@Dallas Mavericks

Why EVERYONE Is Wrong About The Dallas Mavericks | The Elle Duncan Show

Why EVERYONE Is Wrong About The Dallas Mavericks | The Elle Duncan Show

Gary just looks at me and goes I have a couple of ways we can open the show unless you have any ideas I was like I don’t do you have any ideas and he’s like well we can either talk about ski ball groupies or juneth and I was like oh ski SK gosh Dam welcome back to the country L I missed you for a brief brief amount of time I missed you and then the cold open pops up and you said everything that I said in confidence with confidence to the masses which I actually do appreciate because I stand by those two things that I started the show with oh welcome to the L Duncan show with L Duncan and Gary sty who is really trying to force me with like I’ve had four hours of sleep in like three days and he wants me to navigate a juneth conversation with him no I God no I don’t I just said that I he said I have some thoughts I was like these are not thoughts I want to hear I just don’t I don’t I don’t want to have to apologize to the entire black community for what my co-host said stop it stop it you didn’t even allow me the opportunity share to share my thoughts that I think everybody would agree with because I know that it was made a Federal holiday back in 2021 so it is still in the infancy of being officially it took too long recognized by all 50 states okay and yesterday I was trying to get some stuff done just at home you know calling insurance company and I had a question for my mortgage company and my insurance company answered but then I call my mortgage company and they’re like you know in in um observance of so I’m like everybody just needs to get on the same page all right so it’s been three years that it’s been official it’s enough time but it should have there should be a leadup throughout the week hey just so you know it’s kind of a new one we’re going to be open a half day or we’re going to be closed fully and usually we live in this same town if there’s an official national holiday observed trash gets pushed back a day yeah okay today it didn’t get pushed back says plenty you know what I’m saying so all I’m saying L is I had some thoughts in that we all need to get on the same page all right we all need to unify together okay oh wow to observe and and all be on the damn same page L and with that welcome back see that’s not bad the great myth of unity no that’s no it’s not bad I I thought you were going to go somewhere else cuz I was I just got back from France I was in can I did that with a ponytail flip too was a lot I get back from France I was there uh Monday Tuesday and Wednesday can lions for those of you that don’t know is like this big Festival SL meeting of all these like Brands and sales and advertising and they have all of these different panels and stuff like that like it’s like spring break for like sales and advertising people right um like we can have this can be a zoom or what do you think about going to the south of frch let’s go to the south of French and just do it there could be an email chain can’t have Magnum bottles of Crystal on Zoom so let’s do that that so um so we so we we are in can and I was doing a panel with Rita faroh who is the president of Disney uh Global Disney sale and advertising big big wig amazing woman uh Kiki rice uh basketball phenom from UCLA and JuJu Watkins of course uh freshman of the Year National freshman of the year she’s amazing of USC so we’re doing this panel and there’s like you know business owners you get to go to other things anyway I had to come back so I could do this show and also Sports Center and everyone’s like you’re going to miss the best party it’s Wednesday night it’s Club quarantine with DJ with d nice and it’s going to be amazing and honestly sis because they’re trying to make me feel bad it’s the juneth party that’s crazy that you left and I I looked I looked at them and I said well what did y’all call this three years ago before y’all started celebrating juneth cuz let’s be real unofficially observed it’s become more it’s become a more recent thing but no France was super cool um I will tell you this though I I forget this every time I go there’s so much you don’t have access to of course in other countries not only is France six hours ahead of here in the east coast wall plugs yeah exactly I definitely struggled in that department bring your own I did but it like right away stopped working like immediately so the hotel had to hook me up and uh and so there was at some point where I was like oh that’s right the NBA finals are tonight now I had a feeling that even though the Mavs did everything that they could we’ve talked about this right in the medical community they call it the rally right before someone dies for real yeah it’s called like the rally every cell inside of them gives one last burst of energy and these people get incredible they feel better they get great strength it’s happened to a few people that I know especially when my my uncle was was dying of cancer and it’s this thing that they prepare your families for where you basically like you get this because all your cells are firing off so right before you die you feel great and you get real energized and that’s kind of what the Mavericks did at home they took every ounce of energy that they had before ultimately got one and I knew that when this thing got to Boston it was going to be over right um what I did not see though was any aspect of this game because a it wasn’t on and B if it was on somewhere in France it was on at 3:00 in the morning and I wasn’t going to be doing I missed everything up in club quarantine which by the name of that I’d been like no thanks went there four years ago didn’t really enjoy myself uh so the Celtics L they’ve won Banner 18 we haven’t talked about it haven’t talked about it that much they won it at Boston on the anniversary of their last one 2008 June 17th which happens to be the area code 617 so some people say maybe this was pre-ordained this was predestined all right so script writers at work the script writers are already firing off too on next