@Sacramento Kings

Matt George, Locked on Kings – Should the Kings Be In Or Out On Zach LaVine?

Matt George, Locked on Kings – Should the Kings Be In Or Out On Zach LaVine?

all right man our man Matt George is here with us uh he learned through social media that last week’s show went to hell without him and he just knew uh no matter how many hours he’s worked over the last few days uh he had to be with us I noticed you’re from the home studio today so that’s a good look for you I got a got a nice little day off um man there’s a lot more to talk about I I I was I was excited this morning I was watching um the locked on Kings podcast talking about Zack LaVine and Alex Caruso and well Alex Caruso is headed to the Oklahoma City Thunder and uh all trade ideas regarding the Sacramento Kings Chicago Bulls for both of those players uh are gone for now yeah uh I mean that that stinks because that’s the interest that I had in the Zack LaVine trade to begin with and and look like Alex Caruso is in many ways exactly what the Sacramento Kings would want exactly what the Sacramento Kings need more of and the fact that he was available and it only took Josh gidy to get him like it it it stings even more now I think I I said this sarcastically on social media but I guess turns out guys that Kevin herder Harrison Barnes trade package probably doesn’t have as much value around the league apparently because if Josh giddy could get it done but Harrison Barnes and Kevin herder don’t think it gives you a pretty good idea of why the Sacramento Kings have been shopping the same package since the trade deadline and have had really nothing to show for it ultimately so I do you think they offered those two guys for Al Caruso I mean that’s what that’s what was reported but I should say they were brought up in conversations I don’t know if it was both of them in picks for both LaVine and Caruso or if they offered the pair of them for Caruso or a pick in one of them for Caruso we don’t we don’t really know but either way like it only took Josh giddy to get Alex Caruso which is a phenomenal pickup for the Oklahoma City Thunder that already already scary defense just got a lot scarier and a lot better in my opinion so I I mean the OKC Thunder were already for real now they’re even more for real in my eyes and then like to be honest with you my my interest in taking on the Zack LaVine contract went to OKC with Caruso like I I I think I would have been okay dealing with the repercussions financially of Sacramento taking if Caruso is coming to Sacramento with him give or take what the Kings would have to give up in order to make that trade happen now I’m not fully out on LaVine necessarily but my willingness to deal with the cap hell that the Kings would put themselves in by taking on Zack LaVine who would be the number one highest paid player on the Kings by the way he’d be P making almost $10 million per year more than dearon Fox and be be making more money than the $40 million Pere contract that damont sabonis just got so you’re putting yourself in Capell bringing on your new highest paid player to be your second or third option and you didn’t get a quality Defender which is what this team needs more of in addition to that so I’m I’m drifting more towards being out on LaVine at this point here here’s what I would say about that and and something that I’ve talked about before and I I don’t know I just don’t see it the same way like people are acting like Zack LaVine on that Mike Trout 13y contract like does he have like two years left on his deal he’s got two years in a third year is a player option which is like for basically 49 million which he’s not turning down so it’s a threeyear deal you got three years old three three that’s not a big deal like I think I think it overlaps maybe one year because of that player option with what dear’s New Deal would be and it may overlap it overlaps keeg too two years with Keegan and then if it don’t work out he’s gone well here’s the thing if you bring LaVine this is your swing it’s your swing because you’re if you bring in LaVine you’re stuck with him for three years there’s very low likelihood that you’re getting rid of him at any point as the contract gets worse and worse and worse or more expensive should I say as time goes on if you trade for Zack LaVine you are capping yourself at at out at what you are and that’s it the only way you’re moving off that is if you’re moving one of Keegan fox or sabonis which maybe they’re open to down the road but this core as we know it I think is locked in with LaVine there’s no another move that Monty McNair makes to bolster the the core of this this team at this point plus in my opinion you don’t make the Zack LaVine move at all unless you know that Malik Monk’s gone if the kings were to trade for Zack LaVine today the same way that OKC traded for Caruso to me that says they’re they’re pretty confident that Malik is leaving if they wait until Malik decides to go let’s say he chooses uh San Antonio or he chooses Orlando or whoever then maybe they’re a little more willing to make the move because they have to find another go-to score to fill the void that Malik leaves behind so the context there is important too this is not a trade that I would make on draft night with number 13 because we won’t know about Malik’s decision by then this is a trade that I think you make later on in the off season if you’re Sacramento and if you’re considering taking LaVine on the one of the sorry d one of the things um that was was said that