@Philadelphia 76ers

Paul George Out On Philadelphia 76ers Because Of James Harden?

Paul George Out On Philadelphia 76ers Because Of James Harden?

what’s going on everyone so there’s been a lot of Buzz about Paul George potentially going to the Philadelphia 76ers this upcoming off season I mean even Joel embiid is out and openly uh just recruiting Paul George I mean he is literally at the MBA finals at halftime sitting right next to Paul George talking about and like hinting and winking and nodding his head towards Paul George as he’s talking about you know bringing in help and restructuring this roster and look Paul George does make a lot of sense for Philly and Philly makes a lot of sense for Paul George right he gets to go to a situation to where he one is in the Eastern Conference which is very weak and him Tyrese Maxi and Joel embiid would be a very formidable Trio now there’s obviously some concerns right particularly Health uh but even healthwise right Paul George can tend to disappear at times in the playoffs although he’s had great series like I mean when he was in Indiana I mean the guy looked like a Bonafide number one right and if it wasn’t for Miami very possible that him and his Indiana teams may have won a championship right or at least been in the NBA Finals but gets to go to a weaker East right and also he’d have basic he’d basically be technically the third guy but he’s also a guy that fits in his very compliment right like he’s not a guy that needs the ball heavily or is going to be over overly bearing and demanding right to me Paul George he’s a guy that’s not going to take away from a Joel embiid he’s not going to take away from a Tyrese Maxi he’s a guy that I think would complement them very nicely also defend the best player on the other team but he’s also a guy that can just take over and go off at any moment or whenever you need him to right it’s like hey you know you guys handle handle most of the load like I I’ll take care of the rest don’t worry take a backseat and when he’s on he’s up there with the best of them in the league right like Paul George is still one of the best two-way guys in the league he might still be one of the best like two-way guys like legit two-way guys CU most of the top Stars most of the top guys aren’t very good on the defense side they’re real excellent offensive players but they’re not very good defensively as far as like a three and D Wing goes not very many that are better than Paul George and he’s a guy that could play the two three or four that goes a long way and a lot of value in and of itself also but he’s also one of the best difficulty shot makers in the league and that has a lot of value right cuz he’s a guy that has excellent over-the-top shooting and can just hit some tough challenging shots especially when you get to the playoffs and stuff like that so I do think Paul George can go a long way however Paul George recently had some interesting things to say on his podcast um that kind of sounded like it was towards Philadelphia and imp particular Daryl Mory so here’s some of the things that we’re saying right so James Harden and Daryl Mor’s falling out could affect the 76ers potential pursuit of Paul George so Paul George Believe It or Not players talk and then reputations go around like hey man I don’t know about going to this place because they watch your back you know what I mean that’s the conversations you have he also um talked about what he’s looking for in free agency right and he said it’s not even about chasing a championship but it’s playing the right style of basketball is what I’m chasing so again Paul George said some very interesting things and guess who’s his teammate or was his teammate right James Harden so for those that don’t know James Harden and darl muray had a very public very kind of just wild and toxic falling out now a lot of it was kind of on James hard inside of things but he felt very spited he felt that darl mury lied to him now I personally and I covered it I’m not going to go too much into it right you want see some of the videos and some of the more details if somebody that’s not familiar with the situation go check out some of those videos but I think James Harden was being a little dramatic right it basically stemmed when you boil it down it basically boiled down to that he believed he was going to basically get a a specific signing and and the problem was it would have been tampering at the time and the Sixers had already been fined for tampering and they couldn’t risk it again and so it was just there was just this whole thing going on behind the scenes but guess what players talk and the guy that you want to get is teammates or was teammates this past year with the guy that you spite right and Daryl mury has this reputation for being a liar Daryl Mory has this reputation for basically not being upfront on telling you one thing and doing the other right and James Harden was like his number one guy like James Harden and darl mury were like two P’s in a pod and darl Mory slided James hard or James Harden felt like he was slided I’m not saying James Harden wasn’t valid in the way that he felt about the situation I just think he was being a little overthe toop and dramatic and if you saw the whole sequence I mean he went on like a press tour like literally went on a press tour and talked about Daryl myy and all this