@Toronto Raptors

Could Pacome Dadiet, Bobi Klintman or Johnny Furphy be fits for the Toronto Raptors on Draft night?

Could Pacome Dadiet, Bobi Klintman or Johnny Furphy be fits for the Toronto Raptors on Draft night?

on your Thursday episode of lock on Raptors can Pome daier Bobby Clinton or Johnny Fury overcome their extremely bust worthy names we’ll get into all that on today’s show as we dig into three more potential Wing targets for the Raptors thanks for hanging you are locked on Raptors your daily Toronto Raptors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey what’s going on and welcome to another episode of Locked on Raptors part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day it is Thursday June the 20th and I’m your host sea Woodley I’ve been covering the Toronto Raptors now for 10 seasons on various platforms you go find all my work over on the website that don’t work so good at Woodley Sean you can find the show on Instagram at lockon Raptors and of course you can join us in the lockon Raptor Discord server baby the link is in the description of the podcast it’s free to join and it’s a great place to come out among friends people just like you who love the Raptors who like the podcast who want to talk about the podcast who want to talk about the Raptors in the draft and all that stuff come hang out we would love to see you there and become part of our growing listener community over on the Discord of course you can find the show for free wh get your podcast follow subscribe rate review tell a friend all that good stuff it’s always appreciated when you support the show however it is you choose to support the show uh and you can also find us on YouTube as well if that’s your preference you can go to the lockdown Raptors YouTube channel hit the subscribe subcribe button then next to that you can hit the notification Bell button and that will give you a push notification every single time the show is about to Premiere or go live so you never miss a second of that locked on Raptors action hot off the presses or whatever the video version of a press is uh either way thanks for being here Today’s Show is brought to you by game time down the game time app create an account use the code locked in NBA for 20 bucks off your first purchase terms apply all right let’s get rolling on today’s show we are talking about three of the potential Toronto Raptors Wing targets that uh We’ve yet to cover here on the show we’ve covered basically all of them and I will have to admit the guys we’re going to talk about today I have been reticent to buy into reticent to really give much consider much consideration to simply because they have bust names if you are in the lock on Raptors Discord you’re familiar with the concept of bust names um look sometimes you can look at all the film you want but sometimes a guy’s name is just Johnny Fury and it makes you question whether or not that person can be a super successful top 1% of 1% NBA basketball player but hey there’s some interesting stuff with Johnny Fury as there is with Bobby Clinton and Pome daier the three Wings we’re going to talk about today uh look sometimes if you’re skilled enough you got all the tools in the world you can overcome having a bust name we’ve seen it done before uh you know I would argue Grady dick I I think is overcome being a clear guy with an obvious bust name good stuff there we’ll talk about grd Dick a little bit later on as well as we talk about his Kansas pal Johnny Fury but I want to start off with Pome daier the 6 fo9 Wing out of France currently playing for ratio Farm M which is a very fun German team name in the German league ratio Farm sounds like uh me when I post about how the Raptors should have just paid Pascal SE yakum the money the Pacers got him yesterday paid him yesterday but I digress um look pacom darier let’s kind of get into the tale of the tape on him here a fascinating player who’s kind of risen up draft boards as I think just sort of the interminable draft period has continued on and you know you find your favorites overseas guys who maybe there’s a little bit less tape on a little less known about but as you dig further into the tape you dig further into the stats and The Scouting and what people are saying about him you know the sort of reputation Rises and the projected draft slot Rises and that’s very much the case with Pome daier who I think at this point I’d be surprised based on everything you hear everything that’s written about him all the videos You’ll watch etc etc would be pretty surprised if daier doesn’t end up being drafted in the first say 40 picks on draft night and it’s pretty obvious to see why right he’s a six foot n Wing who can shoot threes and has some self-creation upside those types of players get drafted it’s just the the toughest thing to find is playable functional NBA Wings who help elongate your lineups who help tile your lineups together the Raptors are in dire need of these types of players having just traded Pascal SE yakuman OG anobi and to a lesser extent precious atua who I think elongated those