is that it would cap out the Kings gonna do that anyway like any move you make is going to do that financially and asset wise kma doesn’t kosma doesn’t kozman doesn’t but Ingram does Ingram Ingram does he caps out MoneyWise and asset wise kosma doesn’t but to your original point though it’s going to take a very specific team I think to take on um Harrison Barnes and Kevin herder so like if you it say you make the kosma deal yeah you still got another move to make but I keep using this guy and he’s he’s a fine basketball player but it be for like a brogon type it’s not you’re not bringing another heavy hitter in there for just Harrison and herder assuming you traded your 13th pick to to Washington and the kadale no you’re you’re you’re correct about that like I said if this is those who have been calling for a swing this is exactly what this would be like if this if you want the Kings to make a big swing this offseason and go all in that’s what is like Zack LaVine trade would be in my mind now that does not mean that when I say you’re you’re capped out that doesn’t mean that you can’t make other minor moves on the side and things like that and little trades to try and bolster the rest of your roster which I think they would still have to do in addition to any LaVine deal because this team still needs to get better defensively on the perimeter Zack LaVine does not address your perimeter defense he gives you another fantastic scoring option and when healthy I think he and dearn fox would be a phenomenally fun and potentially terrifying backcourt to have to face Zack LaVine directly addresses one of the needs of this team period which is another guy that can just go and get you a bucket and he does that better than Malik monk does the offense on the the Distributing side is Malik has the advantage in that defense is probably a wash or a push between the two but if you’re planning on bringing Malik monk back you I guess defensively you’re okay with the idea of bringing Zack LaVine in this team still needs help around the edges but if the Kings go and get LaVine like this core is I think locked in your Fox sabonis LaVine Keegan that is it you have to win with that group there is no bigger move on top of that unless somehow you convince a player to come in on a vet minimum deal to join the Sacramento Kings and win a title which that would be a fantastic way to go but I don’t think the Kings put them yeah LeBron yeah I don’t think that that uh that’s gonna happen even though Rich Paul said what I’ve been saying for months and it’s that LeBron James isn’t taking a minimum deal to sign with Phoenix or anywhere well he wasn’t presented with the Sacramento scenarios well that’s true that’s a okay when the man makes point the man makes point I’m curious why and maybe this is something Financial that I’m just not smart enough to put together why do you only make the LaVine move um if Malik’s not here because I’m I’m of the well if I don’t know if if Malik does return and you pay the 17 and a half million per year or whatever it is to to to bring him back I think you get getting a Kyle kosmo or getting a player at a different position on a better contract is a significantly better route for Sacramento to go than bringing Malik back and then bringing in a starter that is 100% gonna be playing in front of Malik and now you’ve just committed basically your entire bit of caps Bas this offseason to two guards who don’t play defense two guards that that fit more of the old version of the Sacramento Kings and not the newer version of the kings that Mike Brown has has managed to turn this team into the final third of the season it’s my belief this entire offseason guys the goal of this offseason is to get your roster and get your uh Philosophy from your head coach on the same page using all of your money and all of your assets essentially this offseason I know they’d still have some picks to trade and things like that but basically using the majority of what you have this offseason to go get two players at the same position to ball dominant offensive guards does not help Sacramento build in the area that Mike Brown believes they need to build and establish a foundation of defense and then offense on top of that so that’s my hesitancy there and if I’m I consider taking or or going for LaVine after monk leaves because I’m of the belief that if Malik monk leaves you have a massive void on this roster there is no rookie in this draft class I I’m tired of reading these mock drafts of the Kings could should consider taking discard because they might lose Malik monk in free agency Malik monk should have nothing to do with the king’s draft decision absolutely nothing because there’s not a rookie in this class that is going to come in and replace what Malik monk does for the Sacramento Kings next season in the Western Conference it’s not going to happen so if you lose Malik monk you have a massive void that you’re trying to fill Zack LaVine might be the best option that you have to fill that void and still potentially improve but of course you have to pay top dollar for it um everything Matt said makes perfect sense and is on point I’ll just maybe play Devil’s Advocate or you know maybe somebody could educate me a little bit more if you sign Malik monk bring back or trade for Zack LaVine would you still be able to use the midlevel to go get a player like go get a a random Wing player that might be a good defender or something like that I believe you could I’m not I’m not a cap expert like James ham is