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Ranking Top 10 Houston Pro Athletes NOW! | Does Dana Brown Deserve Love?

Ranking Top 10 Houston Pro Athletes NOW! | Does Dana Brown Deserve Love?

[Music] welcome to Houston sports talk with your host Robert land thanks for checking into the best Houston sports podcast now part of the beli network and joining me as my co-host stepen Kirk 65 plus years in sports journalism between the two of us and later in the show which Astro deserves a little more love but first Stephen I got this idea that since we’re going through this really fun era in Houston sports I was thinking we should rank the top 10 Houston pro athletes right now one to 10 what do you think yeah boy you talk about a uh you talk about a challenge Robert because you you said pro athletes Not Top 10 Houston athletes so obviously we only you know Houston only has three pro teams unless you count the dash and the Dynamo in there yeah we’re we’re gonna have to I’m gonna be interested to see how this turns out because getting down to 10 yeah and this is right now this is right now this is current this isn’t JJ Watt this isn’t yeah you know those guys we’re talking about right now yeah Dynamo Dash that there’s nobody that jumps out that’s everybody’s talking about so my apologies for the Dynamo and dash for the moment and you know I really personal yeah nothing personal on on soccer uh but if somebody’s is good it comes along we we we’ll talk about that person but I I really want you listeners and viewers involved in this too so throw out your top 10 or even top five in the comments I mean Stephen I’m I’m anxious to hear what they have to say too because my list might be totally different than somebody else’s list well you know that we’re going to get some people saying you’re crazy to put so and so at number three you should be number 10 and vice versa so that you know and that’s what that’s what makes Sports fun right robbert it it’s not right or wrong it’s but everybody has a different list and that’s what creates debate you know healthy debate of course but yeah I just get the juice is flowing and right now we’re kind of in that in between stage where yeah the Astros they’re not having a particularly good season although they’re in you know I guess what Ty for second now in the division and the Texans are about to start training camp but not quite yet so it’s kind of neat to come up with this kind of stuff right now and I was thinking how are we going to do this how should we do this and my idea was just okay I’m going to start with each of our top two and we’ll go two at a time and I’ll give you a why and frankly number the number one pro athlete by a long shot come on it’s it’s honestly Simone biles but even though Olympians are pros and she’s the goat Stephen I decided to put her aside since I’m sure everybody’s wondering about the team sports anyway well now that was my question when we were doing this Robert is well do we include Simone biles because yeah I mean there’s there’s some professional there you know so that was the key because I had somebody else at number one just for that very reason and just to be clear I chose my order with a lot more weight on what the player is currently and not as much a career award Stephen I just gave him the assignment yesterday so he had had time to really put something together so he’s gonna react and tell me how stupid I am well we’ll see we’ll see and I have a few thoughts on some of these too yeah number one on my list came down to basically two choices CJ strad and yordon Alvarez and strad because we know the value of a quarterback in the NFL and he looks like a top five to 10 after his rookie year but Stephen yordon was my number one he’s got a top three MVP finish already a championship already and he’s got a way more proven track record did you agree on that yeah CJ Stout has to be the guy if you’re going with a here and now and you know even if you’re talking upside yes yordon still has upside I mean you know the guy’s still young he’s you heard me right I said I said y on not Stroud you said Stroud should is definitely the guy no I think Stroud is if you’re talking about number one I got to put Stroud in that spot yeah I had youron that’s that’s disagree yeah we do disagree if you’re talking about right now and you’re talking about the impact yes yordon does have impact on the Astros there’s no question but we all know you know the quarterback in the NFL when the Texans didn’t have that guyy they couldn’t get anything going and now CJ St in one season one season they make the playoffs so yeah CJ is my guy at number one yordon is my guy at number two and I know he’s you know he hadn’t had a great season to this point but he’s still yordon Alvarez and you got to put him up there The Season’s not over yet so I would put him as my number two again I put yordon as my number one because he’s got the pelts on the wall already he’s got the track