@Houston Rockets

Who Fits Best For The 3rd Overall Pick?!

Who Fits Best For The 3rd Overall Pick?!

[Music] he [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] he n [Music] yo yo yo yo yo what it do what it do what it do what it do people what’s good y’all what’s good fam if you can hear me if you can hear me loud and clearly press one in the chat for you boy one time for the one time press me press one if if you can hear me man press one if y’all can hear me man salute to everybody that’s pulling up man y’all get the likes up get the likes up man draft is on the way 2024 NBA draft is lined up for next week we got to discuss some things man I’m good I’m good I’m ready to go bet that bet that hold on let me check for myself real quick all right let’s get it let’s get it man hey shout out to everybody’s in the chat man shout out to everybody that’s pulling up you know what it is man shout out to all the moderators shout out to all the members of the channel man you know what I’m saying if you want to catch the back end of the of video you know become a member of the channel become a member of the channel if not we going to rock out we going to rock out if you want to see you want to hear the uh after feed you know what I’m saying salute salute let’s get the likes up man let’s get the likes up you dig let’s get the likes up let’s get the likes up man who y’all picking you know what I’m saying you know what we gonna talk about you know what we going to talk about you know what it is man who we picking in this draft man in this draft let’s get it let’s get it man all shout out to everybody’s in the chat man uh big ready man STL in the building what up what up what up man what up homie big ready man pulling up you dig salute salute he say salute Green Leaf an exclusive family I’m still stuck between Reed Shepard well Reed and Clingan either way I think we’re a good 64 clinging yeah man that’s what it’s looking like that’s what it’s looking like we going to elaborate on it we going to elaborate on it man man salute shout out to you man big do salute big doll salute xrated in the building uh he say it it’s looking like SAR May father us we still trade to pick hell no I ain’t trading if if Sall us that’s the prototyp prototypical bid that I want for the squad you know what I’m saying and everybody else in line you know uh as far as em do or RAF Stone whatever they to do with the pick if he fost us I’m pretty sure they not going to pass up on Alex or I guarantee that I’ll put money on that you know what I’m saying Javier in building what up Javier salute salute say salute to the Rockets Fan Man salute get the likes up get the likes up man shout out to wise citizens in the building what up wise salute bro salute Tyler Brown in the building salute salute salute salute he say Donovan Clingan yeah man yeah man Donovan clinging y’all y’all just Donovan cling impacts impacts the game a different way we talking about defense and we a defensive oriented team and it’s cool if you want to say that the rock is missing shooting uh but we G we gonna talk about that even more but Donovan kingan man you see why his stock is rising you see why a stock Rising you see it you see it what up Dre what up Dre he said Alex s we go down DJ mil we go down the homie Bas pulling up he say cook session hey y’all want to cook y’all know I’m going drop the link man if y’all want to cook we G to cook regardless we’re gonna talk about it Alex saw you picking Alex saw you picking Donovan Clingan you picking re sheper you know for the number three pick Who you gonna pick Who you gonna pick the draft next week y’all the draft next week next Thursday it’s going down it’s going down get the likes up the likes up DJ Mill say I thought LP was the end end all be all now since s in the play we got questions man hey I don’t know DJ M come up here and defend that man come up here and defend that Frank Miller he say what it do green I’m good with uh whoever we draft looking forward to the more offseason streams hey it is the offseason streams you know what I’m saying this is the offseason streams but we’re going to cover if you talking about like free agencies and things like that on the aftermath of then yeah yeah you know what I’m saying you know we got some stuff lined up you know I’m saying some major breakdowns with everybody on the squad who’s still on the scad we got to talk about who who we going to draft we got to talk about free agency we got to talk about a lot of things you know so hopefully y’all hit the like button you feel me and uh stay tuned stay tuned Daniel in the building he said how’s it going man what’s good what’s good Zachary sand in the building what up Zack zap Ops what it do he said clinging and read so my mic is right my mic right bet that bet that he sound Gucci what up dcoin dcoin Adams in the building what up what up man what up man salute salute kid trunks in the building he say the Hawks are not stupid enough to not draft Alex saw hey uh kid trunks man uh they saying that you know uh Donovan cling is stocking is rising you know he could potentially be the number one overall pick so yeah I agree they would be crazy to pass up on a guy that’s versatile like Alexa you know uh going into having a number one overall draft pick but at the same time you know they do see that kingan’s you know impact does draw some attraction you know you know jayg getting building what up Jay dog General salute General salute big dog salute to Jay dog get building salute hold on hold on real quick hold on let me get shout out wait so I can you know what I’m saying chop it up real quick shout out to Jay man shout out to the OG shout out to the OG Ivan toing in the building what up Ivan what up Ivan salute salute Donovan black salute salute salute he say choosing re or S if dropped it to three I’m picking SAR over over Reed sheeper at the third pick I’m picking SAR over Reed Shepard I’m picking s over Reed sheeper but we gonna talk about different scenarios y’all just hold that thought salute my boy Vic pulling up salute salute Vic General salute salute Demarcus Johnson in the building salute General salute Jr Bennett in the building man what’s happening he said get me clinging twice on Sunday Any Given Sunday huh Any Given Sunday give me give me give you clinging hey the dude the big man impact you see his stock Rising like I said his stock is rising his stock is rising salute he said Wednesday and Thursday too let’s see who else new in the building man see who else I ain’t shout out yet let’s see let’s see who else man he said what y’all think about picking up Malik mon hey man that’s another thing I want to discuss Malik mon he say he about to take off like a rocket y’all Mal mon that’s another that’s another name he he supposed to be a free agent you know what I’m saying a lot of things can go down with that M leag mon situation man keep that keep that open keep that in consideration you know what I’m saying Mike Brown and B what up Mike Brown salute salute Quan quill quill man he said what it do what it do man what it do hey man let’s get it though let’s get it dog you feel me let’s get it man I’mma drop drop the link early I’m going drop the link early for the fam as well but let’s just talk about it man let’s just talk about it um for what’s going on with this rocket you know what I’m saying situation you know it’s a lot of things that you can put into you know consideration a lot of projecting you know uh but the question the main question is the perfect fit who’s the perfect fit who’s the perfect for the squad going forward who’s the perfect for the Houston Rockets is it is it re Shephard you know we talk about 62 guard you know I’m saying we seen the photos right we seen the photos they say 6’2 63 with shoes on you know what I’m saying you see uh Alexa might fall you know what I’m saying and you know what I’m saying you see the the things ging up with with Donovan kingan you know but Reed Shepard you know what I’m saying we every everybody knows that Reed sheeper for the rocket for some sort of reason Reed Shepard is the guy for the rockets and I’m not really necessarily sold on that I like Reed Shepard’s game I know what he pre presents for us for U for the Houston Rockets you know what I’m saying but at the same time let me just say this let me just say it um it’s gonna be a lot of tug of- war going on man because we got to look at these options if the Rockets do want to give up this pck these P I mean this pick try down you know you take the third I take the seventh pick you want this veteran you want want want a win out player whatever the case may be and you know but the main guy that I want to talk about is for right now is is you know um Alex s Alex saw is a prototypical beid that you want in this draft now Donovan kingan like at the number three pick if sar’s not on the board which they projecting him going to top two um if he foster three you’re not going to pass him up for no re sheeper I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry people you not g to pass him up for no re sheer donov clinging if he’s if if he’s a number three pick are you gonna pass him up for re sheeper Zachary r or ricochet I’m we call him Zack so if Zack Falls at number three are they going to pass him up and number three for for for for for the homie re shepper man I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know what Rafael Stone I don’t know what emok is thinking right now but what I believe for what I seen I’m a Hooper you know what I’m saying I’m a Hooper I cook any one of y’all one onone on this basketball [ __ ] and on the court as well so what I’m saying is man if we want to bring in what we missing a missing piece for the squad that guy is Donovan Clingan man at the third pick and that’s just saying if you know uh Alex SAR is not on the board anymore but if Alex SAR is on the board and kinging goes number one because the stock is right they saying Atlanta Hawks is invested in them right they saying Atlanta is invested in in the dude Alexa and Alexa is their prototypical big you know what I’m saying very versatile at as a seven footer you can put him out there with Alp at the four you can put him out there with Jabar Smith at the five you can do a lot of things with him you can do a lot of things with W with with the with the Young Homie The Young Frenchie you know what I’m saying with the young Frenchie and you know now that this you know saying we have a week left in this draft it’s a lot of things to be talked about Vic what it do green leaf what it do what it do v v hey I’m G defend myself real I’m G defend myself real quick bro you ain’t gonna just cook me on that basketball court man before my injuries bro I was him I was I was him defensively before my ACL te and everything I ain’t him no more but I still got something hey but uh to go on with what you was saying man on the topic uh hey y’all was talking about Malik monk man and I do want to get on that with everybody else on the panel uh but if we being honest if I knew for sure it was a promise we was getting Malik monk I’m passing on Reed sheer you put that on the film uh but right now we don’t know for sure if going to get him and I’m pretty sure he going to want a lot of money he made a a career year last year with Sacramento um I still think our priority is getting a shooter rather it’s than the draft for a free agency cool the thing with free agency is bro we don’t know who we going to get in free agency we don’t know we can control our own narrative with the draft bro and we can control who we get at what position and I feel like we need shooting more than big man which we already know and I’m I’m going stand on that bro I’m going stand on us draf and re sheper that being our best pick if rash and uh Alex s is already gone number one and two so you standing on that re sheeper man he’s the best fit for us I’m standing on that bro and I know you don’t draft fit in the in a uh in a top three but he he he fits what we need what we didn’t have last year at all as far as consistency not saying that we can’t get more consistent with our Shooters already but we need a knock down perimeter threat bro that they not going to leave at all that’s going to give jayen green more more room to operate cam Whitmore more room to operate shenon more room to operate Aden Reed Shepard benef fits the rest of the players on our team Adam dunov Clingan only fits blocking on on defense God damn Vic you sound like this man going to be Steph Curry when he hit the league or something man that’s not see see see you taking what saying you and you going over I’m not saying that bro I’m not saying that I’m just saying shooting he’s a Bonafide shooter he’s going to open a court for everybody else Steph Curry gravitate his he bring his own gravity Reed stripper gonna bring gravity to other players not to interrupt you I want to ask Vic but being a JJ reck cuz JJ reck was a good player I know he get a lot of hate because of the media thing and whatnot I mean he and I get he is an [ __ ] but JJ re had a fine career bro like real talk I mean we can look at a lot of bum’s career JJ reick was not a bum bro you know that’s your question though before you keep going before I forget I think JJ Ric was just a shooter bro he wasn’t anything else but a shooter I think Reed can be more than that to answer your question hey what’s old boy name uh from I can’t think of his name right now the dude who was dunking back in high school who played for the Phoenix right now uh went the dup just what’s his name man God Dam you know his name bro uh play for the Phoenix Suns Grayson Allen Grayson Grayson what do you think about that I mean is that a comparison I mean Grayson Allen he shoots a decent percentage he got hops like Reed or whatever I mean I’ll take that on the score but I ain’t trying to wait three four years for it Grayson Allen had like a a a hard time when he first hit the league bro he was out there fing cats out hard you know trying to fit in you know he always had a reputation as being like a dirty player or whatnot right but he had a hard time he didn’t like really click until like his fourth year bro I’m not trying to wait around for that he he he didn’t come in being a shooter though if I remember correctly he wouldn’t have knocked down shooter coming in he was more of a Defender but he don’t have a ball handling skills he don’t have a vision I’m not saying Reed Shepard is the point guard but he he he he presents more than just shooting for our team yeah hey look I would basically rather take the veteran path with this with this pick man get ready to pick we got enough we don’t have a shooter yet a dead eye shooter and I don’t think a guy can a guy can get better at shooting but he’s not going to be an elite shooter he can make himself one perhaps but I don’t see it on this team it’s not a man I don’t think it’s really cam I mean you know I saw too many open shots missed by cam last season that’s too many bad shots and he has tunnel Vision trying to get you the hoop or what not I mean so where’s the shooting going to come from and I asked that Malcolm brogon perhaps or you know I mean any one of these guys you guys might name I mean you know what I even be ready to take a fly for some reason not for number three but man I rather i’ rather have a guy like Austin Reeds on this team right now than a reed sheeper bro I mean if we got to just name a generic white boy to join a team or whatever I mean I’m not with it I don’t see this move I don’t see this move helping our team bro not much man just um just living man living life man trying mil who who you picking in this draft bro who you picking going with a big man you know what I’m saying you going with Alex saw clinging or you gonna set up for the 62 uh sniper um yeah I’mma stay away from the 62 sniper cuz I can find that somewhere else um that 6’2 size really turns me off um especially in today’s League um you show the picture with him next to what Domin Mitchell and um I didn’t like that you know I mean there’s no guarantee that the jump shot translate to the NBA we’ve seen a lot of guys who are quote unquote snipers in college and then they get to the pros and it’s just it’s just different because it’s more than just shooting the basketball right I mean you go from being the guy to [ __ ] your shots are are dictated from other guys so um I’m okay with not getting a big because I think we can again we can find a backup big or get by hopefully Stephen Adams is healthy and he’s ready to go um so I’m gonna go with a wing player man um somebody who has a little bit more size a guy who can kind of get his own shot I like the Clingan pick a lot you know what I’m saying um not sure he’s going to play right away but that’s okay I mean we got some guys there already with Cam and almond so you know um or you know worst cases or or not the worst case but you know if we need to trade up trade the pick up and go get somebody who’s already proven in the league cuz here’s the thing if we’re so sold on and list I think we all agree and I think it was Vic who was talking to Loro I agree we we do need shooting I don’t think we need a lights out shooter you know what I’m saying but we do need like a decent shooter who can stretch you out you know who a team has to account for I mean can we get that I mean via trade to pick I mean I think we can I mean if we can get a Malcolm Brum and we can go get uh Malik monk which is I think Monk’s gonna be tough to get I think sacka is gonna find a way to sign that guy but you know a Michael Beasley you know from Milwaukee I mean there’s things out there to get right um yeah yeah yeah yeah okay Mel was it Mel be no no beey from Milwaukee the Bucks the shooter okay yeah yeah be be right be from the shooter yeah so so and and the reason why I say that is because I I’m not going to waste a number three pck green on a 6 foot1 162 shooter when I can get that somewhere I can get that right I can go get that from a guy who’s already proven ready ready to go who can defend somewhat who knows the NBA culture in life and so again I mean come on like we can we can find that and so I’m all for trading the pick and going go get a Brogden gonna go get a Beasley you know I mentioned malink Monk and there’s other guys that we haven’t mentioned right do you hey mil let me ask you about this Prospect Alex s do you like him it’s for like if he falls to the number three pick Alexa s foot you know guy power forward you know uh Center he can protect the glass he can stretch the floor to a certain degree you’re not asking a lot from him but at the same time you just you see the versatility from his game o over clinging how you like him over C at the number um I think he’s more versatile like you said I mean he’s an in inside player he’s not onedimensional I mean I don’t mind especially in today’s League your big needs to be able to stretch you out you know like a jaari Smith you know like a sagon at times and so if he can come in and do that and still be a presence keyword Presence at The Rim then that’s cool but I mean again green I mean we I don’t listen I think Jabari Smith and suon are enough of bigs who can do those things I’m not so I don’t think we need to add another guy that does that I I think between Jabari and sagon because because I heard you said you ain’t on that big that big train but he s foot two you a you can’t ask a lot from him you know I’m saying coming off the bench 72 cleaning glass you know what I’m saying like he may ain’t gotta preach too if I can ask uh hey check this question first I wan okay that’s cool that’s cool that’s cool that’s cool hold it thought L real quick hold it thought I just want I want him to answer do he do he you gonna pass up on a 72 guy like that M yeah because it’s about fit I mean is he the best does he do but green I mean come on man like is he what we need I mean think about it I mean talking about hey he start Rising M Hawks probably they reconsidering him as a number one Peak you know what I’m saying the Wizards you feel me but he can fall right into our lefts at number three so they’re just saying like if we are we gon to pass him up at number three that’s what you you I know you saying yeah but I’m saying you know what bro to be to be totally honest and unbiased I think if he’s there at number three and because of the uncertainty with Stephen Adams and I think we all agree Lon won’t be there listen I can see their rockets taking them I can see list listen bro the Rockets are known for drafting big guys right the hakee I mean it’s in their nature to do this zon and so it wouldn’t shock me if they took him you know and it’s going to be an experiment and my only concern with a guy that big are his feet and his foot problems potentially and can he be a presence guarding the pick and rle you know what I’m saying I mean just because you’re 72 doesn’t national championship and his impact his impact was the main reason it’s different in the leag it’s just different in the association I get I get it though so what I’m saying is his impact for what he did at the Championship level we not asking too much for him coming to this season for us now the shooting we that part no no that part’s true yeah if he can yeah I’m just saying you said you gonna passing up on on the bigs this year I’m just saying like we need a big this year if if they on the board I’m not passing them up m is that because you’re saying that we can get what we need in in in other ways via trade or whatever to get the wings or the shooter somewhere else I mean that listen that’s fair I can’t push back on that I mean seven foot2 guys who protect the rim um don’t grow on trees and so I get it bro listen I get it and again the Rockets are known for drafting big so I mean listen I mean if they draft him then I mean let’s see what we can do with him I mean stay right there Mr miles hey oh lar you had a question for Mr miles hey man I had a question for both of y’all the thing is my my opinion is and green you said something what are we trying to do right now are we trying to tweak the roster are we still looking for young tent to infuse into this roster that has a lot of uh young Talent on it because Ms made a statement he said we’re he would take a wing player I think this team is full of we don’t have much room for uh new wings at this at this point in time on this team because I mean you know we got cam we got Alman a man we have you know we have a lot of wings already so we I ask you this if Rich say is Zachary you know what I’m saying the 69ine wing shooter are you going to draft him off re Shepard he’s a wing player and he’s not necessarily like a point you know what I’m saying a versatile player but he’s a wing player so are you passing him up in the draft over I’m not what I’m not passing up is I’m not gonna pass up on a guy who can make his own shot right but also what I’m not gonna do is I don’t want to overreach for a guy and even though it’s number three so is this team gonna um like give basically $50 million to Reed sheeper to sit on the bench for four years or what not if if that shot is not makeable I mean that that’s a big risk man it’s it’s an incredible risk because every player in this draft is a question mark right there’s no generational talent in this draft at all they they don’t have a high ceiling like the the past draft they looking at this like like the 20 draft bro like the P 20 draft you know what I’m saying like just looking over this draft it’s a role player draft type of [ __ ] I’m I’ma not that pick I’m looking at I’m looking at who who has a big impact I don’t know m still there and he you know what I’m saying wna want to answer that question before I move on to Rich base real quick butas you still there yeah I’m still here bro yeah to uh you know L’s question lar was your question again no it was just are we full at wings are you really do you really want to add a wing to the mix of all these young guys who trying to get paid right now um it’s a valid question I know the Rockets have ton of young wings and you know what I’m saying guys who are trying to make their name but we’re trying to win ball games bro I don’t care about [ __ ] trying to get paid bro listen if we can draft a player who’s better at that position then that’s then then then then that’s what the [ __ ] you do I don’t care about no goddamn amen Thompson and [ __ ] Ken Whitmore and listen if we can find a guy who’s better then you you you have to draft that player bro listen and and again I really hope and pray that em DOA has his hand and his voice in this [ __ ] uh decision because I like his style because he’s a non nonsense guy he ain’t trying to be your friend and so just because we got young players who are trying to get paid so what I mean are they trying to win are they trying to get better and so listen bro I rather have too much than two less because it it gives eay more options right and so it’s a valid question I get it we’re we’re we’re [ __ ] log jammed at The Wings Spot I get it come on but but come on man it ain’t like [ __ ] uh can Whitmore I mean I’m big on om man Thompson but it ain’t like Ken Whitmore and [ __ ] these guys just [ __ ] jump off the screen they don’t they’re [ __ ] seconde players who ain’t proven [ __ ] yet so to be real I mean they’re still considered hold UPS cam was coming through averaging a bunch of points per minute dog cam does jump off the screen bro with that with that uh athleticism he does does wow y we’re in trouble if you think thatum off we’re in trouble so goddamn cical I like it bro but I’m just telling you uh he does I mean cam does jump off the screen bro he hey hey Rich B what good rich rich what’s happing what’s up with it bro what it do man what it do man what it do man hey re man what you