that’s about $4 million a year I yeah I assume no there’s two mid levels right there’s the was it 14 million and then there’s like the seven million one or six million one I can’t imagine they’d have the 14 million after acquiring aund right 20 some odd million dollars even if even if they did are you confident that one player at a mid-level exception addresses the defensive perimeter issues that you have I’m not absolutely you can like you’re not g you’re not going to go get I’ll tell you this you’re not gonna spend $25 million on somebody that’s gonna go address that need it’s gonna be a guy that is somebody put him in a TR it’s gonna Le how much did Keon help a lot like that’s what I mean like that that that was one player who probably makes 650 an hour it’s gonna be it’s gonna be a Derek Jones type guy like that’s that’s what you’re going to be shopping for regardless if you get LaVine or not like you’re not going to spend $20 million on a wing Defender yeah because you hate OG and Obi apparently he wants 30 well now I think you’re making that up so I think that’s where you’re gonna have to like that’s where you’re gonna have to shop for that type of guy um and and and see if you can if see if you can find him I don’t want to say I’m a scrap he because that’s a little higher than a scrap Heap but I don’t think I I don’t think you should Phoenix building a roster last year that’s not what that is right right so I think that’s where it would come from anyway yeah I I again I just think it’s redundant I think going out and getting both Malik and LaVine and essentially using the majority of your assets this offseason in order to do that still puts you in a very similar position to what you were last year you still lack depth and size and athleticism on the wing and you’re trying to solve the same problem except now you’re paying even more money for what you have that being said a roster of fox LaVine monk Keegan and domas I understand how that’s appealing to people I understand how that could be be scary and enticing and I’m not saying I would hate it if that’s what the Kings rolled into next season but I still think what they’re what they need to address and what they’re trying to address this off season is not taken care of with that deal I just don’t think it it’s it’s to me does not synergize with what I believe Mike is looking for and what Mike is preaching real quick I want to ask both of you guys a question doesn’t what you’re looking for this off season kind of depend on what you think Keegan Murray is because if you think he’s a three then what are we going looking for this super Wing Defender at that point you got Keon possibly at the two you got Malik who would be starting if you bring them back that’s that’s what I believe so you’re not going to look for um this super win you then turn your attention to looking for a power fourward like a stretch four I think if you think Keegan is your three I think personally I like him better as your stretch four and that would lend you to be looking for that player that Matt keeps talking about but it doesn’t it kind of depend on what you what you view Keegan as well regardless if you view Keegan as a three or a four you need more bodies of his size like I I mean the Kings gave up 40 plus percent from three-point range last season and were abysmal with three-point defense not because they weren’t working and trying on the perimeter to me it was because they’re undersized like if Keon Ellis or or Davon Mitchell six foot to six foot two guys maybe Keon 63 in shoes like if you’re trying to close out on a 67 dude shooting a mid mid toop jump shot from the perimeter he’s gonna be able to more often than not shoot over the top of you and at the NBA level with the skill of Shooters at the NBA level is just not good enough right like Keegan has to take on a lot of the defensive responsibility himself for the wing I Harrison helps him minimally if at all with the wing defense that is Keegan’s responsibility and Keegan alone so you need to bring in more guys that can help with that now does Kyle kosma do that Kyle kosma is not necessarily known for the defense that he can play but I think Kyle kumma gives you a body of that size who I believe would buy in and could buy into Mike Brown’s system assuming Kyle is okay and open to to coming here and and playing the role that the Sacramento Kings would would need him to play but I’m of the belief that you just need more bodies you need more guys of that size because it’s it’s Keegan it’s Harrison and it’s Kessler Edwards and then I mean Trey LS is kind of that size but he’s more of a small ball five than he is a four or three so spending all your money on two guards that are 63 to 65 I think what is Malik 62 63 to 65 that you’re still lacking those bodies and then maybe like you said you use your remaining mle to seven million whatever it is to try and go get one more body of that size to to to help but I just I’m that’s not the all-in that I feel very comfortable making when kuso is not a part of the deal um you talked to dear I think it was yesterday yep and I know you guys talked a little bit about defense and the way that the Kings played defense last year and its sustainability we didn’t get a chance to play uh that clip on the show today but what did dearn say about the way that they played on the defensive end at the end of last season well he immediately brought up the officiating and he said like there was a drastic change in the middle slashback half of the Season where the league