year with the uh Celtics talking about who’s all coming back and Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown you know what I’m saying being 26 and 27 and speaking of revision is history Jason Tatum has stuck to similar scripts that we’ve all heard before which we’re going to get into in just a little bit but I know you were probably more focused and dialed in since you were in France of killing mbappe breaking his nose in the euros and he’s going to have to miss the group stage what did the country feel about that how were they reacting they everybody was too drunk to care damn that’s crazy I was in the part of France that at the time was just filled with Americans ask this question let me ask you this question people from the states party and what’s a guy got to like what’s a guy like me got to do to catch an invite like that you know what I’m saying um just buy yourself a ticket and go to can France that’s crazy so I’m immediately I’m like immediately disqualified one of the thing can I like fing like can I disqualify something right now because even though I didn’t see the game at all certainly I solve the story lines afterwards are the Celtics on the precipice of a dynasty you got so bad at Stephen A Smith for saying that the sports center last week right before you left bro you I’m so sorry um Dynasty is three Dynasty is a state it I feel like it is has been established that a dynasty is three championships in the course of four to five years right it’s very rare to win three in a row like three within four to five years that’s a dynasty South Carolina Women’s Basketball just became a dynasty because they won their third championship in five years like that is a dynasty how are we even Whispering Dynasty for a team that won one one so we didn’t say that when the Bucks won a one off I think that the pieces are in place and we’re in place and I think you probably why but no but why did we just skip over number two why are we already at Dynasty we’ve just we’ve just given them a second Championship we’re already moved on yes to a third well no what okay I think just like a journey of so many kilometers from Stateside to France begins with the first mile or kilometer don’t ask me the conversion the first step to a dynasty L is getting the first and yeah and and then we start talking till they win two Gary do this to the Warriors till they won two but hold on but then you look at the pieces that are in place and say wait a minute this has a chance to be that and the Celtics have everything in place to be that which is two young superstars a veteran core coming back a freaking whiz Rainman of a coach who by the way is 35 years young and he’ll be back implementing more pieces and then basketball president of basketball operations Brad Stevens clearly thriving in that role so I don’t I don’t think that you can necessarily discount okay the conversation obviously nobody disagrees that okay they’re not a dynasty until they multi we had the same conversation with the Nuggets like literally they win last year and it’s the same exact I’m just like we just like that same storyline and we’re like but their D can this be a Dynasty look what happened to the Nuggets their dynastic Windows still open if you win three in four or five years right they’ve won one years no one say you think that you think that they’re a Dynasty now a dynasty implies that you very quickly win a pair uhhuh and you’ve got two three years to play with to win another which makes you dynastic you have to at the very least let the ticker tape settle down let it get swept away from Championship one it ain’t even been thrown yet talking about Championship three it Ain been thrown yet parades tomorrow in Boston it’s going to be lit let’s take the show remote L me and you no take the street stre I’ve done a Boston parade and I got to tell you I wanted to strangle that little kid had the sign that’s like I’m only 12 years old and I’ve have 36 Championship I wanted to punch him in the face those stupid obno obnoxious children signs that are like I was raised in a city with chips um hey you can’t you can’t fault the kid for where he was born where his parents decided to I can fault him for being smug you know what I’m saying let me ask you let me ask you this question okay I’ll take away the dynasty conversation there’s a handful of teams that might be knocking on the door of dynastic runs the Nuggets being one of them the Celtics being another one of them yeah potential would you disagree no because their window was still open sure I I’m not going to say it because they just lost the finals but I’m like the Mavericks could be on a dynastic that’s an interesting question there right like because I said think that’s the postmortem now I was like oh the Celtics ran through this thing and and by the way I will defend the Celtics I can’t stand when people start doing this like 64 wins in regular season wins three losses in I’m say exactly I can’t stand why people start doing this like well they didn’t have to face J you play you play who you play injuries are a part of any championship and in fact every Championship runs involves yes some incredible play but also a little bit of luck on your side in particular injury luck right the Celtics were incredibly um uh healthy and everybody else was not as healthy despite christop porz being hurt right he was just an added luxury so no I’m not taking away from it this is probably one of the most dominant teams we’ve ever seen in route to a championship but now the postmortem is do the Mavericks is it over is Kyrie’s window over was this what would you do with this Mavericks team and I would say you guys I get why some of this like chicken little stuff was happening around the Mavericks even last year it was like look what you did Kyrie has a history of being unhappy it’s not working this was a really big year for him and L Luca in forging their relationship I thought that the Mavericks overperformed despite who was involved I thought that they did better than we projected at the beginning of the year I don’t know most people that had them in the NBA Finals so the idea that they