@Utah Jazz

Utah Jazz Rebrand, Utah Hockey Club logo, Release, Injury issues continue in MLB

Utah Jazz Rebrand, Utah Hockey Club logo, Release, Injury issues continue in MLB

the audio and Camera in their I spts you are a liar hello Internet you are looking live here in dnaq here in beautiful Salt Lake City Utah this is the DNA Sports recap live stream podcast welcome to the show how’s it going AJ dude it has been a while it has been a while we had a couple work situations family vacation situations yeah a few a few things that kind of got in in the way of us doing our little show here let’s call them prior obligations yeah prior obligations for sure for sure yeah definitely a great way to put that AJ but I’m glad to be back yeah we’re back so glad to be back we’re back here and uh yeah so we’re just uh we’re excited to do the show we’re excited Che hot messes though I mean like my mic my cords are going everywhere oh look at that my uh ear that’s say we’re we’re a mess we’re mess we got this we’re good guys we’re good first time first time yeah don’t worry we’ve done this we’re professionals we’ve got this so anyway uh first of all again appreciate thanks for joining us we want to know where you’re watching folks if you’re watching live please feel free to jump in the comments and let us know where you’re watching this is a live show we want to hear from you uh so go ahead and Shout us out in the comments down there let us know what what your opinion on and what we’re talking about also uh you know where you’re watching from and all that good stuff we’d love to hear from you let us know in the comments if you’re watching live on the show today’s episode of the DNA Sports recap we are talking about well the Utah Hockey Club has released its um not only its Gra but the way the theing the jerseys yeah yeah it’s released all of that so it’s funny how we we know we take a couple weeks Hiatus and all the news drops is on on the hockey that’s pretty typical I mean that’s pretty typical on just about everything we do stop filming yeah we were stretching for topics to talk about on hockey and you know and uh yeah now we we don’t shoot for a couple weeks and a bunch of stuff comes in so that’s just beautiful we’ll take it we’ll take it it gives us something to talk about now and also on this episode of the DNA Sports recap we’re also going to be discussing how the Utah Jazz have announced their rebranding uh which is good timing just a couple weeks ahead of the draft which we have some thoughts on that we’ll definitely talk about that as well yep so uh that’s also something we definitely want to talk about and in uh Major League Baseball uh we have a few things to talk about one very sad thing to talk about that happened over a passing of a great Legend which oh man we’ll talk about here in a minute and uh we’ll also discuss you know all the stuff that went down in Major League Baseball injury history you know some more of the betting Scandal stuff that came out that’s not involving you know show which would be great to talk about finally um so and yeah we’ll uh we’ll go ahead and get to that um all that and more exactly you want to say that part no that’s your line oh you sure yeah 100 per. okay I would I actually thought about saying it and then I was like no it’ll be weird Okay Nessa Joe is in the Stream and she is coming you know watching from Utah awesome Nessa thanks you for joining the broadcast appreciate it and then uh yeah so we’ll go ahead and jump into that uh here so let’s go ahead and get started with what we’re going to have on the podcast shall we yep okay for those of you watching on the live stream we also this is available as a podcast Audio Only wherever you get your podcast a lot of the bantering that we go we talk about beforehand in between uh stuff doesn’t make the podcast as well as the end uh so all the people who are live streaming get to catch this part uh all by yourself there so um make sure again if you’re want to listen to the actual full episode it’s available wherever you get your podcast Audio Only it’s also available you on YouTube uh underneath our DNA Sports recap chat Channel underneath podcast we all check that out you ready always all right here we go hello Internet welcome to the show thank you for joining us on this episode of the DNA Sports recap the Utah Hockey Club has announced its branding logos and jerseys let’s go ahead and talk about it and the Utah Jazz have done a Rebrand as well let’s break it down in Major League Baseball there is a passing of a legend let’s go ahead and talk about it in major league baseball injuries continue let’s go ahead and break that down also in Major League Baseball there is more to come on the betting Scandal let’s break it down all that more my name is Darren that is AJ and this is the DNA Sports recap roll the intro roll the intro Darren oh my goodness we didn’t have the we didn’t have the intro ready this is gonna have to take care this is gonna be an edit roll the intro one more time roll the intro hello and we’re and we’re back and we’re back hey AJ how’s it going I’m so good good good so good I only took three shots to roll the intro yeah and now you’re just ending more to the edit later on that’s cool let’s just keep that’s what I’m here for well once again folks appreciate you joining the podcast so once again folks this is available as a live stream if you’re watching this on or you’re listening on the podcast after or if you’re watching on YouTube after this is a live stream we do offer this uh join us every Wednesday or Thursday depending on which day we can actually get together to do this uh we usually like to throw it up uh a notification earlier uh on when we shoot this but be sure to join us live when we do this uh live so please feel free to join in if you’re on the live stream peaceful free to let us know in the comments down below before we get started with the content let’s go ahead and quickly announce we are so close folks we are just shy of a thousand subscribers we’re about 48 away something like that we’re so close we’re so close smash that subscribe button that’s right once we hit 1,000 subscribers we’re going to be giving the first $500 that we earn an AdSense Revenue back to our subscribers so if you have not yet please hit that subscribe button hit that notification Bell so you don’t miss out on that giveaway and also smash that like button for your boy AJ over there I appreciate it all right so before we get into content here let’s do a little bit of pre-show cheers oh yes definitely got to do that cheers to you cheers to you my friends all right well let’s go ahead and jump right into it shall we absolutely okay so let’s first talk a little bit about uh Utah hockey should we jump into that first yeah sure okay so I’m going to go ahead and throw this up on the screen here we’re going to first start with the logos and uh those for you who are listening on the podcast you can see this on the just check it out on YouTube if you want to see everything we’re putting on there yeah yeah we’re just going to throw it up here this is going to be the basically the logos that we’re going to have for this uh hockey team here for in Utah we got the Utah Hockey Club as you can see the the Utah part is going to be called Mountain Blue by the way that’s what that’s called I love that mountain blue not baby blue not light blue mountain blue yep Sky white or something like that I can’t remember what the white one’s called but the White and the black both have their own colored names so all three of them have a name and they’re all specific towards Utah there so uh First Reactions of these logos what do you what do you think there I love them man I actually I think my favorite one of those logos is actually the state of Utah with the with the Utah Hockey Club underneath it um I don’t think there’s enough of the like the state of Utah because it I mean it is such a uniquely shaped state it definitely is it kind of sends you immediately right back into okay definitely from Utah um I love the color schemes uh my question is do you think the color schemes are are a little bit indicative of what the name might be I think or do you think they’re you think they’re going to mold the color or do you think they’re going to mold the color scheme around whatever