@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers, JJ Redick agree to 4-year contract as head coach | NBA | SPEAK

Lakers, JJ Redick agree to 4-year contract as head coach | NBA | SPEAK

welcome to speak it is the biggest Thursday show of the year so much stuff to get to if any show is not talking about the JJ reck breaking news then you’re watching the wrong show but we’re glad you’re watching this one far James Jones to my right Eagle Super Bowl champ Shady McCoy to my left SL Rick deer so glad you are here today geord Taylor unfortunately out again but we got to get to who is in for the Los Angeles Lakers that is JJ reck the breaking news um y’all know who JJ reck look like y’all know the team that he’s coaching so I don’t even need to show y’all any graphics I’m going to go ahead and sound off uh slick I can no longer take the Lakers series not only can I not take the Lakers seriously I am viscerally upset with this decision in life we have been taught that hard work pays off we’ve been taught that there’s a process and progress to getting where you want to get to I started playing football at eight years old played in Middle School played in high school played in college played in the NFL I started on television locally in Austin Fox 7 Austin in 2016 then I did a show for the Dallas Cowboys on Twitter then I moved up to another Network then I moved up to now co-hosting this program there are steps there are building blocks that is what we have been taught particularly in sports that you eat what you kill and if you don’t kill it you ain’t eating it but with this JJ reic H I’m sensing and smelling far too much cronyism you’re just getting hired because your friend is there see we’ve gotten so numb to a lack of work ethic in society remember even performing guards our actors and actresses back in the day had to go to the juliard Performing Guard School I remember when Chadwick bosan tragically passed away we heard the story of Denzel Washington paying for Chadwick to go to the Oxford performing Guard School in England but now you have one viral Tik Tok video and you on you starring in a movie now you got one podcast with LeBron James for three months and you starring in the NBA I can’t take it seriously 25 like JJ rdick has never coached before at any level not kids not Middle School not high school not Au at any level so you want me to believe that a coach who hasn’t coached at any level a coach who hasn’t won at the highest level because in college sweet 16 final four sweet 16 sweet 16 so you haven’t coached at any level and you haven’t won at the highest level and you want me to believe that you can both coach and win at the highest of high levels how it’s quite literally irrational the math has never mathed Less in the history of mathing not mathing so I can’t take it serious iously slick you’re a basketball expert You’ been watching the game for a long time I’m upset I’ll talk more later can you still take the Lakers seriously what’s your reaction big do they just hired JJ reck if the expectation is is that you’re still trying to win a championship you’re the Los Angeles Lakers and you have LeBron James you just hired JJ reick who has never coached a minute and supposedly we don’t know who his coaching staff is going to be and you haven’t come close to winning a championship so now JJ reck is going to be the difference in terms of getting you to where you have not been able to get to for the last three four years it doesn’t make any sense now if you’re look and and all of the reasons that I’ve heard why well he could be that guy he could be Pat Riley Pat Riley was already in the organization he already had a relationship with Jerry West that doesn’t fit like it based on what because he’s coming from the media that’s the only little connective tissue that you have between JJ reick and Pat Riley uh he could be like Mark Jackson who had never coached before and coached the Golden State Warriors yeah they won 23 games the uh Mark Jackson’s first year are we are we good with the the Lakers winning 23 games this coming season he could be Steve cerr who had not coached and was taking over yes but he was taking over a team that had been primed by Mark Jackson to take that next step and Steve cerr had played for Greg papovich and played for uh for Phil Jackson and he had at least five rings if I’m not mistaken as a player certainly a number of rings so and had been a GM with the Phoenix Suns he like the there’s it’s not just coaching experience that JJ reick doesn’t have he doesn’t have any experience with the Los Angeles Lakers organization that matters so I I just is can I take them seriously how can I take him seriously like what I don’t even know how to answer that question because this is you answered it slick you answer it slick uh James you answer it yeah we cannot take them serious this is crazy for two reasons right here it’s crazy that we sitting up here surprised and it’s crazy to think that the Akers are serious about winning another