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Who will the CAVS take in the draft? | NBA DRAFT PRIMER with Brad Rowland | Locked On Cavs Podcast

Who will the CAVS take in the draft? | NBA DRAFT PRIMER with Brad Rowland | Locked On Cavs Podcast

on today’s show we are less than a week out from the NBA draft I’ve Got a Friend with me today we’re going to talk about some prospects that we could see the Cavs taking at number 20 you are locked on Cavs your daily Cleveland Cavaliers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thanks for making lock on Cavs your first list listen every day you can find the show wherever you get your podcast be sure to give us a festar review Apple Spotify anywhere else also can find the show on YouTube be sure to like this video if you’re watching subscribe to the lockdown Cavs YouTube channel part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every day today’s episode is brought to you by prize picks use the promo code locked on NBA for a first deposite match up to $100 prize picks pick more pick less it’s that easy I’m Danny ham you might know me from my time covering the Cavs at places like Cleveland magazine 923 the fan or some other places once upon a time today very special guest joining me someone that knows the NBA very well someone that knows the NBA draft very well and of course the Atlanta Hawks very well as well as locked on Hawks host Brad Roland Brad how are you today I’m doing well I appreciate you having me on and always fun to do lockon Cavs one of my favorites well I’m I’m very glad to hear that that um certainly lock on Hawks is a great show one of the better ones part of the lockd on podcast Network be sure to check that out as you know if you are an NBA draft person seeking this out obviously there’s a ton of draft talk going on there right now as the Hawks have the number one overall pick um obviously the Cavs are at number 20 so there’s been a little bit less interest there but I do have a couple of names Brad that I want to talk about with you because I know you are um much more insightful into the NBA draft than I am which is why I wanted to have you on today’s show um I’m starting to well not starting to but I’ve been looking through you know a ton of different mock drafts recently as the draft now is less than a week away next Wednesday Cavs picking at number 20 there’s three names that I see pretty routinely pop up in various mock drafts whether it’s at the athletic ESPN bleach report so on and so forth um but the name that I’m seeing the most of right now is bub Carrington out of pit um what I’ve noticed from him you know he’s a guard a little bit of a bigger guard than what the Cavs have now listed at 6 fo5 he was not all that highly recruit or ranked out of high school I believe he’s the number 99th overall Prospect in the country um what do you think about his NBA future what do you think about him as a draft prospect yeah he seems to be a guy who has risen quite a bit in the last you know not even necessarily say the season ended but late in the season and get into uh the offseason but was kind of a draft Twitter favorite before then uh you mentioned kind of off the radar guy coming into into college but I think particularly you know with the way he can kind of be a pull-up shooter uh and the way that he operates pick and roll it’s very easy to see how it would work in the NBA he has a pretty translatable game to the league I think he also measured like a 68 wingspan which is a good data point for him especially because you know one of the questions if you want to go down that road is how athletic is he how which kind of impacts his defense like he doesn’t have the best like steel and block rates for instance some of those indicators that you might like to see about about a bigger like you mentioned but he’s really young too I think if he’s not the youngest guy in the class he’s on the list of youngest guys in the class and uh if if the jumper goes in I think that he’s gonna be a guy who probably returns like Lottery value he’s that he’s that kind of player if not then it becomes a little bit like what role is he gonna be best in but I’m certainly a fan and I think the people I trust tend to like him even more than like the consensus quote unquote so I think the biggest question with a lot of these guys and it’s certainly fitting with Carrington um and I’m glad you you said this exact phrase but you said if the jumper goes in right like that I think is the big separator for a lot of guys whether they’re international players or Collegiate players or you know g-league ignite overtime Elite so on and so forth um if the jumper goes in is going to be the thing that decides whether or not they’re good in the NBA what are are your thoughts on the way that he is able to put the ball in the basket I I know that you know it might not be the best looking jumper you’ve ever seen he might not have the best numbers from the outside but do you have reason to believe that he can can be someone that is a a pretty good shooter from the outside once he does get to the NBA yeah I generally buy it I don’t know if he’s going to be a great shooter but a good enough one given like he can he can create a shot which I think really does matter a lot of it I don’t think he’s gonna be the most efficient player in the world because I think he’s gonna take some difficult shots like he’s not afraid to take a pullup that’s probably his like most appealing skill in some ways um and but there sort of the bar is a little bit lower if you can get to your own shot and create their own shot and um you don’t have to be a super duper efficient guy if you’re doing that as a guard especially with the way he passes the ball inside the arc I’m a little bit more