@San Antonio Spurs

The TRUTH About Spurs Trading Up For Zaccharie Risacher..

The TRUTH About Spurs Trading Up For Zaccharie Risacher..

it’s not uncommon to hit refresh after reading an article on the Spurs or NBA news page and get a new rumor or scenar where the Spurs are trading picks to move up in the draft or players and picks to grab a veteran player after a couple months of every guard both prospects and vets being the team’s Target The Narrative recently seems to have switched over to Wings and in some cases power forwards namely marinin and Zachary ree the Reet news seems to be gaining the most steam is there’s more and more reports of the Spurs and Atlanta and trade talks for the Spurs to move up to number one and then most recently Reese being in San Antonio to work out with the team it’s hard to really know or get a good feel for what teams are actually trying to do or what are just due diligence by them or in some cases even smoke screens to try and throw off other teams as to what their plans are the Spurs are and have been one of the toughest teams to read is they seem to never openly talk about what their plans are down the road in you short term in in any way and most of the rumors reports seem to be just pieced together opinions from other reporters or other teams leaking information about being in talks or spur shopping picks Ray is a 19-year-old 6’9 French wing and arguably the best shooter coming into this draft there’s definitely other really good Shooters but his length his defensive skill and awareness experience playing against Pros in Europe combined with his shooting seem to make him stand out over most of the other players in a not particularly star studded Draft when I’ve watched highlights and games that he was in I can definitely see the potential that GMS are excited about but honestly I see a lot of Need for improvement about as many areas especially on ball his shooting numbers seem to differ quite a bit from catch and shoot to creating his own shot a lot of that’s ball handling in my opinion defensively he seems to be a very good Rotator moves off of the very well on defense and does a great job on help defense which are two things that Spurs drastically need he seems to have trouble staying in front of a lot of ball handers especially smaller ones and he doesn’t seem to do well like I said handling the ball on his own to create his own shots he’s only 19 so there’s plenty of time and room for him to hone his skills develop in areas of weakness obviously he’ll add he’s only I think 195 lbs he’ll obviously add to that and get stronger which will be big for him the Spurs are one of the best organizations at game planning for the future and executing that plan but if we look at recent years I don’t feel they’ve been able to really get the expected potential out of a lot of these prospects there’s reports right now that everyone not named wimy or Vel are available for trade options to me that just means that all your other first round picks like soan Kellin Johnson brandom Wesley guys like that haven’t lived up to the expectations at least as of yet you go a little further back Derek white Lucas samanic Josh Primo Lonnie Walker those guys were all first round picks that different reasons obviously just didn’t work out and they’re not even on the team any longer there’s a lot of potential reasons why I guess not maybe just not being able to develop some of those guys maybe some of those guys playing style doesn’t match well with the system the team’s trying to run could just be a poor job on scouting On Any Given year it could just be as simple as you didn’t have wimy before Superstar type centerpiece for your organization takes a ton off of how much and how fast young guys needed to so you know who’s just say that some of those guys wouldn’t look a lot better had they had the benefit of developing and being introduced into the league on a team that had a guy like wimy I If the Spurs saw enough growth in Trey Jones and the offense during the second half of the Season or if they have plans to add a veteran point guard after the draft you know before the trade deadline at this time next year this trade in draft pick makes a lot more sense to me it also makes a ton of sense if you like Kellin in my opinion if you like him longterm and you can let him play his natural small for position not keep moving him around let Reay get ready and now you’ve got options regardless of who ends up starting who ends up backing the other one up but you’ve got two very different play Styles which we’ve seen pop likes to move things around according to the team he’s playing to try and create the best mismatch I personally feel that the point of attack defense is the biggest need for this team right now to me a very good to solid defensive guard that obviously isn’t an offensive liability would allow the other four on the court to really focus on their guy their position and not have to chase and rotate nearly as much and I feel guys like wimy Kell and so on they’re more than capable of handling their defensive duties much better if they’re not having to help or worry about that point of attack defense we’ve all seen what the spacing in the NBA can do for European players you know you look at Luka Joker obviously wimy I think rashay even if he doesn’t improve immediately he’s still benefits from that because of like I said the catch and shoot aspect things not being so crowded where he has a little trouble handling the ball where things aren’t so bunched up and he’s not having to try to dribble through traffic for instance like I said his length and IQ on defense make him very good Team Defender but I think he’ll struggle pretty heavily trying to defend one-on-one against a lot of the even mid but definitely up to top tier small forwards in the league obviously the Spurs have forgotten more about basketball than I know but my feeling is that you’ve got two top 10 picks in a mediocre draft to address the point guard position the point of attack and add you know a spark plug to this roster I don’t feel that ret addresses either of those needs and I don’t know that the current ball handlers on the team play into his biggest strength which is Catch and shoot now there’s more than enough draft Capital over the next few years to take a shot on him if the Spurs see something that makes this move in their opinion a home run I’m personally hoping this is mainly hype and the Spurs not showing their hand doing their job of chopping to see what they could potentially get for those two pcks I wouldn’t hate hate this pick if they can keep the eighth and add a guy like Devon Carter or possibly a Dillingham I don’t know about his defense but even topic has probably Fallen because of his injury you know if they think they can keep him healthy and see him as a foreseeable long-term point guard of the future I wouldn’t hate pairing ret up with any of those guys if if it rotates that way but either way I feel that castle is the best player in fit for the Spurs of four and then a guy like Salon or connect or what you got as far as wings at the E spot could really Advance the rebuild and address multiple situations instead of just going all in on in my opinion what would end up being a role player or at least a developmental piece going down the road

I talk about the pros and cons of Zaccharie Risacher and why or why not the Spurs should consider trading picks 4 and 8 to move up and draft him.


  1. i was literally wondering what i was gonna do for my girlfriends birthday now it's simple a quick "babe wake up spurs fan gary just uploaded" will do thank you

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