@Indiana Pacers

Trade Targets List for the Pacers

Trade Targets List for the Pacers

all right happy Wednesday Pacer Nation welcome back to another episode here of your goto Pacers podcast setting the pace I’m Alex gold I’m joined today by Michael J fi and fi tell the people what we are doing today oh it just feels like trade season is nearly upon us it is the off season the NBA Finals is done with so we thought we’d put together a list of uh you know we’re not going to put a number on it but what should be trade targets for the Indiana Pacers yeah we’re just going to go back and forth until we run out and if one of us runs out and one has more we’ll just keep going in a row and talk about these players but I think it’s really interesting because the Pacers are in a weird spot right now they just had a run to the Eastern Conference Finals they’ve got 11 to 12 13 guys maybe that should be in the rotation so where are these minutes going to come from what kind of trade could be made what kind of targets could be made that’s why I think this is all very fascinating and if the Pacers wanted to get better are there players out there that could help them and what would it cost to get them or what would you have to give up I think that’ll be something we’ll get into later this week but fi for today’s episode just going back and forth with our trade targets I think this is going to be very interesting so curious who do you have on your board at the bottom I think it’s only right we start small and maybe build our way up this is a guy that can very much be had right now there’s actually rumors that he could be getting waved any day now but we’ll see that’s cavon Looney I think Kavon Looney is is a respected backup big in this league that is a champion I think he’s been instrumental for Golden State good rebounder good Defender someone that I think that rather than have Golden State eat the money and have to wave him he could be someone that could be had for pretty cheap uh it’s not going to move the needle significantly but we do think that Indiana could improve on the glass and defensively as a backup big you know what you’re going to get out of cavon Looney yeah and I will just say cuz I think it’s really interesting and it’s a new Dynamic that’s put into play with the new CBA um if you guys listen to my appearance on lockdown Pacers with Tony East we were talking about this and Tony brought this up and I didn’t even realize it was a thing but apparently with a new uh with the new CBA teams are allowed to use their midlevel exception as a trade exception as well so if you’re not sure what a trade exception is basically the the the full midlevel exception for a non-t taxpaying team is estimated to be around $12.8 million now you cannot aggregate that or another word of saying is another way of saying that is include that with a player to reach a certain salary so you couldn’t say oh we got 12.8 with this exception plus Jaylen Smith player option which is about four and a half five million that gets me close to 18 million that doesn’t work it’s basically you can absorb a contract up to $12.8 million so for this example here of a guy like cavon Looney who’s making $8 million on that final year Indiana could basically just say look you don’t got to way of Kavon Looney we’ll take him off your hands Pacers could absorb him into their midlevel exception and then that would be a legal trade based on the knowledge that I understanding so that does make it a little bit interesting to me because if the Pacers do feel like Jaylen Smith could walk in free agency cavon Looney would be a nice option to have in terms of someone that is a bit reliable and that’s played a lot but I do Wonder fi about his fit with this team yeah I mean look it’s it’s very fair he’s not the fastest man he ain’t G to be shooting threes either but I do think that um having a a reliable Championship big you know just a backup behind Turner I think would be helpful when you look at behind Turner right now you got Isaiah Jackson who’s still trying to improve on the Fly you don’t know what’s going to happen with Jaylen Smith and then there’s an opening right over there so I I do think that Kavon Looney is someone that yeah is he going to take it to the NBA finals from where we’re at now I wouldn’t say that but I do think that um he’s someone that if you need the minutes that he’s gonna play he’s gonna give you everything he’s got and I think it would actually be a loss for Golden State just they’re in a tough situation right now where you can’t keep everybody you got to pay guys like Moses Moody and Jonathan Kinga and I do think that their tax bill is just through the roof yeah Golden State’s going to be interesting there’s been talks that could wave Chris Paul who’s got an expir I think it’s like partially guaranteed I can’t remember exactly I think it’s actually completely Ungar about $30 million or more so if they wave him it doesn’t count against the cap I I don’t believe so okay I can’t see him coming back um to uh you know to Golden State in any scenario yeah that’s a that’s a really interesting team to watch in the off season but I’ll go to my first person here on the list fi and I don’t feel like it would be a traded players list for us if I didn’t put Dorian finny Smith on my list now Dorian finny Smith obviously a little bit older now 31 years old two years left on his deal around 14 and a half to$ 15 million something around that range I like Dorian F Smith I really do I I think that he makes sense I I think it had to be it would have to be the right situation for him to be traded here to Indiana would have to play more of the backup four could potentially play the starting three if the Pacers do want to go a lot bigger but I just think that around 1550 is a pretty obtainable contract and he has a name that I’m keeping my eye on I I enjoy Dorian finy Smith I do think that he would be a good fit I still don’t believe the rumors that the Nets turned down two first round picks from him because that is more than enough uh when you hear that that’s why he didn’t make my list because I’m like I don’t know what Brooklyn’s looking for and we’re running low on picks but if he could be had he would be a great addition to this team so I I’m definitely on board with the Dorian finy Smith addition ition going back to your point on Chris Paul I looked at it the contract does not have a penny guaranteed okay until June 28th they have 10 days to guarantee that contract or not so expect a Chris Paul move to be made uh pretty soon H yeah he’s gonna be gone I think that’s a pretty guaranteed thing that’s a guarantee with the Warriors in their tax bill but I’m ready to hear your next player my next name i’ I’ve liked this guy for a while and apparently so did Dallas before uh Portland came swooping in but that’s matis dyble ma is someone that you know he’s never been known for his offense he probably never will be but he’s always been a more than capable Defender now doesn’t have the same type of maybe the ideal length that you would like compared to uh you know like everyone always say hey Aaron Smith’s a bit undersized they’re actually both 65 but I think that thyo was