@Detroit Pistons

NBA Writer Vincet Goodwill on the Detroit Pistons FIRING

NBA Writer Vincet Goodwill on the Detroit Pistons FIRING

before mentioned Vinnie Goodwill from Yahoo sports Yahoo NBA writer uh formerly here locally of the Detroit uh news right Vinnie were you news oh there he [Applause] is how you doing man so good to see you so happy for your success likewise man appreciate y’all man um so Vinnie let let me just first ask I was stunned when I saw the news today that they were going to pay Monty Williams $65 million to to uh leave town what was your reaction and what does this signal to you from Tom Gores why were you stunned today is juneth there’s nothing better than on June black man his freedom and $60 million that’s fact that is fact that’s my guy that’s my guy is that’s it Vinnie you should leave now go out on the high note go out on a high note there is nothing you’ll say in the next 15 minutes it will be as profound as that but but as far as organizational Direction I think you look at it like this they hired TR and Langan and I’ve been a wave to the NBA finals last I checked they hadn’t introduced him yet right no been the signal that a decision hadn’t been made because the first question you were going to ask was going to be is Monty Williams coming back and if he wasn’t ready to answer the question with a resounding yes then he’s not going to take the podium so he’s going to be introduced in the next couple days and then you’re going want to talk about okay how are you structuring your front office who are you hiring as a head coach I think the important thing to remember is this if you think Troy Weaver and Monty Williams are the biggest problems or the only problems for this organization I think you would be shortsighted like this thing needs a top down sort of fumigation you know what I mean you know you fumigate Korea before you buy all stuff like this is what this organization needs it needs to be evaluated from the top down because Williams was only here one year Troy weav was only here for a handful of seasons and yet and still this team has not won a playoff game since Tom G has taken over as owner there’s been presidents there’s been GMS there’s been coaches this going to be his sixth coach since taking over they haven’t won a playoff game in 16 years and we’ve seen the Celtics build rebuild tear down go back to the finals that should infuriate piston fans to see other franchises become relevant while this franchise sits where it sits right now hey Vinnie you bring up such a great point and I I’m I’m glad you went there because we did not uh just yet but there’s no doubt when you look at this Pistons organization you know AR tellum has a major voice in this organization AR tellum son has a major voice in this organization uh some of the other Scouts in this organization um you know it is more than coaching GM there’s no doubt about that what do you think Tom gors needs to do well you told me but H how do you how do you move forward if you’re trajan langon or a new coach knowing that you know hey I’m coming to the same organization with all the same fail spots along the way um what what does that signal to you if you’re Tran langon or James BGA or whoever comes in here well I think the important thing is this they have a president of basketball operations Troy weav was a GM and I know every nobody thinks of that as two separate roles but when the president that means you’re responsible for every facet of basketball operations which means that you quiet the cooks in the kitchen which means that everybody’s going to settle into their roles like this is what the franchise needs they need one voice to say this is our ethos this is what we stand for these are the type of players we’re going to look for this is the type of coach that we’re going to look for and everybody can have a voice there’s nothing wrong with arum and his basketball experience having a voice there’s nothing wrong with that because you look at it ca runs the New York Knicks clutch Sports has a a real big hand in the LA Lakers there’s nothing wrong with influence it’s just making sure that it’s influence and not driving the organization and keeping people in their proper places where their skill sets aren’t overvalued and hopefully Tran Langan comes into a place of leadership like that’s what this organization needs more than anything else it needs leadership you don’t have to model the Lions you don’t have to model the Boston Celtics or any other organiz you don’t even have to model the bad boy Pistons or go on work Pistons this is a new NBA in a new league and you have to adjust to where the league is and you also have to be honest about where you are as an organization where you fit in the NBA landscape you’re not a free agent destination so you’re going to have to pay K Cunningham which means you’re going to have to be smart and making trades and smart and making hires and utilizing the advantages you do have I just think that this organization has been leadership list over the past couple of Seasons Vincent Goodwood 21 years ago we played on the same team and went to the same high school man every time I see you I know we’re literally a year apart man but I’m so proud of you and the work you’ve done it just had to say that out loud man proud of you and good to be able to talk to you in this space with that being said you talked about the revamping of the front office you talked about the revamping with traser Ling has to do