@Miami Heat

Miami Heat Get Message From Jimmy Butler, UD Thinks Spida Wants Out, Florida Panthers GM6 Preview

Miami Heat Get Message From Jimmy Butler, UD Thinks Spida Wants Out, Florida Panthers GM6 Preview

[Music] if Ling GOI Is Wrong I Don’t Want to Be Right what would Socrates say to that it tickles my f okay gooes I don’t have hair you got maros that’s not no that’s not that’s true you do got me get over here maros they don’t want this they don’t want it to Leroy ready deoy had hit her with a little that was a decoy better about me boy [Music] [Music] okay one time for thech one time for the Tex you know I I just wish you guys would stop the [Music] quibbling morning everybody morning to and Leroy here with you 560 WQ take you up until 2 here on the program we’re streaming live on YouTube and twitch Miami 560 wqam how did your uh help with your German neighbor go it first of all I love the way I send my guy messages and he tries to just roll right into a bit right it’s like my life my life always rolls into a bit first of all you know my neighbors you’ve met them you them I don’t I don’t remember all your neighbors they’re not German well I don’t really know dude and and you went right into old house like yo dummy ger I have a I don’t know listen I have I have a lady from Finland who lives next to me you know and so like I I don’t know you know the you never know where somebody’s Journey what did you do your bit on her not not in front of her no but but with my wife all the time especially when it comes to her cats cuz she loses her cats all the time I don’t even know if quite frankly she still has both cats but she goes can let’s find K let’s find kit cats they come back one would think but she we I told you we got a neighborhood cat that just roams the neighborhood Snickers everybody know his sneakers everybody know who he belong to yeah gota bring him back one would think that they they do always come back but you know she seems always concerned she seems always concerned she always is not concerned enough to keep they ass in the house she’s but the old can’t keep up with animals she’s very old she’s very old dude you know Big Spoon yep bless her heart lost a turtle what do you mean like recently a while ago so she thought she was gonna do Rebecca a favor and clean her tank she takes the tank outside takes the turtle sits the turtle on the ground and the turtle how does a turtle Escape Turtles are weird man like I’m telling you like especially dur ran the turtle ran away she’s like I’m looking for the turtle I’m like why would you put the turtle on the ground yeah we live Turtle he go run away Turtles are weird dude like I Liv to a to a shallow part of a canal and we have a lot of those painted turtles and they’ll be like random days where like they’re just up in our driveway so they got to get like up the hill over the lawn and then I don’t know if they’re just looking for shelter or what they’re going for but like I’ve W I’ve woken up there’s been a big ass Turtle just on my front porch I’m like what what are you doing here dude do you go put him back yeah of course and then the turtles probably like dummy now I got to do it all over again maybe but I’m always I’m I’m just very impressed that he got up there in the first place uh but how do you like she lost the turtle dude it I couldn’t stop laughing like how does a turtle elude you it’s a turtle I lost a couple chinchillas one time that’s different is it huh is it I mean I don’t I don’t know of a chinchilla moving like a turtle I mean they’re but they’re like not the most Fleet of rodents like they’re a little plump you know I mean okay okay but what’s the what’s the slow slow animals uh sloth yeah it’s not like you’re losing a sloth a sloth would be if you lost a sloth that would be equivalent to losing having a sloth would be boring you know they don’t do anything they’re just hanging there I would have want that as an animal but I had a chinchilla his name was Wiggles I got to tell you that that um animal that we that brought in that we was holding that was a lemur ma that was that was weird he had like yeah he had some weird had like leather hands he had some weird paws on them man like they were like leather gloves all the time I was like what the hell is this guy got going on he was freaking out a little bit too you know he’s like where the hell am I and then we of course had to parade him around the entire the entire Studio at that time this is what you do if you get a if you uh if you get a lemur shout out to our boy Tod from J from Jungle Queen yep taking us uh for bringing the Lemur in what a delight that was really was fun uh let’s get to our headlines brought to you by the new palal for truck Super Center why buy your truck at a car store palal for we know trucks shout out to Trevor Trevor sitting in for frog boy today hello Trevor how are you we’re here how about that are you guys worried already because I’ve been hearing you guys were super cocky after game five and stuff I am very I’m very cocky I’m not worried in the least B especially I I told as I said on the show yesterday I was in a very dark place down three nothing but uh seeing kachuck come alive in this series has has restored my faith I feel good okay and I got to say shout out to all my green teamers out there because you guys going to parade tomorrow I gotta say that shout out to all my green teamers who are the green teamers you should know this come on Mr Mr heat culture himself who the hell is a green teamer it’s the Celtic fans and stuff green teamer how dare you shout out the Celtics fan on the show what are you doing they put me in a dark place too and I love every Celtic fan I know in my why they’re more passionate the heat culture F I don’t understand what you’re doing coming in you’re giving shout outs to the Celtics fans not the best way to be a member of the show dude not not a great debut although he can help you with his if you have a hockey questions like you have your rules questions all the time you’re pepper me with this is ask I asked listen I watch these games and oh do you you you watch all these games how long have you been watching just the last couple years or the whole time I I’ve gone to I’ve gone to one or two hockey games almost every year okay right no I like listen hockey is a thousand times better live agree okay and and you know now that the Panthers have been pretty good I’ve watched their runs you know and I’ve watched and and there’s things I noticed but you have to understand I look at hockey through football eyes and so the one thing that I’ve been peppering toing with is these situations that come up right and one of the things that I’ve been annoyed huh they’re mostly penalty rule questions yeah so so I’m like so I hit him with and he got mad at me hey I know if it’s five on four that there’s icing there’s no icing for short-handed team what if both teams are short-handed what is four on four it’s four on four then continue on play that’s what it is no but there’s there’s you can have icing you could but it’s not it’s not called all the time that’s a thing so right so see what I’m saying there’s Nuance to this Leroy and you expect me to know this like I’m Gary bman but I just asked that’s the last person you should listen to by the way Gary B worst commissioner last I can’t wait to Bow him that’s like that’s the tradition I asked him hey if it’s one4 can there still be icing that’s it that’s not that’s not the only question you’ve asked me You’ hit me you’ve hit me with a parade of them throughout throughout the days dude wait but but okay if I’m watching it and I’m getting into it and I finally like started getting into the rules and stuff like that then there’s certain situations that catch me off to ask me I don’t understand L you have my number you could text me there’s no such thing as a dumb question in the cell phone anyways well evidently there is because the idiot I deal with can’t answer no hockey questions whatever you know we whatever dud here’s what I here’s what I just found out like this year that if you in overtime go empty net and lose the game you don’t get the point that is correct yeah like just stuff like that presents itself and I’m like huh did not know that that was even a you know it’s like if he asked me about the free kick in football it still exists huh the drop KCK you mean drop kick no the free kick dude so so here listen in football say if there’s one second left to go in the in the half right and you’re backed up and you punt the ball out of your end zone and the def defense catches it you can get a free kick that means you line up basically like a kickoff and you can kick it like a field goal as long as you catch it you’ve already lost me dude you’ve already lost me exactly it’s a weird football rule I this is what you get when you you’re under Bill balich for so long but this is this is the thing though dude I’d never ask you that i’ never you wouldn’t you wouldn’t you would I wouldn’t think about it I just move on with my day but you you somehow you want you don’t want to know you all of a sudden you want to you don’t want to you don’t want to you’re watching this sport you don’t want to know you don’t want to know all the intricacies and the rules I usually just listen to the broadcast I don’t know like they don’t they n they they’re us they’re usually describing it no their explanations of it are sometimes not accurate I well listen this isn’t just a playoff thing you’re doing this during the regular season you’re hit get ready for the playoffs give you what you got all right dude uh Marlins are off today they’re back out of tomorrow whatever Florida Panthers they’re practicing uh right as we speak over at the icex should they leave already since they got delayed last time I don’t know I don’t think the weather’s going to be as bad but why change things up you know they had a one day travel over it worked out well for them I know it was a dicey situation but it worked out good that’s a long dude you you think about this toes think how we feel when we fly back from Vegas or we fly to Vegas MH going twice that distance yep right that’s not I get you but like they they just did it and and had Pro probably are gonna have the worst circumstances that they had in in the last time around I I would would like so so like I wouldn’t I I wouldn’t change things up if I were them like if you want to practice here I think that’s the place to do Doon come down early here I don’t know I think they do I saw I’ve seen a I’ve seen a lot of Oiler fans coming down really could it be something could it be something something as simple as practice someplace to practice yeah I mean I don’t know I don’t know what the availab I’m sure that they they had to in Canada I’m sure they could find a rink they got the Rogers Place they could probably practice I’m sure they could probably practice there if they chose to I’m sure that there are rules like there like there are in the NBA I’d imagine like they’re not gonna ban you out of the country because you don’t get a rank like that’s not fair I mean they do you’re allowed to do morning skate at the opposing Arena or you just go to like some of the colleges which some people do up North anyways so well that’s what I would think I would think that there’s got to be some place where they’re they’re allowed in a lot of time but they prefer to get it down here get the work in stay in the sunshine that is a long flight let’s just say this dude they’re not gonna not have the game so like if the Panthers let’s just say some Yeti grabs them out of the sky and they gotta get delayed it’s not like the Stanley Cup’s not gonna get played dude so I think they’ll be okay but uh yeah they’re at the ice they’re uh they’re practicing uh just listen up there remember they bad weather they’ve moved football games to Monday and Tuesday yeah it’s gonna get in at some point it’s get they’re not gonna they’re not gonna say for we’re playing for Lord Stanley at some point this thing ain’t getting canceled or moved to a Dakota like it’s happening a Dakota they could practice it’s like going up to Montana that’s you can just practice in University of Montana probably like a halfway it’s like that is that’s that’s where it is anyways if you look on the map we’re taking a stop what are we doing I we’re got to practice in uh north of Montana yeah Way North Way North way we’ll take a quick break you guys can get at this show on the chat Miami 560 wqa F take a break back up to this e e e e e e e e e e e e e n [Music] all right welcome back toin Leroy here with you blink182 to coming to the C center with special guest pierce the Vil they’ll be there tomorrow we got you one more chance to win some tickets to Blink 182 so keep listening uh for your chance to win this is a Live Nation show it’s your boy Udonis Hasen Leroy he’s back on ESPN media star he he’s actually really good at it um he’s taking all of Kendrick Perkin stuff it’s great I love it he’s a great analyst Kendrick Perkins come on at what just awful takes come on Tobin come on he’s gonna be he is going to be replaced by Udonis Haslam and everything and it’s noticeable because they’re bringing him back like crazy I don’t think Udonis hasn’t planned probably doing it this much this summer they’re like you know what this guy’s great let’s bring him back every sing Le show every single time aren’t the heat people gonna be mad about that come on I don’t I don’t know I mean Pat Riley has already said that he uh he he said that you know he’s got to realize he works for the organization but I think that Udonis hasm is Towing the line uh pretty great but it is it is an interesting thing because the heat normally don’t like things out there and uh they don’t usually have the public voices that’s usually reserved only for the Celtics and former Lakers and so now they’re Nick come on come on and the Knicks come on what Knicks are out there you never know there’s always a Nick out out there like Wally zerak he’s got a TV job I don’t think he does Wally zerak have a TV job yeah he does for MSG come on um but I just like I just like like you know the cool thing about it is is like we all knew know UD a certain way yep right but to hear him give honest opinions about what’s going on right means that he probably knew more about it than you know we thought right absolutely but first before we get to UD because he had a take got a little could be something could be nothing for you no don’t do it dude I got something I gotta get it to you all right so hell you familiar with Jimmy Butler dud out of the first hour before no well listen we’re coming out of the gates with it today dude because something happened yesterday on Jimmy’s Instagram he’s got a new bit Jimmy has bits too all right I’m not the only guy who lives their life with bits Jimmy has bits now on his Instagram not just songs and food questions all right all right all right so Jimmy Butler is doing a new thing on his Instagram and one has to wonder Leroy yeah is this a message to Pat Riley and the Miami Heat because we haven’t heard many comments from Jimmy other than when he was uh trolling at the WNBA game with Cam Brink so yesterday he’s on IG he’s got the for our radio audience he’s got the Sparks Jersey back on the Los Angeles number2 AC my my WNBA season’s over already so yeah it’s a bummer but uh Jimmy had this to say Leroy and and you tell me I mean like this could could be something could be nothing that’s why I bring it up to you you always say like I’m jumping to conclusions but I wouldn’t jump to conclusions without bring running it past you I’m GNA listen to you but here’s what Jimmy Butler had to say I’m choosing to do my words of wisdom every Wednesday now don’t ask me why but my first one is if you say you going to do something just do it yeah you say you’re going to do it just do it especially if you’re one of my friends you say you’re going to do something got to do it Wednesdays Wednesdays wisdoms or wisdom’s Wednesdays either way over and out how about that Leroy shout to Pat Riley now wait wait wait wait wait let’s go you know what I’m big on that you know that right and it has to do with you know when you’re an athlete everybody expect you to be where you supposed to be do what you say you’re gonna do and whatever especially when it it when it when it benefits the other person yeah but the shoe doesn’t always fit on the other side right and so I get really annoyed when people say they’re gonna do something and don’t do it because of the code I had to live by so I get where he’s coming from now I’mma put an interesting Twist on this okay I’m in you know what I like about this initially already not dismiss it from you which I like smiling faces with hdden agendas can also apply here when you look a man in his face and say we got you we going to take care of you mhm and then situations come up and you kind of waffle on that now we back to where we are with what Jimmy is saying now here’s why I’mma fight back a little bit you’re making assumptions which what Jimmy wants based on his current situation but he could not be talking about that that’s true listen he could be talking about you and and that’s why he does it because he knows people like you are going to automatically go to and then you have plausible deniability absolutely because you can say that’s not what I was talking about well that’s the that’s the beauty of cryptic social media work with these athletes so you go out there that has the benef that is the benefit of having somebody like you doing Miami radio that’s it I the fact that you say like me I think anybody could come to these conclusions I think I’m just people the one well I mean look you know if people want to be sheep and they just want to overlook it and pass it as nothing that’s fine you know the blind come on that’s what it is if you have if you have this idea that you just want to say hey Jimmy Butler’s doing a fun thing that’s fine but we know what time it is and and we are if I if I if I have my math correctly we’re