stuff to me it was just kind of like you know like okay dude like sometimes you need to keep the the Antics out of it like just you’re not happy with Dorey fine right I think the reason that you’re upset I get why you’re upset but you’re not looking at the entirety of the and the way James Harden was looking at it is like why do I care you know you told me one thing and you’re doing the other right and Daryl Mory was like I’m going to do it I just can’t do it right now like I can’t do what you want at the moment right and he ends up getting spited he says that he’s going to trade him he doesn’t get traded or James Harden didn’t get traded exactly when he wanted to be traded so then he felt like okay I’m going to force my way out right and Daryl muray was just Daryl muray was going to trade him he was just trying to get the best return in package possible to help the Sixers but James Harden he wanted out when he wanted to get out so they had this huge big public falling out it was a mess right so now I’m sure James Harden is aware that Paul George is probably considering the Sixers and is probably you know had those talks like hey you know what was the deal right and I’m sure James Harden relay to Paul George that to me it sounds like going off of what Paul George said that sounded like a conversation he had with James Harden right like you know that might not be a place you want to go because Daryl m is not somebody that is respectable he’s not on the up up right and if you do want to go you know hey best of luck to you but know that that just watch yourself be careful type thing you know a guy helping your buddy right like if you knew that this guy over here is Shady and your friend’s going to go do business with him or something you’re going to be like hey man hey this guy rips people off hey this guy is known to lie when it comes to his business deals might not be the best place to go do business but hey if you if you think it’s a good deal and you want to go and and do business with that guy just be careful take care of yourself you know watch yourself right that’s what that sounded like to me and you know I mean the Sixers had to have been prepared for the Sixers have to know that like hey man James Harden you know he’s a disgruntled ex-employee right you know they had a very public falling out like it wasn’t something that happened behind closed doors right like it wasn’t this display that was just like oh you know hey now that’s odd like why would Paul George say that no as soon as he said that everyone was like oh that’s James Harden telling Paul George about about the Sixers right because it was so public open and and in your face so it’s going to be interesting to see how it plays out because look again Tyrese Maxi Paul geord and Joel embiid would be it’s tough it’s tough obviously you still got to round out a a competitive roster around them and add some depth and some overall talent but I mean Tyrese Maxi Paul George and Joel embiid I think would be an excellent compliment right I think they’d be one of the better trios in the league I think they at worst are probably top two or three in the Eastern I mean the Celtics are still pretty deep pretty tough but beyond the Celtics I mean I mean you got like the Knicks I’m not really sold on the bucks if I’m being honest but they do have Dame and Giannis so you got to at least have them in the conversation Cavs again I’m not really big on them like I think Philly is probably the second maybe third best team again obviously it depends on what the rest of the depth looks like guys got to stay healthy and stuff but assuming that they can round out the roster nicely and Y Joel embiid and Paul George can play enough Gam games I think that they’ll be a top two or three seed in the Eastern Conference and I think that they very well could come out of these I don’t think it would be really surprising to anybody if that were to happen but Paul George has a lot to think about and it’d be kind of it’d be kind of crazy if uh you know the whole Daryl Morris James Harden debacle basically kept Paul George from going to the Sixers it’s like not only did you lose James Harden but yeah you you lost Paul George I know you can’t really lose what you don’t have but you know if you could have had him had the whole James Harden thing not falling out that that could be a big blow but anyway as always this is a discussion I pass a question on you let me your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts um do you think Paul George still goes to the Sixers um do you think no he stays with the Clippers do you think that you know the James Harden situation like it shouldn’t be a factor again how you feel whatever your thoughts are I to hear it so let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button helps me a lot as me enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscribe to channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate y’all see you in the next one thank you

Paul George signing with the Philadelphia 76ers seemed like a very likely scenario this NBA Offseason. Plenty of Clippers, Sixers and NBA News in general that had PG linked to the Sixers. 76ers GM Daryl Morrey and Paul George teammate James Harden had a falling out and now Paul George might be out on the 76ers.

#76ers #Clippers #paulgeorge


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