the lips of Spurs fans here let comes from Jeffrey he says Castle can’t shoot I’m concerned we need to improve not stay idle we have Defenders and he’s not even a point guard what you think about that you know a lot of Castle seems to be rising uh or a rising name among players of Spurs could get Vegas has Castle as one of the three guards that’s uh has high odds of landing in San Antonio the two are uh Dillingham and toic but Castle he rugged guy built he’s going to come in NBA physically ready you know they they have some comps compared him to sheay gilis H potentially but if the if Castle can’t shoot then yeah I mean what’s the difference between having Castle or Trey Jones on the court you would have Trey Jones in that situation uh no I would not uh even if he couldn’t shoot because Trey Jones isn’t the greatest shooter either uh you look at you look you look at it right now uh Stefan Castle is the most NBA ready player in this draft and I would probably say Donovan clingan’s probably the other one if I had to bet money on who’s going to win Rookie of the Year it’s going to be those guys because those guys are ready to play right now okay now what is the ceiling we don’t know but I know this about Stefan Castle he will play 12 years in the NBA he’s a solid player because what he does is a lock down Defender he can lock down the one two and three he’s 66 66 and a half he has an NBA body he’s not a twig out there he’s a great defensive player he runs the break very well uh now the the story is saying that he wants to run the point I don’t know how true or false those are but that’s the narrative out there uh but when I watch all these games going on my eyes gravitate towards certain players you know a couple years ago I was all about shenon right and I was like I want the Spurs to get him they got Primo instead the year before that I was all or a couple years before that I was all about Devon Vel and I was excited that Spurs got him uh in the teens I’ve been all about Stefon Castle because I watch him play and I go that guy is an NBA player the comps might be a Drew holiday it might be a Derek white is he gonna be you know a Tyrese Maxi probably not but he if he can be a Drew holiday he can get that type of player on there and also his shot’s not broken you know he’s we’re not they’re not going to have to break down his shot like soan or or other players in in pass Tony Parker where they had to break it down from the GetGo like like like we’re g to start all over again rebuild you back up he doesn’t have a broken shot this needs to be tweaked I have high hopes for him now do I think he’s a starting point guard I don’t know but you know he might be that combo guy that we saw with a Derek white that combo guy that you might see with a Drew holiday in Boston or or with teams that he was in previous years I like Stefon Castle a lot he’s a legit NBA player he’s ready to play right away he’s not going to be a stashing Austin kind of guy right or or a highrisk physically like a topic you know the guy’s durable you know but yeah I’m I’m fine with Castle as well the Spurs grab him great you know you see other mock drafts saying the Spurs going to burn their first two picks on guards you know one Mo had Dillingham falling to eight and the Spurs grabbing him ESPN ESPN was reporting today uh one of their draft guys was saying that uh the Spurs were working out Devin Carter along with Stefan Castle the the point guard from Providence see if they can go toe-to-toe against each other that’s that’s interesting to see to hear that they were going at each other uh at the rock of lotera going at it and and working out against each other they played against each other Providence of Yukon played against each other in college a lot so there is a lot of tape when it comes to it uh Castle younger uh Castle is taller uh but Devin Carter is a better shooter so depends on what you’re looking for exactly I I do like the fact that SP is just looking at guards right now because they’re definitely identifying the one of the biggest issues on the roster right now no knock on Trey Jones but that the guard core could use some beefing up he is Mike menz or evil Mike menz because he has a goatee on that’s all gray look at that fuzzy about 80% 80% man I can’t wait to see it at Max growth see what you look like oh no is I will tell you this I will tell you this much now if I I have gray hair okay but if I don’t maintain it it could it could be all white like that’s how crazy my my white my white hair will grow out I’ve been accused of using Just For Men for many many years and this is actually lending I have to use it conspir well this is Ling to the conspiracy though because they’re like wait a minute if it’s all white right here and it’s all black on top how does that work I don’t know that’s just the way God made me okay genetics yeah uh but uh yeah I I I might go get this sculpted into a goatee see rock that for a couple of weeks see what that looks like but the whole beard aspect of it all I’m a little bit tired of and all this hair down here I’m not used to it and people are listening to this right now going he Menace