two days into this NBA season where they’re free agents could get extensions is it plausible that Jimmy Butler is just like hey what happened to that can I ask a question yeah this is the honest question there’s no difference in doing it today or July 5th right because you can’t sign it until after July 6 well there’s no difference as far as like the money yeah he’s gonna get the money no no no no no no what I’m saying is there is no difference in saying you’re gonna extend Jimmy today or extend him on July 5th because you can’t sign it until July 6 yeah there’s no there’s no what’s the issue well I mean like Pascal sakim gets his deal like one day after the finals he’s sitting here goes where’s my deal but again but again I asked you that question well let me ask you this l in all honesty in all honesty if you think if if Jimmy Butler is putting that out there to send a message to Pat Riley which only one who has confirmed that so far I haven’t confirmed anything I brought it to the people that’s all I’m doing you’re something wait I’m not doing anything thr it out into the E you’re fraud your you’re fraud here’s why minus one yes fraud your something or nothings are never nothing that’s not true dude that’s not true I would otherwise I would just call I would just call the segment this is something if you want to say it’s something here’s why because you don’t want backlash from me I don’t want and so you want to you want to try to ease me into the conversation when I get mad you for bringing it up you go no no no that’s why I said something so you’re doing the same thing Jimmy’s doing but you didn’t say it was nothing no no no I but what I did was is I explained the situation from an athlete’s perspective my perspective and how I feel about that issue and then I went on to say that you have no idea if that’s about Pat you’re making it about Pat because of his situation which is exactly what he wants or he really does want it to be about Pat and he just wants to have that plausible deniability see here’s the thing what if at some point like you said what if at some point Pat Riley and him you know they went to Prime Italian at some point in the season right and they’re eating meatballs and Pac goes you’re a lifer dude you’re one of my forever guys don’t you worry Jimbo and then all the sudden Jimmy Butler not available for the end of the season Pat gets annoyed he’s rats off a ship because Stars never end well Pat was a little harsh in the media and Jimmy Butler goes hey man whatever happened to to such and such what if their convers we don’t know about and what if Pat Riley said the facts have changed Baby Pat Riley’s falling asleep at the wheeler right now let’s be honest here wait but but again here’s my point if you can’t sign it until July 6th is he really doing anything wrong right now because even if he says yeah I’m gonna give you the extension Jimmy can’t sign it till the I mean if we had the news like if the heat if the heat were jumping at it you don’t think we’d have it out there already that the heat are going to give Jimmy Butler his extension because like what’s the difference on it like that’s the other thing if a press conference today at 1 o00 there wouldn’t be a PR there wouldn’t be a press conference but we for sure would get like the W or Shams or or whoever bombs that they’re in come on there would be a press conference come on I don’t think there would be I don’t think for his last can I ask another question sure you think they’re waiting till after the draft no I don’t think they’re gonna give it to him okay to be honest with you I think that’s probably see I don’t listen you’re going to a place I ain’t going because I I’m not because and and I’m a if you can’t if you don’t have to sign it until you can’t sign it if they said yes yesterday or yes July 5th it doesn’t matter he can’t sign it until the 6th so why why are we putting pressure on to have to make a decision now that sounds like you know what you’ve been dating a girl for two years right everything’s going great she tells you you got to put a ring on this Finger by Friday like yeah like yeah but I don’t I don’t we that name it’s weird that’s but here’s the thing Pat Riley when he said it also said like well we don’t have to do that because they technically have all year that he’s eligible for the extension okay but I would I wouldn’t I wouldn’t you know I wouldn’t be that guy July th yeah but I don’t know what you’re I I don’t know what the the distinguishing thing you’re doing there between July 5th with him being officially able to sign it and being offered it because if you’re allowed to offer him the deal you don’t think he’s taking it no but what I’m saying is this if you can’t sign it until the 6th you think there’s a big deal in offering it him now in July 5th yeah why uh because I think it’s probably you’ve made up I guess what I would say with this you what’s going to change from the time that you offer him the deal to the official day that he can sign that’s why I asked you about the draft I’m all I’m doing is looking for like reasons why they might not do yeah I but I don’t understand like what about the draft are you uh I don’t know I’m just throwing it out there I’m just saying to me like I get everybody wants it right away right but if you can’t sign it until July 6 then why wouldn’t a team feel that I have until July 5th so he’s going to be able to sign it at the if he says on July 5th Jimmy here’s your extension and Jimmy signs it on the 6th what was the difference no there technically wasn’t an official difference okay okay then but I but I don’t understand why you think like the pat pat is GNA be sitting here being like yeah we just wanted to wait until the official date no I don’t I I don’t know you don’t know that either we don’t know did listen you’re bringing up some could be something or could be nothing right and I’m saying the issue that Jimmy talks about is something okay as it applies to the to the heat I’m really not that concerned about it because it hasn’t really become an issue yet on July 5th if he hasn’t signed and then July 6th comes along then it could be an issue and I’m going to raise some eyebrows okay what’s going on but until then like he okay what if they were to say okay tomorrow we’re going to extend Jimmy then what like like then it’s over then the drama’s over okay but there’s no drama it’s been three days I don’t know dude I was a drama in three days and you’ve been on the team this long and technically you have another year silence speaks volumes no not why come out and say three days of Silence pas think we over exaggerating this a little bit that’s Indiana Tobin Indiana does anything stupid matter though they sign their guy as soon as they can sign their guy is it pat Ry doing he’s falling asleep at the wheel that’s the point he’s not gonna do it and I think when Jimmy comes out here and he says if you say you’re gonna do something if Pat Riley has told Jimmy but you’re gonna retire with the Miami Heat Jimmy comes out and he goes hey if you say you’re gonna do something and he doesn’t say p d way was a lifer I know that’s the point though like what if he said what I did to you let me ask you let me ask you a question we all have watched Pat Riley work for a long time right and let me ask you this you think pressure is gonna make Pat Ry do something he don’t want to do H now let me answer that for you hell no did so and Kelly alen I need to get pressured into paying Assan whes out of Max and right at midnight and paid Kell Lin too that actually wasn’t one of the bad ones wasn’t great but I mean you hated his guts oh I’ve always hated his guts but it wasn’t like as far as like the the the albatrosses like that wasn’t one of the bad ones it was weird I didn’t see it coming you just hated because he was a green teamer for life and he came down here I really want you to stop using the term green teamer in fact if you do it again I’m giving you a minus one I’m gonna give it to myself right now anyway I I don’t I I’ve never heard it in my life and I really to Mye I’ve been defending you being a fan of the seed for so long right I’m not even atican just let me finish okay but it might get outright physical if you talk about green whatever that is yeah just that that’s too much too much the only green teamer we acknowledge here is Marcos frog boy that’s it yeah I got Cedric Maxwell on the phone right now anyways all right take a break back after this this hour e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] York all right welcome back everybody toin and Leroy here with you 560 wqam we get a weather update from the demesmin Andover Law Firm free consultation 247 call at 866954 more did y’all get that hard like 15 minute it rain yesterday it was terrible uh it was terrible this morning dude it was like as soon as I walked out of my house crazy sideways rain and then that just destroys everybody driving it was gross on 95 I wanted to like lose my you know what there was like a there was a fire on the turnpike as you were getting off here so I had to like go Saw Grass the whole way today anyway what that’s a better way honestly what do you got Leroy so winds are out of the East at about 15 to 20 miles an hour those clouds are humming uh it is mostly cloudy with some sun poking through so look for those showers uh this evening and I would say it’s about 85 degrees it’s been a little bit cooler than that Heatwave we had a couple of weeks ago um but the showers are still there still a little humid uh other than that you know the you know the routine this time of year yep get ready get your get your is ready yep that’s what it’s going to be like we got tropical storms there we’re we’re at the A’s we’re starting this thing up get ready yeah there’s one in about Texas right now right yep yep yep Alberto I believe it is Alberto um we’re gonna talk later on in the show uh to John Michaels he’s the morning show host at 680 the fan in Atlanta reason being uh we want to get in on this Trey young thing that really uh was polarizing amongst Heat fans and Leroy really got mad at me about this yesterday I don’t understand why because the people were with me yesterday according to my poll uh we had a you know it was a 55 45 split for Trey young and I didn’t even say like hey trade the farm for Trey young it was really just a tickle you fancy if it just became a thing and you know it’s it’s I get why it’s polarizing the heat kicked his ass you feel like you’re you’re you’re going to like a play wait a minute minute here’s what I hate about all these conversations you were leading the charge guilty at least I voted no for this by the way at least I voted no and now you’re the guy I told you yesterday and is going to be my theme throughout the summer because I already had my my my my year cleanse where I wouldn’t whale and I whale yeah he’s a whale he’s a whale three time Allstar he’s absolutely a whale if you don’t if you don’t consider that a whale being very whale stingy like I I don’t understand he does not represent anything right for Miami he’s this loser franchise guy anyways he plays an Atlanta that’s where you got to take that’s where you got to take the advantage though you got to be able to pluck the bones people would have said the same thing about christops porzingis would they have not franchise guys porzingis is a tall white guy anyways he can shoot the three occasionally that’s you’re you’re lashing out and you’re not really giving my answer though people I’m giving you an answer and you will like it anyway wait but the difference between christs porzingis and Trey young is people have still traded valuable stuff to get Chris STS porzingis because of the tools that he has they traded a bag of donuts for him Leroy didn’t give up nothing for him the tools that he has though when healthy I thought your answer was going to be for Trey young is the difference between kristofh porzingis and Trey young is you need like four Trey Youngs to make a kristofh porzingis yeah I thought that was goingon to be your way but we’re just GNA ask John about it because like yeah there is a lot of fodder out there in Atlanta of what’s going on but speaking of F can we ask him bra too because I love to see the pain of the bra will not ask a bear I will not ask you can you can fly him over in a mini jet I will not ask a Braves question but you w need extended seating um Udonis has them we were mentioning this so Udonis has them he was NBA today love him and Udonis has them this is why I love UD d right he just calls it like he sees it and was asked about this whole Donovan Mitchell thing because to Leroy point oh what’s the big deal he can’t officially sign his extension he’s in France right now although I feel like they could doc you sign it if they wanted to but he hasn’t signed his extension either Leroy very noticeable did they offer it I don’t know okay I don’t know call up Ken Cameron Lee here is uh here is Udonis Haslam on NBA today if he was gonna stay in Cleveland then why doesn’t he sign the extension if you’re trying to get free agents and you’re looking to improve your team and get ready for the future then the best thing to do is have your best player already signed so when you pitching to these guys hey come to Cleveland this is what we trying to do we already got down Mitchell this is the future so I don’t know if he’s really interested in going back to Cleveland I don’t think Cleveland is his first choice I think he might really want to get out of Cleveland if you look back when he was traded to Cleveland Cleveland wasn’t even on his radar of teams where he wanted to go it was New York it was another team down south somewhere I ain’t gonna say no name but it was it was other it was other teams that he was talking about going to so Cleveland was never on a list of teams that he really wanted to go to in the first place wow just laying it out there it’s the same thing with Dame though it is the same well it’s it’s different with Dame because Dame had four years left on his deal if if if Donovan Mitchell doesn’t sign his extension he has leverag as far as like hey I can tell any team that you try to trade it to I ain’t staying there all can I can I ask another question yep and this is this is a question that has to do with the team right at what point do you get tired of adding pieces in December and in January to try to compete for for a championship you see what I’m saying because a lot of these teams are making these trades in January or in December and you really can’t build your team for that year anyway certainly not with stars it’s tougher like it’s roll guys or something like that but I’m saying with the Stars so like are we at a a a a position now where the teams that will be willing to trade for these guys aren’t going to be teams that are competing for a championship that year anyway and it actually you’re going you might be going to a worse spot um yeah I think that’s probably why he wants to make his choice now and like would like to get all that drama away and I think Cleveland would too like you don’t want that hanging over because yeah they could roll the dice and be like oh you’re going to leave okay we’ll just run this out and do the KD thing and we’ll play this hopefully we get a couple things to break away this year and that’s the the front they’re going to probably put up but that’s the Kawai that’s the Kawai thing because it worked one time well the Kawai thing was the the Spurs did trade him away but like no but I’m saying wor it worked one time where the guy didn’t really want to go there but he went there and showed up I got you and also they didn’t really like they traded for demard de Rosen like I think if you’re if you’re hopeful that you get Donovan Mitchell and you get him to where he wants to go you have a more amicable trade maybe you feel like you get more in the trade for him MH but this kind of goes back to what we were saying a couple weeks ago that you pooed and that is I told you bamayo was up to something dude I told you he was up to something and and this is classic Udonis Haslam getting it from the grapevine from you from bam bio I’m telling you right now he knows something’s up there you don’t just go on television and say something like that and and and and feel like you have nothing uh you’re going off of nothing of course he knows what’s going going on there but did they here here’s my my other question we’ve all talked about how Donovan hasn’t signed the extension yep we’ve never heard whether Cleveland offered him the extension yet ask Jay Crawford go go text your boy he knows how’s he doing right now I know he’s he’s sad about Ohio State already oh no I’m I’m letting him feel the heat I’m letting him feel the heat about that ask yeah ask him ask him to to ask Dan Gilbert because we’re all blocked he won’t answer us but I’m not blocked by the way well then you got to get your badge of you got to get yourself a lot of badge of honor I don’t want that South Florida badge of honor I’m already boxed by other cool people already take a quick break back after this text W e e e e e e e e e e e e e it’s time for our Tua it’s our to it’s our to it’s our to to Tong of not tag a for effort Dolphins quarterback Tu it’s our t t DOL quarter Daddy loves you guys our t with Tobin and Leroy check the history of our tour the program ladies and gentlemen Tobin and Leroy here with you 560 wqam take you up until 2 here on the program streaming live on the Odyssey app you guys can download that listen to us on demand all your podcast platforms and of course can watch us on YouTube and twitch Miami 560 wqm uh headlines Leroy brought to you by the new P for truck Super Center why buy a truck at a car store petal for we know trucks uh Panthers practicing as we speak Leroy getting ready uh only person not skating today according to Jameson Olive is Aaron blad looks like he is getting the uh the day off they are sticking with the line change that they uh they did last game so ver heagy is on the front line with barov Rodriguez is