championship by hiring JJ reck it’s crazy AO I don’t know if you know but the new world we live in man is who you know that’s true that that that is where it’s at I walked into the National Football League and thought I was going to get the best coaching in the NFL and I walked into my receiving room and my receiver coach played offensive [Music] line but he had a really good friend that was a head coach a really good friend that was a GM that’s the day and we are living in right now that’s why I say it’s crazy for us to act surprised we knew once they offered Dan pennies that all along JJ reick was the guy to go along with LeBron James and possibly draft bronny and it be a collective coaching tree over there with LeBron James whoever his assistant coaches are with JJ reick that’s what this is going to be right now Anthony Davis and LeBron James they are the ones that are driving the Lakers they are the ones that are making some of these decisions are least people are coming to them asking them what do they want that’s the only way this hire happens it’s too many coaches out there that are qualified to coach the Lakers you just fired one that was in the Western Conference and the playoffs so it’s way too many coaches for us to be sitting here talking about JJ reic with no experience is the head coach of the Lakers if LeBron James is not your friend or vouching for you so it’s crazy on both ends because it’s crazy to think that they weren’t going to hire him and it’s crazy to think that they F to have some wild success with JJ real quick I’m just curious to know that lineman I was your no names you see no name I just want to know like you like a a comeback rout or or or a post corner so so this is what he try to correct you this is what I would say I just want to know though he taught paper routes because he did not know so all he could teach us is the Playbook and I’m like and I’m like hey bro Richard Sherman in front of me in press coverage derell revas I can’t run paper routes against these dudes don’t know how to coach you how to run nothing like a newspaper pretty funny um you know what I’m going to go in a different direction guys I’m going say yes I’m going to say yes uh before I give you a yes I do want to say I I kind of do agree with you guys as far as this he has no real experience right like why would you hire him and it may be because he knows LeBron James or Etc he may see he may seem super smart on TV right so I get you guys right and I I was I was big on like there’s so many other coaches that are qualified like the Celtics just won a championship they just did that right they couldn’t get over the home they finally did a guy like Sam Cassel who was a hell of a player who was a champion right and as a player was a champion as a champion as a coach you go from a a wooding franchise with the with the um with the Celtics right you take that same thing to to the Lakers right that’s that’s what it’s about what have you done your resume okay he’s a great player right okay great leader great point guard okay a Champions a player Champion coach like those things matter so I would take a guy like that who’s a player and as a coach but I’m going to go another Direction and say this I’m always excited when players get the chance to become coaches I think that in all sports there should be more players that are head coaches more players that are coordinators and more players in the front office with the GM stuff I I believe in that so I’m just being optimistic about this hopefully JJ R can pull this thing together um has a really really good roster good team right got some Superstars LeBron James Anthony Davis so hopefully they make this thing work I’m just being optimistic about it I hear you shady I I hear you cuz I I like when players become coaches too but not if you cheat the system ham played ball if I’m not mistaken Darin ham actually there’s a picture of him playing against LeBron James and Darin ham still coached on the Bucks bench and and the Bucks ultimately ended up winning a championship in that 2001 season and Darin ham became a head coach like I’m all for players being coaches but not at the expense of players who become coaches that actually go through the grind my man had a podcast y’all I I I really hate how even in society Society has become so distant to certain things that we numb to certain things yeah like 50 years ago would have been wild and I was like oh yeah that happened oh I’m not surprised this is wild he had a podcast and he is coaching an organization that Phil Jackson once coached that Pat Riley once coached one of the greatest most winningest organizations in the history of the NBA prior to 72 hours ago they were tied for the winningest NBA organization and JJ reic off a podcast I’m not saying he won’t succeed he may but there’s no data to supp the higher and there’s no data to support success see but I don’t like that though I don’t like that approach I don’t like that c you know what I’m saying cuz like I come