lineups defensively at least less so on offense and Pome darier of all the guys in this draft might have the most sort of untapped upside of these Wing types because the Dude is 18 years old he won’t turn 19 until just before the new season begins one of I think the four youngest prospects in the draft I think that’s where he lines up uh super young and checks a lot of you know hypothetical boxes if some of the sort of things he’s shown that he has a knack for end up projecting to the NBA um look I think he is an interesting Prospect because a lot of the times when you’re talking about sort of swinging on a young player um a lot of it is just sort of okay you’re doing this for the upside right think about Bruno kaboko oh you took that guy the hope there is oh he has like a once in a generation developmental curve and becomes a star player for you obviously that one didn’t work uh Messi still chasing that Giannis tacumbo Dragon 10 years later I don’t think pomier necessarily fits the bill athletically that a Bruno kaboko does he’s only got a six foot n wingspan he’s like six7 in three quarters in shoes based on the combine so he’s not some ridiculous athletic specimen and I do think that’s probably what keeps him little lower on my own personal board as I’m not sold on Pome daier as like a super high level athlete but again everything I’m going to say in the next five minutes talking about him has to be run through the caveat of he’s 18 years old 18 year olds get stronger they get bigger they get more sort of in tune with how to operate within massive NBA sized bodies and they learn things they pick stuff up as they go along and everything you read or hear about picom is that he is a worker he’s a dude who’s coachable he’s a guy who’s going to fit into a system take instruction and you know there seems to be a Pathway to steady Improvement for him you know it’s it’s tough to go off of what he’s done in Germany this past season because he just didn’t play a whole lot of basketball right uh you know of in 2023 24 in terms of all competitions playing for M 18 total games played 6.4 points uh 1.6 boards a third of an assist just like super low production on just 15 minutes a game um you know point6 steals 02 blocks the numbers just are not going to go off a and sort of you know ring any bells for you it’s all based on watching what he does on a floor that you’re kind of you painting the picture of what he could be one day out of right um you know I think some of the stuff is very intriguing that you see in small samples I think for him um you know the sort of touch he has as like a potential mid-range shooter a guy can get to his own shot and pull up pretty interesting super tiny volume but he shot better than 50% on pullup mid-rangers at in Germany this past season and he’s got like a super high release point there does seem to be something there with Pome daier as a guy who could one day grow into self- creation and this is sort of kind of going back to the original point I was trying to make was when you look at a guy like Bruno kaboko that was like all upside right I do feel like there’s at least a projectable floor for daier that’s interesting of like just like a decent 3 and D connective type of wing maybe not a guy who’s going to be a star but that star potential can creep in when it comes to the self-creation stuff that he’s flashed here and there you know I’d probably buy a little bit less into it than some people seem to really be keen on him one day growing into being some sort of on ball scorer I think he probably ends up being more of just sort of like a connective Wing type but at 19 or 31 if you can get yourself a playable connective Wing that’s a good outcome for either of those picks um although I think I’d prefer to maybe see them swing at 31 as opposed to 19 just because of the number of guys who figure to be on the board at 19 and the different position positions they could address as well um you know big man for me I think I’m coming around on the idea of just going for a big at 19 as opposed to a wing as much as I’ve been banging the drum for wings this entire off season just looking at the way mock draft boards are kind of shaping out it does feel like 19’s going to be the spot to get one of those High highly prized bigs in this draft your khil Wes your Eve Mei your kylo filipowski your Zach edies whoever your your personal preference is doesn’t seem like those guys are going to still be around I forgot about the Ron Holmes my favorite the Ron Holmes doesn’t seem like any of those guys are going to be there at 31 and so maybe you take the shot at 19 on a big and your D’s your Bobby clintons your all the other Wings we’ve talked about you pick whoever is still there at 31 just based on math someone you like should still be there based on the the sort of broadness of this talent pool um when it comes to D the reason I’m not super keen on him having like super high upside as a Creator but again he’s 18 years old so who knows I’m talking into my butt here a little bit um he doesn’t really seem to have much passing