uh with kachuck so it looks like they’re sticking with that at least at practice today Leroy um we’ll give you some quotes and feelings from Paul Maurice as that wraps up and they head off to Edmonton as they try and close this puppy out tomorrow on the road nervous Leroy how are your feelings after after a day to soak in um like you you you can’t have it both ways right like you can’t say it’s just one game and then be panicked about the next game um they’re up 3-2 and that’s the facts and they’ve won in Edmonton um if I were to have any questions I would say that the Conor McDavid we’ve seen the first two games ain’t the same kind of D we see now no he’s tearing him a new bleep hole he’s he’s been incredible but the thing is like yeah you’re right it hasn’t been just one game and the thing is uh that’s why I was so down in the midst of them being down three nothing because it felt like they haven’t played good hockey now for like it felt like three games right um like the the the third game was oh my God hang on yes which they literally did by like an Bob’s pad right just like and then you know we could be in a we could be in an even worse situation but you know them finding some kind of a life whether you want to believe in momentum or not it makes me feel better because it felt like the the the the hockey they were playing for three straight games at that point was awful just straight off here the Panthers have been really good in doing this playing with a sense of urgency all the time right and if you know notice anytime that they stopped doing that they look really bad and teams have jumped on them now as fast as I think Conor McDavid is and as fast as he looks on the ice and as as just creative as he is with the puck with people around him right at no point in time until the last two games did the Panthers look outclassed no right and the last two games he has looked like he’s skating and everybody else is standing still and and so all I would say is is now you understand the level of intensity you have to play with the system of urgency you have to play with because now you got one of the best guys to ever do it with desperation and you understand that when all these things happen it don’t go to anybody other than Conor McDavid so he’s playing with a certain level of intensity and urgency that maybe other guys on that team aren’t because they don’t have to feel the heat that he is gonna feel yeah he’s been in an incredible run so we’ll give you some more updates from uh from Panthers practice meanwhile uh some draft stuff out there Rich Paul uh he has said that uh anybody thinking that what team is he drafting for Rich Paul the Lakers [Laughter] he’s now the GM for the Lakers gez no wonder no wonder why the yukon’s head was head coach was rats off a ship didn’t want to go there I mean he’s been the the GM of the Lakers but he uh he tried to put out there in The Ether yesterday that LeBron James and bronny James not a package deal Leroy not a package deal he said uh quote LeBron is off this idea of having to play with bronnie uh if he does he does but if he doesn’t he doesn’t there’s no deal to be made uh that’s guaranteed if the Lakers draft bronnie at 55 that LeBron will resign if that was the case I would force him to take them at 17 we don’t need the leverage the Lakers can draft bronnie and LeBron doesn’t resign LeBron also doesn’t uh Lebron is also not going to Phoenix for a minimum we could squash that now yeah that has been that’s been a favorite one too is that he’s gonna go to Phoenix but do it for peanuts let me explain something to you Phoenix is always fun to go to but not not to play there though but what what I’m saying is like why like I love the way people mess with other people money like who would put that out there that LeBron would 40 50 PA do that rich Paul would no no no no no no no there were people that were making the assumption that LeBron would go to Phoenix for the minimum and I’m like why get your hand out that man pocket yeah that’s a thing that people would kick around I mean like look he is a bazillionaire but like it’s not going to happen they’re not going to have him go and play with uh now could there be uh you know would there be like hey for whatever reason they’re sick of the Lakers it would probably have to be like hey KD is getting traded to the Lakers in that case then LeBron is going to go play for the minimum but I don’t know why in that case why even if they say it’s not a package deal if they wanted it to be a package deal why they’re not just gonna make the Lakers take them especially especially if it’s gonna be in the second round is it bad I just want to see Brony James just go to the Wizards just because you want him to be in the saddest place yes I just want to be in the saddest place out why why would you wish that I just think it’s perfect you do stuff like this too you just wish ill will on folks for first of all I haven’t done that with bronnie though like I just want to see it happen I said folks I didn’t say bronnie yeah yeah well with bronnie I think it would be funny if the he take him in the second round no that means I got I gotta clip up that well I I think it’d be great I think it’d be this funny story if like he’s not a package deal but if he’s gonna go for the best place to develop him can I can I can I ask a question fire away times yours has have has seemed to elude all of us can he play We no idea we have no idea his stats his stats were not impressive he’s not even the most impressive guy that’s going to get drafted off that team uh he did have Cardiac Arrest he seems to be a lot shorter than we know uh than than we thought and so yeah that’s why all those questions are out there he wouldn’t be getting a sniff if he wasn’t LeBron son but it’s nothing we haven’t seen in the league before like we’ve seen Brothers get taken by teams uh it does and people do seem to be off this idea of taking him in the first round even even Rich Paul is acknowledging that so you know like it he could not get drafted and the world would go on fire though no he could not get drafted and he could just get signed I mean like that’s one of the thing that’s also happened is sometimes like Michael Jordan son was on Illinois he didn’t even get drafted Patrick y son didn’t even make it to the lead either two an tupos have had jobs like I I understand what you’re saying but like when people say like nepotism or family stuff hasn’t benefited players it has I oh I know Noah eagle look at him anyways I think he’s actually pretty decent though yeah he’s all right I think he’s decent I mean listen every one of those Syracuse I mean it also be a situation of the the Caleb uh the Martin Brothers the one Martin that was not as highly acclaimed as the one is is probably having a more successful career yeah I saw it was kicked around yesterday that he’s gonna make uh like 15 a year Caleb Maybe from OKC that was like the the rumor on Twitter yesterday so it be even more it was a nice heat career Caleb Martin it was nice knowing you that’s how we do you know what we like the sou fall uh the sou fall heat we develop all these players and they go make big money somewhere else yeah but it’s also an attractive thing because like if you are a guy with Talent you don’t feel like you’re getting a fair Shake on the chief skis for a few years you come to the heat you play that role right it’s going to work out for you eventually like you know you talked to Dun stru Gabe Vincent and now Martin bumpy oh bumpy you’re right I forgot about bumpy so rich so rich for those two years where he’s making 20 million you know a mix dog that was one of the craziest interviews ever hey dude we like hey what’s going on you know a mix right yes thank you very much Tyler Tyler Johnson it was good to know that we appreciate that the thing we were all like just shocked by cuz Tyler Johnson was like six foot nothing is like he was just like whoa he like that dude jumped out out of the gym he looked like a dude from Delco missing tooth it was yeah that’s right he had the he had the bad snaggle tooth at one point too hey that was that was definitely something to to worry about um the other thing and this should make Leroy happy as far as draft stuff is concerned ESPN’s latest mock draft has them selecting Zack Edy with the 15th pick overall I love the way everybody made fun of me why you l no no no no no I think your most versatile player on your team is Bam but he spends a majority of his time in the paint and if you had somebody in the paint he could be more say it say it Pascal more versatile I’ve been saying that have I not toin from day one bam is gonna end up being have a similar standpoint and each year he’s grown to that and so like yeah it’s not like to to see him be able to do that you can still get his mismatches he can still back people down but have that ability to play from the outside in instead of inside out I I think it makes this team better we’ll take a quick break you guys get at the show on the chat feed Miami 560 wqam back with more after this e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Applause] [Music] now welome back toin and Leroy here with you 560 wqam talk to John Michaels coming up here in a few minutes we’ll talk to little Trey young with him that uh what dude I want to see what he feels about it you’re sitting here and you’re you’re badgering me I want to see if this is a possib he maybe you know if we sign Trey young I got something to get him to Miami Leroy is holding up his tiny truck you think for the valet like you got he’s got like a clown car oh man so we’ll get to uh we’ll get to him from John Michaels 68 of the fan in Atlanta coming on up but you see this Leroy you know I’m into the fight game right yeah Ryan Garcia is pulling a move Ryan Garcia is pulling a move here so look is he even already become the Antonio Brown of boxing you know what that’s a great comparison Leroy he has really become like the not only not only one of boxing biggest stars but one of their biggest social media trolls and you know like it’s been a big point of contention with a lot of this because people don’t know with him how much of it is a bit how much does the guy really need help what it it seems like we’ve seen with Fighters like they can go off the rails look at Oscar De La Hoya we you know we talked to Oscar about a lot of that stuff that he’s been with um but yesterday he uh he writes on social media mom has cancer I’m being sued my supplements were tainted going through a divorce always getting bleep talked on the internet for years Devon is asking for my victory to be taken away I’m getting hit with everything I still love God he is everything y’all may catch me out but as far as this boxing thing I don’t know there’s so much corruption I’m over it I may do acting or singing I’ll still be training but I’m hurt and done with it and everyone the sad part is I’m a great boxer and I entertain and knock people out and then he goes on to say in another tweet I’m officially retired now he also is coming up with his uh his sanctioning hearing for his these tainted supplements so a lot of people feel like he is going to get hammered with some kind of suspension now again they can’t take the money from him made the money has moved on although there is a he he and Devon Haney have both been upset that they haven’t gotten their full payments apparently from Golden Boy with this fight oh which is ex triller involved too in this as well no triller but this is exactly what what Canelo Alvarez was talking about in the leadup to his fight with Oscar De La Hoya goes Hey where’s my Golovkin money which you know Oscar Deo Deni but that was the the whole rooe of their uh their fight but it does appear like you know I don’t know what to buy with him because I never know what to buy with him anymore uh he he he he Hoodwinked us all knocked Devin Haney to to Oblivion and then tested positive for all these things but he appears to be at least pulling the retire card I don’t give this very much uh chance to to hang for the eny of his 30 25 right yeah he’s very young very young um but do you think that he is just doing this to duck the sanctioning or do you feel like he is actually trying to step away um I think that a lot of this there’s some like it probably all hitting him at one time and he’s just rambling right yes I would say his his Twitter is just and and and that’s kind of where where it goes as a fighter M um but here’s what’s the next tweet gonna be I don’t know when he’s goingon to mention all those things he gon say I got through it and he says now I’m ready yeah now I’m fighting tank Davis again right you see what I’m saying so like he’s so he’s too young he’s got time to correct all this stuff and get his his life and his mind in the right place see part of me wants this to like I want the circus to continue on some level ESP I want it to be a bit I don’t want it to be actual life circumstances for sure yeah you want everything to be okay right and so from that standpoint I’m willing to sit back and not view it as anything until some time has gotten see because the thing is is that it’s not us it’s him putting himself out there like that and that makes it tougher to like you know have a little because if he would have just not done anything not said anything and disappeared for a year or two and said that man I went through some stuff I had to get my mind right right instead of putting it all out here you know we may feel a little different so see there’s part of me there’s part of me that like wants him cuz like these these sanctioning bodies and these these State commissions with boxing and you know a lot of old funy duddies right it’s worse than FIFA it’s they’re really bad and I there’s part of me that like I would love to see like a broadcast of him like on their equivalent of the boxing stand and him just make a mockery of of the entire discipline system because he’s already done it so why doesn’t he just go fully in on this and being like well you know you ever see like one of these crazed you know murderers or alleged murderers who like takes the stand and you’re just like wow this person’s a real yeah TV all the time yeah this person’s taking a a blowtorch to the justice system like that obviously less circumstances but if you do that at a at a sports level commission he’s probably still gonna get suspended so the damage is done so I almost want him to make more of a circus of it I hear here’s what I figure coming out of that meeting you ready you can’t suspend me because I’m retired exactly well that was wait you know these are how these guys think yeah he’s like I beat you to the punch I already he’s like suspend me from what retired he goes no no you’re still like it’s still act like we’re gonna they’re gonna say yeah so that suspension will apply when you come back right like crazy I don’t know yeah that is well how could they do that though like you g only give him time it’s not like we suspend you for four fight it’s like it’s like it’s like football if you retire then when you come back you have to serve that suspension right the Ricky thing like with like Ricky Williams had to had to come back like it doesn’t but this in boxing there’s no games you know like we can’t say we suspend you for seven fights we suspend you for no you gotta go you got to go length and so if you suspend a guy what are you gonna do susp the only guy who got crushed by this that I Remember by a sanctioning body and this was crazy the guy got completely blind Nick Diaz for weed they suspended him for five years basically I remember that that was good times basically ruined his prime for wheat and now we’re I mean like wheed is legal basically everywhere they have sponsors all over the place it was complete garbage that what with what they did to Nick Diaz but unless you do something like that to Ryan Garcia what is the suspension that’s gonna really hurt him a year boxers take years off all the time yeah takes years off all the time he’s also fake retired so I mean how long do you think they’ll give him is this his first yeah this is his first uh first offense first first first first offense goes what a year I guess it usually depends on like what you do like if you did something really serious like loaded your gloves they would give you like you know multiple years but yeah a tainted supplement I it feels like that’s something that would be like six months to a year I don’t think they’re going to give him like three years of of a year that’s what I’m saying you think he’s GNA he gets he gets extra punishment for SAS yes and dude I did three days in jail for SAS and had a legitim in complaint it’s a great counter right like wait a minute the guy before me does week in jail for his fifth DUI and you could give me 10 days for a speeding ticket yeah you’re going very fast BR how fast he was going really fast how fast were you going 130 how fast were you going Ricky Bobby I don’t know I was looking at the I was looking at the RO I told the cop that he said do you know how fast you were going no sir I have on the RO were you in Sport Plus or sport mode how about that so you not only hit SAS mode on the on the pullover but you hit it in the court mayor that was honest like that was an honest answer I don’t know how to play court all I know how to do is play Leroy that’s it did you hit did you hit Triple digits oh yeah talking what what was the car again uh a 300Z turbo Jesus Christ dude let me ask you a you know what you know what I say to people I say to people this first of all we know a whole bunch of 20 to 25 year olds I’m not trusting them with my kids so stop with that right the other thing is go pick your 20 20s something year old neighbor and give him a sports car what is the first thing he’s gonna do see how fast that pu goes what like why am I like keep in mind keep in mind I never had a car in high school right I never heard a car in college that was my first car that I ever owned and never really driven that much right so that was the first car