someone that he could play the two he could play the three and he’d been a better three shooter in years’s past last year wasn’t great for him but you look at Portland and it’s just what are they doing which direction are they in at about 11 million per year uh he’s he’s actually I think it’s about 122.8 million from T stable so you can actually absorb him into that midlevel exception but uh he’s someone that I think if Indiana can add better Defenders it could go a long way for them yeah that’s an interesting name I actually looked at matis thel myself did not put him on my list just because I wonder if there’s going to be better options out there at that position to go after because if I were to absorb his contract would he be getting playing time over anybody else on the roster at that position that that I don’t know I just think that in terms of coming off the bench you’re getting another really good Defender I think Indiana has a log Jam just about everywhere so for for thy bable it’s actually it is$ 11 million so that’s what I thought initially before I said 12.8 so it’s $1 million and then 11.5 the following year so I just think when you look at like okay who could he get playing time over I guess it’s probably the Ben Shepard minutes but Shephard’s obviously coming in much cheaper you know he’s younger and I think that you would like to imagine that he can continue to develop as a player no that makes sense so I’m G to stay with the Portland Trailblazers here fi and I’m going to throw another name out here for you this might be a little bit of a surprise here maybe you thought of this name as well but I’m going with Robert Williams III and I did um the reason why is once again he is in that contract frame that or not frame I don’t know what the right word is but the contract the umbrella I guess you could say uh uh fitting in that traded player exception mid-level exception type thing so I think he’s around $12.2 million if I’m not mistaken and Robert Williams to me has another year guaranteed on his contract which is very intriguing if I’m the Pacers because it’s around uh you know a good a good number for for a center and if you don’t feel confident with Isaiah Jackson jayen Smith could potentially leave this is some nice backup big insurance and I think also we we saw some really nice moments from Robert Williams with with the Celtics he only played the first six games of the year for Portland and then he got hurt and had surgery to repair I think it was a shoulder injury I can’t remember exactly what it was I might be completely wrong on that but they’ve got DeAndre Aton so why why would they want to have Robert Williams uh play next to him I don’t really think that they are a good fit together I I do kind of wonder what his role is moving forward in the league because I know that there was a lot of talks about him being a starting center and with the uncertainty of Miles Turner and what that contract could look like next summer I think it just does provide some insurance so to me Robert Williams I third is a very interesting name to keep an eye on for Indiana if Portland does make a lot of Trades and I I’m not going to get into what I would trade for him but I do think it’s a very interesting uh potential trade out there that could happen Man known as Time Lord um it was a knee injury looked it up that cost him basically the whole season just 26 years old defensively he’s been a stud he’s been a great rim protector before and I think that he was actually a pretty decent piece in that trade that people forget about you know that that landed Drew holiday with Boston so I think a lot of people think of like you know Marcus Smart being moved over the off season some other pieces but Robert Williams was in that deal and um you know just just a wasted season I think he could have had a pretty good year with Portland so people forget but as a backup big I think that that would be a awesome I think he would bring that defensive boost that Indiana needs and I think with Turner it feels like we had two good years of being able to forget about the trade rumors maybe even about a year and a half but he is an expiring contract like he said so it is something to think about Robert Williams somebody I did debate didn’t end up cracking my list but would be more than happy if the Pacers are able to work something out uh for Robert Williams so curious to see what direction Portland ends up going um but there could definitely be quite a few players I did fear you were going to say Malcolm Brogden that’s someone that I I look at and I was like I I just can’t go back in that direction so left him off the list no just just real quickly a couple things Malcolm brogon will not make my Liz spoiler alert just because he does not fit this style of play that Indiana wants to play I can’t imagine like Malcolm brogon might be able to like destroy Indiana when he plays against him but like that’s the only time I felt like he had any great games this season was just against Indiana back to Robert Williams couple of cons here for him number one obviously the injury coming off in a significant injury like that you just never know what they’re going to be like number two Indiana does like having the luxury of a mil Turner that can shoot threes where Robert Williams do not shoot the three at all so you’re not going to really get that part of the game that you get from miles out of a Robert Williams so that does play a factor into but the fact that he has a 7 foot6 wingspan fi huge that’s that’s pretty pretty impressive considering he’s only 6’9 so a lot of lot of good things to like about Robert Williams III like him as an insurance type of piece if he’s not fully healthy you still got I jacks on the roster if Jaylen Smith Ops out so just just another Center out there that could make some sense that maybe maybe you want to take a chance on now I don’t know what Portland would want for him but I think that it could be interesting it very well could and I do think that he’s going to remind people just how good of a you know RI protector that he is that wingspan mentioned uh that’s hard to come across in the NBA most guys that have that are more of the Victor Victor wanyama type guys that are already well over seven feet so yeah next on my list you’ve heard me bring him up before but he also actually came up in the last episode with Andrew nard that’s Kelly lck I’m not I’m not giving up all right Kelly o lenck as a backup big I think would be good for the Pacers he was a player that I mixed up before that is at $12.8 million you know for next season he’s got two years left on his contract Toronto a team that’s kind of going you know it could be headed towards a rebuild I don’t know they’re in that weird spot um their first pick in this draft is 19th overalls from the Pacers as they lost their first round pick so I think that look they might be in a just totally hey what can we get for some of these veterans on this team I think that Kelly Ock is someone that if you had Kelly oen backing up Miles Turner at the center spot I feel like you’re getting someone that a can also hit threes B can rebound C has been a good passer and is just a pesky