touch to him um and I do think that’s got to be the thing that you bring to the table more even so than uh you know getting to your own shot like look lots of guys can get to their own shot but not playmake at all and that’s not my personal preference of player archetype or anything like that we’ve seen Gary Trent Jr play basketball he can get to his own shot from the mid-range he doesn’t really get to the rim that’s a thing picom D also struggles with unless it’s in transition um and so that’s should be considered as well and you also have to consider he’s doing it against the German league and competition that’s not super duper high this isn’t Luca donic owning the Spanish league or winning Euro League MVP at 18 years old it’s a very different um sort of starting point for Pome here and so um while I like some of the stuff he brings the three-point shooting things that looks like it’s going to be pretty good all told um he looks like he’s again like a coachable smart basketball player nice cutter nice transition finisher I think the creation upside for me Falls a little flat as far as projecting it because his passing just doesn’t feel like it’s there but again very little in terms of tapee to go off of so that could totally change one way or another doer feels like a guy who gets like a full year in the g-league um with some extra ball Ballin hand reps and things like that to really sort of you know hone okay this is what he’s good at this is what he’s not and that almost would set up his development trajectory from there getting a full season of information with the 905 to then put him on whatever track they think is best to get him to where he’s going to eventually be um that’s kind of my read on daier I’m not super ke on him overall as like a guy at 19 I would be totally fine if he was the pick at 31 um but I’m just a bigger believer in a lot of the guys who figure to be there at 19 whether you’re talking Wing or big um and I do think the athleticism again it’s tough with 18y olds right 18- year olds grow they they get more comfortable in their bodies etc etc but I don’t think physically he profiles as like a defensive Ace Wing um and without that with the the long with arms not being longer than 69ine all that stuff I kind of think I would rather go towards guys who maybe have higher defensive potential a couple of whom we’re going to talk about coming up later on in the show but that’s the read on daier let me know what you think about daier I think a pretty um sort of consensus sleeper interesting prospect that a lot of people like I think I may be a little bit less high on him than the consensus seems to be but again I’m going through off of like watching 25 minutes of tape of him playing in France and so I could be totally wrong and that’s fine you’re wrong in 18y olds all the time that’s what the draft is all about we’ll come back on the other side we’re get into Bobby Clinton uh a guy who I think a lot of raptors fans have kind of keed in on as a potential guy for the Raptors a Target some of who Sam Vini at the athletic had the Raptors taking at 31 in his latest mock draft we’ll get into that talk about Bobby Clinton uh another bust name who is trying to overcome that burden with his set of pretty interesting tools we’ll do that coming up in just one sec Today’s Show is brought to you by our friends over at game time the single best play to buy tickets for the sporting events you want to go to it’s that simple and look it’s summertime maybe you want to go Tak in a baseball game the Blue Jays are hot garbage and they make me sad but go into a game still tough to beat in the summertime you go sit down eat some hot dogs you talk with friends it’s lovely don’t even have to watch the Blue Jays and game time can help you get in the door for cheap you can buy last minute tickets and get up to 60% off buying tickets just before the beginning of your sports 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on with Bobby Clinton before we get to Bobby Clinton and all that makes him an interesting player uh just a heads up lock on sports today 2 47 is your all day streaming Channel go check it out wherever you get your podcasts uh sorry not wherever you get your podcast it’s on YouTube darn it go subscribe to the YouTube channel put it on all day just let to run in the background instead of listening to Stephen A Smith have really bad WNBA takes Listen to Locked on women’s basketball running on that channel all the time look listen to all of our stuff covering the NBA draft the Stanley Cup Final big trades in the NBA and NHL it’s all there for you over on locked on sports today 247 all right let’s continue on here Bobby Clint the 21-year-old 6 foot1 Wing who Raptors fans saw play against them in the preseason this year with the Karen typin of the Australian NBL a guy who played a year at College last season at Wake Forest flirted with being in last year’s draft decided to pull himself out and went to Australia to play a pathway a lot of guys have actually taken in recent years and he performed capably I guess is the you know