I had as a 22y old I constantly think about like how much drag racing was going on in my old neighborhood to think about how many stupid speed humps there are that they had to deter this with with just just Mounds like that happens in your neighborhood toin it’s my neighborhood too there everyone’s doing donuts and stuff and their Dodge Chargers and stuff Lio has got bad one Lio has got like these Mounds around his neighborhood where you have to go and then you have roundabouts like crazy in your little place and I I’m trying to think of like how much drag racing are they trying to deter and Davey because Bubba has to go fast on his four-wheeler oh no you can his Dodge Challenger anyways that he stole you can still hear him because there’s a straightaway right that Street behind my house right by the park is a straightaway and they’re going after hear it all you here that night right we’ll uh we’ll take a quick break John Michaels from 680 the game in 680 the fan excuse me in Atlanta he joins us next e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] all right welcome back everybody it’s over and Leroy here with you 560 [Music] WQ getting you ready for Stanley Cup final game six tomorrow night but we’ve been having uh some silly time with the NBA as well as we’re getting we having a good time no we not we’re not you guys are I’m not here you phony the guy that you have been making more fun of over the last few years now all of a sudden you open arms don’t be a phony first round exit times Chang dude times changed fraud oh you called a fraud you called a fraud I just called a chang man fraud change man all right let’s go out to the tot of Hollywood guest line shop Huns of tots indoors in one of America’s largest shows at toil of Hollywood on 441 between Hollywood and sherid I figure we get this man’s opinion on this John Michaels mornings uh on 68 with the fan in Atlanta John South Florida guy but of course boots on the ground there in Atlanta so we figured we he’s got the heat tatted up so this a man part of heat Nation but also uh you know probably knows more about what this is going on with this whole Hawks summer going in because it’s a weird summer for them yeah John like they got they got the number one pick out of nowhere they seem to have uh you know this question about who the hell fits next to Trey young anymore so I guess going into before we dive into Trey young to the heat like what do you think is going to happen with Atlanta this summer uh with the Hawks expect mediocrity is what you can expect I mean you you’re talking about a franchise that passed on Chris Paul a franchise that took Sheldon Williams and told everybody hey we’re gonna take him traded away Luca donic although I’m a big Trey young fan so I don’t think that’s as bad as people made it out to be but they Pro the problem is they’ve overpaid uh traded uh for dejon Murray gave up three first round picks for him he’s a solid guy and whatnot but before we dive into this Tobin I gotta ask you you know Leroy former NFL player and I I listen to you guys a lot when I’m driving home because I want to hear my Miami sports talk either you guys are Hawkman and Crowder and I noticed there’s something with the former NFL players I work with Brian fineran who played for the Falcons forever you guys love to just give us radio guys crap and I notice when we come back you you’re calling Tob and phony and everything else to I got your back bro I got you back man he’s NFL guys thank you hold up I would not I will I will not allow this you don’t understand this dude this guy has been on Trey young oh Trey young we made him coffee we made him yo pineapple we did this we did this and now I come to work today and he’s saying hey I’m kind of feeling this Trey young thing no no a plan just like you gotta be open to it I if if you were to say that if you were to say I’m done with um I’m done with him after you have supported him for all the year all these years I understand that but you can’t go the other way what not in sport you can’t be a guy who has made fun of him that Gard gnome uh his hair flaps he’s made so much fun of Trey young over the years and now he greets me this morning with hey how you doing I’m warming up to Trey young that’s I’m no no yeah but this this why happens when you lose four games to one and we got Boston down in Miami celebrating that’s what happened yeah but do you think Trey young is gonna help that 100% he will help no why does everybody think I think I just see Trey young getting caught up in a blender and getting pick and rolled to death with all of these big wings and these big point guards yeah but the difference is the Heat have a bam out bio behind they have a Jimmy Butler who actually wants to play defense he’s been in Atlanta where Clint capella can’t guard me I mean I’m I’m 49 years old with bad Achilles and everything else I think I could jump out jump Clint capella he’s never had anybody to really help him and and I agree Leroy let’s be real the NBA is now all about pick and roll and setting up matchups how about every now and then fight through a screen and stay on the guy that’s to be guarding you and I think for Trey maybe more than the defensive side anything I think he needs somebody to push him I think there needs to be a culture aspect behind his game not to say he’s been entitled in Atlanta because he hasn’t but he has been a little bit you know they made an Eastern Conference Finals back in 2021 and everybody patted him on the back you’re the greatest ever and then the last couple of years they’ve fired multiple coaches they’ve tried to put different pieces around him and there’s been no accountability for him to be better in the one aspect that he’s failed at so that’s where I’m with Tobin I love Trey I don’t want him to leave Atlanta because I think he is somebody here that’s a big draw but if I can get my heat back in the NBA finals and Trey young is the piece let’s do it and let’s do it now I I should have known your feel because Tobin he searches the web that’s not fair for feelings that are similar to his and then they bring you guys on and railroad me that’s not fair dude so he’s like you know what John Michaels loves Trey I’mma get him on right I mean I just felt you were too dismissive about it yesterday that’s why so I figure we get a man who who does love Trey young who has seen Trey young do big things and I H like what is the feeling over there though John like do they feel like this is actually the end of the Trey young era because like it’s it’s silly time right now so everything’s kind of out in The Ether like is there a thought that they’re gonna break up him into jante Murray and ship Murray ship Trey go with the number one pick rebuild like what are the what are the thoughts there of what going to do you know what’s crazy uh the Hawks when I say haphazard organization multiple general managers Landry Fields there the owner Sons involved I think it’s 5050 what they’re going to do one way or the other because truthfully I think if you want a guy to really build around it’s supposed to be Trey young you traded away Luca donic for him he’s a guy that’s a walking 26 and 10 in his sleep on his worst day but the other thought is has it run its course you know you trade away again the three first round picks for dejonte Murray so after this year the Hawks have no picks so they have to try to recruit so the way that you recoup is either trade away your one asset that everybody wants In Trey young maybe trade away Deonte Murray who’s not going to bring you the same Hall in return or you trade away the first overall pick in a draft that normally if you had the first pick everybody’d be clamoring to get these guys but Alex sawar Rish Shay Reed Shepard nobody cares about these dudes I think 5050 whether Trey Young’s going to be there or not and I just think it’s going to be how much of a package can they get in return this is a guy that signed a 5-year $215 million extension so he’s under contract for three more years at 40 plus mil per so you’re gonna have to send back that kind of money to the Hawks and they’re GNA want picks or young players because they need pieces to build around outside of Trey and dejonte and whoever the hell they pick at number one it looks like the Reet kid or the Donovan kingan kid outside of that they don’t really have anybody that anybody cares about can I interest you in the Tyler hero um so for personal reason no no no hear me out so oh no you can’t no you gotta hear me out on this one all right for personal reasons my son is a 15-year-old basketball lover and he loves the heat like I do if you heard me on Hackman and Crowder his Christmas gift we came to Miami to go to a Heat game he had never been to a Heat game in the Heat’s house so me and him flew down went to South Beach did all that stuff his favorite player hanging on the wall he patterns his game after is Tyler herro I cannot have Tyler herro leaving the Miami Heat but I’ve cooked up a better package hear me out on this one oh boy hear me out usually follows with something that all right Duncan Robinson whoever we pick it 15 because you can’t trade the 15th pick until you make back for Trey young can I interest you in that Trey or Terry R because Trey Trey Tre is gonna take take rosier’s spot so that’s where we are there for sure you see what I mean so so I get that man see the only problem I have with all of this is is that I don’t don’t want to get rid of any scoring because like there’s been times that W without Duncan robins and this team would have been done cooked yep and so I don’t want to and and he’s turned it around a little bit on the defensive end but I do realize you got to give up something those three guys how about this I trade those guys you give me Trey young I give you the 15th pick you give me the first pick no because the draft is nothing the draft is not that good so it would sound I I’m like I’m a big Duncan fan simply because his his Evolution from just shooting threes to what he does now if not for him the heat wouldn’t even been in the play in yeah see if I’m there I actually don’t mind the package that Jon throw that I don’t think the Hawks say yes to that like I don’t feel like they’re doing this by getting a a guy who’s a solid player in Terry and Duncan I feel like you got to go for the Youth of getting a Tyler hero if you’re G to do that you know like that’s just the way I would see it going like if he could get that package going yeah you’re talking about maybe the worst defensive back court in the history of basketball but um but man they could shoot oh my God him him him and uh him and Trey with uh with Jimmy bam and I guess you know if you’re keeping yic in that situation yeah that’d be that would be awesome can can the heat really make pull the trigger on that though you know because you know you’re going into that conversation going listen spoke we are gonna suck can you can you wait Pat Riley calls here’s what he call he calls span and says hear me out [Laughter] we’re gonna trade for Trey young right like can you sell that to SPO why couldn’t you because you know what I think SPO cares about winning more than he cares about anything else you know what he reinvented himself after that first year of the the big three and they realized hey offensively we stink and now we’re going to go small ball and it’s going to be pace and space and everything else I think spoke could reinvent himself I think you’d have a harder time selling it on Jimmy for 82 games a year that wait a second now not only do I have to cover up for Tyler herro but I got to cover up for Trey young I think in that scenario Tyler goes to the bench and you bring in a cheaper and I like to say cheaper defensive oriented backcourt mate to go alongside Trey young somebody like Tabo sephilia used to be years ago you know he wasn’t G to score three points but he’d go lock somebody down you bring somebody alongside that during free agency and you tell Tyler hey we’re going to put you back in the six-man roll you go you and haime go do exactly what you need to do there and we try to get things done that way lero to your point though I don’t think the Hawks will accept that I think what they’re looking for honestly if they do move a Trey young is a multitude of first round picks and that’s going to be hard to come by for the heat because they treat first round picks like I treat Taco Bell they just throw them away as fast as they can devour him I mean they’re in and they’re out so I don’t know if you got enough picks to make it happen I think the best thing going for the heat if that were a scenario you’re looking at Trey young is that he doesn’t really have a market around the NBA it seems like for whatever reason he’s been vilified and folks don’t like him makes no sense to me but if that M drives the price point down for a potential heat uh reunion or heat Union I’d go for that in a heartbeat well yeah like so can you speak to that a little bit like what why do you think that is I mean we’ve heard like the John Collins stuff back in the day like they didn’t he didn’t seem to to love playing with him but you know he does average a lot of assists like what’s the deal with that with Trey young like why is that the the knock on him I think he’s maybe pointed as a coach killer I mean you think about it Lloyd Pierce was there um you have obviously the coach that they have now and I’m I’m losing I’m drawing a blank Quin SN yeah Quinn snd you went and hired him but they’ve already gone through three coaches Nate McMillan was there for a little while and I think a lot of it has to do with the effort like you look and go watch back and watch the playin game against Chicago and I know they were getting blown out earlier there’s times that Trey young doesn’t even Cy I mean literally it’s just I’m going to stand there and let an Alex Caruso or whoever Blow by me and I think that’s part of it and you know they’ve had multiple team meetings in Atlanta John Collins spoke to some of that uh where he talked about they weren’t necessarily getting along um and it just doesn’t seem like even though the numbers are great that Trey has made players around him better I don’t want to say they’re empty numbers but if you can go 26 and 10 and nobody around you is better maybe they are think about their only run in the postseason as well the only time they had a run you had Lou Williams who was a 30 something year old vet coming off the bench uh Danilo galinari at 30 some odd years old coming off the bench helping them they had veterans that could really Corral Trey young and that’s why I say some place like Miami would be fantastic because you’d have that I don’t know how true it is that he’s not liked but think about it no Olympic team none they don’t even think about it and he’s been left off the All-Star team a couple of times this year he made it as an alternate but there were times that he’s been left off how do you average 26 and 10 in the NBA and nobody votes you in that’s a telling side it it is it is um I I I don’t like I get what everybody says about Trey you you immediately look at the numbers 26 and 10 but does that that doesn’t tell the whole story in basketball we have this phrase a looter in a riot right and and and so you have to figure out what is the impact and what will be the impact of those numbers with the heat now I’ll say this he would probably be more assist oriented and maybe not score 26 a game but his threat of pulling up from anywhere will have to free some guys up to do what they do inside I can warm up to that I’m just saying on the other side I just see him with a butt in his face going oh no oh no help you know like the whole time because that’s what the league has become now we watch these playoffs and every game what do they talk about oh they just gonna run the pick and roll till they can get on Luca they gonna run the pick and roll till they can get on somebody else how is somebody gon you can’t protect Trey from that unless you run a Zone how much different is that though with Terry roier I mean I love Terry I think I would have liked to seen him healthy in the playoffs right but they seek him out they seek out Tyler herro I mean the the same thing can be said pretty much anywhere Indiana makes it to the Eastern Conference Finals and played about as much defense as we do you know I mean they didn’t care about defense theyig we could run fast let’s run fast the heat were playing in a different decade this year it was awful to watch like dude like it was it was it was putrid offense to watch like they need they literally scored 80 points in three of the games against the Celtics that’s what I’m saying lero like he’s not my plan a like obviously had like spider first or something like that but like if it doesn’t work out yeah I feel like the heat need to Pivot and think all right well what else is out there like what’s the next move if if Donovan Mitchell does stay in Cleveland uh where else could they go I just don’t think you could turn down that offensive like Talent like that if that did become available and there was a reasonable deal like what we’re talking about um I don’t know if Atlanta says the the the Robinson roier and the pick this year and an extra pick but but like if if they did like Tyler even if you had to do something hard like if you had to say like Tyler and he for it I mean I think if you’re the heat you got to talk about it I really do I think that’s something you got to mull over I want to throw man man that young Talent like you you’ve been pretty good with your first round picks yeah for the last few years I don’t want to like I I don’t I’m not willing unless it’s a nice a really good player that I know is GNA be better than that to get rid of either um get e either really yic or or highe HZ right I you know the hardest thing Leroy I and I love trust me last year’s finals run was electric being able to watch that with my son every night and you know when they be when they beat Boston in game seven I got tears in my eyes like I’m a 