@Detroit Pistons

Sean Sweeney, Micah Nori Mentioned As Candidates For Detroit Pistons Head Coaching Vacancy

Sean Sweeney, Micah Nori Mentioned As Candidates For Detroit Pistons Head Coaching Vacancy

the Detroit Pistons fired Monty Williams yesterday one year into his long-term deal with the Detroit Pistons and Adrien W narowski has tweeted out that the Pistons have received permission to interview a few assistants we’ll talk about who those assistants are what this all means for the Pistons moving forward in today’s episode of the lockdown Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lockdown Pistons podcast per usual I your host Cahill you can find me over on Twitter at Cahill I want to thank you guys for making lock on Pistons your first listen of every single day we are freedom avable on your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star viiew on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked in NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply you guys will hear more about game time a little bit later and today’s episode we’ll talk about tomorrow I’m recording this around 8 o’clock on the 20th tomorrow the Detroit Pistons on the 21st will’ll be having trean langan’s press conference with the media it will be happening tomorrow I will be there I provide you guys the best coverage I can um we will obviously talk about it tomorrow after I get home I can record about it so stay tuned for that we’ll talk about what we should expect to hear what you guys should be watching and really listening to hear from him um trade season has already gotten started we have our first NBA trade I want want to talk about that and how the Pistons could get involved in the trade market this offseason um but the first place we’re going to is obviously their head coaching search so 24 hours ago a little over 24 hours ago obviously but Monty Williams was fired by the Detroit Pistons we talked about that all in last episode I don’t think we need to go any further into Monty Williams time with Detroit we don’t need to talk about any of that I do want to say though that listening to National media talk about the Detroit Pistons and Monty Williams season with Detroit has possibly been the most annoying thing I’ve had to witness even like this past season like watching this past season may not be as annoying as listen to some of the national media talk about this it it it’s so very clear that no one and and for good reason like I don’t think anyone’s asking them to pay attention to a 14- win team like I don’t think anyone’s asking that I think people also are not asking for their opinions of said 14 win team if you haven’t watched them and don’t know what’s going on I mean all it took for was for some of them to reach out to anybody who covered the team and they have the resources to do that they all have connections they can go talk to a beat Rider they can talk to someone like myself like they all have you can talk to anybody and the crazy thing is I’ve had people from outside that have from outside Detroit that have a bigger platform than I that are more National guys than I they have dm’d me and asked me my opinion on stuff from ESPN I’ve had it so I know these guys can reach out to James to Amari to like you can reach out to someone who covered the team and know that the BS that you are spewing on a national platform it’s just that it’s it’s BS so I I that’s one thing I just want to get out the way it’s been incredibly annoying to listen to people talk about this past season and how Monty Williams has been granted freedom and Monty Williams should be congratulated for finally getting out from Detroit it’s the other way around guys like well whatever I just that I had to say something about that because it’s been incredibly annoying to listen to people on ESPN talk about this like they they obviously have no clue about what the hell happened this past year so anyways let’s move on past that because I’m going get I’m gonna get more annoyed talking about it um anyway so on yesterday’s episode we did talk about some candidates that were said in James Edwards III article the Detroit Pistons beat writer for the athletic he listed some Artic or some not articles some candidates in his article um but today and we talked about that yesterday but today Adrian W norowski tweeted out uh I’m gonna read it verbatim ESPN sources the Detroit Pistons have permission to interview Dallas assistant Shan Sweeney and Minnesota assistant Mich Nori for a newly vacant coaching job his are also planning to interview former Cleveland coach JB biger staff who will be available to meet sooner than the rest Pistons are expected to call for permission on more assistance to sources said so this is my takeaway from W’s Tweet now I am not coming on here to try to act like wge cannot be trusted that’s obviously insane but I think Pistons fans should trust their local beat specifically James and some of the things he says more than something W is putting out I think you kind of saw which is something we’ve talked about this on the podcast before we saw this with the whole um JJ reick and and Dan Hurley situation where it seems like the narrative that W was trying to push wasn’t necessarily the case as we now see with