@Detroit Pistons



buiness I got to do this [ __ ] Mike fenny man Mike fenny great at his job he he’s been doing it for a while he’s got one of the most popular midday shows in the country cool shut the [ __ ] up about this K Cunningham [ __ ] like you you haven’t watched him play if this is the way you’re going to act he can’t be an all NBA player why the [ __ ] not you you you slob Paulo Paulo van Caro’s knob and then you’re going to say Cade sucks like what the [ __ ] are you doing man he had a better year statistically than Paulo the only reason he wasn’t up there was because of the team being [ __ ] and it’s not his fault that everyone around him can’t play basketball it’s not his fault that his head coach was checked out five games in like don’t put that on him please don’t and saying you’re going to trade Kate Cunningham for Kellin Johnson in three first round picks what are what are you doing so you’re saying Kate Cunningham is equivalent to uh the what Devonte or what’s godamn it can’t Devonte Graham uh Murray oh deante de Murr de Kate is a better player than Deon Murray he would fetch you a higher Bounty than Deonte Murray on the trade market so making that the equivalent exchange because that’s what dejonte Murray went for was three first round picks from the Hawks like stop I understand this is why you do it to get people fired up get people talking and and so you just sit there and yap yap yap and I’m walk in here and all that stuff but like come on man watch it watch watch K Cunningham play basketball and tell me that a guy oh yeah first round pick in this draft be really worth it right you really love to see one of these guys on this team he’d be a better fit than K Cunningham out there like go oh Reed Shepard yeah oh he’d be great you put him out there instead of K Cunningham piss 40 win team easy like what what are we doing here man he’s the only player you have on this team he’s the only core player you have on the Pistons and you want to get rid of him why if what makes me so mad is like the people that they’ll be like how can you hang on to K you just won 14 games blah blah you could tell those guys don’t watch Pistons basketball he’s not the reason we only won 14 games like he is he is the reason we won those games yes it it’s volani seems like one of those guys that checked out after week I mean game three and then just was box score watching and saw we were losing games and saw that and thinks Kate Cunningham is one of the main reasons it’s crazy it it makes me so mad before you talk about the Pistons you have to watch a games especially last year because and I see people on Twitter talking about oh firing Monty Williams that was a crazy thing to do blah blah blah he went to an NBA Finals if you watched the games last year you would know he is the sole reason we lost I would say can I say 70% of those games yeah was Monty williams’ fault I’m here before you talk about the Pistons watch The Games first I know it’s tough but watch the games his def will be going on there oh Gaba you do with nobody watches the Pistons around here blah blah like it’s funny because I am a Pistons fan who likes the Knicks and he is a Knicks fan who has to talk about the Pistons so like it’s opposite ends of the spectrum you don’t watch the Pistons if you think Kate Cunningham is the problem that’s flat out you don’t watch the Pistons if you don’t see the potential of Kate Cunningham and what he can be in this league if you put living breathing NBA players around him not guys like oor Thompson who shoot 10% from three not guys like Jaden Ivy who are only effective when they have the ball in their hand and are going downhill not the corpse of bogon bogdanovich who can’t stop anybody on defense like you need to put around good pieces around him you have to or he’s just going to be out there dying and being the highest efficient uh highest paid player on the team with nobody around him because of guess what you can’t build the team through the draft I talked about this try Weaver the guys he’s drafting are black holes on one side of the ball or the other K Cunningham is the only complete player you have on this roster it’s it’s [ __ ] to be like oh yeah let’s just trade him who are you building the team around then you’re burning it down and starting over no you have the piece to build around so build around him don’t keep giving him trash and then blaming him for it that’s when the conversation becomes [ __ ] stupid in my opinion cuz when you talking about Kelly Johnson and and then the three first round picks brother you know how long it took to get a k CM here like like this this I guarantee the same guy that’s hitting the r Airwaves and telling you that no you’re not going to get a top tier for agent because you’re Detroit and you suck and like the money’s not going to bring them here it’s the same guy saying that [ __ ] so if you Gaba guy like Gaba guy sounds like you said the Gaba G you finally got a Kade cunning him which know you you were talking about trade up two Once Upon a Time I’m hold you to that but when you finally get your K [ __ ] him you don’t [ __ ] give him away for three first round picks on top of the fact you watch this franchise get [ __ ] in the draft three over the past couple years too it makes zero sense to do and as you said too it’s simply just watching the game you know K cutting was a first round pick for a reason a number one overall pick for a reason undoubtedly the number one overall pick for a reason I never gave Troy raver credit for drafting K cym because anybody with a [ __ ] two brain cells of rubbed together would have drafted Kate Cunningham there’s no you don’t get credit for that one it’s not like this year’s draft class where you don’t know what the number one overall pick is because it’s kind of a shuffle of guys K Cunningham is is one of those guys he can be he could be all NBA K Cunningham would be not even close the number one pick in this draft not even no that’s not even a discussion that’s not even a disc Jaylen green might be the number one put he might have been number one overall this 1% France Vagner would Jaden Ivy would probably be the number one pick in this draft no it’s the reason why we had obviously the mon just got fired we talk about who do you want us coach who you want us coach I don’t give a [ __ ] who’s coach I I told you guys this I said every single day practically the players is what matters and you have 1K CUNY him they’re going to sign him they’re going to pay him the 56 million or whatever the hell it may end up being but you build around that from then on you don’t just go and grab three random first round picks where you don’t know where they’re going to be on top of the fact that if they are from a [ __ ] team and it’s in a lottery you still don’t know where the [ __ ] they’re going to be it it just doesn’t make any sense to do that and Kellin Johnson to put his name in the same conversation honestly just like worth the hawk Tua yeah you want to you want to talk about inefficiency look at Kellin Johnson this is from a kin Johnson fantasy owner this dude goes one for 17 like several times throughout the season he’s ridicul he’s ridiculously inefficient I like the I like the tools that he flashes but he’s never consistent but the Cade point you guys nailed it you know Spencer started easy that’s exactly where I wanted to go