10-year-old because I as you guys like to say Goosey Goosey Galore everything that was going on there but this year was like watching a root canal gam to that and an awful playin game and a second awful playin game I can’t do it again as much as I love Tyler herro and and I love him he’s one of my favorite players as much as I love haime hakz and the potential of Nico yic if they run it back that is going to be a really hard sell for everybody like you can’t run it back and say hey we picked you know Rob Dillingham at number 15 or Isaiah ker at number 15 and this is what we’re going to be now you got to shake the tree and I think it’s time maybe not whale hunting but you better be looking for a great white somewhere you need something that’s going to shake this thing up that being said who’s in the worst spot right now Atlanta might win a division with making one of the decisions that everybody scratch their head right you sign you give a guaranteed 100 plus million to a guy with an Achilles tear and then draft the quarterback in the first round oh my goodness that the Hawks are in a worse position than the Falcons at least for the first time in seven years the Falcons have some sort of thought that they’re going to make the playoffs I mean they did do some good things Kirk going to be a hell of a lot better than damn Desmond Ritter and Marcus Mariota who we’ve had the last couple of years but I am dumbfound if Finn and I and Joe ham and we’ve got a big old show on in home team all of us came in that that Friday after they took Michael penx and said what in the blue hell just happened y if you would have took him at 27th in the first round cool you took a guy at number eight who is if all goes well will not play a single damn snap in the next three years until he’s 30 right we’re going to have to give him a fifth year option before we’ve ever seen the damn guy play football the hell are we thinking I I I look at and I love Terry font no our GM but I I’m like Rich McKay must must have had his hands and there something happened to take Michael penick’s number eight overall it was nuts John uh we appr we appreciate the time man thanks so much hey before we go let’s go Panthers let’s get this one a damn game seven yes oh uh we’ll take a quick break go follow John Michaels on social media johnmichael youu as he is a big canes fan as well uh but we appreciate John go listen to him also on the A app at 680 the fan in Atlanta appreciate the time John we’ll take a break back after this e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] welcome back everybody welcome back to Leroy let’s get some cat talk here brought To Us by our friends over at Celsius hockey fans don’t set this one out when it’s game time make Celsius a part of your play and get that energy up game day is fueled by Celsius essential energy drinks the official energy drink of your Florida Panthers hey I knew for a fact what’s that you bring somebody in that says hear me out I’m like what I know what he was gonna say I didn’t know what he was gonna say what is this I didn’t know what he was gonna say dude I didn’t know he just reacted to the Trey Young trade yesterday on Twitter I was like hey you want to talk about you love Trey young everybody else thinks he stinks so you know that’s that’s journalism I’m trying to get both sides can I just say what kills an athlete in sports it’s not even their own doing is it trade talk always from Sports Talk radi H like us it’s not that it’s the fact that we are so quick and Talking Heads and television shows and leagues are so quick to ascend these guys to the top of this list or this list or this list that sometimes watching the sport you get tired of hearing that guy’s name and nothing to do with what he has said or done you begin having a dislike for that person because of how they’ve put him up there and Trey young was that when he came out of college yeah Jason Tatum is another example of that well he went to Duke that’s the thing well next you know who’s next on the thing here’s the thing though can I just let me just say something real quick because this has been a very popular thing Jason tanum has not gotten hate he has not gotten hate no no no no no but Jason he has not been put on a pedestal this guy has been the Golden Boy of the of NB of the NBA the League what I’m saying is is that he didn’t put himself there that people have put him there and so you have a dislike for a player because you’re tired of hearing about him or you’re tired of hearing what they say about him right and you start find for example skip Bell is his hate for LeBron was basically because they named him King James coming out of high school Chosen One the chosen one and Skip bis attacked him every chance he got that’s my guy but that’s but that’s how it goes so we sometimes and I don’t know if this the case with Trey but I know that when Trey first came into the league w we got a lot of Trey yep right H not really not where I was at in Northeast we w we weren’t saying anything about Trey young so I’m saying like the guy got to an Eastern Conference Finals even before Luca because there was a lot of a Luca Luca and Trey young debate for sure I don’t remember those debates at all that’s why well you also made up some fake version of the Celtics that I’ve never that is a true thing maybe you should open up your eyes to be honest with you maybe you’re the one who’s a little bit under a rock there Trevor I got to be honest with you maybe you got to tune into to some other things because you haven’t heard of Trey young who’s been one of the most famous stars in the NBA over the last five years and you made up a Celtics fan base contingent no one’s ever heard of because you live under a rock let under a rock you live under a rock you live under a rock under a rock under it sounds like somebody who goes out there and does secret missions for the army green teamers no it’s not you’re a loser you’re a loser open up your eyes took out Bin Laden the green teamers that’s a part of the self he made it wait he made it sound like a group that came in out of the water with with ey black on I was exp jayen Brown to walk off the uh the plane down here in Miami with night vision goggles the green teas it’s but they’re all O’Keefe and Ales that’s like agent O’Keefe yeah what do you got agent o boo hey let’s rub it in Miami’s face a little bit More’s doing maybe you can do it in front of Pat Riley’s front yard too so you can guys wake up for once actually I would like that is if if it leads to good if if this evil infestation leads to good I’ll be all for that whatever I hope I think he though I would imagine he might be on the west coast right can I are you sure you sure maybe he’s in malib your anymore everyone’s still in their houses these days come on toin in your efforts to to get quality players to the Miami Heat and make trades not be so much of a fraud like don’t go back to the guys you’ve trashed for five years I already have a cleansing year I listen I I have my limits like I don’t want to trade for joeel embiid and I don’t want to trade for Paul George like I have my limits Trey Young yes I have made fun of him for what Gabe Vincent did to him I remember him whining like a baby when he was like oh the heat of being too physical and B bam was like he I remember Trey young said after one of the gam ripping him when he’s not gonna get back on defense anyways guarantee Mark the tape right now I’ll do that we’ll see hard to say I have right now if he does not get back on defense you’re gonna rip him immediately look I gotta keep people accountable that is the case like I can’t just ignore yeah but if can I ask you a question if you know these facts beforehand MH why do you get mad when they happen when the person’s here um I don’t understand what example you could use for if you know if if what Trevor is saying is true and you know that he’s gonna be complaining and not getting back on defense then when it actually happens can you be mad sure of course you know it’s coming doesn’t matter you should have got into heat culture you guys think I’m always going to be boxed in this and I’m not let’s be honest let’s listen you need I want you to do something you’re very excited being on the show you got to calm down I’m going see layout takes like Mike felger anyways not but not good ones You’ you’ve you’ve gone up here like I’m gonna be like Mike feler you’ve gone up here like standing against a slider like not a lot of success right now dude hit a slider unlike the Marlins right now anyways well I mean that’s not a very high bar worst team in the league They just won the last two can we do this after they lose five the worst team in the League they won last they’re four and 12 this month yeah they won last two it could be the Oakland A’s they’re going to go to Sacramento then go to Vegas anyways who doesn’t even have a stadium yet um anyway cat talk here we go so there’s a how we feeling how we feeling we’re feeling good I want a game seven I want entertainment for content for all of us Paul mace no Paul Maurice uh says at practice that e blad’s fine he’s just getting a day off so he’s uh he’s just going out there he says nothing he need to be out there for today so nothing to worry about there he is going to keep Oliver Ean Larsson on his top power play line because of the success that he had last game their power play has stunk K what happened to the oil to the Dallas Stars their power play fell off a cliff when they played the Oilers just G tell you that can I can I just say this yeah if I’d rather not have an advantage I get more miserable when they go on an advantage love this idea like you want him to go up there like like like a NFL coach just be like man decline the only thing that’s ever happened with me watching these guys is they give up goals when they have the power play I don’t want a power play this is this are you sure you don’t have a prop that for short-handed goals Leroy there there there may be there may be some point shaving going on by Brandon Montour I don’t know what H what’s happening here but it is it has been infuriating to see for sure um like Bob is probably back there again again yeah as far as those con SM odds right now you have a new favorite in town in town McDavid he’s minus 200 Barky he is plus 300 three to one for barov serg is around 8 to one right now so he’s falling back but some money has come in on kachuck because he’s now down to uh he’s here to plus plus 3,000 you you think a a kach Chuck sneak in there lero with a hattick and a and a clincher could he could no because if he had a hatrick and they win like 3-1 they’ll give it to Bob okay they they could give it to McDavid they they’ give it to a loser player before I don’t like that well tell that to Jean Sebastian and Ron hexel please do you mean the losers yeah they they’ve they’ve both lost I wouldn’t want that trophy can I just say this if I lose if I lose the Stanley Cup I don’t want the little trophy I don’t it’s a good trophy to have it is it is nice Resume Builder but you would that you know how seething it must be like if he goes out there and like legitimately like climbs up this point chart and is like talking maybe alltime record but he loses it’s just like I would be so infuriated by myself like the historic greatness that I brought and I was that close especially if this got to a seven if he got to a seven and you know he’s just he’s knocking on the door Gretzky he’s like guess what dude I’m on top but you still didn’t win the cup that would be that would be one of the the most gut punching feelings I feel like as a he didn’t but here’s the deal here’s the deal Wayne gresy told the story he didn’t win his first time either in fact he lost what he got uh SC to the Islanders yeah he lost four 40 or 4-1 so did he did he end the con Smite that year no no like that’s what I’m talking about Domin it in the 80s come on I’m talking I’m talking Conor McDavid is able to as he puts it drag the cats if he’s able bble to drag the cats back to Sunrise again it gets to a game seven and he’s the reason for it which he probably would be because of how he’s playing right now and he wins the C loses the Stanley Cup I would be it would be great a great honor and historic but like you don’t think he would look at that trophy every day and think to him just be dral dry Dr this has happened to Edmonton before in 2005 six I know you guys were probably watching heat title going down the Oilers came back from yeah I heard them worry he’s he’s he has a better broadcasting career than Paul Pierce anyways let’s be honest it’s not a high bar it’s not a high bar but the Edmonton Oilers did that and they they lost in 731 and they were out of the playoffs from 0607 to 1516 they were spiraling were tank tank tanking all the time I like the idea though of Leroy saying like every time that he looks at the trophy he just goes you know he’s German right I do know that he been dir who dry Dr is German with that lero text me today he goes hey I can’t come to the studio today my uh my neighbor’s in Germany is it because Leroy don’t want to see me was he’s going to choke me out probably no no no it was just because apparently his that had a shirt to give you from my boys at 957 the game who are both big big time Michigan fans anyways oh Michigan fans everywhere they go dude yeah shout out to nagan he he has I hate Ohio State t-shirts I haven’t I have one I’ve been waiting to give it to you anyways he uh he’s like yeah yeah I Gotta Go My neighor in Germany just hit I hit him and a text with on Leroy helps me with my house please and I’m like he’s not German I like the idea of you living next to Sweden or finish how about that it’s all the you ready you ready African all right all right no really like like like wait here’s the worst part Trevor Tobin met them I didn’t know which neighbor it was dude you just black once well gosh get together come on use those context clues did we not learn that in South Florida school wasn’t context he just put Germany I went no like this is this is a conversation at 9 in the morning with toin that like how can before the show even starts I’m so mad at him oh God take a break back after this e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Nar welcome back toin Leroy here with you take you up until two o’clock here got a little goosies no Goosey coming up later on this hour favorite Thursday game and uh we’ll get to it so uh you got your Panthers coming at you uh tomorrow night game six they just wrapped up their short little practice and now can Venture off into the uh the great the great North and hopefully close this puppy out and make keneda very sad but obviously it has been uh it is frustrating being where they’re at right now where they uh they we’re up 3 0 and then uh drop to has only been done four times before Leroy but you’ll get about all that as long as they close this puppy out and raise Lord Stanley and get that going so we have that to uh we have that we’re getting into but Udonis has them we’ve been playing some UD today ud’s been on uh on ESPN Leroy and uh today they were doing bold takes on get up AKA jetup and Allan Han who does work for MSG Nick stuff Nick’s broadcast and and he was uh giving his bold prediction which Udonis hasm did not like because his bold prediction was that Jimmy Butler’s time in Miami is done and would you like to hear how Udonis hasm reacted to this yes I heard it here was uh this morning on get up Udonis hlam reacting to Alan hans’s hot take Jimmy Butler’s days in Miami are over oh I you you heard Pat Riley talk you all right and Pat Riley said something put everybody’s attention about Jimmy Butler I’m worried about you and one other thing there’s more it’s not just that it’s also Daryl m is laying in the weeds and you remember the mistake that the Sixers made Daryl Mory might want to fix that mistake bring Jimmy Butler back to Philly and put together a band that should have been together years ago can’t happen right he can’t let Jimmy Butler go right are you allowed to comment on this I’ve lost track I can’t really comment on that if I had to guess I mean I would have I would I would I don’t want to talk about it I’m I talk about it I leave that I know there are some things you’re not allowed to comment on and I don’t want to get us in trouble for tampering so we’ll leave it but I will be calling Jimmy after the show okay I’m saying man they put they put our guy in an awkward spot they put him in it’s a it’s a terrible it’s a terrible spot right terrible spot to be in but I will say this he handled it well yeah right but you know do you think like if they actually did have a phone call today do you think you know because Bea is said I’m gonna he’s like I’m gonna stay at the Florida state line like I’m not letting Jimmy Butler leave yeah I’m not letting Jimmy Butler leave listen and and and keep in mind you know why I believe him because he went through the the D way thing yeah yep he was there that was oh I love the way people here’s what I love about f fans organizations everybody oh he’s a heat lifer there’s only been one heat lifer and that’s UD 20 years that’s it everybody else well you know the money made you the money made you less of a lifer the uh right am I wait well you’re not wrong no you’re not wrong and everybody that you look up into that Rafters uh every one of them had an awkward ending right every one of them had an awkward ending and some kind of falling out of time with Pat Riley even Chris Bosch wasn’t like happy that the organization wasn’t letting him play he’s like right but I feel fine and they’re like no right it all like every single one of them so it’s a weird it’s a weird it it it’s a it’s a weird thing that we’re so quick to do that like I mean even some of the young guys oh I can see him in he’s a he’s gonna be a heat lifer really because soon as a big name comes up you trade him seeing all these pictures of T so what is a heat lifer what’s a heat lifer yeah UD Arison and Pat and and SPO did Chris Quinn play for anybody else