concerned like that’s more of a question for me is like can he score inside the arc than it is with a pullup jumper and I guess the nightmare scenario is that he doesn’t either and then then it’s like what are you what are we doing here which is why he’s available maybe at you know what I mean if if there wasn’t that question he wouldn’t be maybe available in this range but I do generally buy the shooting what’s his playmaking like what can you tell us about that as far as how he is getting others involved because if the shots not going in you do have to provide something and maybe that could I don’t know if that’s enough to keep him on the floor at the NBA level but you do have to be good at something and if it’s not the shooting if it’s not the scoring I would think it has to be that um as a guard that also might not be the best defender in the world yeah I think he sees the game well he was certainly placed in a scoring role in college which is not a surprise a lot of these guys who even if they fall down the board they were the best player on their team in college so they’re going to be more of a scoring role I don’t think he has to be like in a pure scoring role I think the way he um especially runs pick and roll but even like his skit pass passing is really interesting he seems to have good feel of like where guys are supposed to be putting the you know putting the ball in the pocket correctly as as a passer so I don’t think he’s like an Uber Elite passer but someone who I I think is a good enough passer to do what he needs to do to be able to kind of threaten defenses as a scorer and a passer which is what you really need for a guy who may not be elite at either one but the fact he can do both opens up a lot of avenues so I want to move on to the next guy that have got ritten down I’ve got three guys again first one BB Carrington out of pit um up next is someone playing a little bit of a different position than Carrington obviously that’s Don Holmes big guy out of Dayton um he’s someone that Brad that I look at that you know maybe he could fill a role in the NBA as someone who is a he doesn’t necessarily have the size you would love to see from a center but he does possibly bring the outside shooting versatility that I think actually could be a great fit with the Cavs should they decide to go in a different direction away from Jer Allen at Center and play Moy there fulltime more often um I actually think he could be a solid fit if that’s the direction they want to go what do you see with Holmes yeah actually that just that theoretical of him and Moy does really work I think I think the fact that Holmes uh you know he’s not tiny for a cener you know 71 wingspan but he’s not a seven-footer by any means like he’s not he’s kind of that tweener size in the front Court um but honestly the way that I would frame Ron Holmes that he’s he’s just really good at basketball and that’s that’s a very broad statement on purpose but but um he he’s older which is part of the reason why he’s probably going to fall kind of to this range but he was an all legitimate All-American at Dayton and was excellent the last couple years Super efficient you mentioned the jump shooting I buy that development there as a pick and pop guy um really good feel for the game really good passer I think for a big man in particular can rebound can block shots like he checks a lot of boxes he’s not like the best athlete in the world but he’s really developed a lot I guess if you want to be worried about the age and the fact that he you know got better during college which is usually a positive thing but there’s this thought that maybe as guys get older it becomes easier in college and that kind of it can kind of trick you a little bit I don’t really say that with Don Holmes I think the I think the traits actually really work the question for with for me with Don is like is he gonna be a starter but I really buy him as a rotation player at a minimum in the NBA so I sort of think that I want to ask you about this comparison that I have when I watch him but I do wonder if he could be like a Nas Reed type um and I know that they have very different stories where Nas Reed I believe was a oneandone guy at LSU didn’t actually get drafted signed um originally a two-way with the wolves and then was put on one of those Sam hinky special contracts um before his first season but could you see him developing into that type of a player yeah I think it’s not a bad analog at all you know Nas what’s really really popped with nas re is that he’s become like this like let it fly shooter I I I don’t know if Don’s going to be that but he already was comfortable taking threes and make I think he made 3 39% something like that high 30s uh last year at Dayton so um yeah I can kind of see that and look nasar I think still at this point is probably ideally a third big for you he can start for a lot of teams but he was a third big in Minnesota it felt like a perfect role for him in a lot of ways and that might be Don Holmes which again at 20 is for me is totally fine if if you can get a guy who’s a third big for you at 20 who’s a good player that actually is a positive outcome even if I’m sure Cass SP are probably looking for like you know entrenched starter I think qu qual rotation player at 20 is as usually a good outcome well I I do think you have to have realistic expectations when you’re picking at 20 like the Cavs put out something on Thursday on social media about notable uh 20th overall picks that have played for the team in franchise history and it’s like zunis sowas okay that’s that’s a pretty good 20th pick and Caris L’s another one like if you find a Caris LeVert type player not necessarily that position but that type of impact at number 20 I think