individual in this league so Kelly lenck I think is someone that would be a pretty solid addition for the Pacers but also I don’t think would cost a lot yeah I don’t know what the price tag would be for a Kelly o link I think that’s an interesting one I mean they just extended him when they traded for him so I think that makes it a little bit more interesting I do like Kelly oen I think I mentioned him on our free agents list that I wanted to put him down but then realized and I forgot that he had signed that extension with Toronto I think Toronto their their season was very under the radar just because they traded pascow they traded OG and kind of people forgot about what all they brought back in and things like that so he’s an interesting name I I definitely had him on my top 10 list at one point fi and I took him off so uh I’m glad that you had him on I’m gonna go to my next one I’m sure he’ll probably be on yours but if he is just let me know uh this might be a little low for people but third up on my list here F I’ve got Alex Caruso he’s the next name on my list tell me his contract numbers so Alex Caruso all right so let me pull him up right over here so 9.8 million you got it is it 9.8 million expiring one year yes it is it is so confirm $9.8 million on an expiring deal but the tricky part is this we’re hearing and it’s might just be rumors that apparently the Bulls have turned down about a top 10 pick that was offered to them for Alex Caruso like whoa if you’re Chicago you might want to take that deal but that’s what made me thinking a little bit of man I want Caruso I just don’t know how we’d be able to get him yeah yeah I I’ve definitely got an interesting trade that I’m going to bring up on the next episode involving Alex Kus that’s going to spark a heated debate between fi and I can feel it already but I will say this Alex Caruso is the perfect fit for what Indiana needs at the two guard the reason I did put him a little bit lower on my list and not higher is just because like you said the asking price number one seems kind of egregious and I think also the main thing for me with him is just like he’s on an expiring deal and trading for guys like that it’s always a little bit risky and I I think that you don’t want to make that big risk so I I think Alex Caruso is maybe one of the missing pieces for this Pacers team to take that next step really good Defender shoots the ball well can play a little point guard but mostly is you know an off ball guy I I don’t know exactly um I don’t know how much better he is right now than an Andrew NIMH hard that’s that’s a heated debate right there you could have a conversation on but uh definitely feel like this is somebody the Pacers probably have targeted before I think all 29 teams in the league probably are targeting Alex guso just because of what he can bring to the table but this reporting that always happens around the draft you have to remember a lot of it’s a smoke screen how much did we hear last year that nothing happened right I mean nothing happened that we heard last year so it’s a lot of fun to talk big and get stuff going out there but I I think a lot of times you hear rumors thrown out there just to try to get the you know the conversation started it’s very possible it’s very possible that maybe Chicago is dangling our Alex cruso out there and they want to up his value up those offers that other teams might be sending but yeah I think look we know or let me cut you off for a second there could be a team that wants Alex Cru so that’s floating stuff out there to try to get the Bulls to look like they’re impossible to deal with to make life more difficult for them anyway I’m not going to say that it ain’t happening but you know back to I saying look I know Rooster’s listening this shout out to Rooster and he’s been wanting Alex Caruso on the Pates for quite some time it just it gets tricky when you’re talking about you got halberton you got n Hart obvious then you got you know Ben Maan you got McConnell coming off of a great year if you’re to make a trade for Alex kuso either one of those guys got to be in there or or some of one of those guys is taking a major playing time hit so it’s a tough situation but he was second Team all NBA Defensive you know great year he had the most votes on the second team for all defensive so cruso stood but uh many teams want next player on my list this this would have to be a sign in trade which always gets a little tricky and then the money could be it could be an overpay it really could that’s cavius calwell Pope I I felt that he would be such a great Pacer but the thing is they’re talking about that he could command $20 million per year uh so if you’re going to bring on cavius callwell Pope at at his age it’s a little bit tricky but this man is a winner and he’s always been a good three and D player um it just gets a little bit tricky in terms of that sign and trade and potentially overpaying I mean what are your thoughts on Cola po I think the fits good in terms of on paper play style that type of thing the way to acquire him is the issue that I always run into I think that with what I have as a team right now I don’t know if he’s the guy I want to invest in and give up something uh of value to to get him on a sign and trade type of deal so that would be the only cause for concern now uh depends on what kind of trade you’re looking at here and who can be involved in that sort of thing but yeah I mean I definitely like kcp I think he’s a really good player he’s been a lot part of a lot of good teams won won championships with the Lakers and the nuggets and I think that you just can’t you know you cannot ignore the fact that he’s had such a good good playoff uh career been impactful in a lot of these meaningful games so yeah good player good role player definitely doesn’t think he’s the star which is great because you need guys that realize I’m not trying to prove that I’m the number one guy when a team already has that option so fit in well I mean played great next to yic I’ll be interested to to see where he goes I think that if he doesn’t wind up back in Denver the team that makes the most sense to me is Philadelphia because they’ve got a lot of holes to fill but kind of curious where he ends up filling in at because I I just think that he’s a really good player that could be impactful anywhere he goes I think he’s gonna have a ton of suitors it kind of reminds me of like kind of like a more expensive Bruce Brown where it’s like there’s gonna be a lot of teams that are going to want him but how many teams are really going to Pony up $20 million per year I mean look 31 what Detroit is that we said yeah Detroit could do what Indiana did right this man played in Detroit and I don’t know if he wants to go back so true call Pope might be saying you know what maybe I’ll take a little bit less money elsewhere because I want to win I think at that point he wants to be in a winning situation but I just think coupled with the sign and trade of being able to a you’d have to part with probably about two core young player you know two two good players on the Pacers team and then the money on top of it just feels like a little bit too much