doing in this draft dog who you drafting bro who fits us better right now if I’m being h I mean we all know the hoes that we missing like as far as like a big man real protector and then we say shooter so initially we’ll say it’s It’s Our Shepherd of uh clinging you know but uh I think both of them really projects when you drafting man you really don’t know what you getting so it’s just always a crab shoot so uh they can say this the weest draft but this might be one of the best drafts you just never know what you going to get so if I’m drafting somebody I’m not drafting it just being honest I’m trading I’m trading a pck bro I’m g go get yeah I’m I’mma package I’mma package it up and go get whatever you feel that’s needed whether it’s the big man or I think we I think we pretty set it big man we need a shooter man I think the shooter is going to cuz we need space jayen needs space to do what he need to do he got a creating space so now they’re looking for somebody now they looking for players that can shoot the Deep ball and I think we have shooting within they just got to get better at shooting right you know what I’m saying the tar E I think I think tar e is gonna be a better shooter this year I’m banking on Jabar being a better shooter this year so it’s like I I I think they’re trying to see what they have within before they make decisions now I’m going say this I think M you wrong about C Whitmore bro it’s certain it’s certain tangibles you see with a guy yeah he can he cannot probably jump off the screen like you say but he has a certain tangible that you see in him that eventually it’s gonna get there just like with Jaylen Brown gotta think his first three years he didn’t really jump off the screen but he play hard those defense and you could tell he had that effect if you agree then why am I wrong then bro you just agreed with what I said you just said he doesn’t jump off the screen and that’s what I said I know wait wait bro see you see yeah come on on wait wait bro you just like hold on wait you reacting like a female real emotional calm down bro hold on wait wait wait you wait you gonna let me talk you GNA talk over me bro go ahead bro I said you said that I didn’t say I agree with you bro I never said I agree with you that he don’t jump off the screen I never said that I say you said he didn’t jump off the screen and then you said he do jump off the screen as well you f no I did not I never I promise did yes she did bro the [ __ ] is wrong with youo yes did [ __ ] is going on right now who you got a little tler bro you you a tler bro what’s up bro crazy you gonna lie that quick [ __ ] you a grown man lying that you good bro cuz you throwing a temple chion real quick godamn you turn 60 to T like come on bro what’s up bro you good hey bro you good you took your M today bro he M did you you took your M you take your M but anyway all he but like I said all right but like I said bro you said he didn’t jump off the screen but at the same time bro it’s the tangibles that you see within a guy bro that you see so you got to look what that’s that’s how I know that’s how we know you didn’t watch the game this year bro when you say stupid [ __ ] like that now we hyping up wh jum this is man this is [ __ ] ridiculous hey [ __ ] been on C [ __ ] the whole year what are you talking about bro we been on with what you talking about ever since he got back from the D bro he was a bro he he was scoring the double double figures bro what is you saying bro all I heard is he can’t shoot and he was impacting off come on bro what you saying what is you saying okay bro so okay so so so let me ask you this question here cuz you already a unbeliever you already said they not making the playoffs next I was right about year keep going no you was right there hold on wait hey hey hey check you was right the last three years bro but check out but check it out hey you going to be wrong eventually bro so it’s cool you gonna be wrong eventually bro so this team man go ahead bro that’s cool bro that’s cool cause you don’t watch them bro you don’t watch bro you bro bro it’s no question I’m not even talking you me ask you a question you just telling me ask you a question well I ain’t got I ain’t got a question to ask you know all right all right all right cool been right right have I been right though have I been right you been hold on wait green Le hold on green Le green Le did I say I agree with him that Kim with did not jump off the screen did I you did bro you said it after yes you did you said you agree with him no no I heard you say I heard you say you re you you rebuttal what he said about uh I rebutt I didn’t say I agree with your fool ass [ __ ] see you just hey bro you be quick hey bro you be quick to talk like a little female bro hey bro you be quick to talk bro you quick to listen bro women think emotionally bro men we think strategically bro now you quick to always talk bro and don’t know what the [ __ ] you bet money you said that bro you don’t know what the [ __ ] you be saying bet money that you said that [ __ ] you don’t know what the [ __ ] he hey Mar he didn’t say that bro he said the cont he said the cont bro he said that he said cam jumps off the screen bro hey hold on [ __ ] hey hold on [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] n [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] check this out hold on wait hold on wait wait let me get my [ __ ] out bro because he interrupted me bro go good good but like I said bro at the end of the day with this pick if we don’t take it mean if we don’t if we don’t choose clinging and Shepherd go ahead and trade the pick for a event bro go get you a shooter you know what I’m saying I like I like uh Caruso and Chicago you know what I’m saying I think I think he fits well as far as a shooter and and come off the bench and make a lot of [ __ ] a lot of a lot of dudes feel like Reed sheeper is that shooter we should draft but can he but is he I know the question you want to I know the question you want to ask and I’m trying to ask I mean I’m saying I’m trying to see the same question you gonna take it over over guys who shooting at a 41% clip at a high level who play on different teams and you taking that over a guy in a draft or you going to take him over particular versatile and S and C if they on the board it’s a crap true cuz you got to think bro we we we all hoping that it all trans translate bro we hoping that it all just translate as far as clinging goes like you know what I’m saying cuz CA cuz got think he got to get adjusted to the speed of the game so it’s going to be slow for him he going to have a difficult time but do he do he got the mentality to push through to get to the next level on just like a reed sheeper like can he get his shout out quicker u i I think Reed sheep lot question that’s agre bro no even with Alex if we draft Alex it’s GNA be questions bro they they come on bro they they they they really like raw product that need development stay right there cuz Hey this C with more [ __ ] hey that [ __ ] was crazy right there right there yeah hey hey hey Jay do what it do J you got what’s up with it salute man salute to the family man salute to the panel man what’s good happy Bel lady Father’s Day to the men you know you know what I’m saying and uh Happy t to the to the family man as well man hey J hey J what up with it folks hey hey I’m glad you came in GL gave your pleasantries and [ __ ] man get on this [ __ ] M’s ass bro hey green I got the TCH green hey tell I got it said it green I got it green hold on hold on say he got a clip man hold on M everybody green yeah mute watch this L ass [ __ ] yeah what up sheill lying ass [ __ ] certain tangibles you see with a guy yeah he can he cannot jump off the screen like you say but he has a certain tangible there you go he can probably not jump off the screen like you say stop lying wait that’s hold on that’s not [ __ ] that’s not a [Applause] [ __ ] so saying that like you say that’s like that’s like saying in your words he don’t drop off the screen like in your words but I think hold on hold on wait hold hold on wait hold on wait [ __ ] all that hold on this bro hey all respect to you bro at times bro you come on here and say some sensible [ __ ] but what you not going to do listen I’m a Wordsmith bro I’m actually a rapper bro so I can I can speak in third person to your ass bro and you won’t know what the [ __ ] hold on wait hold on hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on wait bro hey it’s cool it’s cool bro but check this out but check this you could play your stupid ass tape but [ __ ] you just eat it yourself bro I never agree with you bro it Ain it ain’t lying [ __ ] it’s it’s it’s the way I worded it [ __ ] that you don’t understand I can’t help but you can’t understand most [ __ ] that I’m saying [ __ ] it was clear what you said bro it wasn’t clear you don’t understand okay it’s okay I’m good green green can we get to do intro green can we gety green can we get heyen can we get rich to do an intro for your show next season can we get rich to do an intro for next year want get man J get [ __ ] I got get [ __ ] [ __ ] he next time you time hold on wait hey next time you in Houston man pull up at one of my spots bro I’m also a one of the biggest DJs in the city [ __ ] pull up some one of my spots next time hey hold on wait wait wait wait it’s cool hey it’s cool hey hey it’s cool [ __ ] hey pull up like a real one [ __ ] downtown [ __ ] rooftop [ __ ] to a game hey that’s cool but pull up to one of the parties [ __ ] put up to one of my parties put up to one of my parties then [ __ ] if you if you that [ __ ] pull up [ __ ] invite hold on it’s invite hold on hey it’s a invite it’s Hey DJ DJ Hey DJ who rich bro DJ who Rich that’s two’s [ __ ] look me up [ __ ] DJ lion Rich coig hey look me up [ __ ] I’m joking hey Rich I’m joking bro I’m joking n for real [ __ ] pull up that [ __ ] trolling that [ __ ] trolling rich [ __ ] hold on bro I was in Houston and I hit Green Leaf bro I ain’t trolling [ __ ] i’ be in Houston no I ain’t talking about that I’m talking about you [ __ ] with him bro that’s all oh yeah yeah yeah yeah he yeah he good bro he good Cal down calm down hey but I’m put I’mma put Let me let me kick my [ __ ] right quick man I ain’t gonna be long bro hey just to kind of put some of that [ __ ] to bed though hey Mars hey cam wo L the NBA bro and point per minutes with people uh with uh uh uh NBA players with the same amount of minutes that he played bro he L the NBA so take what take just take what take what you want I ain’t saying he job to pay I ain’t saying that he don’t say he average his his his uh points per minute for the minutes played bro was was number one in the NBA you can look that up too but uh hey say man I’m taking clinging all day man I’m taking clinging bro you know what I’m saying uh clinging I’m G tell you man go back man go look at Illinois game bro in the lead you got go M you got some back feed bro go go look at that Illinois game bro in the lead a and go look at that Indiana game when he played KH well head up bro like his num’s not going to jump off the page for us in the in the in the game but bro you going but they Bliss ass they beat their ass they beat Indiana bag and they beat Illinois bad Illinois was hot and they came to the tournament bro uh when uh Terence Shannon came back Illinois was they was on the road they ran into uh Yukon bro and uh the first half was competitive it was back it was back and forth with that second half bro once Clin got back in in the game bro he said [ __ ] down bro and he he stifled that whole team bro they went on a 30 to nothing Blitz bro and blew and blew Illinois blew the do off their ass in the tournament bro so I’m just saying with Clingan bro he gonna give you something bro he G I think this [ __ ] translate bro yeah his feet I agree with M on that big man with the feet thing and and clinging already had a foot issue he was coming back off a foot issue that’s why he didn’t have a real good game against KH well offensively but but at the same time he still sh you borging dog hey man you went through a bad patch we can’t hear you dog I can hear him real good L maybe his goam man he sitting up here spitting his soul nothing he saying dog now you breaking up now you breaking up but go ahead do say I got all my bars bro but no man um clinging to me man is the guy guy bro that that really gives us something that we don’t have bro I like S I like the versatility but I I think Jabari and um uh uh uh and the guys that we and Alp and all those guys they can kind of give us a little vers you know the versatility when when it comes to that but Clingan bro he’s the kind of guy bro I think that’s gonna shed some [ __ ] down like bro I know this college and I agree with you too that you know college is not the same it’s smaller court and things of that nature so uh he gonna have the same effect but bro I just watch him just just dismantle a Illinois team with with penetrators bro that can get to the rack bro and he made them boys just they couldn’t do [ __ ] what if what if Clay is not on the board anymore though like you see what at you see what Atlanta’s doing you know they they have they seem like they want them I don’t know what the Washington Wizard going to do you know whoop to do whatever they decide do but at the same time if sar’s not I mean if cling is not on the board Rich say on the board right and you gotta you gotta make a decision who you picking you know I’m saying as far as like s between s and and uh and uh re yeah man look man I’mma take s bro you feel me if I have to pick I’mma take s but if you give me an opportunity to trade down and get a proven guard bro like like a like a Caruso like like a broon bro you feel what I’m saying if if any if it’s any validity to to to Malik to Malik uh uh uh Mark us getting him if it’s any validity to that bro I’m going big man bro I’m going if we can get if we can goddamn me package something to get goddamn Malik M do a signing trade or something because I don’t think we got enough to get him with the ml you know what I’m saying think he going to command by 18 on the market a year at least so if we can do something to get him I’m going big man all day bro we good we we good on the guard on the guard action bro probably get you another little old something here just you know in in the form of a Aaron holiday type player you know say just you know just a extra bar Handler for Fred before it’s like a shooter and a guy that can get his own shot we good on that department bro go big you feel me they ain’t going beig because refi Stone made a dumb ass move by getting goddamn uh big man from goddamn the Grizz with Steven Adams bro man bro I know prob did for contract situations but dog why did he do this I mean I would rather let big Ste you think that’s let me get mine off real quick brother I’m NE go ahead so far Rafael Stone has did a damn good job I don’t know what the [ __ ] you talking about young man but uh rafhael Stone has done a great job in the drafts uh considering what we’ve been going going through with you with this rebuild uh Second Place who the [ __ ] told you Cam Whitmore is trash you making it sound like he trash Mr Moss I’m gonna let I’m gonna let you answer that later but anyway uh I got faith in RAF stone and aen you do I think they’re gonna do just what we need to do we can sit here and speculate and say what the [ __ ] we want and what we think that Rockets want they’re going to make the right decision bro with this pit if if it’s the person that we want is not there available at number three I’m pretty sure they gonna get rid of this pick so big Steve like like from your from your point of view what what what’s the perfect fit is it is is it the Reed Shepard from the shooting three and D point guard shooting position is it Alex saw dropping to us following our lab for his versatility or you know if Clingan still on the board and you had a number three pick or you taking him like like’s or or a trade or a trade you gotta throw that in there too or trade or I think I think if if the person that you really want because we don’t know who rapael Stone actually wants you know we can speculate but we don’t know who he actually wants uh but if he’s not available then trade it go after somebody and you know that somebody they that can actually come in and be an immediate uh Plus on this team you know we need somebody that can come in that can shoot you know for real I mean big man uh I don’t know why you say that was a dumb move about Stephen Adams because Stephen Adams can play defense too and that’s what we need and he can get them offensive rebounds he’s one of the better offensive rebounders heyar why why your ignorant ass say that though the dude has not made it through the last three seasons so why would we want that that’s my point about one he’s a one year rental though you know what I’m saying but he can’t make it through a season the last three years I mean that’s that’s I mean that’s cool that’s cool that’s why not cool if no no no you I’m saying no hold on I’m saying your your point of view on it is cool that’s valid to a certain degree what I’m saying is that’s why I want a you know a versatile big or a rim rim protecting big like or clinging for the future because you have a young big and it covers the basis for every every position so we looking for a back up big man when we got LP come on Dog LP has has his weak he has his weaknesses that’s why you need a young big to back him up everybody in this draft is going to come off the bench that’s what I’m saying they gonna come off the bench man he green I’ve been hearing a lot of people uh in the sports you know talking about LP possibly becoming a four I mean I mean that’s why I think may may do want to stretch the floor e mayoka wants him to stretch the floor and you know I’m saying take threes at a hot clip now you know what I’m saying work on that great at what he good at right now I mean come on man can he get can he get great at his post game before want to just stretch him hold on when you have other teams Scope when you have other teams scoping and scheming on your game plan you know and we talking about what LP does to a high level if that’s all you got you can play game plan for that so stretching out the floor that e mayoka wants him to do stretching out the floor shooting the three you know y’all want him to play be a four he can’t be a four if he can’t play with a five so you have to have a different type of Versatility we got a four supped got drafted number three overall two years ago we got a four already hey didn’t we ask him to be a five we ask him to be a stretch five and we we trying to ask Alp to be for now all right so it’s so it’s about interchangeability right you want all your it’s about versatility at all levels same thing same thing exact same thing so me so I’m cool with it bro I mean you know what all I want to do is make the playoff next year how y’all want a constructive team man I’m out of you do I mean because it’s like we fans we we gonna say we gonna say they gonna do something else we fans dog that’s all I said man I trust Stone I trust Stone and yoka I think they’re gonna make the Right Moves bro and like I said few weeks back bro a couple of the guys that we like on this team will not be on this team this year I feel bro and it is what it is and I want to get back to this uh Mr M he spoke on cam [ __ ] you think he’s the our man out him or Tyre een or or any other of our core six role player typ to a certain degree who’s out the window for you Mil like you know saying I know you spoke on C more like he don’t jump off the screen but yeah I mean all I all I said was that he did not jump off the screen never said he have potential never said he he on T too gone for uh malol yeah said yeah I never said cam wasn’t a potential good I just say he doesn’t jump off the screen so I mean that’s an accurate statement I mean I already caught rich and a lie about that [ __ ] so it’s cool um so the Altman out honestly man I think tar e does a lot of things um that a team needs he’s like a glue guy and uh but the only way he gets better is by playing you can’t put him on the shelf and so the odd man out I would play Tar over cam I mean if it came down to it but the last gentleman had a great point there there’s GNA be a few players that are either not gonna be on the roster or they’re just not going to play because we we got to get out this habit of trying to be friends and and and and eay needs to make people happy no [ __ ] that [ __ ] Bro either you play and you’re playing well and you play or you’re playing bad and you sit your ass in a goddamn [ __ ] and work in practice and so to to answer your question straightforward green I think cam might be the man out bro because I don’t think Tyreek got a fair Shake last sh he was hurt and so if he’s healthy I’m going with tarre I mean aren’t you guys I mean I mean with tyres I’m just playing devil’s advocate he wasn’t as healthy as we expected because you guys had a bid on him and you know they bet didn’t come into fruition because of his health and we believe that Ty e on the court would have made us you know a better team defensively and overall too well right yeah I mean I saw some good things from T when he did play I saw some good things from cam when he played and so I got to assess both guys and say what guy gives me more what guy’s a better fit and so I mean listen there’s going to be a few players or a player that’s not going to play and that’s okay and that’s okay listen if you really look back and you assess this Rockets roster like I mean they got some Talent man and they got guys who can play basketball and that’s a good thing green because now the competition guys competing like that’s not a bad thing at all and so you know eem is gonna play his best six seven eight players and so why you don’t think we can be a playoff team Austin if that if if we have all that on the table that’s easy BR because two best players because your two best players in Jaylen and suon aren’t better than the other top eight players out west teams with their best players or uh the Rockets don’t execute in the fourth quarter the way those other teams do I mean listen you can be teams get better some teams get worse okay well until I see it then I can’t I can’t say that we haven’t saw it yet you guys we haven’t saw it yet so I mean I can’t Bank on something I ain’t never seen before they don’t execute well they got stretches where you know I got it so much it is I understand everybody’s frustration with you at at certain points in time so what do you see good about the future projection of the rocket so far what what do you see um the best thing I see so far is two things right two things one is they got a coach in place that long as they’re patient with eay and let eay slowly input his input on this team they’re going to be fine so that’s the main thing is that they hired a good coach to me that’s a great thing secondly is we have a big man in sagon who is developing and getting better and so I think y’all hear how he said y’all hear how he just said we right hey y’all he just said we he just said we go ahead ass up he said we my [ __ ] he said we bro I’m just saying what does that mean that means that we Rockets fans we like are you okay bro you cool I mean did you catch no most times most when takes most timey most times when you takes you say y’all you say y’all you just said we you say y’all you say y’all but you just say why is it hey why is it when I assess this team and I’m just honest about my assessment and I point out obvious flaws why why does my oh you’re not a fan or why is that in question because I’m pointing out obvious flaws ask Z why is that I mean yeah lar he probably asking you because you come up here with some question bu [ __ ] no not really bro he about that like real mean they already question he don’t watch the games and all that when I say when I say like you haven’t seen it yet and when I say like teens get better teens get worse so when it comes to Malik monk they saying like you know what I’m saying might Test free agency he was a key factor for that for that Sacramento team you know about Sacramento so how you feel about him leaving that Sacramento team things like that of that nature if you don’t pay Brandon Ingram for the Pelicans you have to trade them and things like that we don’t know like you said we don’t know we projecting we we guessing you feel me kings are one of the teams that did not make the playoffs and so it’s not like they’re a team that you can repl going to the playoff they didn’t make the playoffs as well and they can get worse if they lose Malik monk so what I’m saying can the replace him can the rep when they the ni seed and we getting better and they got worse no no no you guys can definitely replace the Kings and be in that playing tournament situation I totally agree with that hey you guys doesn’t mean that no I mean doesn’t he go back to y’all real quick like what is is it us is it y’all what’s going Ono no it doesn’t mean that you guys listen bro if I say we and you guys man that’s that’s just how I talk but it doesn’t mean that the Rockets are going to you know beat that seven listen man you guys happens who’s not going to come on man I mean man taking that nobody knew about this [ __ ] crazy um what team are we going to replace I mean what team that made the postseason who was going to make a drastic change or lose four five less G and not make it the Rockets are going to get in I mean there’s too many unknown questions about the Rockets right I mean green had one good [ __ ] month so I mean like come on man I mean we got no questions about every team right now brother yeah but those