with it is the ultimatum of trading Kate like I’m sorry but how can you watch this front office this regime this ownership and for years for years watch the moves that they made and put your faith in that over Kate Cunningham because that’s what you’re doing if you trade Kate C you’re putting faith in the front office I’d rather put Faith in K cam K cam to me has shown in the last 15 years worth more more than a damn anything else that this Pistons organization has had on the court off the court in ownership there’s nothing that’s been more valuable that’s been worth more investment than Kade kingham so you do not trade K coam I get that your assets might not look the way you want them to look and and it may be hard to build a contender around Cade given what you have right now but the ultimatum is trading it and tanking when you year after year get absolutely hosed by the lottery you have you have no reason to trade K cam when he is this important to the franchise he’s the only known in the entire franchise Kate Cunningham is the only known in the Pistons franchise right now you know who he is you know what he is you know the level of player he is you don’t know anything else about the younger players you know about a head coach you don’t even have a [ __ ] head coach yet you don’t have a GM yet you don’t know about your president basketball Ops you hope he’s going to be good it looks like he’s going to be good but the only known in the entire Pistons franchise is that the telm are going to do something stupid and that Kate Cunningham is a very good basketball player Tom Gorge going pay a lot of money for that stupid decision as well yeah uh DNC says he understands what V is saying 100% uh he says we have no assets no war chest to build a team but trading Cade isn’t yeah no we have assets you’re DC brother you’re guy you’re the one that believes in Jaden Ivy is that not an asset that is an asset that’s an asset you have the number five overall pick in this year’s class is that not an asset that is an asset sorry Nick go ahead fellas if you trade Kate Cunningham you’re not winning that trade no matter what I don’t care if you get three or 10 first round draft picks you’re not winning that trade because you have the best player in that trade that you’re giving up I know he’s had a lot of crazy stats in his lifetime I think this one might be the best Cunningham became the sixth fastest player in NBA history to record two 2,500 career points and 800 assist along with Oscar Robinson Allan Iverson Luca dant Trey young and LeBron James oh yeah that guy can’t make all NBA right is that what we’re talking about this guy can be a leader on a championship team he has never been helped out at all by this organization think about the moment that we won that Lottery and we knew we were getting Kate Cunningham boys like think about that like he is that player still he just has not been helped the right way Kade Cunningham is Detroit basketball and he’s going to be the big reason why this team gets back to relevancy you cannot trade Kade Cunningham shout out to marked world in wber sports chat he says all everyone was saying during the Weaver was Dream Weaver and when we got iy and Duren saying he stole Duren everyone was happy Ivy f a five I was never happy with Ivy I I’ve I’ve battled waves of Pistons fans on that one for the longest relentlessly Chris and I finally put down swords on that one I was never happy to I pick Duren was a steel I still feel that way Duren is a steal for sure Duren still a steel I wanted shad and sharp but I wasn’t Shar would have been a dog yeah know those two and I’m down open of lines you guys want to trade Kate if you have like I just I’m not I’m not sold on it if you have a if you have a a Godfather offer maybe but in those situations bro just history of my lifetime and somebody correct me if I’m wrong I’ve never seen a and I guess he’s not a superstar yet because you haven’t games I obviously Superstar potential I think we all agree to that one I’ve never seen that trade work in the favor of the team that dealt the Superstar not in Anthony Davis trade not in the carelo Anthony trade not in what what one Paul GE the Paul George OKC that ended up being a that but it wasn’t just Paul George that they mov they also moved uh Russell Westbrook they also had picks from Kevin Durant they also Chris Paul like it wasn’t we don’t have that luxury of trading away seven Superstar to get 40 picks it would be one guy the only guy you have that’s not the same thing I agree but but hear me out just look at that trade in a vacuum forget the other trades that was still an epic win for OKC you trade Paul George you get SGA who ends up being the guy and is now far better than Paul George and on top of that you get the multiple picks like that is so basically in venty scenario Kellin Johnson would have to become sgaa for the Pistons to win that trade that ain’t it and [ __ ] and that [ __ ] just ain’t happening because like EAS was pointing out this is that’s the only scenario you can point out where a star was traded and the other team and the other team won maybe you can do like the even swap of sabonis and hton I guess if you want to like consider sabonis a star but it’s very few and far between 99% of the time when you are trading the star you don’t win the trade never you just buy yourself time to rebuild that’s all you that’s all you do and like what you said I trust more about what Kade Cunningham that can do on the court than this team or this franchise burning it all down and restarting yeah I think a big thing too is we’ve seen it in the like uh National media as well they just want Kade out of Detroit I swear that’s the vibe I get they just want to see him paired with another Superstar they just want to see him play anywhere else besides the Pistons and I think Valen feels the same fing way I can’t stand for it yeah Lenny wants him on Boston he was saying trade him for Derek white yeah which what the like come on he said dere white was better than him yeah he’s a [ __ ] idiot like that’s just stupid I’ll throw another one in there qu L Toronto but that also the Warriors are healthy there’s no Championship there there was no not even close to winning that series if the warriors were Health that’s opposite you aren’t you saying like the team that traded the superst yeah you’re right apologize apologize yeah Iris in Denver I just want to make sure I was yeah you’re right 100% right yeah no I [ __ ] up than that one no yeah L Toronto Spurs three times he got traded Chris Wall the Clippers how’d that work out yeah Trace McGrady to Houston Dwight Howard to Lakers goes on and on and ony Chris Paul’s the Lakers Kyrie multiple times Durant multiple times yeah Kevin Durant to Boston Shaquille Neil to Miami like it’s to the point where you outside of again the Shay one which is a good one to bring up I guess you couldn’t even tell me the other side of these trades yeah like that’s if they were worth the damn you would have remembered the other side of it it just doesn’t work out that way it’s not the NBA is about players no you need if you have a great player you keep that great player and you build around them Kyrie to Boston yeah like you want to see you want to see a really bad team you get K Cunningham off of this roster they’re winning six games yeah what the [ __ ] are we talking about [Music]