well that’s not because stop lifer is a lifer until he takes the Cav’s job but that’s kind of like graduating it’s not like ah you know right what do you want me to do SPO you weren’t GNA you unless you were going to pull a brad Ste stens and going to the front office I don’t know what you want me to do got to go get my job yeah so I don’t know I’m seeing these photos that are really annoying me of Jason Tatum walking around Miami with the Larry O’Brien Trophy and I’m very confused because like I don’t know what’s real and what’s not real because did I not just see videos of Joe mulli yesterday in Boston with the Larry O’Brien trophy how many Larry O’Brien trophies are there what do they have a stunt Larry O’Brien trophy they have one that travels and then they put one in the one that goes into your the case of the so one of them has a fake no or you’re just telling me there’s legit two trophies uh one is one gets passed around and one gets um and one stays in the you put it I don’t I think that’s how it works I know you get a replica I think the team gets a replica but it’s not like the Stanley Cup I don’t think I’m not sure I don’t know I don’t know but he is walking around this is allegedly going around the internet right now this is him in Miami with the trophy and I mean I I’m just disgusted by this what are you gonna do man hey hey hey are you seeing this down there get Trey Young on the phone no really like you’re so desperate no I’m not like this you no minus one here you you’re willing to sign a tri velocity guy that’s not it could be a great marketing you know put him on the Carnival Cruise you know see what about this have a problem with this if you were a fan of Trey young the whole time why can’t I appreciate something in the no you know who I wasn’t a no no no I’ll tell you what that happened with I’ll tell you who that happened with Kevin Love I wasn’t a big fan of Kevin Love Like nice guy but I wasn’t like I didn’t know the INTC cues remember I used to make fun of that stupid pass that he does but then I got to see it in action I was like you know what that is pretty awesome I’m starting to believe that you have problems with people for and you really shouldn’t I don’t really know you should not have a you should have never had a problem with Kevin L I can’t help the way I feel when I watch sports like I just am what I am wait what did he do to you I he was on the same team as LeBron and Cleveland wait so so let me get this straight and correct me for you had a problem with Kevin Love and you have no idea why oh I know why why because he play with LeBron in Cleveland really that’s really it yeah that’s it I mean if you were associated with LeBron I was hosing you down no matter what it’s the only time I was ever mad at Dwayne Wade in my life I’m like you chose to go there oh but now you’re not mad at D way no more no I love him he’s my favorite come on the best as soon as he came back that year I was like I was I was I was like oh he’s back the vice Jersey it was Delight ful but you know I didn’t appreciate Kevin Love then he came down here appreciate him Kyle Lowry I had to really talk myself into that one still but I see and and correct me if I’m wrong yep I feel like you had to talk yourself into trade young yeah well KY that’s the problem that I don’t want to trade a whole bunch of assets for somebody you got to talk yourself into yeah but here’s the thing I had to talk myself into Kyle Lowry and you know people Kyle is a champion he’s a winner he’s going be a Hall of Famer right but like you know I’d see all these crazy stats like Eric re would mentioned Kyle L is now the eighth most makes from three-point land in his career and I’d be like how’s that possible he shoots three times a game has he been doing this his whole career because how come when he came down here he shot four times a game and he and he had like these incredible landmarks that he would be hitting and and it’ be like this is imp imagine he’d be number one he’d be past def Curry if he shot because I’m the he shooting three times so I had to be like oh what do you love about Kyle L’s game ah the dude takes a mean charge great I need some buckets dude so or I need like or or I need like yic to be like nitzki this year so one of the other I would rather yic be nitzki of course then have Trey young get caught up in the spin cycle eight times a game you don’t feel like that he could unlock some things you can’t you know what I would like him to unlock from Trey young about six inches can they unlock that can they unlock height Jason let me tell you something can they get can they get the Grande instead of the the vente or whatever they call it does anybody little one does anybody recognize these plants because I want this place boycotted whoever served whoever served Jason Tatum dinner today or lunch wherever the hell he is with this fake alleged Larry O Brien they still going at it yeah I think the Parade’s tomorrow so I think they gotta leave he’s probably getting like one more breakfast and then hitting him out it is tomorrow at at 9:00 A.M disgusting I won’t be T in for that driver even if you know act like you don’t know he knows I will know because I I I get to watch NBC Sports Boston because I get to see zic and Bertram complain about everything o anyway take a break back after this e e e e e e e e e e [Music] all right welcome back everybody toin and Leroy here with you 560 wqam take you up until 2 let’s get to the mix bag brought To Us by Broward Health well into your future oh hello Jennifer Jennifer you almost made the last hour yeah there whoa what happened a lot there’s a lot going on I apologize stop Scooby today what happened no I’ve got oh that’s a bird that was my microphone sorry no you know if it was a bird it wouldn’t make a sound around it made a sound that’s why it went I thought it was last breath that was the last breath all right all right we’ll start off the mix bag here Leroy so Miami Heat going into the off season but one guy who apparently has a lot of work to do in the eyes of Udonis hasm is Luca donic he was UD on Luca after stinking up the joint and getting his ass kicked by Boston right now to this point Everything Has Come easily to Luca we see him averaging 30 we see him almost doing a Tri double he’s leading his team in the playoffs in rebounds assists and scoring um he’s the only person to ever do that in the playoffs to lead the whole playoffs and rebounds assist and scoring so we’re witnessing greatness and he’s not in his best shape he has to be challenged nobody has challenged LCA yet off the basketball court working on his championship habits this is where Jason kid comes into play this is where that Championship habit that Jason kid has playing the Olympics these are the things that LCA needs to work on not the basketball things that most 25 year old guys need to go in the gym and lock themselves in the gym LCA needs to lock himself out inside the gym and work on his habits and his skill set oh one could argue that though as soon as they took his beer away he wasn’t playing as good that was a meme all over the internet I mean on once they took his beer away Luca was sad he don’t play as good would it be if he would have took if he would have took that beer put a Muscle Milk in his hand told that to Michael Finley anyways can I just say this like the problem with sports right now right they they they did this they went over this yesterday and and I know I’m look at the age of the guys that finally started winning championships and now we see guys coming into the league that are so good so early that we eliminate some of the steps like we think oh he’s this good he should be there now yeah it’s like what they did like they were ready to make exactly exactly there and and even the great ones have gone through trials and tribulations trying to get there Jordan didn’t win until he was 26 how old was LeBron 26 I think he was 26 right Lucas 25 years old D way was 24 well yeah it happens right I’m not like it but but for the most part does feel like it’s overlooked though a little bit does it not it right but but here’s the problem we Overlook it because how good he is and we exclude the steps we exclude some of the growing up you have to do playing the sport I don’t care how good you are like before age 26 we didn’t call Michael Jordan the greatest you see what I’m saying we called him a really good basketball player with no chip speaking of by the way uh I don’t know what’s going on in this whole Euros right now Leroy the soccer tournament that’s going on but today it was Serbia versus Slovenia and apparently late equalizer for S uh for Serbia against Slovenia you want to know who hit the uh The Equalizer the guy’s name who Luca yovic dude that’s a tandem I want right also I think gor and dragic is there I saw him on his Instagram he had be so pissed cuz that dude takes his soccer seriously oh yeah man isn’t that who got Jimmy into it I don’t know I I think so they used to yeah they like Jimmy had like a I remember the first year in the locker room Jimmy was wearing like a Slovenian National Jersey yeah of uh from their from their soccer club so he might have he might have had a piece of it I’m not sure but you know then Jimmy became friends with Neymar didn’t need Goron anymore so yeah so I get I get everybody want to get on Luca and and and UD is 100% right but you also didn’t see here UD say like he should already be there right he’s like Luca is ahead of in some aspects of his game as far as the actual basketball stuff yeah he’s got to learn how to be a consument pro and all the other stuff taking care of your body getting your body ready and things of that nature uh so another part of the mixed bag Leroy so Tom paliso of NFL Network he was on the Rich Eisen show yesterday and he said that a lot of owners Leroy are starting to Make Some Noise about having a Max contract for quarterbacks because the numbers are getting too out of hand like Joe buo is accounting for 25% of the Bengals cap and that owners are looking at this and saying hey it’s getting too crazy we got to change something here with the quarterback contracts that are going out there uh you feel like this is going to be something that pans out now apparently a lot of owners are also bucking against us because well they’ve already paid their quarterbacks so absolutely not no shot this happens you know you know why because for the same reason why a running back can’t make any money you ain’t saying no oh that guy’s career shorter he should be getting paid more yeah right why you only want to limit one way so no no it is what it is the market is the market ain’t that right T that’s the words and so two is right by the way you know like T didn’t get more wrong after he said that and he saw Trevor Lawrence get the deal that he did who has the shortest career in in football in sports the running back yeah D they be getting paid more because they play less and no owner has stepped up and said you know what we should pay these guys more they don’t play as long has anybody said that or just or you could just help yourself and like not pay Daniel Jones $40 million oh no here as long as there’s franchises there’s GNA be stupid franch there’s gonna be bad decisions stupid things and those are the guys that say we paying them too much no you are paying your guy too much because he ain’t worth it this is why I can’t stand this because this is when like things come out in leagues and then you can’t even understand the rules anymore like this whole second apron thing that the NBA has got to deal with it’s like why do you have put more trap doors to punish teams to to make sure it’s extra bad if you make a bad decision I don’t understand this who let these things get through here’s the great thing about the NBA keep in mind if an owner wants a championship bad enough he don’t give a r to ass about the salary cap cuz Golden State Miami they blew right through that thing when they were on their run I tell you what’s going to be interesting though like if you know you could think giving a Max contract can be a good thing but here’s the thing what happens when you put a Max contract then everybody expects a Max contract and then it’s like one of these don’t yeah and then it’s like oh you gotta max out Justin Fields it’s like what he’s one did we just do CA he’s one of 3 one of sorry give it to me H did you see Lev on Bell ripping uh Justin Fields yesterday why there was some videos of him throwing routes and and le’ on on belb but just basically went woof pretty late on those well I mean like it’s June yeah but it was throwing against nobody it’s still like okay well maybe he got to work on some things like what you you understand you’re filming practice it’s called practice for a reason so you can work on your skill so do you expect every practice to be perfect I love the way we we watched practice these reporters and everybody go to practice and say oh he had a rough one yes so he could get ready for the game Counterpoint though it’s not a reporter it’s a it’s a Steelers great talking about quarterback he should no better isn’t that wouldn’t that be concerning like if you went and said no to woof like I would be concerned you know what you’re seeing no you know why because it’s June he is getting ready for the season I don’t understand like I remember a coach telling me one time in Baltimore I went up there flew up there to see him because he was you know they had just gotten the the staff together and he say oh I want to work you out I’m like it’s March oh don’t worry just want to see where you at I said I’mma tell you where I’m at nowhere so we go out and work out I go through half of it like he working me out like I would in July or June so I stopped like what I’m not embarrassing myself out here with you and so he said you need to be in better shape I not in March it’s March Le’Veon Bella also tweeted out this morning wakeing big duh so that’s the guy you listening to see that’s the guy I can see right anyway them throws are terrible go back to sleep take a nap and then you and then now he got us on he got us on our show and then he goes oh wake and bake do you like you fall anything it’s not wake and bake it’s wake and bake duh oh that’s the reasons why you fell for it no that’s what he put like it’s the most obvious thing that’s how he’s doing he’s going about his day all right all right I’m sorry le’ on he doesn’t accept your uh your football analysis of Justin Fields no it’s dude what I don’t want look I realized there’s nothing to do right now okay to all your people out there I realize there’s nothing to do okay and y’all want any T bit of football information that you can get right but in practice if a guy doesn’t have a good day that’s the point D South says ice to get better d s makes a great point in the spring training game you made fun of Curtis Granderson for stepping on his glove no I didn’t make him for being a bad baseball player I made him I made him look crazy for doing something ridiculous that was ridiculous so so if if if Justin Fields was running running or went to throw and stepped on his shoelace and fell on his face okay I’m all in Granderson playing baseball forever went to catch a ground went to catch a fly ball and stepped on his glove and fell on his face how is that not funny I mean you’re making fun of the I feel like in that case you’re not really making fun of his talent you’re making fun of him he looks he’s looking exactly I’m I’m making fun of the ACT not of the talent but it’s like holy smokes dude when like okay let me ask you a question yep how do players get better waking big duh see what I deal with dude see what I deal with see it this it’s and John Michaels here’s the the amazing thing right he only gets little bits and pieces of your ass you like this all the time and everybody wonder why I’m so mad at Toby I said because y’all only getting a little piece of it take it up with your German neighbor dude again I was mad at him at 9:00 an hour before the show see me out take a break final hour coming up after this got you QA e e e by Bristol Meers e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] welcome back your rasal toin and Leroy here with you five you don’t know nothing about the microphone FEI take you guys up until two streaming live on YouTube and twitch Miami 560 wqm is the channel you guys can get in on the chat there I don’t know if they want to get in on the chat I disagree you’re just you just like you you have been you have gone out of your way to make my Thursday night enjoyable started this morning every Avenue you had had and you brought in people who have your sentiments yep which was like I knew something was up when I heard hear me out what hear me out he said two things that caught me off guard hear me out and I got the gooes like what he’s trying to make himself feel welcome friend of the show now he’s always welcome uh let’s get to our headlines brought to you by the new P for truck Super Center why buy your truck at a car store p we know trucks dude I can’t wait till tomorrow why I’m just like oh you talking about the game yes I need to get this how are you doing tomorrow how you doing tomorrow you doing you uh doing the uh the at the hot tub what are we doing I I’m I’m gonna do the hot tub but here’s the problem F’s brought some some amateur sports Watchers over and they were all watching outside with me and and hearing them complain and talk about the game I had to get out of jacuzzi like these guys don’t know what they talking about they took you out of the comfort of your own jacuzzi no no no plus I was waiting for them to turn around so much I start seeing spots so that was also another reason to get the hell out was like you gota watch out with that and and listen I was in there for a minute I drank all my juice in my in my cooler Friday list you got nothing to do the next day huh you got nothing to do the next day celebrate into the night no no no I got golf what kind of juice are you drinking huh no I’m not no alcohol