@Toronto Raptors

Toronto Raptors 2024 NBA Draft Big Board | Who Should They Select?

Toronto Raptors 2024 NBA Draft Big Board | Who Should They Select?

y n a hello everybody and welcome to a very special episode or live stream rather here on Amateur hour Sports is today we go through my Toronto Raptors Big Board as we’ll call it not quite a big board here big boards typically don’t account for fit in any way whatsoever it’s just based off pure talent going to go a bit of a different direction today basically going to be ranking players for the Raptors based on my preference over the course of the stream today 18 players in particular have made my list for the Raptors starting with where I hope they end up with the 19th overall pick and also going all the way down to the players that could be available for them at the 31st overall spot as well so lots of players to cover in this one if you do enjoy long the way make sure you do hit the like button and subscribe to the channel as well for plenty of great Raptors draft coverage and Beyond as we get closer to that June 26th date before we get started here uh my dog wants to go on the couch I’ll be right back a small dog who can’t get on furniture on her own so she was just crying hopefully now she goes to sleep and we’re all good there rocking the Canada Jersey today Canada play in Copa America well already got off anyways Canada play Copa America today against Argentina excited for that hopefully if you’re watching this back later we’re not watching it after Canada uh performed poorly against Argentina it was a tough day though for me soccer wise I am English Italian Canadian England not a great result against Denmark they drew Italy played very poorly lost to Spain and Canada well we’ll just have have to see there but we’re here for the basketball stuff hope everybody’s doing well hope everybody is excited for the stream hope everybody is also excited for the NBA draft uh I see Doug B stream OG and stream member in chat what’s going on to Doug we have winner one Bryce Lawson Daniel brry sports highlights Jonathan Giovanni back welcome guys uh Bryce Lawson out here for his first stream I hope you’re enjoying so far um hopefully my dog stays relatively quiet there she is she looks like she wants something she’s going to have to uh she have to sit tight for about an hour here which is going to be what we do for the length of stream today uh first things first as much as I want to just jump into the the Raptor’s bigboard here as a stream suggests uh I I think we have to talk about the NBA news today first of all uh we had two pretty big bomb show is dropping today my goodness JJ reick has become the next head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers was not their first choice but their first choice decided to stay with Yukon what’s his name Dan Hurley decided to stay with Yukon so they’ve gone with JJ reck instead has no coaching experience in the NBA the only coaching experience I’m aware of with with like like kids like actual kids like 10 years old maybe even eight anyways uh he’s been thrusted into this role as an NBA head coach with what we could probably say is the most difficult head coaching job in the league to go with it it’s a Los Angeles Lakers job right now it’s um yeah it it it’s a bold move by the Lakers here I have to believe JJ rdick can be a good NBA head coach but I also have to believe that this is a very big high-risk High uh highrisk High reward sort of sort of maneuver here uh they have mentioned it already but I I do agree they’re going to have to really surround him with uh veteran presences in terms of head coaching experience they’re gonna have to get him a really good cast of people around him with experience but you know perhaps JJ reck just just has that basketball IQ that is going to make the Lakers successful and you know he’s auditioned in so many different ways with the podcast with LeBron breaking down the lakers’ offense so hey maybe he’s got an idea goodness maybe he’s got an idea of what he’s doing there and we’ll see just how it we’ll just see how it pans pans out for him sorry about my dog um but yeah I’m looking forward to seeing what that looks like second piece of business here that we need to discuss is the trade uh big trade went down today in the NBA definitely a big trade uh like the pivotal player is on the move here that’s Alex Caruso Alex Caruso dealt to the Oklahoma City Thunder in exchange for Josh giddy I waited and waited and waited to see what draft compensation the Oklahoma City Thunder had to send the Bulls to make this trade happen uh turns out it’s none Oklahoma have 4 million picks I can’t believe the Bulls didn’t get any of them uh honestly uh quite shocking there I think the Chicago Bulls have really done a disservice here to themselves they have very much undervalued one of their most valuable assets I I you know for the Bulls I don’t mind betting on some some upside here with giddy uh you know maybe a more primary role with the ball in his hands is going to make him a little bit better uh I I think that’s fine but man to to not get a pick out of the Thunder here that’s unbelievable to me I think Caruso was easily worth worth two first round picks uh without a player being considered here so at least the first alongside Josh giddy here I think that really had to be the minimum for this trade and then that just didn’t happen I’m surprised here what do you guys make of that trade who do you think won that trade I I think it’s clearly the the Oklahoma City Thunder that won that trade and man it’s a really nice defensive fit on that team um Shay has been a a good a solid Defender um I think the steel stat is steel stats a bit overrated but Shay is a good Defender L dorts obviously a fantastic Defender Jay Dub’s a