teams I mean I’m not saying there’s no questions but I’m not saying that there’s no questions about the other eight teams but we do but but can we use logic there’s more questions about the Rockets than there is about Dallas Clippers OKC Minnesota Denver uh [ __ ] the Lakers [ __ ] um um [ __ ] um I don’t know what not the Memphis Grizzlies did not make the postseason last year and we know jaw’s coming back right and so I would assume green that you’re gonna throw Memphis in the mix right I mean yeah I gotta I gotta be with elder you know saying he yeah yeah yeah yeah for okay you know what I’m saying on top of that we bet that the Rockers will win 50 wins I bet that they they’ll have 50 wins he said that uh that the Memphis Grizzly will be better than this so that’s $2 green if you want that bet I will jump down on that there’s no way that J is not making the playoff next year bro real talk there’s no way jar is not making a playoff next year bro real talk on that fact like no way that team is not making the playoffs bro cool okay how many wins did they have this year this year he wasn’t there he got hurt shoulder got [ __ ] up man come on bro it’s context to it bro that’s why I’m asking the question how many wins I want I want to ask y’all how many wins John gonna provide for this he did lose steon Adams uhuh he did lose uh Dylan Brooks for that year and they was banking on Desmond Bane to carry them to somewhere and that didn’t happen so we just you said to me John Morant gonna come back off of a shoulder injury you know what I’m saying he just rely on his ath Talent he still got to provide you know I’m saying leadership for his team and all this stuff that he’s been dealing with so we just saying that alone jar gonna give you 30 more wins minim the G the gz are going to at least being a play in bro I gotta give that I gotta give that they’ll being the play in I gotta you believe more than the Rockets I think the Rockets should be seed if they do the right thing with this godamn draft pick the six seed if we go out and get malol Brogden I think he can car I gota bet I think with Rich and I think Jay dog about them not making a playoff so just have my bread ready please myad ready hey keing what he do king yeah all right [ __ ] I got you King what happened what it do man what happing man what it do what do man shout out to you boy I really don’t I really don’t know the topic you know I just heard somebody say you people you know well you [Laughter] guys hey man we not doy we ain’t going to you do you you people on Jun dog we know what you people hey man hey that what I heard man my ear heard when I turn the stream on you know I hear you people you know like you guys there man let me tap in it might be something going on I need to be a part of hey man what time man that [ __ ] crazy who you want draft who you want to draft and who’s the best player for the okay yeah you got it green it’s your show your show got it bro I’m just trying to make sure but go ahead ask him again mute you ask ask going [ __ ] been sipping that [ __ ] been sipping he can’t shut the [ __ ] up hey man you picking you picking re sheer overall all three of these dudes whatever scenario may be well no no no no remember I told y’all my top two was re and S you know what I’m saying because I think that both of them bring something a little different from what we already got on the roster okay clinging uh stock is rising so if he go number one depending on who takes Rich say s number two or you setting for Reed Shepard with whoever else on the board that’s what I’m saying are you are you are you stand stay P if somebody if somebody dumb up to take c number one we better thank our lucky damn stars because that means man hey stop that [ __ ] come on man no I’m serious if somebody take cing on number one we we we are truly kissed by the guards man I’m telling the basketball guards is smiling on us hey we got over 70 people in the building man y’all get the likes up man get the likes man like share and subscribe man if you want to become a member of the channel hit the membership that way you after man y’all can catch after the stream man of people stealing [ __ ] re re sheer is my third is my third pick behind saw and re you say re sheer is high than re no I said he’s third behind SAR okay okay for the pi okay okay my bad my bad I got a lag I got a okay so this re shepher I don’t know much about him I’ll be I’ll be hon I really actually you know I work so [ __ ] much so I don’t get a chance to check out the College college guys but uh this re sheeper I here say they say they saying he the next him they saying he next him as a shooter for us he’s gonna transition Vic still right there Vic I want you to late on that too you know what I’m saying but they saying he the next him as far as the number three you know you got you got to get him as the point guard he’s 6’2 with shoes on [ __ ] please if you right here right here look at the screen uh catch and shoot 51% from the field off the dribble 51% from the field NBA threes 49% from the field uh you have Corner threes 51% from the field off screens 50% guarded uh uh screen screen whatever that [ __ ] is CNS you know what I’m saying C okay catch and shoot 45% and 50% unguarded catch and shoot so you know can shoot the [ __ ] he can shoot that [ __ ] thing man you know take away from him is he is is he the next Stephen Curry because me Big Steve I think you know I’m saying they gassing him up you know I’m saying this rocket community and not really analyzing it from a a total base and you know we the only ones that want to draft him at number three they ain’t trading up for him and [ __ ] like that that’s Reed sheer in the whole box what do you think about what do you think about that because you know Fred is not gonna be here forever and we gonna need a point guard point guard we don’t have a true point guard for when Fred is gone talk to him Steve goam it talk to him point guard hey wait a minute hold the [ __ ] up [ __ ] Fred ain’t a [ __ ] true point guard by the way the numbers don’t say that old silly ass [ __ ] top the more than [ __ ] Chris Paul dog how the [ __ ] does that happen dog he is not Ain hold on wait hold on hold over a course all here we go all right cool whatever whatever y want to say man hold up let me get this off who has Fred made better in his career I got $100 I got $100 right now on the cash I can answer I don’t [ __ ] with the drunk man I don’t take drunk people money nigp had a career year with Van v Ricky uh Perle had a career year with Van v so big men he made two big men better off the bat $1 get with Scot B $100 Scotty B everybody knew he was a better player bro I mean he ripped the green Le that $100 my [ __ ] ke not only did he make Yak better player he make Yak better what happened to the best player on that team Scot B got him put off that team [ __ ] you send go [ __ ] shot 40% from like he did heot man you as who the man you asked who did he make better you had $100 send that money to Green Le man all I want K ke look here man I want him send it to Green yeah that money the green [ __ ] stop playing games [ __ ] man I seen green enough so farri to the channel [ __ ] y’all you the one [ __ ] threw it out there lame ass [ __ ] you the one off it [ __ ] now you don’t want to pay up I ain’t gotta pay up [ __ ] I got [ __ ] that need that money [ __ ] [ __ ] Y’all [ __ ] disrespect hey no but J you on that [ __ ] bro real talk what [ __ ] I’m on [ __ ] I mean you think all your takes [ __ ] facts or whatever you you never just gave a def fin answer what you do is you play Between the Lines dog you say may might we okay s fine I mean basically what I’m trying to say is you you ride green leave I mean whatever Green Leaf take is you adopt it my [ __ ] like real talk bro I mean real talk hold hold on hold on hold on y’all it sound like this [ __ ] feeling about some [ __ ] J goad [ __ ] on this [ __ ] Bro the [ __ ] he drunk bro I I’m not [ __ ] man I’m chilling like a hey bro hey Dr bro understand green Le I understand I’ve come on panels when I was like Tipsy or what not but JG go ahead J your [ __ ] I’m not [ __ ] bro yeah you [ __ ] with your feminine ass [ __ ] you [ __ ] I’m feminine and you talking about grown men riding another grown men dick [ __ ] me I mean that’s what you do I mean you go along with the program [ __ ] you green Le like s you love S I mean I’m just saying what’s the difference Green Lea like s you love what I’m saying I said I’m picking I’m not intimidated by you [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you talking on what you talking do you think that because you call me a name I’m gonna C out or something no [ __ ] you a [ __ ] with your feminine ass [ __ ] that’s what you is what the [ __ ] ain’t it ain’t about that [ __ ] you is what you is [ __ ] you don’t even know me [ __ ] you a puss ass trying to argue with [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what hey you know you know you know what hold up keep keep playing you know what keep playing Green Leaf uh wife car not it every month [ __ ] keep doing that [ __ ] keep doing that dog hold hold up hold on hold on hold on hold on see hey hold on you want to go to the [ __ ] hold up hold [ __ ] keep keep pay Green Lea car note every mon money where your money at [ __ ] since you soing ass [ __ ] oh broke ass [ __ ] if I can do it you think I’m broke you think I’m broke yeah s the green leaf whatever you got [ __ ] ass [ __ ] with your feminine ass [ __ ] got feel don’t pocket watch your ass [ __ ] pocket watching ass [ __ ] obviously to sound like you hating on z sound like you ha on the one and only I told you about this ho ass [ __ ] I told you that [ __ ] was a ho bro [ __ ] I been trying to be easy with your [ __ ] ass little [ __ ] ass [ __ ] but it ain’t about that J that’s what it is all that gay [ __ ] all that g [ __ ] come out that [ __ ] you want to or you want to talk talk to grown men and we talking real basketball [ __ ] and you got got your courage up you got the courage of to talk grown talk to a real man on some [ __ ] [ __ ] but you a soft ass [ __ ] ass [ __ ] that’s what you is [ __ ] I don’t give a [ __ ] about you you drunk you drunk ho ass [ __ ] you po watching me [ __ ] right now keep on [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is you talking about for that P being chill right now feeling you lift your skirt up you lift your skirt up [ __ ] and show who you was today bro now what [ __ ] hey hey [ __ ] lit over here [ __ ] hey hey hey hold on hold on hold on you know I’m saying some real [ __ ] F you know I’m saying so hold hold on real quick so whatever Laro doing that y’all know Laro trying to stir up the pot you know I’m saying don’t nobody take his take serious don’t take [ __ ] serious you know what I’m saying he do all this little weirdo [ __ ] Southside Houston [ __ ] C my pocket stop hating on the [ __ ] [ __ ] stop hating on the young one one time bro sit your [ __ ] ass back Laro you know what I’m saying I don’t give a damn what you donate to my channel [ __ ] you feel me I don’t give a damn at all [ __ ] it’s some rocket [ __ ] that’s how I started this [ __ ] without donations so [ __ ] what you saying [ __ ] I made more money than you I I ain’t a so it don’t matter yeah bro that [ __ ] simple sh simple bro he got courage over there so he want to talk shito this ain’t no Tree House dog this ain’t no box house Club House [ __ ] you know I’m saying we cook on rock and [ __ ] you always try to always try you always try to try to go a different angle what you want to try to come know I’m a long Angel right now [ __ ] be coming at meway I mean even you sometimes I got myself sometime I got I got hey hey I don’t give a damn what you saying you know what I’m saying green it’s all Rockets yeah okay keep keep it keep keep keep it that then [ __ ] some real [ __ ] [ __ ] some real [ __ ] [ __ ] I don’t like if a [ __ ] come on YouTube and try to W it with me because I really make a [ __ ] feel mean cool but who who who the [ __ ] that donate then [ __ ] I ain’t got no I didn’t say that you know what don’t don’t say don’t say no [ __ ] trying to you know what I’m saying do what they doing with what they doing for my tannel [ __ ] stop stop [ __ ] I could block you from here to tomorrow to next year [ __ ] ain’t nobody gonna mention Laro name what L been you know where he at because of this stream right here [ __ ] like bro yeah I hey hey my bad man I had a phone call come in I heard you say my name re sheer man you got a question for me yeah yeah yeah I know I know uh they was man we done got lost in the sauce real quick but you know what I’m saying yeah we did we got but I think they was saying about like just having re she as a number number three over pick and you know are you taking him over like the clinging and you know s the world if if if I’m taking Reed Shepard over Clingan if if s available I rather trade back bro we got a s already in jaar I don’t think s really a knockdown shooter so we can’t say he a stretch five and he don’t he probably don’t even want play five I trade back bro or trade out one of the two no no no no s is not is not um T ain’t saw like 72 or something saw seven foot yeah he he he got he has a shooting profile though you know what I’m saying like you see you see him take threes he make a couple he ain’t a great three-point shooter but he got the profile to become that if he work on it but out the G did too bro and did that [ __ ] two season go you go I’m saying legit look tar is not a seven footer saw is a legitimate seven-footer long arms athletic fast quick he’s something that we do not have so I say we already got three big man s is the one big man that I would say okay we can take him he is a difference from every other big man we got on the roster he can uh hold his own when he got to be switch out on on guards he can meet them at the rim he can uh uh rotate out the shooters at the three-point line he’s something different all right my look at the comp look at the comp when tar is coming out in the draft it’s gonna read the exact same thing you know I’m not trying to interrupt you I’m not trying to be a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] I’m not trying to be a ho ass [ __ ] look at you getting and and trying to compare them as the same Jabari Jabari the 16 guy the dude who’s seven feet right now the dude who had the father who playing the NBA right now not t even their games are not the same Jabari is a is a perimeter player he’s a shooter he’s not a shot blocker he he’s not a great rebounder that’s not his game because because we talked about this [ __ ] all SE like Jabari godamn you right there you ain’t you don’t even try to [ __ ] goddamn attempt to block the shot Jabari is not one of the co six bro he gotta be the first to go Jabar SMI Jr he got to be the first to go he don’t have aggressiveness he’s not it yeah go ahead uh uh so when you speak on on draft SAR and drafting him at number three if he’s available which I I do like him don’t get me wrong are you gonna start him right away or bring him off the bench He he’ll still come off the bench but allig hey King all V all of them gonna come off the [ __ ] whoever we okay okay because if we had the number one pick will we still draft him come off a bench yeah whoever we take off no matter no matter who it is because of how team is built already okay respect of our team man like if we dra if we trade up for the number one pick who we who we going who we going who we gonna put s in front of in the Storey green y’all sound like we a making the playoff next year bro I mean cool y’all can cook me roast me I don’t give a we making the playoff sh like real talk y’all sounding like that bro I mean I want to make the play you haven’t seen what happen yet we don’t know what the [ __ ] happen bro we just speculating man why hey hold up M be saying the same thing dog D that say the same thing I mean y’all not going to put me on on some Island by myself bro it’s a few it’s a few dudes that be like man what you say what you say don’t compar to no goddamn luro [ __ ] lurel is comparing himself to you hold up what I’m trying to Mar agrees with me like we not ready to make the goddamn puss ass up would agree to that right now we not ready to make the goddamn playoff I agree with that I who the [ __ ] cares monster Sacramento himself why the [ __ ] we care about what he say about the you can’t stand on your own n wor for damn with puss man chill out puss I done said the same thing for the last year and a half but you just need green [ __ ] agree with you what I mean I understand that you you paying green uh wife but I can do that I can do that [ __ ] hold on hold on hold on little [ __ ] I don’t hey Wifey hey don’t nobody mention no wife [ __ ] on on my end you feel me don’t do that [ __ ] [ __ ] don’t do that [ __ ] I mean she can get like a GS [ __ ] goddamn on YouTube I mean be happy like a [ __ ] these [ __ ] on YouTube do your your little $50 don’t don’t do nothing for her car no don’t do nothing for a beam or bigger than what you is green hey green I’m a prophesy something right now [ __ ] I got I got her car note in my pocket right now hey hey hey look next season bro when you got like 15,000 subscribers I’m prophesizing on you right now 15,000,000 my [ __ ] real talk I mean I ain’t no hater 15,000 Subs next season Real Talk [ __ ] that [ __ ] don’t move me [ __ ] 100000 I’m not trying to I’m not [ __ ] I’m trying to prophesize that on you getting great Less in your life [ __ ] I don’t even like likey all I gotta say is my [ __ ] hey keep my keep keep wife Green Leaf wife anything that you got associate with me out your [ __ ] mouth you can you can put me in there all you want but keep that out your I can locate you real quick real talk yeah that’s just respectful come on bro that’s crazy bro come on hey salute to you boys man I’m get back in there salute King man you see that [ __ ] [ __ ] don’t know how to you don’t know how to keep that [ __ ] I mean I mean look at him look at him bro you can bro when you can insult me [ __ ] call me what you want bro when you start talking about pay this man call me bro you call me talking to I mean come on bro you bro you bro you hey J Dog ain’t none of us bro Ain none of us in I love my brother hold up he don’t even want to hear this hey look I love my hey look I love my North Side bro a none of us broke we all support and we going to keep doing this I mean [ __ ] shut up [ __ ] I ain’t shut up I’m fall backck my [ __ ] right nowbody give a [ __ ] bro come on let him out of here y’all let him out of here let him go let him go don’t even bring let him go he the new house this [ __ ] crashed out what’s y talking about bro you hear Rich what you talking about you don’t hear that Laro CR crashing out bro about yeah that [ __ ] [Music] out you can’t tell when the [ __ ] drunk [ __ ] you can’t tell [ __ ] drunk come up here on my on my dick [ __ ] he get aggressive get sentimental at the same time bro jealous hey he be jealous when you send that money uh J he one be he only one you know hey man hey hold up hold up hold as a matter of fact man as a matter of fact man I I ain’t say no I ain’t telling nobody hit the cash up or nothing but shout out to my homie Mario for sending the Don to the cash you know what I’m saying salute to Mario salute that’s you send a dollar ho ass [ __ ] trying to we that’s how we supposed to do bro and that’s what’s wrong with our community too bro we don’t support each other and I heard I heard J dog I heard Jay dog in in Green Leaf go against each other’s opinion plenty of time yeah come on man I said clinging big as [ __ ] oh I but that’s the first thing I say CL bro see he hear what he want to he why I really didn’t want to entertain but he start talking about but but who he talking about he want M now who dick he on [ __ ] look at look at him trying to pull up hey house what it do House Green salute salute you [ __ ] got me [ __ ] up like [ __ ] oh wood oh wood wood Dr [ __ ] good man shut your drunk ass up [ __ ] a trying hearit go ahead h oh you go ahead and and and put that put that brother backstage gley I got he I got you tonight I got you tonight man hey man Hey listen y’all had some quality [ __ ] talking on this show I have to give you credit for that man lot of quality [ __ ] talking going on trying to make [ __ ] get outside the element man he trying to stay keep it basketball man hey let’s crank it back crank it back up on this rocket [ __ ] you know what I’m saying I mean Rich B put Mr M feed in the bag you know what I’m saying hey somebody got some back feed some beep that’s me that’s me man yeah gotse he got he got the truck in reverse you know what I’m saying but yeah yeah rich rich Bas bodied Mr Moss a few times that you know what I’m saying and then uh Jay dog and Laro going at it hey man he got some battles on this channel some real battles going on but hey look I I have to tell you man king no basketball man I’m I’m I’m with King all the way if uh if SAR or Rich say is is available at three you take those guys otherwise you got to pick Reed Shepard man green Le put those stats back up on the screen for Reed Sheard hold on re sheeper uh how why you waiting green Le so he can get all on basketball man what you got on that bro check it out statistics don’t lie bro this dude bro hold on listen listen listen carefully now statistics don’t lie statistics don’t lie bro when you when you are ask when you’re trying to figure out like especially somebody’s floor like especially like okay like how can we definitely not miss on this pick like if we if you just definitely don’t want to miss like okay if you got SAR or re Fallen to you okay you take them but then if you definitely don’t want to miss or mess this pick up then you have to look at those statistics the stats don’t lie bro he’s going to be a quality he’s going to be a quality shooter in the league it’s inevitable we don’t know that we don’t know that we don’t heyy don’t don’t we don’t know it we don’t know it know look at the okay why don’t you read off the line where it says I just did that earlier I did read the only thing I was just about to say that house I’m glad you point it out the only thing I’m impressed with is the NBA 3 range okay so so when it says NBA 3s and he’s shooting 50% from NBA 3es bro how many players have we seen and how many players that we seen in the league come into the leag shooting at a high clip in in that’s not a question that’s a question for you bro and hold on one second now okay now if you if you put up Steph Curry stats on this same screen right here we talking about one one one season hold on one second bro Steph Curry had two seasons in college he had two full season he might have had three to be honest with you but what I’m saying to you is that if you put up Steph same statline on this page like I would be impressed if it was the same but Reed he he get his up he wasn’t getting that shot off at Ferguson like that backage look you refuse to shut the [ __ ] up he wasn’t getting that shot off at Ferguson because they put used guys green Le put his ass backstage bro I don’t want to debate that [ __ ] when he’s drunk put that drun ass backstage he was at Davidson by the way not Ferguson Davidson yeah listen now put his ass back stage Green Leaf I’m not gonna talk backage he played three season I’m not gonna talk to him backstage Green Lea because I I don’t want to be interrupted I wa two hours get my [ __ ] off go ahead bro no I was in his ass backstage bro he back I mean he right there he a see no put him put his ass backstage I don’t trust his ass come on H come on get your [ __ ] off you was cooking man I trust his ass he’s he got he he on mute now but he’ll press the mute button any day P his ass backstage that brother L cannot control himself house don’t don’t don’t look now you do same [ __ ] don’t you do that no I don’t bullsh now you at times you do you do be tripping like listen but listen here close now okay if you put up Greenley please put him put him backstage cuz I don’t want to be interrupted by backstage backstage backstage goad was gonna say before interrupted me before lar interruped what I was gonna say is if you put Steph Curry’s college stats on that same screen okay like I would be impressed if Reed Shepherds were like the same as Steph Curry but actually listen here now what actually the truth is that that Reed shephards are way better than Steph Curry stats in college it’s not even close dude Steph Curry was shooting 44% in college Reed sheeper is at 52% that’s like 10 points better than Steph Curry in college and he shoots from the range the three-point line NBA three-point line dude this guy is a c Miss I don’t give a [ __ ] how tall he was and Jay dog’s a hater because he Li lying about his height he’s 6′ three bro he lying 6 how he lying listen see I got something to say look at this [ __ ] Gucci flipflops and [ __ ] rock around some Nike Kobes [ __ ] shut up this dude in guci flip flops you talking about his he his height is a lie come on H man stop it man stop it hey V man what you got bro what you got n man house was cooking man about what he was saying bro until he brought the height situation yeah that height situation is f gazing man stop stop and the [ __ ] wasn’t cooking cuz Steph Curry did that [ __ ] for three years at no no what I’m saying he started off cooking bro he started out cooking I ain’t saying the whole all right big [Laughter] okay got me a got me ready to get on [ __ ] ass right but hey pipe down bro pipe I’m [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] man I’m [ __ ] the facts is bro re shepher yes he’s 61 62 okay no he’s not he’s 6’3 bro greeny let me respond to that photo let me put that photo back put