that’s a huge win like I I do think you have to be realistic with what to expect when you’re picking outside the lottery G even the back half of the lottery like it can be such a crapshoot at times no I I will save my long spiel but I I generally agree with you and I always I wish I drive this home like people’s expectations generally speaking for each draft slot down the board are always too high and I think if you look at you sort of can do some historical looking back about what the average outcome for a 20th pick is I promise you it’s not a starter uh so it’s one of those things where if you get if you get a starter that’s great and you know Z was obviously a starter Caris is like a fringe starter like third wing type kind of guy that’s kind of the same translation for someone like the r homes if you’re if if he becomes a third big that’s a good outcome all right last guy that’s been mocked to the Cavs pretty frequently is kaon George out of Miami 6’8 you know a a wing type player 6′ 10 wings span I believe it’s listed at shot just over 40% from Deep this year what do you think about his uh possibility being a good quality NBA rotation player that could be available at 20 yeah there’s quite a split on him I found like even within people like Intel circles there’s a big uh you know some people see him as like a potential top 15 top 20 pick and then there’s others that have him like as a second rounder it’s one of those and that’s not that big of a split you know what I mean it’s it’s not like there’s a consensus on him part of that is that he just I don’t mean this in a negative way he wasn’t like a great college basketball player like it’s more it’s more tools than production for instance I think he averaged like 12 points a game which isn’t scoring on everything I’m not actually a huge scoring equals production guy personally but like he doesn’t have huge counting stats you actually shot it well that’s the that’s the biggest appeal for me with George is that if you think that’s a real thing of him being a 40% three-point shooter that’s how he becomes the quality NBA player I mean there’s been comparisons to like cam cam Johnson they have a very similar body type um as a shooter I think cam was a better shooter but also was an older guy coming out of UNC all that stuff so um I think the big thing is that he has to make shots if he doesn’t make shots I don’t love the secondary stuff with K and George but if he makes shots at at a high level from three-point range that I can sort of see how it’s appealing yeah I I think with him it’s the the phrase you mentioned earlier it’s whether or not the ball goes in the basket on the jumper um it’s to the extreme with him like I don’t see a ton more other than if he makes shots he’s going to be good if he doesn’t I’m just not sure where he’s going to fit in in the NBA I just I don’t necessarily see it he’s probably the guy of the three that we’ve talked about that I’m I’m not the highest on he’d probably rank third amongst this list for me oh yeah definitely for me too I I don’t mean that as like to pile on I kind of uniquely like Carrington and Holmes so without even confirming with you about those guys before this I have Georgia a tier or two lower it doesn’t mean it’ be a ridiculous pick as I don’t think it would be and and I do think that if he shoots the way he did this last year in college then there is a path but it it to to your point it just kind of has to be that I think up next on lock on Cavs I’ve got three guys that might fall to 20 they’ve consistently been mocked above where the Cavs are picking but if they fall would they be good fits we’ll tell you about those guys next right here on lock on Cavs but Today’s Show is brought to you by prize picks with prize picks you could turn $10 into $1,000 in a single game watching your favorite sports this summer you can make a prize picks lineup in as little as 60 seconds you just need to pick more or less on between two and six players stat projections it’s not hard to do just two and six more or less that’s all you have to do and you are locked in if you’re looking for promotions too prize picks has you covered every week on Tuesdays they lower select players stat projections which which obviously increases your chances of winning on Friday hey that’s today if you put together a losing lineup you can get your entry fee back isn’t that what everyone wants you know a little bit of a a free doover if you will prize picks is America’s number one fantasy sports app with over 5 million active users get in on the daily action with 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player or even a lot of people think he’s going to be a great great NBA player but he’s a great college player and that is Zach Ed from Purdue um I’ve got questions about whether or not he’s quick enough to stay um on the floor defensively if he can switch out onto guards and not just get cooked over and over and over again I also have questions about whether or not he can be a an effective offensive player if the offense isn’t built around him the way it was at Purdue um how do you see his transition to the NBA going there’s definitely a notable split on uh to your point um one of those two concerns is my my my main one and it’s the defense right I I think that just to say it’s out loud and you alluded to it he was a generationally fantastic college basketball player like there was this notion and I’ll keep it short about like how he was quote unquote just big and it’s like that’s not true he was actually just like fantast now he is huge he’s absolutely enormous he’s absolutely enormous but uh he took advantage of that and I think he used he’s very skilled for any you know he’s very skilled keep that in mind um but defensively