solid Defender Chad is obviously a fantastic Defender I do worry about the spacing still that’s still needs to be addressed uh Caruso can kind of hang in the corner and hit threes but I think more prominent shooting threat is needed for the Thunder but th this is a very big acquisition for chap basically giddy I thought with all honestly not with respect I I thought giddy made the Thunder worse being on their team so it’s a significant upgrade to that giddy Couldn’t Shoot really so I guess you’re not really losing a lot of shoo shooting by making this one happen but the Bulls uh not really a guard overload they traded away a guard to get uh to get Josh giddy so um depends how highly you rate dunu I suppose um Kobe White’s obviously there but you know maybe Josh giddy still is a little bit of a two guard there I’m not sure um it’s I understand the bed here but just they did not get enough value here absolutely not enough value here uh I think they should have got second round pick OKC with giddy um OKC should have got it yeah oh sorry OKC no the Bulls should have I mean yeah they didn’t even get a second I think they should have gotten a first but this is this is a little bit crazy um yeah this is uh this is undervaluation of Alex kuso he’s he’s very very good and very very important T winning all right guys with that let’s start getting into the Raptor stuff here so I have a list of 18 players here it’s just basically it starts at number one with if he’s available this is the guy I want the Raptors to take I’ve only listed players that I believe actually have a chance of falling to the Raptors at 19th realistically uh other guys like there’s going to be some some guy a lot of the guys in this list may not be available at 19 but um I’d be very surprised if any of the guys not on the list who I want will end up there so will end up available at 19 so we’ll get started here uh here’s the list that I have 18 players this will go all the way down to the players that can be available at 31st overall so it works for both picks here uh we’ll see at 31st overall who the highest player is on my list and see if he’s available in that position as well so uh for starters let’s go to player number one here so for me uh I don’t think so I’ll preface this by saying the first three players on my list I would believe would not be available at 19th overall however I believe there is a chance they could be available able at 19th overall which is why they make the list and the first player on my list hopefully he slides it would have to be a pretty significant slide it would be jacobe Walter two guard with very very good ability on defense and very good ability shooting from three I think that this would be an excellent complimentary player to what the Raptors have they need shooting they need defense Jobe Walter does both of those things now I think that honestly I I I have him going in the lottery well actually uh my mock draft has to change cuz I had him going to the I believe yeah I think I had him did I have him 13th in the end or did I go if I had him 12th to the to the uh to the Thunder that’s just not going to happen anymore the the the Thunder trade has has kind of shaked things up a tiny bit here uh I had him 13th to the Sacramento Kings um my new mock may not reflect that anymore but regardless the point I’m trying to make is that jacobe Al I think is going to be available in is going to be drafted in the top 14 he’s going to be a lottery pick in my opinion so therefore uh with KOB Walter probably won’t be available here but if he is available then um well he would be first on my list I’d be very happy to go for a guy like Walter Alex coach says I’d pick Walter at 31st well I think he’s going to go top 14 um I I think it’s a stretch to say even Falls to to 19 to be honest um I I don’t I don’t know man I 31st I I I think you’re missing out on some significant value here let me just make sure I have the name right 31st yeah um there’s just no way he fall if he said 19 I I’d be pretty shocked if uh the Raptors weren’t the team that took him but hey Everyone’s entitled to to their thoughts in a player think that the defensive shooting is is really intriguing for a team like the rabbit to take on question from strings in chat what do I think of Jared McCain at 19 overall well I tell you what I think of Jared McCain at 19 overall I think if he’s available and Jobe Walter isn’t you should draft Jared McCain with the 19th overall pick he’s second on my list I’ve continued to express that I think the point guard is uh the most necessary position to address for the Raptors and H I think that Jared McCain if he’s available at 19 I’d struggle to see him not being the best player available pretty much like unless Jobe Walter and Jared McCain fall which I just I just cannot see both of them falling like let alone one of them uh Jared McCain would be my guy there a bit undersized compared to what the Raptor would maybe need at point guard but I think there’s too much talent here to ignore McCain if he falls all the way into this spot here that’s just too good of a player frankly not to take a 19th overall I’d be pretty shocked if he got past the Sixers at 16 the Lakers at 17 and the magic at 18 I think his absolute like ceiling as far as he can go or like what would be floor or ceiling just just the highest he could end up or the lowest I guess he could end up is 18 to the magic I think the magic would take him if he’s available there if not I really like Jared McCain a lot of pullup threat some good handling good Defender as well the Raptors can kind of address their need for a point of attack defend uh he navigates screens well he’s just a good Defender even though he’s maybe a little bit on the shorter side and the pull-up threat I mean the Raptors require