would lose to one of the most dominant runs that we’ve ever seen and then immediately people are like is it over is it done is the window closed seems asinine to me as well that’s crazy uh Lucas 25 Kyrie’s 32 but in NBA standards he’s still in his prime probably some people would throw stones based off of the way you saw him or lack thereof of his performance in the NBA Finals the only yeah but who who also was getting a lot of that Jason T and Jaylen brown right it only takes one year to change that narrative and here you go Jason Tatum now alltime leader in points rebounds assists in the postseason in Celtics uh playoff history and think about the freaking players who have been in this organization he didn’t win the MVP whatever whatever I would the only reason I would say nothing internally triggers me as like an alarming thing they obviously need to add another piece or two um it’s just what’s what what weits outside of them the Timberwolves are not going to get any worse the uh the nuggets are still a awesome freaking team who knows how the Clippers are going to look and then you can never discount I guess you can a LeBron James Le team right let’s just say that love that you just like glossed over a team right now also that has Kevin Durant and Devin Booker on it isn’t that crazy how we’ve gotten there where it’s like we’re not even mentioning the Suns ain’t nothing I mean the sun’s got a starting five and that’s it you know what I’m saying that’s it by the way you should have never let Monty Williams go are you kidding me now this guy just laughing his way to the freaking Bank we’re going get million in guarantees for the rest of whatever we’re going to get to that as well so I’m just saying man the West is just freaking stacked man like and who knows if johnar comes back next season and plays like he did um you know two seasons ago maybe the Grizzlies Are Back In Contention they were the weren’t they the one seed two years ago yeah they were the one seed and the Lakers beat him in route to the Western Conference Finals two years ago blah blah blah blah blah yeah so I mean the West is just so freaking scary and then of course in the East you still have the Knicks who went healthy I they were the most injury-plagued team of the postseason like they’re a team that could certainly contend as well although I don’t think anybody would say that they’re dynastic but what a great year for them and and having a Bonafide Superstar and Jaylen Brunson I don’t know I just feel like sometimes the stars align and everything comes together and they did for me as well because you know I am one what sta is to the Cowboys is what I am to all Boston Sports I want no nice things for Boston so the idea that I had to be on foreign soil that’s true and didn’t have to witness that was a gift from the basketball God then you have to spend the first 15 minutes of your return talking about it let me ask you this question you didn’t you don’t did you lose weight when you’re in France when I was there you don’t have any to lose let me just get that out there but did you see that when I was shut up did you see how he did that shut up because when I went to Paris last year as a as a bday trip um we ate like nothing because the food wasn’t good we came back we weighed like 6bs less you think that French I said what I said you think that French food’s not they’re like literally renowned for how good their food is croissants crazy croissants and the little the sweet the uh what are the little sweet cookies why can’t I think of them right now oh like macaroons macaroons Mac boom that’s it un chocola and croissant that’s it wow this dude said French food’s not good you’re unreal he and let me tell you what the thing is this man said that and then he came straight home from France and he went to Chipotle all right so don’t do not listen to him when it comes to food judgment he doesn’t know what good food is has people agree with me France has fantastic food the only reason that I didn’t gain a ton of weight is because honestly I was just working so much I didn’t really have time to eat but I would have and I would have torn up all those croissants I would have gotten an award for it speaking of which on the other side we’ve got some awards that we’re going to hand out we officially put a bow on the NBA season it’s the dunkeys coming next on the dunan speaking of good cuisine yo you better tell somebody that the L Duncan show has new episodes every Monday and Thursday wherever you get your podcast you can watch it on YouTube and you can watch us of course on ESPN 2 every Thursday at 2 p.m eastern time it’s all the hot button issues and I’m you know what before we went to break I was insulted and as a woman of culture yourself I see that you have Japanese embolden on your shirt you should know I don’t know I think is this real Japanese I don’t think sunny and shares on the shirt you know what it might not be that might also be like some Star Wars just be wing dance yeah straight up straight up um I have a good pallet L okay you know what forget it next next segment you do not um I’m a man of culture you’ll navigate I know you call yourself kimchi poy like you’ll navigate Korean food but the idea that you think French food is bad has eliminated you from that you are eliminated from contention to win any award for best pallet but what you can do the one thing you are capable of doing that is within your bandwidth is handing out Awards yeah I can do that I’m going to let you be the van white you get to hold the dkey oh this thing’s got some weight to it it really is kind of golly this thing is long too do not show this to Xander hey speaking of awards I’ve been tabbed I don’t know if I’m I’m breaking news right now but yours truly will be hosting the humanitarian Awards out in La July 10th wow yeah it sounds like a pretty did you did you did you have to Google humanitarian when they asked you to host it I know what it means L but it just sounds like it just sounds like there are probably better options but since I’ll be out there for the espb awards see I’m very well within my my grasp to be in in these I think you CES