see I you’re you’re wonder you’re hitting on that it’s like perfectly hey these are going to be the color schemes because believe it or not you know the Jazz well we’ll talk about them later they also just did a Rebrand Y and they did colors specifically as well so are we aligning the two or we separating the two or is this going to be some way cuz one thing you need to know folks if you are a Utah fan or if you’re a hockey fan or you’re just a sports member bil fans you got to go out and get one of these jerseys while they’re available these sweaters the hats stuff like this this is only going to be available for one season potentially less than one season if you’re if you follow the rumors there yeah uh but it’s going to be you know because there’s part of that we’re get into that later but so this could be like a one-time shot thing on this so they’re gonna be all the Utah Hockey Club gear is only gonna say Utah Hockey Club potentially for one season yeah unlikely that that makes the final cut for the the team name right yeah which is which honestly is warming on me to be honest with you Utah Hockey Club I don’t mind it I love it because we already have a channel named that way yeah so yeah absolutely absolutely folks and for those who are watching on our main Channel we did launch a new channel called Utah hockey DNA uh that’s our logo up on the screen there for you we’ll have a link to that channel down below so if you’re following us for our hockey content for the UT NHL team uh we have a spe specific Channel just for that content so be sure to check that out in the comments down sorry in the description down below for this video sweet logo too absolutely make sure you like And subscribe to that because we’ll be doing our own giveaway on that one as well so make sure you’re involved in that all right so with that said there we already talked about the logos there that are involved in that let’s go ahead and talk a little bit about the uh the jerseys basically the sweaters what what those will actually look like so we have those up on the screen here you’re going to have on the home jerseys you’re going to have the black with the light sky blue and the white kind of offset it there I like the pipes the lines there it’s kind of very Boston Brewin type Style of it’s kind of hockey style lines and yeah yeah and then you have the away jerseys which is just the inverse of it very simple Utah script down the center angled you very clean very again on the screen there for you for the folks who are watching on YouTube there uh again check it out on if you’re listening on the podcast there but it’s very welld designed very neat very simple again like I said these are going to be a one-year only type option there I’m getting one yeah I’m looking forward to I’m getting one make sure you guys hit that subscribe button we’re going to be giving one away at least one of those right maybe one of the new ones away on that channel so oh yeah absolutely you know we’re going to be doing a a jersey giveaway on that one for sure U probably gonna be Liam if he resigns with the team we’ll see yeah I believe but one of the first year editions though yeah one of the first year edition there gonna be a collect of something so make sure you get your hands on that we’ll be giving away one of those for sure uh we also want to jump into the comments real quick here it looks like we have uh Tammy says oh so close so close and let’s see here uh van Vanessa Joe also jumps in the comment and says H I like the DNA hockey logo well thank you Vanessa thank you appreciate it we worked hard on that one thank you Nessa Joe very nice we did work hard on that one a little bit unprepared for the show because of that so yeah absolutely maybe too much work on the too much put it up there one more time so yeah let’s just take a look one more time oh look at that oh look at that it’s so good good work good work man looks great looks great um but yeah once again folks separate Channel we’ll put it in the link down below if you want to follow us just for a hockey content that’s where that’s going to be obviously stay connected to the main Channel because that’s where we’re giving away the cash so yep make sure you’re subscribed to that for sure um but yeah so I don’t know what’s your take on the on the on the uniforms there I love them man I I I really think that I think they did a good job with these initial year uniforms because there’s not going to be a whole lot that you can really do without having an actual mascot an actual like whole branding setup but I think they did a really good job putting it together making it true to the color scheme that they chose I like them a lot yeah I do too I think the only thing that I would like to have seen is a third color you know they got the white they got the black they got the I’d like to see like an introduction of like some red or some like orange or that I think that’s what you throw in once you find what your actual name is gonna be name be yeah I think you’re right on that that’s probably exactly what they’re doing but yeah I think the colors to you answer your question earlier I think it could be part of what they’re going with with a name but I also think this is something to completely abandon color scheme just for this season and move on so I don’t know let us know in the comments down below folks let us know what you think if you’re listening on the if you’re watching this on YouTube let us know what you think there uh when it comes to that let us know if this is perect yeah maybe this is a maybe this is a one-year color scheme just for the Utah Hockey Club if they go Outlaws maybe they change it back to like the coyote kind of color scheme where it’s like red green brown yeah abely you know what I mean they could they could completely Rebrand the whole they could the whole thing next next year once they get the new uh they definitely could so have you seen the names that have been limited down to now I have so I have we’re down to what Utah Hockey Club Yeti Outlaws Venom uh you also have Mammoth oh is Mammoth still in there I thought they were down to four down to six oh down to six okay Utah let’s see here just want sure we get them all so we make sure we get them all so we have Utah blizzard Utah Hockey Club Utah HC uh which like I said it’s grown on me we have the Utah Mammoth Utah outlaw laws Utah Venom and Utah Yeti what I really like about the Utah Venom Yeti and Mammoth is they’re singular they’re not plural I really think they missed the boat there on Outlaw that should Outlaws that should be singular as well the Utah Outlaw now the Utah Outlaws just kind of sounds there’s multiple Outlaws though yeah not just one yeah but there’s a whole team Outlaws I don’t know I just think it fits better with a with a you know with a team of people with a team of people if you’re going to have like one it’s going to be the Venom well and we’re one we’re one team we’re one fan base yeah that’s true I also don’t like the I think if Venom makes the cut I’m not going to like what they’re going to do with that because you know a snake you know what’s the Venom the Venom is part of the snake not the actual snake itself right so I’m not sure I’m not sure about the Venom part like we’ll see we’ll see how that turns out um but yeah so those are the six final names Utah blizzard Utah Hockey Club Utah Mammoth Utah Outlaws Utah Venom and Utah Yeti I don’t like blizzard because whenever we’re playing the Avalanche like I can hear it already you can’t have an avalanche without a blizzard yeah or the other way around see I thought about that I also thought about the outlaw think about that though we have three teams named after Canadians we have the Utah Canadians Utah Canucks the Utah Maple Leaf those are all Canadian you know yeah and then you also have the the Utah you also have the Vegas golden knights and then you also have the Kings like we have very similar names with other hockey teams already yeah so Utah blizzard Utah Avalanche it’ be nice to have like a built-in rivalry like the Red Sox the white socks you know yeah I think it would be okay as long as the yeti as long as we have a our mascots the yeti I know the Cado Avalanche has like a Yeti foot as it’s like sub whatever sub um sub logo type thing but it was because it was