thato back let me respond to the photo okay now if you zoom into that photo and you and you check don’t check their hair level check their eye level they’re the same height bro out hey goad not everything not the shoes you know what I’m saying exactly 62 in Gucci flip flops right now that [ __ ] as Fred Fleet green Le hey no 5 Liv bro give him inch and a half that’s it man them flipflops thick as hell look at look how far as Hill is away from the do that do that bring don’t bring that little man syndrome [ __ ] up here man don’t do that [ __ ] make a big of a difference that much that [ __ ] look comfort I’m rocking with the little man don’t do that don’t do that no I’m going off just skills and man like everybody look looking at Reed Shepard what’s up with everybody by the way uh but um I I look at re sheer as more than just a shooter man because he he’s he’s a Bonaire basketball player man you know what I mean to put up those numbers uh they couldn’t keep him off the court you know what I mean at the end of the day he didn’t start but that’s some politics because they they had wag they had Wagner which was a a high high recruit you know what I mean but [ __ ] what he was productive man and I me I feel he’ll have a productive NBA career with Greenley will you let me break down the hey Greenley put him backstage put him backstage I’m get that same treatment they trying to get L put him backstage no but look uh I think man I’m I’m high on Reed but I’m I’m not sure about the three spot man you know what I mean I think that’s a little too high you know what I mean I don’t I don’t man our point guard right now that we got in Van v is is is a small guard and he and he’s uh he’s been efficient I mean he’s been a you know a good productive small guard his whole career you know what I mean and he worked way up man I think thing is he going to change the whole culture for us as far as shooting drafting him at number I mean he could add he could add I mean it’s gonna be tough we gota see where he at mentally because we got imp we talking about impact though Chico is his is his impact gonna be more and greater than what SAR can do for us and with clean you gonna let me respond you didn’t let me respond you man shut upage I’m say impact yeah impact I think I think he can I think what I was about to say is only time to tell because we got some good Shooters statistically on the roster but I think they not there mentally with with bar and Jaylen you know what I mean like they’re sealing this is high but mentally it’s they’re not they’re not uh living up to the expectation uh as a number two and number three overall pick thus far they ain’t ready at Chico but it’s been yeah is mentally so I don’t know I but like I said a few streams back the difference between this year’s pick and the last few years it’s going to be less pressure on whoever we get you know what I mean because they’re not going to be ask shut up green Le you got to let me respond to the photo bro you didn’t let me can he finish his point though do go Chic go Chic start let me start way back from the beginning I just think it’s gonna be less pressure on whoever we draft this year so I think that might be uh uh Advantage for whoever we bring in because they’re not going to be asked to come in and start and and turn the whole program around like you know Jaylen had that that weight on his shoulder bar you know what I mean like it’s a lot of pressure on them but this year know coming off to the season we just have it’s going to be a little less pressure as for impact I think whoever we draft is going to be an impact Off the Bench uh so I I I don’t really look at a at it as a expect expecting a lot of of of a big impact I expect them to play a good role but I I also expect um growing pains and you know rookie basketball uh output you know what I mean either one either way we go we go uh cling and S would you finish your Goddamn point please get off the stage BR go back to a picture and [ __ ] on and on and on I’m getting my point across what you going to do you be bun of nonsense you don’t even make you just keep saying oh I think they’ll be made role players and then your rookies dude you saying a bunch of nothing you saying a bunch of nothing if you a got a specific point to me sit your ass down bro sit your ass down and he 61.75 down now green Le put that photo back up and let me respond to it bro man [ __ ] that look at the end of the day no green Le not know how to shut up this dude does not know how you keep rambling on and on and on BR chill out chill out please put the photo back up so I can respond to it don’t that’s what I’m saying big St okay so listen Green Leaf Green Leaf do you have the ability Green Leaf do you have the ability hey Green Leaf do you have the ability to zoom in real close on that photo cuz I got three I got three I got three I got three points to make about this photo okay only point to make is how thick those damn slides are list list listen okay I got three I got three points to make on this photo and see what y’all are being tricked by those optical illusions you ever see those puzzles or those optical illusions y’all are being fooled by the optical illusion there’s three points to this photo I’m gonna point out all three of them to you I’m gonna point out all three of them to you if you could just zoom in a little bit closer on the photo what are we doing right now bro who we looking that you got you got you gotta make it plain and and and you got to tell the whole story H okay but I’m asking green Le can you zoom in moreen can you zoom in green Le can you zoom in a little bit more on the photo watching bro I mean you’re not gonna say green LEF what are you what you want what you want to zoom in on I’m gonna break it down for you while you guys are no he not going to zoom in on sh you going bre break listen on my phone now hold on one second now listen listen close now on my phone I can pinch and I can zoom in the photo so if any y’all listening to the show or on your phones if any of y’all are listening to the show just zoom like pinch your phone and zoom on to the phot something you don’t realize bro you are a guest over here and we list I’m talking to I’m talking to the viewer I’m talking to the listeners second hold on one second hold on one second hold he Green Lea I got three I got three points to make I got three points to make okay what’s the first one you want us to zoom in on so so so to the people I’m not talking to the people on the panel right now I’m talking to the people listening to the show in the audience if you have your phone if you can just pinch on your phone and zoom in on the photo just like I’m doing right now I just zoomed in on the photo there’s three points to make about this photo okay now there’s obal Illusions now number one now there’s obstal illusions on this photo optical illusions on this photo so number one okay so number one is their eye levels are just about the same that’s number one number two okay number two is that that what’s deceiving you is that uh uh Reed Shepard he’s got those long ass bangs whereas uh Donovan Mitchell hold on one second please let me finish please let me finish one please let me please let me finish please let me finish okay now Reed Shepard’s got long no listen no no no listen close now Reed Shepard’s got those long ass bangs whereas Donan Mitchell’s whole forehead his whole forehead is showing which makes it look like he’s taller now Jonathan Mitchell’s whole forehead is showing which makes it look like he’s taller CU it’s an optical illusion I’m a photographer pH re Shephard hold on one second bro you can respond when I’m done okay get to number three now listen uh Donovan Mitchell’s hair is his his whole forehead is showing so if you can imagine what Reed Shepard’s uh forehead would look like if his hair was all spiked up like Donovan Mitchell okay and that leads me to the number three optical illusion which is that Donovan Mitchell’s got that afro where his hair stands up like four more inches all three of them are stupid all Donan Mitchell Donovan Mitchell Donovan Mitchell’s afro makes it look stand up like four more inches whereas re Shepard’s hair is flat down he don’t that’s why that’s why you’re not a lawyer no why you’re not a lawyer no man because that argument was Bull if you look if you look at their eye level it’s about the same you guys are falling for the optical Illusions no okay look I I agree with your optical illusion but I’m a photographer and I’m tell you what it is the composition it’s the composition the fact the fact yeah he that’s why he not Loy he lose cases like listen to you sheer had spiked his hair up he’d be the same height he spiked his hair up hold on one second uh uh chicao hold on if Reed Shepard if Reed Shepard had spiked his hair up they would look same height Bank it exactly spiked his hair up if he had spiked his hair up where his forehead was showing and his hair stood up four inches they would look the same exact height they would look the same exact height you shut up now you shut up now this what it is the optical illusion is the composition he’s not 63 he’s not 6’4 he’s 6 foot two but listen listen three bro he’s this the thing though this J Dog lied about that he’s 6′ three no man he ain’t lying he he he reading off what they did at the combine he was 61 and three J lied about that Jay lied 63 61 shoes on with shoes on 63 and a quarter he’s 6’4 with shoes on bro oh he not man look I just looked at this [ __ ] look check this out the thing about this picture is is is uh Donovan is closer to the camera than what’s her name like he he’s like a step in front of him that’s a stupid point bro not not I do photography dog like I do photography what you talking about what you talking about is railroad tracks the railroad tracks type of you have to be listen you have to be way youl the railro track listen Chico Chico you talking about the railro no listen Chico you talking about the railroad Chico listen close here bro you talking about you talking about the railroad tracks phenomenon but the truth is you got to be way behind person to have the distance make an impact dude they’re they’re half a foot behind each other that does not make a difference behind foot it makes a difference when you’re looking at the railroad tracks how those slides are slides that’s like and a half or two his heel is like two inches off the ground only makes Chico that only makes a difference when you talking about the railroad track phenomen yeah it goes on for a mile if it goes on for a mile yeah you’re going to see the difference when the dudes are standing right next to each other that’s right to each other dude that’s to each other but in an angle not a thing bro you’re talking stupid dude if you look at the railroad track phenomenon it takes a mile you talking is stupid you talking about hairline B and [ __ ] like that’s dud if you take if you’re looking at the railroad track and you look at one little Spike on the railroad track that’s that’s two two uh like a half a but beyond the other Spike they’re going to look the same you got to look all the way down the railroad tracks they going to get smaller and smaller the chico you have no idea what you’re talking about bro you have no idea what you’re talking about you are clueless on this topic bro I do photography you worried about bangs and [ __ ] you saying if he would went idea what the depth you have no idea how depth perception and distance make you you’re you’re talking idiot bro you’re talking about the railro track ever seen have you ever seen the railroad tracks photos it they go on for a whole mile you’re trying to extrapolate a mile on a half a foot of a shoe mind going you’re mind stupid bro bro you’re talking stupid I do this [ __ ] I do this [ __ ] for a living D just like you a la us to be a lawyer foring A and C was way Laro your whole point makes Reed Shephard taller because he’s the guy in the background he’s the guy standing farther away so if you have look shorter so what I’m telling you is if you have re Reed Shepherd under your perspective or your ideology if you have him take a step foot closer apparently he’s going to be towering over Donan Mitchell suddenly here you go talking about so so you can make that a fourth point on my list even though wrong about that re shepher would would benefit from his distance philosophy whatever he’s talking about the distance the railroad track the railroad tracks phenomenon up I know you got C hold on I know you got C real quick take a break take a break P down so uh let’s talk about impact their eye level is the same bro look at their eye level it’s exactly the same let’s talk about impa do you think how you how you like down of it how you like house what’s hising to the Rockets R protection two naal championship I think that’s exactly my point I think whenever you look at College dudes who just came off either one National Championship or two national championships you look at the history of basketball they’re always overrated you look at you look at Christian lner you look at uh the dude shabaz naier with somebody that say that Reed sheeper you look at shabaz naier you look at all dudes just coming off a national championship they’re all overrated bro they’re all they all get uh they all get way overrated by the scouts you worried about history you worried about this and that [ __ ] cuz they they got some people that won and succeed at the next level too the bottom line is that Donovan cling cannot shoot 52% from three and and you know you know Reed sheeper can’t block shots he not 72 but d by the way uh re I mean why is Donovan cling and start rising and Reed Shepard is just standing stagnant with the Rockets alone dude in today’s NBA okay where I think it’s because of what Washington I think it’s Washington need a clinging more than they need a read because they got they got uh pull you know what I mean they thinking about adding pieces around kman but if his shooting is that damn lethal why not draft this dude why the Rockets got to draft him what’s what’s happening is bro to answer that question too they want to draft a big man this year because they still trying to tank for next year and get their shooting guard of the future Wizards or who you talking about the Wizards the Wizards okay the Wizards so so so they they trying to get a big man in this year’s draft they still planning on tanking so they can get what’s that guy name uh coming in next year’s draft Harper or flag Cooper flag so they they they don’t want to draft a shooter right now they don’t want to draft a guard right now because they’re hoping that they can win a lottery and draft flag for next year so right now they’re trying to establish their front court and then get flag for next year flag is a flag not a guard but he’ll be he’ll probably be the four about it’s a high-profile guard coming out n what Harper Harper okay okay that’s probably what it is then they’re trying to get a they guard next year and then get their uh Center this year so that’s that’s I think I think I think it’s really green I think it’s the team from what I’ve been looking at and hearing it’s really the team need uh uh with um Atlanta and with Washington think this draft is just predicated on what the team needs everybody just picking about what they need this year and what do the rockets need they need shooting bro re opens listen re Shepard opens up the floor for jayen Reed Shepard opens up the floor for almond Alp Jabar re Shepard he can do that for he can do that for a lot of teams H not just us because all these teams in this draft and what makes these team better hold on what makes these team better yeah what makes these teams better is defense first and foremost so we talking about a team that has a third overall pick and Donovan Clingan stock is rising he can change your team andana Hawks you know what I’m saying who knows what what the wizard gonna do we don’t know so a team that’s third third overall that can have an opportunity if he drops that not that’s not gonna make us better as overall team defensively that’s not going to make it easier for us defensively and defense win championships you can get hot from the perimeter you know what I’m saying you can get high from the perimeter it’s your defense capable of stopping at stopping people stopping teams at all levels hey Don has Donovan kingan played a game in the last week has Reed Shepard I’m asking you a question bro I’m asking you a question back okay because because if you say his stock is rising what what game did he see that did he play last week that I didn’t catch because if his stock is rising what the hell is that based on it’s based on a bunch of woman drama talk that’s how women talk oh did you see that did you see that Louis Vuitton purse that Louis vuon purse is rising his stock is rising dude Diamond klling his stock is rising because a bunch of feminine Fe feminine ass men are talking about him now apparently but but he play another game talking about he ain’t play game in months bro aining he talking about me rambling and [ __ ] look so this ain’t done nothing his St has not done nothing okay he was damn near like seventh eth ninth pick not done nothing play a game since last month bro it’s not about playing the game though because though his stock is rising cuz you care about what a bunch of other dudes are saying which is feminine [ __ ] that’s what girl that’s what women do women do bro women women will make a purchase based on a brand name in like oh that Louis Vuitton purse the women are talking about that Louis Vuitton Pur my thing like gonna drop no link sit back and listen what the [ __ ] I say and see how you feel see see how your life changed with this rock Community you know what I’m saying lar pocket watching [ __ ] you feel me so to answer your question I think all right so uh Atlanta they got some bigs but they could use another young big because capella might be on his way out from over there they still got that other dude uh that they drafted a few years ago that that been pretty much taking compell minutes uh and so what you saying what’s the PE for what you saying she go it’s going to probably be S or I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s clinging that one but s s or mean yeah if he passing up on SAR then you know what I’m saying we know what it is but I don’t see no gravity with SAR you know I’m saying no standing if it’s clinging when we look at clinging and we looking at the stock and [ __ ] yeah what what are hawks looking at who fits best with Trey young or deante B who’s make clean look good what’s and clean is gonna make your team defensively better you know I’m saying in the draft or with Atlanta Hawks you know the gravity trayon is gonna present you know so C is gonna be the best op to to bring in as a uh number one draft pick but if they go to S he’s a more versatile big man so now might go they might go Zack uh what’s his last name yeah Z I’m just call him Z we ain’t gotta do all that they go if they go that lane you know because because he’s the wing that they missing they really don’t got a wing like the they got Jan Johnson I mean I mean I mean well they got Wing players you know what I’m saying you got the bonovich or Brock donovic whoever he is you have the hunters of the world now they don’t probably present the same thing but you got two for one so now they’ll be going to a different trajectory a different type of game plan or how they how they play what he gonna do with Trey young who feels to be better with these dudes Clingan all you need him do is to be a big man 72 Center and Trey young or deont Murray work off of that yeah and that’s another thing is like Trey Trey Young’s future with the Hawks is in limbo too that’s not that’s not set in stone no more you know what I mean because it’s been think like CH do you think Rick RI richet or Zack can be a Trey young level player on his own Merit no I mean nuh what I’m saying like if you if you if you go if you go to Big Man route they not needed for that type of scenario they not trying to draft Reed Shepard over over if they trying to get rid of Trey young why not draft a sheer if he’s that type of guard at the perimeter he top three in his draft why not go for him why because the draft is weak we draft these dudes as role players and you going like you say it’s about fit so if I’m talking about fit I think cling is a bit a good fit for the uh you know what I’m saying Atlanta Hawks is number one yeah I can see that I could see it and I’m I mean that’s the thing like we said last stream we might see a whole another situation where bars drop down to us at three and that draft pick because for the longest he was projected to be the number one and for the and for the last few months be the number one huh it was until draft night it got crazy yeah thing with that is a no Paulo bener check Homen in that in his draft like it was in jaar’s draft see that’s what makes it so gravy because this draft is so weak you don’t know you know what I’m saying you’re not gonna hit or miss on on on in this draft so you know what I’m saying Atlanta gonna have pressure some pressure on Wiz gonna have some pressure on we don’t really have necessarily pressure on we just applying pressure because you know what I’m saying we a rocket fan base we want the best for us going to the next season you know what I’m saying whatever the case may be if it happen and happen we gonna rock out regardless we gonna see the open game plan the open scenario the scheme of things about what we drafting who’s on the board if they pass up Clingan if they pass up Reed sheeper Rich Shay or S falling left we just gon predicate on that we just debating on what’s the best fit in our own perspective for for our team right top three our 10 right our te yeah it’s re sheeper unquestionably y’all need shooting bro well we do need shooting but I I mean at the end of the day what but get your butt out of here this [ __ ] stupid but Hey listen thing on Tre one other thing on Trey young is y’all got to stop uh uh falling for the BS with the LeBron media just cuz the media says something you usually with the media say said something you could be you could be uh you could you could bet your bottom dollar that clutch sports that clutch Sports so we shouldn’t follow a certain type of media scenario so so so when we telling you about Reed sheer are you following us or you following media [ __ ] I’m following theing the stats I’m following the stats and the stats don’t lie bro the stats Don’t Lie the stats don’t lie that’s a fact the stats don’t lie if he’s shooting that well you cannot pass up on this brother okay if he’s shooting that well you take him I don’t care what the talking heads are saying on TV the stats don’t lie so why they a d Jimmy for de with the respect to number three young answer the [ __ ] question before I boot your [ __ ] ass since you want to defend your skin I’mma defend on our end too why they don’t dve J foret number three why they draft JJ R number three why they didn’t draft goddamn uh Kurt hry number three tell me that because this is a role play ass scenario those dudes those dudes threo percentag answer the damn question bro those dudes threo percentages in college were nothing compared to this dude it wasn’t even close it wasn’t even close dude the stats don’t lie so you mean to tell me Kirk H number three overall up wasn’t even close look it up go look it up right now bro it wasn’t even close by the way and by the way while we’re on the topic go look up their steals totals too because talking all [ __ ] you look [ __ ] you come up here every [ __ ] night no no you hold on [ __ ] you hold on you hold on you the [ __ ] question you you answer the [ __ ] question dude you answer the question you you you ain’t Domina that [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m tired of playing with you ho ass [ __ ] answer the [ __ ] question when I present it if not get the [ __ ] off of here don’t even hit the [ __ ] link [ __ ] tired of you ho ass [ __ ] want to come up here and have a clubhouse Mama man shut the [ __ ] up and sit back one time for the one time shut your [ __ ] ass up [ __ ] if not go on the other channel and do all the other [ __ ] oh why you don’t do that cuz I ain’t letting y’all [ __ ] up you feel me they ain’t doing that they ain’t doing that so set your [ __ ] ass up n matter of fact I ain’t letting I’m G to block you for Theon night you [ __ ] ass [ __ ] now anybody else got to cut me off and don’t want to answer no my [ __ ] questions [ __ ] how important is you ho ass [ __ ] want to ask me questions you know why you want to ask me question because you’re intrigued you want to know what I know and want to want to know what I what I think about this team I don’t need to ask a [ __ ] a soul I can say what the what what I want to say and be on by my business I let you [ __ ] up here and try to elaborate and express y’ you know I’m say punk ass feelings [ __ ] want to pocket watch do all this other sensitive ass [ __ ] man this sh YouTube [ __ ] is funny it’s funny but guess what I’mma Elevate this Channel with or without you [ __ ] fall line or not [ __ ] yeah Green I think I think like his like he looking at Stats and I I understand that I’m high one thing I’m high about sheer is he did he did all his stats as a backup rooll as a role player Off the Bench and that’s what he’s going to be asked of uh on our roster so I’m I’m cool I’m cool if we got him if if klling and assar fall down to us I’m cool with that but in the in the in the finals I looked at the finals and what got Dallas to the to the championship and that Rim protecor uh ability was kind of was kind of relevant in the in the finals when it came down to a different