just decided to let more physicality go and I think whether it was Adam Silver stepping in or everybody recognizing hey 130 to 140 every night is not very fun or not very good let’s allow these Defenders to actually play physical defense before the start of the playoffs so dearen acknowledged that and talked about how that allowed for more physicality in the second half and then I kind of followed up with like hey when it on when they made that change did you prefer it the the way it was to end the season when you were having more defensive success but the game was more physical and he said yeah I I I feel like I played better on the offensive end at that time so it does it doesn’t impact me I can go get a bucket regardless of the defense is physical or not so what I took away from that answer was if the kings are allowed to play physical they’re going to play physical they want to play physical that’s what Mike Brown has been preaching and they clearly seem to enjoy and have success with that at the end of the season but de’arra saying just be consistent throughout all 82 games if we can play physical let us play physical from day one through the playoffs if we can’t then keep it the way it is all season long but just stay consistent no drastic change in the second or final third of the Season yeah I mean I I liked when they let them defend a little bit more uh towards the end of the season I I understand what dearn is saying though like keep it consistent whatever whatever you decide to go with keep it consistent and something that we can make the adjustments to throughout the year as opposed to just switching it up out of nowhere and then we got to make another adjustment just as we were like we were making the adjustment to them letting it be free flowing and soon as we got comfortable with that they switched it up again um so I I I understand that we talk about the king’s defense I mean they were they were mid mid uh mid mid-level team defensively with defensive rating and everything else like that do you think that they have the ability with sabonis in the lineup not saying he’s the problem or anything but you there’s always he’s not like the greatest Defender to to be better who’s gonna protect the rim Kenny well think they can be better I I mean it’s funny you bring up and you talk about Rim protection DLo because there’s different types of Rim protection Mike Brown hates blocks like he’s he’s made it very well known like he thinks the block stat is useless he doesn’t care about a block because a block doesn’t guarantee you a secured possession if you knock the ball out of bounds sure you save two points but you give possession back to the other team with maybe a littleit less than the shot clock now having a shot blocker is probably better than not having any RI Rim protection altogether but Mike is more interested in I think having guys who will play physical defense on all three levels perimeter mid-range and in the paint guys that will communicate on the defensive end as a team and then after you get a stop or after they miss a shot guys that will crash the glass and secure the defensive rebound I think that’s what Mike values more of so domas can do that right domas is he a rim protecting Center no he’s not is he someone that is a big physical body that should be able to take up space change shots and secure defensive rebounds we’ve seen him do it like he can do that so with the philosophy of Mike Brown with what the Kings need from their interior defense I think they’re fine the interior defense was not the problem Mike pointed this out La it could have been better for sure but Mike pointed this out last season if the kings were average with their perimeter defense they would have been a top 10 defensive team last year and he pointed that to us halfway through the season not during the final third of the year when the Kings really started to ramp it up defensively so if Sacramento can improve that perimeter defense to where a lot of those open shots come from scrambling and helping and trying to lock down the perimeter when Cutters are attacking or the ball handlers trying to get to the rim so that’s part of it but if you can stay consistent with what you were defensively physically without fouling and find a way to better secure the perimeter and not get torched from three and allow teams that come in as a team shooting 30% but come into the golden one Center and shoot 45% for some reason and it happens way too often if you can limit that Sacramento is in a much better position to win games regardless of how their offense is playing that given night then of course if the Kings get those offensive Knights that we know they’re capable of they’re knocking down threes dearon Fox is going off even domos is getting his Keegan goes for 45 again then that should be a shoe in Easy win for Sacramento instead of a oh you need that some nights in order to win do you think uh KC asked this earlier um no LaVine Malik’s back no kozma just the Kings as we know him an old number 13 run it back part two is that a playoff team yes yeah I think so I mean it’s the same way I think Casey you said this earlier on the show I think you just said it recently why would we be confident that that was it going into this season and now we’re not confident just because they missed the playoffs they were a 46- win team they were a 46- win team losing a starter in their six-man to injury at the end they were a 46- win team that only a third of their season was playing the defense that they