I would have loved if this was maybe last year where you could have traded for him and he’s an expiring contract and maybe it’s not you know too much of an overpay but at this point it’s more of just kind of like a pipe dream or just kind of window shopping yeah and and I and I think that a team that could make sense for him too that’s not Indiana what about OKC I know that Josh giddy was not a great fit as the two because of his lack of shooting but if they could get him next to SGA Lou Dort Chad that group Jaylen Williams I think that could be a really good five right there yeah no that that really is and I do think that this is finally the year that OKC kind of spends some cash and goes after someone we’ve heard them link to Isaiah hartenstein I think that it’s like OKC like they were already a one seed they’re coming they’re GNA get better and I think that uh hey they got all those draft picks out there if they do want to work out any type of trade or anything of the sort so not a bad fit yeah well let’s stay on the hyphenated names here fi with kavus cbell Pope I’m going to go to my next player on my list and that’s nille Alexander Walker from the Minnesota Timberwolves he’s got an expiring contract for about $4 million I think that this is an interesting player because I loved what he did for Minnesota this year was such a really good player Off the Bench knows his role really stepped in was one of their first guys off the bench really helped with their defense we know this was a very good defensive team you talked about on our free agency podcast the impact that Kyle Anderson had with his defensive presence I think that nikil Alexander Walker being a little bit younger makes more sense in terms of the style of playing wants to play and I’ll get into it when I talk about my fake trade that I have for him in our next episode but I actually think that with him being an expiring contract with the financial situation that Minnesota is going to face with all these guys making a lot of money they could potentially move him and I think if they could get some more long-term stability for a player that could make sense so I like Nill Alexander Walker I’ve liked him since he was drafted and you know I think that he is the cousin of Shay gilis Alexander but they are not the same player but they definitely do bring some similar things defensively great I I don’t if I want to call it a bounceback year but I really feel like nikil Alexander Walker his stats might not show up but I really do think this might have been his best year of his career there’s been other years where he’s averaged more points but I think over the last few years it’s kind of someone that was a little bit more forgotten about and I think that he did you know up his value significantly so you know I like what he brings to the table in terms of a trade yeah I really I don’t know what that type of value is given that is low contract those are kind of the ones that are that are tough but Minnesota needs some of those smaller contracts because they’re very topheavy they’re very topheavy and at some point they’re going to have to make a decision but Alexander Walker I think is definitely someone the type of player that Indiana is looking for that can make them better that good three and D type of player he’s someone who shot about 39% from three and uh really brought on the defensive end so I think he’s someone who’s still getting better at this point in his career still only 25 years old yeah he shot 51.7% from Tui this year as well as 80% from the free throw line which was I think the second highest free throw rate for him in his career in terms of percentage wise so you know really like him he’ll be 26 here at the beginning of the season so that’s not too old I think he fits in kind of nicely here with Indiana’s age group and being from Canada you know they are Canadian Roots here fi with Andrew Nar who’s playing for Team Canada and Benedict maen you mentioned Kelly oen from Canada too so you know Canadian Bas looking good they’re looking good uh let’s go to your next player all right my next this is kind of where things get a little bit interesting because this people might be a little bit torn on this I hear he’s available what are your thoughts on Jared Allen Jared Allen for the Pacers for the Pacers now now hear me out I mean look Jared Allen he’s got two years left on his contract about $20 million per year very good Defender you know he he’s someone that I believe he was uh I have the numbers in specific believe he was 12th overall in defensive plus minus or was 12th in in defensive wind shares one of the two um so 12th in defensive wind shares last year uh he’s only 26 years old former Allstar and when you’re talking about a rebounder the fewest amount of rebounds he’s averaged over the last five years is 9.6 rebounds it is it’s what he does he he is a kind of more of an old school big what would be your thoughts on Jared Allen are we giving up Miles Turner to get him unfortunately that’s that’s what it might cost yeah yeah I mean they both bring different things to the table my biggest concern is Pascal SE yakum if he’s brought back which is very expected that’s that’s what is expected I don’t necessarily love the fit of Allen and seak together offensively just I mean just because of Allen’s lack of shooting I think that the fact that se yakum said like his dream players to play with would be Kevin Durant Miles Turner I think I would lean miles over Jared Allen I think they’re very close in terms of their tiar in terms of where they rank among centers in the league but I I do realize that it is a lot uh it’s a lot closer in terms of like you know what player like they’re very very very very close but they’re very different in their skill set so I don’t feel like I’m getting much of an upgrade with Jared Allen over Miles Turner I I think it’s pretty lateral and it might be worse just because of Team chemistry locker room stuff um you know just just you do get better in certain areas but you also get worse in certain areas I think I would continue kicking the can down the road with Turner for this season instead of going for a guy like Jared Allen but it’s intriguing no and that’s fair and that’s exactly why I preface it but people will be split because Turner hasn’t been the same RI protector that he had been in previous years Jared Al you know what you’re getting over there the Pacers do need to improve defensively but obviously they would take a hit offensively because Turner is bringing a whole different aspect of the game you know compared to what Jared Allen’s bringing so it’s something to mole over it’s definitely not something where you know the Indiana would have to throw too much in there because I do think that both players are kind of on that similar level like you said if there was a ranking I would imagine they’re probably pretty close to each other you know in like a a top 10 type of ranking or anything of that sort but uh definitely something to think about but at this point you know I I definitely um wouldn’t be banging at the table for it yeah uh okay let’s keep it moving here my next one here is someone that I think people have