JJ reick being the head coach of the Detroit Pistons we’ll talk about that and how that has a trickle down effect to the Detroit Pistons too my point in saying all that is I haven’t heard J Bickerstaff mentioned um by any of the beat Riders I haven’t heard him mentioned by James at all so I wonder if he actually is a candidate or if this is just another one of those W just doing a favor for a guy that helps him have sources because that happens a lot so that I’m a little questionable about not saying that JB Biers would be a bad candidate or that he shouldn’t get an interview I’m not saying that I just I have not heard JB bickers either behind the scenes I haven’t heard it I haven’t heard it publicly from any of the beat Riders I haven’t heard it from James and his any of his articles I haven’t heard really on his podcast so I like um if I’m mistaken there you guys got to let me know but I haven’t heard his name mentioned so I just question whether that’s actually legit um now when it comes to Sean Sweeney and Michael Nory I that those names have been mentioned and those names were mentioned in James piece I have heard those names behind the scenes as well Sean Sweeney to give some backstory Sean Sweeney I think is most famous for his relationship and development of nanis a TMO during his time with Milwaukee Bucks um I think he probably is just as much known obviously by Pistons fans as one of the lead assistants on Dwayne Casey’s staff over the last um actually during the entirety of Dwayne Casey’s tenure with the Detroit Pistons now this past season he wasn’t a lead assistant or the Dallas mavick who just reached the NBA Finals he was the lead assistant on Jason kid staff I know that players really like Sean Sweeney not just within the Pistons but obvious viously NBA wide like throughout the NBA obviously Giannis legitimately loves him um every game the Pistons played the Bucks again after the game you guys you guys would see Giannis come over to the Pistons bench and give Shan Sweeny a hug talk with him there is a lot of love for Sweeney by NBA players from NBA players throughout the league um and Sean Sweeney at least during his time with the Pistons was known for his defense and in his his um his specialty I should say was defense during his time with the Pistons though I was told by lockon Mavs host Nick angstead that he did have some imput input on their offense this past season in Dallas so that’s interesting but Tron Sweeney obvious connection to the Pistons Dwayne Casey is still in the Pistons front office in that advisory role so there’s a connection there still I’m not going to be surprised if that plays a part in any of that as well um but Sean Sweeney there’s a connection there I think he’s a legitimate candidate for the job Michael we obviously know who he is he took over the Minnesota Timberwolves or not took over but he kind of like was the the head coach on the bench after Chris Finch had that injury in the playoffs um not that like Chris Finch wasn’t there or anything but he was a guy standing up running up the sidelines and you know Callin timeouts and all that stuff whatever he took over interm if you so be it if you want to call it that since Finch got hurt and Nory also has ties to the Detroit Pistons as he was also an assistant to Dwayne Casey I think a lot of fans know for his um I wanted to say wacky but I don’t consider him wacky I honestly think they’re really cool interviews like mid game and after the game some of his cool answers very transparent guyy at least from of the interviews I’ve seen from him um so he’s a guy who’s had experience on the bench again like I said uh with Dwayne Casey and over in Minnesota and he also has has had interviews this past off season this offseason during the playoffs the offseason really just started but during the playoffs he has had interviews with other players places for their head coaching positions as well so the both these guys I’ve seen some Pistons fans act like these are not like some big time names like are they crazy names I I guess not but they are respected names these are respected candidates throughout the NBA um both these guys have had interest and interviews to become head coaches and they both seem to be really liked especially Sweeney I can’t speak so much to nor even though it seems like players really like him I can speak to Sweeny that he is very much liked throughout the NBA by the players um so that is really interesting and if it was me um I guess I should you know switch over to the trickle down effect of JJ reck’s hiring with the Lakers before I get into anything else so there were some Buzz that the Reddit could be on the Pistons radar now that they officially fire Monte I would have loved it I’m a big fan of JJ I really hope he does great but I understand people being you know concerned about having someone with no coaching experience but I would have liked it and he has a connection with Tran he has a connection with ar so I would have liked it but he has officially signed his contract with the LA Lakers the trickle down effect with the Pistons with that is every Pistons fan should now be watching the Cleveland Cavaliers because if the Cleveland Cavaliers sign James bgo I think that’s when these