shooting they require defense you know once again we’re talking about a player that kind of works into both and the pull-up threat would be an extraordinarily welcome site for me in the point guard position I think that his type of play would gel decently with Emanuel quickly I think you know it’s not perfect but when you’re talk with a player with enough ability uh you do need to throw fit a little bit into the back seat compared to how good the player is this player is a little bit too good over there um now that Caruso’s been dealt comment here uh Bruce Brown Market should get a lot more attention we’ll see uh I I I think there was already a significant amount of attention going towards Bruce Brown so uh that should that that should that should continue we’ll see if the Raptors want to do anything pre-draft though maybe they’ll see who they draft beforehand um all right let’s move into player number three this is the final player that I I feel strongly won’t be available it at 19th overall but again there is a chance there recent reports however would suggest that he is not going to be available that player is Tristan dilva another one where I the Sixers should be interested uh honestly the heat maybe should think about it but the Lakers and Sixers absolutely should be looking at a player like Tristan D Silva so I believe that D Silva sorry my dog I believe that Tristan D Sila will be off the board nonetheless if he’s available uh yeah full steam ahead um I might have to kick my dog out it’s it’s just as much as there’s not as much upside here for D Silva my God okay I’m going to go feed my dog give her something to do and then uh I’ll be right back and I’ll talk about Tristan Sila sorry about this guys just give me one minute I’m sorry I’m sorry not ideal when you put in a lot of work for a stream and then my dog just annoys the [ __ ] out of me sorry about that all right let’s keep moving here Tristan D Silva number number three on my list as much as he’s 22 years old already um I believe it’s 22 definitely on the older side for this draft there’s just always going to be a need for size shooting and defense uh he’s got great size good length for the forward spot very good shooter polished shooter that can contribute from day one and good flashes of Defense good upside there that I think the Raptors can continue to work with but he’s very NBA ready which is why I think a team like the Sixers or Lakers should prioritize him first therefore probably won’t slip to the Raptors but if he does big fan of what D Silva brings at 19th overall would be very very happy with a player like him ending up on the team which brings us to number four number four highlight in red because that is the player that I have uh put in the graphic on the side here and it is the player that I also believe the Raptors well I believe it’s a player the Raptors should take with the 19th overall pick based on who I think will be available I very much believe this player will be available at 19th overall it should not come as any surprise if you watched the previous stream because I highlighted him as the player to the Raptors in my mock draft that is Carlton Carrington out of pit I really like what he brings as an upside pick at at 19th overall you’re just getting a ton of upside here more upside than you should be getting in this draft at that stage of the draft as well with the 19th overall spot Carlton Carrington is a bit of a raw player will definitely need some time to kind of pan out but I don’t think the Raptors are in uh any sort of rush here to be good at least I don’t think they should be I think patience should be kind of the name of the game for the Raptors here and I think they should and would be patient for a player like Carlton Carrington he is a good Savvy ball handler but big- time shot Creator Big Time shot maker most of that occurs in mid-range uh hasn’t really locked down in a solid three-point game as of yet but the fact that he’s such a Smooth Operator in mid-range makes me confident that he can extend that range beyond the three-point line especially with some development won’t even be 19 years old at the time of the NBA Draft so plenty of opportunity to work with this guy good tools to work with defensively has good size and length I think he’s 6 foot5 in shoes 6’8 wingspan there’s a lot to like here for Carlton Carrington for me to want to say I’d be very happy to get this guy with the ninth overall pick and I think it’d be an important P to the Raptors for years and years and years to come I I just I really like the potential there uh strings and chat agrees with me um good potential pickup definitely I believe he will be available I believe if we don’t take him Cleveland will right behind us so I’d be happy at 19th overall I don’t see anybody above Toronto taking him um like maybe Miami but I don’t know I I I I personally don’t see it there’s just there’s just going to be really good options there as I’ve laid out here that I think other teams will go for before this and I’m hoping a lot of centers go early because that will just drop the players and more interested in down to where the Raptors are going to be picking here uh not sure about D Sila being the best pick at 19 uh I I I’d go D Silva ahead of Carrington Just because D Silva’s already there whereas Carrington still has ways to go and you got to work on development i i d Silva there’s always going to be a need precise shooting in defense and he has all three to me um that’s saw a guard with 68 Wings xan James says I saw a player defensive guard with a 68 wings ban stats aren’t great but could be poor men’s Gary Payne II um I believe you’re talking about Devin Carter Devin Carter three weeks ago would have been number one on my list but now um he may not even make it out of