wasn’t sexy by any means he wasn’t like it’s a routine case with a lot of these guys who go over and play in Australia like they’re not playing Super Duper heavy minutes Alex SAR the projected potential number one pick in this draft another guy who played over there and just didn’t get like crazy heavy run uh 23 games played for kirens this past season for Bobby Clinton uh played 21.3 minutes a game averaged 9.7 points 4.8 boards just under an assist about 1.3 stocks per game so steals plus blocks shot 36% from three 44% overall his season at Wake Forest he didn’t play a whole lot either only started five games played 20 minutes a game shot 37% from three on 2.3 attempts pretty low counting stats across the board um you know a very speculative player is Bobby Clinton I think and truth be told not someone I’m super duper high on I think a lot of raptors fans are a little higher on him than I am um you know there’s some stuff to like here he’s 6’1 and he moves well right like that is a pretty nice starting point the shooting looks like it’s going to probably be around average you know 36 37% both in college and with the Ken typin this past year and so you know that feels like at the very least as just like a a standard catch and shoot guy he feels like he’s not going to get run off the floor because he’s it’s Brick City no like he’s gonna be a fine three-point shooter I think he’s a nice mover again like I said nice transition player I think you know anyone I think this applies for picom d as well anyone who figures to be a good runner of the floor who can fill Lanes that’s someone who fits beautifully with Scotty Barnes who we know is one of the single best transition orchestrators in all of basketball the Raptors this past season were number one in transition frequency number two in transition efficiency and Scotty Barnes is a huge reason for that it’s an it’s like a an outlier skill and if the Raptors want to go forward and really build things around transition in Scotty Barn’s ability to conduct in the open floor getting guys who can fill lanes and finish on the Run Not a Bad Thing Bobby Clinton would certainly fit there and I do think Bobby Clinton overall his offensive profile would fit quite nicely with what the Raptors are trying to do on that end of the floor uh his passing there’s some nice little flashes of nice connective passing for him he can put the ball in the deck a little bit he’s not like an incredible Blow by guy or anything like that but against the Tilted defense I think there’s stuff he can do uh and that’s really what the Raptor offense is about right it’s getting the ball making a quick decision and being able to do something with the ball whether it’s putting on the deck and kicking whether it’s uh you know just making the next read in the sequence whatever it is it seems like Bobby Clem’s going to be able to do that and fit into a system he’s not going to go Commander possessions trying to go play herob ball and create from a standstill know he feels very much like a guy who can be a piece and a part of a moving sort of connected offensive system which I think is a great thing he’s a nice cutter and all of that um the shooting at The Rim bit of a red flag for a guy who’s 6’10 super low volume very small sample but against the competition that is the Australian league and not you know the NCAA or whatever shot 57 and a half perc at The Rim as a 6 foot1 guy this past season I think that’s worth noting at least you know obviously in the NBA more space wider driving lanes and guys like Scotty Barnes Emanuel quickley RJ Barrett drawing attention away from defenses to kind of free up clitman a little bit more maybe there’s some improvement to be had just based on the context at The Rim but that’s like a pretty concerning number you know the same way that um last year a guy I really loved in the draft was Kobe buffkin who shot like 30 or 73% at The Rim as like a small guard um you know guys who can score at The Rim usually a pretty good indicator for me guys who can’t score at The Rim at 6 foot1 like that’s a little troubling I don’t care what level of play you’re at but again you know playing as a guy who’s finishing off plays cutting getting very easy looks at The Rim I think there’s probably uh some uptick to be had there for Clinton as well um defensively I think he’s like a if you’re gonna compare him to Pome daier I would much rather bet on Bobby Clinton’s defense than daier I think Clinton when you watch him again very fluid mover I think he’s just like a lot more disruptive he’s super long he’s got a seven foot wingspan maybe 71 um you know he’s just like a longer sort of more gangly player than Pome daier is um and I think that serves him well kind of as like a helper at The Rim he can stay in front of guys reasonably well although I do think with his defense the thing that gives me some pause is he kind of has the Scotty Barnes high hips thing where it’s like is he really going to be able to stay in front of Wings in the NBA is he going to be able to stay in front of guards if he gets switched onto them you