candidates that you’re hearing really shoot up the board because I think if the Cavs do not go with burgo I do think he probably shoots to the top of the list for the Detroit Pistons however maybe the Pistons feel like burgo is already going to Cleveland like they get word that they feel like he is going to Cleveland and I have heard Rumblings over the last week or so that brgo is you know has a bit of a lead um and they’ve been going a little back and forth so who knows what happens but I have heard that bgo has a pretty good chance of becoming the head coach over there however again Watch what’s going over with Cleveland if bgo gets that job I think this matters more if he doesn’t get that job if someone like Kenny ainson or David Alman get that job now I think Rego becomes a really interesting name I think he shoot to the top of the list here with the Detroit Pistons with that said let’s remove that from the equation if I had to put my money on anything if I had to put my word on anything I think right now I’d be leaning towards Sean Sweeney just because of the respect he has within this organization the respect he has from players around the league and players that are currently on this team um there’s connections there and I think he has done obviously he’s he’s earned his stripes and he’s you know he has experience so I would lean towards Sean Sweeney um though W just say they’re expected to call for permission on more assistance too I’m interested to see if Chris Quinn is one of those assistants because that’s someone I’ve been really high on as well so I’d really like Chris Quinn as well um and we’ll wait to see obviously I think you hear more about this um as the week plays out as we get closer to the draft we’ll obviously hear more and more about this more assistant that are getting interviews um but I think Sean Sweeney and Michael Nory are legitimate candidates and respected candidates I think Pistons fans those are not blown away by the names so just remember that the Pistons last three head coaches were all big names Stan vanan Gundy Dwayne Casey uh Monty Williams guys who have won Coach of the Year guys who have made to the finals guys who were respected before their time and had huge names and none of them worked out with Detroit so going for a younger guy who can grow at the team and maybe doesn’t have his big of a name out there right now maybe shouldn’t be viewed as such a worrisome thing the big name isn’t always a guarantee I mean we just witnessed Monty Williams so I don’t think the name should matter as much um but yeah I think these are legitimate candidates I’m interested to see how what we get as the season or not as the season but as the week goes on um but let me know what you guys think about this comment section down below or over on Twitter cooka Hill who do you guys want to see the Detroit Pistons hire um again let me know comment section down below or over on Twitter C Hill coming up next we’ll be talking about trean lon’s press conference and what you guys should be really paying attention to and hoping to hear from the Pistons new president of basketball operations game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League 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even when it gets like this you know how hot it is in Michigan right now I’d be just like dying dude like it’s hot as it’s hot as hell in in in in at least in my apartment right now AC is a little wishy-washy so maybe that plays a part but my God man it is hot as hell um anyways but I know it’s hot as hell in Michigan too over the last few days like my goodness any anyways um Tran langan’s press conference will be on the 21st by the time you guys listen to this it probably will be considered today I’m posting this this is a late episode um so it will be on the 21st um I will be there uh I just want to talk about things you guys should be looking forward to hearing from Tran during this time um I think one of the main things that I think instantly I fully expect I think Pistons fans should fully expect immediately in this press conference is for it to not feel as awkward as last year’s there was an article that came out oh my God I need to figure out who who wrote the article I know Omari sord I second tweeted out the article but I I don’t know if he I don’t want to give credit to the wrong person I don’t know if he wrote it or if he was just retweeting let me let me pull it up I should have pulled this up before I’m sorry uh um basically while I’m looking for it what the article was saying was talking about oh no I’m sorry it was Vincent Goodwill there you go thank God I looked it up I I want to give credit to the right person um Vincent Goodwill wrote an article and within this article these were words that were said there are four factions in that building according to a league source and they’re talking about the Detroit Pistons that right there goes back to what we’ve talked about for months on the podcast which is this team needing absolutely needing to get on one unified Vision they need to get on one one unified Vision that they all believe in and they’re all moving in the same direction there should not be this side believes this but then this side believes that but then this side has