the top 10 of the draft so I covered I believe you’re talk about Devin Carter who uh is a point guard out of Providence 6 fo three with a 68 wingspan Elite Defender showing great signs of three-point shooting when I covered him three weeks ago in a video it was like he’ll probably be there at 19 most mocks have him like in the low 20s uh and then he just got got he got he caught fire Scouts started to love him moved up into the lottery uh honestly he may end up going at eighth overall to the San Antonio Spurs so not not my guy there uh oh you’re talking about bronny okay I’ll tell you I’m not interested in bronny James um maybe maybe he makes an appearance later in the list maybe he doesn’t stick around to the end all right let’s go to number five on my list behind Carlton Carrington uh I think this uh who Cleveland will take if they don’t get Carrington but I’m gonna go with Tyler KCK in the fifth spot here on my list again you know you’re you’re kind of seeing that I’m favoring guards here and here’s another good option for the rabit at 19 I could see wanting to go with a more polished player in this position at 19th overall if you’re the RAB instead of going with more of a wouldn’t call him a project Carrington but a guy you’re playing more to the up side that he has uh compared to a player like call who who could end up going earlier I’ve seen a mock draft that has him going 15th uh sorry yeah 15th overall to the Miami Heat but he is a just good ball handler floor General good finisher on the inside a good catch and shoot thread as well that’s something the Raptors can definitely work with but uh he’s one of the older players in the draft he doesn’t have the great size uh doesn’t have the great doesn’t have like the biggest atticism but I I think this is a solid option for the Raptors to address the point guard position and here’s a guy that takes high percentage looks um not like an Above the Rim player but gets to the rim likes to catch and shoot I I think there’s still ability here for a player like Ty colock to affect the Raptors positively so for now for me fifth on the list again I I just I am favoring point guards here so I go with Tyler colock favoring point guards makes this less of a big board as I said earlier it’s more so my preference but I I am a fan of what Tyra Cola could bring to the Raptors in this position here I’d be I’d be pretty happy I’d be pretty happy all right uh let’s move to player number six on my list uh I’d still be pretty happy to go with this player I think that this is the the the cap of players I’d be like extremely happy with uh for the 19th overall pick I’d be happy with other guys on my list but this is like the last one where I’d be like really happy really bought into that draft pick and the player will be khil we there’s a wide range of outcomes of where he can land I think he can go late lottery I think he could end up in the mid 20s as far as his draft stock depending on you know what position teams favor but khil Weare is an interesting one for me seven foot tall with you know any sort of conversations about his lack of motivation the intangibles they have been put to bed based on reports in the pre-draft process be it NBA Combine be it in in draft workouts be it in interview as well 7t Tall outstanding interior threat tons and tons and tons of upside for me which is based in particular off of a three-point shot that’s starting to creep through if that three-point shot is really there for khil we at any point in his career he is going to be such such an effective player so for me I I am a fan of khil w would be very happy to take him here at six overall he is my favorite of the centers that could end up available to the rabit at 9 overall if they do go Center he would be the one that I would consider the most for Toronto next player on the list he has been mocked quite highly to the Raptors uh like pretty frequently that’s kesan George I I like the player I I like what he brings he’s another upside player what but I think it’s a good fit because I think the Raptors can work with players with potential and continue to try and develop them uh I’m I’m not as high on kesan George as some mock drafts have been I think ESPN and bleach report have him 19th overall to the Raptors don’t think that’s going to happen but I could see it I could see MERS from Office Dan TOS him scouting team liking a player with just a great degree of size to work with a great degree of length to work with you know that’s typically what the Toronto Raptors have favored when they’re in this the these draft positions here betting on the size and length betting on the upside a player with positional versatility who can handle the ball a little bit and just has been so Dynamic from three this season went from a guy who was on The Fringe of the draft to a first round pick because he was just so good on catch and shoot threes this season he was so good even on pull-up threes this season we’ll have to see from pre-draft workout stuff if the three-point shooting Is For Real to make up for maybe a lack of an explosivity to his game but if that three-point shot is seemingly real with the workouts then this is a very interesting player to work with again it’s not a player like in the top six here where I’m like really really really I’m I’m a Gass to have them but I’d be happy with kesan George if he does fall I mean he should fall if he does go to the rabbits at 19th 19 probably the highest he could go for the draft um can’t see teams above the Raptors wanting to to go for kesan George so I I think that the the the earliest he could go in the draft is 19 to the Raptors but again wouldn’t be upset about that number eight is a player I’m not too big of a fan of however uh you can’t deny the upside and talent there so the Raptors