that is the the question is can he move his feet in space he got better at that as his college career went along but the NBA is a different level and even in the Big 10 not always the most Athletic Conference in college like he had some moments at times um I don’t I think it’s more plausible to me that he can do it now than it was a year ago when we were talking about him as a potential draft entry but still that’s my number one question is can he hold up in space and that’s why I don’t have him as a lottery pick like some do um but the rest of it is pretty appealing to me I think offensively yeah he’s not going to be the focal point but man he’s a fantastic screen Setter like your guards are going to love him in a lot of ways uh I could you know he he will just plow through guys in the perimeter and he just has natural gravity of being as big as he is great rebounder so like there’s lots of boxes that you check it’s just can you draft him in the first round or in the top 20 in this case if you don’t think he can hold on the perimeter is that’s a pretty interesting question who would you compare him to in terms of his offensive game um you know I I don’t want to necessarily rag on the guy for maybe not being able to hold up defensively so I I I don’t know that we need to comp there but just in terms of his size and skill who who can you think of that makes sense to you know if it works out for him this is what he looks like on the offensive end of the floor yeah I mean the hard thing is that just there just isn’t anybody that’s like you know physically no I mean there are guys who are as tall as he is like W’s almost as tall as he is if not as tall as he is but when’s just such a different player like you have to go like modern day the only modern day comp like physically is like boban and I think that if you watch boban off he it’s a very similar problem potentially is that Ban’s always been a really good offensive player he’s got he’s always been really efficient it’s just that he he truly could not hold up defensively at all on the perimeter and that’s that’s the downside the downside risk is that he’s Bon who was an NBA player he’s been in the league for a long time but no one is clamoring for bobon in the rotation in 2024 so that’s the downside risk I mean offense I mean you have to go back to like previous iterations of of the NBA to have a guy that’s like built on postscoring and all that stuff the way he was and I think it honestly he’s a rare Guy where you can throw him the ball and I think he’s gonna score I really do like even though I’m not a big post-up guy in the modern NBA a lot of teams don’t do that I think he can score on almost anybody I really do it’s just how much you want to emphasize that right and I do wonder how team how often teams are going to allow him to post up because you know when you’re drafting a guy at 20 typically or you know in the range that that Ed is projected to go into typically you’re not you kind of have some of it figured out you’re not one of the worst teams in basketball so you’re not going to be throwing the ball into him in the post repeatedly because you should have a relatively respectable offense so I wonder what his offensive game looks like if he becomes more of someone who is an awesome screen Setter and Dives to the basket afterwards like that that could be maybe his blueprint if he’s not getting those post touches of still being a really effective offensive player yep I totally buy and I really do think that he’s a going to be a good offive player in the NBA it’s just how good is that is that question then and then it’s the defense and that’s why he’s going to maybe be available in this spot up next uh Tristan dilva Wing uh maybe a tweener type out of Colorado the thing I like about him and why I think he’s he could be a really good fit at the Cavs if he falls to number 20 you know I’ve seen a lot of him going 17th to the Lakers um but I think he might be one of the better pure Shooters in this draft and that’s something as I watch him I think okay maybe not everything that he does is something that he can take with him to the NBA but I think that that jumper is something that will follow him to the NBA yeah I agree I think he was incredibly efficient this year as a shooter um he kind of profiles to me this is very broad on purpose but as like a fifth starter type where like let’s just say in Cleveland for instance while we’re talking about the Cavs like if he’s your fifth starter and um he just doesn’t take a lot off the table the shooting really plays up he makes the right reads he’s a legitimate dribble pass shoot guy and like that’s appealing as a package offensively and then I think defensively he isn’t going to be great he’s not the most athletic guy in the world there’s a reason why he’s was still in college after four years like he’s old he’s 23 already and that’s why but I do think that he can move and he’s got decent size 68 he’s a legitimate small forward siiz player um but I I I think that he just doesn’t take much off the table that’s that’s my general appeal and you’re right if the shooting is what it was this last year at Colorado and it generally has improved all the way mechanics are good not to go back to our uh TR from earlier but if if the shot goes in then like everything everything else plays up because I he doesn’t really have a glaring weakness other than you could say athleticism everything else is kind of like pretty solid and the shooting might be what pushes him up up a level he he to me as I watch him he screams out a guy that you know he I don’t think he’s got a super high ceiling but I think he’s got a pretty high floor yeah um like I think that the most likely outcome and I think it’s just like overwhelmingly