@Toronto Raptors

Are the Raptors really interested in Bronny James? | OverDrive | 06/20/24

Are the Raptors really interested in Bronny James? | OverDrive | 06/20/24

Rich Paul’s comments on bronny James and how much messiri allegedly loves the kid what is he talking about everyone else says I don’t even know if this guy can play but Messi loves him I I found it interesting that he chose Messi in particular like you’re throwing that out there you’re throwing that out there knowing he’s going to be aware of it so pretty smart guy he said that yeah I mean Rich Paul is he is a power broker in the NBA like he some of the things he’ll say on the record I actually credit him because it’s wild like he’ll say things like that’s not going to happen and they know it I won’t allow it it’s like do you run these teams or are you an agent for players but he’s got so many players um and he’s he’s such a powerful agent right now it’s kind of like Scott Boris in the NBA like this guy just runs the show um and yesterday you know he was asked about bronny James only working out for two different teams and he said quote there are other teams that love Brony for example Minnesota Dallas Toronto messiri loves him they could take him without even seeing him at 31 like how would you a know that b why would you out it why would you put Messi’s name on it and now if Messi does and the Raptors do pick him at 31 I guess that just would be a sign that rich Paul you know actually does know everything that’s going to happen in the n would actually be M’s going to have to explain why no one else thinks the guy’s ever going to play and you actually like him did he not draft kaboko like did MSI draft Bruno kaboko was that his guy yes he did and that was someone that was two years away from being two years away so maybe he does have a little bit of a track record of of liking someone who not everyone thinks is there yet that’s valid that was 10 years ago when they drafted Bruno I I remember vividly I was on my my honeymoon I was in Greece I got up at like 400 in the morning and I I I wanted to see who they picked and they I look at it I’m like who the hell is Bruno kaboko dude I’m saying that right now I’ve never well he never played like he he had a cup of coffee in the NBA he moved on he actually ended up getting some opportunities with other spots never worked was a reach first round pick what was it the 20th pick 21st pick something like that um obviously in retrospect it didn’t play didn’t work this is a different Beast though cuz Bruno kab K’s Dad wasn’t the greatest player of all time or one of them you know kaboko showed up it was like all right you’re not playing if it doesn’t work see you later bronny James Rich Paul LeBron that’s a different Beast Al together and you he didn’t just mention Tron he mentioned Minnesota Dallas like so if you’re those teams you’re like all right I guess I have to answer for what Rich Paul’s saying here that we’re big fans of bronny James yet you don’t want to be disrespectful to him his dad the agent it’s a wild scene man e

Bryan Hayes, Jeff O’Neill and Frank Corrado discuss the report of NBA Agent Rich Paul saying that there are multiple teams interested in LeBron James’ son Bronny and are the Raptors really one of them.


  1. I think it’s worth drafting Bronny. This draft class is weak and if there’s any chance of potentially signing LeBron, it’s definitely worth doing. LeGM can definitely attract stars to Toronto as well.

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