mentioned before I’m very torn on this player in terms of how much I would be willing to invest in him but I think that he’s an interesting player that could helped the Pacers out a lot and that’s Brandon Ingram Brandon Ingram from New Orleans there’s a lot of pros and cons he has been mentioned in the trade rumors started out with the Lakers got traded to the Pelicans for the Anthony Davis trade has had some really nice moments in his regular season career has also dealt with some injuries has also dealt with some not showing up in playoff moments too but he is a bigger win that I think with the right group around him could be in a better spot um like I said I don’t love him that’s why he’s on the back half of my list of guys here but right there in the middle for me faji I think he’s a middle of the pack interesting Target to go after good player I I don’t think I can do it here’s the thing you know I’ve read that they’re saying New Orleans is hesitant to pay him like $50 million a year yeah so would I I’d be completely hesitant too because as as as good of a player as he is he hasn’t won in this league and you could say hey maybe he hasn’t had the team around him but what you talked about where’s he been in the playoffs at times hasn’t shown up defensively not the guy that you want he’s always had that length and stuff like that but I I just feel that if if he was we already have a great offense in place if you bring Brandon Ingram on here you have a big three of halberton Ingram and Pascal seak on paper that definitely sounds great you could even throw Turner in there as a fourth it sounds great but I feel that you still have those defensive issues and uh for for what it might cost to trade for him and pay him that’s what scar me yeah the the the trade to get him is not that insane only because he’s yeah it’s no secret New Orleans wants to move on so I think a year or two ago you you would definitely be ponying up some big time assets but it’s that that Max contract after that yeah that has me shaking in my boots no that’s a good reason to not want to go after a guy like that that a guy that could cost you a lot of money so I understand the hesitation there fi for sure I don’t want to spend too much time on Brandon Ingram because I think it’s a pipe dream I don’t think it’s going to happen but just someone to keep an eye on if he does become available and the cost is super cheap why not make a call see what what it would cost but um I’m ready to move on to your next player like a broken record you’ve heard me say this name time and time it’s the yearly name on the trade list it is DeAndre Hunter DeAndre Hunter right now not this guy again are we kidding never let this here’s the thing Atlanta it could be a fire sale it could be buy two get one free you know whatever it is they might very well just be starting over I don’t even think the asking price for H 100 might even be that much at all Jaylen Johnson’s probably someone that they’re going to be looking to resign I think that Hunter his his trade value might be at its lowest while he’s actually kind of coming off of a career year quietly career high in scoring uh career you know not a career high shooting percentage but close to it I think from three-point land that was a career high overall he he’s someone that you know Aaron E Smith is is a great Hustler and Defender and all that DeAndre Hunter is bringing more length to table he is 6 fo8 he is 26 years old there is a lot to like and he is under contract for the next few years so I think that this is a move that if Indiana is able to make I don’t think they overpay but I also think that they do get better as a result I know you’re not a hunter guy so lay it on me yeah I hear you but I I think they have a better chance with Aaron E Smith as a starter than they do with DeAndre Hunter I know I know Hunter is bigger but man that dude’s inconsistent I think he’s a bit of a fraud uh lot you know honestly like Virginia guy which which could be intriguing to Carlile don’t get me wrong but nah uh I’d rather have I’d rather have Aaron n Smith on his contract than trade Aaron n Smith plus stuff to go out and get DeAndre Hunter so I I understand the Intrigue because of the size and stuff like that but to me he is the modern version of a Harrison Barnes but worse like Harrison Barnes on the Warriors right like I think that DeAndre Hunter is a worst version of that well it depends because in that situation the Warriors did have a lot of better players re Barnes could be like the fourth option behind you know like a St playond yeah I mean I’m sure Hunter’s numbers could be a little bit inflated due to being on an Atlanta team like that but I think he’s definitely not twice the player Aaron neith is he’s paid twice the amount that a I think he Smith better yeah maybe maybe it’s tough it’s tough I think I think n Smith is a better player right now I think Hunter is is more naturally gifted I think n Smith probably works harder and doesn’t have the same type of size and things like that so e either way you know I could definitely see the we have Aaron E Smith at home type of thing where you know you don’t need to go out there and overspend but if the man’s value if the trade value is really not high pick up the phone have a conversation what if there’s a scenario where you can keep them both you can keep n Smith and get Hunter I don’t know all of a sudden the Pacers become a better defensive team and you could still score all right well we’ll can that we’ll revisit that if that does ever happen um I think it’s interesting um we’ll be back all right we’ll be back all right let’s hope not um we’re gonna move on to my next guy and this is I’m staying with New Orleans and I’m going after a guy that I think everybody has mentioned that they have interest in and that is Herb Jones uh I am definitely keeping my Trey Murphy the Third conversation out of today’s podcast definitely a guy that I love I just don’t see him going anywhere I think they’ve found something special they’re going to keep him herb Jones on the other hand same thing like he’s a very special player but they’ve got a lot of decisions to make down in New Orleans I don’t know what it would cost to get him I have an idea don’t know if it would work but like herb Jones thinks he would thinks I think he would really help Indiana so I’m putting him on my list I wanted to have herb Jones on my list I think he’d be an awesome addition for the talking bump DeAndre Hunter out for him well because he one was more realistic so herb Jones all defensive first team love it great you know still a young player but I mean what are you gonna trade for him you look at draft pickwise like I don’t feel comfortable offering up like a 2028 unprotected first round or anything like that it’s it’s a bold move where’s this team going to be four years from now I don’t know if you’re G to offer up that I’m just kidding was that said hoisting little little Lombardi but I was being silly L Brian trophy exactly no look that would be great I would love to acquire herb Jones it’s just the Pacers are kind of limited where it’s like are you gonna punt on a couple of your young guys I mean we don’t have