@Phoenix Suns

LeBron James Will NOT Sign With Phoenix Suns On Minimum Deal and MORE Suns News

LeBron James Will NOT Sign With Phoenix Suns On Minimum Deal and MORE Suns News

[Music] he [Music] oh [Music] all right sorry about the delay you guys I meant to go live like 20 minutes ago but you guys already know all right guys we sort of have a jam-packed show in my opinion I just feel like there was just a lot of things to talk about things that need to be talked about especially with this whole Rich Paul LeBron James thing which we are going to kick off the show with and uh I just I just feel like we need to address it maybe move on from it and then just go from there so we definitely got lots to talk about here you guys it’s going to be a great show and uh if you guys are just joining if you guys are just tuning in make sure to Hulk smash that like button please subscribe share the show you guys already know how it is so let’s just go ahead and right into this guys but before we do that actually hold on let me just put myself on mute okay my bad you guys I had to kind of straighten myself out here okay guys so I’m sure you guys already heard this right now or by now I know some other Sons podcast and stuff already went live talking about all this but I’m going to give you my thoughts because that’s why you guys are here and we’re not just going to talk about the uh Lebron James stuff that came out we got lots more to talk about you guys so Crush that like button and let’s get started so as you guys can see by the title of the live show as you guys have already heard LeBron James agent has come out and said well he said a lot of things he was talking a lot about bronny James and everything he was talking about LeBron James and he pretty much came out and said LeBron James is not signing with the Phoenix Suns for the minimum now I will just say this you guys um first off and I I’ve said this a lot in the past and I’m gonna keep on saying it even once this LeBron stuff is all over with I’m GNA keep on saying stuff like this because I I honestly believe it to be true anything is possible in this league and I will say this until I actually see that LeBron James has signed or resigned with the Los Angeles Lakers or whatever I am not believing anything that’s how I will start this show I know I sound delusional when I say that but it is true I am not believing really anything until I see from W or Shams or whoever from heck even Rich Paul himself saying yeah LeBron James is resigning with the Los Angeles Lakers I’m not believing even a thing but I will say this um I feel like a lot of suns fans not a lot a a small chunk of suns fans dreams at least LeBron James dreams might have died today and and I hate to sound negative like that but it is true um a lot of suns fans LeBron James dreams potentially died today and that’s because of this Rich Paul Rich Paul article that we are going to dive into but before we do that you guys my dog’s already barking at my door and uh we might have to stop for a second and let the dog in but anyways real quick want to get to a couple of people Suns number one is in here saying I’m gonna cry if you don’t tell us how we get him on a non-minimum contract Slayers icon is in here uh who else we got in here we got Daniel who is in here Rowdy man 777 uh Julio is in here and we got my guy John from the Suns jam session podcast appreciate you being here he said got to stop by and support my guy I appreciate you man and then we got Jason ham also in here we got sawbucks as well okay guys give me a second here my dog’s freaking out give me a I’m so sorry you guys hold on if you guys have been with this channel for a long time you guys already know that the dogs like to make cameos from time to time give me a second I’m sorry you guys oh my goodness geez Louise I’m sorry you guys I hate when that happens I literally thought they were like down for the night I close my door they come storming up here and they they act like they were alone in the house or something I’m so sorry you guys anyway so if you’re watching later just fast forward through that okay been six minutes already and I haven’t even talked about the main topic of the show okay who Let The Dogs Out geek did sawbucks who let the do dogs out Suns geek you guys are funny man okay let’s do this you guys so now real quick let’s just start with we’re gonna kind of we’re going to begin with the start of the article here and this is on ESPN this was rich Paul talking to ESPN and that the the the the the I am at a loss for words right now the article is titled agent says limited NBA workouts bronnie James by Design now a lot of this article is really focused on bronny James and I understand that I get it but there’s some key quotes here that I really want to focus on so let’s begin the first quote here and he’s mainly talking about bronny James and the pre-draft workouts first off like I said the Lakers Sons workouts according to Rich Paul are quote by Design according to Rich Paul can you guys hear my dog I’m so sorry you guys I did not anticipate for my dog to be acting like this right now I’m so sorry guys one of my dogs is on the bed other dogs on the floor I’m so sorry y’all my my apologies anyways um okay so I gotta already put a troll uh in the in the timeout okay cool if if we got any moderators in here you guys already know what to do with comments like that okay cool so quote number one that I really want to focus on Rich Paul and I quote this is nothing new Paul said the goal is to find a team that values your guy and try to push him to get there it’s important to understand the context and realize that this has always been the strategy with many of my clients throughout the years especially those in need of development like bronnie my stuff is by Design now let me just scroll down and find where he actually yeah okay so it’s right here if you guys can see the screen it’s right here this is nothing new the the goal is to find it team that values your guy and try to push him to get there it is important to understand the context okay I’m sorry you guys I gotta take care of my dog I’m so sorry you guys read that give me a second good God I love my dogs to death I love them to death but good God that was so frustrating can we can we finally start the live show now y’all I’m so sorry if you have dogs you know what I’m talking about that just frustrated the crap out of me I’m so sorry y’all let me let me take a sip out of my cool little little Sun’s mug and hopefully we can properly start the show now now my dogs are calm I’m so sorry y’all so I take back what I said if you’re watching later just skip to just skip to the the the 10-minute Mark you know all right cool so now we can finally begin y’all so like I said there was the first quote there you guys are reading it on the screen right now he he wants to find a team that values bronny blah blah blah blah that’s been the strategy with many of his clients throughout the years blah blah blah now there there were some there were some good points here about other Rich Paul clients like ton Horton Tucker Brandon Boston Jr uh margin Bo champ Darius Garland probably the most notable out of all those prospects but I like this quote here and I’m not saying I’m like trying to defend Rich Paul here or anything but this is where rich Paul in my personal opinion started making a lot of sense bronny is the same as my previous clients I’ve got the word out early to teams that if you plan on bringing bronnie in here’s what you need to know if you won’t give him a real deal there’s nothing to talk about it’s hard to get real development on a two-way deal and quote I don’t care about him going to the Lakers or Phoenix or about what he gets picked it’s about fit okay there’s a lot to take away from that one quote Oh and then let me let me read this last part too Paul added later quote if bronny was named Charles Jacob Jacobson for example if bronnie was named Charles Jacobson and he was my client I would do the same thing identify teams that have real interests so let let’s let’s humble ourselves for a minute Suns fans let’s come down to reality let’s be real and I I have sort of mixed feelings on this if if I was rich Paul’s client or if you were Rich Paul’s client he’s going to do whatever he possibly can to not only make sure we get drafted but land on the right team with the right fit that will help us develop give us playing time Etc so I understand it from that perspective and I like how he really and and I talked about this like a couple weeks ago when I did the whole LeBron James bronny James you know sons live show that I did I was talking about like he really does seem to truly care about his clients and of course he does that’s why he he’s their agent but especially bronny here which that’s where I kind of have mixed feelings about it obviously you’re not going to want to piss off or do anything bad to the son of the one of the if not the greatest basketball players ever you know so he really is looking out for Brony but at the same time and I’m not trying to sound like bronnie isn’t talented but like let’s be real he’s mocked as a late second round pick for a reason so like the only thing I would throw back at Rich Paul here is hey what if bronny goes undrafted what are you gonna do rich Paul like what if your only real scenario is you have to sign him on a two-way deal which Rich Paul said and I quote if you won’t give him a real deal there’s nothing to talk about okay like I get it but what if your client goes undrafted I don’t know now I’m not saying either that rich Paul should let bronny go to just any team but like I don’t know but I can kind I’m kind of torn like I I see both sides but I think that’s worth at least addressing now don’t worry there’s a lot more to talk about so there’s the whole like LeBron James said in the past he wants to play with his son blah blah blah Rich Paul made a comment on that there was a little bit more and here’s where it kind of gets interesting this and I’m going to highlight this so you guys can see it on the screen let me lower myself too so you guys can like read it here’s where it gets kind of interesting this is where I feel like this is kind of the whole story sort of let me read what Rich Paul said LeBron now quote this is from Rich Paul quote Rich LeBron James is off of the idea of having to play with bronny p Paul told ESPN if he does he does but if he doesn’t he doesn’t quote there’s no deal to be made it’s guaranteed that if the Lakers draft Ronnie at 55 he LeBron James will resign if that was the case I would force the Lakers or force them to take him at 17 we don’t need leverage the Lakers can draft Brony and and LeBron doesn’t resign let me let me repeat that last part the Lakers can draft bronny assum presumably at 55 and LeBron doesn’t resign quote LeBron is also not going to Phoenix for a minimum deal we can squash that now close quote a lot to unpack with that whole thing right there LeBron is off the idea of having to play