what are you talking about I’ve been doing this since I was 16 years old I’ve been clean shaven my entire life okay I have been clean shaven I never go more than 36 hours without getting a shave in and for me to go 12 days is a big deal for me because I’ve never done it and my friends are making fun of me about it but what’s weird all the guy friends telling me to get rid of it all the ladies on the other hand saying to keep it well you know who would you have to listen to right you know which side you gotta listen to It’s us oh I know yeah you gota listen to that side exactly y but but Ser my my hair can get so white thisen for yall you nerds out there he may as well get this reference it’ll it’ll be like Magneto white like that white yeah that white white white hair like if I don’t maintain it just goes It’s like white out like Liquid Paper like somebody just dump Liquid Paper on me but um but no I have I have to comment down I I leave some white in there just enough you know but no I think during the pandemic that’s where it really came out and I remember a family member saw me and they were like what happened to you ever since then I said never again never again Just For Men all the time now just for men calm that thing down but he man what’s going on your neck of the woods going on the YouTube side of things tell us what’s going on dude 915 subscribers strong over at the Alamo City Sports cast uh that’s been a big blessing uh like I said we’re trying to fill in the gaps of local Sports Talk Radio because local Sports Talk goes off the air at 10: a.m. me it goes National you know you get the Jim RS of the world you get the uh Colin cowards of the world but for those who want to listen to local Sports Talk Radio there’s two podcasts that do it there my podcast that I have with Joe Garcia we we share that podcast it’s called the Alum City Sports cast you have in the building with Mike Taylor and Rudy J we do a fantastic job when it comes to it we we’re filling the gaps between 10:00 a.m. and say 1 or 2 p.m when things come back on locally here in town uh our show is no commercials I mean we we do promo spots and whatnot but it’s it’s it’s all the way through people reach out to us and go dude it’s like constant there’s no seven minute commercials in between segments you know we go all the way through uh it’s about a 90minut show for us and we have a fun time doing it talking Sports and pop culture Nostalgia and social media and Tik Tok and Instagram and uh it’s a lot of fun uh to subscribe to the Alo City Sports cast on YouTube and we’re at 9:15 we’re going to throw a big party when we get to a thousand and it’s a fun time and we have some very loyal supporters out there and Jeff you’re often times on our show as well and uh you gave a comment on uh our favorite TV moms of all time so that was one of our number one pick what did you think of my number one pick overall well the celebrity crush of you having Jamie ger who’s who’s not only an actress but also the owner of the Atlanta Hawks I found to be interesting that is a that is a classy move uh I think my number one overall was uh the woman from um The George Lopez Show back in the 90s early 2000s uh yeah she uh she did it for me yeah you know I think I think if that was like a real draft some of that and I made my pick we would have the sideline commentator saying like like under the radar pick who ever saw that coming you know yeah that that was like the first Tak in Primo at 12 yeah it’ll be like that like what it’s going on but hey it wasn’t a bad pick though it was not a bad pick to quote the Three Amigos it was beyond a genius pick it was an in genius pick every’s like what did you just say like huh just confused after that and the and the spur few years have a plethora a first round draft a plethora you’re letting your beard grow out like a a guapo he had one just like that that might be your new nickname yeah exactly once again he is evil Mikey menz make sure to follow him on xmj acquired taste and there you can find all the links to the YouTube show so many other things uh he talks all day make sure to follow him on X at MJ acquir taste hit him up hey thanks for making lock on SP is your first listen every single day we’ll be back tomorrow I think Joe Garcia is coming on tomorrow he men is so Joe will come back his schedule kind of lightened up a bit so he has some time to jump bond to closes out for the week on lock on Spurs likely talking draft and more stuff leading up to next week’s big day lock on sports today make sure to go subscribe to it on YouTube 24/7 streaming Sports channel only on YouTube brought to by the locked on podcast Network so for evil Mikey menes I am Jeff Garcia we’re going to put a lock on this episode of lockdown spur [Music]

On this episode of Locked On Spurs, host Jeff Garcia catches you up on the latest San Antonio Spurs news.

Then, Michael Jimenez of the Alamocity Sportscast stops by to see if there are any lessons to be learned from the Boston Celtics championship team for the rebuilding Spurs.

Also, we read some Locked On Spurs fan comments.

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