know there seems like there’s a little bit of switch ability in there but maybe not a ton and I I do think you know if you’re trying to think of long term filling in that Wing Spot between RJ Barrett to the two Scotty Barnes at the four I think Clinton maybe doesn’t quite fit that bill because I just think as someone who you know was 21 a little bit more developed physically he doesn’t he’s not super big like he’s pretty lean he’s pretty spindly I think his his defense probably is better as a helper than it is as an on ball point of attack guy down the line and I think he can still be like a good to above average Defender but maybe less in the mold of the Raptors desperately need to add to this team like they need Wing Stoppers so badly almost to the point that you’d like almost consider a Ryan Dunn type although I’m still not in on Ryan Dunn uh just because the offense is so bad but like man if he was even sort of G on offense that would be a beautiful thing because they need that Wings stopper so so much I’m not sure Bobby Clinton is really that type of guy um so it’s tough right like he’s also Bobby Clinton I I’m sorry to go back to the bust name thing maybe it’s uh not analytical enough for all of you but come on Bobby Clinton this is an NBA players name who’s successful I don’t know man I don’t know it’s It’s Tricky I the name thing is real I don’t know um yeah I I don’t hate Clinton I think I actually like him as a prospect better than daier I think I’d be happier with him at 31 than doer at 31 just because I think the size um and just sort of the fluidity defensively is just like a little bit easier to project than pacome daier who I I think there’s a chance like like I don’t think Clinton ends up being a bad defender in the NBA I think there’s actually a chance that d just never figures out how to defend at the NBA level and so I would air slightly towards picking Bobby Clinton here in place of pomier but again I think there are other guys who should be there at 31 for the Raptors who I just kind of liked more Jaylen Tyson give me Jaylen Tyson over both of these guys all day for the blend of I I think better than people give him credit for defense and offensive creation and upside playmaking etc etc um you know obviously you know you know my feelings on a guy like Don Holmes if there at 31 which I doubt he will be I’d rather go that way I’d even rather go like a more sort of tried andrue you know maybe not super sexy Wing type like a Kevin mcculler at 31 just for the the the sort of understanding that he’s going to be a pretty good defensive player I I just it’s tough I I’m not you know even like an Isaiah Crawford who I talked about way back in in early in this process I I think I’m valuing defense a little more than I am sort of future offensive creation upside in this situation with the Raptors the way they’re built um and obviously you need at least three-point shooting at least passable three-point shooting to be viable in any lineups going forward with the guys the Raptors currently have but I would much rather even like a Baylor shyan I think stands a better chance of being a good sort of passable Defender than Pome daier does Clinton is kind of in there too but again I’m not super sold on Clint overall You know despite his potential offensive fit and his ethos really fitting what the Raptors do and are looking for I I do think as on ball defense is the thing that kind of leaves me a little bit wanting and I just think to with Clinton it’s like it’s a lot of interesting things they don’t quite all come together for the package to be greater than the sum of its parts or anything like that like he just kind of does stuff and doesn’t really pop off the screen to me um I think you know the highs for daier are higher than the highs for Bobby Clinton when you go and watch their tape um and so yeah that that’s kind of the read for me on Clint I I wouldn’t be totally upset with him at 31 I think I’d prefer him to daier just as a projectable piece within the Raptor’s rotation going forward but I think if you’re taking Bobby Clinton you’re you’re happy if he’s just a nice rotation bench player I don’t see a ton of starters upside with him um but again open to being wrong because I’m everyone’s wrong about the draft all the freaking time we’ll come back on the other side close it out with a look at Johnny Fury yes Johnny fury it’s not a typo that’s his name we’re gonna talk about the 69ine wing from Kansas huh I heard of one of those before we’ll get into that coming up in just one sec Today’s Show is brought to you by friends over at prize pick the single best place to play daily fantasy sports Point Blank period and it’s because 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well is important because I do think there would be some overlap here if the Raptors were to use one of their picks likely number 19 I don’t know if he’s there at 31 on Johnny Fury the sort of tail of the tape on Fury he was a freshman this past year at Kansas essentially replaced the role of Grady dick coming in for Bill self’s team nine points five