one of their mascots but that got into it they got that thing is no longer part of the team because it got into a fight with the fan is now gone so well it happens it does happen especially in hockey which we that’s another reason why I love the sport I think that’s awesome uh but yeah we want to know what you think folks let us know in the comments down below what you think of the jerseys what you think of the logos um I don’t know if you saw the video here we’ll put it a b-roll of it on here and shows right at the end how the the scg group was make sure to know that there was hockey there’s hats and sweaters available uh that you can definitely purchase so try to make back that 1.2 billion I guess already here we go working on it now working on it now let us know in the comments down below folks what you think also remember folks this is a uh that we did Just Launch our own channel when it comes specifically to the hockey so if you’re watching this on the hockey Channel really appreciate that make sure you hit that subscribe button and hit that notification Bell so you don’t miss out on that if you are watching this on our main Channel this is available on our primary on our primary hockey channel Utah hockey DNA be sure to check that out in the comments down below yep do it all right so you want to Pivot on over to a little bit of uh Utah Jaz shall we absolutely all right let’s go ahead and do a color change is it the middle button I think it’s the middle button don’t you y it is Middle oh you should have stay purple man let’s do purple I like that I was going for that yellow color we’re switching it up this time I think the purple’s the way to go because I I think that’s on brand for exactly what we’re gonna be talking about so yep um but all right so let’s go ahead and talk a little bit about our Utah Jazz and the changes that have come in regards to that so the Utah Jazz I mean we’re about two weeks away from the from the draft right where as it sits now the Utah Jazz are going to get the 10th overall pick and we put out a video last week about how uh where we think the Jazz are going to pick and you know their draft strategy there and how they’re going to try and trade their picks up to either get up move up in the draft or trade them for a star player right which uh you know we’ve made our point on that last week be sure to check out that video we’ll Link in the comments down below so make sure you check that out um but yeah so let’s talk about the rebranded jerseys now uh we have those here we’ll go ahead and throw those up on the screen there for those of you who are watching uh on the live stream here let’s go ahead and throw that up now they are going to be keeping if you look at this photo here you’re going to see two familiar ones in two new ones there you’re going to be able to see the two Familiar of what I call the the whites with the highlighter yellow on them um and then also the black with the highlighter yellow on them that are still original now those are holdouts those ones are going to be here for you said the 2024 yeah so for season exactly so for the beginning of the 25 season I think they’re going to transition them over to the other the other couple ones Midway through the TW the 25 section of the season the season yeah so we also have the statement jerseys statement Edition and the city editions which if you’re watching on on on YouTube there you’re going to see on the right there how those are different tell me what you think about those do you like the the black of the gray Mountains and the Jazz note on front what are you thinking there so I love the black the black jerseys with the mountain I think are excellent I love the Jazz note um I like the mountains on the sides of the shorts I that’s a great touch you know kind of a carryover from the purple edition of those jerseys um I I didn’t I didn’t dislike the yellow and black coloring though I know that there’s so many people that didn’t but I like the yellow and black coloring yeah yeah I know I know you like the yellow yellow white and I like the yellow and black the flat one that’s on the screen there the white yellow and black I’m not a fan of I just didn’t like that color style I almost preferred the all yellow one but I understand why people they didn’t because we were straight up highlighters running around on the floor yeah it kind of Blended in with some of the stuff there but yeah on this one here if you look at the I can understand that I really like the black ones I think the purple with the mountains I just think we’ve done that before I just think it’s it’s a rinse and repeat for sure for a city Edition you could have gone so many different ways and you just kind of rinsed and repeated a a throwback from something we’ve thrown back to several times yeah I just think it wasn’t necessary I don’t know what do you think no totally agree I mean I and and when you go to the next clip of the the next season’s jerseys I like the new addition of them just kind of refreshing all of those jerseys just a little bit yeah we’ll definitely get to those let’s hit the highlights here let’s hit the comments real quick uh let’s see here uh it says that Tammy says I like the black uh with the mountains yes 100% agree I think that’s a good touch there agree with you there I think I like that a lot um see here Nessa Joe she put on there I like I liked the new ones I don’t like the yellow yeah I that’s fine yeah disagree AJ AJ’s alone on that island there we can agree to disagree I like it I like it but yeah I I have to agree with him n Joe on that one I I kind of like I lik the yellow I like the old yellow one with the blue see I didn’t like that one so that one was more of a it was like mustard yeah it was but it we had a good record with them you know my rule yeah that’s true you win I don’t care what they look like yeah I like the Jersey based off of how we play in them that’s that’s all I care about let’s go ahead and jump into the news one here and this is a little bit better so again we have the uh the one that we don’t like there on the far left if you’re watching on YouTube we have the black ones in the middle we have the home white ones uh that basically have that Utah Mountain as well it’s like the Line Mountain though it’s not the defined Mountain it’s like a bunch of lines that create a mountain yeah and I really like the short Change on both of those on both the White and the the purple ones there I think that one’s much much better I think it’s a better representation of Utah and you know the mountains we have here and I just really like the cleanly cleanliness of the black I just think that the first ones the the first ones on the left there I just think that there just too much of an old re rinsing an old hat that’s already been rinsed and repeated so many times yeah they could have gone a much different direction they could have redone the the black with the with the mountains ones they could have done the orange and black ones from back in the day they could have done some of the baby blue ones that were really hated by everybody but you can redo that make it kind of nice and know kind of tie it in I don’t know I thought there was just so much more you could do you could do the old city editions from the original Nike ones that had the multi multicolors you could have done the Red Rock ones yeah the Red Rock ones those are some of my favorite ones of all time you could have done some of some of the funner stuff with those yeah I like the gradient jerseys too the ones that like change color from top to bottom I yeah like and what about if it was smooth instead of the lines what if it was like a straight smooth one instead of showing separation they could have touched with that a little bit I don’t know I just think the one on the far left just is a little bit too much of a rinse repeat of an older one like they just basically threw that together but all the other ones I think are sound I think they look great yep absolutely make sure you guys leave us a comment down below let us know what you think which one’s your favorite jazz Jersey um make sure you guys hit subscribe we are giving away the $500 five subscribers $100 each make sure you hit like on this channel once again folks we do have our own channel specifically dedicated to the Utah