@Orlando Magic

The Orlando Magic are the betting favorites to sign Klay Thompson

The Orlando Magic are the betting favorites to sign Klay Thompson

there was some juicy stuff that came out today so Evan cider who uh covers the NBA for Forbes today he tweeted out that the magic are now co- favorites with the Warriors to sign glay Klay Thompson per the draftking sports book both teams were at plus 130 up to this point Luke I don’t know that you and I have completely dismissed the idea of Klay Thompson maybe we have maybe we’re going to have people in the comments saying oh what do you mean you guys were talking about this and XYZ now it’s starting to seem like it may be something I’m not to the point where I’m like excited and you know getting hopes up or disappointed prematurely anything like that but one thing that I learned from the Pao banero draft is don’t completely dismiss the odds with Vegas because the day you know days leading up to the draft as the odds started to shift towards pal Bank care like oh what’s going on it’s smoke screen season and so on and so forth and then it turned out to come to fruition this is officially on my radar now Vegas always knows it’s something that I have said several times on the show they know at some point you learn to respect Vegas and they are typically the ones who or if you want kind of a gauge you can go there things started shifting and those Palo ODS for the magic being to draft to the magic started to take shape and little did we know it would come true but this happens all the time with Vegas like they just they know there’s insiders they people are being told things like whatever right so at this juncture what do you believe and I do I do think that it’s very like not very is that’s too strong of word I think it’s [Music] possible that this I think it’s possible that that clay with the Warriors are with the magic come free agency that’s really all I got uh I have no clue genuinely because you look back at last year where Klay Thompson has offered a a two-year extension and he doesn’t take it now granted it was 48 million right so equival 24 a year and he said no but the big thing that came out of it was that he wanted a longer term deal the belief was if they were to offer a longer extension at that time he probably would have taken it so a lot changed for him this past year he takes a bench you know he goes to the bench for some of the games in this year has a lot of you know he was vulnerable saying like it’s hard not be being one of the guys anymore and you just have to think what changed if that is the case if clay does sign a a two-year deal with the magic or a two plus a third year being like a club option or whatever you got to think was it this past season that really did him in or or in kind of hit reality hit him or is he going to want a long-term deal and ultimately I think that will be what makeer breaks the magic if they do want him clearly there’s some interest you talk about wanting shooting and a guy who can play defense I know he got injured and we’ve seen the setbacks of that but it’s still Klay Thompson defensively he is still above average it can absolutely help this team in that respect so it’ll be interesting I don’t know what what’s going to happen obviously but if if you can get him on a two plus a the third year team option then I’d be on board with that but is Klay Thompson want that that’s the big thing I I think it’s less about the money maybe more about the long-term security and respect of like you think I still have enough in the tank to give you four good years I want to start by saying I’m not committing to feeling one way or the other but I do want to point out that I’m a grown man and I reserve the right to change my mind and today when I saw that tweet there was a spark I wouldn’t you know it didn’t lead to a flame there was a spark of excitement somewhere deep down in inside of me and I I just sort of Flash Forward in my mind to what we’re talking about you know walking through Publix and getting that notification that Klay Thompson’s agreed to a a deal with the Orlando Magic and just like your mind automatically goes like best case scenario and regardless of like what the terms are at that point like you you get excited and then when you get the terms then you’re just praying that it it turns into the best possible case scenario and someone pointed out today that uh you last year when the the the terms of the Fred Van vet contract came out a lot of rockets fans were freaking out and then you find out that there’s like team options you know built into that which helps you know soften that blow a little bit and then we’re talking in our our six-man show all hands group chat earlier and and Sam pointed out like I I can’t even think of the possibility of having someone on this team that is capable of shooting almost 39% on nine attempts per game from behind the ark and that like the idea of that really got me excited ultimately it all comes down to the terms the money the length we’re talking about a guy in Klay Thompson who is going to be 35 years old by next year’s All-Star break like that this is a guy who has you know he has significant injury history since he’s come back you know he’s been you know relatively durable played 69 games uh two years ago played 77 games this past year so he may not be the same athlete that he once was but it seems like you know there’s not this like big like question of oh can he play a lot of games can he play a lot of minutes it seems like he can still do that maybe just not at the same level as before and just ultimately like for me if the money is right if the the the years are right like you we’ve got a lot of money coming up that’s going to be on the books in the the next several years here after next year you’re probably going to have France you’re going to have jayen two years from now you’re going to have Paulo’s extension to start to hit the books and you still need to be able to build like a a contending team around those guys at that time and we’re talking you know three years from now potentially Klay Thompson a guy who’s going to be turning 38 years old in that season is he going to be contributing in a way that that really helps push towards contention at that point probably not so that’s where a lot of people’s concerns with not so much the money but the years that’s where that comes into play because this is a guy who is already up there in years and is this going to put your your foot on the gas a little bit yes but at the same time you don’t want to give up your long-term flexibility and I am going to give Jeff and Anthony you know Parker the the benefit of the doubt here to this point Point they’ve showed that they are good in these negotiations at at frontloading this making sure that the deals you know in certain aspects are Team friendly that if they need to get out of these deals at some point they will be able to do that and as you’ve made the point time and time again on this show until this front office really Burns us we’re going to continue to trust them and us on the last podcast you know talking about bringing in Klay Thompson Malik monk Tobias Harris like all three of those guys at one point when we were saying hey maybe this isn’t the right time to do that some people question whether or not we trust the front office it’s like hey we’re entitled to our own opinion we’ll talk about whether or not we believe this is the right move to make now but I’ll be honest with you if the front office comes out and says no this is the right move to make right now until we’re proven otherwise I’m going to believe that because I I think they’ve earned that

Per DK Sportsbook, the Orlando Magic are the co-betting favorites to sign Klay Thompson this summer.

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  1. All this Klay talk I’m wondering did people watch him last year he clearly lost a step but would be a good rotational piece I see him getting overpaid wherever he going want him but at the right price

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