record he’s got the championship he’s got the top three MVP finish but that’s not now Robert that’s in the past now you said right now so that’s where I’m going with it what was was he got like a 1200 Ops and we’re in the middle of June right now yeah something like that yeah he’s heating up he’s definitely heating up he’s back to he’s getting there he’s gonna the numbers look like the old him he’ll be there trust me he’ll be there all right next up number three and four on my list and I have Kyle Tucker and Jose Altuve and here’s the deal Tucker barely edges out Altuve because Tucker’s absolutely the better regular season player at this point in his career but we know all two got that playoff clutch Gene yeah what do you think Stephen do did you have those two next no that’s a hard Choice Robert I kind of Flo back and forth but you know what I’m just gonna go with Jose at number three and Kyle at number four and I don’t know if you you could ask me a reason and I don’t know if I can give you one yes Kyle’s having if you’re talking about overall season he certainly got you know way more home runs he’s having a better season but you know Altuve is still Altuve he’s not usually the reason unless it’s his base running or something like that uh he hasn’t done particularly well in scoring position but I’m gonna go with Jose 3 and Kyle four but only by an eyelash I mean they could flip-flop next week probably yeah so we’ve we’ve got the same four guys it’s just that the order is a little bit different we flip flop the order exactly all right five and six and this is where it starts getting difficult at least in my thinking and there are no more obvious Astros since verlando and fber have dropped off so much and I figure it’s time I look at the Texans or Rockets So I go with and I know he’s had a rough start to the season but Josh haer that guy has got five Allstars he’s an elite closer his Playoff stats are pretty sick too and I’ll take him at five and then I’m going with the guy that probably a lot of you guys aren’t even thinking about right now denil Hunter at six you could easily Overlook Hunter stepen but the guy’s got four Pro bowls in his last six seasons oh my wow so you don’t even have shinon in your top five no because shenon hasn’t been an All-Star once and denil Hunter’s been a pro bowler four times but not with the Texans okay yeah he he’s definitely I mean he could definitely be that guy for the Texans if you’re talking about what he could potentially do absolutely he’s on the team he could be he’s on the team he’s a Houston pro athlete yeah well that’s an interesting pick I have to say it’s not a stupid pick it’s an interesting pick I I’m gonna I gotta say Shen goon’s gotta be my number five all right well let’s see where shenon lands because he’s coming up it’s I know he’s coming up yeah seven and eight they’re they’re kind of a virtual tie in my mind Nico Collins convinced me he’s an elite receiver shanon borderline Allstar I’m G to put shanon at seven he’s going to Edge out Nico just a hair right now because I think the impact in the NBA on winning and shenon is just more than maybe Nico can do he’s dependent more on the quarterback we saw that with Davis Mills but this is close Stephen and hey maybe these are controversial because these guys that kind of don’t have the skins on the wall yet no real accolades big time well yeah because obviously if they did you know it almost have to rank them ahead just like we did with some of the earlier picks I would have to agree with that Robert yeah I would I would say shinon and Collins you know pretty neck and neck and especially with the the seasons they had but they both had last year you know shenon had the unfortunate injury toward the end you know Collins pretty much was you know solid all the way through but yeah I’d have to agree with that order number nine and 10 it’s getting watered down but we still got some guys left and I’m going to put laramy tonsil at nine and you can argue argue that tunel should have been ahead of Nico on the Texans with his four Pro bowls but his injuries and those false starts that just drive me crazy they sort of dropped him a little how many drives did that kill did that kill when he does that yeah yeah I just I’m sorry laremy and but I’ve got nio ahead of you and then with 10 okay so names left on the board should I consider Fred Van vet Alex bregman Brian AB Bru perhaps but I decided to go with a four-time Pro Bowl wide receiver who’s been one of the elite guys in the league and I’m gonna take Stefan Diggs even though I’m very concerned about the drop off last season but it’s at the point where if anybody wants to flip Diggs and tonsil I’d understand because you know I I’m not thrilled with these last couple of names on my list here Stephen yeah it is getting harder laramy I’m not sure I would put laramy at number 10 for mine nine you you were talking about bregman I mean I’d love to put bregman there but