let’s step onto the basketball court let’s talk about the actual player Personnel what’s the first move of Traer Landing when you’re assessing the talent that or the lack thereof that the Detroit Pistons have if you’re the Pistons if you’re Traders in langon what are you looking are you trying to make moves to add to K cam or you’re like everybody is up for sale in the new uh in the new space of the new Detroit Pistons well that’s interesting brilin because I don’t know if you look at K Cunningham and say we can’t win with him I think you don’t have the evidence to say that you can’t you don’t look around at this team and say man we’ve got K Cunningham who was an exceptional Talent right not saying Hall of Fame talent but an exceptional definitely an Allstar at some point yeah yeah absolutely I would not be surprised if he were an All-Star next next year but you’re saying if Kade is our guy then we have to surround Kade with better complimentary pieces you’ve got Isaiah Stewart and Jaylen Duran and assar Thompson and Jay Navy maybe Thompson is the best I’m GNA say Thompson maybe Stewart is the best shooter out of them you know what I mean like if he’s not a guy that can blow by you and get to the basket then Kate is going to need space and you don’t see players on the roster that can complement Cade with space you almost felt like they were toggling between two different identities oh let’s go big with Duran and Stewart and get tough and beat up teams or let’s be fast and go get a j Ivy and Nar Thompson and You’ forgotten about the most valuable commodity in today’s NBA it may not be the NBA that I love I love a tough rugged NBA like watching the Boston Celtics take 45 threes in the NBA Finals that ain’t a league that I want to see but it’s the league that we in you gotta adjust to that so I do think that you look at all those pieces they’re they are good talents brilin like those guys are not Talent less but you got to figure out what pieces fit and what don’t and you also have to have some hard conversations and say hey maybe this guy’s a good player but not a good player for us hey V and last question I mean maybe it’s not a fair question to ask but I’m G ask it anyway is this a situation where you can see the Pistons in three years being in the playoffs or maybe even two I think in every sport whether it’s MLB whether it’s NBA NFL NHL two years is kind of the window now if you got the right people in the office to get it done and get teams from zero to playoffs do you think the Pistons have that opportunity in the next two to three years to be a playoff team brayan it’s a cheat code n in the NBA but tell me what it is play in you got the play in so all you got to be is a top 10 team you can at least be in the conversation and I’m I’m with you the elite sports leagues moves faster than ever quicker than ever right yeah you have rebuilds that they don’t take five or six years anymore if you’ve got a star you’ve got the guy that impacts winning that influences winning that drives winning it shouldn’t take any more than two years for you to flip and turn over a roster if you’ve got draft picks if you’ve got cap space not to go out and sign free agents per se but to fit players into trades that is going to fit that right you look at the Eastern Conference the Eastern Conference stunk this year you know what I mean like Boston walked through the East and God bless them won the championship and all that but Milwaukee is not going to be great because their guys are older you don’t know if the Knicks are going to be in one piece next year you’ve got a lot of teams with a lot of questions that it’s going to be more so trending down while still being good there’s not young teams that you’re looking at in the Eastern Conference and you’re saying you know what in two years they’re G to be running this maybe the Orlando Magic because they got a lot of young pieces Pao yeah yeah but other than that brilin this is a prime opportunity for a Pistons franchise that has you know what I’m GNA give y’all a stat since the year I was born 1984 that was the year that the the NBA went to four playoff rounds and 16 games right right the Pistons have the second most amount of Eastern Conference Finals appearances next to the Boston Celtics in the last 40 years you wouldn’t know watching basketball in this town over the past 15 16 years that they have a championship tradition because they ain’t been worth a d hey Vinnie the last time the Pistons had some money to spend they brought Ben Gordon and Charlie villan AER here now I know this is a new a new era but they got some money to spend who the hell wants to come here who can they actually get free agent wise to come to Detroit I don’t think you look at free agency I think free agency is like it’s a great idea right you I think you’re better off using free agents to fill in the gaps when you use your midlevel exceptions and stuff like that but if you I’ll just give you a great example the Houston Rockets went from being a really bad team to being a team that kind of went to the precipice they picked up crazy ass Dylan Brooks and V van B right not Allstar names but guys that sort of helped your culture veteran guys that kind of show guys how to work and they overpaid for them they paid a lot of money right if you find culture guys on the market because there’s no veteran guy on this roster remember last year they had all this free agent money they want to trade it for Joe Harris who had bad ankles and