from a background where sir everything ain’t Fair yeah and Coach going to treat me different they going to treat you right and and on TV they might treat you different than they going to treat me that’s how it works and and I get it I guess it’s a it’s a you got to earn everything everything ain’t earned though but in sports in sports on the field and in that’s the world we live in I just told my son this two weeks ago he in school school’s almost out and you know one of his classmates saying like basically making fun of him because you know the clothes he may wear is is nice and expensive or or the stuff he comes from he think he’s got it easy and I say to my son and right we not fair we we the other day I was watching um the breakdowns of the NFL or NFL the NBA draft all the prospects right you got some guys from this school that school and all that stuff and one of the guys talked about the most everybody is who bronnie I don’t even know who the first player in the Jess going to be you know why cuz everything we keep hearing about is bronnie James bronnie James and guess what I’m okay with that cuz everything ain’t Fair there people oh man he didn’t do this he didn’t do that so what so my thing to you is yes I get it right if it was me and I’m the Lakers I’ll probably go out there and get some different um candidates for the job but they picked JJ reick I and you cannot hate and be mad because they picked that just because he has no experience and all that that’s how it works AR I would be okay with unfair if we knew unfair had a track record of success for example uh Kyle Shanahan some might suggest that Kyle Shanahan shouldn’t have been on that Washington staff with his pops some might suggest that Kyle Shanahan should have got that opportunity with the Houston Texans when he was a quarterback coach you might suggest that Kyle shanan shouldn’t have been the offensive coordinator for the Atlanta Falcons who go to a Super Bowl you might suggest he shouldn’t have been there but there’s a track record of young coaches Shawn McVey of young coaches Mike Tomlin success there is no track record of a coach of JJ reck’s playing caliber and lack of coaching caliber having success in the NBA look at Steve Nash family and Steve Nash was an MVP so dare I disrespect Steve Nash and compare the two but Steve Nash had no coaching experience at any level and Steve Nash went to the Nets and y’all saw how that imploded within a season yeah a season if you want to bring up Steph Ste Steph Steve ker I won’t even talk about how he was in the front office what I will talk about is this he played for pop and he played for Phil Jackson where I’m at slick is where are the days of getting it out the mud I was looking up Phil Jackson before uh before the show bro Phil Jackson coached in I I can’t even pronounce the team qu whatever Continental Basketball Association and was kind of chck his head off in the crowd y remember Jackson coached for like 13 years before he coached the Bulls he was an assistant they called it the Cockroach League Bro think about pop pop sat on the bench under Donnie Nelson with the Warriors before before he became a coach and now you just got to do a podcast Lord help us how know this but anyway so at that time when Phil Jackson became the coach he shouldn’t have been a head coach of the the Bulls Now it worked out yeah but that that year the year before they went to the Easter Conference Finals am I correct yes but again he had been around the team he was an assist there he he had coached and then he like he he understood what he was walking into and they understood the Dynamics same with Pat Riley like that was an intentional move because of the character of Pat Riley because he had been around all those players he’d been around that locker room they felt like he had something uh that’s not and the guy who’s going to pay the biggest price for this for me is JJ reck be careful of what you ask for and what you get because this is really going to come down to who you put on his staff and this could be the beginning and the end if if he has coaching aspirations like I I I’ll go back to so when I first started my career had an internship with Sports Illustrated um thought I was going to go right back to the big time right and I had to work my way up I was coming High School sports like I’m a year out of an Ivy League school all my brother all my all my buddies are like working for Morgan Stanley they’re like they’re banker they’re doing all this stuff man I’m thinking what where did I go wrong right but it taught me the rudiments that have served me for the rest of my career and so no matter where I went I it didn’t matter who I worked for I knew I could do the job I knew how to do it right and I saw conversely people at Sports Illustrated who did go right back or when I got to ESPN people who were there who started their careers there and when they didn’t have the name behind them they didn’t know how to do the job and their careers flatlined or fell off