Jazz it’s called Utah Jazz DNA a link will be in the description below so if you are watching this on that channel we really appreciate you for tuning in on that channel please make sure you hit the Subscribe button hit that notification Bell we will be doing a giveaway on this channel once uh we hit monetization of a th000 subscribers on this one as well so be sure to check that out if you’re watching this on our main Channel be sure to check that other channel out for Utah Jazz DNA will be linked down below yep all right perfect well um anything else something Utah Jazz before we move on there we’re two weeks away from the draft what are you thinking them what’s in your head now I’m I’m scared for the Jazz I don’t know what they’re going to do I mean some of the players that have kind of been targeted in some of these trades are already starting to be in the and you know like the Josh giddy trade go I am so glad that trade went down thank you so much I think I’m more upset about Alex Caruso because I saw some of the the projected drafts where the Jazz take Caruso or you know trade for Caruso and I liked that move because I do want more defense on this Jazz team yeah I like Wing defending better I I like I just got tired of everybody connecting the Jazz to Josh kidy like I just I think it’s just because Josh kidy was known to be moved he was the weak link on that Oklahoma City team he was the guy that they needed to get rid of and replace an upgrade in from a defensive standpoint and Alex Caruso is the perfect piece to replace him with to be honest with you he’s a great pick for them to get involved with that so yeah I like it I think it’s a good trade uh for them but yeah I just yeah I’m just glad that Josh gin’s off the table and he’s he’s with a different team because I got tired of reading that in the comments everybody wanted to put maybe Chicago’s still planning on moving him it’s I mean there’s no guarantee he stays there Chicago’s looking to back package some players now you’ve got a Josh good giddy which is a few years younger than Alex Caruso probably like six years younger than Alex cruo to be honest with you yeah wasn’t ball coming back this year isn’t they’re saying that they supposedly he should be healthy this year he got a caver miniscus from and then some additional carage in his leg and they show him doing drills on it so he’s looking good plus Zack LaVine I think they’re gonna probably move him you know and again J been chat targeted for him and that’s another player that I just don’t think the Jets need to go after I actually thought about this on the way uh when I was driving around today I want to take get your take on this okay okay this is not seen a report this is just a trade rumor that I think would be awesome and let us know in the comments down below what you think and let us know for watch on live stream what you think there’s only one player I think that’s going to move the needle for the Jazz the Jazz go quote unquote big game hunting this offseason there’s only one team and one player that I have in mind that would actually make a difference for this Jazz team right away right away okay take a guess who it is I’ll give you three guesses Brandon Ingram nope CU we talked about that in the previous video be sure to check it out he doesn’t move the needle for the Utah Jazz okay um give me a position guard I don’t know okay okay so this guy is a perennial rstar okay he really knows how to turn it on in the postseason Mr H buckets himself Jimmy Butler I say if the Jazz trade for Jimmy Butler with the team they have now lri marinan the young Keon George running point and you have the team you put Jimmy Butler on there that’s enough talent and enough hardworking talent to push these young rookies into position where they could compete at the 10 spot I think I think if you’re gonna make a move for an All-Star and try and do that that’s the only option I see where that actually makes any where the Jazz Chang it off just because Jimmy has it exactly like there there’s not a whole lot of players in the league that have it Miami’s looking to move him you know because he’s in the final years of his contract and they’re not going to want to pay him Utah jazs are kind of in this you know perennial whatever mode that they’re in right now where you know we can sign and trade for he played in Minnesota so he’s not really afraid to play in a small Market you know yeah he’s willing to coach young players and help them out he’s willing to as long as the team’s willing to hustle you know I think he’d be a good fit for this team he’d be a good fit with for Will Hardy I think he’s the type of coach that he gets on um uh Callin SE I think he’d you know works and not to mention Jimmy can go get a bucket when you need him to yeah he won’t be a he won’t have to maintain the offense throughout the regular season we have a bunch of Young Guns that could do that you resign Larry Markin and you put Jimmy Jimmy Butler in that lineup Keon George you still have JC coming off the bench that’s a team that can get get you some points in the postseason for sure I like it I like it I yeah that might be one of the better moves I could make actually yeah I mean let know the com yeah let us know in the comments down below folks or if you’re watching on the live stream jump in give us a comment there on what you think do you think that’s a I mean if there’s is there another player that is out there that’s available that’s been talked about in the trade market that you think would actually make a difference on this Jazz team because I got to tell you 35 wins isn’t gonna get you in the playin this year in the W you’re gonna need 40 wins plus and that’s if you decide that that’s the route you want to go right yeah if they decide they’re they’re going all in like Danny says he is if we’re going on what Danny Ang said he’s going to do then absolutely that’s yeah I think that’s what you do yeah you got you got to find somebody that can that can get the ball up and down the floor and get points when you need them because there was points last year it was really tough watching the Jazz try to score baskets yeah I don’t think the heat would want M Market in this trade I think if they’re looking to reload you can go with some young talent and some picks and you’re draft Capital yeah and you’re gonna have to cross you’re gonna have to probably move John Collins to get him just for salary numbers yeah um but you’re you might have to move Collins and seon to be honest with you yeah Colin and seon yeah you know yeah and a couple of those our prize picks that we have coming up for sure I don’t think anyone’s super attached to the picks yeah not until next year you know I’m I’m all for I’m all for parades not prospects so that’s kind of what I’m looking for out this you know so show me prove me prove win one yeah you gotta win one man prove prove me I’m wrong here Denny a if you and Ryan Smith want to compete now you know come up with a better option come up with we want to know we want to hear from you folks in the comments down below if you guys have a trade that’s better than Jimmy Butler that can actually make a difference on this young team I’d love to hear it i’ I’ve heard her had per people you know oppose the option that I would I can see the argument being made that Larry Market would need to be included in that trade in order for the Miami to be willing to do it because they’re more of a I don’t know it might be a rinse and re uh rebuild thing for them on this point there because that this core is kind of gone where it’s going to go and that’s kind of what I think is at what point does Miami decide that they need to rebuild yeah so I’m thinking that’s probably going to be the route that they I don’t know we’ll see but yeah I really like that idea I don’t know do you have any do you have anything else like that any something youah Jazz no no I’m uh I’m real curious to what what transpires especially now that trades are starting to happen and stuff yeah yeah I’m real curious to see what happens here in the next because you’ll hear of I mean I think you can trade your picks already can’t you I don’t know I don’t know if you can trade I think maybe it’s maybe maybe the deadline is just maybe that I think it was as of today team’s going to start renegotiating