team and and and Celtics perimeter shooting was the Difference Maker more than the rim protection so I’m kind of like split 50/50 we could go either way we need both we need a shooter we need more Rim protecting Rim protecting is still like I think we we’re a team defense where where it’s not just oneon-one and hey hey hey hey young bull in the chat he probably house on a troll account some [ __ ] you know what I’m saying oh he said green you say in your feelings when house ain’t agreeing with you how long you been over here how long’s H been over here house been over here since I started my channel so it don’t matter what H say I don’t I don’t tolerate the disrespect trying to talk over me you don’t want to hear my point of view you don’t want to answer my question that’s what I’m getting at with house it ain’t no disagree with nothing [ __ ] now [ __ ] ass [ __ ] young bull you hit the link [ __ ] and see how I check your [ __ ] ass if you hit the link oh if you feel like that you one of them pull up [ __ ] pull up ho ass [ __ ] if you want to disagree or disagree now what’s up what’s up young bull or should I call you young [ __ ] your ass [ __ ] just want see some daylight over here [ __ ] all the [ __ ] want want want to do some little startup kit channels want to come over here and poke their chest out with your boy green exclusive but guess what I know who my [ __ ] on the panel is you know what I’m saying I could drop them the link every [ __ ] day and I drop the link in the chat at all so who gives a [ __ ] [ __ ] y lame asses up BR shut y’ little lame ass weak ass is up BR Real Talk the picture you got up there the crazy thing about that with those three players there’s only two projected to go top three you know what I mean like as cling and assar the only two that that can not be there for us at three you know what I mean so so Greenley every everybody knows you’re the best in the business bro but but let’s be clear about something I was on Showtime show just last week you so everybody know hos bring the subscribers everybody know hos bring the subscribers bro he you know that that’s just a fact of life bro because I know basketball and I know basketball history so but everybody know you the best in the business Green Leaf that’s why your channel keep growing and keep just wait till the rock man get off my dick bro I I don’t care about this [ __ ] I don’t care about all that butter put butter on hey me [ __ ] everybody on everybody on the panel man do y’all think that the national media is projecting re shepher to us just because we need shooting or do y’all think that he’s the third best Prospect in the draft shooting that’s it that’s the only reason if he could shoot he wouldn’t be first round so so so so so y’all think that there’s other people behind the top two in a draft that’s better projected than Reed Shepard upside to my upside Vic hey hey let me just since since Vic and I agree on this let me ask Vic a question hey since Vic and I agree on this let me ask Vic a question hey Vic what is the objective of the game of basketball to put the ball in the hole that’s right that’s right and that’s exactly why re so so if y’all talk about oh if he wasn’t a great shooter then he wouldn’t be dude that’s the whole point of the game of basketball to put the ball in the bucket bro yeah but I mean [ __ ] stupid when you say that chica you sound stupid bro about what what I say you sound stupid bro oh if he couldn’t shoot he wouldn’t if he couldn’t shoot he wouldn’t dude if he couldn’t shoot he would have made if he wasn’t shooting 52% he wouldn’t be in the conversation he would have made the high school team bro he would made the high school team man you can say that by any player bro yeah that’s what I’m saying like alond almond can’t shoot but [ __ ] he score at a 100 percent he put the ball in the hole he get closer to that no no hold on one second alond shoot 60% from two from twoo range the game so you don’t think at 72 can’t put the ball in see this is a problem with you Dam he act like Clingan can’t score from in the post mean hey is talk over this [ __ ] you know play the white boy games man I’m telling you you can’t really say that though how I see what how saying though but C because Ryan Holland got the highest fi goal percentage in NBA history and you see what kind of player he is so you really can’t use that that that so this is the problem with Chico he only look at three-point percentage Al and Thompson shooting Al and Thompson hold on one second bro Al and Thompson is shooting over 60% from the two I know that that’s what that was my that’s my point you better be clear on what you’re talking about you don’t just look at the dude’s three-point percentage and then ni determination you didn’t even listen you just start talk I said alond can’t shoot but he know how to put the ball in the hole he gets closer to and he attacks the goal that’s what I said from two if you shoot 60% from two that’s worth a lot bro it’s not that it’s look the the definition of shoot is not just three-pointers it’s mainly layups and dunks that that’s what I’m saying no no no no that’s this new of the game is to put the ball New Age millennial generation Zoomer generation [ __ ] that only look at three-pointers dude that’s creating bad habits with all the kids cuz now all the kids do is Jack up threes you need to learn R for Learn Basketball you need Lear the millenum and [ __ ] like like you you talking about yourself you you need to watch some 90s basketball and learn how it’s really I watch basketball I watch 90s watch 90s basketball and watch how games really played in 80s too I watch that [ __ ] too I’m older than you n you better you better watch that this summer until the Rockets start playing need offseason workout on the video film I’m gonna be at the draft party where you gonna be at I’ll be in the gym that’s be gon be at the next draft part shut be at the next draft party so and so if if the objective of the game of basketball is to put the ball in the bucket and re is nailing more threes than any other about what about what about defense H what about I’m happy you said that bro I’m happy you I’m happy you said that bro because you mentioned a few other uh other white dudes from college right and you said why did why didn’t they get drafted Because by the way if you look at Reed Shepard steals per game he got two steals per game Jimmer feret had like 0.5 steals per game in college uh uh re sh two steals per game and that’s not even like in a in a full-time starting role is Defender this dude he talking about he talking about defense and Steals and [ __ ] you know I’m saying okay what they do you know what I’m saying you playing the passing Lanes well that’s off ball defense you know what I’m saying that means the dude who’s playing on ball defense making it tougher for the dude to pass the ball and when you pass the ball the hipside defense as a guard is sniping it’s taking away from it so okay cool he has help side defense that means okay Army Thompson y’all making it easy for this dude but I’m saying I’m not worried about all that I’m worried about what his threo present is gonna gonna bring to the table now Donovan kingan I ain’t gotta worry about that I don’t have to worry about that I don’t have to worry about that at all you flab with gassed ass boy you mean about him shooting three hey salute salute to bro hey green Le bro listen listen the dude is fast twitch look at no if you look at his steals per game what that means is he’s active he’s active on different he’s got eyes in the back of his head he’s got fast twitch and by the way his vertical shows his vertical also show fast twitch his 43 in vertical his 43 inch vertical also shows he’s fast twitch the D is fast twitch all right house so check this out so would you you talking about def dog so what about Stephen kson you would would you would you draft him over Reed sheep nope because he can’t shoot like Reed Shepard oh my God okay dude the the objective of the game is to make shots I mean I don’t believe listen Green Leaf Green Lea the rocket you ain’t GNA just keep screaming to your goddamn lungs yeah because because he he act like Castle don’t score at all like he good SC he do like AR he like attack the goal like [ __ ] he don’t got to be the best shooter long as he know how to score the ball and play to his advantage that’s all that matter you know what I mean castle shut down Defender too bro and he 66 I agree with that he is a Defender I watch him his games he will lock you down he lock type of we talking about different type of defense for what you want for Reed sheer like let’s not just just think like Reed sheer gonna come out here and just go the weakest [ __ ] on the court like no you going have to s that [ __ ] because at the same time you just jacking up threes Off the Bench and we don’t know if you’re the real legitimate point guard like that so we drafting you as a point guard a general you know what I’m saying not just because of your shooting and things like that what do we looking at him as a as a fre leue prototype going forward for us V I mean I don’t I don’t think re sheeper gonna be our starting point guard even when Reed Shepard gone I think that’s gonna be a mind spot I just think that he gonna provide us some quality shooting bro that’s really what I what I believe in like I don’t believe that uh Castle going to be our not Castle Clingan I don’t believe he gonna be our starting center in the future because we got LP so I’m not drafting somebody to be our to take over somebody starting R I want somebody who gonna come in and if if we draft clinging then come do his job Off the Bench get some rebounds get some black shots if we draft Reed shepher or whoever we Draft come off the bench and and do their job I don’t think nobody in this draft gonna be our starting going forward in in the future and more than that listen and more than that the rocket talking about defense the Rockets already have one of the most athletic rosters in the NBA it’s like they don’t need another athletic wing and by the way that makes Mr Moss’s point one of the most dumbest points I’ve ever heard on this channel where Mr Moss said I mean at least I would I would agree with probably green leaf and some of you others that if they don’t get Reed Shepard then I probably would take kingan okay but Mr Moss God that dude is stupid bro last year he said alond Thompson’s horrible pick this year he said he would have take Reed Shepard or cling it he’s saying oh dude I wouldn’t take either of those dudes I would just get another athletic Wing that’s exactly what you said Mr moss and I know you’re listening to this right now bro that’s stupid they got the whole the whole roster full of athletic Wings bro and you’re gonna pick another athletic Wing rather than get a big that could that could fill fill a role or or one of the best probably the best college three-point shooter of all time like we’re talking about probably the best college three-point shooter of all time and when greenle put the stats up it shows it extends to the three-point range his when it said three-point distance it didn’t drop 15 points it stayed around 50% dude this dude is aot machine bro you just talking about how millennial dick Rod a three-point and there more than basketball than 3.9 and all you doing is dude what I’m trying to tell you Chico is the Rockets already have one of those most athletic rosters in the NBA you don’t need another athletic dude on the wing bro dude you can never have too much [ __ ] shot bro you can never have too much athleticism for so what you’re take is dumb as [ __ ] you you you you can if you can’t shoot you you you can’t have too much athleticism if you can’t shoot the ball and right now the Rockets can’t shoot wor [ __ ] so here’s a guy gift wrapped for you at the number three spot who going to knock down every damn three you want him to and y’all questioning the the decision this is why King should be on this show leading the leading the broadcast every damn time because green Le you the best in the business bro but King no basketball I’m hey you Trier you you want some mother [ __ ] like at the end of the day what I’m saying is yeah I don’t know what’s wrong with this dude about it’s a win-win situation at three or whether we trade back and gain a veteran player or a shooter with NBA experience you don’t want to trade the pick bro you don’t want to trade the pick for some up veteran you don’t want to trade the pick for some washed up veteran that don’t fit the timeline the beauty of of you guys looking out with the number three pick because y’all were the number nine pick so y’all lucked out on this one the beauty of it is that you can the beauty of the pick that looking out at the number three pick is that you could use this pick and it still fits your timeline want what you don’t want is a bunch of 23 year olds and then you get you get some like 30 or 33 year old on the roster no you want a bunch of dudes fit in the timeline look at the Celtics right now the reason one of the reasons the Celtics have have been good the past three or four years they all fit the timeline they’re all around the same AG age so they grew together around the same hord old Drew holiday what 32 33 man only person they got rid of was was Marcus Smart I mean the core that they drafted right so what I’m saying is all their core guys grew together yeah Jason Brown J J jayen Brown and Jason Tatum the only two was left yeah and and top two top three pick yeah and they got white from San Antonio and he he older than one thing you gotta consider is when they picked up porzingis can’t compare situation to our situation that’s when you when they picked up porzingis and all these other role players they fit the timeline they’re the same age that’s why they’re they’re not just going to be a oneand done over there in Boston they they the timeline you don’t want to just pick you don’t want to pick up some wash up what had develop to what he was to this day he still was part of that team he had one good game he had one good game and he he proved what he was when he was drafted a pron 72 [ __ ] so so uh they didn’t him they made Dylan Brooks and and Fred Van they like 28 29 they like seven eight years older than the young cats and he’s saying they like us getting another veteran who who said we going go after a washed up veteran I said I said a veteran on NFL n experience you know a shooter with in NBA experience that’s all I said I guy who’s going to be on the on the team for two or three years and go you want a guy you want to draft a guy who going to be on the team for 10 years you know idealistically speaking you want a guy around for 10 years many those toow together with all the other young players how many we got already host no let him answer the question I’m talking question how many of those dudes we have already house wait you still got the time line you still fit the top now two now say in the year 2025 2026 now if you draft a 19y old he might not the he might the timeline no more you right now take to another level like we expect him to do I know we the course six but no man we need something more I’m try say what I’m trying to say green is green League what I’m trying to say is that when Jaylen and alen and Alp when they’re all 262 years old let meish let me finish bro man [ __ ] all that [ __ ] all that do he said we’re talking about age and timeline like all that [ __ ] don’t matter all [ __ ] Rel he contradict because D that we talking about F the timeline as well yeah and and each team that was in the championship had people in their 30s like he tripping like we Jeff uh uh Adam you know what I mean they 30 look what I’m trying to say Lookers here’s what I’m trying to say bro when when Jaylen and almond and and Alp and these boys when when Jabari when these guys are 26 27 years old at that stage of their career you don’t want to add a 19 20 year old at that point because because every year Chico let me finish bro hold on hold on hold on I this I called him slipping no I ain’t let you finish [ __ ] you just said why would we do that but you want us to dve re sheer who’s 19 years old that one year experience in college [ __ ] shut your [ __ ] ass up house shut your ass up [ __ ] you contradicting yourself he had like the draft is only shut up until finish please because your point reason now let me explain the reason why Okay the reason why when you’re when your stars are are 26 27 years old and then you add a 192 year old the reason that don’t work is cu the the 192 year old he’s going to need three or four years let me finish let me finish let me finish 1920 let me finish let me finish let me finish old hold on green Le let me please finish the point let me please finish the point you’re going to need the 19 or 20 year old to have a few years under his belt before he actually makes a an a championship difference and meanwhile if you got 26 27 year olds you don’t want to wait till they’re 30 and by the why these guys 19 or 20 years old is is getting to be 23 24 what you want is that that before jayen am and and Alp before they’re 26 27 years old before that you want to add young guys so they could grow together as a core group and that’s why that’s why it still makes sense to draft a 19 or 20 old now whereas it when Jaylen and amen and Alp when they’re 26 27 it won’t make no more sense to draft a 19y old 20-y old but now it still does because now in two years in two years Jaylen and almond and LP they’ll be 20 20 25 26 years old and and that that very moment at that very moment re Shephard he won’t be 19 or 20 years old anymore he’ll be 22 23 years old and then they could all they can all cook the whole league together cuz now they’re all prime now they’re all what whoever we draft this year don’t pan out what if they don’t pan out all look the whole point of the timeline is you want a bunch of dudes in their Prime together you don’t want a bunch of dudes in their Prime and a bunch of other dudes not prime we got six of man you tri you ain’t got a shooter bro you ain’t got no shooters you got a shooter you you being hey you can do all kind of things you draft re sheeper you have to go into the offseason find a a prototypical be that fix us right so you have to do the moves you have to make the moves regardless in outse uh to find those hes that you need so if you draft and reach up as a shoo as your shooter in a number three draft over pick you know we have to ride with that pick and you know what I’m saying find other things as far as like what what else is missing you know it’s it’s the same thing bro it’s the same thing so all that yelling house shut up bro sh up with all that yelling [ __ ] stats don’t lie bro the stats don’t lie this dude is not going come start hold on this dude is don’t why they don’t why re sheer only only drafted for us why he a why look Don’t Lie the stats don’t lie this dude is not going to come Le come in the league like this is not g to come in the league and start shooting 25% bro his stats don’t lie he’s a good shooter he’s a great talking enough you’ve been talking enough okay look so so so Boston Boston uh holiday 34 and Al Horford is 38 they still went draft to uh Jordan wsh who’s 20 years old they still got some younger cats that’s under 25 on this roster you know Ian no goddamn PR no number three I don’t give a dam a bu of s Superstars ain’t ding [ __ ] they got and their stars is 20 26 27 like Tatum and jayen 2627 pingz they went and got him he’s a free agent that they went and got and just because you a free agent veteran don’t mean you old you just automatically say washed up veteran like pingz is a veteran and he 28 he ain’t washed up you know what I mean like Derek white a veteran he 29 he not washed up I’m I didn’t say [ __ ] about washed up I said you going to get a veteran you get a with NBA experience is brown and Tatum bro Brown and Tatum are 26 27 years old now they fit the timeline they fit the time you’re not you’re not put consider theel they don’t fit the timeline put in consideration it’s a weak ass D jayen Brown whatever however you feel about Reed Shephard or anything like that I’m saying Clingan that [ __ ] going to matter regardless because he’s a r protector big Reed Shepard uh uh I’m settled if you draft him seven and a nine pick seven through 10 that’s cool I thought about that beforehand before we had the number three pick two three months ago when we BR a reed sheeper you feel me so like stop all that [ __ ] we talking about the number three overall pick dog number three overall pick we the only team in the league that and every everybody else thinking that we we draft Reed Shepard because of his shooting because it fits us but everybody else having different opinions about what’s the best pick for them yeah they not wi not saying Reed Shepard is a number two pick for them uh the uh Atlanta hwks not doing that [ __ ] if he’s that dude why they not why they not trying to trying to go over the board with their pick they have the ball in their hands they can dictate what’s going on already said if you could get s or Richa said you should take him I don’t care about none of that no you you should care I don’t care about none of that house what you run over what you saying you should care about that you contradicting yourself no I no I’m not I said you or you take or as a number three Peak over shepher right you take s or re say if they’re available at the number and by the way and by the way just as a coincidence by the way that’s also King’s opinion too a coincidence I know a lot of yall a lot of y’all back in track y a lot of y’all trying to you know I’m saying save face for we just trying to we just trying to say that s and Rich say the SAR and Rich say are the like like it’s pretty clear to me that the top three picks are pretty clear to me and then number four and on downward that then I I don’t know but number one is SAR number two is Rees number three is Ree Shepard and that’s it that’s the that’s not that’s not s bro he’s shooting 52% from three bro might go number one two that’s what I’m talking about see that’s that that’s that [ __ ] I’m talking about he mentioned Reed sheer number three because why because we had for us not the shooting though not talking about the he just said green he just said no no I know that’s his case but what I’m saying [ __ ] his case I’m saying for us me and you Chico what I’m saying is he not putting into the best perspective for what the rockets need and I’m saying is off the Jump that the rockets need a rim protector like this to transition our our team to another level you know what I’m saying oh we can protect the paint we could take the paint but not at at a different level you feel me so with this with this re sheer what house talking about he ain’t putting into perspective and consideration that he’s not ging up clean Shepherd’s upside and value going forward for other teams somebody already quoted this on the show that y’all are already top of the league of Rim protection what the hell you talking about bro we we we eight in defense you’re already top 10 you’re top 10 in Rim protection I’ve been we top 10 in defense no you’re also one of the top in Rim protection you’re also one of top ke was also R by Reed Shepard in one year Stephan Cur three to three years in in college you know what I’m saying there a lot of things that put into consideration a lot of things put into context already got Rim protection and rebounding which you don’t have it our R protector okay okay okay who’s our rim protector what you don’t have is shooting bro who’s our rim protector Alman Thompson [Music] man God goam see see now you just capping bro you capping fan youan now bro and then look Thompson is the brim protector that mean you need a guard you know I mean he R Thompson as your rim protector 67 and you looking over with a guy like Donovan CL who 72 who’s AAL protor man come on bro y’all see how how our [ __ ] uh bring this losion [ __ ] on my panel bro on my channel I feel we need both Fred not Fred is not guaranteed you know after this year bro you you don’t have a damn shooter on your team besides cam Whitmore you don’t got nobody else bro nobody kpj is gone he was a good shooter you don’t have a shooter bro you need a sniper from three I even know so how we got better when went down how we got better shoo do you understand how difficult it is to shoot got how did we get better you understand how difficult question question understand the protection lead us in Block last year as far as per game um but let me ask you this bro I know you you you sold on protection let’s say yeah let’s say R and Clingan are both available at three who are you taking Rich say kingan available at three I’m taking Clingan over reach I say yes yeah yeah okay I just want to see if you was sold on real protection bro or or oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I the first stream I saying like we go for the defense first we can get better on offense that’s our players can get better on the on the perimeter and making shots that’s what do and all these guys didn’t make no trades for so if they believe that these dudes got better which we seen they got better when I asked this punk ass dude house did we get better with our LP it’s it’s something how when I mention LP people get quiet you feel me you know I’m saying they get quiet real quick you know what I’m saying hold on so so so when I mention that and I post that a question you know what I’m saying oh even Mr Moss I don’t believe in this 10 games SP and we head and woot woot okay cool that’s that’s fine that’s fine you want to be right about us not making the playoffs cool but us up here on the panel we looking at the overall development