@Atlanta Hawks

Inside the ATLANTA HAWKS’ $390,000,000 STATE FARM ARENA | Royal Key

Inside the ATLANTA HAWKS’ $390,000,000 STATE FARM ARENA | Royal Key

[Music] okay Andrew safe Farm Arena has so many different ways in which you can experience the game watch the game um where are we right now you’re in the Harris Cherokee casinos Club super premium Club all of our clubs as we take you through them we’re designed by restaurant Architects we didn’t want them to feel like homogenized rinse and repeat Arena clubs we wanted them to have a special Vibe so allinclusive initially we designed this club it was really more of a the foodie club we have a chef station here we bring in executive chefs but it’s just a great Club okay Andrew totally different feeling here when we designed this club here it was really about let’s build a club for the ultimate Hawks fan and that’s why we called it The Players Club it’s also cool cuz it’s on the player side locker rooms are right here we’ve got some great things that you can do here player hallway is right next to this club it’s open air players come in essence through the club and get high fives and fist bums so the idea was the true Hawks fan is over here they can camp and watch the game on the great video screens but they’re more likely to grab go get their you know great food sweet tea chicken fingers or crispy fries or a Smash Burger and they’re getting back out to their seat cuz they want to watch the haw [Music] Andrew I’ve never seen anything like this in any other NBA arena you are basically at the epicenter of the delt Sky 360 club and the hawk bar let’s just say the NBA thought we were a little bit out of our minds and we decided to take out a 100 seats from behind the basket and put a bar on the court however our thesis was this if you elevate the experience for your 650 Courtside seat members your first four rows on the wood um it creates such a high value that it more than makes up for the 100 seats that you’re removing from the lower bowl and let’s just say it’s worked beyond our wildest imagination this is our super premium Courtside Club our Delta Sky 360 club that is truly for as you know there’s no better seat in all of sports than a Courtside seat at an NBA game we wanted to again and make it feel really connected to Delta so we’ve got some really cool architectural Design Elements here from the colors to the way we’ve done the booths and stuff um and food is really important so we lean in it is a chef driven menu we have our grand Corino bar Grant Corino is an amazing tequila brand co-owned by Kevin Hart comedian uh who’s played this building and become a great friend of the organization he’s still a sixer fan you know at heart but I think his second favorite team is now the Atlanta Hawks he does content for us so it’s really helped launch that brand here in Georgia and uh it’s been an incredible partnership one thing I like about State Farm the experiences you can have a new experience each time this one a more homey feel of an experience yeah you are in our nollis Veranda level these are our most premium Suites and when we designed them we wanted to design find them like your old-fashioned Southern home and one thing that all of the houses and row houses specifically in the South and around Atlanta have had is a back porch a veranda you walk into your home and it’s your kitchen if you will these are hot clay technology here so all your food is set up here your bar is all set up the way you like it as you head into your dining room you see your dining table here with your ceiling fan and your plantation shutters built in refrigerator we punch these sweets in the bucket of these seats out into the bowl all the data and research showed us that people watching a gamer concert want to feel like they’re in the action they don’t want to feel like they’re sequestered in a box and so by being an immersive experience and having these seats in your seating bolt your Veranda your back porch if you will and you’re overlooking the game or the concert so it’s really delivered for us and the experience here has just I think far exceeded our members and partners uh and customers expectations all right Brett the overall architect of this space the overall just renovation I know you had a big hand in that um take me back to that time those talks those initial conversations of how this came about we thought about the building in a couple different ways but really what we wanted to do is create an incredible Fan Experience and so a lot of work with Architects a lot of work in you know driving across the country seeing other buildings what really worked for them how can we take these great ideas from all these other NBA venues and really incorporate them into into this building but really then figure out how we make it true to Atlanta with a lot of different ads that we can talk a little bit more about this swing Suite area what is this about who can access this and and what experiences do they have here so again trying to think outside the box what’s different what’s unique what what if folks not done yet we partnered with Top Golf and we created the top golf swing Suite so it gives folks an experience with in the experience and so folks will come here early they’ll experience a top golf swing Suite they’ll stay late they’ll hang out and use the simulator after the event or after a concert um so it really provides this just I think again incredible unique experience with an experience it’s accessible to mostly groups we sell this space to so folks will rent it out on a game to game or event to event basis so this is another premium space the Georgia Natural Gas Loft level but what I really love about this space and again going back back to seven different premium products all different and unique in their own way allinclusive beer Wine and Food you have your I would say not a traditional sweet space but you have your own space to retreat to which is right here and if you want to draw the curtain have a little bit of privacy maybe a meeting from a business perspective you can do that but then you also have this great communal feel so when you drop back into the space you’ve got food distribution you have three different points of distribution for alcohol or beverage so just a great opportunity to interact with other businesses that are also on this level or again to retreat to kind of your private little area if you’d like to all right Brett what do you think about this space as far as how it compares contrasts to other luxurious spots in this Arena well so this is the chase concert club and it was really built for that purpose how do we really focus on the concert goer and so this is a direct shot right at the front of the stage um so one of the best seats in the house that you can have for a concert it comes with also incredible parking so when you think about parking at State Farm Marina Drive which is right at our front door quick easy access into this space and so this has really been a hot seller for us and a product that people continue to ask about even six years post renovation this was one of our biggest undertakings when you think about just the structural component of this space so this is share care social Sharecare has just been an incredible original patch partner uh wanted to move more into the B2B space and so they’ve taken over naming