and so that for me is where JJ is like you’re it’s all in cuz it’s not just you’re going to the Charlotte Hornets you’re going like this is the Los Angeles Lakers with LeBron James with the expectations those are through the roof and so I I just I feel for what JJ is walking into I understand you can’t say how do you say how do you say no to this opportunity but my goodness like if it if it blows up or any of us let’s put it this way we talked about this earlier like if we cuz we’ve been hearing this drum beat for a while right if we had never heard that reck was a candidate and we heard all about like Dan Hurley and James Rego and we woke up this morning we heard JJ reck just been hired as the head coach of the Los an Lakers our minds would be blown how the hell did this possibly happen to me that is that if if we look at it through that prism that is what makes this so crazy but at the end of the day I mean it’s crazy is zero pressure on JJ Reit right we already saying that we don’t got no expectations for this team because he has zero experience and coaching and all that obviously coaching wasn’t something that he wanted to do cuz he ain’t coached the Youth Level the AA level the college level the high school level he ain’t coach no levels so if it don’t work out for him you know where he GNA end up back on the TV talking basketball back on the podcast with LeBron talking basketball so it’s no pressure on him it’s crazy because the Lakers want the world to believe that they are competing for a championship and when you hire a coach with no experience at no level I can’t sit here and believe you and just because you got LeBron James that you trying to compete for a Championship LeBron ain’t been in a championship in a while I don’t know if people know that but they they ain’t been there in a minute so it’s not like LeBron James is 25 years old just walking into these 10 finals appearances that he used to do he ain’t been there in a minute now you get a coach with no coaching experience that’s going to have everybody in his ear like he don’t have a plan of how to run a organization he never has so you’re going to have to have a lot of people in your ear and a lot of help and that is going to cause a lot of chaos on the court and off the court is there a lot of is it like big grece period you think with with uh JJ reck not like winning right away because I feel like if a regular coach with the Lakers and and they just hired him and he don’t do well it’s like you’re not going to be tripping but I guess for JJ reick it’s like this hiring is so surprising and alarm is like okay if he don’t win it right away I’m sure everybody’s going to be on him well LeBron JJ LeBron coach so JJ got to win LeBron only got what two more good ones in him two two three four five I I don’t know like four five maybe maybe four five but I don’t I don’t think so but either way I won’t I won’t doubt the man but JJ got a win under LeBron’s timing because he LeBron’s coach so you say LeBron’s but we’re talking about winning though real quick so we’re talking about winning what he got to win a championship they just fired a coach that was in the Western Conference Finals so you telling me that JJ reck has to win a championship are they going to fire him here’s the other CRA here’s the other crazy part of this like anybody who’s going to try to sell the idea that well JJ they had their eye on him they they saw him as the next Pat Riley like they saw something that no one else saw um okay so then why don’t you hire him right away why did you actually make an offer to Danny hurle he’s a better I he’s a better Prospect he’s a better offer better Coach okay okay but if if he’s a better Coach then why didn’t you make an offer to get him like why you you’re the Los Angeles Lakers and you’re supposedly playing for championships and you take a flyer at a coach and see if you can get him on the cheap and you couldn’t so now we’re going to go back to the drawing board to the guy that we said is not as good as this guy like help me understand does he get that same does he get that same contract what you think no it’s not as long I don’t think it’s as long has come out the numbers hasn’t come out but details I I just if you to getting back to the original question should we should I take them ser seriously where you you went from you’re going to plan b or c and you’re supposedly playing for championships I supposed to take that seriously we got a lot more to discuss there is no more important conversation in sports today than the one that we are having and if any other show was talking about anything else they’re wasting your time when we return is LeBron James too powerful after seeing this JJ Rey his co- podcast Host this is the question that must be answered is LeBron too powerful for his own good that’s next on speak don’t forget check us out every day on the Fox Sports channel on serious X subscribe here to get the latest from speak and go watch a few segments from our other shows on FS1