to go through a trade right now but there was a trade that I had in mind where I started looking at it herb Jones is about $13 million I looked at and I said what if you did do Ben Maan jarus Walker maybe through in like some sort of like a swap and then I went that’s what I’m saying all of a sudden I went I can’t do that I can’t do that that’s why I went out what are we doing exactly that’s why he didn’t make my list right now you look at what the Pacers have to offer they’re limited for a guy like herb Jones so I just don’t know how you get it done without you know getting crazy and saying oh there’s a third team in there and this or there just we just can’t we don’t have the pieces to get it done without over hang drastically okay fi I I hear you I hear you I I don’t think we need to waste any more time on herb Jones it’s just an interesting name to keep an eye on I think all other 29 teams would be interested in him as well so uh what kind of offer could Indiana give that other teams couldn’t don’t really know so let’s move on to your next player my next player this is just me with with my my hands right above my eyes and I’m looking in on the window I am window shopping and it’s Mel Bridges I I just don’t know know how the Pacers could get it done without trading every Young Piece that they have and draft picks and right now I just don’t see that path but if there’s one player that I think fits this team extremely well I think it’s it’s Mel Bridges what what is the contract with him again is it one year left on his deal or does he have another year after this year I want to say it’s two years but I am in the process of I was going to say I thought it was 26 when he could be a free agent again so you know Brooklyn can say all they want two years left 23.3 million next year and 24.9 million the following year before he’s unrestricted free agent okay yeah Mel bridg is on my list as well so I’ll just go ahead and talk about him here with you because I do think he’s an interesting name he do doesn’t make that much money where it could be on you know out of this world you could combine plenty of salaries to get that deal done and even a consolidation trade to get him could make a lot of sense so yeah I think at this point you got to call Brooklyn’s Bluff I mean I think there’s a lot of people in Brooklyn that are kind of kicking themselves because they didn’t do the deal with Houston that was reported where Houston was going to basically give them all their picks back that they got in the James Harden deal so all I know is that Brooklyn they’re in a weird spot right now I don’t know exactly what direction they’re going but to me they’re going to be a bottom dweller in the Eastern Conference Mel Bridges as your number one guys is going to get you nowhere Miguel Bridges as your three or fourth you know option guy is the way to really maximize what he can do as a player I I like Miguel Bridges a lot he made my list for a reason but I definitely think that I like him a lot better with Tyrese and Pascal surrounding him instead of just saying okay Mel you’re are number one lead us to the promised land Brooklyn the promised land is not going to get you anywhere but the draft lottery I think and he’ll never admit it but I think he didn’t want to be the number number one this year I I think he kind of I think the the losing kind of got to him a little bit and he looked exhausted and it kind of almost looked like at times he was you know kind of like that SpongeBob Meme where’s he’s looking out through the window and watching everybody in New York on the other side for the garden all of his you know Villanova friends having a blast while he’s you know at the bottom of the standings they don’t own their draft picks so I I think that uh life as the number one player sometimes it just doesn’t always work out we’ve seen guys like Paul George say you know what it may I’m not a number one I got to go elsewhere be a number two what whatever it may be be a number three anything like that I think for Mel Bridges he would be best suited in that type of situation where you do have what you mentioned at tyres halber and aakam and that could be like a big three but eventually push is going to come to shove and the Nets they’ve never been able to retain their great players uh over time they’ve all gotten traded eventually or left or anything of the sort and they need to pick a direction and stick with it but right now they are that EX exact team that is in limbo uh going nowhere anytime soon totally agree F I’m going to move on to my next player here just so we can keep it moving this player is honestly one of my favorite non- Pacers is it a it’s a player that David Thorp brought up and so would be a perfect fit for Indiana this is the actual Center insurance that I would go after if I could get it and I think he would be of a seamless fit here in Indiana we’re going with the Louisiana State University product Nas Reed you know I like him I do it’s just look here’s the thing with nas he’s coming off of such a good year now that we missed it we missed the window I mean I remember a year or two ago I was go after him do it now it’s like that man actually it was game seven against the Nuggets he swung that game in the final few minutes he had like a a stretch where he got couple offensive rebounds and put backs and it was just that was what kind of did Denver in and right now the money it’s cre I think it’s 12.9 million he was someone I looked at and I just went man how do you get a player like Nas Reed but I am 100% on board with you yeah I just wonder what the Timberwolves are going to do are they going to pay the tax are they going to go into the luxury tax and have that to worry about I mean they’re going to extend Anthony Edwards actually he just got extended this coming year so he’s going to be on his super Max Carl Anthony town is on his max Rudy goar is on a massive contract they just got a lot of decisions to make and I think that the you know it could make more sense to trade cat it could make more sense to trade goar who really knows what they’re going to do but that’s why I’m just keeping my eye on Minnesota because I feel like they’re a team that’s really interesting and you know some of these key players if they’re afraid they’re going to walk in free agency you know you don’t I mean you don’t want to just give up somebody but for example let’s just say a guy like hardenstein leaves New York and gets paid big money somewhere else to be a starting center somewhere you know that that’s tough they they they definitely needed him for that playoff run this season but you know now they now that they could lose for nothing that’s a big asset to lose so I think that if there’s a potential player that could become available for Minnesota that you know I don’t think you’re gonna give up Jade McDaniels I don’t think you’re gonna give up Anthony Edwards goar I don’t think they’re gonna give up on him yet just winning the defensive player of the year towns is somebody they could give up on he does what’ you say towns feels like the odd man out I don’t think they would be able to get the type of value back for Rudy gobear anywhere close to what