rights of this space and so we had this really great idea really The Architects in h create the food service distribution over here plenty of points of distribution with bars we have four different bars in this space and then three different premium seating products but really just an incredible space when you think about just this immersive food experience you know when the crowd gets really loud and cheers you got the heartbeat of share care that kind of pulsates with the crowd and I think really the energy you’ve got almost 70% of your fans coming in just behind me here and so you’ve got all this great energy when you think about the noise and excitement about the event the noise that’s happening on The Concourse really all translates into the building and the building shares that same energy with The Concourse and that was one of the thought processes around designing not just this space but the building as a whole how do we really open it up how do we create natural light how do you create all this connectivity throughout the entire building so that shared energy is just transferred from space to space so Melissa practor you are a a very important piece to the Atlanta Hawks the CMO describe your position and how it differs from being this CMO if not just an NBA team the Atlanta Hawks well it’s interesting cuz the chief marketing officer role is super different from Team to team in any organization or any Market you go to you may meet a CMO and they may have completely different responsibilities ultimately advertising and promotion so you see a billboard you see a commercial that’s our team but in my role it’s much broader so it’s the game day operations so everyone who’s putting on the game the talent the PA Harry the hawk um it’s our Hawk Shop to all of our retail and brand merchandise it’s also working with the community we also have an internal agency called Hawk Studios so some teams may work with an outside agency we brought all that talent in house you mentioned that Atlanta here is black Hollywood so you have to have a certain swag about yourself and we’re sitting here in the swag shop what is this soag shop for awesome question when we were redoing the arena we sat down with a lot of community leaders and people we said how do we differentiate this we wanted to make sure that if you came in this Arena you knew it was quintessential Atlanta you couldn’t pick this build up and put it anywhere else cuz it wouldn’t make sense and at the time Killer Mike had done an amazing job of creating jobs in the community by opening up barber shops throughout the city of Atlanta and so we thought you know wouldn’t it be great if we were able to bring that energy into the building and have people be able to get a haircut and watch the game at the same time and so we had a conversation with him he was thrilled and super excited about it and I got to work personally with him and his team even designing the space to look like their other shops around the city but bringing in that en here as well as partnering on merchandise and collabing with him on a number of things now just as Atlanta’s Native Son we’re so proud of everything he’s been able to accomplish sweeping at the Grammys this year like it’s been a really awesome experience but anybody can come in so literally a game day when the doors open barbers from his external barber shops come in and they cut hair so any fans who want to first come first serve and they’re able to get a swag cut okay Melissa when we talk iconic jerseys new iconic jerseys new classics there’s none better than this MLK talk to me about the origin of this and and where it came from yeah you know it’s crazy when I first got promoted the chief marketing officer uh Nike had created the city Edition program a couple years before so my very first meeting was sitting down with Nike saying hey what do you want your city Edition theme to be about four years from now and so it’s nothing that you can create that’s relevant today and only for today because it has to be Evergreen and really speak to like the depths of what makes the city amazing and so in that first conversation I realized I said every year on MLK Day we’d have an amazing MLK Day game we were known for it we’d have a gospel choir doing player intros and people loved it but we had never really done something around Dr King for more than just that day and so I said it would be awesome if we were able to really honor the legacy of Dr King throughout the season and so they love the ideas we partnered with our internal design team as well as the Nike design team and came up with this concept for the MLK uniform had to partner with the king of State a partner with the NBA The Players Association and finally were able to make something happen across all parties which had never been done before there’s never been the name or likeness of a person on the chest of any uniform in the history of the NBA okay Melissa we talked about this earlier entering the hawk shop I want to go through the pieces that you had a hand in kind of overc okay well no that’s cool I mean it’s something that the team Amy Sereno who runs our brand merchandising team is phenomenal she oversees all of this so I really try to put in my two cents every now and then but she’s the expert for sure one of the things we actually just launched is this cool collab that we did with our internal team our lady hawks so it’s the moms girlfriends wives or our players every year we partner with them to do something special for women so we launch it on our women’s empowerment night and the profits from these jackets all go to dress for success and so they do a special program with them throughout the season so it’s something that is important that it has some swag from a retail perspective but also is important CU it gives back to the community at the same time so this entire light blue also what I’m wearing is connected to our city Edition campaign for the season which is lift as we fly as we lift each other up or dunking on the court we also want to lift up our community as we fly and so that is special and so that’s something that we’ve launched this season so you can see it in our color way but the color was actually from 1968 when the team came to Atlanta that was the color that the team wore and so we have a little bit of the history and a nod to that in it bringing it back making it fresh and unique for today earlier this season we partnered with a designer Milano darou it’s an amazing sister who has a really cool line of clothing and so we did a merch collab with her it’s the first time she’s ever worked with a professional sports team and it was something that you know from a fan standpoint people were going crazy it’s like oh what Milano D Rouge like and the Hogs how does that even happen so that’s something we’re excited about and one of the biggest collabs we’ve ever done it’s actually in partnership with Lululemon and so there are a number of pieces here we were the first professional sports team that Lulu did a local collaboration with so you can see the Lululemon and Hawks kind of a brand merchandise and collab into a lot of these pieces but another something special you know Atlanta is all about Swag and being fashion forward and we wanted to make sure that we represent that as often as possible through what we do with our merch and our store [Music]