boards one assist just under a steal in three blocks per game shot 35% on nearly four attempts per game and he kind of ascended as the season went along he became a starter in January and he had a prettyy nice close to the season for can that kind of shot his draft stock up a little bit um and he’s like a he’s a fun dude and a big reason why he’s fun you know we talk about Grady dick uh you know for all the good things Grady dick does he is not a high flyer Johnny Fury can throw down some yams and that is very exciting to me I love dudes who dunk the Raptors need more dudes who dunk after trading away precious atua and ogn and Obi who knows what the future of Chris bue is going to be the dunk quotient on this team is at a critically low State they got to go replenish that in some way shape or form ideally because dunks are cool but with Johnny fury it’s not just that he brings three-point shooting um probably less than you know less of a sort of sure thing shooter than Grady dick was considered to be Grady dick was widely considered to be the best d best shooter in last year’s draft don’t think that’s the case with Johnny Fury although he does look like he should be able to be at least League average probably closer to 37 38 39% guy um most most of his shots came un assisted looks I think only one of his threes uh was unassisted this past season he’s an off ball player very much like Grady dick is and when you watch them play like there’s that same DNA of just sort of knowing the floor knowing where to stand knowing where and when to cut and how to sort of Leverage what everyone else’s defensive attention is into easy looks for himself that’s I think a through line it makes sense that bill self was like oh this is the guy I’m going to replace Grady dick with because they do do that sort off ball stuff very similarly um I think you know Fury probably less exciting to me as an on ball player than Grady um and I just think in general if you look at his tape you know it’s just not super inspiring as far as his ability to shake guys doesn’t have a lot of Wiggle to him doesn’t really get by guys super well he’s mostly I think going to be an off ball player in the NBA and he could be a very good one I I’ve seen comparisons invoking Larry marinin which feels kind of insane to me but um you know there there’s people can get crazy with their comps this time of year I don’t quite see that for Fury and frankly you know maybe this is controversial but watching Fury play I actually think his higher upside lies on the defensive end than on the offensive end and that’s because he’s kind of a freaky athlete like he’s got a ton of Bounce he’s got a lot of Quicks and I do think he for the most part has like really sound fundamentals like sliding his feet keeping his hands up keeping guys in front of him he’ll get burned once in a while on on blowb and that’s probably just like being 19 and being not very strong and not being able to hold your spot super well um you know there there’s that element of it and look I don’t think he’s ever going to be someone who you’re throwing on opposing lead guards and saying hey like go shut him down but I do think specifically as like a helper as someone who can read the defense and what’s going on very smart Defender guy who I think is just kind of always head on a swivel looking for opportunities to go jump into the action and cause a Ruckus whether it’s blowing up an action you know jumping a passing Lane standing in the lane for help and sort of Walling off a drive like I think he’s got a lot of that kind of ingrained in him as a Defender and so I actually think Fury projects to be a better defensive player than offensive player overall in time and again I just think his athletic tools there are really interesting um I I think you know there there are lots of examples of him just kind of staying in front of a guy not overexerting himself not getting too crazy or fast and loose with his positioning just like staying true and strong and tall and forcing guys to just pass out and abandon their drives that’s a nice thing to have like sound smart Defenders you know Raptors can use a lot of those guys and so um you know while I don’t think he maybe projects as like a shutdown Wing guy either and that probably is where his fit with the Raptors falls apart for me uh I do think he’s going to be a decent player somewhere and I do think there’s like a pretty good defensive player somewhere in Johnny Fury um on offense I I just think there’s probably too much overlap with what Grady dick does what if Gary Trent Jr’s back what he does like I I think ideally you’re getting a little bit more creation upside I think a picom daier or a Bobby Clinton have a little bit more of that in their game than Johnny Fury does I think there’s a real chance Fury becomes just like the best productive winning NBA player of the three guys we’ve talked about here today because of the defensive upside um but I again I still think at 19 there are other guys there who I would prioritize and I do think you know just the quality of bigs who might be