they traded for him and I just think at this point there would be more suitors for T towns amongst the league for sure so yeah I’m just curious whether they’re running back with towns they think Nas re can be towns replacement at the starting four and if they do think that how much is nazri going to get in free agency you know so that that it’s just really interesting I just want I just I would look at him as an option I’d be calling Minnesota hey what would it take to get him and I would probably be willing to offer some big stuff to get him because I think he would fit here perfectly next to seaka and halberton I really like that fit look I’m I’m right on board with you I think it would be a great fit I think the nas Reed is is a a starting caliber player in this league I think that right now it’s it’s a blessing that Minnesota has him in the role they have him in but I don’t think that’s for long um the last name on my list I’m almost embarrassed to even say it it would take a lot but it’s OG anobi I mean look I I the only reason he made the list is because I heard today there was a report saying that he wasn’t happy with the Knicks offer the Knicks kind of tried to lowball him a bit apparently the offer is about $35 million per year and you know they wouldn’t let him walk for any you know just for nothing so what if there was a sign and trade you know that that could be presented what if they did lose out on hartenstein and OG I don’t know maybe I guess they would resign hardenstein if they can’t resign uh OG but at the same point it was just something where I couldn’t not put him on my list but I know it’s the longest of shots yeah OG an anobi is number one on my list so yeah I think we both had him at number one yep we did so I think we’re in unison they’re like okay OG is the guy to go for um yeah I’m just I I’m just kind of curious because there are different ways you could acquire him look he could request a sign and trade I think $35 million is what he’s rumored to be expecting like that’s what he wants great Payday for him pretty much doubling his salary from last season but what I also have to remind people is he does have a player option for $19.9 million and if he really wants to make it hard for New York he could say look I’m opting into that deal trade me to I want to be traded to yeah um if you don’t want to give me the money that I deserve then I’m going to kick this can down the road and I’m going to reenter free agency next year and hopefully get that money from the team that’s willing to pay me now Look New York’s in a much different spot because they’ve got the Jaylen Brunson stuff they’ve got Julius Randle on his big contract um divon chinzo they just signed him but you know eventually he’s going to be coming up they’ve got a lot of good players Josh Hart so it’s just they want to keep them together but if he’s not giving them them the money they ask for then maybe he does decide to just take less money next season and enter free agency the next year and hopefully you know maybe he gets on a better spot where someone could actually offer him that money it’s kind of kind of similar to what happened with Toronto and SE yakum right it seemed like they weren’t willing to give him a certain number so they held on to him for as long as they could until they found a deal where he would basically agree to it they would you know Indiana and the the goal is for Indiana to extend I think everybody’s kind of expecting that to happen here in the next couple of days and that’s kind of where I’m at with OG I think that he wants to be in New York but if he feels like they’re giving him lowball offers and kind of being disrespectful to me there is a possibility that he could take his player option opt into it and request to be traded somewhere else but at the same time he could just do a sign and trade like you mentioned get that $35 million that he wants and find a team that can find the matching salary to make that deal happen as well that was a b move kind of just picking up that player option in this because I think that he did prove his worth this year the Knicks were a much better team with him in the lineup and and hey he did try and you know have a Gutt it out or whatever you want to say in the playoffs to tough it out um in game seven but I do think that I don’t know if he’s gonna really resign early I think that this is someone that a lot of guys want to at least test the market he could kind of ride this out just to if there are any other offers and things could get interesting from there so I’d be uh curious to see if he was someone that you know signed his deal early but I think it’s right for us to have him number one on our list even if it’s not realistic because I think we’re both in agreement many other Pacer fans are he’s probably the missing piece he’s probably that puzzle piece that you’re trying to complete you know the whole set and nothing really fits in other than that OG piece and for now hey we might just have to keep on dreaming he hasn’t officially put pen and paper yet so anything is possible like that’s what I told Tony East anything is possible we were talking about small forwards and OG was the number one guy look if OG wants to make make you know the best possible chance for Indiana to win this year it would be to opt into that last deal so the Pacers don’t have to give up as much to acquire him if he wants 35$ 36 million a year then they have to G to give up like four or five pieces just to make the salaries match so that’s where it does get interesting now I do have one player left on my list we have not talked about yet he’s not my number one obviously I already told you OG is but I think this player would be welcomed home with open arms everybody would be saying you know what we miss you now you can come back and get your Redemption story it’s Lance Stevenson no I’m just kidding it is Paul George come on ladies and gentlemen Paul George right I understand that the Clippers and him haven’t come to terms on an agreement that seems like there’s a lot of frustration there there was some interesting stuff that happened during game four of the NBA Finals where Paul George was a guest analyst with ESP ESPN as well as Joel embiid Joel embiid was making comments about Paul George joining them and they were kind of side eye on each other so that seems to be like the most likely destination if he doesn’t return to the clippers but Paul George back in February Jake fiser reported that he had interest in potentially reuniting with tyres Halbert and Indiana those two have really made a nice friendship over the last couple of years and so I’ll just say this you know Pacer fans I think that they would Embrace Paul George even though there probably some that are still mad at him getting him on this team would be great the problem is he makes a crapload of money if he were to opt into that final deal and do a you know and do a trade like that like we just talked about with OG he’s making $48 million next season to acquire that you have to really put some contracts together with which makes it really difficult so I don’t know if that’s a realistic option now he could take less money and sign here