may feel as though Isaiah Collier is the best player on the board at 19th overall earlier on in the year this guy was mocked as the number one player the number one pick in the draft falling off a lot of Radars for for pretty good reason here ultimately what isaia Coler brings is just this insane ability as a point guard to get in the paint as will at will excuse me and just wreak havoc there he’ll have to significantly significantly develop as a playmaker which I think he can take some playmaking strides when he’s playing in an NBA system provides him a little bit more space on the inside but he turns over the ball a bit too frequently and you’re just going to have to get used to the fact that he just doesn’t really have a sign super reliable jump shot but the athleticism and just that tenacious ability get in the paint makes him an interesting player and the upside might be too intriguing to ignore at 19 overall for the Raptors personally I’m not sold there but I can’t deny the upside and maybe the Raptors won’t be able to as well in this position I think at this point there’s probably one more player here that I would be okay taking at 19th overall and then the rest I’m like not necessarily hoping they fall to 31st because I think that’s unrealistic but I think after this ninth player here we’ll be at the point where I probably don’t really want that guy at at 19th overall and the player that I’m going to go with here is EES Missy I I I’d still I’d still be okay with that I’d still be okay with that uh I could see them liking that Rim protection there e Missy ticks uh quite a few of the boxes that Christian Koko ticked when he was with the team and there could just be an appeal there to satisfy that need for a proper rim protector coming off the bench e Missi is a guy who knows his role protects the rim really well big Hustler big time rebounder especially on the offensive glass stats aren’t fantastic cuz he played low minutes but I don’t think he’ll have to play high minutes if he does end up with the Raptors EAS Miss C sizable point guard who’s just going to be that anchor on defense that maybe the Raptors want all right let me see my dog want she’s been a nightmare today you got to calm down if you come in here you got to calm down let me do my job let me do this I know I know let me do this some days most days she’s fine then some days like today off the the boil yeah no no I’ll lock you out again I’ll done half an hour what time is it yeah half an hour or so all right so yeah up till here I’d be fine with any of these guys once we’re past this we’re at the point where I’m like o was that really the best player on the board here probably not probably not but nonetheless interesting player for me 10th on my list is drron Holmes um yeah Holmes brings a lot of Versatility to the big spots his ability to play as a four or a five could be interesting because of you again the positional versatility there offensively and defensively and is showing good signs of being able to spread the floor from that position as well only 6’9 plays a little bit above that size and I think it’s some of the Raptors could want again to address some depth in the center spot this would be a good one because I feel like he has more ability to contribute on a day-to-day basis in the rotation than you know somebody like Zack Ed who’s got to have such a particular role here there a little bit more for Holmes to bring to the team which could be appealing for the Raptors to go with in this spot so I like him a little bit uh I I just for 19th overall that’s just a bit too high for him uh you know some of you have him going second round I I think the lowest he’ll go is 28th overall to the Nuggets I’m starting to think the Knicks should take a big look at this guy at 2425 so 19 is just a little bit too high for me here but nonetheless uh he’ll make the list here as a player I hope Falls to 31st overall for the Raptors next up uh a guy I don’t believe will be available I mean he won’t be available at 31 he might be available at 19 it’s Zach Edy uh you might be like thinking wow I thought he just wouldn’t be a he’ just be a guy you don’t think will get here get to this spot yeah I’ve just been low on Zach Ed uh feel free in the comments to to you know if you’re a Zack Ed fan you want the rap to Draft Zack Eed feel free to present your case in the chat I’d love to hear what it is about Zack e that people are infatuated with and really like I I just personally don’t see it um you know when you talk like it’s just defensively Holmes has a lot more ability to play on the perimeter e Missy does really well in moving his feet and pick and roll defenses um backpedaling out of those spots is pretty good there as well so there’s a lot more upside defensively whereas Edy I I just think it’s going to be a problem on defense and those picking roles and playing on the perimeter I think he’ll get picked on on defense and it just worries me it just worries me way too much so he’s lower on my list uh I I I could certainly see him ending up in the Raptors and I’ll be interested to see what the Raptors can get out of him there’s a pretty wide range of where Zach Edy could end up on draft night but the fact that he was given a pretty early invite to the NBA Green Room for the draft uh he did turn it down because he’s going to watch with friends and family and teammates instead of going but the fact that he got a pretty early invite would suggest to me that he’s probably not even going to be available at 19 but very much could be I just have a lot of people clearly ahead of him on my list of guys that I would want to draft in this position I I’m just I I we’d be lucky to have him follow us I I Just Disagree maybe he does Raptors take him you know I’ll be I’ll be okay with it look I’m