a brony okay whatever if he does he does if he doesn’t he doesn’t whatever quote there is no deal to be made if it’s guaranteed if the Lakers draft bronnie at 55 that he LeBron James will resign and then he gets a little cocky and arrogant here if that were the case I would force them to take him at 17 we don’t need leverage quote the Lakers can draft Brony and LeBron doesn’t resign LeBron also is not going to Phoenix for a minimum deal we can squash that now okay so does that mean LeBron is going to come to Phoenix for another deal Rich Paul is that what you’re saying is he really saying that the Lakers could draft bronny at 55 and maybe LeBron doesn’t resign um I don’t know I got to highlight some uh comments here that we’re going to get to in a little bit when we’re done with this article here and again uh it’s on ESPN right now you guys can go check it out as always after the show I’ll put all my links and and credit and everything in the description because we got a lot more to talk about y’all and again I apologize if you guys are just joining in dogs are freaking out they’re calm now my apologies y’all um okay so let’s keep going here he he also says there’s a couple other teams he he said let me just read it properly there are other teams that love Brony so I don’t think it’s like Rich Paul’s like oh I think he should go here he he should go there he just said there are other teams that love Brony for example Minnesota Dallas Toronto if it’s not the Lakers there’ll be someone else blah blah blah blah blah okay we get the point you guys can read the rest of the article it’s written by Jonathan uh gavone NBA draft expert of ESPN uh spoke to Rich Paul I’m kind of scrolling up and down you guys can see it check out ESPN it’s all here those were sort of the big quotes that I really wanted to focus on especially that last one that we read about the whole you know LeBron is off LeBron is off the idea of having to play with bronny blah blah blah so all right you guys so in short does this mean does this mean that the LeBron James to Phoenix rumors speculation is dead like I said at the start of the show before the dogs started freaking out I am not believing anything until I see from W or Shams or whoever that LeBron James is resigning with the Lakers and I will say this too you guys I know that there’s a lot of insiders I know there’s a lot of people that are close with LeBron Etc I feel like truly the only people who really know what’s going on even though there has been some push back on the whole Rich Paul stuff I feel like the only people who truly know what’s going on are LeBron James his family Rich Paul and maybe maybe like a Shams maybe a wge heck even maybe a Brian windhorse because a lot of people don’t know this Brian WI horse has been cover covering LeBron since he was like in high school so I don’t know that’s just my personal opinion is it going to be the end of the world if LeBron James reigns with the Lakers no because as you guys saw this season they’re not very good they they haven’t been very good and didn’t they have like Anthony Davis and LeBron like late in the season kind of like how we did with our big three like they had them healthy throughout the late in the season and everything and I’m just saying they’re not very good so unless uh their basketball GM uh I’m forgetting his name right now he looks like Rob low Rob pinka excuse me Rob pinka does some master work uh I don’t know how they’re going to get any better now is bronny thank you John I had a complete brain freeze for a minute um now is bronny to the Phoenix Suns still possible I think so now I doubt it happens at 22 I feel like that not necessarily dream but I feel like that kind of hype died down a little especially with what we’re going to talk about in a little bit with the whole Tyler kic stuff that has been popping up and we got a lot to talk about with that alone but we got got you know a lot with that but you know I’ve been seeing a lot of stuff it’s like I’ve been seeing maybe there’s a scenario where the Suns could trade like even gambo talked about it gambo talked about I think Flex from Jersey you know from phnx talked about it and again like I’ve been saying lots of possibilities where the Suns could trade down maybe get an extra pick and then draft bronny I don’t know and I will say this take LeBron James out of this just completely take him out of this scenario Shams has talked about it sham shiria from the athletic has said like the Le the uh the the bronny James Phoenix Sun’s interest is real despite like what LeBron does maybe there really is interest they have seen and by they I mean the Phoenix Suns James Jones excuse me the sun Scouts they have seen a lot more than we have whoever is running these pre-draft workouts they they’ve seen a lot more than we have and they know a lot more than we have we we can speculate analyze break down whatever what we hear but they know a lot more than we do and even though I have criticized James Jones for the way that he has gone about the draft for years now even he knows a lot more than we do in terms of this bronny James stuff I’m not saying James Jones knows knows more about we do than the draft because clearly he doesn’t care about the draft but I bet you he’s kept a close eye on a lot of this bronny James stuff so in short like I said twice now I’m not believing anything until I see that LeBron James is uh is signing with the Lakers and I am not necessarily giving up on the whole the Suns could draft bronnie sorry if I hit my mic and it like makes a weird noise I’m trying to fix that so we’re just gonna have to see y’all okay let me get to a couple comments and then we’ll kind of move on from this bronny James or Lebron James Phoenix Sun stuff potentially maybe forever because even if the Suns do draft bronny I don’t think A 42-year-old LeBron James two or three years from now is going to sign with the Phoenix Suns and even if he does it’s you know he’s 42 years old let me take a sip of my water we’ll get to some comments lots more to talk about cheers y’all so I highlighted a couple comments here um let’s see here we go oh I’ll get to that comment in minute when we talk about Tyler Kik so my guy John from the Suns jam session podcast Rich Paul doesn’t care about his clients his job is to maximize their value so he gets paid he’s trying to maximize on the big name that is bronie he’s selling the name not the player I don’t know if I fully agree with that John but I get what you’re saying you might be right I’m just saying like I I know that he may be selling quote the name not the player but like you got to remember the son it’s it’s LeBron James’s kid I would if that were me if I were Rich Paul I would not play around with that so I get why he’s selling the name but I would also try to sell more of the player too because that’s Lebron james’ kid that’s how I look at it but I get what you’re saying I’m not saying I disagree with you but I don’t know okay let’s see if there’s any more comments here um wow factor says it’s risky drafting sorry I almost said LeBron James it’s risky drafting Brony in the first round I’m only doing it if braon is coming on a vet minimum otherwise forget it well apparently Rich Paul shut that down so that’s not happening okay um John says LeBron would be a great addition but oh well it ain’t happening at least we won’t be held hostage by the situation all week leading up to the draft speaking of that let me focus on the last part at least we won’t be held hostage by the situation all week leading up to the draft I’ll just say this that there could be a lot of and I’m not just talking the LeBron stuff or bronnie stuff there could be a lot of not necessarily League changing news but a lot of League like breaking news that is kind of big or rumors I guess you could say that are leading up to the draft like the Atlanta Hawks for example have lots of questions they need to answer what if all of a sudden they’re like hey we’re going in a new direction we’re trading Trey young and Jon Murray that could be a whole story for like two weeks or a month I’m just saying I just but you know anyways okay um let me just make sure I didn’t miss any comments before we move on to this LeBron stuff Phoenix needs a team Builder James Jones has has showed he’s not a team Builder top to bottom if they had Peak Anthony Davis he’ll never be healthy for an entire season again okay let’s keep moving on here y’all if I missed your comment I apologize okay so Sawbuck I do see your comments and I promise I’m going to get to them because that’s our next topic so let’s just jump right into it y’all let me just pull this up let me see give me a second here you guys I’m so sorry for the performance of the show y’all it got off to a rough start with the dogs and yeah okay well let’s start here let’s talk about Tyler kic from Marquette and I want to start with this tweet right here let me click out of this too we don’t need that anymore okay cool yeah let’s talk let’s talk about Tyler KCK y’all okay here’s the Tweet here from Evan cedri and this is no surprise because yesterday Tyler KCK posted on his Instagram story that he was in Scottdale which is pretty cool and it is being reported Tyler kic is conducting a pre-draft workout with the Phoenix Suns today so it’s probably over by now which includes a workout tomorrow so two workouts the Marquette point guard is viewed as a strong candidate to be there first round selection at number 22 overall now I’ve done a few different videos on Tyler KCK as the days go on I’m becoming more and more of a fan maybe it’s just pre-draft excitement but I really am liking what I’m seeing out of this kid when I watch a little bit of film what I’m reading about this kid and speaking of that I mean there’s lots of like lots of things I could read to you but I’ll just read you guys some of what I’ve read and I’m mainly focusing on strengths here kind of like I did in my in one of my recent videos he possesses craftiness and intelligence as a point guard he’s an he’s improved significantly as a shooter hitting nearly 40% from three solid floor General orchestrating an offense effectively creates scoring opportunities for teammates to flashy play you know Kevin oconor from the ringer said that he has Shades he’s not comparing them but he has shades of Jaylen Brunson and Goran dragic if you’re an old school Suns fan you guys know how good Goron used to be one of my alltime favorite Phoenix Suns right there a pure playmaker who makes his teammates better Catch Fire as they score but that’s not the only Tyler kak news and again that was just some of the draft notes that I wrote down and all that stuff so Dwayne Ranken from the Arizona Republic you know beat rider for the Suns does a great job covering the Suns I don’t know how he necessarily scored this but he got to do an interview with Tyler KCK and we’re gonna just kind of read some of this now I actually took the time to screenshot some I should have done it with the rich Paul stuff but