and overall you know I’m saying better of the team we got better and when when Alp went down didn’t our shooting get better was our shooting a factor for us winning those 10 games yeah yeah and we said that we mid or probably before water defensively we got we need our Shooters to develop you know what I mean like we got some people that got potential to be shooters that got a shot it ain’t like everybody I doubt him I doubt if this roster go old for 27 ever you know what I mean like we got some Shooters they just got they young they got to continue to develop and I think that come down to coaching you know that’s when we was talking about uh that the rocket should hire a kpj trainer I don’t know y’all remember we had that conversation a while back yeah I mean I mean at the end of the day you know the players gonna have to you know so improve you know on all levels from from the one Fred uh Dylan jayen Alp Jabar they G have to get improve they gonna have to get in the lab and improve on their mistakes and you know what can get better at so so greenle what I was trying to say earlier when I mentioned Fred Fred and and the backup centers they’re not promised so whether we go either way even at a wing because Dylan you know Dylan time here is limited as well you know what I mean so whether we go I can’t say his name Richard say or clinging or Reed I think they going to add depth we can we can add depth at every position you know even though we got a lot of wings quote unquote a lot of wings I’m draing rich say over uh Reed re sheer too yeah I mean because you you could slide you slide Jaylen down to the one and you got alond at the one then you got cam at the two and Jaylen at the two like we we got a lot of R that’s why I said atletic you can never have too many too much athleticism man like and and the players that’s interchangeable and can play multiple decisions positions is always a plus so it’s like it’s all about putting the Rashia together and having them play as one I think that was the big difference with the uh Mavs and Celtics Celtics played as as a team and and the Mavs didn’t you know what I mean at the end of the day I could see us I see our roster similar to to the to the uh Celtics you know I don’t I don’t think we G have to wait to our players 2 man you got to do a lot of things not just the Celtics because they just won this year last year with goddamn Denver Nuggets and we was trying to you know harp on oh we can match well with Denver but now they irrelevant as far as winning the championship so we trying to beat them or trying to beat the Celtics we only see them twice a year so for what we need we need the multi we need multiple lineup matchups and you know I’m saying if we can go Toe to Toe with the best of them you know I’m saying and I I’m looking at the team they got had our number all year long and that was the Minnesota timber wolves yeah they can put out three seven Footers you know what I’m saying two seven Footers at one time they can do that but can we do that can we stretch LP to the four they could put out three really with n Reed n Reed uh saying they could put they could put out three seven Footers at one time yeah so I’m saying can we do that for us can LP be stretched at the four is he good enough shooter like cat to be put at the four can he play defense and can he be put at the five and play defense like C and be versatile like that don’t want to do that I’m asking you a question can he do that can Alp do that I think he can but why why why are we asking out Peter improve at his three but not not expecting to shoot his three because kingan is it goes for all the guys on our team we ask jayen to be overall player we ask Jabar to be a more versatile player so why can’t be utiliz for LP like he needs to do more than just being a guy in the paint and if he CL the paint and being sit in the paint it’s not gonna work for us we predictable you that’s why I say team’s not gonna just let LP do what he do this year coming up when they knew he was on the vers of being an allar a two-way you know I’m saying big to a certain degree as far as a playmaker and score you know what I’m saying so with clinging you’re not asking him to do that you asking him to just play defense now if you want him to be out there with Alp to cover up his mistakes at the five then you could put Alp at the four If he if he excelling on his three it ain’t me that’s eay as well want him to stretch out his game yeah they were saying was Alp was saying that Stephen solers was holding him back pump faking all that [ __ ] that was that was him that wasn’t Stephen silus yeah he pump fake he he improved with that pump fixure he he he shot this year a lot more uh convincingly and with with confidence uh that’s cool but I don’t see the I don’t see the the the actual getting better at the three he still shot below 30% that’s that’s horrible all the other we trying to compare no he shot like 20 something okay last year he shot 33 34 no he shot 28% last year no cuz he shot better than bar remember we had that conversation about why he shoot but that’s when yall saying never shot better from jaar from the three I don’t think yeah shots rookie year he did 29% yeah 29% from three Jabar shot what 29% no was 33 34 some [ __ ] like that so who shot 29% Alfred shenon shot 29% from three this past year B shot 35% no what about last year I’m talking about last year uh I can’t remember bro I gota look that up about it was it somebody said somebody said he shot better from from Jabar from last year I saying that was Jabar rookie season I’m saying Alp shot he didn’t I ain’t never seen no 30 something percent from LP from shooting from the three I thought I thought that was last year on rookie uh bar rookie year yeah who you talking about Alp ain’t never shot 30% you said he shot better than Jabar his his rookie season season yeah last year 22 23 he shot 33.3% from the three this year he shot 29 first year he he shot 24 but he took way more threes this year he he he shot 5 he was 19 of 57 uh 2223 uh and then this past year he that [ __ ] got triggered I see now he he shot 33% from the three on uh point8 shot attempts from the three that ain’t even three game come on man that ain’t even three game he year he shot more this year he shot he shot more this year he shot 1.8 family everybody in ch he shot point eight so he shot one more three than he did last year at 29% that’s even horrible so the more threes he take the worse it’s gonna look wor that’s what I’m trying to say that’s what I’m trying to say if he don’t get better at that aspect three-point shot attempts and percentages then how is he going to play the four his bread and butter is in the paint 56% from the field 57 last year in this R second year you know what I’m saying well we we G we gonna harp on this year since that was the best season of his career under y mayoka you know what I’m saying third runner up and most improved you know what I’m saying so we talking about uh twoo percentage in the paint that’s 13 shots in the paint and we talking about uh one point not even two well we gonna can we round it up with two shot two three-point attempts so if you shooting two you can’t even make 50% of your 2. threes I can see making five threes bar improved from his rookie year to second year he went from 30 30.7 30 30.7 to 36.3 so so that that was last year when we had that I I remember saying that uh but it was the quantity of shots the quantity shot like bar shot 391 shots his rookie year 38 put some historical numbers at at the fourth position I say he got R to grow at that position and we asked him to play the five we didn’t ask Alp to play the four this year yeah we asking him to do that next year do y’all think he’s prepared for that that’s gonna be his mission we asked jayen green but overall player took the take the back heat and on the time we seen jayen green coming to his own and his natural form is when Alp went down which is I wouldn’t say a sad thing to say but he stepped it up big you know what I’m saying so can Alp develop his game to where Jaye green cooking being the main focal point on offense you know what I’m saying we won more games he averaged more points the team was playing way better back Brandon basketball to a certain degree you know what I’m saying as far as the fast pace the three-point attempts and shots and makes and stuff like that you dig so Jabar Smith Jr this year in three-point attempts five three-point attempts that’s five five for Jabar Smith Jr this year and he shot at a 36% clip that’s good that’s hella fire good and in his rookie season he shot 4.9 so his his efficiency is going to get better every year at that fivepoint range you know what I’m saying that’s gonna get better um you know uh I mean bar had that slow start too like the first year like last year he was a little more like even all year round you know what I mean like he he improveed by six six% so that’s good and K clinging was two for two for eight he Ain shoot much three he shot two for eight 25% yeah who feels better uh as far as like playing it the four or playing it the five with any type of be it’s not Alp it’s jaar so if LP don’t get better about stretching that flow bro that point eight I mean at 1.8 three-point shots per tempts as a as a center that g that’s not going to cut it that’s not going to cut it and but would you wouldn’t you say the same thing for clinging though if he he’s a he’s a rookie we not gonna ask him take the same amount of shot at as LP and if he make it it a high clip than LP then what we need LP for that’s going to be the the assessment that we gonna provide but I’m not looking for a clan to do that I’m looking for uh uh Alp to stretch out the floor like that I’m Not Looking for clean to stretch the floor like that we can worry about that if that’s a default for his game going forward for us this season I’m asking this dude as a third FID big man in the draft if if we draft him to protect the paint you know what I’m saying change shots do what you do we ask Alp to do what we do now we asking Alp to step outside his box now we don’t we got we got experiment with different players now we need more Shooters around LP why to make LP look good by his passes let let everybody else make shots when in a desperation mode like know it should be more a fluid fluid game than that it should be more of a fluid game so I just think a better shooter help the team period remember Tak will too that’s what I was sayp though green it’s it’s it’s know more for jayen to have driving Lanes cam to have driving Lanes armman to have driving lanes that my me me picking Reed Shepard ain’t a direct benefit to AF shenon I think it’s to me it’s for the whole team no it is I never shot away from it being a whole team thing you know what I’m saying first and foremost I never shot away from that you know what I’m saying even if it is jayen green but I think we was a better team when when LP wasn’t on the court at time that’s what I’m trying to say so it ain’t about LP as well you know I’m going out with with what I seen what was the best you know what I’m saying trajectory for us at the same time we all watch the same game it ain’t no favor [ __ ] it was it was more game game because it was sometimes we was saying better as a team when we had Aaron holiday playing on the court you know we and we watched the same games cuz I was on the stream with you calling the game while we watching it you know what I’m saying so it it was a it was no consistent star for our team uh our best player was Alp yes but it was no consistent player that just dominated the game we played some good games with Aaron holiday playing played some good games when we had cam Whitmore playing so it we just need some consistency bro and everybody to know their role and and to to to play their continue to match together play as team hey EAS he say LP doesn’t need to shoot like cat to be effective on the perimeter I disagree he’s is what is he doing on the perimeter he got be 40% shooter he can be 35% you know but do you think Alp can be that that’s the thing and then not okay okay let’s stress out the shooting what else Kat does when he came in the league though as a seven-footer he was at the five but what he was doing besides just shooting the goddamn three he just decided to want to be that player when he got Rudy go be a rim protector he was guarding too he was protecting the paint so is is a Defender like that I’m I’m just trying to cover up the defend defensive side too and if we talking about uhuh yeah I think he I think he he hold his own on defense man I don’t look at him as a defensive slou or defensive weakness you know what I mean and now the one thing that he do need to improve is that pick and roll that live I think that’s the weakest part of his defensive game is protecting that live threat but that’s just getting him out of position I think we’ seen that [ __ ] all playoffs that’s just coaching and execution if you ask me because even we had a game def play of the Year got exposed we had a game this year where we broke the the the record for blocks in the game andp L that charge yeah he’s streaking that one game V How many how many how many of those you think that cling can provide for us if that’s a natural position for him and let Alp do what he do but watching I mean yeah but you gotta remember though cling not g be playing that many minutes to be doing that exactly so if LP doing that that’s a good that’s a good liability Off the Bench if you know LP endurance is not up to par I don’t know what he’s going to present for the next year but we know alp’s fault I’m asking for alp’s help y’all looking at it like I’m hating on Alp or some [ __ ] I’m saying get a [ __ ] some help off the no no no you know I know better than that green and and playing and playing alongside another big so if he can’t play I’m point out his obvious we ain’t seen this dude play with another big if he can’t do that we did If he if LP can’t play with another big then we just riding off with LP like another year we seen we we seen that [ __ ] we seen that [ __ ] give that dude some help his endurance is like ain’t like that you feel me he going to need some help and you know you have Stephen Adams that’s cool that’s another plus you feel me you got veteran motor Off the Bench I’m just saying you give him another big Off the Bench whatever the case may be if it’s SAR or clinging that’s a different type of motor big that you can have alongside your third string or whatever big man next next up I think Jayla green is covered Off the Bench it’s a lot of guard play going on we can be very versatile at the guard position I’m not I’m not saying I’m worried I ain’t worried about that you know what I’m saying the shooting is is something that we have to get we have to get better at but at the same time I think they got better going forward under e mayoka on a different type of repertoire and I I see I see them getting better at the position I don’t see us getting better as a rim protecting uh Team like that what about after Fred and Armen like we we don’t I yeah jayen could play the point but he ain’t the real you know he ain’t T he ain’t a traditional point but that’s why that’s why I said we could go that’s two dude that means he’s a third fiddle and that’s not that’s not over OV exaggerated you talking about after Fred and after Armen and you putting the ball in J hand that’s still a good time talking about yeah at the point yeah yeah like me you know I I’m [ __ ] if it was if I was the [ __ ] coach I would have Jaylen running point and cam at two and Fred Off the Bench I it was up to me n no you got to start the game you got you gota start the game a certain way you have to you know I’m saying bring in certain guys in the game might not be this year but if Fred St I ain’t trying to over over project you know what I’m saying I ain’t talking about three years down the road and all this [ __ ] yeah that’s overpredicting as far as like after this season like we don’t even know what the season going to be so I’m just talking about going to to this season for what we got right now cuz I feel you Chico I feel you I feel you but I don’t want to just we got a hold at Point like I’m in still 5050 to me at point he might be a better Wing player he might be a he might he might be but he’s very more he more he’s more versatile as far as like position it’s t it’s gonna be it’s gonna be interesting man like I said last stream I think it’s going to be some some some [ __ ] going down on draft night you stream Green Leaf yeah yeah we gonna do yeah yeah we gonna do a come to the drive party do do it from up there at the George Brown this year Georgia Brown hey what’s up before we get outat on man before we get off I Know Rich DJ what’s his DJ name who uh DJ who DJ who Rich DJ who Rich okay okay but yeah man I mean we we gonna be good on whoever we pick bro uh I know we debating on who we should take but we we gonna be good and that we I’m trusting um lar try to come up here dived want to play victim and [ __ ] like bro V don’t you have your own opinions and we disagree don’t opinion and we disagree that’s the beauty of about green exclusive we we can share our opinions and agree to disagree and he want to say C he want to say certain guys just dig R me want to agree with me and the thing is you I can disagree with you and respect what you say bro and a lot of folks don’t respect other people opinions bro and they getting feeling right [ __ ] I a I ain’t asking nobody to agree with me at all I’m I’m giving all my own [ __ ] I can get up here a [ __ ] hour and just say what the [ __ ] I want to say bro and not give a damn about what y’all feel and still get a thousand likes I mean a thousand views 1500 like whatever the case some people be emailing me just want to hear me alone man that hate was coming from somewhere else bro that’s probably why man certain [ __ ] come up here just want to argue with me and wna want to go against my [ __ ] and do all that [ __ ] like I don’t give a damn [ __ ] I don’t give a damn if you don’t until the day you die [ __ ] I still gonna have suppor I disagree with you and J do wholeheartedly about D but I respect y opinion though that’s cool I still respect you I’m still gonna let you up here V I’m still gonna rock with you my [ __ ] you feel me I can see his either way you know I mean if you can’t if just where your wife at you ho ass [ __ ] how many car you pay how how much child support you paying what you doing behind the scen [ __ ] like I said man you might be pay [ __ ] C though you understand hey you we don’t know I’m just saying hey use car payments but look hey man I let I love I love the alphab so but but no man hey man you know if green if you ain’t nobody hating on you bro you ain’t doing something right so that why I laughed at the [ __ ] at first but you start bringing the man wife into it it got different bro I don’t care you say what you want about me homie I know I know what I do you understand what I’m saying and you watching another man Pockets what another man do they show your feminism bro and you don’t even understand what I was telling you but you you understand now when you when you so up you’ll get it feel me me real men don’t watch real talk real talk Chico real men don’t don’t pocket watch other men bro whatever another man do that’s what he do bro grown up period we don’t do on donations [ __ ] you [ __ ] hey hit the cash app PayPal super chat hit all that [ __ ] [ __ ] make these ho ass [ __ ] mad if you really support the boy one time cuz you know what I’m saying all this [ __ ] oh I want your channel to be this yeah [ __ ] I can’t get there CU ho ass [ __ ] like your punk ass hating on me behind the scenes really hating behind the scen really bro you br [ __ ] pay for your downfall [ __ ] like I say [ __ ] ain’t nobody come up here and say oh what Laro got to say what such sister got to say all you hating ass dudes that’s insecure ass that’s his problem bro nobody checking for no insecure ass [ __ ] bro insecure bro salute chat salute to the chat man I see y boy still in the building man we got building bro but yeah man we listen green we listen to everybody bro like you feel me it’s your turn you know what I’m saying if you don’t know how respect a man tell them bro and get him in his respect hey you know I ain’t going to respect you going forward real talk you know I’m saying we try to help your goofy ass but you don’t want to be helped bro you know I’m saying I tried to laugh the [ __ ] out but you you ain’t that type of [ __ ] see you a [ __ ] [ __ ] I slap the [ __ ] out you wake your [ __ ] ass out out that goof ass coma you in because you’re drunk hey grown ass men be worried about other grown ass men still got nightmare got got fantasies of dry humping and want to want to want to talk about some [ __ ] some some some homos [ __ ] like bro get out your mind bro you got something to confess or something bro y’all got something to confess like got something on his mind bro man you know he feeling himself some baring him bro all the [ __ ] man hey [ __ ] you need inent [ __ ] [ __ ] I got some EAP for you [ __ ] I got some I got some employe assister program [ __ ] hey go to sleep go sleep you need some therapy [ __ ] something wrong with you you ain’t happy with yourself homie for real I miss all I’m G have to go back and Rel listen to The Stream that’s that’s why I ain’t trying to do no six hour stream that way y’all can get the The Good the goodness of the channel you know I’m saying everything that’s going down between time and mean time you know what I’m saying if you ain’t got nothing to do with listening to the stream going forward but yeah bro we can’t we can’t get monologue bro we get we do our own monologue and [ __ ] don’t agree with us when to cut us off doing our monologue man like and and that’s on me because I I tried to set it up where you know saying one at a time one at a time you know I’m saying but you know yeah that [ __ ] ured me too you know I’m saying I try to keep a cool settle stream we can get to the [ __ ] and the post post I mean uh when the panel’s open but [ __ ] don’t even know don’t even remember what they really want to get off their chest real you know what I’m saying that’s how this delusional they are when they come up here you know so it is what it is man it is what it it’s funny to me it’s funny to be yeah it’s Comal bro but certain time point off they bring up something else you can get you what you trying to talk about you don’t even know what they want talk about I’m getting I can’t remember everything bro but man it’s gonna be a good chel bro we been I’ve been rocking with you I wasn’t here since day one but when I found you left you know what I’m saying I’m here for you bro I’m here for you and I found out certain [ __ ] cuz I’m trying to follow just the rocket Community but when other [ __ ] start throwing salt and shade I’m like yeah I’m I take that [ __ ] personal [ __ ] cuz like like I said earlier that’s the beauty of green Le exclusive is we we could come in here and get our [ __ ] off you know what I mean you got and I don’t hide from nobody I don’t hi from nobody about my what I believe with the Rockets whether you know what I’m saying you you you just a irrelevant ass dude or not new new new person on my panel I’mma sit back and let you rock out whether you’re you know what I’m saying anybody else on my from the J to Chico Rich Vic I’m let them Rock up [ __ ] you know what I’m saying ain’t got to do no with no goddamn money I make money regardless bro this YouTube [ __ ] hey if you really know what go on behind the scenes by this YouTube [ __ ] you would wonder why we we trying to say hey man anything from a dollaro too you know I’m saying just just just show some love just show some love I appreciate it I do it I did it I did it on my end when I even consider myself as a a live stream content creator on this basketball [ __ ] I didn’t want to do the [ __ ] Jay had to push my [ __ ] dud where you at you know what I’m saying they was telling me hey man you need to go you know what I’m saying push that [ __ ] I’m saying I’m seeing [ __ ] with 200k thund 100k do that [ __ ] why they doing it I can’t do it you feel me why you ha on me because Jay you know what I’m saying you donate $50 J match that [ __ ] then he put something on top of that why you think Vic come out here and donate to the channel whatever the case may be they probably could have donated I just ain’t said nothing for ho ass [ __ ] like like him for ho ass [ __ ] like like that they express themselves when they drunk sipping that piss water and their feelings can’t say [ __ ] about the Rock can’t break down [ __ ] you feel me if they gone with the wins today [ __ ] I can block them take their rench they ain’t going to be over here ain’t nobody gonna be ask no question about no [ __ ] whoop tooop y’all associate y’allselves with us for the ones for you haters I’m just picking y’all [ __ ] out house you your [ __ ] ass too all that rambling and [ __ ] bro you irrelevant on anybody else Channel he bring subscrib that mother a [ __ ] so stop with the play bro stop with the play for real for real [ __ ] stop with the play just come up here talk basketball have we gonna have a good time you feel me I know everybody got some [ __ ] going on behind the scenes with family getting money and doing some real [ __ ] behind the scenes but they know it’s this is an open space to talk basketball [ __ ] this ain’t the only channel that does this so stop with the cap startop with the cap hey and J said something a while back man it’s good to have controversy on your stream but when [ __ ] start getting too person Jay you paying my white car not huh yeah what the [ __ ] say hey when you