with um their own free agents yeah I think that’s kind of how that works but we’ll see we’ll see um yeah we’re getting real close here folks stay tuned next week to uh a more specific towards the draft some things have changed around we did do our pre-draft predictions or early predictions couple weeks ago we’ll throw a link down in the comments down below for we’ll throw a link to that uh somewhere here so you can check that out and next week we’ll be doing more close to the more close to the actual draft we think if they hold on to the picks yeah after combo bins that kind of stuff yeah so we we’ll be able to look forward to hearing from that from us after workouts and everything that the Jazz plan on doing um yeah well and we’ll also talk a little bit about uh you know the gosh what would what would be the tease for that that you want to talk about for next week how would you tease that episode what is the blue or is are the Boston Celtics the blueprint to win an NBA championship that’s what I want to know stay tuned check it out for next week we’ll talk about it then um yeah anything else in the Utah Jazz that’s it buddy all right once again folks if you are watching this on YouTube on our main Channel we did launch Utah Jazz DNA his own separate Channel if it we’ll have a link to that Below in the description be sure to subscribe to that channel and hit that like button hit subscribe and hit that notification Bell so you can be a eligible for the giveaway that we’re going to be giving on that channel and also if you’re watching this on our main Channel keep in mind we are giving away that first $500 we earn an AdSense Revenue back to our subscribers so make sure you subscribe to this channel as well we love to and uh yeah love to give that away so make sure you join the party for that all right you want to go ahead and move on over to uh a little bit of Major League Baseball shall we oh yeah let’s not do white I think that flushes out too much so does orange look now we look orange now we look orange all right let’s go red yeah does that work for you it’s beautiful okay so let’s first talk about well there’s been a little bit of news broke since we last spoke which was going to be on the um on the well the investigation in regards to the illegal gambling it’s going across baseball um not just baseball this also happened in the NBA where we saw a player get banned for life from the NBA uh which we did a video on that be sure to check it out uh but we now have uh now there have been four players to receive one year suspension and one player receive a lifetime ban and uh yeah and there’s more additions to that that just came out last week that where we have an Umpire you want to break this down um so I don’t have the I I missed the Umpire one I’ll I’ll take care of that okay but I did get the the the four player for five players um so we had a Diamondbacks pitcher um Andrew salfrank um an Athletics pitcher Michael Kelly Padre’s minor league pitcher Jay groom Philly’s minor infielder Jose Rodriguez those guys were all given the one-year suspensions and then we had TUC capita marcoo who received the lifetime ban for illegal gambling yeah so these are all people who were betting on baseball games while playing Minor League Baseball correct yep okay so these are all players who are involved in that specific uh without a legal bookie right Y is what I’ve read the story correctly well and I mean I think some of them were the bookie some of them were just they they got caught like on the apps oh betting on Major League Baseball as a minor league baseball player yeah oh that’s interesting yeah so I don’t know man what’s your take on this do you think the baseball is alone on this or do you think there’s a lot more of this going on obviously not they’re not alone because we’ve seen it in the NBA but I think this is going to be I understand I understand any major league sports IDE to to obviously withhold the like the true what is the word I’m looking for there well anyways like you know I mean like you have to be able to hold like hold the value of the game right yeah the Integrity of the game integrity that’s what I was looking for yeah so to hold true to the Integrity of the game obviously you have to have all this stuff right like you have to be able to say you cannot bet on a sport that you’re actually playing but there is so much more of this happening than than just five players in the minor leagues oh I’m sure and I mean sports betting is in 38 of 50 states at this point yeah see that’s the other problem here this is the we talked about this on our basketball video and I’m glad they only received onee suspensions for these players one received a Life Time ban probably see more on that on for why that is the case but uh on these players that receive the one-year ban you can’t sit here and ban these players for life and then immediately say this broadcast is brought to you by bet GM bet GM you know bet mgn or you know online or DraftKings or FanDuel you know hashtag notsponsored hashtags notsponsored exactly you just can’t I don’t understand it like it’s kind of hypocritical and I think this is gonna get a this is gonna get worse before it gets better in my opinion oh it is yeah there’s G to be a lot more players and I I think the problem is is receiving a one-year suspension on this like yeah those guys will probably never do it again but do you think that’s enough to make players never want to do it again doubtful doubtful if an NBA if an MLB player gets caught for doing this yeah they’re going to get B ban for Life yeah this is a league that banned Pete Rose the hits leader it still can’t get into Major League Baseball still can’t be part of the Reds organization still can’t get into Cooperstown uh you know because of his gambling and you know they’ll argue left and right that he’s like oh he never been on his team to lose he never threw a game it doesn’t matter it’s getting too close to jeopardizing the Integrity of the game uh and I think that this is kind of the right way to go about it but it is kind of hypocritical of a league like the NBA like mjor League Baseball to sit there and suspend players and F and find ERS and shake a finger at them but be okay to take all this money from all these drafting sites exactly yeah exactly so all these betting sites yeah like Draft Kings and 100% agree with you I think it’s the case there now the latest is going to be uh that the uh we actually have um news that this came out last week earlier this week uh that MLB has disciplined umpire Pat Holberg uh for violating the Major League Baseball’s gambling rules while specific nature of discipline is unknown hoberg has denied betting on baseball sources tell ESPN and is appeal appealing the ruling this was a tweet from Jeff passen uh he’s basically just a lock when it comes to Major League Baseball information and uh yeah so this is uh Pat hoberg is a veteran umpire with Major League Baseball um I don’t know if that name sounds familiar to you it might sound familiar to you I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of his name before not necessarily okay so uh Pat hogr hram is a known for being the only umpire to call a perfect game in the World Series really yeah so Pat hram in 2022 World Series sorry hram Pat Holberg sorry make sure I get his name right calls a perfect game in game two uh which was the Astros versus the Phillies I believe yeah so this is from umpire scorecards uh he was 100% accurate on all calls uh impacting balls and Strikes didn’t miss a single one that’s really impressive yeah a perfect game which is nuts when it’s in 2022 that’s recent so my thing is on there the reason why the empires are getting so bad now it’s because just the vo and how much that ball is moving in the high 90s I mean something’s got to come something’s got to happen to where we can help these guys yeah the players could still hit it but these are Elite athletes that are tracking boss they’re little kids and these umpires are all in their 40s 50s some of them are in their 30s but they’re just not be able to track the ball these guys are almost in their 70s man yeah they can’t track the ball like that you know so I think herand was what 68 when he just retired yeah something like that like you’re you’re telling me a 70 an almost 70y