@Boston Celtics

What the Media Refuses to Admit About the Celtics

What the Media Refuses to Admit About the Celtics

the Boston Celtics are officially NBA champions again and believe it or not this team is probably even better than you think this video is sponsored by Squarespace but a little bit more about them later while a lot of people want to spend time talking about how much injury luck played a role in Boston’s path to the finals or about how the Mavericks were the easiest possible matchup for them I think it’s worth talking about just how good this team actually is and looking at how they built a historically great team in an era where it’s as difficult as ever to build such a dominant team typically a big indicator of a team being a true Contender is having a top 10 offense and top 10 defense if you go back and look at the champions of the last 20 years that’s something that generally has held true in the vast majority of Seasons not only did the Celtics meet that criteria but they ranked number one in offense and number two in defense they also clocked an 11.7 net rating during the regular season which was over four points above the number two net rating OKC Thunder this Boston team wasn’t just really good no team was really even close to them so now we sit here looking at this championship and there’s some disappointment about the finals not being more competitive which I completely understand I wish it would have been a better series but also nobody should really be that surprised that the Celtics made quick work of the series they’ve been this good all season it just so happens that the Mavericks were the ones that had to try and stop them which certainly wasn’t the best matchup there are other teams in the west that I think would have matched up better against the Celtics but that shouldn’t take away from how good this Celtics team is and there’s a lot of talk about this team being a super team but this isn’t some quote unquote super team that was built around amassing as many stars as they Poss possibly could they drafted their two main pieces with Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum being the core focal points of this franchise for almost a decade now while Boston has always been one of the most aggressive teams in the NBA when it comes to trying to fill out the roster via trades it was normally for the Al Horford’s and Derek whites of the world instead of always trying to go out there and get the biggest names available even their two big splashes that they made last off season were for two players that had relatively damaged reputations with Drew holiday and porzingis Drew holiday was coming off that disappointing firstr exit with the Milwaukee Bucks where they were eliminated by the eighth seated heat due in part to Drew holiday having one of the worst shooting performances of his career over the course of that series getting Drew holiday was of course going to be an upgrade for the Celtics just by the simple nature of his defense in the benefits that you get from having another ball handler that can help facilitate your offense but if we rewind a little bit there were some very mixed reactions to this trade would Drew holiday be able to hit big shots during the postseason would he get tunnel vision like he would occasionally do with Milwaukee at some of the worst times the biggest difference with Drew holiday now compared to how he was operating with Milwaukee is that Drew is maybe the fourth or fifth option for Boston On Any Given night considering he’s playing alongside Tatum Brown porzingis and Derek white in the starting line lineup Milwaukee needed him to be a scorer Boston doesn’t they simply needed him to be that lock down perimeter Defender and operate as a connective piece in their offense and he did that exceptionally well we even saw him operating in the pick and roll as the role man and his short rle playmaking was one of the most valuable parts of Boston’s offense throughout the playoffs not to mention his efficiency from the perimeter was a massive step up from his entire career throughout his career in the playoffs Drew Hall is a 34.4% three-point shooter which is pretty underwhelming but over the course of the 2024 playoffs Drew shot 40.5% from Beyond The Arc his true shooting percentage in the playoffs of 62.3% this year is the highest efficiency of his career yes in the process of getting Drew holiday the Celtics lost Marcus Smart but it’s really hard to say that whatever they lost by trading away smart wasn’t immediately made up for by what they got from holiday on both the offensive and defensive ends and even though it’s not his responsibility to be one of the primary scoring options he’s still capable of scoring on his own with the ball in his hands when he was with Milwaukee defenses had to focus on Giannis Middleton and Drew and for the most part that’s it but with Boston Drew was able to play so much more freely and operate with so much more spacing because defenses had to worry about Tatum Brown white and porzingis as well as Drew so even when he did end up in late shot clock positions where the ball was in his hands and he needed the cosplay as a scorer that was no problem because defenses weren’t able to load up on him by default real quick guys I want to take a second to tell you about the sponsor of today’s video Squarespace Squarespace is the all-in-one website platform for creators to set themselves apart from the crowd online whether you’re trying to share your