Spencer Raxter, EZ and the rest of the Heavyweights get heated over the idea that people/fans would want the Detroit Pistons to trade their star player, Cade Cunningham, would the new Pistons leadership do this? Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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  1. Mike is 100% correct. Trade cade and build around Jaden Ivey. Your holding onto a player that wont win in Detroit just like Matt Stafford. Thankfully Stafford requested a trade and we got Goff….the guy that got the lions further than anybody in 35yrs

  2. I'm pretty sure they will never trade Cade away. If you're a true Detroit Pistons fan. You will retire being a fan if Cade gets traded

  3. You have to trade either cade or ivey. They can't play together. I don't care which. Just get something back instead of wasting talent on the bench.

  4. If we have to trade anyone it’s gotta be Duren which kills me to say. Cade and Ivey will figure it out but the Pistons need a Big that can shoot.

  5. Trade Cade… Stop being a Piston's slappie.. Cade is limited Physically.. 3rd yr, his handle is still limited. Cade Jumper is limited AND Cade is injury prone!!! NON-EXPLOSIVE PLAYER..

  6. Thank you guys so much for calling that fool out…

    So, trade Cade for young players and/ or picks, that you hope will end up being as good as Cade…

    It's the dumbest fucking shit I've ever heard. And he needs to be called out on it.

  7. As someone who lived through the Grant Hill days, give it time. He may get over these fluke injuries and be a solid player.

  8. Bro you crazy.

    Cade is not better that DJ Murray. You a clear homer.

    Cade isnt the issue though. Cade can turn into DJ or be better over time, but right now DJ is a better player.

    I am glad you see Ausar as a black hole. Pistons fans things hes a future All Star.

  9. Mike is better than anyone on this network now that Adham and Jeff were forced out. When your this bad, all options need to be considered.

  10. It's a lot easier to be a great player on a bad team than a good player on a great team. Cade isn't a top 20 player in the league, plus he's injury prone.

  11. I just love this passion against Valenti. Valenti does this tough guy tell them how it is style. Nice to see him get that back.

  12. I think the most picks a team can send is 3… can’t trade it 2 years in a row, and can’t trade it more than 6 years out

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