for less but I would be completely shocked if that happened I think that’s pretty much a 0% chance of happening so uh You’ have to find like four or five salaries to make the deal work to get him here if that’s what’s going to happen which is very very difficult yeah I I look love me some Paul George I I’ve I’ve said it on this podcast J o’ will always be favorite player and then there was Paul George that helped kind of fill that void I was really hurt when when the trade happened everything I I’ve moved on i’ I’ve healed at this point you know look it’d be great to have him be a Pacer again but when you talk about what you just mentioned we would have to Shell out a large chunk of what makes this team good just to then pay him Max money and I think at this point he ain’t taking a discount to come to Indiana I mean it’s just not happening and I think at this point it the ship s I don’t see it happening Pacers need a consolidation trade FY why not trade five for one yeah I we we do need to consolidate but we do need to keep a a little bit of the farm you know just just a little bit yeah you’d be selling the whole entire farm for a 35y old Paul George doesn’t sound realistic doesn’t sound great but hey you know if the Pacers feel like man they were you know a closer away from beating Boston and winning the NBA Finals would they be willing to push some chips to make another move to feel like they can compete more I don’t know but I could see the I could see the case for it right the case could be me no doubt about that and I think that this that’s one of those topics where I would love to see if you put the poll out there you know how close is it to saying do it or no you can’t do that because I think sometimes people can make a move with their heart and say I would love to have him back but the question is at what cost and that cost sounds like everything sounds like not everything but quite a bit of stuff right like there’s no tyres hurn in that deal we know that you would imagine there’s no seak there’s no seak in that deal but everybody else is on the table not everybody is available in that deal or is on the table for that deal um so that’s what scares me yeah it’s a it’s a it’s a bit of a head scratcher there um I will say this for all my fake trades that I did I did not include Andrew and art in one single trade either did I that’s a that’s that’s a spoiler for you guys guys not one I just couldn’t do it I I feel like it was super dirty to have him on the podcast and then put him in a trade thing I just I couldn’t do it and I don’t want to do it I love Andrew nard I’m a big believer so I was in a group text today and they were like Pacers need to upgrade the shooting guard I said I think yall are sleeping on uh sleeping on them hard they’re like well if we can get a three move n n Smith to the two I said I understand that but you’re you’re sleeping on them I think n hard’s ceiling is still significantly higher than Aaron Nan so absolutely I don’t I don’t think that be debated and that’s no knock on Aaron neith great player but I I just think that good player yeah yes yes good player is is more fair to say h but I just think at this point this is like n hard Mania his stock is at his highest and right now there’s a lot of people that are probably saying that man is a starting point guard in this league and we have him as our starting shooting guard next to our all NBA starting point guard so not many teams have that luxury yeah not just our starting point guard but our Team USA point guard that was also the starting point guard of the Eastern Conference so allstar game right so let let’s not just ignore that and our all NBA point guard F like tyus hurn is a top 15 player last year and at his Peak he was probably top seven top eight with how he played before the injury so you know it’s it’s not like Nim hard’s really getting you know pushed to the side for somebody that’s not deserving it’s like halton’s great and you play this same position and you’re on you’re ascending to great news so keep them together as long as you can that’s how I feel but with that being said you’ve heard our list it it essentially turned out being our top 10 of both so um Bachi go ahead and let everybody know where they can find us at on social absolutely so you can find us on Twitter at Pacers pod STP you can find Alex on Twitter Alex golden NBA I can be found on Twitter _ FCI you can find us on Instagram pacp pod STP you can find us on Facebook Faceook at setting the past you can find us on Tik Tok at setting the past and Alex tell them where they can check us out on YouTube ladies and gentlemen go to setting the pace a Pacers podcast where you can find all of our video content including our one-on-one I guess you could say two-on-one interview with Andrew nimart that was a great conversation there got a lot of questions in Andrew gives very quick answers so we were able to cover a lot of different topics and I think you guys are going to enjoy that if you haven’t watched a YouTube video uh you can check that out if you haven’t listened to it on the audio platform please go ahead go back and do that Andrew uh definitely gave us some good some good sounds sound bites there but FY five star rating interview wherever you get your audio platform podcast at but if you’re open the Pacers at least look to make a big swing potentially in the the off season thenit me with those three words let’s go paces

On today’s episode of Setting The Pace, Alex and Facci share their trade targets for the Indiana Pacers this offseason. Some of these selections are truly reaching for the stars, while others are a bit more realistic in terms of what could actually happen for the blue and gold if they do indeed decide to make a trade.


  1. They have 0 cap/$ for either guy on the thumbnail.
    Let alone Prichard likely got over hiring people who miss 30+% of the games.

  2. I think Kuzma would fit in nicely with the Pacers and his contract is reasonable for a trade. Looney as a backup big or Drummond would be nice. I also think Kenyon Martin Jr as a backup 3 or 4 would give us some toughness at the wing

  3. You are 100% WRONG, not everybody and not even close to everyone would want him back here, he was and has always been a locker room cancer, injury prone, hes a diva, he is the one that turned Oladipo into a diva from a humble team player when Oladipi brought him into his camp! Absolutely NOT, this team is going places and he would wreck it! NO!!!! 1,000% NO!

  4. You guys did not mention Tori Eason from the Rockets…I think he can be as good as OG and is a defensive menace!!!

  5. I like your videos. I think the team should trade for Kyle kuzma. Nesmith and Kendall Brown for Kyle kuzma

  6. @setting the pace you missed an obvious cheap option like a chris boucher who can be had for a 2nd round pick and has 1 year left on his contract. he can shoot the 3 some, rebounds like a beast, gets blocks, plays defence and is mobile and hustle player. brings size as well.

  7. Deni Adjiva would be a great fit with a team friendly contract. But it depends on what Wizards are trying to do and who they draft.

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