work with more people or grow a brand Squarespace makes it super simple to create an awesome website where you can engage with your audience and reach more people I have absolutely zero web design experience but Squarespace is simple and easy to use user interface takes out all of the frustration of building a website and turns it into an easy and fun process you can make a completely personalized website with their guided design system Squarespace blueprint you can choose from professionally curated layout and styling options to build a unique website from the ground up and they make it super 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an extremely productive player despite being on a bad team prior to his arrival in Boston he was still putting up 23.2 points 8. four rebounds 2.7 assists and 1.9 blocks per game while being a 38.5% shooter from three in one of the very best postup big men in the entire NBA plus during his last season in Washington he managed to play 65 games which made it his healthiest season since 2017 really the biggest criticism that anybody had of the trade was the fact that porzingis was highly injury-prone which is fair but also even with him dealing with injuries throughout the postseason and regular season it still just didn’t matter so when you run into the conversation of this Celtics team and whether or not they’re a super team you got to look at the sentiment that the majority of people had when this team was assembled into this iteration that we currently know a fair amount of people were completely ready to give up on Drew after that disappointing playoff exit with Milwaukee and porzingis was viewed as this glass Cannon but then you look a little bit closer and see that porz has only played in seven of Boston’s 19 playoff games this run and outside of Drew holiday this is largely the same Boston team that we’ve been watching for years now outside of Derek white porzingis certainly helped get them to where they needed to be securing the number one seed helping them win in the first round setting the tone in game one of the finals but I think that the Celtics have proved on multiple occasions both during the regular season and in the playoffs that this is an insanely good team with or without porzingis not to mention the fact that over the course of nearly half a decade there’s been all sorts of chatter from around the NBA and NBA media that the Celtics need to give up on one of the two Jays and commit to building around one people even thought that Boston shouldn’t give Jaylen Brown the supermax even I looked at the price tag that they were going to have to put up on the contract to keep him and I understood the reluctance that some people had about it but you’ve got to understand one thing if you win a champion ship it’s worth it and that’s the big lesson to be learned here from this Celtics team in today’s NBA teams will have a core group of players they’ll try to make a Deep Run in the playoffs three or four times and if it doesn’t work and they don’t win a championship in any of those three or four attempts then it seems like a lot of teams just blow it up and go into a rebuild until they find their next Core group of players to try and make a run with that’s not what this Celtics team did they banged their head against the wall for seven playoff runs around and brown trying to break through and finally win a championship they didn’t blow it up they didn’t sell out to try and get the biggest names available they made smart moves around the edges whenever it made sense to do so without sacrificing their identity and they were persistent for years even when the media was parading around about how they needed to blow it up and that they could never make it work with the core pieces that they had for years now they’ve been competitive frequently having some of the best net ratings in the NBA and and then this year they finally put it all together and skyrocketed into a well-oiled machine if you’re familiar with the story of cisus he’s a figure in Greek mythology whose punishment in the afterlife was to push a boulder up a hill endlessly for all eternity never reaching the top the Celtics are a lot like Copus they didn’t give up on pushing the boulder up the hill when they didn’t get to the top after the first few tries they continued to labor year after year despite setback after setback in seemingly fail faure after failure but all you need is to make it happen once you just need the Stars to align once and the Celtics did everything to put themselves in position for Success when those stars align if they had just given up and let that Boulder roll back down the hill then they wouldn’t be hoisting the championship trophy now really hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did I’d appreciate it a ton if you left a like And subscribe that seriously helps me out so much regardless thank you guys so much for watching and I’ll see you in the next one

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The Boston Celtics just won the 2024 NBA Finals, taking down the Dallas Mavericks in just 5 games. For years, the NBA media has been questioning whether or not this Celtics team was gonna be able to make it over the hump around Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown. When the Jrue Holiday trade and Kristaps Porzingis trade happened, people questioned whether they would be able to contribute at a high level in the postseason or if they’d be healthy for it to matter.