Located in the heart of downtown Atlanta’s Centennial Park District, the renovated State Farm Arena is home to the NBA’s Atlanta Hawks. If you want to watch a basketball game, go to a courtside bar, get a haircut (yes, you read that right), play golf, or sit in a veranda-style suite, then State Farm Arena is where you NEED to be.

Learn more about State Farm Arena’s latest renovations here —

Connect with Sports Dissected:

0:00 – Intro
7:44 – DELTA SKY 360° CLUB


  1. Le niveau de prévenance et de considération dans cette communauté est vraiment remarquable. C'est inspirant.💕

  2. This awesome topic about State Farm Arena formerly known as The Phillips Arena in Atlanta Georgia. Back in 1999 when the arena was built, the arena was originally laid out in a rather unusual manner, with the club seats and luxury boxes aligned solely along one side of the playing surface, and the general admission seating along the other three sides . This layout was a vast contrast to many of its contemporaries, which have their revenue-generating luxury boxes and club seats located in the 'belly' of the arena, thus causing the upper deck to be 2–4 stories higher, to me city of Atlanta is the New York of the south since have busy big airport and massive transit system especially the city has subway system.

  3. Il livello di rispetto e ammirazione reciproci tra noi è fonte di ispirazione e promuove una cultura di edificazione.💞

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