more power and actually believes differently and then this side actually has just as much power as them but they feel differently everyone else so what are we going to do that should not be what continues to go on with the Detroit and I think actually I know that that was a reason obviously how bad the season this past season went was a huge reason but that this was one of the reasons why Tom Gores wanted the clean house because they want to have everyone on the same page pulling in the same direction going for the same vision and I think that will be evident to Pistons fans immediately in this press conference from Tom to a to to uh trasan to everyone else it will sound like I believe from what I’ve understood from over the last few weeks I do think they’re all on One Vision I think they all believe the same thing and they all are moving in the same direction they all understand the mistake over the last few years at least Tom does which is all that really matters that they had too many cooks in the kitchen so I think that’s the main thing that the Detroit Pistons need to turn around the fact it was actually reported on I think is a big deal because you’ve had people like myself speak to it but it hasn’t really been reported on I don’t believe um publicly like this until now I may be wrong on that but I don’t believe it has really been reported on at all um with that said um that leads into to the point of me saying I don’t think this season or this press conference will be as awkward because I think everyone wants to be there that’s there and everyone knows why they’re there and they’re all working towards the same goal and within you know doing the same thing um so that’s number one number two Pistons fans should be really paying attention to I’m sure he’ll be asked this I don’t know if I’ll be able to get any questions in but if I am able to get any questions in I definitely will be asking about this and it’s just the how do I word this how Tran wants to attack this offseason when it comes to their young guys versus making moves to help win immediately I think obviously that I think is the biggest talking point of the Pistons off season it’s going to be talked about all the way through free agency it’s going to be talked about all throughout the trade market all throughout the offseason in the trade market I should say it it it’s gonna be talked about non-stop do the Pistons want to stay young with their young guys and just keep moving slow and hope one of them develops or they want to take another step and try to really add some win now pieces and remember had this talk with James on the podcast we’ve had this talk with Omari on the podcast I’ve heard James have this talk on his own podcast I’ve heard or read the Pistons beat talk about this specifically James there is an opportunity cost that the Pistons are evaluating this off season and again like I said if I can get any questions in if it’s not asked I will try to ask this question but one of the things I think everyone wants to hear is where does trasan stand in all that because the opportunity cost argument is okay are these young guys do you believe that they can get their value higher or do you believe this will be the highest it gets because you don’t have that much belief in them and if that’s the case do you want to move them now to get the most value out of them or do you want to wait and potentially risk their value going lower and trading the midseason which I think would be the next you know outside this offseason I think the next time you’d see them really get you know in trade rumors is the deadline um but that opportunity cost argument that’s something that they are discussing that it’s something they’re going to discuss but we haven’t heard anything publicly about where they stand how they feel you know where are they leaning how do they think of the young guys how do Tran think of the young guys you know how does he feel about the free agency market how does he feel about this trade market how does he feel about trading his this pick in the draft for a win now Talent like that entire yes people want to hear about does he want to make you know trades is he gonna be aggressive in the trade market you know what free agency what free agents he likes what draft uh prosp does he like I think all of that gets tied into really the answer to the question I just presented where does Tren stand on the young guys and where does he stand in the argument of go slow with them and just build around them continue to despite how the last few seasons have went or try to add pieces now in an offseason where you are going to sign Cade to that Max extension sign some win now pieces and maybe move some of the young guys I think once you get an idea once everyone has an idea where he stands with that I think that answers a lot of the other questions without literally as answering them you get what I’m saying like if he if you get where he stands with that I think you can reasonably make some guesses on where he stands with certain other things without him needing to come out and say it so I think that’s something that Pistons fans should really be reading into tomorrow or on the 21st today whenever you guys listen to this on the 21st when he has