old man is gonna try to track 100 mile on hour fastball in yeah he’s just not gonna be able to do it and I just think it’s gonna come down that come down and we’re definitely going to talk a little bit about that here uh in a minute but um but yeah so again this this particular umpire a lot of people are noticing that he has not umpiring any games this year and they’re starting to wonder why so one of the best ranked has not been on the field at all and uh yeah so the part it’s just this discipline this is part of his discipline now it is noted that it is just he’s been involved he’s been linked to the illegal gambling he’s been linked to gambling with an illegal bookie and that’s what he’s being suspended for he did not bet has not been confirmed that he’s bet on baseball at all he’s only been betting on other sports with an illegal bookie which is technically not allowed uh for Major League Baseball so that’s why he’s serving his suspension as long as you’re using DraftKings or one of these legal B legal betting sites it’s fine yeah long as you’re not betting on baseball well you’re not betting on baseball that’s legal bookies that’s crossing the line though that is actually a good point I didn’t even think about that that is an excellent point so if a Major League umpire can be betting on basketball on DraftKings FanDuel whatever like between Innings bro he could be they’re like oh man I totally the Celtics got this one let me put five bucks on it and then immediately like yeah calling so you can get back to check his books he just you know calls the strikes out of the Zone yeah yeah so I can kind of see how that would still be a problem anyway too so I don’t know I don’t know we want to know what you think folks let know in the comments down below uh is this uh something or nothing I I believe with the Umpire here uh getting suspended for betting on for legal betting I think that’s fine you know he’s appealing decision I don’t know I think if you break the rules you need to serve suspension regardless of how Ticky Tac it is uh all TR bow suspension you technically broke the brues so he should serve his suspension you know that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be allowed back team bring Trevor back yeah I don’t think he shouldn’t be back that’s a different story altogether different subject we’ll definitely get into another Trevor B video here we do need to actually because he’s had have you seen some of the stuff dude yeah some of his stuff on on his channel has just been ins so good it is good it is good dude I I I think he he’s like one of my weaknesses like when I’m making videos of I see Trevor B video come up dude I can’t stop watching like I I think his commentary is really good too like you know where he knows you know where he needs to go you know what team needs to sign TR Row the Braves no not the Braves still think the Braves yeah Colorado Rockies I oh yeah they are struggling the reason why I picked the Colorado Rockies is because they’re one of the teams that play in high elevation where’s he playing right now in the Mexican League that’s in high elevation so I think that his ability to understand elevation which pitches are going to work and which pitches are not going to work yeah would be a perfect fit for it literally takes him like an hour before the game to figure out how his Sinker is gonna sink or his curve Ball’s going to curve and all of a sudden he’s just ridiculous effective which pches have movement which ones don’t y you know and then he could pass on if you watch any of his videos he is on he is in the air every single pitcher is coming up to him asking advice about mechanics about you know release points it’s really cool too he’s breaking it down for everybody yeah he’s helping every single one of them and I think that’s so awesome I do believe he belongs back in baseball he served suspension where you think it was warranted or not he technically broke the rules of baseball when it comes to cons consent that’s why he was suspended and the only reason why he’s not allowed back in baseball we talked about that in the past is just because you know he mouthed off to baseball about baseball too much you know if he would just you know knock that off I think he’d be back in baseball but anyway that’s my pick I think he belongs back with uh the I think he’d be a good fit for the Colorado Rockies go Braves actually let’s go ahead and talk about let’s go and pivot into a little bit baseball and let’s talk about your uh Atlanta Braves for a second shall we I don’t know so um you lost your MVP Y and your potential saion candidate Spencer Strider right yep okay I see that and I’m gonna raise you one okay I’m gonna raise you the runner up at MVP on that one okay and who also is an MVP and who also is our leadoff hitter correct in mookie bets he goes down and then push one more in and I’m going to push one more and I’m going to call your Ace and say the highest paid baseball player is a pitcher with the richest contract of a baseball pitcher has gotten in MLB history in Yamamoto I’m gonna throw him on there too holy crap this was a rough week for a Dodgers baseball dude that is brutal you lose Yamamoto to the rotator cuff he’s out at least a month right right and then you lose bets to a fractured leftand how did he break his hand he got beaned in a garbage at bat the Dodgers are winning like 7even to2 or something ridiculous like that and he gets Bean in the hand and fractures his hand and he’s out six to eight weeks six to eight weeks so I mean the good news is neither one of these injuries are season ending no right so you’re gonna get them back I mean right now the Dodgers have what eight and a half game lead or so in the in the National League West so yeah and nobody’s even pacing close to them no no so they’ve got Great lead I mean if there was ever a time for the Dodgers to lose two players it’s right now yeah I agree with that but but I mean my question is Who’s Gonna Fill that hole like who who’s gonna take the leadoff spot you just move sh into the leadoff uh let me go ahead quickly get this cam uh comment from uh Tammy painful absolutely yes both for not only mooki bets and Sh and Y Yamamoto but also for us Dodgers fans who have to deal with it absolutely uh it very much is painful for sure for sure there um yeah that’s essentially what they’ve done they moved uh mookie bet uh they moved with mookie bets going out they moved sh Otani into the leadoff spot uh he’s again still raking which is making my MVP stuff look even better to potentially be uh the first uh DH to win an MVP want need to make a note updated MPV MVP predictions yeah we’re gonna go ahead and do that updated MVP pres uh predictions coming at you midseason yeah mid season we’re going to do that here so be sure to look on look at he doesn’t get to because he picked Ronald aunia Jr to go back toback for some reason I’m calling a homer on that one but you know I’m saying there’s a chance there was there was a chance was stealing any Bas not anymore though he’s not stealing any bases ever again he’s not stealing bases right now um but yeah anyway one juke move he’s never stealing a base again two steing bases the rest of the year like I said the next video it doesn’t matter how much that guy is caught him if he’s caught he’s going he’s running yeah he’s not stopping screw it I’m going he’s not stopping uh yeah so that’s basically what they did they moved mookie bets uh with M bets out they move sh Otani into the leadoff spot and you got Freddy Freeman backing him up Will Smith in the third and then you got tasar Hernandez batting cleanup right now so that’s kind of how they how they’re how how are they gonna cover up mooki like as a defensive player uh so right now I’m not yes that’s the part that’s SC you remember when we talked about that last year in the where he had three uh errors in a single game at shortstop but luckily they haven’t been playing him at shortstop they’ve been playing him ma majority of the time at uh third base and they got migy Ro Miguel Rous Rous is gonna play right playing majority of the shareholder at shortstop but they he’s a really good defensive player yeah and he’s been ranking too he’s been playing really well offensively he has six home uh like four home runs already which matches his season