you scheduled you scheduled golf the day after a Stanley Cup we gotta drink we got we gotta we gotta drink our asses off I golf um what if people every Saturday and Sunday I get up at like 4:30 to golf people are gonna hit the streets of Davey on Horseback with pots and pans no they’re not they listen Nobody Does the pots and P besides the arena well they were going to do it here besides the arena being down the street yeah I don’t think not many people in my area know that they play hockey there dude there’s definitely going to be some people on Horseback going to celebrate this yeah why would you have a hor Navy if you w going to go down Flamingo Flamingo Road with it no P you clang horseshoes dude you know you know you know you live in a different uh we have a regular Park and then we have a horse Park yep yeah and here in Miami they’re getting the pots and pans ready oh yeah for sure people will be spilling out but man I I mean Davey that’s that’s where the part’s gonna be at right at griffs griffs griffs you ever been inside of griffs no why ah what I don’t you know why no I don’t why okay the parade is gonna end at Grand Lux let me tell you something dude if you did do the parade route of the Saw Grass Mall that’s a long ass parade I’m tired walking around the Saw Grass Mall bad Parade route already you got you got you be you you get your steps in if you did that first of all it’s got to go is it I tell you what it probably is gonna end by the uh Sunrise Civic Center because they got like a little you know what I don’t want to even bring this up this is bad mojo we’ve already we’ve already gotten we’ve gone too far Trevor put those fingers away are you against us are you with us what’s going on I want to g seven I want content I want content that’s why he wants chaos you’re lucky I can’t mute you please do why don’t you put a tape on my mouth please what did you say the green machine like no no I think that was that’s a that’s a cartoon back isn’t the green machine the Jets isn’t that what they call no the green machine is the uh the jail and no that’s the people in jail from the that’s North Texas um North Texas yeah sbad oh yeah you guys are called you know who else is in that Scott baula was the Scott of course you need an athlete you got to get Scott bacula that’s what no you get you get Michael Strand he went to North Texas no but wait I’m talking about the green machine from the uh um Adam Salon movie that read the remake with cheeseburger and uh what’s the the the jail movie what they play football Longest Yard Longest Yard that’s the green machine that’s the Mean Machine that’s the mean machine but we’ll take it oh okay close it’s close it’s close fire roll machine uh Mar are off today they’ll be back in Action uh tomorrow they’ve been off for the last month why are we all of a sudden announcing they had the weird afternoon game to close out a series than an off day so you know Mar get to enjoy themselves a little bit today’s travel day right no they’re home they’re hosting uh the Mariners tomorrow all right so they get to are they gonna play it at 610 are they gonna move it uh 710 tomorrow’s first pitch they did that already they did that for game it was a home game for a well no this is a home game too but you know they’re S no I’m saying when the Panthers were home I don’t know how many people I think they were just trying to avoid like hey if anybody wants to tune in to see us we’re here just so if you want a pregame and you don’t want to see Steve Levy for a few minutes you know you guys want you guys want to watch uh bruhan go ahead tune in they actually won that game I know I know bad vibes a lot of people say hey you don’t want this you don’t want the too much uh you don’t want a 305 parlay it’s 954 but anyway uh also story out of uh Clearfield County Pennsylvania police of charged a man for selling moonshine out of his Fire’s out of his father’s tire and repair shop really the wor happen apparently there it is some states it’s not you can’t you can’t sell moonshine and there’s a limit on there people that go to States specifically for moonshine I know Tennessee West Virginia too yeah you ever watch Moon shiners hey if let me tell you something you know a guy making some good shine if he ain’t got no teeth Stephen SCA II is accused of selling wait wait wait say it again Stephen SCA II of hoot sounds like a fake is accused of selling moonshine out of a tire shop to members of the Pennsylvania state police multiple times last year Troopers said on March 10th at 3 p.m. that they arrived at the scap Affordable Tire auto repair shop where they met sk’s father Troopers noticed a complaint as they asked for two caramel apple moonshines sk’s father went to the garage and returned with the quartz uh with the quart jars his father said that he needed to text gave to see how much they cost and told Troopers that he was 50% owner with the son of the Moonshine business why did only the Sun get arrested the Moonshine was taken in as evidence I don’t know maybe the business was under his name wait wait who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa the business if it’s illegal it’s not a CO well the whole yeah but you can’t yeah can’t sell moonshine out of a tire shop I understand you got have a liquor license but how come only the sun got arrested well maybe the father was lying you know oh okay so let me get the father just wanted credit for the the criminal master let me get this straight Not only was he selling the Moonshine but he was unsure of the price of the Moonshine and had to call to be more illegal hold on let me find out do you think he looks like this or like this oh both no no look can I just tell you uh next to to Derek white GOI look like he got model teeth because at least look having a chip tooth but everybody else is in class is okay well having the chip tooth and you got five people in the fifth grade and six people in the sixth grade no we’ll take a quick break and play a little goosies no goosies next e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] n [Music] welcome back Tobin Leroy here with you play little goosies no goosies you guys missed John Michael he joined us earlier in the show we will talk to him little Trey young little Miami Heat with him coming on up well let’s get to our favorite Thursday game a little goosies no goosies so jfig do you have the topics yes I do give us topic number one oh country J fig that’s new yes I do yes I do and I also sh moonshine out of the tire [Laughter] shop that’s a better question you telling me I can’t get no shine in [Music] halah Ghost Rider I don’t think so dude I think they got other things going on there all what do we got jfig well for number one we have saving a [ __ ] from choking you like to see a video sure what all right so buddy is here in the backyard this is a guy from Michigan Leroy and he is uh you can notice there he’s got his hand on that Vermin Let’s uh let’s roll the tape did he helped it I think that he isn’t he is choking though a little bit lower Bill upward motion there you go there you got that God that was terrifi wow Bill saved that raccoon’s life that’s beautiful now he just now the raccoon go go behind and tear up your trash right here right yeah the raccoon’s like I got a hero now wow that raccoon is a friend for life now Leroy is there any shot if you see see a raccoon choking on whatever you’re saving it no wow Leroy wow I mean wait wait wait wait wait first of all they’re nasty well and unlike they do care carry rabies they do carry rabies but it is you’re telling you’re telling me that you would risk all that and who’s to say when you go pet him on the back like that he don’t turn around and get you these are all questions according to TMZ this Michigan man named Bill bosi sprung into action he’s from Burton Michigan hey go blue look at that Leroy we’re in the Michigan hat uh uh he came to the aid of a distressed Critter with some heavy Pats to dislodge a piece of cheese it was eating oh wait he probably fed him the cheese that’s why he had to save him he felt guilt yeah come on bill or his guy with the camera there fed him I got the goosies either way like listen you saved his life Goose sa saved him from something that you wouldn’t had to if you hadn’t fed it to him now who in the hell thought that cheese was something you give to a raccoon it’s not the first thought that comes to my head right this is what this is what they say they don’t claim they were feeding him uh oh he just found cheese in your backyard how do you find cheese in a backyard like that I’ll give you the details is what he says bosi said the raccoon wandered in his backyard after a while his buddies realized he wasn’t going to attack wasn’t a threat they left him him alone to do his thing sniffing around and looking for grub however the raccoon rummaged through their trash and started munching on a chunk of cheese and soon found itself in a bit of a pickle rearing up and making strange noises which the boys came out to investigate only to discover that he needed a hand really you believe he C this intentionally it ain’t like it ain’t like they gave him the H lick he just Pat him on the back well his buddy gave good his his buddy gave good advice you got to go a little bit lower Bill like you know where like say hey but I I feel like I’m patting this thing on his ass but he isn’t he is choking though little bit lower Bill upward motion there you go there it is little bit lower they wait did they save him cuz he’s still wob well it’s a very traumatic thing to the air watch him watch even walking away even walking away you can tell he’s still struggling but the raccoon was did raccoon start shaking stuff off like dogs right like what I never seen raccoon do that right have you have you ever seen raccoon shake like a dog no but I’ve never seen a raccoon choke either yeah on a piece of cheese piece of cheese J you got the goosies I do have the goosies I mean what separates I’m gonna say I’m gonna say I don’t have the goosies for the whole uh raccoon and cheese thing because you probably shouldn’t be uh stealing food your trash Panda but I do have the goosies for somebody extending a hand to a distressed animal I done it absolutely not Trevor you got the gooes gooes no I really don’t I’m impress this no gooes too much too much WoW too much chitchat on that wait but here’s other thing I figured they have to because it would be it would be almost worse to have to move a dead raccoon so you save them so you don’t have to deal with the body dude let me tell you something right now I know you there’s no way you’re saving a Critter’s life and being like well the disposal will be easier because I know immediately you’re thinking about a reach uh reach back and bite from the raccoon yes what if you wore some sort of glove or some protection while you’re jig you ain’t got time to prepare he choking me look let me go find my gloves raccoon I got you be that part be that part you trying to go get equipment and gear and he then you gonna come out there he die he’s goingon to be looking looking right at you she’s trying to em what if you cut him with the Shoe Right whens are down you can’t EMT him you gotta you gotta go with it do you think this opens up the door though because the raccoon now knows he has a safe haven so now he’s gonna go back and be like well even if iight off he’s coming back for returns or do you think he’s traumatized I can’t go back there they got cheese you ever think he’s thinking like that maybe he smells the cheese again and he knows nope let me not do that all right I got you animals are smart really not that one well you know what it was a little trial and error type type situation you know could have been though if like nobody was there to help that could have been curtains for the raccoon right he would have he would have trashed his last Panda like it would have been over but but then here’s the problem it’s not like you do autopsy on him and say oh raccoons can’t eat cheese point out Leroy already killed Ricky that was lero pet squirrel that wasn’t my pet squirrel it’s not my fault that I got a habitat for Animals up in here honestly I was really sad when Ricky passed okay yeah he had a good life he thought that his curtains were a tree he also I kept telling my daughter she brings these animals from outside and then she want to sleep when it’s 70 you can’t do that with outside animals dat sou is the raccoon does the same thing Tobin does on the internet searching for someone who will agree with him yeah you’re accusing me of being an internet raccoon yes like I’m a take trash Panda just rumaging I mean that’s awesome take trash Panda pretty good that’s pretty good oh man give us one more quickly for [ __ ] jfig okay well Michael Chandler is fighting Max Holloway he seems interested on Twitter yeah I saw this he gave a salute to somebody suggesting that he should fight Michael Chandler uh I feel bad for Max Hollow uh for for Michael Chandler because there’s rumors that Conor McGregor is in rehab and then there’s rumors that he’s hurt even though now he’s on the internet partying and Ireland again I would be really frustrated if I was Michael Chandler so if he does fight Max hallay gooes I would like to see that fight great fight yes it sucks because there’s a lot of sports and a lot of things that we are entertained by that the guys that bring us the most entertainment or Knuckleheads right right it’s important but yes and the fight game is like that you got real four or five consument professionals but then the guys that are really bringing the smoke the guys that really bring interest in it you like you can’t get them consistently right the J Jones Jones McGregor right you can’t get him consistently right and so it it’s just unfor same thing in in football you know usually you have a couple of guys who you know show a lot of promise that are awesome you can’t wait to see and then boom like it happens in sports it sucks um I have the gooes because these are two guys that been been consum of professionals and it sucks that because they’ve been reliable that they’re not going to get paid the money that a Conor McGregor would get but yeah I’m I’m still he still get a big money fight if it were to happen if he does it exactly if he does it J you got the gooes you know I most likely will not be watching it so fair enough at least you’re honest Trevor gooes big MMA match up I’m gonna be honest with you I’m out on the fight game all right I I’ve I’ve lost it I it doesn’t have anymore I’ll bring it back walk walk with me you walk with me to the hockey fun get out of the NBA circles come to the hockey circles you have more fun I can’t give it up I’ll just do it with everything buddy but come to the hockey circles you’ll you’ll have more fun we’ll take a break John Michaels of 680 the van in Atlanta will talk a little NBA with him coming up next e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right welcome back everybody it’s open and Leroy here with you 560 [Music] WQ getting you ready for Stanley Cup final game six tomorrow night but we’ve been having uh some silly time with the NBA as well as we’re getting we having a good time no we’re not we’re not you guys are I’m not here you phony the guy that you have been making more fun of over the last few years now all of a sudden you open arms don’t be a pony first round exit times change dude times changed fraud oh you called a fraud you call it a fraud I just call it a change man a fraud change man all right take let’s go out to the to of Hollywood guest line shop Huns of TOS indoors and one of America’s largest shows at to of Hollywood on 441 between Hollywood and sherid I figure we get this man’s opinion on this John Michaels mornings uh on 68 the fan in Atlanta John South Florida guy but of course boots on the ground there in Atlanta so we figured we he’s got the heat tatted up so this a man part of heat Nation but also uh you know probably knows more about what this going on with this whole Hawks summer going in because it’s a weird summer for them yeah John like they got they got the number one pick out of nowhere they seem to have uh you know this question about who the hell fits next to Trey young anymore so I guess going into before we dive into Trey young to the heat like what do you think is going to happen with Atlanta this summer uh with the Hawks expect mediocrity is what you can expect I mean you you’re talking about a franchise that passed on Chris Paul a franchise that took Sheldon Williams and told everybody hey we’re gonna take him traded away Luca donic although I’m a big Trey young fan so I don’t think that’s as bad as people made it out to be but they Pro the problem is they’ve overpaid uh traded uh for dejon Murray gave up three first round picks for him he’s a solid guy and whatnot but before we dive into this Tobin got to ask you you know Leroy former NFL player and I I listen to you guys a lot when I’m driving home because I want to hear my Miami sports talk either you guys or Hawkman and Crowder and I noticed there’s something with the former NFL players I work with Brian fineran who played for the Falcons forever you guys love to just give us radio guys crap and I notice when we come back you you’re calling toin phony and everything else to I got your back bro I got you back man he’s thank you hold on I would not I I will not allow this you don’t understand this dude this guy has been on Trey young oh Trey young we made him coffee we made him yo pineapple we did this we did this and now I come into work today and he’s saying hey I’m kind of feeling this Trey young thing no no a plan a just like you gotta be open to it I if if you were to say that if you were to say I’m done with um I’m done with him after you have supported him for all the years all these years I understand that but you can’t go the other way what not not in sport you can’t be a guy who has made fun of him that garden gnome uh his hair flapped he’s made so much fun of Trey young over the years and now he greets