I think you were perfectly fit to host the humanitarian Awards because me allowing you on this show is an act of Charity every day so you benefited from it greatly it’s my one wish L Gary laok close personal friend of mine all right let’s hand out some dunkies okay let’s out some dunkies for the NBA and first we start with who the internet has dubbed the king of corny I ain’t going to do it not doing it I personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with being corny I love dad jokes I think it’s great bring the cheese I love all that who cares like it’s all fun and games like nobody cares um however because as I just mentioned I did not see the NBA Finals game five because I was in fris uh apparently Jason Tatum in his like thank you speech did a little bit of plagi Ry ISM let’s listen did it we did it possible anything possible what they going to say now what they going to say now what are they going to say now what are they going say now Daisy I hate y’all so much what I refuse I refuse to get on this Jason Tatum hater train to Nowhere train into one of those invisible Looney Tune walls that looks like a cave tunnel but ends up being the side of a mountain because you know why nothing that he said was like everything that he said was boilerplate stuff we did it and what they going to say now it ain’t like it ain’t like that was just some you know something that he just like some incredibly written yeah he didn’t say anything that’s possible yes he kind of said it in the same way let me also defend them it is re like when you are put on the spot and expected to say something like incredibly like prophetic or smart it can be very tough because it’s like I they I know they want me to be poignant right now and I don’t I was doing like an interview uh when I was in France with like this website and they’re asking me all these um shout out to the female quotient and they’re asking me all these questions just about like what are times that you’ve like you know benefited from great like Sisterhood and stuff like that and I like pointed questions because when you open it up with a general question which is how they ended they’re like is there anything else that you would just like to say any final words to all women out there oh all and I I froze I was like for real uh me you’re really not I’m good at this usually you’re not yeah you don’t do that yeah I I was like uh in invest in women because it’ll pay dividends women are it women are it women are okay LLC l i mean you can’t spell LLC without L you said invest you said dividends you were saying all that girl so and and I do this for a living and I do this all the time so I feel for some of these guys like you get a microphone in front of me and there’s just like encapsulate how you’re feeling right now and it’s like let’s let’s we shock the world let’s do this let’s do this let’s be Jason Tatum and I am Lisa Salters okay Jason Tatum you just won Banner 18 on home court how do you feel invest in women it’ll pay dividends year over-year Roi return on investments by the way he should get an award him and L for the sneakiest like pregnancy announcement he’s been dating R&B singer LMA for like years very there’s like three pictures ever of them together they don’t talk about it and then she just shows up at like their celebration thing and she is very clearly pregnant so shout out to Jason T that’s what he should have said I’m about to have this baby all right let’s move on to our next award and the next Award for Best in Show goes to I’m put this down real quick so I can open up the script Anthony Edwards oh what I don’t know what this you want something award means um I guess it just means that he’s the the best he wasn’t like the best in show because it’s tuned oh yeah D super intending he for sure got that dog in him he’s very entertaining so he is a showman he is for sure unequivocally the showman of the NBA between his play between his you know his his thoughts at the pressers like he is we’ll give that to him I now that is a guy who if and when he wins that Laro Lisa stter needs to get that mic in front of that man’s face it’s gonna be Richard Sherman it’s one yeah yeah it’s gonna be Richard Sherman I can’t wait all right for our next award this is the Hall of Fame is crazy RAB bag award and I think this basically means one of those people that gets paid to just keep failing down like you just keep failing up I want to fail so bad at this only in this context I want to like why Why Not Me God I see what you’re doing out there for the homies and that homie is Monty Williams who no fault of his own man just fired from the Detroit Pistons uh this is of course after he was with the Phoenix Suns last year he was fired from the Suns he said at the time I’m G to take some time I don’t want to jump into another head coaching job I want to take some time I’m making hella money Buu bu you know why $25 million buyout from Phoenix correct to do nothing just disappear for a little bit then Here Comes Detroit apparently they made him an offer he could not refuse he takes it they refuse to win any game yeah they fire him and now this man if you include Phoenix and his buyout from Detroit will make a a hundred million for one year of work you are the Bobby Bonia of head coaches and Monty Williams you’re a star that is timely reference L because Bobby bonade is in 11 days July 1st where Bobby Bonia gets 1.6 million dollar a year yeah he’s Mak he’s making him jealous that is insane that’s freaking awesome $100 million you’re getting for the rest of whenever like you getting you getting back into the workforce you know it somebody else needs these jobs man I’m good and honestly unfortunately how it’s been going from Monty Williams that might be the closest thing to a Larry OB that he actually gets mon I want you to have this brother speaking of which cost you and I think I think it’s very clear how this is going to go huh the banner 18 award clearly and obviously goes to the Lakers it was right under our noses this whole time well ever since December when they rose that Banner to the rafters and that Banner of course is the Lakers hanging