this press conference where he stands with all of that um I think that’s absolutely big time and I would be shocked to be honest if one of the beat Riders one of the local reporters or whatever don’t ask that question before I even get the chance to like I’d be shocked so stay tuned for that I think that’s the biggest thing um and then lastly there’s a lot of things obviously you want to hear from them but I I don’t think they’re gonna you know really get in depth with I mean if they do that’d be great but I don’t think they’re going to with everything I think there’ll be some things they you know harp on the next thing obviously is the head coaching search what is he looking for in a head coach what does he want for this team moving for what does he want in one of his guys in this upcoming head coach does he want a young guy does he want an offensive Guru does he want an ex O’s guy does he want a players coach does he want a defensive guy does he want like a pure X and O strategic genius does he want more of a locker room guy that can get the best out of his guys that maybe has a bench of of assistants who are more excellent but he can really lead with his voice and his connection with players like what is and obviously you like a coach who can be able to do all that but what are you looking for every coach has every coach has their their their own you know uh um attributes and every coach has their weaknesses so obviously what are you wanting to be your attributes for sure out of your next head coach what do you what are you looking for I think that’s definitely going to be asked and you definitely should pay attention to that but those are just three things that I’m really gonna be paying attention to not really the first one because I don’t expect it to be awkward at all I expect it to really sound unified I expect it to really um honestly I think after this press conference pist and Sans are feel really better or really good about where the team’s at um or moving maybe not where they’re at but where they’re going because I do think that this is an effort and they’ve made an effort this offseason try to get on one on the same page and I think that will be evident at the press conference so I think Pistons fans will feel good about this after the press conference um I do not know by the way if it’s going to be live streamed do not I don’t I have no clue I will be tweeting out quotes I’ll try to tweet out some videos but I do not know I also post some videos on the YouTube channel obviously but um I don’t know if it’s gonna be live streamed so I’ll let you guys know as soon as I find out about that but um let me know what you guys are GNA be watching for in trajan’s press conference um with the Pistons that’s coming on the 21st whether it’s tomorrow today whenever you’re listening to this um before we move on I do want to say why are people I saw some people upset that it’s happening on a Friday at at this I I don’t really understand why people are upset about that I if you’re one of those people that are upset please explain it to me because I don’t really get why this it matters but whatever um trade season gets started we already have our first trade in the NBA off season finals just wrapped up we already have our first trade how can the Pistons get involved and what does this mean for the Pistons will be talked about coming up prize pick is America’s number one daily fantasy sports out with over 5 million active members prize Pi is the easiest most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports unlike other apps on prize piics is just you against the numbers all you do is pick more or 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this podcast um we had our first trade of the off season and it was between the Chicago Bulls and the Oklahoma City Thunder the Oklahoma City Thunder traded Josh giddy to the Chicago Bulls or Alex Caruso so how does this impact the Pistons I don’t know I don’t really think that specific trade does to be honest I just want to talk about trade season to be honest uh it’s trade season trades I feel like was some of the more fun um parts of the NBA like talking about trades and rumors and trades actually going down how does it impact this team whatever I think trades are some of the I think that’s probably one of the reasons why the NBA is loved so much and has such a big fan base is because it has more movement and more drama more trade rumors um that I feel like any other league um out there definitely more than the NFL NFL guys don’t really move like that um the NBA um there’s always movement there’s always trades there’s constant rumors about someone moving this way or that way whatever so I I just want to talk about Trad season to be honest I think the Pistons um things that may affect the Pistons in the trade market um just some news I saw over the last 24 hours and then we’ll wrap up the podcast um I guess the Bulls trade actually does somewhat impact them if they are still in the Zack LaVine they haven’t been linked to him in a while since the deadline but just in case they were um this does signal I feel like that the Bulls are trying to go more young and trying to rebuild so they could be moving off of Vu could be moving off of dear and