I’ll pull the art oh wait that’s not it what’s going on here well I got I got the things that I want to talk about screenshotted let me just share the article with you and again after the show it’ll be put in the description I I believe I retweeted it too but marquette’s Tyler KCK set for workout with the Phoenix Suns will bronny James be there too now first off it’s a great article they dive into a lot of different stuff y’all let me uh let me just see what’s going on here okay cool that’s muted all right well click out of this all there’s all these ads popping up and everything okay cool so two quotes that I want to focus in on here and they don’t Dwayne Ranken and Tyler KCK don’t just talk about the Phoenix Suns the whole time like they talk about what Tyler KCK can bring to a team the pre-draft workouts the pre-draft interviews there’s a lot in this article I highly recommend you go read it but there’s two key quotes that I really want to focus on so this is Tyler KCK talking to Dwayne Ranken and sort of what he thinks that he could bring to the Phoenix Suns you know because I already did a video and stuff talking about the Hoops hype report that the suns are targeting Tyler KCK um you know how he could help orchestrate an offense fueled by the big three of Devin Booker Kevin Durant and Bradley Beal Tyler KCK says and quote just making it easier on their Stars KCK said when asked what he could bring to the Suns they’ve got three max players for a reason they’re three of the best 15 to 20 guys in the league Tyler KCK just called our big three three of the best 152 guys in the league uh so that’s some bonus points right there Tyler KCK thank you sir continuing on every team is going to be keyed in on them each and every night trying to stop them he’s he’s not wrong on that it’s tough when you don’t have a point guard he’s also not wrong on that you’re playing a lot of oneon-one or you’re not really getting put into your primary spots that you like to be put in because you don’t have anybody setting you up uh let me just lower this part right here uh or making plays for you it’s kind of all individual plays did Tyler KCK like legit watch a bunch of suns games last year he said every team is going to be keyed in on them the Phoenix Suns big three trying to stop them it’s tough when you don’t have a point guard you’re playing a lot of one-on-one you’re not getting them into their primary spots that they like to be put in because you don’t have anybody setting you up are making plays for you it’s all it’s kind of all individual plays that legit sounds like a lot of what the Suns dealt with last season playing a lot of one-on-one ISO ball just putting it in one of the big thre’s hands and letting them run and play like like legit did Tyler KCK watch a bunch of suns games last year or is he just a really smart guy cuz if you missed a lot of the Sun Season what Tyler KCK just said right there was a good chunk of what happened now there were a couple quotes that Tyler KCK said in in the article that first off I don’t know the guy personally I probably never will know him personally but he is not shy on confidence at all there was like two or three quotes in here where I was like like damn like this guy is confident as hell so I think he took this interview with Dwayne Ranken of the Arizona Republic and was like I’m gonna let it all out like I’m gonna say what I have to say people don’t like it whatever that’s the vibe I’m getting from it and again I highly recommend after this live show to go check out the article but one more key quote from Tyler kit that I really want to focus on right here uh let me just lower that so Dwayne rankins writing Devin Booker Bradley Beal Kevin Kevin Durant are doe a combined 150 million blah blah blah luxury tax blah blah blah 205 million blah blah blah 105 blah blah blah whatever CBA stuff offseason stuff whatever quote from Tyler KCK three Superstars you’re expected to win now they can’t take a chance on a project that might work out down the road that’s not helping them now was that loky a shot about Brony I’m just kidding but it’s kind of funny how he says they can’t take a chance on a project that might work out down the road that’s not helping them now remember this is Tyler kic talking quote being a guy that can just come in and be ready to play from day one is something that I think will really help me because I can impact winning at every high level Guys Tyler kik’s confidence is off the charts he legit just said the sun shouldn’t take a chance on a project I can be a guy that can come in from day one and help them I can impact winning at a very high level quote I don’t need much development obviously every step of the way every single year that I have been in college I’ve gotten so much better and that’s only going to continue to happen but my game as it is right now I feel like without all the development that will be coming is NBA ready and ready to make a playoff team or sorry and ready to impact a playoff team from day one holy crap Tyler kic talk about confidence saying things like I don’t need much Development I’ve been in college you know for years years now I think he’s like 23 years old I believe I’ve gotten so much better that’s only that’s only going to continue to happen he said I feel like without all the development that’ll be coming in NBA ready and ready to impact a playoff team from day one holy cow Tyler KCK dude and and again like he talk talked about pre-draft workouts pre-draft interviews his confidence level his it’s a great great article and and I’ll just so you guys can read it I’ll just put up the first quote that he said about the big three and what you know he would bring to the team and all that but this second quote is so big man Tyler kic like I said as the days go on and take this with a grain of salt I am far from a draft expert it was like two or three weeks ago where I really began my quote draft homework and even then there’s still so many prospects that I just don’t know about like because and I talked about this I talked this I talked about this like a week ago my last live show I was like why like waste my time because like what if James Jones and Matt ISB are like no we’re trading the pick sorry like don’t be surprised if that happened Sons fans anyways so Tyler kck’s confidence is off the charts y’all and I love it and you know the like I have notes upon notes about things I’ve been reading about Tyler KCK things that he’ll bring to a team his strengths like it him potentially being there at pick 22 it’s I don’t want to say it’s like a dream fit but like I would I would be pretty happy if Tyler KCK is not only on the board at 22 but like if the Suns somehow keep the pick and they really are gonna draft Tyler KCK like I would love it and I think it was a smart I know it doesn’t mean much but I think it was a smart move of him to post the IG story that he was in Scottdale sorry I had to take a sip in my water but I think that was kind of a smart move um and like I don’t know the other teams he’s worked out for but apparently he’s gonna have a second workout he had one today he’s gonna have one tomorrow maybe bronn’s there maybe bronn’s not don’t think it really matters but that’s some pretty exciting stuff y’all and I I I just think you know there there’s lots of prospects that could be there at 22 if the Suns even keep the pick and I want to keep repeating myself on that you guys James Jones and Matt ishia have said multiple times that they view draft picks as trade assets but like I said earlier in the show like I’ve said in past videos like I’m going to say tomorrow and the next day and even on draft day anything is possible you guys maybe James Jones gets a call maybe it’s like a day before the draft maybe it’s on draft day maybe he gets a maybe he gets a call and and there’s just this good deal maybe somebody says hey we want your 22nd pick we’ll give you picks whatever and whatever and we’ll throw in this player or something or we’ll throw in something whatever the CBA allows we’ll throw that in and James Jones is like you know what maybe we should bring in some youth maybe he has a change of heart I don’t know but even though I am not a draft expert I will say this too from what I am starting to gather and starting to process and I know it’s the cliche term I know the cliche term around this draft is quote is a weak draft class I understand that but I don’t think it’s as bad as the cliche narrative is making it out to be otherwise known as social media I don’t think this draft class is as bad as social media now to backfire on that I don’t think there’s going to be like a superstar in this draft but could there be an Allstar yes even some of the worst draft classes of all time at least had had one Allstar and and at worst case scenario they had guys that were just great players for years this could be one of those drafts where it’s like like man they have like two or three solid role players and those solid role players helped this team win a championship because of the 2024 draft class this could be one of those drafts where you know I feel I feel like you can’t judge a draft class until at least like four or five years but this could be one of those draft classes where maybe we’re seven years down the road and this draft class starts coming out of its shell and we’re like man that guy’s a good player that guy’s a good player how did that guy fall to like pick 30 or something you know which more on that later more on pick pick number 22 later by the way um we we’ll just have to see like there’s a lot of players who I can’t really name off the top of my head unless I looked it up but the 2020 draft class was kind of similar like it wasn’t necessarily like a top draft class of all time but nowadays A lot of those guys in that draft are playing well and contributing on good teams so I just wanted to really spend some time on Tyler KCK I I could I could bore you guys I could literally put you guys to sleep with some of the draft notes and takeaways that I’ve been reading on him maybe I’ll do that before the draft I want to at least do one more live show before draft day uh real quick Saul says love the DeAndre and draft hat geek I have the same one thanks man yeah I’m not gonna lie I I Adore this hat I actually added this uh Cactus ping can you guys see that I added that just for fun but it’s got like the patches on the side here I love this draft hat man okay lots more to talk about please do not go anywhere again I know I’ve already apologized like five times sorry for the start of the show with the dogs freaking out they’re calm now I promise you I’m looking right at them one of them’s on the floor over here the other one’s over here it was a disaster to start the show I had to like stop and like open the door and they were like freaking out and crying but now they are calm okay let’s move on here y’all and and again later in the show I will do my best try to get to some comments questions all that but let’s move on here from