an inseason tournament banner yes they put a banner up for winning the inseason tournament the Lakers did so technically Celtics mhm you were not the first to reach Banner 18 it was in fact the Lakers true it’s it’s man it’s been a tough year for the Lakers brand man between between getting pump faked by Dan Hurley to having to hang an inseason tournament Banner There It Is God inseason Champions well at least what they said they were going to do that you they’re leaving space to the left and the right of the trophy because they’re not going to do an individual Banner every time they’re just going to put the years yeah like a letterman jacket like didn’t they try to sell us on it was the first one so they felt like it was important there’s a lot of blank on that Banner so maybe they’re anticipating some more of those dates but yeah not a Lakers move it’s not great and finally the best smile Dunkey award goes to Derek white who left it all out there on the table and got his face busted open in game five and chip for a chip baby baby he looks like a hockey player right now chip for a chip I’ll lose all my teeth for a championship I got to imagine that the insurance that dental insurance yeah in the NBA is pretty dang good yo if if if you’re Derek white do you take the opportunity to just go not that I don’t really remember what Derek White’s like smile looks like before he chipped his tooth I’m sure he has a really nice smile but do you take this opportunity and like upgrade the whole look and get you some veneers like you I mean I mean you probably you probably don’t got a choice right you’re like I need them all to match you know what I’m saying you probably don’t got a choice and if he’s going to be under the gun you might as well yeah you know what I’m saying show just show up with a just mouthful of veneers and just look be just looking good straight like you think so cuz I got to tell you sometimes people show back up with a mouthful of veneers and it’s just not it’s very off-putting for real it is they’re too white they’re too big looks like if Mr Ed bleached his teeth what about me I got veneers see yours are goodlooking though like well this was this was a baseball accident I was going to saying it feels like you’ve had those for a long time if you’re already a public figure and people already are familiar with what your teeth look like and all of a sudden you show up I mean Aaron judge your teeth are inches bigger Aaron judge got rid of the gap which is sad to that was straight I liked the Gap I thought it was a great look so you want you want you want you want to keep it organic yeah or I just want you to like make them look a little bit more natural like not Hollywood chicklets in your mouth don’t look natural don’t go go to Turkey for that don’t go to Turkey for it D on the other side in case you missed it stick around we back on the L Duncan show in case you missed it I love that I’m the one saying in case you missed it I have been in France I have missed everything but I did you’ve been in France I haven’t heard no for real that crazy it wow I know that when I was in France were they riding say that were they riding what no France France leads the world this is can this was they were riding in the streets trying to get donuts at the end of the night because they were drunk and wanted donuts say sometimes people take it to take it to areas like that you know what I’m saying no it was uh it was it was just like I said spring break for people with a business card um all right so one of the things that was a super bummer for me I mean obviously we talked about injuries earlier in the show and I saw this one I saw the video online Cameron Brink goes down um of course I’m talking about the LA Sparks rookie Cameron Brink um also super model Cameron Brink um and you see her go down in their game and right away it didn’t look good right because KNE she couldn’t get up the KN sort of buckles if you will non-c contct injury and then right away she’s crying and uh she had to literally be carried off of uh the floor and we got the news yesterday officially that it is an ACL tear and you hate it for cam because she was just having such a good rookie year you see the numbers on the screen if you’re listening she was averaging over eight points over five rebounds and over two and a half blocks for the Sparks per game but she’s just been such a bright spot uh for this rookie class definitely had some rookie odds to to win Rookie of the Year and was really the the face of the LA Sparks a very young LA Sparks team who’s trying to figure it out and turn their franchise around um and so you hate when things like this happen and she talked about it also apart from just the W season she was supposed to play for the Olympics she was going to represent America in the three Onre competition so she she posted to Instagram just heartbreaking you never think it’s going to happen to you but it did and I’ll come back stronger and better uh but we best wishes to cam bra cuz man that sucks number two overall pick uh the Sparks aren’t this year what they have been in years past right they’ve won four games they’ve lost double digits sure 10 11 games uh this season but with all of the buzz around this rookie class um you know we we sort of had it we have it covered Coast to Coast you know with the Liberty out east and the Seattle Storm and the Sparks and obviously the the the aces out west I mean this was a a coast to coast rookie class worth paying attention to so obviously when your number two overall pick goes down not good if you read her Instagram post without knowing what she actually did or what happened during the game you might have thought she was like retiring from basketball did you read it yeah I did yeah it was like uh you know I’m not not making fun of it or making light of it where did it go it’s down here somewhere but she was like you know I’m G to miss the game the game has meant so much to me like it’s not it’s not all I am I’m so much more than basketball by the way I’ll be back I was like damn girl I thought you were retiring I thought you were retiring or something ACL terrs take