donate when y’all see see see y’all the beig top don’t donate us you know what I’m saying that them ho ass [ __ ] you feel me they run off the panel when they hear a donation I got I gotta I got you know I get that to my [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s why you got [ __ ] and not a wife [ __ ] exactly exactly [ __ ] stop hating on the [ __ ] on the real one ho ass [ __ ] keep one to be one it might be what your problem is [ __ ] you need your queen [ __ ] put down he need you a queen a real queen [ __ ] my wife ain’t no [ __ ] [ __ ] he got one got got a drag in front of that Queen that’s what he got with [ __ ] man his [ __ ] man come on bro what I’m saying bro this [ __ ] 47 come on man come on I’m take this [ __ ] serious old fools us be real you think I you think you think I’m up here just to talk to you or you bring something that’s that’s ignorant and controver man stop playing with me bro stop playing with me dog don’t let me get ignant don’t I hit your soul bro it’s one they they man that’s what he want to keep he want to keep it on low vibration though man real talk green he want to keep that low vibration so so [ __ ] ain’t chopping up real basketball game he want us to get on that old gutter [ __ ] bro like we we come from that bro we ain’t got to be this ain’t this ain’t the environment to be on that type of [ __ ] bro and for what [ __ ] We Grown Ass me [ __ ] we want to be on that goofy [ __ ] for it’s cool it’s funny sometime but bro when we trying to chop up real basketball chill out with that [ __ ] Bro internet gangster [ __ ] like that bro and I talk [ __ ] with the best of them bro I give a damn about that bro but I play pass basketball level they can’t talk nothing about no he can’t do that man come on thing is probably been tapped in for about a year two years and probably only got one good take out of two years man [ __ ] he G Chico peep gang he gonna give you a good take then he gonna contradict the damn take two minutes later yeah so yeah so you feel me he G he gonna contradict the city just said so man please [ __ ] I’ve been the [ __ ] Laro would I knew I been Laro was one of them goof ass [ __ ] I ain’t trying tote take the nigg serious no [ __ ] for real [ __ ] man say that’s that’s what you going to hear that’s what you going to hear right before he hat I ain’t trying to hate but you ain’t trying to pocket but you feel the pocket Pock everybody know everybody know that H is the star of the show man shut that [ __ ] everybody know H the star of the show that’s right that’s right we all know H start of the show he Willi you hear that you hear you sound just like your brother Chico and Chico speaking of donations you about to give me a $100 donation after next season’s over what you bet what you bet this [ __ ] Chico what the hell you bet him he don’t remember Chico about to give h a $100 donation after the next season we back what we back that’s a straight fact that’s a straight fact 51 you need wins bro otherwise you owe $100 bro I said 50 you you pick 48 see the beauty the beauty of these streams is that they’re all public we can go look it up CH you bet 51 I said over 50 and then I made it clear after that and so you need I said I said 51 because we we can go back I already I already recorded the tape but it’s already on Green Green live streams we can look it up we can look it up for you if you want because I will I will cook your ass and then and then you gonna have to the Rockets gonna get my prediction which is 48 wins they’re gonna what’s the team gonna win though how many your te get they’re gonna get 48 wins and then you’re gonna have to pay me $100 play Team how many how many team I mean how many wins your team gonna win I ain’t got no team sorry why not because my team is basketball history you on witness protection and you move from City to City my my whole agenda is preserving and protecting the history of the game from this new generation from this new generation that started watching basketball in 2010 yeah but ear you contradict yourself you contradict yourself H when you said the the New Millennium [ __ ] they just look at three-o and then all youve been [ __ ] raving is 52% 52% 63 52% that’s all you been talking about 52% listen bro if you understood what I was talking about it’s that you need a balanc roster that in other words it’s not just three poters and the the Rockets have a BAL why why why why you only saying 52% have a balance the Rockets have a balanced roster all they need is a three-point shooter bro this [ __ ] out of here $100 shut your ass upad house let me ask you something bro it’s real talk now okay say instance would you like when you better when you like better getting a veteran guy that’s proven it not a old like you want to say a old guy earlier but we weren’t talking about nobody old like that bro you feel me a guy that’s already proven that can come here already with a career average around 40 41% from three with a with a five or six year uh sample size wouldn’t you like that better than than picking picking him at three bro wouldn’t that be a better option did you just say 40 or 41% from three for five years you don’t think that’s good you understand you understand there’s only do you understand Jay dog there’s only a handful of guys in the whole NBA that shoot 40 41% from three it’s it’s more than a handful no it’s only a handful tell me right now tell me right now who tell me more than the handful because I can tell you right now ain’t more than five guys who shoot 40 over 40 my question five dudes that shoot over 40% quit trying listen bro quit trying to frame the question for you I’m asking you a simple ass question but you want to frame it to fit what you want to answer answer my question bro you like the answer to the question is because there’s only five guys or less that shoot that well then there’s no way in hell any team is going to trade their 40% three three-point shooter for no [ __ ] draft pick I don’t care if it’s the number 15 pick or the number three pick you ain’t getting that [ __ ] for a draft pick okay well l l shoot 45% it’s four of them on the on on the on the Block right now Chico Al Caruso Malcolm bro and Matthew Gary bird he 44% like you don’t think you don’t think them [ __ ] will give up any one of them Chico how many attempts did Gary Bird shoot a game tell me we’re not talking about attempts we talking about percent stupid [ __ ] you there you understand that you go look at the only a handful of go you you go look at the allias Sports Bureau and they always have a minimum threshold for any stat go look it up on the Alias El L IAS the allias Sports Bureau that’s a that that that’s a that’s something they use for every stat compilation there’s always a minimum requirement you can’t name you you can’t name some bench role player that don’t get no minutes and say I asked you a question Duke let me ask you this hold on hold on hold on yeah so let me ask you so do ask Caruso shot 40% from three how many attempts he have per game no no we don’t you watch bro what you mean as Caruso has a nice sample size of three bro he don’t shoot no one two then he then he counts he counts okay what about Malcolm Brock can can I can I uh can say something can I say something real quick I know I know Vic trying to get in buto shot 40 40 40% and then mcdor from man it’s about let me see how many people it’s man it’s about 30 [ __ ] that it’s like 30 [ __ ] that shoot minimum not with a minimum of two to three game you didn’t say that you didn’t say that you said it’s only five people he was changing to finish narrative no you got he said there only five players out there that over 41% said a handful of people on one second now you can’t have some dude with one three per game and act like that matters to the that that does not count if some dude shooting one and a half threes per game that does not count because that sample size is too low you need a sample size as a limit a minimum number of Threes per game which I’m calling two and now you want to do all this [ __ ] you have two and a half if you have two and a half threes per game I I’ll let you uh on that list but if you don’t have two and a half threes per game you don’t get on that you don’t get on that Gary bir get that Gary bird [ __ ] out of here Chico talk over that [ __ ] bro I’m tell I a got time I might keep this [ __ ] out for life this question for how how you there he but he could hear you I’m here I’m here hey my question we both agree on Reed sheeper right yeah but I know you said you don’t have a team so I I want re sheeper because I’m a Rockets fan why do you want Reed sheeper on a Rockets so bad because I like green leaf exclusive and I want y’all to do well nobody else but the rocket right well look I’m just telling you what the best thing you can do for your team is at number three pick that’s all I’m doing that’s all I’m doing bro respect respect respect respect appreciate that listen who who’s got the number four pick this year San Antonio okay if I was the SP NBA fan if I was a Spurs fan trust me I’d be telling you to pick Clon every [ __ ] second of this show man hey bye do by man my about cling and [ __ ] mying some [ __ ] he said handful of people shoot over 41% please why I laughed at his Cho I don’t even know why you went back and forth with that [ __ ] bro I know better than that [ __ ] you know better than that chick one of them brog one of them you got Isaiah Joe he available he he he’s possibly you know what I mean Sam Hower he he 42% like Norman P got yeah some Sho Malik monk like why wouldn’t you choose a Malik monk over over Reed like he Malik monk is proven hey V proven bro hey Vic yeah yeah can you hear me hey man realistically who who you know everything changing here and there you know I’m saying you gonna see articles tomorrow might saying you know I’m saying cling in this the Rockets Gonna Keep the pick trade the pick what what what’s realistically gonna happen for the Houston Rockets bro in this draft like how you feel dog and we can go down the line man but I want to hear what V gota say about it that’s tough man because in this draft we don’t how no Bonafide star Alex saw already gone I I I want to keep but I think it’s gonna be traded bro and I want to say traded back hold on hold yeah yeah I just ask him J what you what you feel about that bro to go for he cutas off I he gon go all day yeah yeah true that true that man uh I want cling and green I ain’t going to lie bro I just man I just I like what I’ve been seeing bro you know going and just watching film on him bro he he shuts that paint down he energizing bunny on defense bro and he a screen and roll he intelligent player bro you know I mean you you he know how he makes the skip pass and things like that so bro clinging his overall game to me you know he not so much of a offensive but he does what he do at a high level for shutting [ __ ] down in the paint being a uh rim turn and being a law threat and and being a a connecting uh uh glue piece on the office V bro keeping that ball hopping because they do a lot of off ball screen and Road action bro they do a whole lot of uh uh um off ball actions bro and clinging is a conduit to a lot of this stuff man and um just his overall ganger I I if I if I had my thing bro I would pick clinging bro but I was see if we can get a proven shooter and still stay in the lottery bro I’m trading that pick all day long green I’m traing what think the rock gonna do Jay dog you if cling and now I think they taking clinging bro I don’t I don’t know s Rick real say I won’t I wouldn’t touch him not not with the not with all the wings we got bro we our wing dep is way real say when he probably it touch the court you feel me not not not not withar Jabari almond cam bro mean he go he gotta go through too many players just to get playing time where you gonna put him at so no s I can see s you know what I’m saying with far as with the rock is trying to do bro I think Clingan will be that guy bro you know I mean and if you had to if you had to ask me everybody trying to trade up to get clinging bro so teens is team he’s he’s showing some teams that he he he is he is the truth bro coming you know what I’m saying coming into this draft so if I had to really think about what they gonna do bro if he if he there for them at three they picking him I’m starting to believe he might not be there at three bro good Poss go go yeah go go Chic for for housing the RO I’m I’m I’m G stand on what I said the very first stream you have when we talked about this dve for I I don’t feel Reed is worthy of number three and I think Clingan is even though I want Reed I think Reed bring something to they both bring something to the table but I wouldn’t I wouldn’t I think we’re going to trade back you know what I mean and still stay in the lottery pick up pick up another uh young Talent you know what I mean and uh man if we could finesse Memphis out of GG Jackson I give up that number Three Pick Quick man we don’t need no GG Jackson bro [ __ ] I’ll take him need we got cam with more them guys like who go that road I’m just talking about I got you I got you but I’m just saying like another young Talent uh I just think we’re gonna trade back and stay in the lottery and and probably have two first round draft pick before it’s all said and done yeah go ahead house yeah so my final point is that uh you know how difficult it is to shoot 52% for three bro I mean listen GRE this this why I’m disappointing you Greenley because you a guard bro GRE because I saw I seen your YouTube highlights green Le and you were a good player bro you were you had you had some skills you had you had the whole package Greenley but here’s the here’s the problem though tell tell me I’m lying Greenley you would have sold your mama your Grandmama and your sister to shoot 52% from three when you were playing ball what you think the rock is gonna do now what you feel bro so what you think the rock is gonna end up doing I’m just saying I think they’re gonna pick Reed Shepard if if if if SAR or ret aren’t available but but green Le man you would have sold your mama your Grandmama and your sister to shoot 52% from three hey man ain’t no colonizer I don’t see no no parts of my family members for the BET for the better for the better of what I need man I a I ain’t on that [ __ ] man you you you got a different you got a different you got somebody different you got in mind what you think GRE LEF can you hear me can y hey uh hey uh uh H I ain’t no colonizer like you bro I don’t sell my family members and you know what I’m saying and I don’t do all this [ __ ] for no for no for no dude like no re sheeper bro shut your shut your mayonnaise ass up what you say I ain’t gonna lie bro man is good man what’s busted not godamn give me some must sh put that [ __ ] together hey ain’t none of y’all going to the drive party I got four ticket hey Green Lea green Le bro hey Green Leaf bro you know it’s just called a fig it’s just a figure of speech bro I didn’t meet that literally I mean [ __ ] I said the same [ __ ] about myself if I could shoot 52% for three [ __ ] I’d sell my Grandmama and my mom and my sister for to shoot 52% you understand how difficult that is bro that’s one the most difficult things of all time to shoot 52% from three but what I’m saying is it’s in college bro we talking about the NBA level dude you you saw the stats how it extends to all all facets yeah but he wasn’t he wasn’t shoting on NBA C players extends to all facets of the game bro no you see that’s like that’s how I know you don’t know [ __ ] about basketball hey hold on hold on he ain’t no Hooper like I am bro yeah I’m a Hooper bro he a not like I not like me yeah I could hoop with you I could I could I might not you telling me you telling me if I needed to do this this and that I’m telling you I want I want a rim protector bro because I have confident in my guard play dog look confidence in my you might cross me over a few times but I’d post you up and dunk on your ass hey have bless have a blessed night man how about you do that hey I cook [ __ ] out of anybody anybody want to put their money up on on me I bet on me all day [ __ ] these NBA players I on me all day put up your money I just admitted that you would cross me up a few times put up your money I bet I bet I’ll beat you right now H come down to Houston come down to Tex bring your [ __ ] ass down B way get it we do that get it on live exclusive hey hey we can film it hey Chico got the camera we can do what we do hey you think I’m bullshitting do hey h I’m tell I’m telling I’m telling anybody if they got the nerve and feel like they can beat me in basketball whatever the case may be put your money up bro I’ve been doing this dog all my life all my life y talk [ __ ] I can talk with y’all but when it come hardwood for real y’all can’t [ __ ] with I already told you green Le I respect I respect your basketball behind theen so if I if I say I already told you I [Applause] respect no no not for me I’m out of there my little brother I my little brother on you man hey hey you I know your brother doing [ __ ] out there was that barber we yeah yeah yeah told I already said green Le I respect your basketball skills long as you respect put your money behind it though I already told you I respect your basketball skills what I’m saying is I’m just that good I’m just fig it out I fig out J green Le I figured it out the reason why isn’t going with the big goofy white [ __ ] CU he’s a big goofy white [ __ ] that’s why no I’m not seven foot I’m not seven foot bro I’m not seven foot tall he know he know that [ __ ] ain’t gonna work no I’m not I’m not seven foot tall bro it ain’t work for him I’m not I’m not seven foot tall bro I’m not seven foot N I don’t know we in win-win situation man I’m ready I’m ready for next Wednesday man it’s a winwin fors bro I think you know what I’m saying hey just to end the stream just just uh count your blessings and just be thankful that y’all moved up from number nine okay about that number nine that was you said all that [ __ ] about listening to all the media and this and that [ __ ] and cl all this other [ __ ] you talking about but that’s the same people who said projected us to be at number nine no we was never said dude y’all wer came up because of the lottery bro that was a that was a projection though dude dude you are you are the you are number nine based on your record you’re you won the lottery dude you won the [ __ ] Lottery shut the hell up you don’t know what talking number nine wasn’t set in stone though that’s what I’m saying talking about bro that the next pick not our pick the next pick bro yeah Brooklyn we swap with Brooklyn yeah [ __ ] was 12 and and OKC got that and they got that right but but but but Brooklyn was projected to around the nine and but this [ __ ] it was still a projection it wasn’t for sure just like just likeed understand how the draft works the worst team gets the best pick man you talking stupid now go research the history of drafts in any sport and then come back and why Detroit don’t got the number one overall pick that [ __ ] ain’t happening the Rockers had the worst record for the last two two season we ain’t never get the number one pick Detroit was the worst team in the league in history last year they did did they get the number one pick NOP stupid ass dude Greenley we’re talking about if you don’t win the lottery where you would stand as your record Okay so got lucky when you won the lottery Chico is just a talking like an idiot bro hey hey how you talking like an idiot hey house when they when they was Mark drafting us at nine early in the year right so what they have who they had us picking you remember it don’t matter who can can I please please green re shepher at nine right I se connect that was before J that was before he turned in one of the best combines in the NBA y’all [ __ ] see that’s another thing bro I hate to I hate to Pat myself on the back I hate you know what I’m saying but I like to hold my own nuts so at the same time man [ __ ] want talking about re sheer all year long until came out my [ __ ] mouth stop stop playing with me bro at nine bro at nine yep not no number three I like like I said I like re want to trade back for him trade do do what we could do with the pick hold y’all get the number three we get the number seven we gonna dve re Sher and take what we can yeah damn right but I ain’t picking that goddamn boy no listen listen that was before he put He put together one of the best college basketball seasons in history and all right so I was on I was on I was on track before all these other dud so my basketball AC is better than most of these [ __ ] that y’all listen to that’s why that’s why I’m glad this together a spectacular combine the NBA Combine yeah he put together a spectacular combine spectacular bro godamn only thing that was 100% on the shooting display is wasn’t him and Don connect wasn’t what from three from the shooting in the combine bro and everybody said stupid J Jay Dog Jay dog Bill par you know what Bill par said what you know what Bill par said uh Bill parcel’s always said in the NFL draft he said he said you go by what you see you don’t just like fantasize about some dude you have to go by what you know what you to go what you see on the film how they actually played during the let me ask you something well let me ask you something then since you since you saying that have you seen Don connect play have you have you went looked at any game films bro I have I have seen everybody play a million times over now you’re lying H go straight up L know he Li come on bro God damn he don’t even know who’s projected to be the best who’s consider one of the best shoters J come on bro what you know better I ain’t J don’t connect don’t hey hold up hold hold let me hey let me ask you this you know I’m saying not not on no draft [ __ ] house how you feel number 15 how hey house how you feel about uh the homie uh what’s her name Malik Malik mon how you feel about him possibly come to the rights you should probably get Mr you should probably get Mr moss on the stream Mr M cause he’s Sacramento man you are you know you know Malik Mar look man he played in Lakers he played in you should probably get Mr moss on the stream because you know he watched probably 82 of his games last year we asking you man we asking you bro yeah I like Malik monk but I mean I wouldn’t trade nothing for him I pick him up in free agency that’s what we talking about bro yeah yeah get yeah go get him so so so so okay all okay well green set you up so so so if we go get Malik mon we you still draft you still draft uh uh re at three if yeah because you need a shoot you need a shooter from three you look Reed sheeper he he can coexist with all your athletic dudes and Malik month is another athletic dude right because me Reed Shepard going to extend the whole the whole team the whole defense he go to draw the defense out opening all the lanes for all your slashers see Reed Shepard shooting well didn’t just do it for him he does it for the whole team he go open up the lanes but I understand it I’m not saying it cling on just cling on open up no Dam man clingman clingman clingman man clinging got me call I’m gonna say it how King says it the star does Star Wars cling on uh does he open up any lanes hell no he clogs the lanes uh no he not no Clingan don’t play like that he clogs a lan he does not he does not he get stuck in your he gets stuck in your garbage disposal bro you need you need to watch you need to watch how he play bro he don’t clog the lanes well he very smart Reed Shepard opens all the lanes for y’all y’all slashers all right I’mma throw his ass at Ali can he catch Alo yeah he could but but you already got three other guys who can catch you already hold on Jay dog you already got three other guys who can catch Al oops you got sangon you got Jabari you got almond Thompson going sideline to sideline Baseline to Baseline catching Al throwing that [ __ ] down you don’t need a big old white dude from Connecticut yes we do we need a big old white dude yes we do you don’t no you don’t no you need what you need is a 6’4 white dude you need a 6’4 quit quit getting that man inches you ever play street ball dude come to rocker Park hey so at rck aort who they picking the biggest dude or the smallest dude they picking me it’s who they picking they picking me y see what I mean I can’t [ __ ] want to come up the basketball saan they know I’m saying basketball pedigree they can’t answer the basketball a simple you see why I don’t waste my energy on certain [ __ ] no more come to Ruck come to Rucker Park bro we’ll get it on at Rucker no [ __ ] that come to Houston bro come in my territory [ __ ] all that South New York [ __ ] that’s going on New York we produce the most hoop now dur [Music] [ __ ] what he say Kevin Durant Durant man that’s crazy so so I forgot that dude name Soo man he was a prospect that could shoot he still ain’t been able to make a roster man chic hey Cho brick put that brick on your name you talking about him that dude about what’s name brick keep that brick on your name something going on he too big for not to get on no roster bro like too big he can shoot yeah he can’t make yeah but what’s going something ain’t right though Chico he too goddamn big something ain’t right shoot that’s what I’m saying like even just because you can shoot don’t mean you guaranteed to make a spot man dude if you listen listen here real close now if you could shoot 52% you got a 43 inch vertical leap and you can you got two steals per game two steals per game in college minutes man you could do anything let me ask you let me ask you something house you you remember Kirk HRI dude that’s a bad example no no let me ask you a