there at 19 the swing that would come from khil wear being a two-way three-point shooting Rim protecting big man like totally gamechanging Eve Mei his defensive tools and athleticism are off the charts he’s shown some juice with the ball in his hands and very you know brief sporadic stretches that’s very encouraging to me um and Kyle Philipi at seven feet tall with the ball skill he has like I just think the The Bigs right now who project to be in that range Don Holmes as well with the sort of Jack of all trades thing he does I just think all those guys project to have a little bit more in terms of like Elite NBA skills and Things That Swing what makes successful basketball in the modern NBA more than any of the three guys we’ve talked about here today but I do like Fury I think he’s interesting I liked him more than I thought I would like him going in I was just prepared his name is Johnny Fury how am I gonna think this guy’s any good but I do think defensively there’s some interesting stuff there if he can kind of get into the right defensive system kind of fun just like playing next to like a really nasty rim protector type um you know put him next to wemi that’d be tons of fun I think uh anyway that’s kind of the read on Fury um you know if he’s the pick at 19 I don’t think it’s the end of the world like I do think there’s a lot there with him that’s interesting at 31 I think that’s probably just like really good value so you accept it and you say Hey you know he’s not perfect but no one at 31 is perfect um I would be fine with that you know I’d probably be the most fine with Fury of any of these three guys today honestly just because of the defensive tools but but um yeah I I look I could be wrong I know I feel like the sort of jury on Fury is like all over the place I feel like some really like his defensive upside some think he’s got no shot of being a real Defender some like his offensive upside some think he’s got no shot of ever creating for himself I’m probably more in the like his defense less keen on his offense camp but uh it seems to be kind of a wide range of opinions on Fury and again I’m open to being wrong I’m often wrong about draft guys that’s just the way she goes um but with that I’m going to w having Today’s show thank you so much for being here hope this was helpful hope this was informative uh and we’ll be back again tomorrow ktie hindle is going to be along we’re going to set the stage a little bit for draft week and for agency week next week and then on Monday I’ll be rolling out my official Big Board uh four guys I’d like to see the Raptors take at 19 Andor 31 not going to do a full first round Big Board I’ll kind of leave off guys who I assume are not going to be there um at 19 guys who if they were at 19 are just kind of oh yeah they’d be number one on the board if that were to happen um but yeah we will get into all of that next week as the draft for agency Loom big week next week for your Toronto Raptors Bruce Brown Gary Trent Jr contracts can be signed at any time who knows what’s coming down here um but it’s all very exciting and we will be here thank you for putting up with the missed episode yesterday um and uh yeah sorry for the late episode today and all that stuff appreciate your patience through a weird scheduling time on my end but uh regular shows from now on through the draft and probably extra shows on the weekends and stuff like that too so thank you so much for tuning in for rocking with us and uh joining the Discord Link in the description of course it’s free to join we’ love to see in there thank you for supporting on socials thank you for going to YouTube and subscribing to the YouTube channel thank you for going to the audio app of your choice and leaving a rating or review it’s all so so appreciated we will wrap it there thanks so much for hanging we’ll talk to you Friday another episode of lock on Raptors byebye

In Episode 1661, Sean Woodley goes solo to talk about three potential Toronto Raptors wing targets in the 2024 NBA Draft who must overcome the obstacle of having extremely bust-sounding sports names in Pacome Dadiet, Bobi Klintman and Johnny Furphy. Off the top, Sean digs into Dadiet, the fast-rising 18-year-old French wing currently playing for Ratiopharm Ulm in Germany, who has shown some flashes of self-creation on top of solid three-point shooting and sound off-ball play, but are the playmaking and defensive tools there to make him worth a swing as high as 19th-overall? Next, Sean talks about Cairns Taipans forward Bobi Klintman, who has a bunch of interesting tools, but do they come together to make Klintman into an interesting enough prospect for the Raptors to gamble on? And lastly, Sean talks about 6’9 sharp-shooting Kansas wing Johnny Furphy, whose game overlaps with last year’s first-rounder Gradey Dick quite a bit, although Furphy brings an above-the-rim element and defensive upside that Dick will probably never match. But are those differences enough to make him a good fit in the Raptors’ long term plans?

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