you know I’m not sold on bregman I I’ve talked too much about him on this podcast in the negative to rank him in my top 10 who were some of the others that you were playing around with that you were trying to flip-flop between nine and 10 oh just names that might have snuck in there I mentioned Fred Van v Fred Van you know yeah Fred Van vet was the guy that I was thinking about that I might put as number nine and I’ll tell you because Fred was the guy the Rockets really needed not just from his playmaking standpoint but his veteran leadership I mean I just think he was as big of a key the rocket success in the intangible ways as some of the other guys like Dylan Brooks and you know some of these other younger guys coming into their own were for the rockets on the court so you know what I’m gonna go with Van v nine and I’m gonna put tunel at 10 because look we can’t under underestimate how important the left tackle is for the quarterback you know without that CJ St probably you know I know laramy was hurt you know part of the time and you know CJ still thrived regardless but being a left tackle and being a bowler that he has been I’m I’m still going to put him in the top 10 but I’m going to go with Van vet ahead of tunel for nine and 10 so basically what stepen is saying because he I know he wasn’t thrilled with denil hunter or Stefon Diggs that he doesn’t like what cerio did this off season basically is because these guys are good but I want to see them do it as Texans no I I’m if you’re talking about upside I’m fine with that Robert but I want to see them perform that as Houston Texans this year and of course the season hasn’t started yet so they can’t do it right now but I’m going on what Houston players have done either right now or I think you kind of have to include the offseason if you’re going to include some rockets in there so that’s where I’m basing mine from but this is great I I definitely want to hear from the viewers now after we’ve done this oh this is good stuff just tell your friends to yall comment because we want to hear from everybody and you know I know nobody wants to listen to us when we’re not talking about who the Rockets might want to pick at number three or the 4,000 prospects that they well we know they’re going to trade the pick so why do we even need to keep discussing it right yeah I know I know you guys out there we got a lot of rockets fans that that love the show but yeah the Rockets fans need to tell me like shenon too low on my list Stephen liked them a little bit more not much but a little bit more tell Robert he’s crazy if we’re putting danal Hunter Stefon Diggs and your Houston pro sports athletes right now come on y’all now this is fun this is great Robert yeah they’re gonna be where hey they’re going to be wearing those new Texans uniforms in a in in about a month and a half right can’t wait can’t wait no I’m Ser you know I’m I’m really pumped for football season to start and see how these guys do all right so the question is what do you think about our list what’s your list get in the comments and if you missed my conversation with Houston sports radio’s 35-year veteran David deatti last week you gota go back and check it out he told us some classic stories about Nolan AEM Barkley Lima even going back to the oers with Bud Adams I mean just an incredible career for theat and oh my goodness yeah I gotta say something about that because I listened to that interview and and look Robert I you know I’m a native houstonian I mean I live I’ve lived in Austin for about as long as David was in the sports uh radio sportscasting business but I I followed David delat David if you’re listening big fan of your reporting man you were right on I I followed him through I don’t seem to remember him in the uh KK uh the kick am and FM days but I do remember him at 790 610 and KTR let me tell you this guy with something else and the stories that he tells on this interview you guys had me glued from beginning to end so you’ve got to go back and listen to that if if you want to get an idea of Houston sports history go back and listen to that interview because you’ll get more in that what was it 3540 minutes Robert you you’ll get more in that then you will in a whole bunch of other things combined that was a great interview yeah don’t say something like history uh a bad word tradition how about Houston sports tradition you get you’ll get a lot of tradition in that let’s switch over to the Astros Stephen and not sure what’s left to say about the end of the Jose Bru nightmare that hasn’t been said already but sure would have been nice for Jim Crane not to push GM in front of the public at the end of the debacle instead of actually being accountable big guy well you know what Robert here’s I have thoughts on this and yeah I know we’ we’ve beaten this into the ground and listen we’ve we’ve criticized Jose Abu we’ve criticized Jim Crane we we’ve criticized Jeff backwell and whomever else was