not I’m not going to be like pissed off they go if they go in this direction I could see why they like it but there’s a lot that would have to be work on uh a lot of guys who could end up in the range of 19 to 31 I just would kind of ignore here so if there’s some guys here like like a guy like Johnny Fury I think actually might go 18 to the magic but he’s not even on this list cuz I personally would just ignore him uh I think that he doesn’t go I don’t think the rap will take him at 19 and I don’t think he’ll be there at 31 so now we’re going to start to get to a stage where I would not take him at 19 and I don’t think he’ll be available at 31 he kind of fits into that category so the next up on my list um absolved of guilt cleared to go teren Shannon is an interesting player here uh definitely won for the 31st overall pick not one I’d like at 19 yeah at this point you cannot take any of these guys at 19th overall I think we’ve hit a gap here at Zack Ed at 19 would still be I guess acceptable as wood Holmes but we are now at the point where you you cannot take any of these guys at 19 overall but teren Shannon um there there’s there’s definitely a threat for him to just like just H just have no draft stock because of the illegal issues that were ongoing the Raptors typically I mean look he was he was found not guilty so uh at the end of the day if the rapid want to go his Direction that’s fine to do but he is an excellent Defender here who can shoot the ball it again like I’ve said earlier on there’s just always going to be a need for that sort of player um there’s defensive upside to work with there’s shot making ability there is scoring ability and perhaps without any of these issues ongoing behind the scenes he would have been projected to go a lot higher in the draft so at 31st yeah if he’s available this would be a really good look for the Raptors here not sure he ends up at 31st I think there’s a possibility think that possibility would stem from team’s not getting a good enough look at him in the pre-draft process but yeah teren Shannon I’d be pretty happy with him if he does end up falling to the Raptors at 31st overall again we’re at the stage I’m not considering these guys at the 19th overall spot but another guy that I look at at 31st who actually some guys have like liked to go to the uh potentially at 19 to the Raptors I just think it’s too high but I do like Tyler Smith and what he brings his size mixed with kind of his overall feel for the game and tools that he already has decent shooting ability as well at I believe he’s like believe 6’10 long body long athlete I’d be happy really happy at 31st overall with him really happy at 31st overall 19’s just too high as we can clearly see there’s a lot of guys on my list on my list here that will be available at 19 so I wouldn’t look in his Direction but I see why Raptor fans are pretty interested with him in the the I see why R are somewhat interested in him at 19 that’s just too high uh if he does fall to 31st I think that’s very possible i’ probably go with him uh at that spot um maybe not above Terence Shannon but Terence Shannon Ty Smith could flip at some point I I I do like a lot of what Tyler Smith brings uh I also really like another player that could end up being top of my list for the 31st overall pick and that’s Ryan dun if he falls to the RAB at 31st I’d be I’d be thrilled I I’ve come off my stance I know it’s been two days but I I had Bobby Clinton ahead of Ryan Dunn uh when I did my mock draft a couple of days ago in the last two days I’ve decided to come off of that stance I think that the Knicks should have a big look at for Ryan Dunn in the uh 24th or 25th overall position but he’s got some perhaps ability upside to shoot a bit but he’s an interior threat a good switchable Defender who has to potential to be a really good defender in the NBA so if you can defend multiple positions and you can get him in the second round like this is probably a guy who can have somewhat of a contribution from day one because of how good he is defensively every play so look you might sacrifice a bit of shooting for that but he’ll play his role on offense and I’d be really happy if he fell a 31st overall where I would be yeah I I want the Raptors to take him in this position a at 31 um I think he’ll be gone but if he uh if he isn’t if he isn’t then take him for sure um sorry [ __ ] dog uh but Ryan Dunn made it slightly ahead of my list oops cheat sheet Ryan Dunn made it slightly ahead of my list I have that for stats by the way I’m not uh cheating off of uh the player notes just to be clear uh next on my list here Bobby Clint he was a guy I would have said is higher than Ryan D the other day think I’ve come off that a little bit uh I I may have just slightly overrated Clinton in terms of uh I may have slightly overated CL in terms of a switchable Defender he still needs to work on his footwork to defend the three and his strength to defend the five but nonetheless there is versatility on defend the there’s upside in terms of his versatility defensively and there is definitely upside with shooting that maybe isn’t quite there for Ryan Dunn so I can see the rapit going either direction here this is another play I’d be very happy with a 31st overall i’ I’d put Ryan Dunn slightly ahead but again it it’s just another player I’m really happy to take in this position uh I think that this is the last player for 31st overall where I’m like really happy once we’re past this it becomes okay solid excited to see what they got wouldn’t have probably been my preference here because I can’t see all of these players being selected before at 3st over cuz a lot of times in the latter stage of the first round teams just get the guy they they like they don’t really care if he’s going a bit higher