believe they’re capable of playing for a full full season they dealt with injuries although honestly like if we look at last season the grand scheme of things I know the Monk and herder injuries at the end of the season stucked dearon still played over 70 games domas played every single night Harrison played every single night the kings were still relatively healthy so I don’t mean to say this in a way that scares you and knock on wood it could have been a whole hell of a lot worse healthwise for Sacramento last season so that probably is more discouraging than it is encouraging but this Kings team was right there and I believe that if you were just to run this team back and tell me that defensively they could play consistently for all 82 games the way that they played for those final 20 or so I would say yes this Kings team is probably a playoff team now winning a championship making it out of the first round probably not like I I would say Championship most likely not I’m was gonna say I think it’s sweet that you said probably not sweet is probably yeah I mean probably is probably very very generous I mean now we’re talking about like dearon has to go MVP Supernova deont sabonis has to decide that he’s going to shoot the basketball consistently and then Keegan has to turn into the offensive weapon that the kings are hoping that he can turn into that’s what you’re leaning on to really truly make a run but if you’re content on playing it patient again and trying to sneak in again and just make it out of the first round if that’s what you’re content with you better do it this time like you have to do it this time and if you’re not in a position where you feel like you can the trade deadline has to be very active here’s my issue though with both of you is they won 48 games two years ago it was only a difference in two games I I got that 48 games would have missed the playoffs last year MH okay I thought I pointed out but 48 those 48 games were with the offense being the way that it was and the defense being poor like I maybe I’m leaning in too much in buying into that’s okay so let me go back to the question I asked you a minute ago and rephrase it what we saw or and maybe dearen address this or not what we saw at the end of last year was that the Kings defense or was that a change in officiating I mean I I think I think it was a change in the king’s defense I mean I think the officiating definitely played a part in it like like dearen pointed out but if I take you back to the beginning of the season the kings were getting out physical consistently and by the end of the season they were the ones playing physical and they were the ones kind of bringing the physicality and engaging in that sense plus I think Mike it took him most of the season but I think Mike figured out how to use Keon and Davon effectively and how to more get the guys on the floor consistently that that could help on the defensive end while not taking too colossal of a drop off on offense so I do believe that the Kings I don’t I don’t think it’s fair to the work that Sacramento put into to just say the officiating is what changed or allowed the Kings to suddenly become good defensively they had to work they had to put in the effort they had to fight and play with the physicality that they were playing but I think the officiating comes into play with if the Kings want to try and be that again this season but the officiating reverts to how it was at the start of last season and they’re not able to play that way then they probably are are are a little concerned they probably have an issue because the physicality on the defensive end is what they have to rely on more than the skill because I don’t think this roster is skilled enough defensively yet I’m a I’m a big I’m a big believer in in this and I you know I always say it but I mean I I need I need I need more offense I need to get back to that the whole thing that a lot of people were talking about the year before is they would say if the Kings take a step back on offense but improve on defense that’ll get them ready for the Long Haul and that’s exactly what happened last year they took a step back on offense they got better on defense and they were at home and I just I I think they I think they need more bucket Getters that doesn’t mean like just go back to being 29th on defense I’m not saying that but they they need they need bucket get it when when Monk and herder went down it kind of exposed the fact that offensively they they weren’t as deep as maybe we thought they were where they weren’t able to handle of their two shooting guards going down because there wasn’t much else in the way of offense after that I think they they they need another one and I think that’s that should be a huge um point of emphasis this off season is finding another bucket getter and you can look for defense as well but I feel like those bucket Getters cost more than the Defenders you can find a good defender on the cheap um I don’t think you can find a good scorer on the chief Casey I’m I’m gonna kind of put you on the spot here a little bit and I don’t mean this in kind of a aggressive jerk way but like do you like he was when I said Tatum should have been MVP cursed me out on Twitter it happened well I no I just said wrong because you were wrong but anyway um yeah you read between the lines sorry underneath the wrong there was a lot of explod do you not trust do you not believe Mike Brown because Mike Mike is making it very clear this team to win a championship through his