in on this to what Reggie Jackson probably let me just say this if if a guy is on your team if if if this is the team you’re cheering for you want everybody on that team to succeed we we in no way were hoping hoping that josea would fail and and I’ll tell you the thing my first reaction when I heard he was released was sadness and here’s why here’s a guy you know this guy was not a a baseball bust he may have been an Astros bust but he was not a bust he was an former Al MVP a multiple All-Star team representative this guy once had it my my biggest problem with this whole thing Robert if you want to blame somebody yeah you should blame Jim Crane Jeff Bagwell whoever else told him to sign the check because if you look at his numbers we’ve gone over them over the past few years it’s obvious they were declining now I did not expect this big of a drop off this quickly but why would you want to give a contract to a guy like that when it’s obvious his numbers were going down down down and not up up up but in all honesty I was just sad because this is a guy who obviously has declined rapidly to the point where he’s nothing like the former Al MVP he used to be and he tried his best you know he he did his absolute best to turn things around and it just didn’t work now he’s still going to collect a lot of money so you can’t feel too sorry for him but if if you’re talking about from the baseball aspect look I’d never want to see a guy like that drop completely off of the face of the Earth the way Jose BR did he has made a total this is not just the Astros but it feels like it’s just the Astros he’s made a total of 150 more $154 million in his career yeah he’s not hurting financially that’s why I say I don’t feel sorry for him financially but if he really still enjoys the game of baseball and wants to continue you know what will be interesting to see is will anybody pick him up maybe toward the end of this season or even next season what if he has a good season then what are we gonna say but you can only go with what you have and you know the Astros gave him probably more rope than we wanted them to Robert so they certainly gave him all the time in the world to turn things around and he just didn’t the best that can happen to him probably is he gets a minor league contract the way Julie has but you know it just it hasn’t been any sort of comeback for no not not at all and of course you know you can talk about John Singleton and you know he tore up the minor leagues and since he’s been back with the Astros you know he’s he’s put a little bit of a season together this year but it’s still kind of touch and go with him so yeah it’s very difficult to come back from something like that and work your way back up because you’re competing against a lot of younger guys and they don’t want you in the minor leagues if you’re 37 38 years old when you got 20 21 22 23 year olds coming up the Fall Guy for the Astros this year in many ways has been Dana Brown and this weekend I decided Well let me tweet a little report card on Dana Brown yeah because I saw that yeah yeah very very quietly he’s made a lot of nice move Stephen and you can add anything I’ve forgotten from the list I’m about to read off but here it goes number one he nailed the signings of kartini and Taylor Scott y number two he was the guy that made ryel Blanco a starter when he took over his GM yep number three he let maldi walk and then he didn’t over pay for nerys maon or Blake Snell look up those stats if you don’t know why those were good moves uh the next on the list is he trusted Jake Meyers who’s struggling but who’s been more than solid overall when you look at the numbers next up he made the lowkey Trey cabbage trade who’s been very solid Off the Bench actually uh I like Trey cabbage actually done a nice job number six and this is the most important thing of all Stephen last year’s draft picks Bryce Matthews Jake Bloss Austin Deming uh pas I’m GNA screw this name up it’s pascan ferreras I apologize to him yeah I think that’s right and then add in Ethan Petco those names you might not be super everybody knows Bryce Matthews because he was a first- round pick yeah but those guys look very strong and so does free agent International signing Hector Solace so back to the old Astros tradition of the international signing guys several of these guys are already in doua did I miss anything from the Dana Brown list no uh you did not and I think what the really the biggest thing is Dana Brown had absolutely nothing to do with the Jose Abu signing he wasn’t even there so that’s pretty big I mean if if if you’re gonna take pot shots at Dana Brown for this that and the other you certainly can’t blame him for that but you know you look at the numbers of all those players you just mentioned Robert and they’re solid if you know some of them better than others yes but especially with the draft last year my gosh every one of these guys I mean we could use a jake Bloss on