a very long time to come back 22’s young without a history of that so you got to imagine the rehab is going to be quicker I always say youth is wasted on the young but we’re serious in that regard because young people man y’all can regenerate like nobody’s business so so I wouldn’t be surprised if you know sooner rather than later we saw her resume basketball activity yeah she’s going to be great she’s going to have a a great career this is going to um you know help her down the road she’s going to come back stronger she’s great but it just sucks the good news is and maybe the reason that it’s like oh man it sucks is you look at someone like Chelsea Gray who did make her debut arguably the best point guard in the world for the aces they have been middling at six and six yeah they lost a lot of games they lost a lot of games they’ve lost already as many games this year as they lost all of last year not even halfway through the season already and Chelsea Gray hurts her knee and they still haven’t really talked about what happened to Chelsea but she hurts herself in game three of the WNBA finals last year missed the rest of the finals didn’t matter the AC still win and she’s been one of the sort of point of conversations surrounding how do you put her on Olympic team when she hasn’t played and isn’t healthy she makes her debut yesterday quiet debut she comes off the bench um because she hasn’t played in over 400 Days she has a point seven dimes four rebounds two blocks for the game um but helps immediately the aces get back in the win column something that they desperately needed and and they’re you know listen they’re going to have an opportunity to all play together which is the benefit too because most of them are on the Olympic team um it’s Asia Wilson Jackie young Chelsea Gray and Kelsey Plum four other their starting five will play together on the Olympic team to help them round into de form I still think that this is an Aces team that you’re going to find a really hard time beating in a series you can beat them on any day but beating them three out of five games I don’t know it’s um and it’s a comparison only because it’s so recent but Chelsea Gray even though you know the numbers in the Box Score don’t jump out at you and you know blow you off blow you off the the stat sheet she is very much like a steadying force the veteran presence that a Drew holiday just was for the Boston Celtics in that okay he a great leader yeah great leader WNBA Finals MVP the veteran right in that building can take over a game if and when she’s healthy and has to like Drew holiday did in game two but it’s sort of like he’s the assist before the assist he gets everybody in position and obviously from your point point guard you need somebody to steady the ship get everybody spacing correctly get everybody in their right places and that’s what we just saw a Drew holiday do not jump out at you in the Box Score but um do all the stuff that when you watch on tape you’re like oh we missed this yeah and now she’s going to get to represent her country in France for the Olympics and she’s you you been to France I I have been to France oh for real that’s crazy yeah our us how was the food it was fantastic no it wasn’t you lying and she is going to get to have an opportunity to wear this at the you’re going to pop up the jeans picture we’re going to pop up what Ralph Lauren just released me with the jeans Olympic team Stone Light wash jeans I can’t lie these are fire okay that red white that red white and blue is just mu magnificant but I’m telling you right now miss me with these jeans jeans are the worst clothing invention best clothing invention ever for the practicality for when people were mining for gold in caves they’re too rugged they’re too sturdy they’re hot they’re not breathable jeans are the worst I kind of don’t like jeans I hate jeans yeah you know Randy Scott sleeps in jeans that’s weird so weird I was when I was coming home from France you guys I went to France oh for real um there was people and I judged them I’m like this is a 10-hour flight we we are we’re in the area that has the lay Flats you’re going to get to sleep and you’re wearing jeans why would you wear jeans on a plane trip where you’re going to be sleeping and you’re going to I just don’t get it whenever I see someone trying to beute their uncomfortable yeah when I when I see people in jeans no disrespect for the Jean wearing and loving Community listen I have a pair somewhere in my closet that oftentimes I break out for special occasions if and when I have to but like jeans are the worst L like if I walk into a home somebody’s home and they’re in jeans I’m like this isn’t your home you’re a guest in your own home yeah don’t you relax a little bit you know what I’m saying they don’t give and I know four-way stretch tech tech four-way stretch technology is a thing now but nah can’t do it L I can’t do it I do the jeans that are like they look like jeans but they’re really actually stretchy material the fourway stretch I’m telling you it’s children jeans it’s one of the best inventions Mo best modern inventions but yeah I like I like the fits I do like the light washed look of these jeans and if I can’t lie if I ever need to add a second pair of jeans okay to my wardrobe I would opt for something like this something light you know something calm something you could roll up like homie on the left here you know what I mean and rock a little Capri you know oh God I can’t stand that look I can’t stand that the Young Dudes do Capri I think Capri look weird on girls too I don’t like them but I like want to see your ankle they look like high waters I think it’s a little sexy to show a little ankle you know what I’m saying looks like you outgrew your pants like from the movie big and you just didn’t go get any new ones um you know that a lot of your body temperature is circulated from the top of your head and the bottom of your body so actually bringing a cool breeze to your ankle actually helps facilitate cooling of your entire body l so maybe just think about it that way I’m just saying you sound like someone’s being very defensive because