didn’t play at all like you can’t kick the can down the road you have to actually have a plan now it’s good that they didn’t spend bad money after bad money so you still have flexibility but you actually have to have a plan whether that’s in the trademark Market or free agency I don’t think there’s this one guy that’s going to be out there but but M way I will say this have you seen NBA money somebody will take your money don’t worry about that don’t look at it like man Ain nobody gonna take DET Choice’s money huh I said Monty Williams did hey look man I learned one thing my mama told me a long time ago you ask woman on the date the first time she say no don’t ask her the second and third the business went to Monty three times and said Monty please take our money and he said all right fine I’ll do it and that been the sign that you was not going to be successful with this person a little marri advice for y too amen okay big facts Vincent hey kg and the sound booth nice to meet you happy juneth brother but the Pistons don’t make a move like this a a week before uh the draft unless they have a coach lined up now I know James BGA has been the rumored name but do you think the Pistons should go more of the veteran coach route or should they maybe lean it to the young coach maybe an experienced assistant coach uh to lead this thing going forward just say veteran coach like they did just didn’t fire Monty Williams Ain’t No More veteran than Monty Williams you know what I mean like true that I don’t know that they have a guy in mind I don’t think you’re looking at the timing of this and saying oh they got some master plan because what has shown you about this franchise that is indicated that they have some master plan right this is when they got the okay to fire Monty Williams this this is when everybody was on board with it I was told today pretty much they had three options that it was bring Monty back for the full length of his contract and say we’re going to commit to you we’re going to see this through the second option was let’s give it a trial year and figure this out and the third option was cutting them loose and it seems like the third option was the best option but they were all finally on the same page once again because you have a lot of people who have a lot of influence and you don’t want to force Tran langon into a spot where he has to a inherit a coach on a big contract that he did sign or B fire a coach and hold the owner to $65 million of a contract that he did not agree to so I think you had give Tran langon his due diligence and the time to figure out this relationship was going to work and I think he came up with that decision but I don’t think it means he has a guy I think there’s a few guys he would probably like to talk to like James bgo maybe JJ reick if the Lakers thing doesn’t happen you never know talking to Vinnie Goodwill Vinnie you just coming off um covering the NBA Finals with the Boston Celtics win their 18th uh NBA championship we were talking and um that run where would you place that 16 and3 run that the Boston Celtics just I mean 4-1 41 40 41 I mean that is they didn’t even have a series in there anywhere that’s like you know what that’s compared to I didn’t play high school with brilin like I knew better right but if you put brayan against me on a on a fly pattern he go win every time it don’t matter what round it’s in that’s what it looked like for the Boston Celtics right they were playing against Donovan Mitchell without Donovan Mitchell they were playing against Tyrese halberton without Tyrese halberton you know they were they played who was in front of them through no fault of their own had they played the Denver Nuggets in the finals okay we’d be talking about alltime great run I think it was a dominant run they were 16 and three alltime great run you gota you got to have some more blood on that Banner besides the blood of Pascal SE or the blood of Darius Garland or the blood of whoever the hell they played in the first round oh the Miami Heat without Jimmy Butler I will say this you take nothing away from being a champion you don’t apologize for being a champion like there’s been championship teams in this town that have played injury Riddle teams and there’s no asterisk on that I just stopped short of saying how great the actual run was we don’t have to lie about it but we do say they are a valid Champion I was there for it they won the championship and they don’t have to apologize for it fair I got a two-part question here involving the Los Angeles Lakers um the the Lakers LeBron James will he stay in La who will be their coach and then I saw this today and I it blew my mind and I want to see if it blows your mind and you probably already know this but nonetheless in 2016 at pick two the Lakers select Brandon Ingram at pick three Boston selects Jaylen Brown in 2016 very next year in 2017 the uh LA Lakers select Lonzo ball at two at number three Boston selects Jason Tatum I mean is that I mean that’s a mic drop that if you’re the LA Lakers and you could have had Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum that is I mean hell I keep thinking about Giannis and tacumbo being picked after you know at 15 that year or whatever he was and complained about the Pistons but just uh the Lakers uh where does LeBron end up is is he staying in La do you see his old ass going anywhere else I know when I get old I ain’t trying to move from City to city like that man he got more gray hair on his