from the bronny stuff LeBron stuff Tyler KCK I meant to talk about this a couple weeks ago because I believe this news came out about a couple weeks ago I think so I know I’m late to this but I did want to address it oh wait I’m sorry y’all my apologies couple more things on Tyler KCK remember when I said that okay how do how do I say this um I guess the best way to put this is Bright Side of the Sun shout out to my guy John who was in here earlier um JN had a really good tweet well I think it was JN somebody from bright side yeah it was John because he tagged himself in it John had a really good tweet on June 12th about the the history of the 22nd overall pick over the last 14 Seasons so these are all the picks at pick 22 over the last 14 seasons and he even took the time to make an awesome graphic so shout out to John and I’ll full screen this so you guys can see it better here are all the players drafted at pick 22 and now look I don’t want to sound like I’m an expert on each and every single one of these guys and as you can see it’s not necessarily an elite like a crazy Elite list but it’s not necessarily a terrible list either first off let’s just start from the bottom Elliot Williams I I have no clue who that is Kenneth fared though some of y’all might remember him this dude was a beast I don’t think he was ever an Allstar but man he was fun to watch he was athletic great Rim roller just a tough dude played in the league for a long time and if I’m correct is still playing but he’s playing overseas Kenneth Fed was a beast Fab Melo I believe he passed away so rest in peace to him uh Mason plumbley still in the league to my knowledge um Jordan Adams I don’t know much about him Bobby poris we all know Bobby poris because he helped the Bucks won a championship against the Phoenix Suns and all that uh is that Malai Richard I think 2016 not sure about him Jared Allen not going to lie to you guys always been a Jared Allen Fanboy and you know one of the one of the better big men in the league great shot blocker good Defender and everything maybe I mean I know he’s expensive but like maybe a future Suns Target I’m not saying this season but maybe down the road I don’t know I have to read this because it’s one of my all-time favorite players Gerald Green murdered fed with a poster dunk we all know this rip I’m trying to remember I don’t remember did he do that I don’t know but Gerald Green arguably one of my top 10 favorite not just Fenix Suns players but Gerald Green is one of my all-time favorite players ever he might be in my top 10 that’s how much I love Gerald Green anyways back to Jared Allen I don’t want to sound like Jared Allen’s future is questionable right now but at least with the Cavaliers it is because the Cs kind of have a lot of questions there’s been a lot of like will Donovan Mitchell resign and if he resigns does Darius Garland want out what do they do with what do they do with Jared Allen what do they do with this guy blah blah like they they just let go of Bernie bicker staff or JB bicker staff not Bernie bicker staff they just let go of JB bicker staff which I would have given him one more year that’s just my personal opinion Cavs fans if you’re listening um so Jared Allen probably the best of this list Chandler Hutchinson don’t forget played with the Phoenix Suns for a short time didn’t really work out Grant Williams you know he’s Grant Williams that’s all I’m gonna say not a terrible player but not a great player either Zeke naagi he’s a fine player Isaiah Jackson I’ll just say this he he’s pretty decent for the Pacers for the most part like maybe like I I don’t know he’s fine Walker Kessler now Walker Kessler had a disastrous sophomore season but his rookie year was awesome like I don’t think the Jazz are G to give up on him I think there was a small error there too I don’t know why he’s in a Grizzlies was that the original Oh wait I I don’t know but anyways Walker Kessler could be a good player we’ll see had a great rookie year and then Noah clown Clowney who I don’t know much about but those are all the picks drafted at 22 in the last 14 Seasons shout out to Bright Side of the Sun for that um so I’m just saying and and and gambo even talked about this recently on Arizona Sports it’s not like Tyler KCK or bronny James or some other names I’ve been seeing like uh Tristan you know what’s his name I I don’t even know his name uh but the Tristan guy and many others there there’s lots of other targets that that’s how bad my draft expert no that’s how bad my draft quote analysis is how much of a draft expert I am not I can’t even name half these guys um but I’m just saying like Tyler kok’s clearly on the board if the Phoenix Suns even have a draft white board I’m sure Tyler kck’s name is on there but there’s like lots of other players that I’m sure are on there too so we’re just going to have to see one final thing on Tyler KCK and I promise we’ll move on because I I I spent a little too much time on this not really but sort of one final thing on Tyler KCK one final quote I guess you could say showing a team or showing teams that I can play off ball and be a floor spacer and really effective on defense and he also talked about how he thinks his defense gets a little overlooked like I’m paraphrasing there but that’s what the article said or at least that’s what he said in the article again Arizona Republic Dwayne Ranken got an interview with Tyler KCK great article by the way great interview check it out I’ll put it in the in the description after the show so let’s move on to the news that I’m like a week late on and I apologize for that y’all like life gets busy I get busy at my job because I do have a second job outside of here sometimes I’m just tired and I want to come home and play video games you know how it is real life comes first I’ve said that so many times y’all real life comes first but let’s talk about this news that I’m laid on and let’s talk about the Suns g-league team and I do want to do my best from from going on like from today into the future I want to do my best to cover this team as much as possible I don’t want to bite off more than I can Chee but I want to try to do my best to cover this team as much as possible now this was announced probably about a week or so ago when was this actually it was May 20 oh wow we’re like two weeks late May 2 oh wait no that was the announcement team whatever doesn’t matter I’m late to this okay before we get started y’all I want to focus in and I’m paraphrasing I’ll read you guys the actual quote this roster is only going to be official if these players don’t get like NBA deals or deals like in another country I want to start with that that’s the biggest thank you Saul that means a lot man uh that’s the biggest takeaway right there before we dive into these names and I know I’m late to this and everything whatever the biggest takeaway you have to know is that this is just the temporary NBA g-league expansion draft roster because these guys can still technically go and you know maybe sign an NBA contract track go sign overseas but let’s say like another g-league team wanted some of these players they cannot do that because technically they are under contract with the g-league Suns so the g-league Suns is announced and it says with the Phoenix Suns joining the NBA G league with their new affiliate the valley Suns for the 20242 season there was an expansion expansion draft the expansion draft allowed the valley Suns to acquire the returning right to players throughout the G league with protection rules in place for the current g-league teams to you uh to use on their existing returning Players let’s scroll down so here is the list and I’ll just that that graphic looks better right there so I’ll just kind of leave it like that let me make sure does it look good on the screen can you guys see that oops hold on y let’s see okay there we go that looks better let me lower this comment too so here is the G league roster y’all I’ll just kind of read some of the bigger names here some of you guys might know these first name Gary Clark who I Believe been in the league for a long time maybe there’s like another Gary Clark but I swear he’s been in the league for a long time uh Tao madon you guys might remember him played a few games with the Phoenix Suns this year was on a two-way deal for a long time tail madon is on our team Emanuel moodier who was a former lottery pick by the way that’s huge uh Michael Moulder I hope I pronounced that right I’ve heard of him before probably the biggest name jalile okaf for holy crap that was the first name when this report originally came out I was like whoa Jalil okaf for first off credit to that guy for not giving up on his dream and going to the G League like I know his NBA career didn’t obviously work out but he’s still a young player Jalil Okafor is temporarily maybe will be on the Phoenix Suns Valley Suns g-league roster Denzel Valentine uh quere quere Witherspoon I’ve heard that name before Lindell wiggington and trevan Williams if I read those names correctly that is the temporary Phoenix Suns G league roster again kind the biggest names Jalil Okafor and Emanuel moodier both former lottery picks whose careers just unfortunately didn’t work out but that doesn’t necessarily mean their career is over and this is exciting stuff because not only did we actually get a Phoenix Suns g-league team finally no thanks to Robert Sarver who sold the g-league team in 2020 but Matt ishbia Josh bartlein our CEO brought the brought the valley Suns brought the g-league team back but this is the roster now I assume what will come next is coaching staff jerseys Court Etc can’t wait for that and then bam whenever the 20242 g-league season begins the valley Suns will be there and I can’t wait I’m excited now like I said and we we kind of went over this if you scroll down a little little bit they talk about the roster they talk about the g- league Suns being back and it’s it’s literally at the very bottom of the article um oh wait that’s not it uh where was it yeah here we go uh wait a minute okay yeah so here we go now like I said and it’s even sort of in bold font and I and I already talked about this but uh let me just highlight it one more time there we go note and it literally says note in big bold letters the valley Suns now own the returning player rights to the 14 players selected this does not guarantee that these players will play for the valley Suns next season but will but rather that the franchise has the rights to their contract if they decide to return to the G League the biggest takeaway from that line is this does not guarantee that these players will play for the valley Suns next season and that’s kind of why I didn’t like make a video or even a live show about this because when I saw that I was like yeah that’s true you know but whatever who cares the Suns have a g-league team we have at least a a roster we have names and and and even though these guys can go to an NBA team or overseas technically they’re