Ric Bucher joins Emmanuel Acho, LeSean McCoy and James Jones to discuss breaking news that JJ Redick agrees to 4-year contract to become the Los Angeles Lakers next head coach. Also, hear if the crew thinks we can take the Lakers seriously anymore.

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Lakers, JJ Redick agree to 4-year contract as head coach | NBA | SPEAK



  1. Relevant experience is not applicable to every situation; if that were the case, no one would be able to get their first job.

  2. As a Laker fan I love to hear all the hate. I want the hate to continue on JJ until the first game. Keep saying he’s inexperienced and it’s embarrassing and it won’t work

  3. acho is his own worst guest on the panel. Hes trash mr. Know it all type. His name should be Shady because he actually is shady. Stole Marcellious Wiley job. shady move

  4. Mark Jackson won 23 games his first year and then 40+ , then 51-31 in his last year Gsw got drastically better every year under mark jackson Kerr most definitely inherited a primed team

  5. amazing the difference between the lakers of the nba and the colts of the nfl….i think most people would agree that the level of attention is through the roof for the nfl, or lets just say the nfl is at a 100 level, where would most put the nba, i would say conservatively is as low as a 50 to as high as a 70….reason i mention this is last year, jeff saturday took over the colts more than half way through the season and people on a national or local colts level really went hard in the paint about how "outlandish" to even "unfair" that saturday was given the opportunity to coach a nfl team, over way more than a handful of people who had coaching experience that got passed over…..i would go as far as to say that the joke that some people found offensive, but i actually thought it was kind of funny, it's the joke about the nba and the wnba, "one is a sport and the other is a joke"….hiring redick without any head coaching experience could really expose that position as being one that especially if he is successful, as being a position that is almost not needed, something that low key has been argued since i was young in the 80's…at the nba level, the head coach doesn't run the team, or typically determine who ends up winning at the end of the year, it is the top level players of each team, and how well they jell and play together and can the coach then keep them in line….shoot if the first works in this equation, a trained seal could wear a suit???!!!
    if redick fails, the reasoning will be "WHat do you expect he's never had any experience even coaching a junior high level basketball team." this move screams of AAU and how being able to network and get along within that kind of little league politicking has become WAY MORE IMPORTANT than x's and o's and how to LEAD MEN in sports???!!!!

  6. What I don't think he thought about is how people will view him talking like a basketball genius on a podcast AFTER he gets fired in 1 year

  7. If everyone doesn't stay healthy AD or King James and the Lakers don't make to the finals this will be just a side show

  8. So let’s say Lakers get a top 4 seed in the West and do the playoffs with JJ at head coach. Then what? Why do we act like the path to success is always the same thing cause it’s not

  9. 🤔 another skip the line hire. I know real lakers fans are scratching their heads bcuz we’ve seen this before in BKN.

  10. I’m rooting for JJ. Y’all can hate all you want. I think he’s going to surprise a lot of people. I wouldn’t say right away but in time, he’s going to be a solid coach.

  11. its a slap in the face of Late Great Jerry West, after Jerry trashed this Lebron Rimmers opinion on the players and standard of the past. he hasn't even been in the ground for a minute and the Lakers have insulted him. The Celtics are the greatest Bball Org.

  12. Acho is conflating hard-work-ethic with standardized pathways. Those are two separate things. This renders his argument invalid. They are NOT one and the same. Additionally, many former coaches, coworkers and teammates of JJ have been interviewed and explicitly call out his basketball IQ, his competitiveness, and his work ethic. His pathway is different, but that is separate from his work ethic. His simultaneous work on his own podcasts while at the same time working in traditional media outlets is clear evidence of his work ethic. You can critique his lack of coaching experience, but this take is idiotic.

  13. This is only the first Act, the second Act is the Lakers drafting Bronny , and the third Act will be the FAILURE of the Laker Organization !!!

  14. Did they keep the same energy when Tyron Lue ( champion), Eric Spoelstra ( champion), Steve Kerr(4 time champion) all got jobs with zero coaching experience? 🤔🤔

  15. What ive realized these last couple weeks with the coaching situation and with bron is that Lakers fans arent really fans at all. They should be giving bron his flowers because nobody wanted to come to LA after Kobe . And i highly doubt any other superstar will go to LA once bron leaves. They had a great year last year considering all the bs , yes they didnt make it to the end but that was expected with that roster.

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