likely is that he is that fifth starter or like the seventh or eighth guy on a team that’s really good for a long time like that’s how I think his career could play out and I would I don’t think anyone should be surprised by that yeah I have I have a friend Brian Sher who does this really well he’s compared D Silva to haime hakz it’s a little bit of a different profile because hakas is a better hakas is a better athlete but Sil is a better shooter and that’s it’s like you know kind of an older college player really good college player maybe slips too far and hawz isn’t going to be a star either but he’s already proven to be a starting caliber player who you would like to have on team and I think that’s kind of what the Silva maybe looks like again that might be a little bit aspirational because hwz has gone perfectly and I honestly I loved hakz but even then like let’s just say we fast forward in hakz now as like what he was in two years on year three or four instead of year one or year two when he was that good I think that’s a pretty reasonable comparison last guy last guy I’ve got here for this section of the show is Johnny Fury um Wing out of Kansas I I think the thing that is appealing is that he’s got great numbers as a spot up shooter um that is the thing that if if he can take that to the NBA I think he’ll be really good yeah another guy who the shot the shots got to go in but I I definitely see that um that’s he was a by the way he was a weirdly late Riser too in this process like he was not even he was bar playing at Kansas early in the year and he got injected in the starting lineup had this meteoric rise and kind of held that and to the point where he’s a projective first- round pick um he’s really athletic I will say um it’s just one of those things where can he impact the game in other ways other than shooting and like the occasional transition play but I do think the shooting is real and I think he’s what I want to say he’s like measured at six like 6 Nish something like that yeah six six 8ish without without shoes so he’s very skinny and not that long wingspan wise but a good leaper good athlete and the shooting plays and shooting plays up next we’ll talk about whether or not it’s best to draft for need or to just take the best player available right here on lock down Cavs Today’s show is brought to you by LinkedIn when you’re hiring for your small business you want to find quality professionals that are right for the role that’s why you’ve got to check out LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs has the tools to help you find the right Professionals for your team faster and for free I’m someone that I’ve been looking for jobs in the past I’ve lost jobs before I’ve wanted to make advancements in my career before so when I have been looking for jobs where have I gone LinkedIn that’s where I go to look for jobs I like to think I’m the type of person that if I’m looking for a job you should be looking for me where am I at LinkedIn jobs that’s why it’s the place to go for you 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player available at number 20 I think we agreed broadly on what you just said about like it’s never as cut and dry as BPA versus fit at any point in the board I think as the bo as you go down the board I think fit becomes you know more of a tiebreaker like you know a number one overall for instance covering the team right now that has the number one pick for instance and there’s this huge debate of course it’s like do you take the guy best on the board or or do you think about fit at all I mean and I think that you have to for me it’s always you have to think about fit around your core guys so if you’re the Cavs you have several core players who you’re invested in right and does this player fit with my core guys does really matter at every I think at every spot and it’s uh I think that in general fit and also I think what people say fit they they they think positional fit and it’s it’s not just positional fit it’s also like what is your what what does your coach run like who who like what what kind of skill set do you have versus the skill set the other guys have on your team so fit is a Nuance thing in itself but I generally agree that as you get later in the draft it matters even more in theory I actually think one of the other fit things that’s worth talking about is age too where is the team at amongst its its developmental process because sure you know the Boston Celtics just won a title but like they’re still developing certain players they’re just as far along as you get in the developmental process the Cavs are in a developmental process as every team is but because they are a team that’s made the playoffs each the last two years that just won a Series this year um they could be undergoing some pretty big changes this off season but they’re a team that’s expected to at the very least be a top four team in the Eastern Conference again next year so you sort of I I think want someone that’s able to play right away so if you’re drafting someone that’s 22 or 23 years old I think that’s a lot different than if you’re a team like the Detroit Pistons that won 14 games last year I think it makes more sense there maybe draft that 19yearold if it’s if all things are equal yes it’s also what it’s also about what are you looking for from this from this pick both you know can they help you now do you want them to help you now do you need them to help you now in the NBA it’s it’s backwards like the drafts before free agency right and I know there’s every joke to be made about free agency happening kind of in the shadows before the draft which is probably real but you you don’t know in theory what you’re going to be able to plug holes wise in the NBA like