under contract with us so let’s say it’s like Jalil okore let’s say some team picks him up I think the report would say Jalil Okafor is being signed to this team you know was technically under contract with the valley Suns g-league team it would say something like that guys we’re almost an hour in I need to take a sip of my water I need a big sip of water give me a second here you guys you already know the drill Crush that like button share the show I got lots more I want to talk about and again I appreciate nice comments like this from sa say don’t apologize geek we appreciate you with that let me take a big sip of my water lots more to talk about don’t go anywhere and cheers thank you wow factor I appreciate it man I like I like Michael’s comment here JJ just picks names out of a hat that’s funny man Saul says g-league roster once g-league roster shows once again the Suns don’t care about young Talent uh sabuk says Jalil Okafor should be on the Suns he would make a great backup center I’m just saying if Jal oor stays with the g-league Suns all the Suns got to do is pick up the phone say hey we want jalile bring him on in all right y’all let’s continue on here uh and like I said I will try my best to get to some Sons comments and your guys’ comments and all that um but let’s kind of focus in on this is just random stuff that I’ve seen lately and this is more kind of recent events if you will in the NBA but I still want to talk about it um you know what let’s start with this this was on top of the bronny news and the Lebron news this was also the news that was making the rounds today and this this news hits a little close to home you guys know you’re going to see what I’m talking about in a minute here uh Monty Williams former Phoenix Suns coach and I feel like this is worth talking about I know that he’s not with the Suns anymore I know but it’s worth talking about because you know he spent many years with the sons you guys already know we love Monty we do and I have some feelings on this I have some thoughts on this Adrien wowski of ESPN ESPN sources after one season the Detroit Pistons have dismissed coach Monty Williams who leaves with five years and 65 plus million doll left on his deal new president Taron langden is that how you pronounce it will move to make his own coaching higher now so in short if you missed that part Monty Williams who got signed to the biggest coaching contract in NBA history spent one year with the Pistons and today let was let go now real quick I’m not defending the Pistons here I am not but let me just say this as it’s written here they do have a new president of basketball operations guy in there which that was kind of long overdue from the vibe that I was getting from Pistons fans seeing their moves seeing how they won 17 games the season before and then lost 28 straight games and only won 14 clearly bringing in a new president of basketball operations was the smart move I’m not defending this but I will say this it I I think that might get overlooked here but I do feel bad for Monty for this reason I sort of like I said with JB bicker staff of the Cavaliers I think they should have at least given him one more year and I understand some people some people might be like oh well they got a new president of basketball operations they had to let money go not necessarily like I know that this new guy can come in and make his own hire and bring in his own roster and blah blah blah like I get it I get it but like I literally did a live show with my friend legie Sports who’s a big Detroit Pistons fan and we were live streaming the press conference when Monty Williams was hired and players literally Detroit Pistons players literally showed up to the press conference like that that’s like your biggest like Hey we’re a fan of you we we need you so I feel bad for that but as I’m reading in the comments here um I don’t feel bad for Monty Williams in terms of his money because he literally is getting paid 65 million plus I think he still has money coming in from the Suns because we fired him when he was under contract he’s going to get paid $65 million to literally do whatever he wants he could literally take the next five years if he wanted to off be with his family he does have daughters he’s got kids he could take the next five years off and do whatever he wants so I don’t feel bad for him for that and real quick I was talking to my good friend’s he’s been on this channel before my guy Thunder Steve I want to read you guys a DM that he sent me and I love this y’all um we were just talking about the Monty Williams I’m literally holding up my phone as I talk about this but my guy Thunder Steve said this mon is a man of Faith he needs to know that this is God’s way of saying I have a different calling for you take the money and go help the less fortunate I see Monty becoming a pastor no joke when I met him at church he talked about reading his Bible daily and how when he started doing this his life changed for the better I agree with that if you listen to Monty Williams press conferences or just anything Monty Williams you can you know he’s a man of God he is a man of God I could see him being a pastor one day maybe teaching certain youth like basketball clinics or something like that giving like speeches like that but he also and I responded preach I agree with you and he said I’d love to see it you know his coaching is faith-based this is the next logical step for him he just needs to listen so that’s my point y’all like I know and and look there also was somebody and I want I think I I think I retweeted it let me just make sure so there was one tweet from Aj Johnson here and and this this does make sense here uh Aaron Johnson uh is the co-founder of Palace at Pistons he tweeted this out and it makes a lot of sense quote Monty Williams was blindsided today when he was dismissed as the Pistons head coach according to wge oh okay I’m sorry so that was in the W report Williams had been in a in numerous meetings with new president of basketball operation uh ton langon that guy’s name I can’t pronounce preparing for next season if that is true from wge that sucks for Monty Williams I feel bad for Monty Williams right there Monty Williams was quote blindsided and was in numerous meetings with their new president of basketball operations preparing for next season that sucks so so again I feel bad for Monty Williams but I don’t feel bad for him financially because he is uh still making a little bit of money I believe from the Suns and now will be making tons of money to literally do anything he wants if I’m Monty Williams if I’m Frank vogle if I’m JB bicker staff if I’m any coach who recently got let go while still under contract if if that were me and my money I would be on the first flight out of here I would take the longest vacation I possibly could and I would just have a blast that’s what I would do especially with Monty Williams money 65 million for five years oh my God I just had to cover that I had to give my thoughts um okay y’all little bit more that I want to talk about here um this is just some fun stuff that I saw nothing really too crazy but this is I I I don’t really know but I just if you’re on Twitter you know how the timeline works you know how the the algorithm works I guess you could say I saw this randomly I thought it was kind of cool so this comes from Lance hinesman I hope I pronounced his name right graphic designer and this is his version of a son’s redesign I think this is kind of cool so there’s the Tweet you guys can go follow Lance if you want to I’m I’m seeing like a el valer I just butchered that elv Vibe I can’t pronounce that you guys know that but I’m also kind of seeing a little bit of a mixture with like kyotes and I’ll pull the full images up so you guys can see it here’s the first one look at that look at that like turquoise Jersey it’s kind of cool right you got the Sunburst in there got the purple I know it looks kind of Charlotte Hornets is but it’s kind of cool like I’m somebody who likes like the bright colors and all that that’s kind of cool I like that and then here’s the other picture that’s like the logos you got the cactuses throwing there by the way NBA Allstar Weekend 20 27 please put as many cactuses in The Branding and in the jerseys and all that please I want to see the cactuses on the jerseys that’s a badass design and then you got you got you got the uh not the Arizona Cardinals you got the Arizona oh I’m sorry the Phoenix Coyotes Arizona Coyotes whatever kind of design inspiration there that’s kind of cool I like that then more more looks to this here four different sets of jerseys now first off that white one up there the the association one y’all could that be like a a version of this upcoming season’s like City Edition Jersey I could see something like that and you got the Phoenix one next to it then what he is calling the statement jerseys that’s that blue turquoise one and then you got the city Edition Jersey that’s that coyotes looking one so that’s that that’s pretty cool but here’s the court that’s freaking awesome y’all it’s got like a orange Vibe going to it turquoise red not that much purple but I get it like it’s it’s a redesign it’s just for fun y’all pretty cool though I thought that was worth going over now closer look at the uniforms he tweets this out I was a huge fan of the Sun City Unis from this year and wanted to expand the co concept across a full brand along with a new fitting main logo I used more vibrant colors as well the city Jersey pays homage to the late Arizona Coyotes so there’s the closer look of the jerseys um seriously you guys I could see a version of this jersey on the screen right now a version of it being our city Edition jerseys next year I don’t know why I could see it then there’s that one the purple one that one’s pretty cool I like the font on it I like the Jersey I kind of think the jersey number should be a little bit bigger that’s just my personal opinion beyond that I love everything about this jersey then there’s the statement Jersey and I already see some people saying it looks like the Space Jam new Legacy jerseys and then the coyotes one that coyot that coyotes one would be so cool man I love that so shout out to Lance Hinman hope I pronounced his name right for the Phoenix Suns redesign sort of a fun little segment there okay next topic here I highly doubt this happens because I’m not going to sit here and pretend like I understand the whole CBA and how it works I know the basic and I was kind of surprised to see this because he had a really good season with the Philadelphia 76ers but Kelly UB former Phoenix Sun by The way Kelly UB has joined power agency CAA ahead of becoming an unrestricted free agent after signing with the Sixers on a veterans minimum contract UB is set to cash out as one of the top available Wings on the Open Market Philadelphia hopes to resign UB but there’ll be significant competition for his Services that’s the thing I doubt that Kelly UB because he’s he’s gonna