@Detroit Pistons

Yahoo’s Vincent Goodwill: Why the Pistons Eating Monty Williams’ $65M Contract | Rich Eisen Show

Yahoo’s Vincent Goodwill: Why the Pistons Eating Monty Williams’ $65M Contract | Rich Eisen Show

what the heck happened with the Pistons and Monty Williams Vincent what happened well on juneth a black man got his freedom the way I saw yesterday he had a $60 million check to go away rich I know you can’t say that but I can that’s fine right I just think it was a bad fit realistically it was a bad fit at a bad time like Monty Williams is a head coach for a veteran team this was a young team that needed a younger coach and young patients and they needed more guidance there and although the talent wasn’t up to par like you have so many players under the age of 25 K Cunningham is the one Bonafide player on that roster it just didn’t seem to fit and when you have a 28 game losing streak that starts on the third game of the regular season and doesn’t end until like late December or January whenever it was it was like a national nightmare clearly there was a disconnect between Monty in the front office and the front office with itself like I wrote for Yahoo sports yesterday that there’s four factions inside that Pistons building which is not uncommon in NBA circles it’s just a matter of can you all get on the same page they clearly were not on the same page the Pistons offer Monty Williams a boatload of money to come there after he said no Now Rich you’re married I’m not my mother told me if you ask a woman on the date once and she says no don’t come back and ask her a second and a third time she’s going to say no again the Pistons kept coming to Monty Williams with more and more money until he said yes that should have been the sign for both parties that this was not going to be a a fruitful marriage but for Monty Williams you probably have coaches around the league telling him you got to take this job because it benefits the rest of us you saw after Monty signed that deal papovich got a big deal tou got a big deal Steve cerr got a big deal all these coaches benefited from the Monty Williams stimulus package so it was almost like he had to take the deal except it didn’t seem like his heart was all the way in it I didn’t think he was a good coach this year for this type of team I still think he is a good coach he was just a good coach who had a bad year at the worst possible time and good on Pistons ownership Tom gor and say you know what I made a very expensive mistake I’m not going to tether my new Pistons president with a $60 million coach that he may not want I’ll cut the check and we can start fresh catch the rich eyes and show every single day on the Roku Channel 12 to3 Eastern for free

Yahoo Sports’ Vincent Goodwill and Rich Eisen discuss the Detroit Pistons firing Monty Williams despite still owing him $65 Million.

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  1. Any Pistons fan or watcher will say that Monty wasn't good at all. Terrible decisions all year, lousy rotations, players out of position, little to no development. He didn't ever seem to care whatsoever. Whether you think he could do well somewhere else or not, he never did anything good at all his entire time in Detroit.

  2. That is a very clean analysis and summary of what happened in this case. Monty never appeared engaged with organization and players. He appeared disinterested about the draft last year. Yes, please move on. Why did it take until June to do this?

  3. I’ll tell you one of the reasons why it never worked out. He started Killian Hayes over Jaden Ivey for a good chunk of the season. KILLIAN HAYES who’s not even in the league anymore. And the only reason he started playing Jaden was because the FO had to have a meeting with him and be like hey play Jaden

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