@Philadelphia 76ers

Sixers interest in Paul George has “significantly waned”, per Shams


by philadelphia76


  1. eaglesnation11

    Trade Joel. Start fresh. It’s the only option.

  2. Thegrandmistressofoz

    Why tf were the two earlier posts about this deleted lol

  3. bravof1ve

    This org loves to leak things to get ahead of the narrative.

    Reminds me of the random tweets from reporters that “Haliburton was never available for Simmons” that surfaced just after Harden held out bad Haliburton started popping off

  4. -TheRedFerret-

    Stay positive my brothers and sisters … morey is cooking .. I can smell it .. we making major moves .. I am the red ferret .. how could I be wrong ? Also FTC ..

  5. Status-Ability-6867

    we are giving harden a max, lmao

  6. cantwifeahoe

    Confirms that PG is resigning and points to at least one of Murray,Ingram,etc. being on the verge of getting dealt somewhere before FA starts

  7. corky2141

    I’m guessing PG knows max is off the table & let it be known that if he doesn’t get it elsewhere, he’ll just stay home and play for offer from LAC.

  8. ProcessTrust856

    It’s important to remember that every report or leak of this nature is out there because someone wanted it out there. The question, as always, is who wanted this out there? And I don’t think we should uncritically assume this is coming from the Sixers.

    So who does this report benefit? Not PG. It hurts his market. Does it benefit the Sixers? Maybe? Perhaps they heard wind of this “PG wants a sign and trade with assets going back to LAC” thing and they’re warning him not to overplay his hand. Or maybe it’s damage control from Morey because he knows PG isn’t coming. Aside from that, not sure this report really helps the Sixers position. Does it help the Clippers? Very much so. PG’s strongest leverage comes from the Sixers publicly salivating over signing him. A leak that their interest has cooled could help LAC bring him back at a more palatable number for them if PG sees this and loses his nerve.

    So I put this leak at 0% chance it came from PG, 30-40% chance it came from the Sixers, and 60-70% it’s from the Clippers. Only LAC obviously benefits from this leak.

    Also worth considering: most Sixers-derived leaks seem to come via Woj. Not that it couldn’t have come from Shams this time, but it’s not the usual pattern.

  9. asbestosman2

    This is how stupid shit happens. Unless Lebron, Jimmy, Mikal, or Lauri are actually available PG is by far the best option- and also the easiest option regardless. If we end up with Brandon Ingram or something I’ll be pissed

  10. Lockhead216

    Oh man! I really wanted to give up assets and $ for PG

  11. IcyAd964

    MOREY COOKING 🥘 Cooking dog shit. Lmao had a cap plan wasting embiids prime and you can’t even do it right

  12. dat_waffle_boi

    We’re just gonna sign all the role players

  13. FamousChex

    Maxey taking the Steph turn and Embiid staying healthy is the only way

  14. Deep_Egg1442

    No more playoff droppers


  15. ChrisPollock6

    I’m happy to hear this rumor and was never in favor of signing PG.

  16. WrastleGuy

    Was it because he said he doesn’t care about championships and only wants max money

  17. Ok-Astronaut2987

    He’s washed up anyway with his best years WAY behind him.

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