Well here we are, and Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown made it work. Brad Stevens put on a masterclass in team building, and this Celtics team finally finished pushing their boulder up the hill after year after year of trying to make it happen.

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Providing NBA analysis by making film digestible and using analytics thoughtfully to contextualize on-court production. I cover the NBA in various capacities as a writer and digital content creator. If you love basketball and the NBA, be sure to subscribe to my channel.

DISCLAIMER: I do not claim ownership of any footage or clips used in this video. The use of these clips is protected under Fair Use Policy.

#BostonCeltics #JaylenBrown #NBAFinals


  1. About time someone gave this team and organization some credit. This isn’t a “Miami” big 3 type team

  2. in my opinion we would have done every west team like this expect denver. denver and boston are the 2 best teams so obviously what im saying isn’t

  3. There’s another thing people don’t take into account when talking about the injured teams they faced. Out of 101 games including the postseason they had a 20 point lead in 50 of those, meaning they got to rest their starters a lot more than other teams. None of the east teams really got to do that which is why they had so many injuries come playoff time. If you’re the better team you generally have less injuries it’s kinda simple

  4. Everybody knew, that they were going to the finals, as far finals, it's not Celtics fault that Clippers, Nuggets and OKC couldn't make it to the finals.

  5. Be kind to the celtics haters in your lives. Their narrative died this week.

    Tatum doesnt care about being HIM. he cares more about the celtics being THEM.

  6. I'm convinced that these talking heads don't know basketball the way we thought they do. They are literally analysing their feelings about teams.
    On plain site. Celtics are 24-6 against western conference teams in regular season."best conference "
    If include the NBA finals, they are 28-7.

  7. And now that they've done it, they'll know how to do it again. If they stay healthy and keep their identity, there's no reason they can't become a dynasty. Things really are looking up from here for them.

  8. Their roster doesn't have MVP caliber player, no DPOY, just elite players playing unselfish basketball

  9. They’ve been the most talented club the last few years it was the mental aspects they needed to overcome in order to win the title.

  10. Part of being a good team is being HEALTHY. It’s not our fault so many “stars” are as fragile as a toothpick

  11. Best post season review and analysis for Boston so far! Haters just gonna hate. Most of them so called analysts don't evwn play ball. There are other factors hugely affecting outcomes other than the usual stats. Good job, sir.

  12. In my mind they go back to back boston been knocking on the door since 2018

    They shattered it down this season congrats boston much deserved 🏆

  13. I still can’t get over people saying split this team up as if it’s a guarantee for a team to make the ECF damn near every year.

  14. Americans should stop treating Sports like its a form of Entertainment. It isn't & should stop calling their champs world champions. Brady is not a 7 time world champion, he's a 7 time NFL champion

  15. The "BIG Fan boy" media just can't get past the fact that the Celtics have ushered in a new way of winning. No longer is it about the "Superstar name" it's about "team" first. Sure they have plenty of talent but the egos are in check.

  16. Good video. Important to note Jaylen and Jayson noticeably improved every year, which makes sense because they’re still young. Anybody that seriously advocated breaking them up doesn’t watch enough to Celtics to see the mountaintop was within reach so long as the two stars kept improving

  17. Really so sick of people assuming the 8 seed Heat would’ve beat them with a healthy Jimmy Butler. Lol. Same goes with the Pacers with Halliburton. These people just hate Boston and refuse to give any credit

  18. The media doesn't have to say sh*t ….the Boston Celtics speak for themselves !!! They are by far the best team in the NBA, and this Will be a rinse and repeat for NBA championships over the next three to four years !!!

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