the roster right now we could use a Bryce Matthews on the roster right now and you know something that was kind of under the radar that happened just the other day is they released JC kareah whom I thought was you know he wasn’t tearing up the minor leagues but what was he at I think like a 284 batting average in the Astros system he’s not even with the system anymore you know this gives you an idea of how many some of these guys are that are coming up and all the baseball Publications talk about how low the Astros farm system is and our ranked you know this low in this list and this low in that list will tell tell me why these guys are doing so well and could very well potentially be with the big club either if not this year next year the year after so yeah Dana Brown he’s been here a couple of years not even two years and he’s already done all of these things you got to give the guy benefit of the doubt with some of this any major mistakes you think Stephen with Dana I mean asata is the one thing that I think some people might point to yeah you could say that and I guess you could say you know because we’ve gone back to this maybe they should have not signed Josh hater and just concentrated some of that money you know some other things that maybe Shoring up other aspects of the bullpen you know some uh depth of first base but really I I think you’ve got to let this season play out before you sit there and decide well maybe that was such a bad move because Josh haer is starting to even things out and if he’s really is the best reliever in the game the estas are going to benefit from that and some of these other guys coming around so if you’re talking about a major mistake like a like a hose a Bru type mistake no no absolutely not Dana Brown has not made that mistake just yet I agree I I I just don’t see anything I I was not thrilled with the Corey leaf or Kendall graan because I didn’t think graan was having the kind of year that really made me want to give up and I didn’t think Cory Lee was all that big of a prospect yeah if Cory Lee had been a major Prospect and was tearing up the majors right now that would probably be his biggest mistake but he’s not and yeah it’s a shame kenl Gran’s not he’s not even pitching this year because he’s injured but yeah that that would be another mistake you could point to sure now the other big news just as we hit the air Stephen Justin Verlander goes on the 15-day DL neck discomfort it seems like with the Astros it’s neck discomfort turns into oh well he’s going to be out for a few weeks to we got to get a second opinion till his his shoulder and his arm fell off of his body and we’re not going to see him pitch again for another 10 years so hopefully that’s it’s not the case with with Verlander but this team just cannot catch a break with the starting pitching no this is just one of those years I think we talked about that on the last podcast Robert it just is every day you just hold your breath but wasn’t you know Christian Javier didn’t he go initially on the iil because of neck discomfort and the next thing you know he’s got forearm issues and now he’s had Tommy John surgery just as uh some of the other guys have had so yeah Jose um now his name just escaped me or Jose orti yeah totally lost a blanket well he never pitches so why would you have I’ve forgotten about him yeah he’s almost a forgettable guy but yeah Justin Baner I mean he’s definitely one that I guess you know is you shouldn’t be too surprised considering his age you know he’s going to be more injury-prone I don’t I didn’t expect Justin berlander to even pitch 140 Innings this year I haven’t looked at the numbers but I you know I don’t think he’s on Pace to do that just yet well he’s got that option in his contract and really I don’t I’m not sure if it’s good or bad that he he’s not GNA reach the option because I think it I think it just automatically kicks in if he reaches the number but then you owe him a lot of money but some of that money’s eaten up by the Mets so it’s like ah I don’t know if that’s good or it’s it’s a question mark for me Stephen whether it’s good or bad that he he might miss some Innings and it might be more of you know the Astros decide to resign him or not maybe they gota it have to be for I mean he’s he it’s obviously he’s not the same guy the money would have to come down a little bit oh come down a lot I mean I would not sign him for next year unless he was really willing to do a a very very big Hometown discount and maybe for one year you know and you’d have to see what shape the pitching is in by then but you just have to hope that this is all it is and then he’ll come back because Lord knows the Astros can’t afford to have any more put you know on the long-term I like Tommy John surgery or being out for the season you know we keep hearing Luis Garcia starting to throw and Lance maybe starting to throw a little bit but you don’t know what those guys are going to do we