face than he got hair on his head that’s a sign that you need to sit your behind down somewhere like I think he has a couple more years left at this stage of his career where he’s effective where his body is going to be able to play 55 to 60 games Anthony Davis is there he’s not going anywhere I’m not saying all this is a bluff I think all this is just you just show the Lakers that hey maybe I can go somewhere if you don’t do the things that I want you to do and to your point about that draft it’s important to note the Boston Celtics had that number one pick they just swindled the Philadelphia 76ers taking Marquel fultz and they were going to take Jason Tatum the whole time I that just shows you how inexact of a of a science the draft is like Jaylen Brown didn’t even have a great rookie year Brandon Ingram was kind of ahead of him but it’s just about fit and not necessarily talent but fit you see that in Detroit you see that everywhere else you can look at the draft and say hey good draft pick good draft pick good draft pick but it doesn’t always turn out that way because you have to have fertile land and you have to have an organizational direction that allows for that growth and development before before I get back to brilin for a minute can I give you one wildcard team for LeBron James wildcard okay Dallas Mavericks Kyrie Luca he’s not going and playing for the minimum like if you if you know LeBron James LeBron is not about taking pay businessman yeah he wants to buy an NBA team and that means I need to get all of my cash while I can and that means stand in La yeah Fox Studios has got a lot of money invested in brown so I think he’ll be right in the cash Department V uh we know what’s we know what’s going to happen in the west the West is going to be uh it’s going to be a wild show next year you got Minnesota you got Phoenix will they figure it out obviously Dallas Mavericks I don’t care about the West it’s the East you talked about getting good now the East has not been that good Celtics number one team probably going to be favored to win again who’s that number two team that you see in the Eastern Conference Finals next year with the Celtic I see Pascal seum just got extended to the tune in four years $189 million is it the Pacers is it the Knicks or is it some wild card that I’m not paying attention who Boston and what I mean I’m never a believer in the Philadelphia 76ers because I’ve seen their movies right Joel embiid is always heard somebody choking same ending every time every time it’s the same movie dog it’s like the Fast and the fears whether you go to outer space or you that was wild that was wild I I think I think brilin Philly could be a team I tend to trust a team like the Miami Heat to figure stuff out because they always managed to figure stuff out they had the bad year this year but they were in the NBA Finals the year before they were at a game seven in the Eastern Conference Finals two years ago I tend to trust organizations that have directions great coaches and great players maybe this is one of those years where Miami goes into you know the free not the free agent Market but the trade market and says we’re going to go get a start a pair with Jimmy Butler while Jimmy Butler is still in his prime Philly is going to go after Paul George they’re gonna try to get into business with some of these other guys I don’t trust the New York Knicks because Tom tho it’s all cute when these guys are playing 48 minutes during the regular season or 48 minutes in the playoffs when that yeah that that next year go look at them numbers next year come back to me next year and go see what Josh Hart and Dante div chinzo and Jaylen Brunson those dudes will look like an old car next year you know what I mean old car where you fitting six dudes in a small BMW and to the river rock you bought the fast and fierce man in the words of Dominic tetto we will always be family my brother my dude 100% uh Vinnie we’re so happy for your success so proud of your success keep uh keep killing it at Yahoo and of course your podcast Good Word podcast on Yahoo ball don’t lie channel on X at Vince Goodwill thanks so much bud we appreciate it man man appreciate your time appreciate all man thanks again for having me on [Music]

Yahoo Sports, NBA Writer and host of the “Good Will” Podcast to discuss the Detroit Pistons decision to fire Monty Williams after the worst season in franchise history. Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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  1. The Celtics had Tatum and Brown for % of the last six years. The Pistons haven't found that guy to pair with Cade. They thought Ivey was going to be that guy but it hasn't worked out so far.

  2. It's ignorant to believe they don't have a plan. He was let go for a reason. Monty didn't want the job.

  3. As a Pistons fan from Michigan, I just want to them to be good again. I'm tired of being the joke in the league and a butt of a joke.When it comes to this to this franchise. I'm sick of it.We have three championships and many Hall of Famers. Put some respect in the Pistons name again or something😒

  4. I love how "certain" people keep making excuses for Troy Fraud Weaver, he tore the team down and brought in bum after bum, we had the worst stretch under him!!!!! Enough of the excuses

  5. NBA Writer on the Pistons. LMAO come on guys Vinnie is a legend in Detroit let's show him some respect.

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