demand a Payday but like I’m just saying I would not mind Kelly UB coming back to the Phoenix Suns maybe that’s Nostalgia talking I’ve always loved Kelly UB always will be a fan of this guy love everything about UB and he did have a good season his season might even be overlooked now I don’t necessarily think it means he’s becoming I think he’s underr restricted free agent but like I I would I would get it if the Sixers brought him back like it it would make a lot of sense by the way speaking of the Sixers at the time of this recording they only have like Joe Joe embiid like Ricky Council and like one other guy under contract now obviously Tyrese Maxi is gonna resign get the extension so you could throw him in there they literally have like four guys under contract and they have a lot of salary cap space I’m not saying they have you know like trillions or even billions but they got a lot they have a lot of salary cap space and who wouldn’t want to go play with Joel and be and Tyrese Maxi and yeah as Slayer icon says right here like book is a CA client so maybe he is reunited in Phoenix but he’s too expensive exactly like it’s extremely unlikely I would love UB back if he wants to come here for super cheap hell yeah but like I’m just saying it it’s just a pipe dream it’s not going to happen but whatever was worth talking about okay last couple topics here and then we’re going to just end the show I want to talk about the Boston Celtics winning the championship not going to spend too much time on this y’all because I feel like everything has been said first off congratulations of the Boston Celtics 18 NBA championships and I had I was tweeting like a madman the night they won and I actually want to start with any anybody who is going to say like well they only won the championship because all these other teams were injured well first off christops porzingis was injured and let’s be real y’all even if Damen Lillard and Giannis were healthy did we really think the Bucks were going to beat the Celtics sure maybe they could have took them to six games it would have been a more competitive series sure but the bucks weren’t going to beat the Celtics y’all they were one of the best teams statistically that we’ve ever seen they have a lot of continuity and chemistry a great coach two superstars and yes I’m saying Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum are superstars I tweeted something out like I’m paraphrasing here but it was like ever since they drafted Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown so Jaylen Brown was 2016 Jason Tatum was 2017 they’ve won 413 regular season games they’ve been to I think six Eastern Conference Finals six Eastern Conference Finals since they drafted Brown and Tatum and they made the finals in 2022 obviously lost but who cares they still made the finals and then they finally won the championship like they they are literally a force to be reckoned with and I forgot who tweeted this out but somebody said like a lot of their core is under contract for next season and they just won the championship like if you’re Brad Stevens who was a genius by the way by stepping down and going into the front office and building this team if you’re Brad Stevens if you are if you work in the Celtics front office if you’re Joe Missoula if you’re Jason Tatum if you’re Jaylen Brown if you’re even the 15th man on the Celtics and you’re coming back next season you have to be thrilled because in a way this team can only get better they’re going to be a threat next season assuming there’s no injuries and who knows y’all like they could be dominant for the next like four or five years cuz unless things get like disastrous for the Celtics like no way are you breaking up Tatum and and and Jaylen Brown especially after this Championship run no way you’re not breaking them up they would have broke them up already if they didn’t think this was going to work and then I’m seeing it in the comments here like yeah Luca didn’t get his ring that’s just the icing on the cake right there Luca didn’t get his ring Luca was great in the finals especially statistically the dude almost averaged a triple double in the finals but this wasn’t good enough and look love him or hate him this might sound like an unpopular opinion here I actually like what Kyrie Irving did I thought it was a Class Act Right when he was getting out of the game went over the Celtics bench congratulated everybody said hi to his old teammates and all that that was a Class Act good job Kyrie Irving um and yeah subbu says it right here we Suns fans would have never heard the end of it if Dallas won one Luca is Booker’s father Luca is the son’s owner exactly like yeah like I agree uh yeah it would have been terrible that’s another reason I was rooting for the Celtics and I know this sounds biased here um I’ve always been a fan of Jaylen Brown because you got to remember guys back in 2016 the suns were terrible so I was like really honed in on the draft and even though he was picked one pick before us Jaylen Brown was the third pick I think Josh Jackson was the fourth no dragon Bender was the fourth pick Josh Jackson was the next year um I knew a lot about Jaylen Brown and I want to give a big shout out to my friend Ben Parker Who currently is covering college sports for Stanford but Ben Parker my friend covered jayen Brown his freshman year of college so Ben and I hit it off and I knew a lot about Jaylen Brown mainly because of my friend Ben and been a fan of him ever since he honestly seems like a real standup dude a real classy dude and you we’ve all seen the player that he’s become you know what maybe a four-time Allstar I think great scorer great defender did you guys see that clip in game five when he was like if Luca’s in the game don’t take me out that’s what Champions do right there if Luca’s in the game don’t take me out like y’all like the Celtics have been building towards this six Eastern Conference Finals in the last Almost decade 413 regular season wins even during the co year I think they won like 33 or 35 games like that’s not great but it’s not terrible either like y’all like Celtics are great and despite any injuries they’re not going anywhere okay y’all this is the time and real quick I just wanted to share this tweet that I tweeted out and I already talked about it but I really do mean it I even put hashtag Celtics all the C fans can know that I’m showing them love but again I don’t care what anybody says you know you play who’s in front of you the Celtics can’t control other teams injuries christs porzingis was injured they’re the best team in the league all year I’m glad they won the championship anyways um so if you guys got questions comments I will do my best to get to them let me take a sip of my water and we will pretty much wrap up the show unless we get a good question so get your questions in y’all let’s try to go for like another 8 to 10 minutes cheers okay real quick I want to I want to get to a comment that Jason had here and let me just real quick add this graph not graphic but this screenshot that I saw let me find it yeah here it is okay so this comes from well the comment comes from Jason ham but this tweet comes from I believe it was suns are better so he says how do you feel about Tyler Smith how do you feel about Tyler Smith and Ryan Dunn and the Suns drafting both if they can make a trade so first off again take take my draft quote analysis with a drain of salt a grain of salt I haven’t done that much homework on oops on uh Tyler Smith but let me just read you guys what I’ve read about Ryan Dunn and real quick the the thing that I pulled up comes from suns are better and he even tweeted this out sort of similar to the comment here how do you feel about this Draft Day scenario the Suns trade back from 22 gather multiple late first second round picks select Ryan Dunn with the first pick and bronny James with the the second round pick that’s kind of what I was talking about earlier y’all that’s not necessarily like out of the realm of possibility like I don’t know like and again I don’t know that much about Tyler Smith so I’m sorry that I don’t have that draft analysis yet but let me just say this about Ryan Dunn in the homework that I have done and I even saw a TW today people are calling him like a defensive monster Ryan Dunn from Virginia is a defensive monster this guy could legit be a steal so what if the sun somehow like trade back or make some draft day deals and they somehow end up with either Tyler kic or whatever Prospect you want to name Ryan Dunn and bronny James so insert draft pick who you want here at at let’s say like 30 and then get bronny in the second round and heck maybe they end up with like a future pick who knows that would be crazy y’all I mean obviously for the most part we’re set on offense so maybe we should get some defenders in there and a thing that might be getting looked here whether we draft bronny James or whether we draft Tyler KCK or whether we draft who knows at least we’re getting some young talent in which a lot of you Suns fans have been saying you’ve been wanting so it’s not out of the realm of possibility y’all but again I just don’t trust our owner I don’t TR well I trust our owner and our GM but I don’t trust them to make the pick at 22 um saw Kyrie promised the Boston fans their ring and he delivered yeah he was pretty bad man that that was tough man okay um let’s see yeah slayer’s icon I I just wish I I had more analysis on Tyler Smith I just I just don’t unfortunately maybe next week I will we’ll see okay sawu Suns geek I got a question what happened to that nuggets fan who was talking trash in this tra this chat room I haven’t heard from him since his team loss and I worried about him you’re a real one sauck you speaking of the Nuggets I’ll just say this I don’t think they’re necessarily going anywhere either like obviously they were a pretty good team this year I know they didn’t make the final but they were still a pretty good regular season team maybe they make some moves around the edges obviously Jamal Murray and yage aren’t going anywhere I don’t know um JJ said or sorry Saul says JJ has no imagination to pull off three team trades or trades that do not involve players wanting to play for the Suns Slayers um oops let’s see that’s what I’ve been saying I don’t trust JJ to able to pull it off exactly um Slayers I don’t agree with you on the Nuggets right there they got Michael Porter Jr is a decent player Christian Braun can play who else played well for them this year uh what’s his name pton Watson’s pretty decent like they got they got some decent players they’re not they’re not terrible they’re better than the Suns this year that’s my hot take I never made hot takes but the Nuggets were better than the Suns this year um oh man Jason hit Jason with a good I’m sorry you guys I’m not I want to answer this question so bad but my only focus has been the draft right now I can’t even I can’t even okay actually you know what I take that back who