than he should be going they just get the guy they like and there’s always surprised at that stage they could see guys drop so if Shannon Smith Dunn and Clinton aren’t available at the 31 overall pick spot I’d be a touch surprised but um nonetheless hey hopefully one of them does drop to us next on the list last three here we’re a bit in the Wild West it’s very difficult to try and predict at this stage in this length the type of players that that would the rap be interested in but you know is there a want for the Raptors to go with a more upside pick here and more development pick here uh for pacam dader at 31st overall this would be an interesting one um I think there’s a wide range of outcomes of where he could end up for the draft but I think that the upside that presents itself in this position could bring the Raptors to wanting to see what they can do with him he could have up going a little bit later on in the second round but the rabbits having a full day here bringing in a player with a ton of skill and upside it would not be unlike Messiah jiry to go for this and a player who has shown some flashes of shooting a little bit um some flashes catch and shoot little bit of Pull-Up stuff to go with it he’s just kind of a a Do-it all sort of prospect with great height good length and it’s somebody that could see Messi you’re being drawn to and I think I’d be happy to to take a look here you’d have to work with it quite a bit he’s definitely a raw player uh that you have to try and work with development wise but hey um if you feel as though second round you’re getting a lot of upside again maybe take the upside play here and go with him at at 31st overall play the patient game with your rebuild you know what I’m saying uh who’s the inside say that the other teams want to offer a package for the wrapped pick or the details the 19th pick uh good question I did see that I forget who said it let’s go find that uh personally guys uh I know I’ve covered a lot of potential trades rap could make with their picks they have made it pretty apparent Messiah jiri has and uh Darko has that they don’t really want to draft three players they want to draft two guys they think it will be difficult and they have made this apparent they think it would be a little bit difficult to develop three players in the same class they want to just focus on two guys here so uh it was a uh is in the athletic smck draft uh the athletic NBA Mock Draft is probably behind a pay wall so I I don’t think I’ll be able to see it but uh let me just see let’s see can I scroll fast enough no that’s and mock draft here we go NBA Mock Draft let’s see if I can scroll far enough or let’s see if there’s a pay well okay this is just not working anyways somebody of the athletic said uh again I just don’t think the Raptors will do that I don’t think the Raptors will will get another pick they might move up maybe they’ll move down but I don’t think they’re going to get another pick uh for this whole thing and I don’t think they’ll just trade away the 19th over overall pick as well all right Juno I’m almost done almost done buddy almost done she’s been a bit better now all right guys 17th on the list getting into the nitty-gritty here uh player that I was alerted to at the previous stream you got to stop you gotta stop you got to stop go do what can I give you to do here do this here take this take it take it take it okay almost done anyways please bear with me thank you for sticking around by the way through this um if you guys are enjoying the stream by the way please make sure you do hit the like button support the channel support the content plenty of draft stuff coming next week going to uh do another version of my mock draft on Tuesday and then going to be live for the NBA draft on Wednesday and Thursday next week but uh next player on my list I was alerted to previous stream Jonathan MBO at 31st overall um you know I I I said I’d be more so upset if we pass on these guys but I actually we’re still in the range of players I’d be pretty happy with to be honest um I I can definitely see an outcome where the Raptors just want to go in his Direction with this pick here uh I see the appeal not more so than the type of guys that I’m already going through on the list it’d be pretty strange to pass here here this might be a bit of a reach here but uh it’s it’s another one that is starting to build up some draft stock and it’s another one that is this the type of player that Messiah ji falls in love with uh what is he 6′ s with an above s foot wingspan I think it’s like considerably above s foot let me just double check 7 fo2 wingspan on the player yeah all the size of the rabit have typically looked for got the defensive ability decent handle to go with it as as well it’s it’s the type of player that the Raptors have favored in the past maybe it’s a little bit of a stretch to go at 31st but I could uh I could see Jonathan MBO being the player that the Raptors fall in love with decide like this is just simply the guy we need to take in this position final player on the list the extensive list before I can go tend to my dog who’s being needy tonight Jaylen Tyson High usage player in college but I think you could even scale down the role a little bit because he’s he’s a very physical shot Creator uh Adept at finding his own shot Adept at getting to the rim has a bit of shooting threat as well it’s a lot of talent here um how well it will scale down is conversation but there’s clearly Talent here and the Raptors may feel at 31st overall that is the player that is worth taking in this position to maybe start out a little bit in the g-league see what he can do but yeah he will round off my list here of my draft board so that is what we got um agree disagree with my spots let me know your thoughts