still don’t have a timeline for them so any more pitchers that go on the iil just bad news for the Astros anything else you’re pondering with the Astros before we go on well you know you keep looking at their record and they’re still five six games under 500 but they’re still you know they’re almost like neck and neck with the Rangers now in the AL West so it just I you keep wanting to say that the Astro season’s over Robert but it just isn’t we just keep waiting and we keep hoping so that’s all we can do really is just hope they catch fire and catch somebody else I am not holding my breath on the I’m not either but that’s about the only hope we have right now as far as the Astros are concerned got some other stuff going on just I was trying to figure out do we have at an NBA championship angle because the Celtics just finished off the Mavericks and two former Rockets won an NBA championship actually Stephen we got to congratulate Celtics assistant Sam Cassell who won his first championship with the Rockets 30 years ago this week M he’s now won three rings as a player and one as a coach so four rings for Sam am and then Jeff Van Gundy picked up a championship ring his first remember he worked as a Celtics Special Assistant this year and if anybody missed the story he’s going to the Clippers as a assistant like a bench assistant next year right that’s I did hear that but you know since he was with the Celtics he’s going to get his ring man two deserving guys you know it was a shame that Jeff Van Gundy couldn’t win a ring with the Rockets because I always thought he did a great job coaching the Rockets but Sam Cassell man how how about that for great timing 30 years ago they won the first championship he was a big part of that and so this week he wins another one as a coach man I that’s just that’s just really exciting I mean I know we’re in Texas and you kind of want the Texas teams to win but you know and I’m sure there are plenty of Celtics haters out there just from the Rockets point of view but if you’re talking about individuals you know guys like Sam Cassell who are former Rockets yeah you got to be happy for guys like him yeah this Championship was no win for me once it became the Celtics and the Mavericks because no not a Mavericks guy as anybody in Houston probably is not a Mavericks guy I’m not a Mavericks guy and the Celtics I mean oh my God the Boston fans are my least favorite fans in sports pretty much so yeah just there championships man that’s that’s a lot and you know I I actually have a story Robert I went to a Celtics game I think I was 20 21 years old and it was in San Antonio is when the Spurs were back in the hemisphere Arena so I went to church with these guys who were Celtics fans okay now I’m not a Spurs fan okay I’m a Rockets fan obviously so here I am going to a game against two teams that I can’t stand the Celtics and the Spurs and of course I’m sitting among these a whole bunch of these guys who are obviously Celtic fans so I just decided to keep quiet because I didn’t like either team I sure wasn’t gonna cheer for the Celtics and I sure wasn’t gonna cheer for the Spurs yeah that’s that’s a it’s a it’s a lot of bad choices I always like when there’s a finals where like somebody I can root for it’s like H it’s they’re kind of an underdog or it’s a fan base that has one or something like that and with with all the different permutations and who could have made the championship it was kind of worst case with with these two teams just about worst case I mean not that I would have been thrilled with you know some of the other teams in the East I’m I’m not a big heat person for sure so well no if I were G to pick if I I would rather have been the Mavericks in the finals than the Spurs because I I had some dealings with the Spurs when I was in the media and let’s just say it wasn’t a pleasant experience so yeah maybe there’s some bias there I don’t know but I I’ll take the Mavericks in the finals over the Spurs any day yeah I I love to watch Luca play basketball my biggest issue with with Luca is just the whining and complaining stuff is the problem yeah he does do a lot of that you know when calling fouls and of course you know the Rockets have a guy like that too and Dylan Brooks but you know if they’re on your side you don’t mind but when it’s somebody else you’re watching you’re like really can you just just just start up and play no I get annoyed with Dylan Brooks I do too but yeah uh I want to end it with some really good news for the Houston basketball program Terence arso says he’s going to be playing by the end of the month and JoJo tuger says Stephen he’s going to be practicing by July it’s good to see that those guys not just are ready for the season but they can you know participate in the summer stuff too yeah absolutely because they are definitely goingon to need both of those guys back you know especially when you talk about losing guys like shed and some of the others