LaVine so if the Pistons have any interest any of those guys we have heard that they had interest in LaVine last year so um do they still remain with that kind of interest in LaVine at all um sounds like the Bulls are pretty desperate to move off of him I think his value is at all-time low right now in the trade market um so maybe the Pistons could swoop in and get him for really Dirt Cheap maybe they could even get paid for taking him who knows I think that maybe impacts the Pistons um some other news I think could potentially impact the Pistons Paul George for a while was linked to the Philadelphia 76ers and according to Shams at least I saw earlier from Shams Philly is bowing out of the Paul George um sweep stakes and at last we heard with the Clippers is that they are Far and Away on like an extension talk does that open the door for other teams what does does that do why is Philly bowing out what other plan do they have who’s available that they’re going after um and where does Paul George go I don’t want to say I obviously I’m hinting towards could the Pistons go after Paul George obviously I think the Pistons would love to have Paul George I think K would love playing with Paul George do I think the P could actually get Paul George no but the fact that he is you know it sounds like he’s available I think it it’ll be talked about amongst the Pistons Community hey could we get Paul George again I think Paul George would do great and really fit with to piss him they would love to have him I just don’t think that’s realistic at all um Paul George did come out his on his podcast and talk about I don’t think it was on his podcast I think he did on his podcast and also on NBA Countdown or NBA today whichever show it’s called um and talks about how he wants to play not so much about chasing rings as far as chasing the right way to play so I don’t know how much people buy into that but yeah I think that could potentially impact the Pistons the fact that he’s no longer on his way to Philly what’s going on there um will the clip is is Paul George legitimately going to leave the Clippers um Pistons have a lot of cap space you know so stay tuned with that um and then also another thing with the trade market that we’re seeing that could very much impact the Pistons are teams like the Bulls and the Grizzlies and um I forget what the other team is but there’s a lot of teams there’s like five or six teams I’ve seen that really want to move up in this draft and have a chance at guys like kingan um have a guy have a chance at a guy like Shephard have a guy have a chance at a guy like Ron Holland or a buellis if that’s the case I really wonder how much how much the Pistons really like the Pro Prospects themselves how much they like trading out of it if it really is becoming and it sounds like the Pistons might have gotten bailed by Falling to five it sound like that number five pick might become more wanted the closer we get to the draft with all these teams want to move up and get their guy that they believe in maybe the Pistons can take advantage of that because who knows how the top four is going to shake out it’s really no one really knows how it’s going to shake out so Pistons could find themselves really being able to shop that fifth overall pick and getting some value out of it um so we’ll see what happens but those that that’s all those trade story lines that I’m following really right now for the Pistons there will be a lot more that comes out over the next few weeks especially over the next week before the draft um but as of right now that’s where my head’s at and that’s the story lines I’m paying attention to that have been talked about and reported on by Shan W and local uh Riders Etc so um let me know what you guys are paying attention to in the trade market what you guys want to see from the Pistons um any trade rumors you guys are interested in let me know comment section down below or over on Twitter at cuka Hill that’s all I’ve got for you guys today thank you guys for Mak locked on Pistons first listen of every single day fre re all your podcast platforms hit that subscribe button to the YouTube channel leave us a festar review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to us on and until next time I’ll see you guys later stay safe out there until next time peace out

Dallas Mavericks lead assistant Sean Sweeney and Minnesota Timberwolves assistant Micah Nori have been highlighted as potential candidates for the Detroit Pistons head coaching vacancy.

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#DetroitPistons #Pistons #NBA


  1. Im in California and it's rarely hot. Thailand however is hot everyday…❤Thailand 🇹🇭

  2. Ku you were spitting facts the national media has zero clue on what's happening with this team.

  3. Stephen A and Draymond just needs to STFU! Cus as soon as we get things together Draymond, will be all on the Pistons 🥜 like he was as a kid hanging around the team. Stephen A will act like he’s never said a hating word about Detroit, and start drinking the Pistons Kool-aid smh

  4. I agree Detroit doesn't need a name at HC. They need a young up and coming mind to go with their young President of Operations.

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