experience in Golden State San Antonio Cleveland whatever in his experience giving up some of the offense because the the kings were still a good offensive I agree with you completely they needed another go-to score when they lost monk it was all on Fox and and that was tough for them to get through look at like the New Orleans Pelicans game right it was Fox kind of B and nobody else so you’re 100% right about that I agree with you there which is where LaVine could help but Brown is telling us as the guy who probably knows more than any of us how to win a championship here in Sacramento Brown is telling us we need more of these defensive guys to be able to build a foundation of a top 10 top 12 defense and have that carry us through to where offensively we will be able to survive nights where we’re not all on because I think back to a couple years ago right that Kings team was fun that Kings team offensively was gifted they led the league the rest of the league got better offensively than Sacramento even was that season while the Kings did take a step back but the Kings also one needed to score like that to win and two they’ caught teams by surprise like teams weren’t prepared for that now they are and that’s what that also plays into the fact that I think the Kings took a little bit of an offensive step back because defenses knew how to handle them a little bit defenses knew how to attack the sabonis in the dho game so if I don’t think you have to see be like team Mike Brown or team against Mike Brown but Mike is saying this is what we need well casy hates coaches so that would probably be an easy thing to not true at all but you just finan heard what he said about JJ reic earlier geez what what I say about JJ I’m the only one that uh poding come on man I’m only one to say might beip Pat Riley no you said you did not say that at all JJ Reddit getting the head coach job is a win for podcasters everywhere I have a chance to be an NBA head coach got got a chance by the way I think old clipped has jumped the jumped the sh I didn’t watch the the last episode it was uh it it wasn’t bad it wasn’t bad but it was like a like a what do you call it it was like a throwback to kind of like give you a little backstory on V and then they felt we needed a backstory on Doc no it no it I’m going to laugh like what we a backstory episode so they tried to tie in the 92 riots and like Doc was Doc way for the Clippers at that time yeah and now a bunch of white people were like no you can go ahead of me it’s okay it’s okay and then he and and I guess in Clipper world he walked around in his jacket he he walked around in a Clippers jacket that said rivers on the back like he went to the convenience store with that jacket on like and that’s cap that would get you nowhere all right man think you laughed at it so I just remember the episode ended and I was like oh God it’s not winning time well we we saw it we saw it coming after the last episode have you watched clipped I haven’t I haven’t yet I’ve heard it’s good but I I haven’t that’s not the word I would use to describe it it was certainly humorous to start like it the first two was like yeah and then it just got and then it then then you reminded hey we’re talking about racism here and then it it wasn’t as fun all bad all bad I had high hopes for clipped um well go to to answer Matt’s question though Mike Brown if we’re in the room um I will concede to his knowledge and experience being on championship teams and being in this league and I’ll just say hey Matt I conc to you and what you think is best but I would tell him I respectfully disagree with in this particular situation I think with this group you you I just feel like you got to lead with your offense you got to lead with your offense with this particular group and I I would say I know how he’s what he’s saying fundamentally is correct I believe like in and how you’re trying to build a team I agree I just don’t think that applies to this team but I don’t know if you’re going to get that far with this group if you want them to turn into this this defense first team I think you always got to leave with your offense and when you’re making moves to to boost this roster I think you got to start think about your offense first and how it affects that and then see if you can you can add defense along the way so here’s the thing Casey I was and and in many ways still am completely on on board with exactly what you’re saying because I think you and I both were captaining the the kings are sacrificing too much on the offensive end for minimal defensive Improvement all season long to where Mike was even talking to us during press conferences about like I understand like we’re still focusing on the offense but this is what we’re trying to do defensively so Mike was aware of it we were asking him about it we’ve been that was a talking point all season long till to the point that people were responding to my podcast going why are we still talking about this Matt it is what it is this is the direction that they’re going in my thing is one you just financially committed to Mike and Mike kind of when he came in he played and installed a system that emphasized the strengths of that roster then the exact thing that he said would happen happened they got bounced in the first round and he’s been very consistent with I have no interest in being an offensive first Firepower team that gets rinsed in the playoffs and doesn’t make it past the first or second round every year I don’t have interest in that and he’s