you’ve got a lot of high waters no I’m just saying no I I have a pair of jeans L that’s it it doesn’t surprise me that a man that drinks Malibu and pineapples also has a large amount of capri pants in his closet first of all Tech 9 drinks Malibu and pineapple all right and that guy’s cool as hell speaking of the West Coast hey tuina last night I’m trying to sleep cuz I had just got back from from France oh for real you’ve been to France that’s crazy and my husband is like watching something in bed and I’m like what is that and he was like oh Kendrick Lamar he was like he’s having a popup concert in LA and this is his fourth time in a row ultimately ended up being five times in a row that he did not like us because every time he would get to a minor he would go back to the beginning of the song I know that line here’s the thing um for those of you that don’t know a very po concert a popup concert got mad for yeah the Forum I mean it’s Kendrick Lamar man he’s one of the greatest poets poets rappers of all time and everybody showed up we see James Harden here as well um I’m getting to a point this is supposed to be a juneth concert you know since we’re celebrating that now and I got some thoughts on I just like we’re kind of at a point where um you know with Drake where it’s like he started out the show you know doing uh Euphoria and then he ended the show by doing not like us five times and taking aim at Drake again and I’m like here’s my thing once you’ve already killed someone oh do you really need to desecrate their corpse cuz it’s like like it’s getting to a point where it’s like yo you won broh like Uncle Uncle Uncle you won you won you buried him like it’s embarrassing to listen to Drake now right now like everybody said yes it is yeah apparently no no I knew that for real everybody says you won you know and like Drake’s kind of like not saying anything else he tried he put up his best little fight with his couple little disc records and it’s like it’s over and now he just keeps kind of in celebration of juneth trying to murder Drake again I’m like there’s nothing left there’s no corpse there’s no pulse like what’s happening he’s a pulp sometimes you got to make sure you know you just got to make sure you got to do the stick test I think because because some a scientist once told me that like once you’re near your death experience every cell in your body fires up right and all of a sudden you might be on your deathbed but all of a sudden you get like this jolt of these countless number of cells that bring you back so you got to make sure L you got to make sure no I got a double down and then I got a triple down just in case he’s got real good cell coverage you feel me like Verizon or something and then I got a quadruple down and then I got a I don’t know the five down the P he got a pentagonal down you know what I’m saying like Pentagon so k k dot is just he’s just a good Carpenter all right he goes back to finish the job is what I’m saying because of the Sal situation no no no no that scientist was me and that scientist was talking about before you die you get a bird once you’re already dead you’re talking about reanimation you’re talking about a zombie well is not a zombie well this dude’s been dead he he died a couple months ago Formula 1 okay that’s where he deaded him he ended him there by dissing him to death it like at this point there’s just it’s like kicking a puppy there’s nothing left whoa damn you went there yeah that’s where we’re at I’m going to start being like this is sad all right hey real quick question off topic you ever been to France we’re coming [Laughter] back I want you to be like Paul Riv and just ride around and tell everybody the Duncan show is coming the D chair is coming you want people to work on their silver smith abilities no Mondays and Thursdays wherever you get your podcast also on YouTube also on E2 ESPN 2 on Thursdays at 2 p.m. that’s where some of you are watching us right now we appreciate app that you here’s the thing to know about me when you become the face of a university because you may or may not bark incessantly like an all the time you then have to answer for said University when they make really silly decisions like what Georgia did yesterday the University of Georgia what happened on National mascot day and they posted this pick and for those of you who are only listening let me just describe this pick it is taking place on football field pick there is uger the actual live dog real dog mascot who we all know and love uger and he is in front of Harry dog who is the costumed mascot Harry is behind ugga in a style that dogs might be in if those dogs were human and they were doing something in the style of a dog like what do you like what do you mean oh oh and it looks like Harry is hitting agga from behind is what it looks he’s on his knees it is a horrible look I don’t know who saw this maybe it’s just because I’m I’ve got a sophomoric mind but the instant I saw this picture I was like it looks like he’s getting a ran on them I didn’t I mean maybe because I’m I’m 37 and matured I didn’t see that but I’m glad that you’re sharing your perspective with me L yeah but they this is is their battlecry he got that dog in him it’s not their battlecry to like looks like he’s trying to like make ug a 11th like it looks like if you’re watching like Nat Jew and they’re like this is the two dogs in the wild the male dog approaches to female dog yeah and the male dog has mounted the female dog as they attempt to make little pups that’s what this looks like I’m going to ask you like 10.6 million views okay that’s a lot at the time of this screenshot which was three days ago I got questions about 437 sickos who bookmarked this why do you want to come back to this picture huh you wait until you get get off of work you sickos you’re just trying to wait till they get off oh and I feel like this is going to come this is going to be a meme every time Georgia does something yeah every time they get they lose this season every time anything happens they’re going to be like they themselves that’s so good no that’s so good oh that’s so good oh that was