would be your top three free agents you want to sign you know what give me a second here we’re just gonna google and this this is where this is where I would not want to be James Jones and I I would not want to be Matt ishia because man you know how I was saying like the draft class is kind of quote weak but it’s not as terrible as people are making out to be the free agent class isn’t great either it’s not terrible but it’s not great either now Slayer icon just mentioned one of my targets I think he’s or he could be a free agent Andre Drummond and I know people are like well Andre Drummond doesn’t fit what the Suns want to do or he doesn’t fit Bud’s system I get it but y’all I am an Andre Drummond fan boy the guy averaged like what eight and over 10 rebounds in like 17 minutes or something like that been in the league for years only like 30 years old and I think there was even a recent report saying that he could like become a free agent or leave the bowls or whatever um so if he becomes a free agent that’s one but let me just read you guys some and this isn’t really my names first off Pascal cakam just signed his deal he wasn’t going anywhere anyways but that’s sort of the news right there LeBron’s a free agent technically kind of sort of not really he’s got a player option Paul George player option play Thompson too expensive Tobias Harris Sixers fans hate him I don’t think we can get him uh had a disastrous playoffs by the way let me just read some other names probably highly unlikely here for all of you point guard lovers tus Jones probably extremely unlikely I’ve made videos about tus Jones I’ve talked about him a lot sort of kind of great player great point guard but I just don’t think we can afford him there there’s probably lots of other and he is an unrestricted free agent but I think the Wizards have his bird rights I believe made 14 million I think this season yeah I think he I think he made 14 million this season um let’s see who else is there Tory Craig has a player option former Phoenix son Tory Craig Thomas Bryant player option I’m just reading names at this point y’all uh Shake Milton I don’t know Russell Westbrook’s a free agent I think maybe oh he’s got a player option okay I don’t know y’all I just I don’t know whatever we’ll see that’s what I’m saying like I don’t like saying James Jones has a lot of pressure and and his front office with newly hired capologist Matt telum and I think Brian Gregory was the other guy we hired and whoever’s under them that whole Suns front office has so much pressure because obviously we saw how disastrous the season was you’re paying your big three hundreds of mill millions of dollars and we couldn’t even win one playoff game which again is why the the Nuggets were better than the Suns this year heck a lot of teams were um you really have to I think Matt ishbia said something like this like trim around the edges or whatever and even though Mike buen hoser said the Suns don’t necessarily need a point guard he said he said something like they need to learn how to play without one but like a point guard is needed he said something like that you probably need a point guard you might need some more Defenders and even though we were pretty good on offense clearly we weren’t that great on offense because we did we only won 49 games and we couldn’t outscore the Timberwolves in the playoffs I don’t know yeah like I don’t know I would not want to be J James Jones and Matt tellum and Brian Gregory in our front office I wish I was able to give you guys like a legit list like I want this guy I want that guy here’s why I want them but I’m not even close to that speaking of that by the way you guys free agency is um technically it’s like J June thir wait June 30th June 31st or whatever but free agency technically I believe begins July 1st and I’m still kind of figuring out what I’m gonna do but I I want to do maybe just like a live reaction show during that day I think I’ve done that like the last couple years um so I’ll probably do that I’ll probably have some guests on and I’ll probably go live like the second day as well we’ll see but but speaking of doing live reaction shows I want to do that at least for round one of the draft even if the Suns don’t make the pick I want to at least be live and again maybe I’ll try to get some guests on we’ll see but would you guys want me to do like a threeh hour maybe even like a I don’t know if I could go four hours but the the draft’s probably going to be over two and a half hours long would you guys want like just a live reaction show because here’s why I kind of want to do it because one it’s good for you guys it’s it’s good for the channel and everything but like I honestly and I don’t want to jinx anything I honestly believe knock on wood there’s going to be a lot of draft day trades not just with the Suns just a lot of draft a trades I would love to be live when like breaking news like the Hawks are trading this pick and blah blah blah that’d be freaking awesome so I want to do that on draft day now the second day of the draft I had I had sort of what I think is a decent idea because I because obviously I’m not that educated with this draft class day two I might just do like a a Q&A ask me anything but watch the draft you know just in case something happens like the Suns have traded in the second round and while we’re waiting for that pick just let’s just talk basketball let’s talk about whatever let’s talk movies would you guys want that thank you Jason who says yes please thank you Slayer icon love your takes thanks man I appreciate that bro um Sawbuck appreciate you man sounds like fun sawbucks you’ve been here for so long man I appreciate you my brother yeah I’m thinking I think I’m going to do that I’m going to put out a couple like polls on my Twitter and Community page so please go vote on that later I’ll probably do that like tonight or tomorrow but I think that’s the the game plan at least for the draft now free agency I was actually texting uh John from the Suns jam session podcast today we were talking about it maybe I’ll go live with them we’ll see we’ll do something either way y’all I’m going to be covering the sun’s draft going to be covering Sun’s free agency you already know if there’s news tomorrow I’m going to do a video about it or a live show but I felt like this LeBron James stuff was important the Tyler KCK stuff was great and all the other stuff we talked about was awesome so thank you sa says I vote Yes I rather hear you than the idiots on ESPN for real man I got into sort of a not a heated discussion I got into a discussion with a friend of mine not going to name this friend about how much clickbait there is on ESPN looking at you Stephen A Smith but even today or or like yesterday I saw who who is the guy that was like Luca’s the worst Allstar I’ve ever seen he’s on like one of those FS shows or whatever I think he was like a former football player or something some guy was like Luca’s the worst Allstar I’ve ever seen you see what I’m talking about you guys I’m not saying I’m right about everything I I say stupid stuff a lot but I I have never once said Luca is a terrible player or stuff like Stephen A Smith would say like whoever is telling these people to say these things like as Saul says ESPN lost their way they they lost their way y’all like bring back real analysis bring back real stuff instead of these clickbait and I get it as a content creator as a YouTuber sometimes clickbait works me personally I try to stay away from that I know it’s good for the views and all that and maybe I should be doing it like yeah i’ get lots more subscribers and more views but like yo I don’t want to be the clickbait guy I don’t want to sit here and be like like the suns are definitely going to sign LeBron James and bronn’s coming with them I’m not going to do that y’all like I I want to tell you guys how it is I want to be real with y’all man like if you’re new and you’re watching like that’s what you’re gonna get out of me like like I told yall like I don’t know every single draft prospect I couldn’t even name like 10 guys if you put me on the spot I could barely name like 10 draft prospects y all like come on you’re going to get real honest quote analysis if you want to call it that here on suns geek all right y’all I think that’s it you guys for now anyways again who knows we could wake up tomorrow and there could be lots more news but man this was a great great show and I know I don’t have to apologize I’m going to do it anyways sorry for the first like 10 minutes if you have headphones on you probably heard my dogs freaking out all because I closed the door and even when I had them in here the other dog wanted on the bed he couldn’t jump on there and was freaking out so it got really loud in here I couldn’t concentrate whatever all right y’all um I think that’s it guys this was a great live show and seriously you guys just I want you to remember a couple of things first off from even just like a even just the day before the draft just stay by your phones Heck if you have a few minutes and you’re at work just Google Phoenix Suns like or or Google like NBA draft trades or Draft rumors because I honestly believe we’re like T minus six days away I think teams are probably on the phone like right now talking about potential deals and you know on draft day there’s that famous picture of Joe Dumars who had two different phones on him on draft day teams really pick up the phones and say hey we want this or we want this draft pick or we want X Y and Z just stay by your phones y’all Anything Could Happen y’all and and try to remember that try to remember that just because the Suns make one move doesn’t necessarily mean it’s all over with like we still have free agency it’s a long off season Like Anything Could Happen y’all that’s all I got that’s all I wanted to remind you guys and I just want to remind you guys again if it has to deal with the Phoenix Suns I’m going to make a video about it subscribe for videos YouTube shorts live shows real honest opinions and Analysis and maybe a little bit of fun along the way I’m kind of looking forward to that day two of the draft kind of Q&A live show maybe we can get to know each other a little bit more on a personal level y’all that’ll be fun I’m excited for that so you guys are all amazing Slayers icon thank you Saul thank you um he says great pod as always thank you man Jason appreciates you man he says you have a blessed night your dogs and everybody else remember God has your back Amen to that God is good thank you Lord thank you guys too thank the Lord and thank you guys because you guys allow me to do this pretty much fulltime and I love it you guys are amazing y’all so God bless you guys stay safe be kind to each other and remember stay by your phones y’all we could get some big news coming soon draft is t- minus six days away I love y’all man peace out God bless win or lose fix Suns for life and I’ll see you guys next time go Suns [Music] what’s up son [Music]