if they can just come back strong and if they’re coming back in the summer that gives them several months to hopefully get fully healed so that by the time Camp starts what in October usually that they should be ready to go by the season start so yeah that is great exciting uh exciting news for the Cougars they’ll be starting their second basketball season in the Big 12 so yeah definitely glad to have those guys coming back next year ah it’s gonna be a deep team too this team is gonna be deep deep deep they’re gonna miss Jamal shed of course but this team’s gonna have some real depth that we haven’t seen and they need that depth because that’s been an issue with the injuries and stuff like that Kelvin Samson Kelvin Samson just seems to know how to go into the pool and you know bring up some more guys to replace them I mean that’s why that’s why the team has been so successful the last few years no matter what conference they’re in kelvin Samson he just knows how to get the right guys in the right place at the right time so let’s let’s hope that happens again next year one last little thing just a little disappointed with something that happened in the last week Jason Jason brck a friend of the show and a friend just period uh I I’ve known Jason for several years now since I started covering the Texans since I was going out there back to 2013 yeah I remember him and such a good he’s a really good guy first I can just and he he came back and was doing some we we we had lost him for for a while and then he came back and he was doing some Texans uh in the last couple of months and he decided he’s done with you know staying in the in the game and the media game and covering the Texans and all that sort of stuff so we’re gonna miss miss him in in that space and was somebody that I was thinking about even having on the show in the next couple months but uh you know he’s got more important stuff that to handle and and it’s it’s a tough it’s a tough game to be in it’s a tough game you and I both know that Robert and yeah I remember Jason know he was at what Sports Talk 790 if I remember right right Sports Talk 790 and 975 975 right yeah it is tough and I don’t want to give away the David delot interview but you know David talks about that very same thing and you know what he’s doing now as opposed to being in sports yeah the media is a lot of people think it’s cool because you get to go to all these games you talk to all these players you get to be in the locker room and yeah there there is this aspect to that but it is a it is a job Robert you and I both know that as much as anyone it is a a job and it’s a very difficult job it is nothing like being a fan and I don’t know if you do this but when I’m watching a game just as a fan I am so much I mean I I should say I don’t know if relaxed is the right word but it’s a different it’s a different feeling that if I’m covering the game as a media member I’m still on the edge of my seat yes I still live and die by some plays but you know the difference is when you’re the member of the media you can’t cheer out loud if your team does something great and you can’t get all hacked off if they do something B if you’re in this business it’s a lot of hustle to keep in this business and it’s difficult to have some sort of personal life with a sports schedule and covering that’s my life yeah that’s for sure yeah that’s uh yeah me and Stephen are talking about some stuff that’s going to limit a little bit what he can do with me in the next few months so it’s it hits all of us and uh we wish Jason the best of luck and and we’re gonna we’re definitely going to miss him but I definitely want to hear from you guys make one last before we go I want I want to hear your top 10 Houston athletes what do you think and there’s no wrong answers as far as I’m concerned no Robert’s wrong Steph’s right that’s what I want youall to say Jose Jose Bru maybe wrong answer for best Houston pro athlete maybe okay maybe that is a wrong answer all right have a great one every we’ll talk to you again soon Stephen you’re listening to Houston Sports Talk hey don’t forget to support us by subscribing and 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Hosts Robert Land & Stephen Kerr rank the Top Houston Pro Athletes right now. Who’s #1? Is it Yordan, Sengun, Altuve, Stroud or somebody else? They also hit Dana Brown’s underrated tenure, the end of the Jose Abreu disaster, the Verlander injury & the ex Rockets who just won an NBA Championship.
(2:00) Ranking Top 10 Houston Pro Athletes #1 & #2
(4:43) #3 & #4 Top Houston athletes
(5:43) #5 & #6 Top Houston athletes
(6:55) #7 & #8 Top Houston athletes
(7:50) #9 & #10 Top Houston athletes
(12:49) Abreu Nightmare Ends!
(15:53) Midseason Dana Brown Report Card?
(19:55) Verlander hits Injured List
(22:14) Running out Astros Hope?
(22:44) Congrats to Sam Cassell & JVG
(25:55) Good News for Coogs Hoops!

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