good that was really good this is definitely a meme for you yourself that was really good although Georgia like going into next season is like already the favorite to win it all so the only people hey the only thing that’s standing in the way of Georgia effing themselves is themselves look at that ay dog getting after it okay on the other side we’re going to wrap up the show with what did did we learn today and spoiler alert guys I went to France what all right we’re about to hight tail it here on the L Duncan show we just want to summate wrap up for you in case you missed any of this show the things that we learned on this show the things that I learned about this show is that Gary hates Jun oh my God he thinks it’s stupid oh my God he thinks it’s an example of how ununified this country actually is that part’s true it would go away oh my I also learned that no you don’t just get to hold on about you don’t get to just proceed just in case somebody’s tuning in ESPN right now I said we all need to get on the same page with juneth this is a long time coming everybody needs to be using the same protocol if we’re closing we’re closing half the businesses can’t be open half of them can’t be closed we need more we need L I’m arguing for more Unity more communication everybody get on the same J we also learn that when you’re traveling to Exotic foreign lands you look over and you’re like who the is eating Hardies in Japan Gary he’s the one that’s doing that why does Gary got to be in Japan that’s crazy l no that’s crazy L pretty rich coming from somebody who I just found out has never even left the country okay that goes back to my final thought that I learned about myself I learned that I am the person that casually weaves into every conversation you know when I was just in insert country I don’t like myself for that damn that’s me but I’m like last time I was in New Haven last time I was in East Hartford I just stay local you know what I’m saying but you know what doesn’t stay local what I found out on this show it was right before this show L I found out that there are groupies in every Community including the ski ball true Community competitive ski ball has groupies L that’s crazy I did an ax throwing thing a couple of years ago and there are axe throwing groupies and I was like this is this is probably where it stops nope ski ball groupies yeah it keeps devolving from there yeah yeah someone evolving you know what I’m saying that deal will come later you know I’m saying you also learned something about our bodies and about cells oh they regenerate right before you’re about to die right it’s just this just a surge of energy ah and then why did you just go Hulk Hogan I don’t think your CS go Hulk Hogan listen brother I didn’t go Hulk Hogan brother if I wanted to go Hulk Hogan this would be my Hulk Hogan brother there might be a little Macho Man Randy Savage there’s a touch of that in there but I did I did find that out from our resident scientist El Duncan she goes to France one time and all of a sudden comes back a scholar I’m I’m Marie wait Marie what’s her name yeah God it’s been a long time Marie Antoinette the one that came up the one that made penicillin just stall while I Google it yeah her name is Marie cure right speaking of penicillin do Marie C C hey yo you just went to France you got to give a little bit of by the way I learned Also earlier today that Gary doesn’t know the difference between hello and goodbye because he literally walked in and saw me for the first time today and goes OFW so with that thank you for watching the show in bonjour bonjour bonjour [Laughter]

On today’s episode of The Elle Duncan Show, Elle and Gary dive into whether the Celtics are a dynasty and discuss why everyone is wrong about the Dallas Mavericks. Then, they celebrate the NBA’s finest with The Duncies Awards, paying tribute to some of the best moments this season. Later, they discuss the latest on Cameron Brink’s knee injury, Chelsea Gray’s return to the Las Vegas Aces, and Kendrick Lamar’s buzzworthy performance. Plus, they have some thoughts on the University of Georgia’s National Mascot Day post. Finally, they wrap up the show with what they learned today. 
6:24 Are the Celtics a dynasty?
10:22 Is the Mavs hate necessary? 
17:30 The Duncies: NBA Awards
27:30 ICYMI: Cam Brink injury update
30:27 ICYMI: Aces’ Chelsea Gray returns 
32ish: ICYMI U.S. Olympic team wearing jeans
35:40 ICYMI: Kendrick Lamar’s ‘Not Like Us’ performance
38:55 Georgia Bulldog Mascot Day post
41:57 Things we learned on this show

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  1. Luka been on ice skates his whole career and he have the nerve to trash talk gobert after he made him dance …luka need to play defense I don’t wanna hear it and stop holding the ball untill the last 2 seconds of the clock

  2. The Nuggets did not make 2 Finals in 3 years, the Celtics did (1 game away from 3 out of 3) and are on pace to making 3rd Finals in 4 years if healthy. They have a chance to make a dynasty, it's not a foregone conclusion, whether they will win another chip next or the year after, but they are the favorites.

  3. I'm thoroughly impressed by the level of engagement in this thread. It's akin to witnessing a symphony of intellect.✨

  4. Now dallas overachieved lol. They were certainly the popular pick to not just beat but easily beat a 64-win team. Now comes the walk back and damage control

  5. Elle's been making "0" sense this season = ESPN pays her to fall her sword fort the company, saying the dumbest things possible, that make "0" sense, in reality, while she sits beside a guys, how has no clue what's going on around him, at any given time = the media's never been dumber or more clueless

  6. How can you have a host taking about the game when she was out in France and haven’t watched a game. That’s why ESPN is a joke none of the have an actual facts straight but got a tons of hot takes

  7. What's the deal with the continued references to "Juneteeth?" Perhaps they should educate themselves on what that holiday is about instead of seemingly mocking it.

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