Is the LeBron James to Phoenix dream gone? What about Bronny James? Tyler Kolek interview/pre-draft workout and MORE Suns news. Sorry about the dogs.

Rich Paul/LeBron Bronny James Story:

Duane Rankin Arizona Republic Tyler Kolek Interview

Suns G-League Roster

Bright Side of the Sun (Pick 22 History)

Monty Williams fired
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Follow Me On News Break

Bronny James to have a second pre-draft workout with the Phoenix Suns and MORE!

Bronny James will only visit Suns and Lakers for pre-draft workout and MORE!

Reacting to the LeBron James Phoenix Suns rumors and MORE Suns news

Bronny James will work out for the Phoenix Suns before the NBA Draft. Here are my thoughts

The Valley Suns officially introduced as Suns G-League affiliate team -Reaction/Live show

Phoenix Suns Mike Budenholzer’s Introductory Press conference (Reaction/Live show) on Suns Geek

Should Phoenix Suns GM James Jones be on the hot seat? It’s a fair question to ask. Here are my thoughts #Suns #NBA

Mike Budenholzer hired as the Phoenix Suns next head coach and MORE Suns talk!

Frank Vogel Fired Mike Budenholzer To Become Next Suns Head Coach

The most disappointing Phoenix Suns season is OVER! With Suns JAM

Grayson Allen agrees to a 4-year 70 million contract extension with the Phoenix Suns (My Thoughts)

Suns JAM & Suns Geek Merch! Suns Geek AZ License Plate products

Suns JAM Session shop:

The Phoenix Suns should draft BRONNY JAMES 😂

Phoenix Suns sign Isaiah Thomas to 10 day contract (My Thoughts)

During my trip to Phoenix, I had the honor of geeking with the PHNX Suns crew. I filmed a video of the “behind-the-scenes” and took tons of pictures. I also included fun moments from the podcast. Enjoy! Thanks again PHNX!

The Bradley Beal vs Cooper Flagg 1-on-1 story NEVER HAPPENED. Here’s why. What do you think about this fake story and all the Suns hate?

ICYMI Emergency podcast with the Suns JAM Session podcast as we react to Bradley Beal being traded to the Phoenix Suns. The Chris Paul Suns era is over. What do you think of the trade?

🚨The Phoenix Suns trade for Kevin Durant and TJ Warren emergency live show🚨

Music Credits: Current live show intro countdown music Born a Rockstar (Instrumental) – NEFFEX (YouTube Audio Library)

End card beat by:

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*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS*

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  1. I know I don't need to apologize but sorry for the first 10 minutes of the show. The dogs were freaking out. Just fast forward to about the 10 minute mark. Or watch to see how frustrated and unfocused i get. 😅🫠 Love ya'll. -Suns Geek

  2. All aboard on this Tyler kid. He's saying what I've been this whole last season.
    Devin Booker is not a PG, when you make him play PG it takes away from what he excels at.
    Booker still got his numbers but it looked sloppy and his growth suffered last season.
    Please get a PG and make it that one.

  3. Cleveland picks at 20, that owner HATE HATES Ishbia. Whoever they decide on they should keep it on the DL.

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