question go ahead go ahead go ahead do you remember Kirk hry bro uh vaguely I thought you was a basketball historian man you don’t remember didn’t he win a National Championship didn’t he Winamp KU college champions like I said before I said before like I said before the college championships are always overrated players you look at all the college champion they always overrate those dudes you you could look at Danny Manning you can look at Danny Manning look at shabaz this ain’t no court this ain’t no court n I’m trying to talk to you man quit going in them tangents and [ __ ] God go ahead go ahead okay okay you vaguely remember k h so so so so all right you so so you so did he have a did he have a solid NBA career I don’t remember that dude man how the [ __ ] he playing with Chic man come on bro not no damn see this dude be yeah man he was number seven pick he number right right bro right right where he should be Vic like your boy Steph Curry about Curry what about Steph Curry did people Overlook Steph Curry bro man he ain’t no Stephen Curry he a no the [ __ ] you talking about dude he you’re right he’s not he’s 8% better than Steph Korea in college do that see see see that Fanboy [ __ ] bro see we supposed to be having a game you know I’m saying going to a different you know saying different way we supposed to be see we should be holding we should be gay keeping how the NBA should be going you know what I’m saying that’s why we hold our players accountable but this punk ass dude like H say dumbass [ __ ] like that like everybody walking to the NBA that’s going to shoot 50% clip in one year KY is goingon to be the next different cry hey stop this [ __ ] bro stop it ain’t nobody walk around the next LeBron ain’t nobody walking around the next KD you know what I’m saying they tried it with James Harden look how they work you know say Curry he shoot better than Cur I don’t give a damn man people DP better than LeBron James if they LeBron or something he shoot the ball better than Curry Michael Beasley used to cook LeBron in practice with the the man shoot the ball better than Steph that’s just the fact of life you got to accept that let the nation and scoring didn’t he shoot the ball better than step and y’all would Overlook his ass look yeah but his three-point percentage shooting didn’t affect his K College accolades defense impacted his team way more better than listen not just like one or two% better he shot that [ __ ] 8% better than Curry the look man he can shoot bro stop it stop it house you can yell all you on that white boy [ __ ] exactly bro car did that [ __ ] for what three years green man I’m G have to I’m G have to take another Sip and go to bed because man problem prove y ra come on bro on what n 8 n or temps Chico how many tis he had in college bro eight or nine bro he shot take I ain’t letting your [ __ ] ass back up here if if you fall out hey what up R what up R salute my boy man salute man he be cooking green Le I see you did bro Kirk H he was seven number seven pick but look who’s in that draft though look who’s in that draft if you remember correctly you had LeBron Dwayne Melo Chris Bosch come on man they all was in that bro so was going to be number seven I mean okay okay Vic I understand it man this a weak ass abouto it’s a weak ass draft we should draft you know saying it don’t it really don’t matter who we draft at number three right long as we get long as we get our man that that that give us you know the best fit for our team if we don’t really look at the draft as far as like it’s no superstars in this draft no all stars in this draft we drafting role players going forward so why not draft uh re number three right right hell no [ __ ] got yeah I’ll take I’ll take hey but what what if cling and the shepher there and they go a different route who who would y’all be happy with and who who who would piss y’all the [ __ ] off what if they pass on both of them I’m saying what if they pass on them and went like what you mean pass on B for who on on she so shepher and cling yeah they not passing on on clinging bro too many teams trying to move up to get him bro like the Rockets ain’t F to pass on him even if they drafting they’ll trade him later like it’s they got opportunity I mean Rafael ston he made them they they are saying like they not they gonna draft the best talent available right we gotta hold that to consideration like as far as what they plan on doing before they even know they had three dra PE ch ch huh so who who y’all see like cuz I’m not bro I see some guys right they got talent whatever but bro if they talking about picking the best available Talent at three bro outside these guys we’ been talking about tonight I don’t really even put Reed sheeper in that top threea cause my point about Kirk hinr was this uh y’all Kirk hinr was was was was SL was slated to be a slated to be a better player than than than Reed Shepard he bigger he he he really was a off ball shooter and really was a true point guard bro you feel me so he he way bigger than K was a true six4 a true six4 bro you feel me team to the championship and he and he yeah you know I’m glad uh told me that but yeah I forgot he did beat me Melo did beat him but yeah man but yeah he have le team is Kansas JW team to the championship bro H was the truth in college if you watched him but and he had a good NBA career you feel what I’m saying it was kind of injury play you know he got hurt but uh he had a good NBA career in uh in uh Chicago I don’t see Reed shepher being better than Kirk hry and you think I’m gonna pick him at three hell no bro what if that’s his floor would you rather him or would you rather saying ain’t going to pick him at three if you know his floor KK if KK was your floor why why sacrifice that absolutely green and what clinging what if clinging floor is to be you you running with to be or H I don’t see I don’t see to I see this he he got a motor bro to be a have no motor like clinging a better what bro Cho why you watch college basketball bro Clingan got a motor bro now he ain’t no just no a got a motor to though re re re ain’t no yeah but damn he got seven I want the 72 with the motor goam it’s a bunch of 62 motor having [ __ ] in the NBA how many how many how many 72 guys with motors in the NBA who trying to block everything now check this out and is this something else get under under Valu bro with clinging he block he blocks without fouling bro he stays in the game bro he got real and he play one onone he could play one-onone defense with the beig not no help blocking we talking about one-onone blocking baby Z cooked that one game for multiple games even even if that say that’s cool z z Eed cooked him on that one game but it was tough show did he made it tough on him Chico he 32 points he had to earn that [ __ ] bro he making some hell of a shots in that game bro Ed was making some hell of a shots I’m high on Ed though I’m I think Ed gonna be a better professional than than where they got him going where they got him going they got him going like out out the lottery but he might creep up [ __ ] he might creep up I don’t know why they sleeping on that dude man he ain’t no big slow [ __ ] though like he big but he athletic and he got some game like his he he improving every year he a late starter I think he only started they don’t have e going number one though no oh no I seen one I seen one talking about Ed to Washington but I know that was some bull that was probably a Washington fan that that that said that [ __ ] but he did more skill than than Clingan if we being honest he to me a baby y he a baby y yeah but he ain’t no he ain’t no he he big bro but in the NBA bro he gonna be out of position I think they kind of um they forecast him being out of position more than cling on the defensive end and on the defensive end cling cling a demon bro he a demon bro like he he trying to he trying to block everything bro he a he a screening roller he a vertical threat you feel me people act like he can’t jump he can jump high enough to C to goddamn be two feet over the rim when he catching lobs so you know that’s out that’s my only thought about him bro and he’s and he’s fast I mean he’s not fast he’s smart bro you can run that’s one thing that’s one thing I I was just reading his profile they said he bring size and IQ he I bro he bro I he got that IQ and he is durability and Mobility he had a foot injury ear he coming out for now he got Mobility though he run the court and everything bro I mean he he he going to be a dro defend in a pick and roll you know everybody play pick and roll now we already got drop Defender that’s a good question because at the same time how don’t all bigs do that n though they liability on Perimeter you feel me like whether they skill big or not they do they have can they protect the perimeter we notice that that’s their weakest Point even with the fours that’s why they want to just stretch the floor so at the same time you that’s gonna come with the package you feel me just like you know what I’m saying we we we I don’t know if re sheer locking down uh [ __ ] like likeing that who Ricky Rubio [ __ ] this already reti I can’t hear green green we can’t hear you fam fall that man what you say about Ricky Ricky Rubio that’s I say who who re sh gonna lock down Ricky Rubio but my point is BR we got we got shenon being a drop defender in the pick a roll St gonna be a drop Defender so we gonna get cling in and do the same thing we we but now but but but look what what what shanon can’t do at a high level is be a rim deterr and a and a goddamn me in a and a and a lock down shot blocker like cling gonna get you that when he on the court no matter what he doing bro and he going to screen and roll you don’t need he don’t need the ball to be effective and this ain’t no knock on LP but but at times LP won’t score and he get ton of vision when it when the ball goes into him he won’t he holds it too long Clingan gonna reposition he gonna pass it back out to the guard he gonna screen it yeah he going to screen and roll he going to reposition if it ain’t there he goingon to come back out the screen again like sometime bro it ain’t all about the scoring it’s all about you utilizing your your your IQ and your gravity of your size Clingan gonna give you a vertical threat he gonna give you a big wide body to to uh that Jaylen and Fred could play off of as well as Alman and the rest of them guys he he he not gonna need the ball to score LP we need him when he in the game bro to do what he do best and that’s go the rock but when you got a guy like cling come in you can utilize more of your your perimeter packages you don’t have to be so andp probably be if you want LP to be shooting the clip from the three at the four that’ll be even better if you could play him with LP it’s true that’s true hey we what declined on offense but but but improved drastically no no listen listen to me what if what if he improve more on defense than offense a’t ain’t that what happened with Jaylen green this this past season yeah yeah that’s why that’s why I’m saying like I I would love it because we know we on a trajectory we still drafting young and we still trying to do other things but I’m saying is Jaylen has help on a guard play Alp don’t have that necessarily young help talented help on on on on on on the center play he has who who he got Stephen Adam okay cool everybody question with stepen Adam but jaar at the same time that’s what I’m saying we asking Jabar to be something that he’s not to a certain degree you know what I’m saying that’s even that’s even a better asset if Jabar can stretch the floor from the five you know what I’m saying uh play defense at the five guard is five so it’ll be better if Alp can stretch the floor at the four like you said Chico ain’t one you said it oh oh oh you know what I’m saying if LP can play the four and you can move ja Bo the three it’ll be lethal but I haven’t seen Al floor for us at a consistent level when we talking about 1.8 three point attempts and we know at the four you got to shoot at a high clip from the three that’s how you stretch that’s what it’s called stretch Big Stretch stretching the floor so hey man I’m just saying if Alp can do that and and and and you know okay granted and he get better at protecting the rim you know that’s even a plus that’s a plus we we gonna be way more versatile we G way more versatile that’s real n you right bro if you do that Chico don’t say I’m right cuz you know what I’m saying people G think you dick rid no [ __ ] talk about Cho my [ __ ] I’m some [ __ ] man I I don’t even want you to agree with me no more J time with your ass yeah [ __ ] whatever wor about the ass [ __ ] you got you got to want us to draft re now green J [ __ ] that I ain’t doing that look here now totico you right on this [ __ ] I was because I didn’t hear I didn’t hear you I I didn’t know you saying like you know what the option we gonna have if if LP come in a better Defender I think he is gonna come in a better Defender dog but this this my thing bro even if he come in a better Defender [ __ ] cleaning is is is goddamn 72 he already a hell of a shot blocker and he vertical with it so it’s natural to him bro you feel what I’m saying he a natural shot blocker a natural rebounder and he he’s a natural screen and roll guy you feel what I’m saying so you getting the best and he got IQ just like Al Pon he ain’t no I’m pretty sure he ain’t Ain I ain’t talking about the ball the the ball skills LP I’m just saying like typical big stuff you know what I’m saying he play fundamental basketball man yeah besides the three he still is because if King got a mid-range jumper man it’ll be a know I’mma tell you Chico I even be in the pain like is but green I’mma tell you though I think that might be why he shooting up the board a little bit they they I I heard some rumies came out of uh uh when was in Atlanta bro CLE is showing he can shoot that three they say he’s showing he’s showing touch from the three yeah he ain’t he ain’t playing against nobody like yeah he he just shooting in the gym but if he’s showing touch and form then you it’s something you could work with like alond alond ain’t got no form ain’t got no touch from three that [ __ ] ugly it’s broke you know Jay breaking up is that me or J that’s J Dog okay yeah J you breaking up bro hey if that’s true though to be honest if he is showing some shooting I change my pick yeah we talking about the upside you know about so we so so we saying the projectory of him getting better as a three-point shooter we know the defense is going to be secure for what he do you ain’t got to teach what he what he what he’s going to bring to the Rockets as far as R protection and stuff like that um re you know what I’m saying if was a drunk what if come out he start shoo you know can’t he’s gonna be a liability on defense got uh so if he start shooting 30% from the from the three I’m I’m I’m I’m presenting a big what if you feel me King I’m presenting a big cut y’all better cut that [ __ ] footed knock knee B cannot Sho man y’all better cut this out man I don’t want to hear him in the gym by his goddamn self hitting some jumpers so his draft combine don’t mean nothing but Reed sheeper does huh I ain’t said nothing about Reed sheeper Combine okay y’all didn’t hear me talking about all the threes he made that like shk feet ass dude what you talking about I’m talking about this club footed slow knock need you know see in his knees and his calves n jumping non athletic cling on ain’t shooting no goddamn he was 19 for 30 and a moving three-point drill 19 30 good for hey if that’s real if that’s real then re shepher 42 vert real it is see you believe I told I told you it wasn’t a real 42 to me but regardless did did you hear anybody say that that clean clean gong this clean gong shot manipulated you can manipulate his shot from from the three-point drill or did you hear you can manipulate your ver green green I can go I can go in the gy and drain some threes bro by myself somebody you can’t shoot if you can’t shoot then you ain’t gonna make them right you bro I didn’t see a bunch of people make shots in by I Ain let this Jay I ain’t let this [ __ ] come up here and get away with this [ __ ] bro we ain’t asking Kling gon to be the three-point guy for us we ask him to do what he do in the league can re sheeper come in and shoot 50 and 50 [ __ ] bro no no he he’s not gonna shoot 50 and 50 what he but but but cing g ain’t g ain’t gonna touch the court number one number two he he he can’t shoot free throws so how in the hell we expect him to hit mid-range and three-point shooter this son [ __ ] like 60% from the free throw line now we ask him to be goddamn C mer from the free throw line man what do you want I want him to be y can he be ya mean from the from the free throw line what gonna do though what re sheer gonna do king he G he G he gonna be for he gonna be 40% from the three-point line or better and he going he going probably be about as a rookie about 44% from from the field is he going to be better than Kirk yes hey you see you see on you see on the screen right here it says catch and shoot threes 51% right on 56 uh field goals made made and over 100 100 uh field goals attempted from to just catch and shoot we talking about NBA 3es that’s the next highest you know 40 40 made at a 50% clip so is he gonna take these mon threes and shoot from the catchen three from on the NBA level Reed Shepard dealing with the NBA knowing what the NBA is at the G play is he gonna do that at 6’2 or 61 without shoes 6 six he’s 63 with shoes um I think he’ll hit hit on on on catch and shoot wide open threes he going to hit it 45% or better and yeah he going get he gonna get a parade deal uh endorsement deal cuz his shot is butter man this nigin Clark now good idea poorly executed no I’m looking at I’m looking at his [ __ ] man like that boy got a shot he got a strap on I know he do man that boy got say he can’t shoot we a lot of can shoot at the college level say he can’t shoot but I’m talking about do y’all feel he gonna present this I told you bro I said from the very beginning that man is not gonna shoot 50% from the three that is unheard of nobody shoot 50% from the three the greatest Shooters of all time so what Ricky head shot at at high clip like that as a rooking impact their team like that over a guy like what cling can prev for the Rockies cing ain’t goingon to provide nothing except for a bunch of splinters in his ass cuz he ain’t goingon to get off the bench down in the G leag re sheer can’t can’t can’t go nobody Marquel folz he can’t stay in front of Marquel folz what you think he gonna be that’s one of his strength of his defense no it’s not man not for my not for my AR test I mean the Analytics you know what I’m saying that’s cool that’s cool but not for my have you been watching them green I mean how D leave SE everything y’all seen and steals if you ain’t seeing the defense man know legitimate oneone play I ain’t seen stpp okay okay how many you if that’s if that’s what it is off ball is by steal so that means y your guy who’s playing one-on-one defense is causing Havoc causing pressure one-on-one that’s how you get away with the off ball steals well he get both he get both he get on Ball and off ball steals all you gotta do is watch he be taking people two and a half by accident Man all you gota do is watch cling g n hell I didn’t seen that I didn’t seen that slow foot Ste footed bastard I didn’t Sean clean G shutting everybody down every yeah yeah he shutting down all a one man show CH all day man heyo if we was going to trade down and take a big man over CLE gun bro where you you you he got got the one got shk feet I take him around eight or nine hey you gonna be just like goddamn me money Williams [ __ ] in in the lottery in the top 10 it ain’t know it ain’t no I’m not hold on quick quick side note Monty Monty Williams getting fired is further proof that K Cunningham ain’t worth the [ __ ] so that [ __ ] that your boy that your boy Pastor Elder sitting up on the [ __ ] panel capping and [ __ ] apparently they feel like he that K cting ham ain’t doing enough because how the [ __ ] you get fired if your best player doing all this [ __ ] improving like you say and they got the worst record in basketball three years in running like NWA 100 miles in running three years in running these son [ __ ] got the worst record in basketball but he’s making so many improvements you don’t get the [ __ ] all the way out of here with that [ __ ] K is hooping [ __ ] yeah yeah he hooping all right hula hooping that [ __ ] a play no [ __ ] basketball wor the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of here he say cling on telling you I’m gonna send my petition to master s Master Sacramento himself like he man y’all gotta spot for me you ha I’mma hate that [ __ ] more than j i Ain lying I see you already getting the [ __ ] ready yeah [ __ ] man man hey I see look like a damn hey K real quick ke I see you Chang up your little your little picture man you got that little shitty Jersey off your uh screen play come but you gonna come up with another 13 man like like where the red and blue at man I still I still got my 13 man my on my in my man in my manave that’s Brock right there that’s quarterback that’s quarterback yeah man you know like little white boy he like little white boy oh my God here we J that’s what you pull out you know what hey I want I want my bottle R now [ __ ] I my you put put put your goddamn man now you no he like white he like his white Bo that’s your quarterback yeah that is my I can’t p b no R and no l say [ __ ] is broke we gotdamn [ __ ] I got to pay I got I gotta save up I need1 more dollars I can send green his his uh his C money money so so so I can’t bu that remit I’ll get your REM next but how about that so so he ain’t never $100 when [ __ ] the [ __ ] say whoy van v uh uh they game he had $100 in his cash app right now green you ain’t get that 100 I let me let me I Ain even be got hurt H man hell sh man what do he bet the [ __ ] got his SP right after that the [ __ ] say he had $100 if anybody could tell him who van vet helped improve their game Who game he he helped uh you know improve and I brought up yaka per and Alp both of them had career years with Van v yeah so you can’t say that the man ain’t help nobody he ain’t improve nobody game as the point guard come on man I I told I want send it to Green Le all that c [ __ ] yeah like [ __ ] we you the only one don’t watch basketball [ __ ] we watch basketball F you talking about boy no man yeah bro I think that was feeling little feeling got hurt after you took his money I a [ __ ] he a [ __ ] he doing all that talking that capping and [ __ ] for real stop all that capping bro sleep you fell off me I said you fell off over there man n no I’m still here I say lar to sleep drunk ass yeah yeah drunk yeah piss while you go to sleep after that sh you you a good episode like he had she sleep somewhere like on some real [ __ ] man sh be fun as H man yeah all right man I’mma [ __ ] with y’ boys man yeah salute to you man we going again we chop it up again about this this Rocky [ __ ] man we going till next Thursday man we got a lot of [ __ ] to talk about four hours four hours what y got W it it’s Wednesday that’s the D party first round one day second round next day okay so it’s on 26 B yeah we what you got Chico what we gonna do man man we G we gonna shock the world man we going to make some moves and pick up some people and we we we the next the next team to uh make that run you know what I mean turn some [ __ ] around 50 wins next year playoffs it’s going to start next week once we figure out what we’re going to do on draft whether we draft someone or pick up someone in trade but next move goingon to be the best move yeah for sure sure bro hey CH I’m ready I’m ready I think it’s gonna be some crazy stuff going on I think it’s gonna be some crazy [ __ ] going on what you got VC what you got hey you know if they have any uh footage of the workouts from these prospects uh no not that I came across from you know I’m saying through the great RS or anything anywhere you know I know they did work out Donovan clinging uh Reed Shepard you know saying some other uh guys that’s not in the top five um so yeah I know the Rockets did work out those guys s I’m not sure about that I don’t believe so I don’t think nobody really got their hands on them but the Hawks U and who else who else Rich sh I think those guys really like like still hooping I believe around this time or something like that so around next week they’ll be they they’ll be pulling up for the draft you know so at the end of the day the Rockets keep a lot of stuff close to the V close to the chair you know what I’m saying don’t get they you don’t really all right now with the rockets for the past few years it’s like speculation you you thinking about what they doing or what they should and shouldn’t do at the same time they have a different way of handling business you know so I think that’s what but salute brother appreciate you for let us come up hey salute to you Vic hey man y’all hit that like button as y walk out the door if you’re new to the channel subscribe uh coming across this platform come coming across this channel hit the like button subscribe get the algorithm up the like button will help my channel out man so y’all hit the like button I appreciate the love and support everybody who donate to the channel you know what I’m saying with love you know what I’m saying U but yeah man we out here fam peace peace peace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he he [Music]

Breaking down who’s the best prospect in the 2024 draft with The Houston Rocket 3rd Overall Pick.

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