you’re drafting in this vacuum before that stuff really happens and yeah it also depends on what your roster looks like if you have a lot of fre agents that are hitting the board there’s a lot more flux if you have a team that’s like coming back in full are you drafting a player that’s going to help you now or long term and also realistic expectations for what that player is if you’re drafting a project that’s okay but you have to remember that you’re drafting a project and plan accordingly both with that player and also who else you bring in and messaging is weird too to both to the player to the agent even to your fan which just doesn’t matter as much but it’s like if you’re drafting this like 18year old guy who isn’t probably gonna help you for two years kind of try to make that somewhat clear that they’re not going to suddenly be your starting small forward you know what I mean it’s one of those there’s lots of nuance it’s it’s never as clear and for me last thing before I start I stop rambling you also want to tear this tear these guys up that’s what I do anyway like I I would want to break a tier to draft a guy who for fit I think it’s more of a tiebreaker or a tier breaker than anything else like you don’t want to reach too much because the fits weird that there’s also Nuance there no I think that’s something that totally makes sense um because like if there is a player that is very clearly Head and Shoulders above um the next best player but might not be the best fit it might be worth just trying to figure it out like that is a very real real thing like if they’re and I don’t think that is so much in play at 20 um especially in a draft like this where I don’t think that there’s necessarily a ton of future Allstars um in it and maybe you disagree with that I’m sure there will be a couple but I don’t think that this is um anything that’s ever going to be compared to like the class of 2003 for instance um but as you get further down I I think that just that Talent level goes down so fit might rise up a little bit Yeah I think one thing that could happen I’m not saying it’s going to at 20 just to put it at practical terms is it’s more like maybe somebody fall unexpectedly like last year Kim Whitmore fell way down the board and it was it was a surprise and it was for you know health reasons and whatever Intel reasons but it was a surprise on the day and he was like a consensus top 10 guy who fell and it’s like you gotta be ready if you’re the Cavs or whoever for that guy like if that guy falls to you it’s like okay what do we think about this guy not only Intel wise but you know he would like let should say Ron Holland or one of these guys that are like I think are going to be gone by the time the Cavs pick but have been kind of falling in some lock drops Isaiah call one where like these guys are seen as like kind of some of the higher-end talent guys in this class but if they fall unexpectedly do you care about that as the Cavs are you gon let those guys go by and kind of more more go for fit more go for need or however you want to put that uh it’s it’s interesting because it comes down to how you feel about the player and always and it’s never a vacuum there’s always stuff that matters there’s always minations around that you have to decipher as a team Intel stuff that we never hear about on the outside it’s it’s very very complicated yes it is a it it is a science um and you know cam Whitmore did fall all the way down to number 20 last year we’ll see if something like that happens this year um before I get you out of here who do you think the hawk should take number one who that is the question for sure uh that’s why I had to ask it I couldn’t let the leave without asking that I don’t blame you uh I think if if I wasn’t allowed to trade down or there were just nothing to trade down I would take alexar uh I’m not I’m not married to that he is my number one player on my board but it’s not in his own tier I think that speaking of tiers that’s a good example where if the Hawks go with somebody else I’m not gonna throw things I think it’ll be very understandable despite having Alex AR number one um but trading down is never sexy you’ll probably hear that if you ever bring that up for the Cavs fans don’t like trading down as a general rule not everyone but most of the time but uh especially number one overall I I proposed that I had guests on my on my show proposed that and no nobody likes that I wonder I wonder why that is it’s like you know anyway but yeah alexar if you maybe choose right now I’ll take alexar fair enough Brad thank you so much for taking the time to do this very much appreciate it it was my pleasure to be on thank you for making lock on Cavs your first listen every day you can find me on Twitter at realy Cunningham you can find Brad at BT roll and of course you check out locked on Hawks and of course everything he writes at Dime some really great stuff there be sure if you haven’t already subscribe to the podcast Apple Spotify wherever you get your podcast also like this video on YouTube subscribe on YouTube we will be back on Monday maybe the Cavs will have a new head coach um if not we will continue talking about draft as that is only a few days away we’ve got so much to get to keep it locked right here at lock on Cavs

The Cavs have the No. 20 overall pick next week in the NBA Draft. Brad Rowland joins the show to discuss who the options could be for the Cavs to pick in the first round.

On Friday’s Locked On Cavs, Danny Cunningham (@RealDCunningham) of Cleveland Magazine and 92.3 The Fan is joined by Locked On Hawks host Brad Rowland to chat about who the Cavs could take with the No. 20 overall pick in next week’s NBA Draft.

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