me this morning with hey how you doing I’m warming up to Trey young that’s I’m no no but this this what happens when you lose four games to one and we got Boston down in Miami celebrating that’s what happened yeah but do you think Trey young is gonna help that 100% he will help that why does everybody think I think I just see Trey young getting caught up in a blender and getting pick and rolled to death with all of these big wings and these big point guards yeah but the difference is the Heat have a bamat bio behind they have a Jimmy Butler who actually wants to play defense he’s been in Atlanta where click capella can’t guard me I mean I’m I’m 49 years old with bad Achilles and everything else I think I could jump out jump Clint capella he’s never had anybody to really help him and and I agree Leroy let’s be real the NBA is now all about pick and roll and setting up matchups how about every now and then fight through a screen and stay on the guy that’s to be guarding you and I think for Trey maybe more than the defensive side anything I think he needs somebody to push him I think there needs to be a culture aspect behind his game not to say he’s been entitled in Atlanta because he hasn’t but he has been a little bit you know they made an Eastern Conference Finals back in 2021 and everybody patted him on the back you’re the greatest ever and in the last couple of years they’ve fired multiple coaches they’ve tried to put different pieces around him and there’s been no accountability for him to be better in the one aspect that he’s failed at so that’s where I’m with Tobin I love Trey I don’t want him to leave Atlanta because I think he is somebody here that’s a big draw but if I can get my heat back in the NBA fin and young is the piece let’s do it and let’s do it now I I should have known because Tobin he searches the web that’s not fair for feelings that are similar to his and then they bring you guys on and railroad me that’s not fair dude so he’s like you know what John Michaels loves Trey I’mma get him on right I mean I just felt you were too dismissive about it yesterday that’s why so I figure we get a man who who does love Trey young who has seen Trey young do big things and I H like what is the feeling over there though John like do they feel like this is actually the end of the Trey young era because like it’s it’s silly time right now so everything’s kind of out in The Ether like is there a thought that they’re going to break up him into Jon Murray and ship Murray ship Trey go with the number one pick rebuild like what are what are the thoughts there of what they’re going to do you know what’s crazy uh the Hawks when I say haphazard organization multiple general managers Landry Fields there the owner’s Sons involved I think it’s 5050 what they’re going to do one way or the other because truthfully I think if you want a guy to really build around it’s supposed to be Trey young you traded away Luca donic for him he’s a guy that’s a walking 26 and 10 in his sleep on his worst day but the other thought is has it run its course you know you trade it away again the three first round picks for dejonte Murray so after this year the Hawks have no picks so they have to try to recruit so the way that you recoup is either trade away your one asset that everybody wants In Trey young maybe trade away Deonte Murray who’s not going to bring you the same Hall in return or you trade away the first overall pick in a draft that normally if you had the first pick everybody’d be clamoring to get these guys but Alex sawar reisha Shay Reed Shepard nobody cares about these dudes I think 50 50 whether Trey Young’s going to be there or not and I just think it’s going to be how much of a package can they get in return this is a guy that signed a 5year $215 million extension so he’s under contract for three more years at 40 plus m per so you’re gonna have to send back that kind of money to the Hawks and they’re gonna want picks or young players because they need pieces to build around outside of Trey and dejonte and whoever the hell they pick at number one it looks like the Reet kid or the Donovan kingan kid outside of that they don’t really have anybody that anybody cares about can I interest you in a Tyler hero um so for personal no no no hear me out so oh no you can’t no you got to hear me out on this one all right for personal reasons my son is a 15-year-old basketball lover and he loves the heat like I do if you heard me on Hawkman and Crowder his Christmas gift we came to Miami to go to a Heat game he had never been to a Heat game in the Heat’s house so me and him flew down went to South Beach did all that stuff his favorite player hanging on the wall he patterns his game after is Tyler herro I cannot have Tyler herro leaving the Miami Heat but I’ve cooked up a better package hear me out on this one oh boy hear me out usually follows with Duncan Robinson whoever we pick at 15 because you can’t trade the 15th pick until you make back for Trey young can I interest you in that Trey or Terry R because Tre Tre Tre is gonna take take Rosier spot yeah see if I’m there I actually don’t mind the package that John throw that I don’t think the Hawks say yes to that like I don’t feel like they’re doing this by getting a a guy who’s a solid player in Terry and Duncan I feel like you got to go for the of getting a Tyler hero if you’re going to do that you know like that’s just the way I would see it going like if he could get that package going yeah you’re talking about maybe the worst defensive back court in the history of basketball but um but man they could shoot oh my God him him him and uh him and Trey with uh with Jimmy bam and I guess you know if you’re keeping yic in that situation yeah that’d be that would be awesome can can the heat really make pull the trigger on that though you because you know you’re going into that conversation going listen spoke we are gonna suck can you can you wait Pat Riley calls here’s what he call he calls Spen and says hear me out we’re gonna trade for Trey young right like can you sell that to SPO why couldn’t you because you know what I think SPO cares about winning more than he cares about anything else you know what he reinvented himself after that first year of the the big three and they realized hey offensively we stink and now we’re going to go small ball and it’s going to be pace and space and everything else I think spoke could reinvent himself I think you’d have a harder time selling it on Jimmy for 82 games a year that wait a second now not only do I have to cover up for Tyler herro but I gotta cover up for Trey young I think in that scenario Tyler goes to the bench and you bring in a cheaper and I like to say cheaper defensive oriented backcourt mate to go onside Trey young somebody like Tabo sephilia used to be years ago you know he wasn’t going to score three points but he’d go lock somebody down you bring somebody alongside that during free agency and you tell Tyler hey we’re gonna put you back in the six-man rle you go you and haime go do exactly what you need to do there and we try to get things done that way Leroy to your point though I don’t think the Hawks will accept that I think what they’re looking for honestly if they do move a Trey young is a multitude of first round picks and that’s going to be hard to come by for the heat because they treat first round picks like I treat Taco Bell they just throw him away as fast as they can devour him I mean they’re in and they’re out so I don’t know if you got enough picks to make it happen I think the best thing going for the heat if that were a scenario you’re looking at Trey young is that he doesn’t really have a market around the NBA it seems like for whatever reason he’s been vilified and folks don’t like him makes no sense to me but if that M drives the price point down for a potential heat uh reunion or heat Union I’d go for that in a heartbeat well yeah like so can you speak to that a little bit like what do why do you think that is I mean we’ve heard like the John Collins stuff back in the day like they didn’t he didn’t seem to to love playing with him but you know he does average a lot of assists like what’s the deal with that with Trey young like why is that the the knock on him I think he’s maybe pointed as a coach killer I mean you think about it Lloyd Pierce was there um you have obviously the coach that they have now and I’m I’m loser I’m drawing a blank Quin snd yeah Quinn Snider you went and hired him but they’ve already gone through three coaches Nate McMillan was for a little while and I think a lot of it has to do with the effort like you look and go watch back and watch the playin game against Chicago and I know they were getting blown out earlier there’s times that Trey young doesn’t even try I mean literally it’s just I’m gonna stand there and let an Alex Caruso or whoever Blow by me and I think that’s part of it and you know they’ve had multiple team meetings in Atlanta John Collins spoke to some of that uh where he talked about they weren’t necessarily getting along uh and it just doesn’t seem like even though the numbers are great that Trey has made players around him better I don’t want to say they’re empty numbers but if you can go 26 and 10 and nobody around you is better maybe they are think about their only run in the postseason as well the only time they had a run you had Lou Williams who was a 30-some year old vet coming off the bench uh Danilo galinari at 30 some odd years old coming off the bench helping them they had veterans that could really Corral Trey young and that’s why I say some place like Miami would be fantastic because you’d have that I don’t know how true it is that he’s not liked but think about it no Olympic team none they don’t even think about it and he’s been left off the All-Star team a couple of times this year he made it as an alternate but there were times that he’s been left off how do you average 26 and 10 in the NBA and nobody votes you in that’s a telling side it it is it is um I I I don’t like I get what everybody says about Trey you you immediately look at the numbers 26 and 10 but does that that doesn’t tell the whole story in b basketball we have this phrase a looter in a riot right and and and so you have to figure out what is the impact and what will be the impact of those numbers with the heat now I’ll say this he would probably be more assist oriented and maybe not score 26 a game but his threat of pulling up from anywhere will have to free some guys up to do what they do inside I can warm up to that I’m just saying on the other side I just see him with a butt in his face going oh no oh no help help you know like the whole time because that’s what the league has become now we watch these playoffs and every game what do they talk about oh they just gonna run the pick and rooll till they can get on Luca they gonna run the pck road till they can get on somebody else how is somebody G you can’t protect Trey from that unless you run the own how much different is that though with Terry roier I mean I love Terry I think I would have liked to seen him healthy in the playoffs right but they seek him out they seek out Tyler herro I mean the the same thing can be said pretty much anywhere Indiana makes it to the Eastern Conference Finals and played about as much defense as we do you know I mean they didn’t care about defense they just we could run fast let’s run the heat were playing in a different decade this year it was awful to watch like like it was it was it was putrid offense to watch like they need they literally scored 80 points in three of the games against the Celtics that’s why I’m saying lero like he’s not my plan a like obviously I like spider first or something like that but like if it doesn’t work out yeah I feel like the heat need to Pivot and think all right well what else is out there like what’s the next move if if Donovan Mitchell does stay in Cleveland uh where else could they go I just don’t think you could turn down that offensive like Talent like that if that did become available and there was a reasonable deal like what we’re talking about um I don’t know if Atlanta says the the the Robinson roier and the pick this year and an extra pick but but like if if they did like Tyler let’s even if you had to do something hard like if you had to say like Tyler and haime for it I mean I think if you’re the heat you got to talk about it I really do I think that’s something you gotta mull over I want to throw man man that young Talent like you you’ve been pretty good with your first round picks yeah for the last few years I don’t want to like I I don’t I’m not willing unless it’s a nice a really good player that I know is going to be better than that to get rid of either um get e either yovic or or haime HZ right you know the hardest thing Leroy I and I love trust me last year’s finals run was electric being able to watch that with my son every night and you know when they be when they beat Boston in game seven I got tears in my eyes like I’m a 10-year-old I as you guys like to say goosies Goosey Galore everything that was going on there but this year was like watching a root canal games of that and a awful playin game and a second awful playin game I can’t do it again as much as I love Tyler herro and and I love him he’s one of my favorite players as much as I love haime hakz and the potential of Nico yovic if they run it back that is going to be a really hard sell for everybody like you can’t run it back and say hey we picked you know Rob Dillingham at number 15 or isaah a Coler at number 15 and this is what we’re going to be now you got to shake the tree and I think it’s time maybe not whale hunting but you better be looking for a great white somewhere you need something that’s gonna shake this thing up all that being said who’s in the worst spot right now Atlanta might win a division with making one of the decisions that everybody scratched their head right you sign you give a guaranteed 100 plus million to a guy with an Achilles tear and then draft the quarterback in the first round oh my goodness that the Hawks are in a worse position than the Falcons at least for the first time in seven years the Falcons have some sort of thought that they’re gonna make the playoffs I mean they did do some good things Kirk’s gonna be a hell of a lot better than damn Desmond Ritter and Marcus maroto who we’ve had the last couple of years but I am dumbfounded Finn and I and Joe ham and we’ve got a big old show on in home team all of us came in that that Friday after they took Michael penx and said what in the blue hell just happened yep if you would have took him at 27th in the first round cool you took a guy at number eight who is if all goes well will not play a single damn snap in the next three years until he’s 30 right we’re gonna have to give him a fifth year option before we’ve ever seen the damn guy play football the hell are we thinking I I I look at and I love Terry font no our GM but I I’m like Rich McKay must must have had his hands and there something happened to take Michael penic number eight overall it was nuts John uh we appr we appreciate the time man thanks so much hey before we go let’s go Panthers let’s get this one damn game

00:01:00 – 00:13:10 : Tobin starts off the show trying to use Leroy’s neighbor as a bit. We find out our fill-in producer is a… “green teamer.” While the Florida Panthers get ready to travel to Edmonton for Game 6, Leroy goes on asking hockey questions that Tobin could never answer.
00:20:30 – 00:36:00 : Udonis Haslem is back on our TV screens! Jimmy Butler has a new bit on Instagram called “Wednesday Wisdom,” his first line was “if you say you’re gonna do something…do it.” This brings up the question… could this be directed to Pat Riley?
00:42:35 – 00:51:10 : We find out the results of Trae Young’s Poll during yesterday’s show. Could Be something? Udonis Haslem thinks Donovan Mitchell wants out or he would’ve signed the extension already
00:59:10 – 01:09:52 : The Florida Panthers are practicing this morning and will travel to Edmonton today for Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Final Friday Night. Rich Paul says that LeBron and Bronny are not a package deal but clears up he will not play for the minimum for Phoenix.
01:17:45 – 01:28:30 : Things haven’t gone well for Ryan Garcia who tweets out that he is officially retired.
01:34:30 – 01:54:40 : Tobin perfectly calculates this next guest as John Michaels joins the show from 680 the Fan in Atlanta! They discuss the potential of trading Trae Young to the Miami Heat for… Tyler Herro?
02:02:45 – 02:15:25 : Cat Talk! Things go off the rails when Tobin and Trevor debate what the bleep is a green teamer and to never use the term again.
02:23:00 – 02:33:25 : What’s the definition of a Heat lifer? Tobin is on the search to find the place receiving the Boston Celtics as they party in Miami with the Larry O’Brien Trophy. Trae Young
02:39:15 – 02:51:02 : We get into a Marcos Mix Bag… without Marcos! We continue to hear Miami Heat Legend Udonis Haslem on ESPN’s Get Up going off on Alan Hahn, is UD the voice of reason? Capping QB contracts now?
03:00:20 – 03:09:05 : If the Florida Panthers were to take home the Stanley Cup, where would the parade take place? Where and how will we be watching Game 6? A Moonshiner gets arrested for selling Moonshine out of a tire shop… JFig sees no problem in this.
03:16:05 – 03:27:32 : We play our favorite Thursday game, “Goosies, No Goosies!” Saving a racoon from choking? JFig presents us with a video of the racoon heroes! Michael Chandler fighting Max Holloway?
03:34:15 – 03:53:30 : John Michaels joins the show from 680 the Fan in Atlanta! Does he have the goosies of a Trae Young trade?

Listen/Watch to Tobin and Leroy weekday mornings 10:00AM to 2:00PM
Watch the full show live and on demand on twitch Monday through Friday:


  1. Trae Young for Terry and Duncan Robinson???? HELL YEA!!! MAKE THAT TRADE !! We'll take it!!! Tell Trae to pack his bags 😄

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