from last year you know already yeah so good for him man but yeah I think it’s the Dodgers aren’t not you know unfortunately like unfortunately the Braves aren’t in as good situation when it comes to this they’re losing their injuries because they are like what eight and a half games back at the bra of the Phillies right now you’re right the Dodgers do have that cushion where there’s literally nobody uh they had to chase everybody’s far behind them and they will be getting these players back now when it comes to the rotation uh they did have Walker ber buer who just got lit up in um lit up in Colorado for seven runs he just hit the uh iil as well for 15 games for hips uh hip soreness which is kind of like a phantomile injury if you ask me like he literally said in the postgame I might you know take a rest you know take a break take a couple weeks off reset myself you know and then then two days later it’s announced that he’s injured um sore yeah but we just got Bobby Miller back because he was out for with a shoulder injury for the last month so we were able to bring him back and then uh also good news great news we had um you know I’m a True Believer in Christianity Clayton Kershaw Tony Crenshaw uh he did Pitch his first Rehab start in h Rancho kukamonga for the Quakes oh he did yep three Innings five strikeouts his V is up there and then low 90s he did also have a uh did have all of his strikeouts coming off his curveball off off speed pitches lots of movement great to see him uh he’s probably going to be still on Pace for like a Late July early August comeback there um we also have Dustin may who could potentially come back in the and be helpful in the postseason but yes both mookie and Yamamoto will be back uh plenty time before uh the postseason which honestly that’s all I really care about you give chance for them to get uh for for Muki to get back into the swing of things get his swing back get his timing back and because he’ll you’ll ask him what he cares about most about right now is ending the season better than the way he did because both him and Freddy went one for eternity in the playoffs last year you know just simply just really struggled all playoffs yeah yeah yeah good news is for the Dodgers the bottom three of the rotation was one of the worst in the Major Leagues with the worst on base percentage worst hitting slugging they have now over the last uh through the month of July so far sorry June so far they are now in the top three of the bottom three of the road uh order in production so that’s been good to see them really step it up they did trade for uh uh Gavin bigio did you see this H viio Toronto Blue Jays they put him up for waivers they uh picked him up I don’t know who they had to give up for him but he’s now with the Dodgers taking some of the third base uh off of Kik and Chris Taylor’s hands you know because they both have been struggling offensively so it’s good to have somebody else there and yeah he’s not exactly ripping the cover off the ball right now so I don’t know I don’t know I think Dodgers need to go get go get the rest of the Toronto Blue Jays man go get Bo bashet see and if five Braves could just figure out the pitching dude I mean they’ve got they’ve got like freed that does a great job and Morton does a great job and S and even Ronaldo Lopez has come out of nowhere I mean he was a reliever last year and they put him in the starting rotation those four guys the Braves have looked fantastic so if they’ve got any of these callup guys like spenc schwelling Beck what do you need they just get murdered okay I’m sorry I gotta call BS on that a little bit you only need four lock down starters in baseball right now I get that but you got four starters that are all doing well and you’re complaining they need to start they figure out starting bitching they they just you’ve gotta be deeper than that man like no you don’t you do no you don’t the Braves are not winning enough okay who yeah well that’s not that’s it’s more on the offense than I think the defense than the pitching I think well yeah the offense has been hurting dude there’s time for they they just can’t buy a hit yeah so I would think it’d be more on them but yeah like if you looked at who made the uh who made the World Series for the National League last year the that was the Diamondbacks right yeah they had three great starters you know and then that was that was it they were able to get through the Dodgers they were able to get through the Phillies they were able to get through the Braves as well right you know wait no no not the Braves not the Braves they went through the Dodgers the Phillies yeah the Dodgers the Phillies who else do they play they had to play one other team in the postseason didn’t they but anyway so they get all the way to the World Series on three great pitchers you know so you know you got four I think you’re in a good spot if we can get the I guess we just need offense it’s just crazy though because Bullpen maybe you watch no the bullpen hasn’t been bad I mean like Jesse Chavez out of the bullpen has been playing have you seen Jesse Chavez yes I like him he’s just crazy he looks like a he looks like an eighth grade [ __ ] sorry looks like an eighth grade like coach to me like eighth grade Spanish coach or something this dude should not be playing Major League Baseball yeah that’s funny I think that’s hilarious yeah you like look at him you’re just like what got this really weird like wind up just oh funny yeah and I really love those kind of people coming out of the pen too because you have a unique lineup any unique release they’re gonna that makes teams guess you know I don’t know man I I have to agree with you there on pitching there a little bit because I’m a little bit concerned about my Dodgers and how they make great pitching look unhitable they make okay pitching look like they’re great like they just I don’t know it’s really really weird on how that works but you know they survived they got three out of four from uh Colorado and all of our players are alive I I just alive and it’s only alive when it comes to Yamoto it’s so annoying man anytime the Dodgers go to Colorado somebody gets hurt last time Kay Kershaw pitched in Colorado the next start he was out until the playoffs and then he gave then he had the worst start of his career in the so yeah I just wrap him up and bubble wrap and don’t let him play in Colorado take the loss forfeit all four games let’s move on we’re done here unless I’m going to the game then you gotta play that game so make sure you do that U yeah it’s a Aaron judge just got hit on the hand too as well but luckily enough it wasn’t a fracture so he’s doing okay you know they’re dealing with some injuries over there as well but yeah the Yankees look strong in the American League uh the Baltimore Orioles are only two and a half games of the best record in Major League Baseball right now the Yankees just came out of nowhere man just started killing it you know they were in a battle with the Orioles for the first like three weeks of the season and all a sudden they have the best record in baseball just knocking to cover off the ball great pitching you want to talk about a team with great pitching you know Nester Cortez nasty Nester he’s doing well you know and uh uh Cole is set to make his return today I think is is his first pitch it’s supposed to be his first game of the year this year today yeah off of his uh elbow or shoulder no elbow injury that he had there so yeah we’ll see there lots of lots of good stuff going on in Major League Baseball let us know in the comments down below who your team is what your struggles are we’d love to chat it up with you there and we’ll definitely touch on it next video for sure we do need to talk a little bit about uh sadness in Major League Baseball um probably the late probably one of the greatest position players of all time um Willie ma uh passed away yesterday I believe and so sad dude so sad but he lived a good life he’s like 93 93 pretty good was unanimously the best player still alive right uh according to a lot of people there and a lot of people I was kind of surprised he was still alive yeah well I love most about him is he did say that all the Astros should have been all the Astros that cheated should have been banned from life to basball