in the chat we’ll get to them here uh we probably go another few minutes here to answer some questions then we’ll be able to wrap things up so uh upcoming content like I said uh going to be talking uh mock draft again on Tuesday going to I’ve already made changes my mock draft I did on Tuesday as some new reports come out and as some opinions have changed for myself a little bit constantly tweaking things uh probably will have to change more in the future I might just have to cave and put donin kingan higher up than I had him but anyways um that’ll be coming on Tuesday so another complete mock draft on Wednesday after the 10th pick I’ll be live here on amateur sports so pick 11 onwards and Thursday I’ll be live for the start of the second round where the Raptors are drafting 31st overall as they trade The Pick of course so lots of streams next week tomorrow in a video I’m discussing a potential trade for the Raptors to move up in the draft that hey maybe they want to pursue a lottery pick they see somebody they really like that’ll be something to consider uh that’ll be something for you to consider checking out tomorrow as well video wise so lots of great content hopefully you enjoyed this one as well if you did hit the like button and subscribe to the channel because again all this great content on the way uh yes rocking the Canada kit Canada kicks off at 8:00 p.m. which is why I’m wearing my candid kit um my other allegiances which are it in England did not go to plan today uh honestly Canada could lose and I’d be happy if they just played well my dog is being moody I apologize um come here come here come here come come sit come sit come here come sit come here come here okay there you go relax buddy so hopefully it can game goes pretty well but I’m excited for the rest of the coverage here for the NBA draft uh Simon ho says are you doing a live stream during the Olympic Canon men’s basketball it’ll just depend on timing um let me look it up uh because I do have a 9 to five um so it’s in the hours of 9 to5 that I won’t be able to just come on here and stream um Olympic basketball schedule let me see if that out that’s out let’s see Canada Canada play at what my time Canada this is women’s there’s men’s Canada play at 3 p.m. tell you 3 P.M could be manageable um I could get permission the next game they play against France is 11:15 in the morning yeah that’s just that’s just not going to happen um and they play Australia at 7:30 in the morning I can definitely do that oh that’s woman a friend of woman so can I play at 300 pm on July 27th which is a Saturday um check my calendar I I should have anything going on I mean I might uh yeah I don’t have anything going on yeah 3 p.m. Saturday why not uh you don’t work Saturdays but Canada basketball Canada verse random basketball hasn’t been decided yet so yeah July 27 3 p.m. should be fine um then Friday that’s men’s oh no that is men’s the then they play Tuesday July 30th at 7:30 in the morning which yeah I’ll I’ll get up and do that if you guys are down I’ll get up and do that uh Canada vers Australia basketball put in my calendar so I don’t forget and then they play on the Friday August 2nd at 11:15 which is just probably not going to happen um we’ll say we’ll see but probably not going to happen but hey uh I think two out of three group games I might be able to do at the very least I can do the one against Australia at 7:30 in the morning so uh good question got me checking and again I think it’s it’s something that I will be able to achieve so good stuff good stuff uh should be some good games to go with it as well all right my dog is being fussy and Canada is about to start against Argentina thank you everybody for tuning in to the stream today hope you did enjoy it despite the constant interruptions from Juno uh but yeah hope you like my list I will have a video on Tuesday that kind of regos through the list in a bit of a different way so if you want to see the updated list before the draft that’ll be available on Tuesday in a video my updated mock draft will be available in a live stream like this on Tuesday as well hope to see what one of the next pieces of content next piece that comes out is tomorrow in the afternoon we’ll be talking about a potential trade for the Raptors to move up into the lottery thanks so much again everybody appreciate y’all tuning in hit that like button on your way out go

Welcome to our Toronto Raptors prospect board for the 2024 NBA draft! Jacob Gramegna hosts the live stream on Amateur Hour Sports to share his favorite possible Raptors selections while answering your questions along the way. Jacob will be presenting his favorite players while keeping fit in mind, unlike a typical big board. This is the hierarchy of likely available prospects for the Raptors to consider with the 19th and 31st overall picks.

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This is Amateur Hour Sports. On this channel, Jacob Gramegna analyzes and breaks down the latest on the Toronto Raptors NBA team from trade rumors to post-game reactions, analysis, and much more. By subscribing to this channel you will be there first to watch and enjoy 3-4 videos a week all focused on this team and on game days Jacob goes live on the channel for a watch party where he interacts with chat, answers your questions, and analyses the game as it happens with play by play and commentary. Join the Amateur Hour Army today by subscribing and consider becoming a member to give extra support to the channel and help create better content more often.

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  1. Bub Carrington is a taller version of Darius Garland. They've very very similar. We should totally grab him if he's available at 19

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