experienced that before he’s been on both sides of that before so he knows what it takes one thing you said Casey that I think is absolutely correct is with this roster the way it is I think you do have to emphasize offense more than Mike did last season but I think that’s the whole point of what I’m talking about this offseason you need to change that you need to change the roster to fit the way your head coach believes you should play and to fit the way that some of your roster has bought into playing dearon is bought into playing defense at that level Keon has Malik has Keegan has even domas to some extent they have bought into playing the defense that Mike Brown wants to play you need to go out and and it’s easy for me to say for my safe little non-gm chair but it’s you need to go out and get more guys that fit that mold more than the offensive Firepower of a couple of seasons ago because your head coach does not believe that is the way to ultimately win a title and if you’re going to continue to go against what he’s saying needs to happen why did you extend him in the first place uh the chatty house brought to you by Matthews mattress celebrate America’s birthday at Matthews mattress Independence Day sales event you’ll love the freedom you get from a good night’s sleep they have huge savings on beauty rest and Beauty Rest black in fact you could save up to $1,200 on select Beauty Rest black and adjustable base sets that’s my bag got three of them in the house two of them with adjustable base sets you need to cop those um they got free same day delivery as well to get your old mattress out of there they got 10 locations to choose from Casey one out by me and Roseville one out by you and El grve you can head over to Matthews right now to find the location nearest you thoughts on JJ reick before we let you go uh good luck shout out to podcasters everywhere I’m glad that podcasters have a chance to become NBA head coaches so JJ taking one for the team there um I I hope this one thoughts on Monty Williams oh my goodness can I I’ll sign up for taking what he’s owed 65 million from Detroit and another 20 million still from Phoenix 85 million to kick my feet up I fire tce you still getting paid from Phoenix I’m he’s getting paid from Phoenix yeah yeah sign me up you can fire me twice you can do it publicly you could you could fire me in front of 10 billion people in the street and anybody that wants to hire me to fire me again they can do that too the funny part the the the funny part and and I feel bad for anyone when you know when you lose your job like that like it’s tough losing your job publicly Monty didn’t want that job no Monty took that job because of the money M’s happy today nothing man man m is Happy Don’t Cry For Me Argentina thank you my just a reminder though just a reminder that uh with the dysfunction in Detroit the Sacramento King still found a way to lose to that team at home good job Kings Jay and iy turned into Allan Iverson and feel like there was any reason to bring that up yeah that was that you know the next time we talk to you I think the second round of the draft will be on oh yeah are they doing like a one o’clock start or something yeah it’s at one o’ we’ll be doing like live reactions to the draft during the show only on ABC 10 I don’t know go there you go they going ABC are you going on after we H yeah we have post post draft shows on on day one and day two come on now we AB 10 always got the draft they us they hit us up for a game seven that was never going I guess soon I guess I guess we’ll see you when game seven hits okay okay boys don’t don’t you want to shout out Channel 13 K Kenny real quick while I’m on hey don’t do that I’m ABC 10 guy I think I think he want shouted out NBC 10 which most of us couldn’t oh you did you did you did first letter of the alphabet he got it wrong shout out abc1 baby you know what it is uhuh uhuh as saurin says Matt George NBC 13 y know how we roll all I’m saying is I I hope we’re talking about the Kings trading 13 on draft night that’s what I’m hoping will be uh either way we’ll be talking with Matt George about it make sure you’re following the lock on Kings podcast and checking them out on abc1 and we’ll see you back here tomorrow on Sacramento sports leader beginning at 10 a.m. with the Insiders ESPN 1320

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  1. You have no clue what you're talking about. The bulls robbed the thunder (edit Don't get me wrong Caruso is a good winning player but his value is not on the level of a young 6'8 point guard.)

  2. Lauri Markkanen Domantas Sabonis Keegan Murray Jonathan Kuminga Colin Sexton Shasha Vezekov Trey Lyles Chris Duarte Malik Monk Davion Mitchell Kessler Edwards and Alex Len

  3. Anything a member of the media wants to do is the exact opposite of what we should do. Never listen to a take from a reporter or radio hosts

  4. You guys are so cool man, all your work ethics are very good and i commend you for your consistency

  5. The Sacramento kings will not get a quality player. Monty’s hand cannot move if the owner does not open his wallet. There is no word if they are going to resign Monk .If Washington wants the 13th pick for Kuzma grab him right away. Ingram probably will be traded The kings should keep an eye on him. Wach out for the phoenix. There are a lot if big players that are potential for trade and affordable.If Sacramento does not make a move and give monk away it will be another DeJaVu.

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