you thought what they did was uh should was a band tell it like it is Willie yeah tell it like it is the Say Hey Kid Willie Mays you don’t have to be a fan of baseball to know who Willie Mays is the catch the cell I mean you you’ve heard the catch right the catch all the shoulder uh in the post in uh back in the day there and and I don’t know if it was in it was in I think it was in kandon yards right I think that’s where it was sounds right I can’t remember where it is Tammy painful uh sorry Tammy very sad absolutely uh Tammy you probably know where that catch was that was it at Canam yards let me know uh where that catch was where famous catch what was great about that is do you ever hear uh what’s his name um Billy he was on um he was on uh he was a movie he does he’s an actor he does Billy Crystal Billy Crystal do you ever hear talk about the catch uh oh my gosh so great great uh documentary on baseball called baseball it’s Ken Burns he did a nine ining documentary nine two-hour uh episodes where he breaks down the history of baseball and Billy Crystal was talking about the catch it’s not only that it was a catch over the shoulder in baseball there’s like a million C this is what he said and I’m kind of paraphrasing he said there’s a million calculations going on in your head where the Outfield like when the pitcher before the pitcher throws the ball you’re you’re thinking where the outfield’s position you know how hard the player can hit the ball where’s he more likely to hit the ball what’s the score what’s the temperature like what time of year it is you’re doing all these calculations your head which was was I think makes baseball what it is but if you were to take into consideration all that data in your head and you saw when the ball came off of that bat there was no way Willie ma was gonna make get to that ball there’s just no way and they said they I think I saw another I read article on it saying the probability of him making that catch was less than 5% which is UN heard of usually it’s within 10 or 3% 10 or 15% where they’re going to make a catch when you see them diving you know it’s like a 15% chance they’re going to still make a catch less than 5% on this one I think was what it’s was called but yeah amazing over the basket catch and then he turned around and fired it in uh right away to get the ball in just one of the greatest plays again if you’re not uh the Polo Grounds that’s what it was called thank you Tammy uh the Polo Grounds that’s where that catch was made was at the polo grounds which is the craziest I don’t know if you ever seen the Polo Grounds it’s the biggest Outfield in the world it’s insane I don’t think so it’s like 600 feet to Center dead center freaking awesome it was great but yeah the catch was made at the Polo Grounds thank you Tammy for reminding me of where that was but yeah I mean so with uh him gone uh may he rest in peace one of the greatest position one the greatest 5 to player to ever play Major League Baseball in my opinion um I bet you he could still play at 93 I don’t know about that I almost guarantee you he can still h a baseball definitely could play for the Astros the angels I mean not the Astros the the Oakland A’s are the Angels they you know they can use some they could use them yeah but like um so let me ask you that question who is the greatest baseball player uh that’s still alive in your opinion there’s some great options out there let’s go non-pitcher so you can’t use kofax or uh Pedro Martinez or anything like that if you were to say Pete Rose he’s alive I think you can technically use him even though he’s banned from baseball yeah he the hits leader got Barry Bonds though you can’t use him because he’s also got some issues there but you can use him you can use um I think Hank Garen passed so we can’t use him um yeah you got uh got some good options out there you got Cal rickm Jr you got Ken Griffey Jr I mean favorite is probably Ken Griffey Jr yeah for sure dude I mean watching him as a kid like oh yeah remember I just sent you the video the day like people forget how ridiculous this guy was oh yeah he’s the only player in Major League Baseball history to hit over to have over 600 home runs who’s in this modern era is not connected to steroids yeah the only one and so to me I mention him because I think he’s my choice as far as greatest baseball players ever to non pitcher right non- pitcher to be playing currently but I think they kind of like if you look it up on CBS Sports they have this list and they have people like uh uh you know saber Hagen and and they got like people like Reggie Jackson and some of these other great postseason players on that list but I think they’re missing one man who and I can’t believe we went a whole video without mentioning his name show halani how do you not mention as far as the greatest five tool players out there right now show I bet you he could play any position out there if he wanted to but name another player that could pitch and hit at this level like how do you not put him in conversation one yeah I mean well all due respect to Cal rickham Jr and you know some of the other the are great players for longevity and stuff like that but they weren’t pitchers yeah this guy could pitch he could hit and I guarantee you could play in the field wherever you want guarantee he could ground feel a ground ball yeah and be effective why sh he otat is not on that list people say the greatest living player of all time you know I don’t know it makes no sense to me and if you were G to put in pitcher I’d throw in Nolan Ryan oh yeah Nolan Ryan took a line drive off off of the face from Bo Jackson he went to The Dugout got stitched up and finished and hit a and pitched a complete Game have you seen have you seen the Nolan Ryan like just all he he did a documentary like two years ago oh yeah he talks about like just his time in the majors and so good dude dude it’s so good he probably threw like 107 D when I was a kid that was like the picture we were talking about was oh Nolan Ryan fast ball right down the middle yeah SE yeah noan Ryan seven no hit right seven no hitters never want to S on yeah that’s insane to me why you never want to blows my blows my mind robbed yeah absolutely robbed but yeah once again rest in peace to the great say Hey kid himself you know uh Willie May one of the best ever did it you know you know hopefully you’re up there uh talking watching the DNA Sports recap watching the DNA Sports recap talking talking to Tommy and Vin you know because actually Vin scoy late broadcaster of the Los Angeles do Dodgers Brooklyn Dodgers greatest broadcaster of all time and yes that is coming from a jazz Fran rest in peace hot rod um the uh his favorite player was Willie ma that’s pretty cool yeah so yeah interesting little bit there but yeah once again rest in peace to Willie Mays uh best to him and his family while they are mourning his loss as well as everybody else all baseball and our fans are definitely mourning the loss did you actually hear that they’re little league teams that are practicing the catch like the practicing the over theh shoulder catch yeah it’s pretty cool pretty cool um but yeah you got anything else on baseball that’s what I got buddy all right well once again folks we’ like to appreciate everybody uh for tuning into the uh for tuning into this episode of the DNA Sports recap Once Again folks we are so close to the th subscribers once we hit the th000 subscribers we’re be giving the first $500 that we ear Ann since Revenue back to our subscribers so make sure you hit that subscribe button hit that notification Bell so you don’t miss out on that giveaway and also smash that like button also if you’re watching on the podcast or sorry if you’re watching if you’re listening on the podcast if you also mind giving us a rate and review we’d really appreciate it yep and if you’re watching on YouTube on one of our short videos just know this is available as a podcast wherever you get your audio audio only with all that said my name is Darren that is AJ and this has been the DNA Sports recap till next time damn we’re good at this yeah we’re still live on the broadcast by the way I just want people know we’re good at this all three of you peace love you guys till next time

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